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Targeting HER2     
The potential of the HER2-targeting antibody trastuzumab as a radioimmunoconjugate useful for both imaging and therapy was investigated. Conjugation of trastuzumab with the acyclic bifunctional chelator CHX-A”-DTPA yielded a chelate:protein ratio of 3.4±0.3; the immunoreactivity of the antibody unaffected. Radiolabeling was efficient, routinely yielding a product with high specific activity. Tumor targeting was evaluated in mice bearing subcutaneous (s.c.) xenografts of colorectal, pancreatic, ovarian, and prostate carcinomas. High uptake of the radioimmunoconjugate, injected intravenously (i.v.), was observed in each of the models, and the highest tumor %ID/g (51.18±13.58) was obtained with the ovarian (SKOV-3) tumor xenograft. Specificity was demonstrated by the absence of uptake of 111In-trastuzumab by melanoma (A375) s.c. xenografts and 111In-HuIgG by s.c. LS-174T xenografts. Minimal uptake of i.v. injected 111In-trastuzumab in normal organs was confirmed in non-tumor-bearing mice. The in vivo behavior of 111In-trastuzumab in mice bearing intraperitoneal (i.p.) LS-174T tumors resulted in a tumor %ID/g of 130.85±273.34 at 24 h. Visualization of tumor, s.c. and i.p. xenografts, was achieved by γ-scintigraphy and PET imaging. Blood pool was evident as expected, but cleared over time. The blood pharmacokinetics of i.v. and i.p. injected 111In-trastuzumab was determined in mice with and without tumors. The data from these in vitro and in vivo studies supported advancement of radiolabeled trastuzumab into two clinical studies, a Phase 0 imaging study in the Molecular Imaging Program of the National Cancer Institute and a Phase 1 radioimmunotherapy study at the University of Alabama.  相似文献   

研究表明大约有20%的乳腺癌患者存在HER2过表达现象。HER2的异常表达及异常信号通路与乳腺癌的侵袭转移、治疗抵抗及不良预后密切相关。在临床上,对于HER2阳性的初期乳腺癌患者常联合曲妥珠单抗及化学药物治疗,但部分患者对曲妥珠单抗产生耐药。因此,研究其耐药机制对于HER2阳性乳腺癌患者的治疗、预后及新疗法的探索具有重要的临床意义。目前引起曲妥珠单抗抵抗的主要机制有:p95-HER2累积、P13K/AKT/mTOR信号异常激活、HER家族受体和IGF-1R信号增加、非受体酪氨酸激酶c-SRC活性增加等。将对上述机制及治疗HER2阳性乳腺癌的新疗法进行综述。  相似文献   

Evaluation of: Wulfkuhle JD, Berg D, Wolff C et al. Molecular analysis of HER2 signaling in human breast cancer by functional protein pathway activation mapping. Clin. Cancer Res. 18(23), 6426–6435 (2012).

Exhaustive characterization and mapping of pivotal molecules and downstream effectors deregulated in breast cancer is of fundamental clinical value to define the most effective therapy. Wulfkuhle et al. applied reverse-phase protein microarray, a highly sensitive immunoassay able to perform quantitative and multiplexed analysis of total and/or modified cellular proteins, to assess protein levels and activation/phosphorylation status of the HER family (EGFR, HER2, HER3) and downstream signaling molecules in HER2+ and HER2- breast cancers. The research was performed using laser capture microdissected tumor epithelial cells from frozen samples and formalin-fixed paraffin embedded specimens, which were also analyzed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and FISH. This study identified a subgroup of IHC/FISH/HER2- patients with HER2 activation/phosphorylation levels comparable with those obtained from IHC/FISH/HER2+ tumors. HER2 signaling activation was independent from total HER2 expression and involved HER3 and EGFR activation. These findings indicate that molecular characterization by reverse-phase protein microarray of HER2 and its partners/effectors in the signaling cascade enables the identification of a subgroup of IHC/FISH/HER2- patients showing HER2 signaling activation. These patients, currently excluded from targeted therapy administration, could potentially benefit from this and it could improve prognosis and survival.  相似文献   

BRCA1 is a multifunctional protein best known for its role in DNA repair and association with breast and ovarian cancers. To uncover novel biologically significant molecular functions of BRCA1, we tested a panel of 198 approved and experimental drugs to inhibit growth of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells depleted for BRCA1 by siRNA. 26S proteasome inhibitors bortezomib and carfilzomib emerged as a new class of selective BRCA1-targeting agents. The effect was confirmed in HeLa and U2OS cancer cell lines using two independent siRNAs, and in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with inducible deletion of Brca1. Bortezomib treatment did not cause any increase in nuclear foci containing phosphorylated histone H2AX, and knockdown of BRCA2 did not entail sensitivity to bortezomib, suggesting that the DNA repair function of BRCA1 may not be directly involved. We found that a toxic effect of bortezomib on BRCA1-depleted cells is mostly due to deregulated cell cycle checkpoints mediated by RB1-E2F pathway and 53BP1. Similar to BRCA1, depletion of RB1 also conferred sensitivity to bortezomib, whereas suppression of E2F1 or 53BP1 together with BRCA1 reduced induction of apoptosis after bortezomib treatment. A gene expression microarray study identified additional genes activated by bortezomib treatment only in the context of inactivation of BRCA1 including a critical involvement of the ERN1-mediated unfolded protein response. Our data indicate that BRCA1 has a novel molecular function affecting cell cycle checkpoints in a manner dependent on the 26S proteasome activity.BRCA1 is an important tumor suppressor gene whose germ-line or somatic inactivation is implicated in a significant number of breast and ovarian cancers.1 Human BRCA1 encodes an 1863 amino-acid-long protein with a RING-finger domain at the N terminus and two BRCT domains located at the C terminus.2, 3 BRCT domains mediate interaction with phosphorylated proteins such as Abraxas, BACH1, CtIP and others involved in sensing DNA damage and assembly of the BRCA1-associated genome surveillance complex at sites of DNA breaks.4 The RING domain constitutively interacts with the BRCA1-associated RING domain protein (BARD1), forming a heterodimer having an E3 ubiquitin ligase activity.5 Ubiquitination of target proteins, including cell cycle or DNA repair-regulating proteins (e.g. CtIP (RBBP8), nucleophosmin (NPM1, B23), claspin (CLSPN) and others), occurs either at Lys48 residue of the ubiquitin leading to the 26S proteasome-mediated degradation of target proteins or at Lys6 or Lys63 having a trafficking and signaling role.6 A serine cluster coiled-coil domain spanning amino acids 1280–1524 contains multiple phosphorylation sites for ATM and ATR kinases activated by DNA damage.7 The same region also binds PALB2 protein linking BRCA1 to another major breast cancer predisposition gene BRCA2.8The most prominent function of BRCA1 is associated with its role in repair of DNA damage, particularly of double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs), one of the most severe types of DNA lesions.9 BRCA1 is recruited to sites of DNA damage via a series of phosphorylation and ubiquitination events, where it serves as a binding scaffold for other DNA repair proteins,10, 11 ubiquitinates claspin, cyclin B and CDC25C, triggering cell cycle arrest to allow time for repair,12 and facilitates BRCA2-mediated loading of RAD51 recombinase to enable the homologous recombination (HR) mechanism of DNA repair.9 In addition, BRCA1 may contribute to maintaining genome integrity by stabilizing the heterochromatin structure via ubiquitination of histone H2A.13 BRCA1 is also required for centrosome-dependent and -independent mitotic spindle formation, providing another route, by which loss of BRCA1 could promote chromosome instability and tumor formation.14, 15Such a critical role of BRCA1 in DNA repair is exploited therapeutically. DNA-damaging agents, particularly DNA-crosslinking agents such as platinum-containing drugs, or ionizing radiation lead to the accumulation of DNA breaks requiring HR for repair and, therefore, are particularly toxic to BRCA1-deficient tumor cells.16 Pharmacological inhibitors of poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs) selectively kill BRCA1-deficient cells owing to defective HR, functioning as a back-up repair mechanism in the absence of the PARP-mediated repair of single-stranded DNA breaks.17 However, multiple mechanisms allow BRCA1-deficient cells to develop resistance to these drugs including elevated expression of the efflux transporters pumping the drugs out of the cell, secondary mutations restoring a functional BRCA1 protein and loss of 53BP1 protein, which counteracts BRCA1 and HR by blocking resection of DNA ends around the breaks (see Lord and Ashworth18 for the latest review). Therefore, additional efforts to identify small-molecule agents especially targeting BRCA1 functions unrelated to its DNA repair function are warranted.Here we performed a high-throughput chemical screen of BRCA1-depleted MDA-MB-231 cells using a collection of 198 US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved and experimental drugs. We found that 26S proteasome inhibitors were more toxic to BRCA1 knockdown than control cells. Response of BRCA1-deficient cells to bortezomib involved deregulation of the RB1-mediated cell cycle checkpoint, activation of a noncanonical ERN1-mediated unfolded protein response and 53BP1-related G2/M cell cycle arrest. Our results reveal novel aspects of BRCA1 function unrelated to DNA repair.  相似文献   

Cells that are deficient in homologous recombination, such as those that lack functional breast cancer-associated 1 (BRCA1) or BRCA2, are hypersensitive to inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). However, BRCA-deficient tumors represent only a small fraction of adult cancers, which might restrict the therapeutic utility of PARP inhibitor monotherapy. Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) phosphorylates BRCA1, and this is essential for efficient formation of BRCA1 foci. Here we show that depletion or inhibition of Cdk1 compromises the ability of cells to repair DNA by homologous recombination. Combined inhibition of Cdk1 and PARP in BRCA-wild-type cancer cells resulted in reduced colony formation, delayed growth of human tumor xenografts and tumor regression with prolonged survival in a mouse model of lung adenocarcinoma. Inhibition of Cdk1 did not sensitize nontransformed cells or tissues to inhibition of PARP. Because reduced Cdk1 activity impaired BRCA1 function and consequently, repair by homologous recombination, inhibition of Cdk1 represents a plausible strategy for expanding the utility of PARP inhibitors to BRCA-proficient cancers.  相似文献   

High levels of BCL-2 family proteins are implicated in a failed/ineffective apoptotic programme, often resulting in diseases, including cancer. Owing to their potential as drug targets in cancer therapy, several inhibitors of BCL-2 family proteins have been developed. These primarily target specific members of the BCL-2 family, particularly BCL-2 and BCL-XL but are ineffective against MCL-1. Major efforts have been invested in developing inhibitors of MCL-1, which is commonly amplified in human tumours and associated with tumour relapse and chemoresistance. In this report, the specificity of several BCL-2 family inhibitors (ABT-263, UCB-1350883, apogossypol and BH3I-1) was investigated and compared with putative MCL-1 inhibitors designed to exhibit improved or selective binding affinities for MCL-1 (TW-37, BI97C1, BI97C10, BI112D1, compounds 6 and 7, and MCL-1 inhibitor molecule (MIM-1)). ABT-263, BI97C1, BI112D1, MIM-1 and TW-37 exhibited specificity in inducing apoptosis in a Bax/Bak- and caspase-9-dependent manner, whereas the other agents showed no killing activity, or little or no specificity. Of these inhibitors, only ABT-263 and UCB-1350883 induced apoptosis in a BCL-2- or BCL-XL-dependent system. In cells that depend on MCL-1 for survival, ABT-263 and TW-37 induced extensive apoptosis, suggesting that at high concentrations these inhibitors have the propensity to inhibit MCL-1 in a cellular context. TW-37 induced apoptosis, assessed by chromatin condensation, caspase processing and phosphatidylserine externalisation, in a BAK-dependent manner and in cells that require MCL-1 for survival. TW-37-mediated apoptosis was also partly dependent on NOXA, suggesting that derivatives of TW-37, if engineered to exhibit better selectivity and efficacy at low nanomolar concentrations, may provide useful lead compounds for further synthetic programmes. Expanded medicinal chemistry iteration, as performed for the ABT series, may likewise improve the potency and specificity of the evaluated MCL-1 inhibitors.  相似文献   

Although hereditary breast cancers have defects in the DNA damage response that result in genomic instability, DNA repair abnormalities in sporadic breast cancers have not been extensively characterized. Recently, we showed that, relative to nontumorigenic breast epithelial MCF10A cells, estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) MCF7 breast cancer cells and progesterone receptor-positive (PR+) MCF7 breast cancer cells have reduced steady-state levels of DNA ligase IV, a component of the major DNA-protein kinase (PK)-dependent nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway, whereas the steady-state level of DNA ligase IIIα, a component of the highly error-prone alternative NHEJ (ALT NHEJ) pathway, is increased. Here, we show that tamoxifen- and aromatase-resistant derivatives of MCF7 cells and ER(-)/PR(-) cells have even higher steady-state levels of DNA ligase IIIα and increased levels of PARP1, another ALT NHEJ component. This results in increased dependence upon microhomology-mediated ALT NHEJ to repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) and the accumulation of chromosomal deletions. Notably, therapy-resistant derivatives of MCF7 cells and ER(-)/PR(-) cells exhibited significantly increased sensitivity to a combination of PARP and DNA ligase III inhibitors that increased the number of DSBs. Biopsies from ER(-)/PR(-) tumors had elevated levels of ALT NHEJ and reduced levels of DNA-PK-dependent NHEJ factors. Thus, our results show that ALT NHEJ is a novel therapeutic target in breast cancers that are resistant to frontline therapies and suggest that changes in NHEJ protein levels may serve as biomarkers to identify tumors that are candidates for this therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

Despite the development of novel targeted therapies, de novo or acquired chemoresistance remains a significant factor for treatment failure in breast cancer therapeutics. Neratinib and dacomitinib are irreversible panHER inhibitors, which block their autophosphorylation and downstream signaling. Moreover, neratinib and dacomitinib have been shown to activate cell death in HER2-overexpressing cell lines. Here we showed that increased MCL1 and decreased BIM and PUMA mediated resistance to neratinib in ZR-75-30 and SKBR3 cells while increased BCL-XL and BCL-2 and decreased BIM and PUMA promoted neratinib resistance in BT474 cells. Cells were also cross-resistant to dacomitinib. BH3 profiles of HER2+ breast cancer cells efficiently predicted antiapoptotic protein dependence and development of resistance to panHER inhibitors. Reactivation of ERK1/2 was primarily responsible for acquired resistance in SKBR3 and ZR-75-30 cells. Adding specific ERK1/2 inhibitor SCH772984 to neratinib or dacomitinib led to increased apoptotic response in neratinib-resistant SKBR3 and ZR-75-30 cells, but we did not detect a similar response in neratinib-resistant BT474 cells. Accordingly, suppression of BCL-2/BCL-XL by ABT-737 was required in addition to ERK1/2 inhibition for neratinib- or dacomitinib-induced apoptosis in neratinib-resistant BT474 cells. Our results showed that different mitochondrial apoptotic blocks mediated acquired panHER inhibitor resistance in HER2+ breast cancer cell lines as well as highlighted the potential of BH3 profiling assay in prediction of panHER inhibitor resistance in breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is characterized by clonal accumulation of CD5+ CD19+ B lymphocytes that are arrested in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle and fail to undergo apoptosis because of overexpression of the antiapoptotic B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2 (BCL-2) protein. Oncolytic viruses, such as vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), have emerged as potential anticancer agents that selectively target and kill malignant cells via the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway. Although primary CLL cells are largely resistant to VSV oncolysis, we postulated that targeting the apoptotic pathway via inhibition of BCL-2 may sensitize CLL cells to VSV oncolysis. In the present study, we examined the capacity of EM20-25—a small-molecule antagonist of the BCL-2 protein—to overcome CLL resistance to VSV oncolysis. We demonstrate a synergistic effect of the two agents in primary ex vivo CLL cells (combination index of 0.5; P < 0.0001). In a direct comparison of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy volunteers with primary CLL, the two agents combined showed a therapeutic index of 19-fold; furthermore, the combination of VSV and EM20-25 increased apoptotic cell death in Karpas-422 and Granta-519 B-lymphoma cell lines (P < 0.005) via the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway. Mechanistically, EM20-25 blocked the ability of the BCL-2 protein to dimerize with proapoptotic BAX protein, thus sensitizing CLL to VSV oncolytic stress. Together, these data indicate that the use of BCL-2 inhibitors may improve VSV oncolysis in treatment-resistant hematological malignancies, such as CLL, with characterized defects in the apoptotic response.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is regulated by the BCL-2 family of proteins, which is comprised of both pro-death and pro-survival members. Evasion of apoptosis is a hallmark of malignant cells. One way in which cancer cells achieve this evasion is thru overexpression of the pro-survival members of the BCL-2 family. Overexpression of MCL-1, a pro-survival protein, has been shown to be a resistance factor for Navitoclax, a potent inhibitor of BCL-2 and BCL-XL. Here we describe the use of fragment screening methods and structural biology to drive the discovery of novel MCL-1 inhibitors from two distinct structural classes. Specifically, cores derived from a biphenyl sulfonamide and salicylic acid were uncovered in an NMR-based fragment screen and elaborated using high throughput analog synthesis. This culminated in the discovery of selective and potent inhibitors of MCL-1 that may serve as promising leads for medicinal chemistry optimization efforts.  相似文献   

Targeting breast and prostate cancers through their hormone receptors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A targeted treatment that effectively destroys human breast, prostate, ovarian, and testicular cancer cells that express luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin (LH/CG) receptors has been developed. The treatment consists of a conjugate of a membrane-disrupting lytic peptide (Hecate, Phor14, or Phor21) and a 15-amino acid segment of the beta chain of CG. Because these conjugates act primarily by destroying cell membranes, their effects are independent of cell proliferation. The conjugates are relatively small molecules, are rapidly metabolized, and are not antigenic. In a series of independent experiments conducted in three different laboratories, the validity of the concept has been established, and it has been shown that the LH/CG receptor capacity of the cancer cells is directly related to the sensitivity of the lytic peptide conjugates. Sensitivity to the drugs can be increased by pretreating prostate or breast cancer cells with FSH or estradiol to up-regulate LH/CG receptors. A series of 23 in vivo experiments involving a total of 1630 nude mice bearing xenografts of human prostate or breast cancer cells showed convincingly that all three lytic peptide-betaCG compounds were highly effective in destroying tumors and reducing tumor burden. Hecate-betaCG was less effective in mice bearing ovarian epithelial cancer cell xenografts, but was highly effective in treating granulosa cell tumors in transgenic mice. In addition, Hecate-betaCG and Phor14-betaCG were highly effective in targeting and destroying prostate and breast cancer cell metastases in the presence or absence of the primary tumors. Although effective in vitro, neither Hecate nor Phor14 alone were effective in reducing primary tumor volume or burden in nude mice bearing prostate or breast cancer xenografts.  相似文献   

Chen S  Evans HG  Evans DR 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e32971
FLASH (FLICE-associated huge protein or CASP8AP2) is a large multifunctional protein that is involved in many cellular processes associated with cell death and survival. It has been reported to promote apoptosis, but we show here that depletion of FLASH in HT1080 cells by siRNA interference can also accelerate the process. As shown previously, depletion of FLASH halts growth by down-regulating histone biosynthesis and arrests the cell cycle in S-phase. FLASH knockdown followed by stimulating the cells with Fas ligand or anti-Fas antibodies was found to be associated with a more rapid cleavage of PARP, accelerated activation of caspase-8 and the executioner caspase-3 and rapid progression to cellular disintegration. As is the case for most anti-apoptotic proteins, FLASH was degraded soon after the onset of apoptosis. Depletion of FLASH also resulted in the reduced intracellular levels of the anti-apoptotic proteins, MCL-1 and the short isoform of cFLIP. FLASH knockdown in HT1080 mutant cells defective in p53 did not significantly accelerate Fas mediated apoptosis indicating that the effect was dependent on functional p53. Collectively, these results suggest that under some circumstances, FLASH suppresses apoptosis.  相似文献   



The response rate to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) may be poor and unpredictable in cancer patients with EGFR expression itself being an inadequate response indicator. There is limited understanding of the mechanisms underlying this resistance. Furthermore, although TKIs suppress the growth of HER2-overexpressing breast tumor cells, they do not fully inhibit HER2 oncogenic function at physiological doses.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Here we have provided a molecular mechanism of how HER2 oncogenic function escapes TKIs'' inhibition via alternative HER receptor activation as a result of autocrine ligand release. Using both Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) which monitors in situ HER receptor phosphorylation as well as classical biochemical analysis, we have shown that the specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) of EGFR, AG1478 and Iressa (Gefitinib) decreased EGFR and HER3 phosphorylation through the inhibition of EGFR/HER3 dimerization. Consequent to this, we demonstrate that cleavage of HER4 and dimerization of HER4/HER2 occur together with reactivation of HER3 via HER2/HER3, leading to persistent HER2 phosphorylation in the now resistant, surviving cells. These drug treatment–induced processes were found to be mediated by the release of ligands including heregulin and betacellulin that activate HER3 and HER4 via HER2. Whereas an anti-betacellulin antibody in combination with Iressa increased the anti-proliferative effect in resistant cells, ligands such as heregulin and betacellulin rendered sensitive SKBR3 cells resistant to Iressa.

Conclusions and Significance

These results demonstrate the role of drug-induced autocrine events leading to the activation of alternative HER receptors in maintaining HER2 phosphorylation and in mediating resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) in breast cancer cells, and hence specify treatment opportunities to overcome resistance in patients.  相似文献   

HER2-overexpressing breast cancers are characterized by frequent distant metastasis and often develop resistance after short-term effective treatment with the monoclonal antibody drug, trastuzumab. Here, we found that the oncogenic miRNA, miR-221, inhibited apoptosis, induced trastuzumab resistance and promoted metastasis of HER2-positive breast cancers. The tumor suppressor PTEN was identified as a miR-221 target; overexpression of PTEN abrogated the aforementioned miR-221-induced malignant phenotypes of the cells. These findings indicate that miR-221 may promote trastuzumab resistance and metastasis of HER2-positive breast cancers by targeting PTEN, suggesting its role as a potential biomarker for progression and poor prognosis, and as a novel target for trastuzumab-combined treatment of breast cancers. [BMB Reports 2014; 47(5): 268-273].  相似文献   

The HER2/c-erbB-2 gene encodes the epidermal growth factor receptorlike human homolog of the rat neu oncogene. Amplification of this gene in primary breast carcinomas has been show to correlate with poor clinical prognosis for certain cancer patients. We show here that a monoclonal antibody directed against the extracellular domain of p185HER2 specifically inhibits the growth of breast tumor-derived cell lines overexpressing the HER2/c-erbB-2 gene product and prevents HER2/c-erbB-2-transformed NIH 3T3 cells from forming colonies in soft agar. Furthermore, resistance to the cytotoxic effect of tumor necrosis factor alpha, which has been shown to be a consequence of HER2/c-erbB-2 overexpression, is significantly reduced in the presence of this antibody.  相似文献   

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