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Bats are distributed worldwide from tropical to temperate regions. Despite their wide geographical radiation and advances in studies using evolutionary approaches, aspects related to the reproduction of these animals remain poorly explored, especially those related to the male reproductive accessory glands (RAGs). Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the morphophysiology of the male RAGs in the bat Artibeus lituratus. The RAGs in A. lituratus are composed of a compact intra‐abdominal glandular complex, consisting of the prostate with two prostatic regions (ventral and dorsal), plus Littre glands and a pair of extra‐abdominal bulbourethral glands. The ventral region of the prostate has an epithelium with variable morphology, due to its holocrine type of secretion. In contrast, the dorsal region has a typical cubic‐to‐columnar pseudostratified epithelium. Both regions contain two cell types, basal and secretory cells. Similar to the epithelial morphology, the secretion also varies, with the ventral region containing numerous PAS‐positive globular vesicles, whereas the dorsal region has a more fluid, hyaline and PAS‐negative secretion. Littre glands are dispersed in the connective tissue of the urethra, while the bulbourethral glands are located in the penile root, both glands with cubic‐to‐columnar pseudostratified epithelium and globular PAS‐positive secretion. The results demonstrate that the RAGs of A. lituratus are composed of two prostatic regions, ventral and dorsal, and urethral and bulbourethral glands, with no seminal vesicles. Each prostatic region has unique and distinctive characteristics, with the ventral region presenting an exclusive holocrine nature and the dorsal region having similarities to the ventral prostate of rodents.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the male testicular activity and the reproductive condition of females in relation to their external reproductive characteristics (pregnant, lactating, post-lactating) in the phyllostomid bat Artibeus lituratus (Olfers, 1818). Five hundred and twenty six individuals were examined (197 males and 329 females) in the period December 2001 to May 2003. Throughout the study most males displayed large scrotal testes. Thirty-three males were randomly selected for histological examination at various times throughout the year and were found to have spermatogenic testes. The reproductive characteristics of the females indicated that they were reproductively active mainly during the wet season. Pregnancy occurs at the end of the dry season and parturition in the wet season. Most individuals captured after this season, mainly the females, were sexually immature. Our results suggest a seasonal monoestrous reproductive pattern for the species; however, adult males being fertile throughout the year could suggest polyoestry. Seasonal polyoestry is a possibility. There was, however, no evidence that females had more than one pregnancy per year.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogeny of the genus Artibeus using 19 of the 20 recognized species, many with samples from a broad geographic range, is presented. The analysis shows a clear distinction between the two subgenera (or genera), the 'large'Artibeus and the 'small'Dermanura, in both mitochondrial and nuclear genes. The placement and status of A. concolor remains inconclusive and is presented as the third subgenus Koopmania. The phylogenies and divergence time estimates show a marked influence of the Andes in the formation of the subgenera and the main lineages inside each subgenus. Nuclear genes showed a highly incomplete lineage sorting among species inside subgenera Artibeus and Dermanura. Indeed, shared alleles were also found between Artibeus and Koopmania, which are presumed to have split apart during the Miocene, showing that great care should be taken in using these markers. Cytochrome-b gene divergences and monophyly analyses suggest that A. lituratus and A. intermedius are indeed conspecifics. These analyses also suggested the existence of at least four 'new' species revealing a significant cryptic diversity inside the genus.  相似文献   

Defence of females by dominant males of the Jamaican fruit‐eating bat Artibeus jamaicensis was observed in two natural colonies over 2 yr. A log‐linear model was used to evaluate the frequency distribution of visits to harems by sex, season and agonistic interaction of dominant males. Harem group size varied from four to 18 females, with one adult male in the small and medium‐sized groups and two males in the large groups (> 14 females). A highly significant interaction was noted between the age and sex of the visitor and the response of the dominant male. Male visitors were attacked more often than female and juvenile visitors. Aggressive defence increased during the reproductive seasons, with dominant males showing more agonistic responses towards male visitors. An increase in the frequency of visits by male visitors was noted in harem groups that ranged in size from four to 12 females, but the frequency of male visits declined in harem groups that contained more than 14 females.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the reproductive patterns and postnatal development in the tent-making bat Artibeus watsoni . We sampled two populations in the Golfito Wildlife Refuge and Corcovado National Park, south-western Costa Rica, from June 2003 to March 2005. Most females were pregnant during the months of January and June, and most were lactating in March and July, indicating that this species exhibits seasonal bimodal polyoestry, with the first parturition peak occurring in February–March and the second in June–July. Additionally, we observed a postpartum oestrus following the first parturition, but not after the second. Females entered oestrus again in November–December and had a gestation period of c . 3 months. A female-biased sex ratio of neonates was observed during the second parturition period, and young were born at 32 and 56% of their mothers' body mass and length of forearm, respectively. Adult proportions in length of forearm were attained faster than adult proportions in body mass, and sustained flight was only possible after 35 days of age, when pups had achieved 100 and 80% of adult length of forearm and body mass proportions, respectively. Weaning and roosting independence occurred when young were c . 30–40 days old, and young females appeared to remain close to their place of birth, at least for their first mating period, whereas adult males were never recaptured near their birth site. In addition, sexual maturity was reached in as little as 3 months in females born during the first parturition period, whereas females born during the second birth period in June–July seemed to reach maturity at 6 months of age. Our results show that A. watsoni belongs to the faster lane of the slow–fast continuum of life-history variation in bats, which may be attributed primarily to its roosting and feeding ecology.  相似文献   

We describe fruiting characteristics for 12 species in a community of strangler figs (Moraceae: Urostigma) studied in Panama. We quantify diurnal and nocturnal removal rates and proportions of fruits removed, and relate them to the activities of the main dispersers of the figs: bats and birds. These results combined with previous studies show that there are clear differences between fig species with fruit that ripen red and those with fruit that remain green(ish). In the red-fruited species, the fruit are small, ripen asynchronously over relatively long periods, produce little scent, and are mainly taken during the day by birds. In contrast, in the green(ish)-fruited species, the fruits are larger, span a range of sizes, ripen relatively synchronously, produce very distinctive aromas, and are mainly taken at night by bats. This dichotomy in fruiting characteristics suggests coadaptive links between groups of dispersers and different species within the genus Ficus. All fig species produce a range of fruit crop sizes (10–155 fuits/m2 canopy area) of which a high proportion were removed by seed dispersers (>80%). Removal rates (fruit removed per day) were positively correlated with crop size, suggesting that trees with large crop size attract more frugivores. Removal rates of green-fruited figs were significantly lower and persistence and abortion of ripe fruit were significant higher around full moon, apparently due to the reduced activity of bats. We further estimate the number of bats that are sustained by a tree fruit crop and account for the observed fruit removal. We then discuss the evidence for coadaptation between different groups of figs and their seed dispersers, Finally, we consider the conservation implications for figs as keystone resources in tropical forests. Received: 26 April 1999 / Accepted: 10 January 2000  相似文献   

We described the plants used as roost resources by Artibeus watsoni in southwestern Costa Rica, assessed roost fidelity, and compared roosting ecology between two sites, Golfito and Corcovado, which vary in the degree of human influence. A total of 349 tents from 25 different plant species were used by A. watsoni as roosts; some plant species (e.g., Carludovica palmata, Asplundia alata, Heliconia imbricata and Calathea lutea) were modified into tents with significantly higher frequency than others. The highest tents above the ground were observed in Philodendron popenoei and Rhodospatha wendlandii, whereas tents in Philodendron grandipes and A. alata were significantly lower than any other species. Asplundia alata and R. wendlandii also had the highest frequency of leaves modified per plant. Fidelity of bats to tents was low, although bats used several tents intermittently within a restricted area. Males generally were more faithful to tents than females, although not significantly so. This observation, along with indirect evidence of leaf modification, suggests that males are primarily responsible for tent construction. The two study sites differed in the plants used for roosting and in tent fidelity. Bats in Corcovado used a greater variety of plant species for tent roosting, whereas bats in Golfito were more faithful, suggesting that roosting resources were scarcer at the latter site.  相似文献   

The geographic distributions of Hylonycteris underwoodi and Thyroptera tricolor in Honduras have been established with specimens collected more than 50 years ago. Here, we describe the occurrence of these bat species captured in the historic city of Ciudad Blanca, Gracias a Dios in northeastern Honduras.  相似文献   

广东7 种蝙蝠的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴毅  原田正史 《兽类学报》2006,26(4):403-406
对采集于广东的4 科7 种蝙蝠进行了核型分析,它们的核型分别是:犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)2n =34,FN= 58;印度假吸血蝠(Megaderma lyra)2n = 54,FN = 104;大耳双色蹄蝠(Hipposideros pomona)2n = 32,FN =60;中蹄蝠(H. larvatus)2n = 32,FN = 60;大卫鼠耳蝠(Myotis davidii)2n = 46,FN = 52;大黄蝠(Scotophilus heathi)2n = 36,FN = 54;南长翼蝠(Miniopterus australis)2n =46,FN = 50。其中大耳双色蹄蝠和大卫鼠耳蝠的核型为首次报道,犬蝠、印度假吸血蝠、中蹄蝠、大黄蝠和南长翼蝠的核型为中国第一次报道。  相似文献   

广东五种菊头蝠的核型分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本用蝙蝠的新鲜肺组织和尾椎进行组织培养,然后在光学显微镜下计数30个染色体分散良好的中期分裂相细胞,并进行摄影、剪贴和测量。分析了广东地区5种菊头蝠的核型,即小菊头蝠的核型为2n=62,FN=60;角菊头蝠的核型为2n=62,FN=60;中菊头蝠的核型为2n=62,FN=60;大耳菊头蝠的核型为2n=62,FN=60;中华(栗黄)菊头蝠的核型为2n=36,FN=60。大耳菊头蝠的核型为首次报道。角菊头蝠和中菊头蝠的核型与前人报道的结果基本相同。中华(栗黄)菊头蝠的核型(2n=36)与张维道报道的鲁氏菊头蝠相同,而与印度和斯里兰卡产R.rouxii的核型2n=56迥异。最后对东亚地区菊头蝠多样性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The Neotropical broad-nosed bats, genus Platyrrhinus, represent a well-defined monophyletic group of 14 recognized species. A recent study of morphological characters confirmed Platyrrhinus monophyly and species diagnosis, but offered little support to their intra-specific relationships. We conducted phylogenetic analyses of the genus, using dense taxonomic sampling in combination with four gene sequences representing both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA transmission systems. Our aim was to elucidate the phylogenetic structure among species, using the resulting 3341 bp of DNA. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference analyses produced similar topologies that confirm the monophyly of the genus Platyrrhinus and strongly support many previously unrecognized groups. Paraphyly of Platyrrhinus helleri and the unclear position of P. brachycephalus in the clades were also apparent in the data. Our biogeographical analysis suggests a Brazilian Shield origin for Platyrrhinus, followed by subsequent radiations of lineages in the Amazon Basin and Andes. Secondary dispersal from Amazonian and Andean centers is responsible for the Platyrrhinus inhabiting the Guianan Shield and the Pacific lowlands and Central America, respectively.  相似文献   

Phyllostomidae comprises the most diverse family of neotropical bats, its wide range of morphological features leading to uncertainty regarding phylogenetic relationships. Seeing that cytogenetics is one of the fields capable of providing support for currently adopted classifications through the use of several markers, a comparative analysis between two Phyllostomidae species was undertaken in the present study, with a view to supplying datasets for the further establishment of Phyllostomidae evolutionary relationships. Karyotypes of Lonchorhina aurita (2n = 32; FN = 60) and Trachops cirrhosus (2n = 30; FN = 56) were analyzed by G- and C-banding, silver nitrate staining (Ag-NOR) and base-specific fluorochromes. Chromosomal data obtained for both species are in agreement with those previously described, except for X chromosome morphology in T. cirrhosus, hence indicating chromosomal geographical variation in this species. A comparison of G-banding permitted the identification of homeologies in nearly all the chromosomes. Furthermore, C-banding and Ag-NOR patterns were comparable to what has already been observed in the family. In both species CMA(3) /DA/DAPI staining revealed an R-banding-like pattern with CMA (3) , whereas DAPI showed uniform staining in all the chromosomes. Fluorochrome staining patterns for pericentromeric constitutive heterochromatin (CH) regions, as well as for nucleolar organizing regions (NORs), indicated heterogeneity regarding these sequences among Phyllostomidae species.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of G-banded karyotypes was performed for seven species of Chiroptera, representing two families (Phyllostomidae and Molossidae). Despite the differences in diploid and fundamental numbers, extensive homologies between six karyotypes were identified: A . planirostris, P. lineatus, S. lilium, G. soricina, P. hastatus (Phyllostomidae) and M. rufus (Molossidae). Robertsonian rearrangements and pericentric inversions account for the differences between the karyotypes of phyllostomid and molossid species. The homologies and rearrangements observed reinforce the monophiletic origin of phyllostomids and the inclusion of species in different subfamilies. In situ hybridization with genomic DNA revealed considerable conservation of the karyotypes, including C. perspicillata, that did not show G-band homologies with the other species analyzed. For the first time, chromosomal evidence is presented of a common origin for Phyllostomidae and Molossidae.  相似文献   

Bats may exhibit plasticity in echolocation pulses as response to intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and the estimation of the magnitude of such variation can provide confidence in acoustic monitoring. Myotis nigricans (Schinz, 1821) is a widely distributed but relatively understudied Neotropical species for which, during fieldwork, we found maternity colonies in the Lagunas de Montebello National Park, in Chiapas, South-east Mexico, and no previous information in the area. Therefore, we aimed to provide an acoustic characterization on the basis of intraspecific variability for its recognition using bat detectors. For this purpose, we examined the moulding of shape, frequency-based and time-based acoustic parameters, specifically by the effect of age group (sub-adults vs. adults) and acoustic environment (open space vs. background vegetation). By graphic comparison of echolocation pulses between acoustic environments, we observed changes in shape by an increase in bandwidth and steeper modulation along background vegetation. Statistically, on univariate basis, we did not find a significant effect of age group, but we did of acoustic environment, specifically on highest frequency (higher average), duration (shorter average) and interpulse interval (shorter average) along background vegetation. On multivariate basis, we confirmed shorter average interpulse interval along background vegetation. The overall classification accuracy was relatively high (82.22%): 80% in open space and 84% along background vegetation. Our work reinforces previous knowledge about sound constraints imposed by vegetation clutter, and provides a reliable framework for acoustic monitoring of this species across structurally variable, and hence acoustically variable, environments in the area.  相似文献   

Bats are responsible for many ecological services, such as seed dispersal of several plant species, contributing to the processes of succession and forest regeneration. A factor that can interfere with this process is the animal digestion, which can affect germination, altering the patterns of seedling distribution. The effects of seed passage through bats’ guts varies with the species, leading to some discrepancies in the literature. In this study, we tested the digestion time of one Phyllostomidae bat species, Sturnira lilium, in two Neotropical plants: Solanum paniculatum and Ficus organensis, and the effects on seed germination. The experiment was conducted in captivity and the germination tests were made in laboratory conditions. The results suggested that most seeds ingested by S. lilium are dispersed within 40 min for both species and the digestion seems not to significantly affect the germination of F. organensis, despite the slight acceleration of germination. In S. paniculatum, germination occurred only in the control (39%), whereas in the treatments, all the seeds remained dormant during the 25 experimental days. In this case, the digestion of S. lilium possibly contributes to the formation of seed banks, randomizing the temporal distribution of seedlings.  相似文献   

The penises of bats are taxonomically distinctive in size and shape. In addition, they are variable in microscopic anatomy, indicating that histomorphological studies of copulatory organs of bats may help understanding their successful reproductive strategies. We studied adult males of 13 species of vespertilionid and phyllostomid bats. Both families exhibited the basic structure of the vascular penis of mammals: the hydrostatic elements of the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum surrounding the urethra, as well as accessory cavernous tissue. Variation in the position and amount of the tissues were observed in these families. Vespertilionid bats have a small glans penis with abundant accessory cavernous tissue on the prepuce and a highly variable baculum. The baculum varied in size and morphology, even among congeneric species, such as the three Lasiurus species and the two Myotis species. Phyllostomid species possess no bacula, but vascular structures are present to produce penile stiffening, particularly on the glans. Variation in the microscopic anatomy of the phyllostomid prepuce was observed, for example, Artibeus species had accessory cavernous tissue surrounded by a tunica albuginea, but Carollia perspicillata had two bundles of striated musculature and some adipose tissue; abundant pigments were present in the prepuce of most species.  相似文献   

We report recapture data for phyllostomid bats in different types of forests, and at different altitudes, obtained through long-term fieldwork in southeastern Brazil. We provide evidence of long-distance movements, with bats moving up to 120 km from mountains to the beach, with an altitudinal variation of 1,237 m. These movements demonstrate the high mobility of these bats and represent the longest distances recorded for them so far in the Neotropics, besides reinforcing the need for long-term capture and recapture programs aimed at understanding the movement dynamics of bat populations.  相似文献   

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