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Repair of heteroduplex DNA containing an A/G mismatch in a mutL background requires the Escherichia coli mutY gene function. The mutY-dependent in vitro repair of A/G mismatches is accompanied by repair DNA synthesis on the DNA strand bearing mispaired adenines. The size of the mufY-dependent repair tract was measured by the specific incorporation of -[32P]dCTP into different restriction fragments of the repaired DNA. The repair tract is shorter than 12 nucleotides and longer than 5 nucleotides and is localized to the 3 side of the mismatched adenine. This repair synthesis is carried out by DNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

The mutagenic potentials of DNAs containing site- and stereospecific intrastrand DNA crosslinks were evaluated in Escherichia coli cells that contained a full complement of DNA polymerases or were deficient in either polymerases II, IV, or V. Crosslinks were made between adjacent N(6)-N(6) adenines and consisted of R,R- and S,S-butadiene crosslinks and unfunctionalized 2-, 3-, and 4-carbon tethers. Although replication of single-stranded DNAs containing the unfunctionalized 3- and 4-carbon tethers were non-mutagenic in all strains tested, replication past all the other intrastrand crosslinks was mutagenic in all E. coli strains, except the one deficient in polymerase II in which no mutations were ever detected. However, when mutagenesis was analyzed in cells induced for SOS, mutations were not detected, suggesting a possible change in the overall fidelity of polymerase II under SOS conditions. These data suggest that DNA polymerase II is responsible for the in vivo mutagenic bypass of these lesions in wild-type E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary The DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is a complex, multisubunit enzyme that is responsible for the synthesis of most of the Escherichia coli chromosome. Through studies of the structure, function and regulation of this enzyme over the past decade, considerable progress has been made in the understanding of the features of a true replicative complex. The holoenzyme contains at least seven different subunits. Three of these, , and , compose the catalytic core. Apparently is the catalytic subunit and the product of the dnaE gene. Epsilon, encoded by dnaQ (mutD), is responsible for the proofreading 35 activity of the polymerase. The function of the B subunit remains to be established. The auxiliary subunits, , and , encoded by dnaN, dnaZ and dnaX, respectively, are required for the functioning of the polymerase on natural chromosomes. All of the proteins participate in increasing the processivity of the polymerase and in the ATP-dependent formation of an initiation complex. Tau causes the polymerase to dimerize, perhaps forming a structure that can coordinate leading and lagging strand synthesis at the replication fork. This dimeric complex may be asymmetric with properties consistent with the distinct requirements for leading and lagging strand synthesis.  相似文献   

On the basis of the asymmetrical charge distribution of Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I, we developed a new procedure to purify E. coli DNA topoisomerase I in the milligram range. The new procedure includes using both cation- and anion-exchange columns, i.e., SP-Sepharose FF and Q-Sepharose FF columns. The E. coli DNA topoisomerase I purified here is free of DNase contamination. The kinetic constants of the DNA relaxation reaction of E. coli DNA topoisomerase I were also determined.  相似文献   

Summary A new recombination gene called recR has been identified and located near dnaZ at minute 11 on the current linkage map of Escherichia coli. The gene was detected after transposon mutagenesis of a recB sbcB sbcC strain and screening for insertion mutants that had a reduced efficiency of recombination in Hfr crosses. The recR insertions obtained conferred a recombination deficient and extremely UV sensitive phenotype in both recB recC sbcA and recB recC sbcB sbcC genetic backgrounds. recR derivatives of recBC + sbc + strains were proficient in conjugational and transductional recombination but deficient in plasmid recombination and sensitive to UV light. Strains carrying recR insertions combined with mutations uvrA and other rec genes revealed that the gene is involved in a recombinational process of DNA repair that relies also on recF and recO, and possibly recJ, but which is independent of recB, recC and recD. The properties of two other insertions, one located near pyrE and the other near guaA, are discussed in relation to their proximity to recG and xse (the gene for exonuclease VII), respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Temperature-sensitive mutants that filamented at the non-permissive temperature were isolated by specific mutagenesis of the terminus region of the Escherichia coli chromosome. Two of them, mapping at about 35 min, failed to divide due to inhibition of DNA replication. Further characterization indicated that these mutants are temperature-sensitive for DNA chain elongation.  相似文献   

Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) is an essential cofactor for various enzymes in mammals. In vivo, it is synthesized from GTP via the three-step pathway of GTP cyclohydrolase I (GCHI), 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase (PTPS) and sepiapterin reductase (SPR). BH4 is a medicine used to treat atypical hyperphenylalaninemia. It is currently synthesized by chemical means, which consists of many steps, and requires costly materials and complicated procedures. To explore an alternative microbial method for BH4 production, we utilized recombinant DNA technology to construct recombinant Escherichia coli (E. coli) strains carrying genes expressing GCHI, PTPS and SPR enzymes. These strains successfully produced BH4, which was detected as dihydrobiopterin and biopterin, oxidation products of BH4. In order to increase BH4 productivity we made further improvements. First, to increase the de novo GTP supply, an 8-azaguanine resistant mutant was isolated and an additional guaBA operon was introduced. Second, to augment the activity of GCHI, the folE gene from E. coli was replaced by the mtrA gene from Bacillus subtilis. These modifications provided us with a strain showing significantly higher productivity, up to 4.0 g of biopterin/L of culture broth. The results suggest the possibility of commercial BH4 production by our method.  相似文献   

2-Aminopurine (2AP), a base analog, causes both transition and frameshift mutations in Escherichia coli. The analog is thought to cause mutations by two mechanisms: directly, by mispairing with cytosine, and indirectly, by saturation of mismatch repair (MMR). The goal of this work was to measure the relative contribution of these two mechanisms to the occurrence of transition mutations. Our data suggest that, in contrast to 2-aminopurine-stimulated frameshift mutations, the majority of transition mutations are a direct effect of base mispairing.  相似文献   

The fluorescent glucose analog, 2-(N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino)-2-deoxyglucose (2-NBDG), was used to measure rates of glucose uptake by single Escherichia coli cells. When cell populations were exposed to the glucose analog, 2-NBDG was actively transported and accumulated in single cells to a steady-state level that depended upon its extracellular concentration, the glucose transport capacity of the cells, and the intracellular degradation rate. The dependence upon substrate concentration could be described according to Michaelis-Menten kinetics with apparent saturation constant KM = 1.75 microM, and maximum 2-NBDG uptake rate= 197 molecules/cell-second. Specificity of glucose transporters to the analog was confirmed by inhibition of uptake of 2-NBDG by D-glucose, 3-o-methyl glucose, and D-glucosamine, and lack of inhibition by L-glucose. Inhibition of 2-NBDG uptake by D-glucose was competitive in nature. The assay for 2-NBDG uptake is extremely sensitive such that the presence of even trace amounts of D-glucose in the culture medium (approximately 0.2 microM) is detectable. The rates of single-cell analog uptake were found to increase proportionally with cell size as measured by microscopy or single-cell light scattering intensity. The assay was used to identify and isolate mutant cells with altered glucose uptake characteristics. A mathematical model was developed to provide a theoretical basis for estimating single-cell glucose uptake rates from single-cell 2-NBDG uptake rates. The assay provides a novel means of estimating the instantaneous rates of nutrient depletion in the growth environment during a batch cultivation.  相似文献   

Summary Induction of the SOS response in Escherichia coli results in an increase in the relative rate of synthesis of single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB). In contrast to RecA protein, this increase is slow and does not lead to higher SSB levels. The significance of ssb induction to SOS repair is discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli B/r/l was synchronized by a novel method and its growth was followed in a minimal salts medium containing glucose, acetate, aspartate or succinate as the sole carbon source. Thymine incorporation experiments showed agreement with the Cooper-Helmstetter model for DNA synthesis, during the division cycle, both in glucose grown culture with a doubling time 57.5 min and in acetate, aspartate and succinate where the doubling time was extended up to 90 min. The ratio C/C+D was identical or close to that predicted by the model. Prolonged growth of the synchronized cultures prior to each experiment was practised in order to ensure their physiological state without causing any considerable deterioration of synchrony.  相似文献   

We characterized the ectopic gene conversions in the genomes of the K-12 MG1655, O157:H7 Sakai, O157:H7 EDL933, and CFT073 strains of E coli. Compared to the three pathogenic strains, the K-12 strain has a much smaller number of gene families, its gene families contain fewer genes, and gene conversions are less frequent. Whereas the three pathogenic strains have gene conversions covering hundreds of nucleotides when their flanking regions have as little as 50% similarity, flanking region similarity of at least 94% on both sides of the converted region is required to observe conversions of more than 87 nucleotides in the K-12 strain. Recombination is therefore more frequent and requires less sequence similarity in the three pathogenic strains than in K-12. This higher recombination level might be due to mutations in some of their mismatch-repair genes. In contrast with the gene conversions present in the yeast genome, the gene conversions found in the E. coli genomes do not occur more frequently between duplicated genes that are close to one another than between duplicated genes that are far apart and are randomly distributed along the length of the genes. In E. coli, gene conversions are not more frequent near the origin of replication. However, they do occur more frequently near the terminus of replication of the Sakai genome, where multigene family members are more abundant. This suggests that, in E. coli, gene conversions occur randomly between genes located in different chromosomal locations or located on different copies of the multiple chromosomes found in E. coli cells.  相似文献   

The DNA of growing cells of Escherichia coli occurs in one or a few lobular bodies known as nucleoids. Upon exposure to chloramphenicol, the nucleoids assume compact, rounded forms ("cm-nucleoids") that have been described as ring- or sphere-shaped. Multiple views of single cells or spheroplasts, however, support a different, curved toroid shape for cm-nucleoids. The multiple views were obtained either by DNA fluorescence imaging as the cells or spheroplasts reoriented in liquid medium or by optical sectioning using phase-contrast or fluorescence imaging of immobilized cells. The curved toroid shape is consistent with electron microscope images of thin sections of chloramphenicol-treated cells. The relationship of this structure to active and inactive nucleoids and to the smaller toroidal forms made by in vitro DNA condensation is discussed.  相似文献   

A two-plasmid Escherichia coli system for expression of Dr adhesins   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper presents a very efficient expression system for production of Dr adhesins. The system consists of two plasmids. One is the pACYCpBAD-DraC-C-His, which contains the draC gene under the control of the arabinose promoter (pBAD), encoding the DraC usher. The second is the pET30b-syg-DraBE, which contains the draB and draE genes under the control of the T7lac promoter, encoding the DraB chaperone and the DraE adhesin, respectively. Those plasmids have different origin of replication and can therefore coexist in one cell. Since different promoters are present, the protein expression can be controlled. The Dr adhesion expression system constructed opens up a lot of possibilities, and could be very useful in experiments focusing on understanding the biogenesis of Gram-negative bacteria adhesins. For this purpose we showed that the AfaE-III adhesin (98.1% identity between the DraE and the AfaE-III adhesins, with three divergent amino acids within the sequences) was able to pass through the DraC channel in the Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) strain. Immunoblotting analysis and immunofluorescence microscopy showed the presence of AfaE-III on the bacterial cell surface. In addition, the system described can be useful for displaying the immune-relevant sectors of foreign proteins on the bacterial cell. The heterologous epitope sequence of the HSV1 glycoprotein D was inserted into the draE gene in place of the N-terminal region of surface exposed domain 2. Chimeric proteins were exposed on the bacterial surface as evidenced by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence microscopy. The effective display of peptide segments on Dr fimbriae expressed at the bacterial cell surface, can be used for the development of a fimbrial vaccine.  相似文献   

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