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The composition and distribution of the main unicellular eukaryotic groups (diatom algae, ciliates, dinoflagellates (DF), other phototrophic (PF) and heterotrophic flagellates (HF)) were investigated in sandy sediments at five stations allocated across the tidal sheltered beach of the White Sea. Overall, 75 diatoms, 98 ciliates, 16 DF, 3 PF and 34 HF species were identified; some are new records for the White Sea. Common species for each group are illustrated. Diatoms and ciliates showed high alpha-diversity (species richness per sample), whereas flagellates were characterized by high beta-diversity (species turnover across the intertidal flat). Each group demonstrated its own spatial pattern that was best matched with its own subset of abiotic variables, reflecting group-specific responses to environmental gradients. Species richness increased from the upper intertidal zone seaward for ciliates but decreased for HF, whereas autotrophs showed a relatively uniform pattern with a slight peak at the mid-intertidal zone. Across the littoral zone, all groups showed distinct compositional changes; however, the position of the boundary between “upper” and “lower” intertidal communities varied among groups. Most of the species found at Ryazhkov Island are known from many other regions worldwide, indicating a wide geographic distribution of microbial eukaryotic species.  相似文献   

The planktonic and benthic fungi in a sea cucumber farming system were simultaneously investigated on three sampling dates. Analyses of SSU rRNA gene libraries of four samples revealed 131 fungal operational taxonomic units, of which 58 % were potentially novel. Chytridiomycota, Blastocladiomycota and Monoblepharidomycota were detected only from sediment, whereas ascomycetes and basidiomycetes dominated in sediment and water, respectively. Cryptomycota phylotypes were detected in both water and sediment samples. Based on terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphisms, distinct succession and contrasting community structure were found between planktonic and benthic habitats. Redundancy analysis indicated that the concentration of dissolved silicate in surface water and N:P in porewater were the most significant abiotic variables shaping the planktonic and benthic communities, respectively. This study indicates that plankton and benthos are distinct habitats for fungal distribution even in shallow coastal systems, and nutrients and stoichiometric ratios play important roles in driving succession of fungal communities.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) within deciduous forest ecosystems, we know little about how natural AMF communities are structured in the root zone of the endangered elm species Ulmus chenmoui. In this study, three U. chenmoui sampling sites, differing with respect to plant health, age, and growth status, were selected in Anhui Province, China. AMF biodiversity in the root zones of individual U. chenmoui trees was investigated using high‐throughput sequencing. In total, 61 AMF operational taxonomic units were detected. Five genera, namely Glomus (62.82%), Paraglomus (17.82%), Rhizophagus (4.29%), Septoglomus (4.06%) and Funneliformis (2.35%), and 29 species of AMF were identified. Correlation analysis indicated that available soil phosphorus and potassium concentrations were the main edaphic factors influencing AMF community structure. There was a difference in AMF species richness among the three U. chenmoui stands. Our study showed that soil nutrient concentrations and plant health, age, and growth status can exert a selective effect on the composition of the AMF population in the soil in the root zones of U. chenmoui trees.  相似文献   

目的 通过高通量测序分析,探讨幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori)感染在正常胃部菌群多样性和组成中的差异。 方法 选择2017年10月-2018年1月在本院就诊的胃镜体检受试者40例,其中H. pylori阳性20例,阴性20例,均无阳性体征,收集胃液样本行胃部菌群MiSeq高通量测序分析。 结果 H. pylori感染组α 多样性指数Shannon(t=-6.690,P2,P结论 H.pylori感染是影响正常胃部菌群多样性和组成的重要因素,这些改变可能与胃癌发生发展及预后密切相关。  相似文献   

Permafrost represents an important understudied genetic resource. Soil microorganisms play important roles in regulating biogeochemical cycles and maintaining ecosystem function. However, our knowledge of patterns and drivers of permafrost microbial communities is limited over broad geographic scales. Using high‐throughput Illumina sequencing, this study compared soil bacterial, archaeal and fungal communities between the active and permafrost layers on the Tibetan Plateau. Our results indicated that microbial alpha diversity was significantly higher in the active layer than in the permafrost layer with the exception of fungal Shannon–Wiener index and Simpson's diversity index, and microbial community structures were significantly different between the two layers. Our results also revealed that environmental factors such as soil fertility (soil organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon and total nitrogen contents) were the primary drivers of the beta diversity of bacterial, archaeal and fungal communities in the active layer. In contrast, environmental variables such as the mean annual precipitation and total phosphorus played dominant roles in driving the microbial beta diversity in the permafrost layer. Spatial distance was important for predicting the bacterial and archaeal beta diversity in both the active and permafrost layers, but not for fungal communities. Collectively, these results demonstrated different driving factors of microbial beta diversity between the active layer and permafrost layer, implying that the drivers of the microbial beta diversity observed in the active layer cannot be used to predict the biogeographic patterns of the microbial beta diversity in the permafrost layer.  相似文献   

咸海湖泊退缩对岸边土壤真菌和植物内生真菌的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研究咸海岸边不同暴露时期土壤带的土壤真菌和植物内生真菌群落构成及其对湖泊干涸的响应.[方法]从咸海湖岸远端(土壤带的暴露时间最长)到湖岸近端(土壤带的暴露时间最短)的不同土壤带采集土壤样品,对其进行地球化学和矿物学分析.同时也采集各土壤带的土壤样品和优势植物,通过ITS基因高通量测序方法分析土壤真菌和植物内生真...  相似文献   

本研究探讨赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)对不同土壤细菌群落结构的影响,以便利用蚯蚓改善土壤生物学质量。选取华南地区赤红壤和水稻土,分别接种赤子爱胜蚓进行10 d室内盆钵培养,运用16S rDNA Illumina Miseq高通量测序技术对培养前后土壤的细菌群落结构进行分析。结果显示:(1)经赤子爱胜蚓取食后,两种土壤的细菌群落结构均发生了改变。赤红壤中增加了5个非优势细菌门,分别为FBP、纤维杆菌门(Fibrobacteres)、OP11、柔膜菌门(Tenericutes)和Thermi;Cytophagia、Spartobacteria和疣微菌纲(Verrucomicrobiae)从非优势细菌纲变为优势细菌纲;Solibacteres从优势细菌纲变为非优势细菌纲。水稻土中海绵菌门(Poribacteria)为新增加的1个非优势细菌门;螺旋体门(Spirochaetes)从非优势细菌门变为优势细菌门;4个非优势细菌门消失,分别为SBR1093、SC4、WS4和WS5;螺旋体纲(Spirochaetes)和疣微菌纲从非优势细菌纲变为优势细菌纲;浮霉菌纲(Planctomycetia)从优势细菌纲变为非优势细菌纲;酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia)依然是两种土壤中的优势类群;(2)赤红壤中酸杆菌门的相对丰度显著下降44.90%,拟杆菌门的相对丰度显著上升14.88%;水稻土中酸杆菌门、绿弯菌门、芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)、硝化螺旋菌门(Nitrospirae)、浮霉菌门和疣微菌门等6种细菌类群的相对丰度分别显著下降49.05%、20.44%、64.01%、35.00%、33.56%和24.38%,而拟杆菌门和螺旋体门的相对丰度分别显著上升28.85%和154.17%;(3)两种土壤细菌丰度的变化情况存在差异:赤红壤细菌丰度呈上升趋势,水稻土细菌丰度呈下降趋势,而两种土壤的细菌多样性变化则均呈下降趋势。本研究说明,经赤子爱胜蚓取食后赤红壤和水稻土的细菌群落结构组成和多样性均发生变化,为深入理解蚯蚓与土壤微生物群落的相互作用机制提供参考依据。  相似文献   

To determine the role of environmental and host genetic factors in shaping fungal endophyte communities we used culturing and metabarcoding techniques to quantify fungal taxa within healthy Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles in a 7-y old provenance-progeny trial replicated at three sites. Both methods revealed a community of ascomycete and basidiomycete taxa dominated by the needle pathogen Lophodermium seditiosum. Differences in fungal endophyte taxon composition and diversity indices were highly significant among trial sites. Within two sites, fungal endophyte communities varied significantly among provenances. Furthermore, the communities differed significantly among maternal families within provenances in 11/15 and 7/15 comparisons involving culture and metabarcoding data respectively. We conclude that both environmental and host genetic variation shape the fungal endophyte community of P. sylvestris needles.  相似文献   

During the MICROMAT project, the fungal diversity of microbial mats growing in the benthic environment of Antarctic lakes was accessed for the discovery of novel antibiotics and anticancers. In all, 160 filamentous fungi belonging to fifteen different genera and 171 yeasts were isolated from 11 lakes, classified and cultivated in different media and at different temperatures. Filamentous fungi were then screened to discover novel antimicrobial and cytotoxic compounds. A total of 1422 extracts were prepared by solid phase extraction of the culture broths or by biomass solvent extraction. 47 (29%) filamentous fungi showed antimicrobial activity; most of them inhibited the growth of gram-positive Staphyloccus aureus (14%), gram-negative E. coli (10%), and of yeasts Candida albicans (11%) and Cryptococcus neoformans (8%). Less activity was detected against representatives of enterobacteria and filamentous fungi. The most productive in terms of bioactivities were cold-tolerant cosmopolitan hyphomycetes such as Penicillium, Aspergillus, Beauveria and Cladosporium. Two bioactive bis-anthraquinones (rugulosin and skyrin) were identified by LC–MS as the main products in a strain of Penicillium chrysogenum isolated from a saline lake in the Vestfold Hills. LC–MS fractionation of extracts from two diverse species of Aspergillus, that exhibited relatively potent antimicrobial activities, evidenced a chemical novelty that was further investigated. To our knowledge, this is the first report of new antibiotics produced by fungi from benthic microbial mats from Antarctic lakes. It can be concluded that these microbial assemblages represent an extremely rich source for the isolation of new strains producing novel bioactive metabolites with the potential to be developed as drugs.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of severe winters on the long-term variability of benthic macrofauna communities four stations from the inner German Bight towards the Dogger Bank (North Sea) were sampled in March 1990 and from May 1995 to 2002. The stations were chosen to reflect a gradient in the hydrographic regime, temperature and organic matter supply. We initially hypothesized that the effect of severe winters on benthic communities will be more pronounced in the offshore more stable environment than in the nearshore regions. Our results clearly showed the opposite pattern. The benthic communities at the nearshore stations in the German Bight changed dramatically in species abundance and community structure after the severe winter 1995/1996. But the community structure in the German Bight returned to the previous stage within 2 years. In contrast, the offshore stations in the Oyster Ground and at the Dogger Bank remained rather unaffected by the severe winter and changed gradually during the study period. The results are discussed concerning the ecological importance of severe winters for benthic communities and the utility of our results for interpreting long-term changes.  相似文献   

Long-term changes in the macrofauna of the Pomeranian Bay were studied by comparing survey data from the 1950s, 1980s, and 1990s. The study area has undergone significant eutrophication during the period of investigation. Biomass of filter-feeding bivalves increased significantly. Spatial distribution patterns of several species have changed. Strong decreases in species richness were caused by oxygen depletion at stations deeper than 15 m.Saduria entomon, Monoporeia affinis, andPontoporeia femorata vanished entirely between 1981 and 1993. Although a causal relationship between simultaneous increases of nutrient levels and macrobenthic biomass cannot be verified, eutrophication is proposed to be the major process affecing changes in macrofauna assemblages. In addition, changes in hydrography and climate increased frequency and severity of oxygen depletion events in the Pomeranian Bay since the mid 1980s.  相似文献   

Tardigrada is a phylum closely allied with the arthropods. They are usually less than 0.5 mm in length, have four pairs of lobe-like legs and are either carnivorous or feed on plant material. Most of the 900+ described tardigrade species are limnoterrestrial and live in the thin film of water on the surface of moss, lichens, algae, and other plants and depend on water to remain active and complete their life cycle. In this review of 910 tardigrade species, only 62 species representing13 genera are truly aquatic and not found in limnoterrestrial habitats although many other genera contain limnoterrestrial species occasionally found in freshwater. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The main gradient in vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen species composition in alpine areas, structured by the topographic gradient from wind‐exposed ridges to snowbeds, has been extensively studied. Tolerance to environmental stress, resulting from wind abrasion and desiccation towards windswept ridges or reduced growing season due to prolonged snow cover towards snowbeds, is an important ecological mechanism in this gradient. The extent to which belowground fungal communities are structured by the same topographic gradient and the eventual mechanisms involved are less well known. In this study, we analysed variation in fungal diversity and community composition associated with roots of the ectomycorrhizal plant Bistorta vivipara along the ridge‐to‐snowbed gradient. We collected root samples from fifty B. vivipara plants in ten plots in an alpine area in central Norway. The fungal communities were analysed using 454 pyrosequencing analyses of tag‐encoded ITS1 amplicons. A distinct gradient in the fungal community composition was found that coincided with variation from ridge to snowbeds. This gradient was paralleled by change in soil content of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. A large proportion (66%) of the detected 801 nonsingleton operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were ascomycetes, while basidiomycetes dominated quantitatively (i.e. with respect to number of reads). Numerous fungal OTUs, many with taxonomic affinity to Sebacinales, Cortinarius and Meliniomyces, showed distinct affinities either to ridge or to snowbed plots, indicating habitat specialization. The compositional turnover of fungal communities along the gradient was not paralleled by a gradient in species richness.  相似文献   

Using high throughput sequencing we obtained a large number of microsatellites from Podocnemis lewyana, an endemic turtle from northwestern South America. We used 454 Genome Sequence FLX platform of sheared genomic DNA from randomly sampling approximately 17% of the haploid genome. We identified 86,501 reads (8.1% of all reads) that contained our definition of microsatellite loci. AC and TC were the most abundant motifs in the P. lewyana genome. TGC and AAAC were most abundant tri and tetra-nucleotide motifs respectively. 72.7% of microsatellite reads had flanking sequence regions suitable for primer design and PCR amplification. We validated the identified potentially amplifiable loci (PAL) and tested for polymorphism by selecting 15 loci corresponding to tetranucleotides. Twelve loci showed polymorphism in eight individuals. These findings demonstrates that microsatellite detection using next-generation sequencing is an efficient way of getting a lot of loci for listed taxa and in turn will have a large impact on future genetic studies aiming to understand and implement conservation plans for this highly threatened freshwater turtle.  相似文献   

孟昭翠  徐奎栋 《生态学报》2013,33(21):6813-6824
利用Ludox-QPS方法并结合沉积环境因子的综合分析,研究了2011年4月采自长江口及东海10个站位以底栖硅藻、纤毛虫和异养小鞭毛虫为代表的微型底栖生物及小型底栖生物的组成、丰度和生物量、分布及生态特点。结果表明,底栖硅藻的丰度 (5.92 ? 104 ind/10 cm2) 和生物量 (83.29 ?g C/10 cm2) 远高于纤毛虫 (丰度为1036 ind/10 cm2,生物量为3.33 ?g C/10 cm2)、异养小鞭毛虫 (丰度为4451 ind/10 cm2,生物量为2.51 ?g C/10 cm2) 和小型底栖生物 (丰度为1947 ? 849 ind/10 cm2,生物量为49.01? 22.05 ?g C/10 cm2)。在鉴定出的11个小型底栖生物类群中,线虫占小型底栖生物总丰度的90%和总生物量的37%。底栖硅藻生物量在长江口及东海海域呈由近岸向外海逐渐降低的分布特点,而底栖纤毛虫、异养小鞭毛虫及小型底栖生物的分布则正相反。在垂直分布上,76%的硅藻和80%的线虫分布在0–2 cm沉积物表层,仅1%的硅藻和6%的线虫分布在5–8 cm分层。统计分析表明,底栖硅藻的现存量与沉积物中叶绿素a含量呈极显著的正相关,与底层水温度呈弱的正相关;该海域底栖原生动物和小型底栖生物的分布受多个因子而非单一环境因子的共同作用。对比分析表明,长江口及东海单位体积沉积物中的硅藻丰度较水体中的硅藻丰度高2个数量级,沉积物中相当部分的叶绿素a含量可能系底栖硅藻所贡献;表层8 cm沉积物中纤毛虫的丰度约是上层30 m水柱中纤毛虫丰度的30倍,生物量约是后者的40倍。尽管纤毛虫在生物量上远小于小型底栖生物,但其估算的生产力约是后者的3倍;而异养小鞭毛虫由于个体更小,其周转率可能较纤毛虫更高。长江口及东海陆架区原生动物和小型底栖生物的高现存量及生产力预示着其在该海域生态系统中的重要作用。  相似文献   

为了解黄渤海甲壳类的分类多样性特征, 我们统计了2010-2015年中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所调查捕获的黄渤海甲壳类(软甲纲: 十足目与口足目)物种名录。结合历史文献, 进一步系统整理得到黄渤海甲壳类物种总名录。基于这2个名录, 应用分类阶元包含指数(the inclusion index at taxonomic level, TINCLi)、平均分类差异指数(average taxonomic distinctness index, Δ+)和分类差异变异指数(variation in taxonomic distinctness index, Λ+)研究了其分类多样性特征。结果显示: 2010-2015年调查名录中, 甲壳类共93种, 隶属于2目39科66属, 其中10种为新分布种; 对虾科、藻虾科、长臂虾科、梭子蟹科和弓蟹科的物种数最多, 合计占总物种数的38.71%; TINCLi分别为1.41种/属和2.38种/科; Δ+和Λ+分别为50.25和35.20。总名录中, 甲壳类共228种, 隶属于2目53科123属, 其中藻虾科、豆蟹科、对虾科、弓蟹科和鼓虾科的物种数最多, 合计占总物种数的30.70%; TINCLi分别为1.85种/属和4.30种/科, Δ+和Λ+分别为50.18和30.87。对虾科的相对丰富度指数(the relative richness index, Rr)最高(100), 其次是梭子蟹科(71.43)和长臂虾科(62.50), 豆蟹科最低(6.25)。黄渤海甲壳类的平均分类差异指数(Δ+)明显小于鱼类(P < 0.05)。2010-2015年调查的Δ+计算值高于理论值, 且在理论值的95%置信区间内, 说明黄渤海甲壳类群落正处在中等程度的干扰中。  相似文献   

Aim This study aims to determine the underlying causes of local and regional patterns of variation in community structure of spiders in coastal grey dunes, and especially whether ecological time constrains the species composition in young and isolated grey dune habitats. Location The study was conducted in coastal dunes from northern France (Boulonnais, Nord‐Pas‐de‐Calais), Belgium (Flemish coastal dunes) and the Netherlands [Amsterdam Water Supply (AWD) dunes and Dunes from the Provincial Water Company North‐Holland]. Methods Spiders were collected with pitfall traps in twenty‐eight grey dune patches in the four areas under investigation. Species composition and environmental parameters (vegetation structure, distance to the sea and the patch‐edge, eolic dynamics and lime richness) were determined. Assemblage composition was related to the regional and local environmental factors with the Primer software package to determine the assemblage‐determining parameters. Differences in species presence were analysed as a function of their habitat preference and distribution range. Results Differences in grey dune spider assemblage structure can mainly be attributed to differences in local sand dynamics and the region. Species from dynamic dunes are mainly present in grey dunes from Belgium and France, while species from non‐dunal xerothermic habitats (chalk grasslands and heathland) occur in both the Boulonnais and the north Holland dune region. These species are absent from geologically young or other xerotherm habitat isolated Flemish coastal dunes. Main conclusion The data show that regional variation in spider assemblage composition results from local landscape characteristics (dynamics in the dune area), the latitude and the connectivity to non‐dunal xerothermic habitats. The strong and moderate geological isolation of dune areas from the Flemish coast and the AWD dunes, respectively, results in the absence of (at least some) species that are primarily bound to heathland and/or chalk grassland. This indicates the importance of ecological time for the assemblage structure. The limited dispersal capacity of the heathland and/or chalk grassland species is probably the main reason for their absence.  相似文献   

蒋玉玲  陈旭辉  苗青  曲波 《植物生态学报》2019,43(12):1079-1090
兰科植物的生存及生长高度依赖其根中的共生真菌, 其中的菌根真菌更是对兰科植物的种子萌发与后续生长有着非常重要的作用, 研究兰科植物根中的真菌, 尤其是菌根真菌, 对兰科植物的保护有重要作用。该研究利用第二代测序技术, 对中国辽宁省境内的9种属于极小种群的兰科植物的根、根际土和根围土中的真菌群落和菌根真菌组成进行了研究。结果显示, 兰科植物根中的真菌群落和根际土、根围土中的真菌群落具有显著差异。兰科植物根中的总操作分类单元(OTU)数目远小于根际土和根围土中的总OTU数目。同时, 兰科植物根中菌根真菌的种类和丰度与根际土、根围土中菌根真菌的种类与丰度没有明显联系。FunGuild分析结果显示, 丛枝菌根真菌在根际土与根围土中的丰度非常高, 但在兰科植物的根中却数量极少。这些结果表明, 兰科植物根中的真菌群落与土壤中的真菌群落在一定程度上是相互独立的。  相似文献   

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