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Trehalose is a disaccharide with two glucose mole-cules linked in an α,α-1,1-glycosidic linkage. The onlyreducing group in each of its glucose molecules has beenused up for the formation of α,α-1,1-glycosidic linkage,therefore trehalose is a nonreducing disaccharide withhigh stability against the disruption caused by such factorsas temperature and extreme pH of environment [1]. Ithas been well established that many organisms will copewith external stress conditions by increasing the levelo…  相似文献   

应用噬菌体C端展示系统构建的cDNA文库缺乏开放阅读框筛选机制,文库中多数噬菌体克隆展示框外非天然短肽,给后期蛋白质的筛选带来了不便. 为实现噬菌体的ORF筛选功能,利用PCR技术对已有载体T7Select10-3b进行改造,在MCS处外源cDNA插入位点的3′端引入6聚组氨酸筛选标签,经包装后挑取成功表达的单克隆构建肺癌cDNA文库. 经镍柱亲和层析后,收集文库中表达组氨酸的克隆,利用化学发光免疫试验进行筛选效果鉴定. 结果显示,改造的新型载体可成功表达组氨酸标签,以此构建的肺癌cDNA文库经筛选后,含ORF插入的克隆由筛前的6 %提高至70 %,本研究为提高cDNA文库的质量提供了一种简便可行的方法.  相似文献   

The mitogenome is rarely used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of plants, contrary to nuclear and plastid markers. Here, we evaluate the usefulness of mitochondrial DNA for molecular evolutionary studies in Oleaceae, in which cases of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and of potentially contrasted organelle inheritance are known. We compare the diversity and the evolution of mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes by focusing on the olive complex and related genera. Using high‐throughput techniques, we reconstructed complete mitogenomes (ca. 0.7 Mb) and plastomes (ca. 156 kb) for six olive accessions and one Chionanthus. A highly variable organization of mitogenomes was observed at the species level. In olive, two specific chimeric genes were identified in the mitogenome of lineage E3 and may be involved in CMS. Plastid‐derived regions (mtpt) were observed in all reconstructed mitogenomes. Through phylogenetic reconstruction, we demonstrate that multiple integrations of mtpt regions have occurred in Oleaceae, but mtpt regions shared by all members of the olive complex derive from a common ancestor. We then assembled 52 conserved mitochondrial gene regions and complete plastomes of ten additional accessions belonging to tribes Oleeae, Fontanesieae and Forsythieae. Phylogenetic congruence between topologies based on mitochondrial regions and plastomes suggests a strong disequilibrium linkage between both organellar genomes. Finally, while phylogenetic reconstruction based on plastomes fails to resolve the evolutionary history of maternal olive lineages in the Mediterranean area, their phylogenetic relationships were successfully resolved with complete mitogenomes. Overall, our study demonstrates the great potential of using mitochondrial DNA in plant phylogeographic and metagenomic studies.  相似文献   

A model for RNA-mediated gene silencing in higher plants   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  

Translational control during cell division determines when cells start a new cell cycle, how fast they complete it, the number of successive divisions, and how cells coordinate proliferation with available nutrients. The translational efficiencies of mRNAs in cells progressing synchronously through the mitotic cell cycle, while preserving the coupling of cell division with cell growth, remain uninvestigated. We now report comprehensive ribosome profiling of a yeast cell size series from the time of cell birth, to identify mRNAs under periodic translational control. The data reveal coordinate translational activation of mRNAs encoding lipogenic enzymes late in the cell cycle including Acc1p, the rate‐limiting enzyme acetyl‐CoA carboxylase. An upstream open reading frame (uORF) confers the translational control of ACC1 and adjusts Acc1p protein levels in different nutrients. The ACC1 uORF is relevant for cell division because its ablation delays cell cycle progression, reduces cell size, and suppresses the replicative longevity of cells lacking the Sch9p protein kinase regulator of ribosome biogenesis. These findings establish an unexpected relationship between lipogenesis and protein synthesis in mitotic cell divisions.  相似文献   

Transient transfection of plants by vacuum infiltration of Agrobacterium vectors represents the state of the art in plant‐based protein manufacturing; however, the complexity and cost of this approach restrict it to pharmaceutical proteins. We demonstrated that simple spraying of Nicotiana plants with Agrobacterium vectors in the presence of a surfactant can substitute for vacuum inoculation. When the T‐DNA of Agrobacterium encodes viral replicons capable of cell‐to‐cell movement, up to 90% of the leaf cells can be transfected and express a recombinant protein at levels up to 50% of total soluble protein. This simple, fast and indefinitely scalable process was successfully applied to produce cellulases, one of the most volume‐ and cost‐sensitive biotechnology products. We demonstrate here for the first time that representatives of all hydrolase classes necessary for cellulosic biomass decomposition can be expressed at high levels, stored as silage without significant loss of activity and then used directly as enzyme additives. This process enables production of cellulases, and other potential high‐volume products such as noncaloric sweetener thaumatin and antiviral protein griffithsin, at commodity agricultural prices and could find broad applicability in the large‐scale production of many other cost‐sensitive proteins.  相似文献   

本研究构建FMDV WFL株ORF(open reading frame)基因真核表达质粒pEGFP-C1-A3I3,并进行了表达研究和共转染研究。结果发现,该质粒可以在BHK-21细胞中表达。将其与体外转录获得的FMDV RNA共转染BHK-21细胞后,用夹心ELISA、RT-PCR法以及电镜观察证明共转染后的细胞培养液中有病毒粒子,且病毒量高于单独转染RNA所得病毒量。证明用FMDV基因组真核表达质粒与其基因组体外转录RNA共转染敏感细胞可提高拯救病毒的数量。  相似文献   

RNA editing in plants, animals, and humans modifies genomically encoded cytidine or adenosine nucleotides to uridine or inosine, respectively, in mRNAs. We customized the MassARRAY System (Sequenom Inc., San Diego, CA, USA, www.sequenom.com ) to assay multiplex PCR‐amplified single‐stranded cDNAs and easily analyse and display the captured data. By using appropriate oligonucleotide probes, the method can be tailored to any organism and gene where RNA editing occurs. Editing extent of up to 40 different nucleotides in each of either 94 or 382 different samples (3760 or 15 280 editing targets, respectively) can be examined by assaying a single plate and by performing one repetition. We have established this mass spectrometric method as a dependable, cost‐effective and time‐saving technique to examine the RNA editing efficiency at 37 Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplast editing sites at a high level of multiplexing. The high‐throughput editing assay, named Multiplex RT‐PCR Mass Spectrometry (MRMS), is ideal for large‐scale experiments such as identifying population variation, examining tissue‐specific changes in editing extent, or screening a mutant or transgenic collection. Moreover, the required amount of starting material is so low that RNA from fewer than 50 cells can be examined without amplification. We demonstrate the use of the method to identify natural variation in editing extent of chloroplast C targets in a collection of Arabidopsis accessions.  相似文献   

Plant virus‐based gene‐silencing vectors have been extensively and successfully used to elucidate functional genomics in plants. However, only limited virus‐induced gene‐silencing (VIGS) vectors can be used in both monocot and dicot plants. Here, we established a dual gene‐silencing vector system based on Bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV) and its satellite RNA (satBaMV). Both BaMV and satBaMV vectors could effectively silence endogenous genes in Nicotiana benthamiana and Brachypodium distachyon. The satBaMV vector could also silence the green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgene in GFP transgenic N. benthamiana. GFP transgenic plants co‐agro‐inoculated with BaMV and satBaMV vectors carrying sulphur and GFP genes, respectively, could simultaneously silence both genes. Moreover, the silenced plants could still survive with the silencing of genes essential for plant development such as heat‐shock protein 90 (Hsp90) and Hsp70. In addition, the satBaMV‐ but not BaMV‐based vector could enhance gene‐silencing efficiency in newly emerging leaves of N. benthamiana deficient in RNA‐dependant RNA polymerase 6. The dual gene‐silencing vector system of BaMV and satBaMV provides a novel tool for comparative functional studies in monocot and dicot plants.  相似文献   

为了寻求新型表达系统来研制戊型肝炎基因工程疫苗,利用甲基营养型汉逊酵母(Hansenulapolymorpha)系统表达戊型肝炎病毒(HepatitisEvirus,HEV)Ⅳ型结构区ORF2编码蛋白第112-607氨基酸片段。为实现目的基因在汉逊酵母中的高效表达,根据汉逊酵母偏爱密码子优化设计目的基因,用搭桥PCR法合成优化后的基因序列,并克隆到多拷贝表达载体上,转化汉逊酵母营养缺陷宿主菌ATCC26012(Ura3-),在选择培养基上培养,运用PCR法筛选得到携带外源基因的重组菌株,然后用含甲醇的培养基诱导表达,对表达产物进行SDS-PAGE、ELISA和Westernblot检测和鉴定。SDS-PAGE实验结果表明目的蛋白分子量约为56kD,表达量占菌体总蛋白的12%;ELISA检测结果表明表达产物为具有免疫反应性的HEVORF2蛋白,ELISA效价最高可达1∶2048,目的蛋白表达量随着基因拷贝数的增加呈升高的趋势;Westernblot鉴别实验结果证实表达产物与HEV多抗有特异性抗原抗体结合反应。HEV结构区ORF2蛋白在汉逊酵母中的成功表达,为研制基因工程戊型肝炎疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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