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Palmer ME  Lipsitch M 《Genetics》2006,173(1):461-472
The question of how natural selection affects asexual mutation rates has been considered since the 1930s, yet our understanding continues to deepen. The distribution of mutation rates observed in natural bacteria remains unexplained. It is well known that environmental constancy can favor minimal mutation rates. In contrast, environmental fluctuation (e.g., at period T) can create indirect selective pressure for stronger mutators: genes modifying mutation rate may "hitchhike" to greater frequency along with environmentally favored mutations they produce. This article extends a well-known model of Leigh to consider fitness genes with multiple mutable sites (call the number of such sites alpha). The phenotypic effect of such a gene is enabled if all sites are in a certain state and disabled otherwise. The effects of multiple deleterious loci are also included (call the number of such loci gamma). The analysis calculates the indirect selective effects experienced by a gene inducing various mutation rates for given values of alpha, gamma, and T. Finite-population simulations validate these results and let us examine the interaction of drift with hitchhiking selection. We close by commenting on the importance of other factors, such as spatiotemporal variation, and on the origin of variation in mutation rates.  相似文献   

Mutation is the source of both beneficial adaptive variation and deleterious genetic load, fueling the opposing selective forces than shape mutation rate evolution. This dichotomy is well illustrated by the evolution of the mutator phenotype, a genome-wide 10- to 100-fold increase in mutation rate. This phenotype has often been observed in clonally expanding populations exposed to novel or frequently changing conditions. Although studies of both experimental and natural populations have shed light on the evolutionary forces that lead to the spread of the mutator allele through a population, significant gaps in our understanding of mutator evolution remain. Here we use an experimental evolution approach to investigate the conditions required for the evolution of a reduction in mutation rate and the mechanisms by which populations tolerate the accumulation of deleterious mutations. We find that after ~6,700 generations, four out of eight experimental mutator lines had evolved a decreased mutation rate. We provide evidence that the accumulation of deleterious mutations leads to selection for reduced mutation rate clones in populations of mutators. Finally, we test the long-term consequences of the mutator phenotype, finding that mutator lines follow different evolutionary trajectories, some of which lead to drug resistance.  相似文献   

Accumulation of mutations in sexual and asexual populations   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
P Pamilo  M Nei  W H Li 《Genetical research》1987,49(2):135-146

Mutation rate may be condition dependent, whereby individuals in poor condition, perhaps from high mutation load, have higher mutation rates than individuals in good condition. Agrawal (J. Evol. Biol.15, 2002, 1004) explored the basic properties of fitness-dependent mutation rate (FDMR) in infinite populations and reported some heuristic results for finite populations. The key parameter governing how infinite populations evolve under FDMR is the curvature (k) of the relationship between fitness and mutation rate. We extend Agrawal's analysis to finite populations and consider dominance and epistasis. In finite populations, the probability of long-term existence depends on k. In sexual populations, positive curvature leads to low equilibrium mutation rate, whereas negative curvature results in high mutation rate. In asexual populations, negative curvature results in rapid extinction via 'mutational meltdown', whereas positive curvature sometimes allows persistence. We speculate that fitness-dependent mutation rate may provide the conditions for genetic architecture to diverge between sexual and asexual taxa.  相似文献   

When properly determined, spontaneous mutation rates are a more accurate and biologically meaningful reflection of underlying mutagenic mechanisms than are mutant frequencies. Because bacteria grow exponentially and mutations arise stochastically, methods to estimate mutation rates depend on theoretical models that describe the distribution of mutant numbers among parallel cultures, as in the original Luria-Delbr]uck fluctuation analysis. An accurate determination of mutation rate depends on understanding the strengths and limitations of these methods, and how to design fluctuation assays to optimize a given method. In this paper we describe a number of methods to estimate mutation rates, give brief accounts of their derivations, and discuss how they behave under various experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Sex-limited mutations and the evolution of sexual dimorphism   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract.— Although the developmental and genetic mechanisms underlying sex differences are being elucidated in great detail in a number of species, there remains a breach between proximate and evolutionary studies of sexual dimorphism. More precisely, the evolution of sex-limited gene expression at autosomal loci has not been well reasoned using either theoretical or empirical methods. Here, I show that a Mendelian genetic model including elementary details of sexual differentiation provides novel insight into the evolution of sex differences via sex limitation. This model indicates that the nature of allelic effects and the pattern of selection must be known in both sexes to predict the evolution of sex differences. That is, selection interacts with genetic variation for sexual dimorphism to produce unanticipated patterns of trait divergence or convergence between the sexes. Ultimately, this model may explain why previous models for the evolution of sexual dimorphism do not predict the erratic behavior of the sex difference during artificial selection experiments.  相似文献   

Evolutionary branching is the process whereby an initially monomorphic population evolves to a point where it undergoes disruptive selection and splits up into two phenotypically diverging lineages. We studied evolutionary branching in three models that are ecologically identical but that have different genetic systems. The first model is clonal, the second is sexual diploid with additive genetics on a single locus and the third is like the second but with an additional locus for mate choice. Evolutionary branching occurred under exactly the same ecological circumstances in all three models. After branching the evolutionary dynamics may be qualitatively different. In particular, in the diploid, sexual models there can be multiple evolutionary outcomes whereas in the corresponding clonal model there is only one. We showed that evolutionary branching favours the evolution of (partial) assortative mating and that this in turn effectively restores the results from the clonal model by rendering the alternative outcomes unreachable except for the one that also occurs in the clonal model. The evolution of assortative mating during evolutionary branching can be interpreted as the initial phase of sympatric speciation with phenotypic divergence and partial reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Using a general form of the directional mutation theory, this paper analyzes the effect of mutations in mutator genes on the G + C content of DNA, the frequency of substitution mutations, and evolutionary changes (cumulative mutations) under various degrees of selective constraints. Directional mutation theory predicts that when the mutational bias between A/T and G/C nucleotide pairs is equilibrated with the base composition of a neutral set of DNA nucleotides, the mutation frequency per gene will be much lower than the frequency immediately after the mutator mutation takes place. This prediction explains the wide variation of the DNA G + C content among unicellular organisms and possibly also the wide intragenomic heterogeneity of third codon positions for the genes of multicellular eukaryotes. The present analyses lead to several predictions that are not consistent with a number of the frequently held assumptions in the field of molecular evolution, including belief in a constant rate of evolution, symmetric branching of phylogenetic trees, the generality of higher mutation frequency for neutral sets of nucleotides, the notion that mutator mutations are generally deleterious because of their high mutation rates, and teleological explanations of DNA base composition. Presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop onGenome Organization and Evolution, Spetsai, Greece, 16–22 September 1992  相似文献   

Developments in monitoring human populations for mutation rates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J V Neel 《Mutation research》1974,26(4):319-328

《Trends in genetics : TIG》2023,39(8):598-599
The germline mutation rate (GMR) sets the pace at which mutations, the raw material of evolution, are introduced into the genome. By sequencing a dataset of unprecedently broad phylogenetic scope, Bergeron et al. estimated species-specific GMR, offering numerous insights into how this parameter shapes and is shaped by life-history traits.  相似文献   

The model of genetic hitchhiking predicts a reduction in sequence diversity at a neutral locus closely linked to a beneficial allele. In addition, it has been shown that the same process results in a specific pattern of correlations (linkage disequilibrium) between neutral polymorphisms along the chromosome at the time of fixation of the beneficial allele. During the hitchhiking event, linkage disequilibrium on either side of the beneficial allele is built up whereas it is destroyed across the selected site. We derive explicit formulas for the expectation of the covariance measure D and standardized linkage disequilibrium sigma 2D between a pair of polymorphic sites. For our analysis we use the approximation of a star-like genealogy at the selected site. The resulting expressions are approximately correct in the limit of large selection coefficients. Using simulations we show that the resulting pattern of linkage disequilibrium is quickly-i.e., in <0.1N generations-destroyed after the fixation of the beneficial allele for moderately distant neutral loci, where N is the diploid population size.  相似文献   

Gessler DD  Xu S 《Genetics》2000,156(1):449-456
The classical understanding of recombination is that in large asexual populations with multiplicative fitness, linkage disequilibrium is negligible, and thus there is no selective agent driving an allele for recombination. This has led researchers to recognize the importance of synergistic epistatic selection in generating negative linkage disequilibrium that thereby renders an advantage to recombination. Yet data on such selection is equivocal, and various works have shown that synergistic epistasis per se, when left unquantified in its magnitude or operation, is not sufficient to drive the evolution of recombination. Here we show that neither it, nor any mechanism generating negative linkage disequilibrium among fitness-related loci, is necessary. We demonstrate that a neutral gene for recombination can increase in frequency in a large population under a low mutation rate and strict multiplicative fitness. We work in a parameter range where individuals have, on average, less than one mutation each, yet recombination can still evolve. We demonstrate this in two ways: first, by examining the consequences of recombination correlated with misrepaired DNA damage and, second, by increasing the probability of recombination with declining fitness. Interestingly, the allele spreads without repairing even a single DNA mutation.  相似文献   

‘Good genes’ models of sexual selection show that females can gain indirect benefits for their offspring if male ornaments are condition‐dependent signals of genetic quality. Recurrent deleterious mutation is viewed as a major contributor to variance in genetic quality, and previous theoretical treatments of ‘good genes’ processes have assumed that the influx of new mutations is constant. I propose that this assumption is too simplistic, and that mutation rates vary in ways that are important for sexual selection. Recent data have shown that individuals in poor condition can have higher mutation rates, and I argue that if both male sexual ornaments and mutation rates are condition‐dependent, then females can use male ornamentation to evaluate their mate’s mutation rate. As most mutations are deleterious, females benefit from choosing well‐ornamented mates, as they are less likely to contribute germline‐derived mutations to offspring. I discuss some of the evolutionary ramifications of condition‐dependent mutation rates and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Mathematical models for estimating mutation rates in cell populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CRUMP  KENNY S.; HOEL  DAVID G. 《Biometrika》1974,61(2):237-252

VNTRs are able to discriminate among closely related isolates of recently emerged clonal pathogens, including Yersinia pestis the etiologic agent of plague, because of their great diversity. Diversity is driven largely by mutation but little is known about VNTR mutation rates, factors affecting mutation rates, or the mutational mechanisms. The molecular epidemiological utility of VNTRs will be greatly enhanced when this foundational knowledge is available. Here, we measure mutation rates for 43 VNTR loci in Y. pestis using an in vitro generated population encompassing approximately 96,000 generations. We estimate the combined 43-locus rate and individual rates for 14 loci. A comparison of Y. pestis and Escherichia coli O157:H7 VNTR mutation rates and products revealed a similar relationship between diversity and mutation rate in these two species. Likewise, the relationship between repeat copy number and mutation rate is nearly identical between these species, suggesting a generalized relationship that may be applicable to other species. The single- versus multiple-repeat mutation ratios and the insertion versus deletion mutation ratios were also similar, providing support for a general model for the mutations associated with VNTRs. Finally, we use two small sets of Y. pestis isolates to show how this general model and our estimated mutation rates can be used to compare alternate phylogenies, and to evaluate the significance of genotype matches, near-matches, and mismatches found in empirical comparisons with a reference database.  相似文献   

André JB  Godelle B 《Genetics》2006,172(1):611-626
In this article, we model analytically the evolution of mutation rate in asexual organisms. Three selective forces are present. First, everything else being equal, individuals with higher mutation rate have a larger fitness, thanks to the energy and time saved by not replicating DNA accurately. Second, as a flip side, the genome of these individuals is replicated with errors that may negatively affect fitness. Third, and conversely, replication errors have a potential benefit if beneficial mutations are to be generated. Our model describes the fate of modifiers of mutation rate under the three forces and allows us to predict the long-term evolutionary trajectory of mutation rate. We obtain three major results. First, in asexuals, the needs for both adaptation and genome preservation are not evolutionary forces that can stabilize mutation rate at an intermediate optimum. When adaptation has a significant role, it primarily destabilizes mutation rate and yields the emergence of strong-effect mutators. Second, in contrast to what is usually believed, the appearance of modifiers with large mutation rate is more likely when the fitness cost of each deleterious mutation is weak, because the cost of replication errors is then paid after a delay. Third, in small populations, and even if adaptations are needed, mutation rate is always blocked at the minimum attainable level, because the rate of adaptation is too slow to play a significant role. Only populations whose size is above a critical mass see their mutation rate affected by the need for adaptation.  相似文献   

Theoretical models addressing genome-wide patterns of divergence during speciation are needed to help us understand the evolutionary processes generating empirical patterns. Here, we examine a critical issue concerning speciation-with-gene flow: to what degree does physical linkage (r < 0.5) of new mutations to already diverged genes aid the build-up of genomic islands of differentiation? We used simulation and analytical approaches to partition the probability of establishment for a new divergently selected mutation when the mutation (i) is the first to arise in an undifferentiated genome (the direct effect of selection), (ii) arises unlinked to any selected loci (r = 0.5), but within a genome that has some already diverged genes (the effect of genome-wide reductions in gene flow for facilitating divergence, which we term 'genome hitchhiking'), and (iii) arises in physical linkage to a diverged locus (divergence hitchhiking). We find that the strength of selection acting directly on a new mutation is generally the most important predictor for establishment, with divergence and genomic hitchhiking having smaller effects. We outline the specific conditions under which divergence and genome hitchhiking can aid mutation establishment. The results generate predictions about genome divergence at different points in the speciation process and avenues for further work.  相似文献   

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