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Summary The following is a study of resistance of worker honey bees (Apis mellifica L. var.ligustica) to high temperatures and of the effect of nutrition upon it.Survival of honey bees of spring generation was studied at 45, 50, 55 and 60°C during 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes exposures. The survival rate was established at the end of their exposure, and 24 hours later. Lethal effects of heat were evident immediately after a 30 minute exposure to 50° C. These effects could be noticed in the survivers 24 hours following exposure.Effect of nutrition on heat resistance at 32° C and at 50° C was studied on one group of bees supplied with a 30 % honey solution; on another- with water only, and on a third group which served as a control (no food). Their survival at 32° C after 12 hours exposure was 100%, 81% and 48%, respectively. However, an exposure duration of 45 minutes at 50°C resulted in a survival of 22% of control bees as compared to a total survival of those fed on honey solution.  相似文献   

Pendant longtemps les analyses d’auto-immunité ont été réalisées de fa?on manuelle, en utilisant des techniques parfois artisanales. Plusieurs facteurs conduisent aujourd’hui les laboratoires à automatiser ces examens.  相似文献   

Pricking one of the cotyledons of aBidens pilosus L. (var.radiatus) seedling decapitated just above the cotyledons four times in succession induces after one minute the dominance of buds on the unaffected side.  相似文献   

M. Wolf-Fédida 《PSN》2007,5(1):52-57
The author provides a brief overview of clinical anthropology. To achieve better understanding of clinical anthropology, it is very important to grasp its close relationship with the development of phenomenology, most notably existential analysis. This paper mainly references L. Binswanger, S. Freud, V. von Weizsäcker and J. Schotte, arguing that the anthropological perspective is up to date in the psychotherapy of difficult cases. Four fields of application and a clinical case of a psychotic patient’s replacement of medications by psychotherapy after 30 years of use show how the anthropological perspective can create a new way of looking at pathology, help achieve a better relationship with the patient and revitalise the representation of what we call a clinical fact.  相似文献   

Georges Sallé 《Protoplasma》1976,87(1-3):17-25
Résumé Les cordons corticaux duViscum album L. (Loranthacée) sont étudiés en microscopie photonique et électronique. La présence d'un tissu phloémien comprenant des cellules criblées et des cellules compagnes est, pour la première fois, démontrée. Les éléments criblés sont anucléés, pauvres en cytoplasme dégénérescent et possèdent des plages criblées avec des pores obstrués par des P-protéines. Par contre, les cellules compagnes ont un noyau volumineux et un cytoplasme dense. Ces caractéristiques ultrastructurales sont comparées à celles décrites dans le phloème des plantes autotrophes. Chez les Phanérogames parasites, la différenciation d'un véritable tissu phloémien semble liée au degré de parasitisme qu'elles ont atteint.
Phloem in the cortical strands ofViscum album L. (Loranthaceae)
Summary The cortical strands ofViscum album L. (Loranthaceae) were investigated at the light and electron microscopic levels. The occurrence of phloem in its endophytic system is registered for the first time. It consists of sieve tubes and companion cells. The former are enucleated cells with degenerescent cytoplasm, sieve plates and P-protein occluding the pores. The companion cells possess a large nucleus and a dense cytoplasm. These features are compared with those encountered in the phloem of autotrophic plants. Among the parasitic Phanerogames, the differentiation of phloem seems related to the parasitic level reached by these plants.

Knapped stone tools constitute an interesting evidence of the mental abilities of their makers. Almost imperishable, they bear visible traces of the successive removals they come from, and of the flaking techniques used. On that basis, we present a few remarkable achievements along the evolution of prehistoric lithic technology, and discuss their capabilities. The tools of the oldest Palaeolithic already surpass the nut cracking from Chimpanzees. Some core reductions into flakes, as early as 2.3 My, show a repeated organization of the removals, and the capacity to prevent a problem. The regular and symmetrical hand-axes from Africa and Europe, appearing between 1 and 0.5 My, provide evidence of a mental template and hence a capacity of conceptualization. The Levalloisian core reduction, somewhat more recent, give evidence of a goal structured method: the technical actions were hierarchized and subordinate to morphological intentions.  相似文献   

The earliest axes exceeding 10 cm in diameter, and presumed to represent small trees, evolved in the Middle Devonian (about 395 million years). They belong to the Cladoxylopsida, a basal group of ferns s.l. lacking leaves. These trees grow mainly vertically, the trunk producing short-lived branches at the top and adventitious roots at the base. They show a dissected vascularisation, and little if any secondary tissues. The Archaeopteridales that evolved at the end of the Middle Devonian, have leaves, abundant wood, and secondary phloem. Growth in the aerial and subterranean parts is tri-dimensional and extensive. Contrary to these two strategies that evolved several times independently during the history of terrestrial plants, that exhibited by the lycophytes became extinct at the end of the Mesozoic. These trees are characterized by a symmetrical development of the aerial and underground parts that branch dichotomously. Branch production by the trunk is relatively late. These trees show a narrow vascular system and a wide cortex.  相似文献   

Conclusion En 1959, dans une note (2) à l'Académie des Sciences, nous écrivions, en conclusion d'un travail préliminaire sur l'étude immunoélectrophorétique desCandida: Si l'avenir apportait la démonstration de résultats similaires obtenus avec d'autres champignons que les levures du genreCandida, on disposerait en mycologie d'une méthode générale d'analyse des fractions antigéniques...; de plus, les connaissances acquises dans ce domaine auraient vraisemblablement d'heureuses répercussions pratiques sur les problèmes taxonomiques en suspens et sur le diagnostic sérologique des mycoses. Six ans plus tard, il nous semble que l'application de l'immunoélectrophorèse à la mycologie ait tenu ses promesses. Sans se substituer à d'autres techniques, ne fut-ce que parce que son objet est limité à l'étude des fractions antigéniques solubles ou à celle des anticorps précipitants, et parce que sa mise en oeuvre est souvent longue et délicate, elle complète heureusement ces techniques, apportant effectivement, dans bien des cas, un argument nouveau, analytique et élégant, à la taxonomie des champignons et ouvrant une voie nouvelle au diagnostic sérologique de certaines mycoses.(avec la collaboration technique deM. Brugge)Communication présentée à l' International Society for human and animal mycology, Third meeting. Edinburgh, July 31st-August 2nd, 1964.  相似文献   

N. Duruz 《PSN》2007,5(1):17-22
Individualism, which characterises modern, democratic society, impacts the social bond and the institutions that protect it. Psychotherapy reflects this change in the social context through the ever-increasing fragmentation of its theories and methods. Within the context of the resulting division of therapeutic approach, the tendency for technical specialisation and mutual dismissal among the various schools sometimes overshadows the very object of psychotherapy, namely, suffering human beings. The future of humane psychotherapy, therefore, requires therapists to increase their awareness of the scope and limits of the approach they pledge allegiance to, relative to other schools. Therapists must epistemologically clarify the implicit presuppositions of the theories and methods they adopt and emotionally distance themselves from their theoretical school. Phenomenology-inspired clinical anthropology provides essential tools to meet this goal.  相似文献   

Cefoxitin, a second-generation cephalosporin, was compared with cefazolin, a first-generation cephalosporin, and a placebo in a prospective, double-blind study of antibiotic prophylaxis in women undergoing nonelective cesarean section. In the groups that received cefazolin or the placebo there eas no statistically significant change in colonization of the cervix by aerobic bacteria by the fourth day after the operation, but there was a statistically significant increase in colonization by anaerobes. Cefoxitin had the opposite effect. Of the 14 postoperative infections in 11 patients, significantly more were in patients who had received the placebo; the numbers were too small to show a difference in effectiveness between the two antibiotics. Of the microorganisms implicated as the infectious agents, group B Streptococcus was the most frequent aerobe, and Peptostreptococcus and Bacteroides bivius were the most frequent anaerobes. Among the 15 patients for whom at least one perioperative specimen yielded positive culture results, a postoperative infection developed in 5 of the 6 who received the placebo, 2 of the 4 who received cefazolin and 1 of the 5 who received cefoxitin.  相似文献   

Intracellular nitrite reductase was found in some species of Saccharomyces (Torulaspora group of Van der Walt 1970) and all Debaryomyces (excepted D. castelli and D. coudertii. The taxonomical relationship between the 2 groupes are discussed.

The effect of pH and osmolarity on motility of human spermatozoa in retrograde ejaculation was studied in a freshly voided urine specimen. The maximum rate of motility is obtained when the pH ranged from 7.0 to 7.5 and osmolarity from 300 to 400 m.osmol/Kg. Thus the control of these two parameters allowed us to improve sperm motility and to perform intrauterine insemination with ovarian hyperstimulation. The different causes of retrograde ejaculation in this study are diabetes, surgical injury and idiopathic. Fifty-one intrauterine insemination cycles were realized in twenty-three patients, and eleven pregnancies are obtained (21.5% per cycle).  相似文献   

Summary The interrenal (adrenocortical) cells of spotted Salamanders seriously affected by a mycotic disease for a long period, have a strikingly large dimension. Their nuclei and nucleoli show a marked hypertrophy. The cytoplasm is sometimes completely deprived of liposomes; it is very rich in mitochondria, smooth-surfaced reticular tubules and free ribosomes. Ergastoplasmic cisternae are frequently encountered in the vicinity of the nuclei. The Golgi apparatus is considerably developed. This organisation, which is common to all the cells, characterizes a stage of intense activity of hormonal synthesis, probably induced by high levels of ACTH. Beside these typical features, small dense bodies are particularly abundant at the periphery of the cells. No mitotic division could be seen.In Salamanders which suffer only moderately from the disease, the cells of the central part of the interrenal islets are the only ones to show the characteristics of great activity. On the other hand it can be noted that such cells are the more numerous the more the situation of the islet is cranial. As opposed to this, the cells of the periphery of the islets show only signs of a poor activity.During the extension of the disease, the number of highly active cells increases progressively, probably as a consequence of the activation of the peripheral cells. This activation usually begins with the hypertrophy of the nucleus and the nucleolus. The cytoplasmic modifications (namely the lipid depletion and the apparition of numerous dense bodies in the vicinity of the Golgi apparatus) seem to appear during a second stage only.

Zusammenfassung Die Interrenalzellen von Feuersalamandern, welche seit längerer Zeit an einer Pilzkrankheit schwer leiden, zeigen einen ungewöhnlich großen Durchmesser. Ihre Zellkerne samt Nukleoli sind überentwickelt. Das Zytoplasma ist hie und da frei von Liposomen, zeigt aber überaus zahlreiche Mitochondrien, glatte Tubuli des endoplasmatischen Retikulums und freie Ribosomen. In der Nähe des Zellkerns trifft man häufig ergastoplasmatische Zisternen an. Der Golgi-Apparat ist stark ausgebildet. Diese Organisation, die man in allen Zellen wiederfindet, deutet auf eine starke Aktivität der Hormonsynthese hin, die wahrscheinlich unter dem Einfluß von hohem und andauerndem ACTH-Gehalt steht. Ferner findet man kleine elektronendichte Körper, vor allem häufig an der Peripherie der Zellen. Mitotische Zellteilungen wurden nicht beobachtet.Bei Salamandern, die von der Erkrankung weniger befallen waren, zeigen nur die inneren Zellen der Interrenalinseln Äquivalente einer starken Aktivität. Sie sind im übrigen desto zahlreicher, je weiter cranial die Interrenalinsel liegt. Die Zellen in der Peripherie dagegen tragen die Merkmale einer schwachen Aktivität.Im Laufe der Krankheit nimmt die Zahl der hochaktiven Zellen fortwährend zu, wahrscheinlich infolge der Aktivierung der Zellen der Peripherie. Diese Aktivierung beginnt mit der Vergrößerung der Zellkerne und Nukleoli. Die zytoplasmatischen Veränderungen, insbesondere das Verschwinden der Liposomen und das Erscheinen von elektronendichten Körpern in der Nachbarschaft des Golgi-Apparates, scheinen in einer zweiten Phase aufzutreten.

Cells mechanically isolated from homogenized leaves ofC. sepium dividein vitro. The rate of cell division is strongly influenced by temperature with the optimum between 31 and 34 °C. The rate of cell division increases proportionally with a rise in temperature up to 31 °C and is accompanied by a reduction in the length of the preparatory phase of the division. A supraoptimal temperature (40 °C) inhibits or stops the cell division which can be restored provided that the cells are transferred to 31 °C. If the preparatory phase to the commencement of cell division is accomplished at 17 °C the cells then exposed to 31 °C divide more rapidly than if they are exposed directly to 31 °C.  相似文献   

Joly  R. 《Cell and tissue research》1970,110(1):85-96
Résumé Chez le Chilopode Lithobius forficatus L., les cellules parenchymateuses des glandes cérébrales présentent, durant l'intermue, un cycle sécrétoire caractérisé essentiellement par l'évolution de l'activité golgienne. Pendant les périodes de sécrétion, les ribosomes, groupés en polysomes, et les éléments ergastoplasmiques sont très abondants; pendant les périodes de repos, les ribosomes sont isolés et l'ergastoplasme est vésiculeux. Les autres organites cellulaires montrent peu de variations.Le cycle sécrétoire ne se superpose pas exactement au cycle d'intermue; il commence lors de la prémue. Peu de temps après l'exuviation, il est possible d'observer des figures qui semblent liées au rejet du produit de sécrétion. L'étude ultrastructurale des glandes cérébrales en fonction de l'intermue confirme l'existence de l'activité cyclique mise en évidence par les résultats expérimentaux.
Ultrastructural signs of cyclic secretory activity in the cerebral glands of Lithobius forficatus during intermolt
Summary During the molting cycle of Lithobius forficatus L. (Chilopoda), the parenchymal cells of the cerebral glands exhibit signs of cyclic secretory activity consisting essentially of changes in the appearance of the Golgi complex. During active periods of secretion, polysomes and ergastoplasmic elements are very numerous; free ribosomes and vesiculated ergastoplasmic cisternae characterize the periods of inactivity. Other cytoplasmic organelles undergo few variations. The secretory cycle as determined by cytological criteria does not exactly match the molting cycle. The first ultrastructural signs of activity appear during premolt. Shortly after ecdysis, images suggesting the release of secretory material can be observed. The electron microscopic data on cyclic changes during intermolt substantiate the existence of activity cycles in the cerebral glands as determined by physiological experiments.

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