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豇豆荚螟的生物学特性与防治技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文较全面地报道了豇豆荚螟在湖南长沙、湘潭地区的生物学特征、发生动态与环境因子的关系 ,提出了以化学防治为主的豇豆荚螟综合防治技术。豇豆荚螟在上述两地区 1年能发生 6~ 7代 ;1~ 6代各代历期依次为 33.5,2 3,2 1,2 8,34.5和 4 4天。寄主生育期可影响该虫的发生量 ,采用“治花不治角 ,打顶不打底”的施药方法 ,能提高药剂防治效果 ,降低农药残留量。在防治试验用的 12种药剂中 ,2 5%乙酰甲胺磷乳油、2 .5%敌杀死乳油、生长调节剂 5%定虫隆 (抑太保 )、细菌性杀虫剂 Bt乳剂和 HD- 1的防治效果在 80 %以上 ;灭幼脲 2号、甲氰菊酯、氯氰菊酯和辛硫磷 ,防治效果在 70 %~ 80 %之间 ;而敌百虫、乐果、敌敌畏的防治效果不达 70 %  相似文献   

本文以绿豆粉、长豇豆粉、酵母粉、多维葡萄糖、琼脂、山梨酸和甲醛为原料配制了6种人工饲料饲养豇豆荚螟Maruca testulalis Geyer,以改进其人工饲料的饲养效果。结果表明:以绿豆粉和长豇豆粉为主要原料配制的配方5和配方6饲养效果较好。尤其是配方6,豇豆荚螟的幼虫存活率和历期、蛹重和化蛹率、成虫羽化率与天然饲料饲养的豇豆荚螟相比没有差异,表明该人工饲料可用于室内人工饲养豇豆荚螟。  相似文献   

从豆野螟分布、发生为害及综合防治等几方面综述了该虫的研究进展.气候因子、豆类品种、栽培耕作制度及天敌是影响豆野螟发生的主要因素.在防治方面,主要是化学防治,生物防治开始受到重视.在综述基础上,探讨了豆野螟今后研究的内容和重点.  相似文献   

豆野螟Maruca vitrata是豇豆等豆类作物的世界性重要害虫,常年在亚热带地区严重发生,防控难度很大。传统的化学防治方法难以对其进行长久且有效的控制,因而造成害虫抗药性增强、超范围使用化学农药等诸多不良现象,严重威胁人民群众身体健康与生态安全。而生物防治作为减少化学农药用量与残留的关键技术之一,在当前我国绿色农业高速发展期更应引起研究人员的高度重视。因此,本文围绕豆野螟生物防治的研究现状与进展,分别从昆虫性信息素、天敌昆虫资源、昆虫病原物、植物源农药等4个方面进行了概述,并深入探讨了我国豆野螟生物防治领域的研究前景与方向,为豆野螟绿色防控体系的全方位建设提供参考,助力我国绿色农业高质量发展。  相似文献   

以4个豇豆(Vigna unguiculata Linn.)品种‘鄂豇豆6号’、‘鄂豇豆2号’、‘鄂豇豆7号’和‘美国地豆’为材料,在现蕾期叶面喷施植物细胞分裂素(CTK),于喷施后第7、14、28、42 d测定脱落花荚的多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)和纤维素酶活性,并统计花荚脱落率和豇豆产量,研究CTK在豇豆生长发育过程中对花荚脱落的影响。结果显示,喷施CTK后,豇豆各品种的花荚脱落率均小于对照,豇豆产量均高于对照,且差异极显著(P0.01);喷施CTK后第14、28、42 d豇豆各品种脱落花荚的PG活性显著降低(P0.05);喷施CTK后第7 d各处理组脱落花荚的PG活性极显著降低(P0.01);喷施CTK后第7 d和第42 d豇豆各品种脱落花荚的纤维素酶活性显著降低(P0.05),喷施CTK后第14 d和第28 d各处理组脱落花荚的纤维素酶活性极显著降低(P0.01)。研究结果表明喷施CTK可调节脱落花荚的PG活性和纤维素酶活性,从而降低花荚脱落率,实现对豇豆产量的调控。  相似文献   

向日葵螟幼虫的空间分布型及抽样技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧洲向日葵螟Homoeosoma nebulellum Denis et Schiffermüller是向日葵上的主要害虫,本文利用6种聚集指标对向日葵螟幼虫的空间分布型进行了测定,结果表明其呈现聚集分布。样本平均数(m)与方差(S2)的对数值的关系式为:lgS2=lg0.2130+0.5639lgm,显示向日葵螟幼虫的空间分布随密度的升高而趋向均匀分布。Iwao的m*-m回归方程为:m*=8.1177+0.1447m,显示该虫在田间分布的基本成分是个体群,个体间相互吸引,个体群的空间分布型为均匀分布。对聚集原因进行分析,得出λ<2,表明向日葵螟幼虫的聚集是由于环境作用所引起的。用Iwao的理论抽样数模型计算出向日葵螟幼虫的理论抽样数模型为:D=0.1时,n=911.77/m-85.53,D=0.2时,n=227.94/m-21.38。采用m*-m关系的序贯抽样模型制定出食葵田间的序贯抽样模型为:T1(n),T0(n)=7.40n±4.54n,油葵田间的序贯抽样模型为:T1(n),T0(n)=10.05n±2.29n。  相似文献   

茚虫威在豇豆中残留动态及安全使用技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用气相色谱(GC-ECD)分析法,研究15%茚虫威(安打)乳油在豇豆中的残留消解动态和安全使用技术。该方法最小检出量为0.01ng,最低检出浓度为0.005mg/kg;添加回收率分别为84.7%~92.8%,RSD为3.43%~5.27%。残留消解动态表明,茚虫威在豇豆中的原始沉积量间隔7d连续施用2次>施用1次;残留消解动态均符合一级动力学方程,茚虫威施用1次的消解动态方程为C=2.7180·e-0.2500t,半衰期(DT50)为2.8d,消解99%所需时间T0.99为18.4d;施用2次的消解动态方程为C=2.3712·e-0.2404t,DT50为2.9d,T0.99为19.2d。在豇豆采收期施用茚虫威有效成分48.21g/hm2 1次,或间隔7d连续施用2次,在末次施药后11d采集豆荚样品检测,残留量均<0.2mg/kg,平均残留量分别为0.103mg/kg和0.111mg/kg,产品质量安全水平符合日本最高残留限量(MRL)的要求。  相似文献   

2015年在海南省豇豆上发现中国新记录种暗褐露尾甲Epuraea picinus。本研究运用5种聚集度指标(m*/m、c、k、I、Ca)和两种回归模型(Taylor幂法则和Iwao回归分析法)研究分析了海南省7个乡镇8块豇豆地上的暗褐露尾甲的空间分布型。结果表明,暗褐露尾甲成虫在海南豇豆上在垂直空间和水平空间均为聚集分布,0.83头/百株时为随机分布。  相似文献   

米蛾卵繁育的螟黄赤眼蜂的适宜冷贮温度和虫龄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了全面评价冷贮对米蛾Corcyra cephalonica Stainton卵繁育螟黄赤眼蜂Trichogramma chilonis Ishii的影响, 本试验采用米蛾卵为寄主, 以冷贮温度(3和10℃)、 冷贮虫龄(以接蜂开始时间为起点, 接蜂后1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8和9日龄)和冷贮时间(1, 2, 3和4周)为试验因子, 研究了冷贮对螟黄赤眼蜂活蛹率、 羽化率和畸形率的影响。结果表明: 3个因素均能单独或互作显著影响活蛹率、 羽化率和畸形率(P<0.05)。综合各冷贮虫龄对低温的反应, 螟黄赤眼蜂对3℃较敏感, 此温度下1-3日龄的活蛹率和各虫龄的羽化率均显著下降(P<0.05), 不适宜长期冷贮; 10℃下各虫龄的活蛹率受冷贮时间的影响不显著, 1-3日龄的羽化率受冷贮时间的影响也不显著, 冷贮4周后仍有74%以上的羽化率, 10℃适宜冷贮。不同冷贮温度下冷贮适宜虫龄不同。在10℃下, 最适冷贮虫龄是3日龄的赤眼蜂, 此虫龄不同冷贮时间的活蛹率(74.09%~77.59%)和羽化率(74.26%~90.37%)均与对照无显著差异(P>0.05), 但显著高于其他虫龄(P<0.05)。此虫龄在10℃下冷贮1~3周, 畸形率在27%以内。结果表明米蛾卵内螟黄赤眼蜂不同冷贮温度下适宜冷贮虫龄不同。  相似文献   

通过调查和计算,明确了楸螟二代幼虫在苗田里聚集型的一般负二项分布。用lwao方法给出了理论抽样数。  相似文献   

豆野螟Maruca vitrata(Fabricius)是一种严重的泛热带豆类蔬菜害虫。本文研究了豆野螟延迟交尾和多次交尾对其生殖的影响。延迟交尾实验结果表明:豆野螟雌雄同时延迟交尾,雌雄虫的寿命、产卵量均表现为先上升后下降的趋势,但是对卵的孵化率没有显著影响;雌虫延迟交尾,随着延迟时间的增加,雌虫的寿命、产卵量、卵的孵化率表现为下降的趋势,而雄虫的寿命延迟交尾第3天达到最大值;雄虫延迟交尾,随着延迟交尾时间的增加,雌雄虫的寿命、产卵量均表现为先上升后下降的趋势,卵的孵化率随着延迟逐渐下降。多次交尾实验结果表明,随着雄虫交尾次数的增加,成功交尾率逐渐降低,用于交尾的时间延长,雌虫和相应雄虫的寿命逐渐缩短,雌虫的产卵量下降,但对卵的孵化率影响不大;豆野螟雌虫一生只交尾一次,未见到雌虫2次交尾。  相似文献   

中国豆野螟性信息素腺体组份的化学结构鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究中国豆野螟Marucavitrata(Fabricius)性信息素腺体成分。分析证实(反,反)-10,12-十六碳二烯醛(E,E-10,12-16∶ALD)是中国豆野螟性信息素腺体的主要组份;同时利用GC和GC-MS发现(反,反)-10,12-十六碳二烯醇(E,E-10,12-16∶OH)和反-10-十六碳单烯醛(E-10-16∶ALD)也是中国豆野螟性信息素腺体的组份;三者在腺体中分别以51∶4∶45的比例存在。  相似文献   


Three concentrations (5, 10 and 20% w/v) and spraying schedules (2×, 4× and 6× weekly applications) of garlic, Allium sativum L. bulb extracts were assayed for efficacy against Maruca vitrata Fab. and Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stal. on cowpea under rain fed conditions in two seasons. The results showed that application of aqueous garlic bulb extracts at all the treatment levels significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the populations of the target pests compared with the untreated check. Application of 10 and 20% garlic bulb extracts with 4 or 6 weekly applications gave better control of these pests, protected the pods from damage and increased grain yields on treated cowpea compared with 5% extract at all three application schedules and were comparable to the synthetic insecticide treatment. This material could play a role in the integrated management of M. vitrata and C. tomentosicollis on cowpea fields managed by limited resource farmers in developing countries. The plant material is readily available, cheap, safe, non phytotoxic and technologically simple to use.  相似文献   

The legume pod-borer Maruca vitrata (Fabricius), [Lepidoptera: Pyralidae] is a major constraint restricting increased cowpea production in tropical Africa and Asia. Since lectins are known to have insecticidal properties against several pests, a survey was undertaken to screen for the effects of 25 lectins from 15 plant families on the development of Maruca pod borer (MPB) larvae. The list included 8 galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine-, 7 mannose-, 5 complex glycan-, 2 sialic acid- and 3, N-acetylglucosamine-specific lectins. Feeding bioassays using artificial diet were carried out at 2% (w/w) topical levels. Although a total of 16 lectins had detrimental effects pertaining either to larval survival, weight, feeding inhibition, pupation, adult emergence and/or fecundity, only the Listera ovata agglutinin (LOA) (Orchidaceae) and Galanthus nivalis (Amaryllidaceae) agglutinin were effective against MPB larvae for all six parameters examined. Larval mortality and feeding inhibition caused by the most active lectin (LOA) was above 60%.  相似文献   

Maruca vitrata is considered as one of the major impediments in boosting up the production of tropical legumes. Since chemical pesticides have an adverse effect on human health and environment, there is an urgent need for developing a non‐chemical based method to replace chemical insecticides for controlling of pests. We investigated the oviposition, development and adult performances of M. vitrata at five radiofrequency levels of 0 (control without frequency), 5, 10, 20, and 30 kHz on artificial diet. In addition, the effects were also studied in three successive generations (Parent, F1‐ and F2‐ generations) of M. vitrata. The results showed that radiofrequency application had significant effects on the life‐variables of M. vitrata. Radiofrequency exposures on M. vitrata not only impacted on oviposition, developmental time, adult longevity, and adult weight but negative effects were also transmitted to the successive generations. Oviposition was found to reduce as generation passed after exposed to radiofrequencies. Total developmental times from egg to adult emergence were longer with shorter longevity in case of radiofrequency treatment than untreated. Decreasing the radiofrequency level further increased time for development of adults as generation passed. The shortest adult longevity occurred at 5 kHz treatment. The outcomes of this study are discussed in terms of targeting susceptibilities to radiofrequency as an alternative to chemical treatments.  相似文献   

豆野螟Marucavitrata(Fabricius)是一种严重的泛热带豆类蔬菜害虫。在不同温度,光周期14L∶10D,相对湿度75%~80%条件下,研究豆野螟成虫日龄对交尾的影响及雄蛾对性信息素的EAG反应。不同日龄雌蛾与3日龄雄蛾的交尾,交尾率随蛾龄增加呈下降趋势;不同日龄雄蛾与3日龄雌蛾交尾,交尾率随蛾龄增加呈升高趋势;相同日龄成蛾,交尾率先升后降。不同日龄雌蛾交尾百分率的下降在较高温环境比在较低温环境更加显著;但环境温度对不同日龄雄蛾的交尾却没有太大的影响;相同日龄成蛾3日龄以后的交尾在较高温环境下下降的更快。不同日龄雌蛾的交尾研究中,随着雌蛾日龄的增加,交尾持续时间明显延长;不同日龄雄蛾的交尾研究中,较低日龄和较高日龄雄蛾交尾时的持续时间较长。在较低温环境下所有试验各日龄的持续时间均有所延长。不同日龄雌蛾(雄蛾)与3日龄雄蛾(雌蛾)的交尾和相对应的雄蛾对雌蛾性信息素的EAG反应基本一致,说明雄蛾的反应在交尾行为的完成中具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

The soybean pod borer, Maruca vitrata is one of the key insect pests of tropical legumes. It damages tender leaf axils, flower buds, flowers and pods by webbing and boring clusters of flowers and pods. In this study, we investigated the survival and life table parameters of M. vitrata on several leguminous crops; soybean (cvs. Daewon, Poongsannamool and Socheongja), azuki bean (cv. Hongeon), mung bean (cv. Sanpo), and cowpea (cv. Jangchae), compared to artificial diet to assess the antibiosis resistance to M. vitrata. The life‐variables of M. vitrata were significantly affected by the tested legume cultivars. None of the larvae fed cowpea cultivar Jangchae survived. The azuki bean cultivar Hongeon and mung bean cultivar Sanpo were found susceptible to M. vitrata, whereas cowpea cultivar Jangchae and soybean cultivar Daewon showed antibiosis resistance to M. vitrata. Further studies should examine the chemicals associated with leguminous crop cultivars and its mechanism to develop a control method against M. vitrata.  相似文献   

豆野螟成虫行为学特征及性信息素产生与释放节律   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
豆野螟Maruca vitrata (Fabricius)是一种严重的泛热带豆类蔬菜害虫。本文在(29±1)℃、相对湿度75%~80%、光周期14L∶10D条件下研究了豆野螟成虫的羽化、交尾行为以及雌蛾性信息素的释放节律。结果表明:其羽化行为全天可见,在雌蛾中,86%于暗期羽化; 在雄蛾中,73%于暗期羽化。雌雄蛾羽化行为在暗期第4、5和8 h差异达到显著 (t>4; P<0.05)。交尾活动发生在暗期19:00到5:00之间,交尾持续时间最短约为20 min,最长约为90 min,3日龄进入暗期第5 h具有最高的交尾率。1、6和7日龄成虫具有单个交尾高峰,2到5日龄成虫具有两个交尾高峰。同一日龄成虫交尾在暗期前半段平均花费的时间要明显高于在后半段花费的时间。低龄和高龄的成虫用于交尾的时间明显高于中龄的性成熟成虫。成虫的开始交尾时间随着日龄的增加逐渐前移。雄蛾对进入暗期后第5 h和第9 h处女雌蛾的性腺提取物和空气收集性信息素的触角电位反应最强,对 3日龄处女雌蛾的性腺提取物和空气收集性信息素的触角电位反应最强。处女雌蛾田间诱蛾试验表明:23:00-01:00为诱蛾高峰期,3日龄处女雌蛾的诱蛾效果最好。该蛾的羽化、交尾及性信息素产生与释放均存在节律上的一致性。雌蛾的性信息素释放的时间较长,见于整个暗期,然而交尾行为发生时间较短,主要发生于两个交尾高峰之间。  相似文献   

Abstract: The bean podborer, Maruca vitrata (F.), is a serious pest on leguminous crops in the tropics. There are several natural enemies of M. vitrata present in the Philippines, but none of them suppress pest populations naturally below an economic threshold. The egg parasite Trichogramma evanescens Westwood is commercially available for augmentative biological control and a known parasite of podborer eggs. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of inundative releases of the egg parasite T. evanescens for controlling M. vitrata in the Philippines. In 1999 and 2000, controlled releases of T. evanescens were made in fields of yardlong bean, Vigna unguiculata, during the dry and rainy seasons in Central Luzon, Philippines. Adult populations of M. vitrata were monitored using light traps. Population density of M. vitrata was found to be positively correlated with rainfall and was subsequently higher during the rainy season, relative to that in the dry season. In quality control experiments, emergence of locally available T. evanescens was found to be highly variable between years, 72% in 1999 and 58% in 2000. The percentage of female parasites was 54% in both years. Survival of T. evanescens in the laboratory after 7 days was found to be only 29 and 21% in 1999 and 2000, respectively. Four parasite releases (each 150 000 wasps per hectare) spaced 7 days apart during the reproductive stage of V. unguiculata were made in three 5 × 5 m plots. Host finding efficacy was identified by exposing M. vitrata eggs laid on cowpea leaves in rearing chambers for 24 h in the fields. Percentage parasitism was higher during the dry season, relative to that in the rainy seasons. In release plots, parasitism increased by 53% during dry and by 43% during rainy season compared with control plots. Despite significant reductions in larval numbers during the dry season, no difference in percentages of pods damaged was found. In the rainy season, the number of larvae per plant and the percentage of pods damaged by M. vitrata larvae were not reduced by T. evanescens releases. The experimental results are critically discussed as a possible part of an integrated pest management system.  相似文献   

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