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基因工程作为现代生命科学研究的前沿,是生物技术专业的必修主干课程之一。为了加强学生综合素质培养,根据当前基因工程实验教学现状,通过完善教学方法、优化实验内容、开放科研实验室等措施,调动学生学习热情,提高实验教学质量,以达到创新应用型人才培养的目的。  相似文献   

通过对生物技术专业学生《生物技术概论》课程"自探共研"课堂教学模式的探索,我们改革了传统课堂教学模式,指导学生在自主学习的基础上进行自主探究与合作研讨。通过营造全新的课堂模式,确立了学生的主体地位,提高了课堂的教学效率,更有利于学生系统地掌握知识、培养技能、形成创新意识,实现了高等教育中创新人才的培养目标。  相似文献   

荚荣  尹若春 《生物学杂志》2013,30(1):103-105
生物技术是一门多学科相互交叉渗透、实践性和应用性很强的新兴综合性学科,已经为国家的经济建设和社会发展作出重要贡献。为了培养符合21世纪生物技术产业发展需要的、适应社会市场发展需求的生物技术专业人才,我院从人才培养目标、人才培养方案、教学实践体系、创新精神和创新能力的培养以及师资队伍建设等方面,进行了积极的探索与实践,构建符合时代发展需求的人才培养新模式。  相似文献   

如何利用地方特色与优势资源完成转型发展是目前地方本科院校亟需解决的重要问题。湖南科技学院化学与生物工程学院近年围绕校企合作,通过优化专业课程体系,创新合作形式,重塑实践教学体系,建设"双师双能型"师资队伍,实施课堂教学改革等系统性措施,发挥地方优势与特色产业资源在人才培养中的作用,构建切实可行、互惠互利的新型生物学专业校企融合人才培养模式,显著提高了人才培养质量。  相似文献   

生物技术领域技术创新与成果转化类基地平台是开展生物技术关键技术研究,推动应用示范、成果转化及产业化的重要载体。通过对近年来我国生物技术领域技术创新与成果转化类基地平台发展现状进行梳理分析,探讨基地平台在促进生物技术创新与转化中的作用,总结优势和不足,为其今后的发展建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

正英国凭借雄厚的工业基础、一流的人才培养体系、良好的科技创新创业环境和完善的科研体系,引领着世界科技的创新发展,即使在日益加剧的国际竞争和脱欧带来的负面影响下,仍在多个领域引领世界科技创新潮流,特别是在生命科学和生物技术领域,英国一直稳居世界前列水平。1英国引领世界生物技术领域的创新发展英国是生命科学与生物技术领域的强国,在其发布的多个规划中,均强调要稳固英国在生命科学与生物技术领域的优势地位。1. 1学科优势明显  相似文献   

为适应高职人才培养模式的改革需要,实现培养高层次技术应用型人才的培养目标。对高职医学检验专业微生物学检验技术课程的教材、教学内容、教学方法、考核方法等进行了一系列探索和改革。调动了学生的学习兴趣,提高了学生学习的积极性和主动性,培养了学生的创新精神与实践能力,教学质量有了明显的提高。  相似文献   

杨明  周桔 《生物工程学报》2022,38(11):4027-4034
随着工程生物学、基因编辑等共性技术的快速发展,工业生物技术领域的颠覆式创新在低碳合成、未来食品、药物开发等工业生物技术领域不断取得颠覆式创新,支撑了生物产业高质量创新发展。工业生物技术正在为变革传统工业制造模式,构建碳中性工业制造路线形成重要科技支撑。本文从战略规划、创新机构、人才建设、基础研究、科技创新、产业推进等方面系统介绍了中国科学院在工业生物技术领域的整体安排、建制化研发与科技进展,并提出了加快工业生物技术发展的建议。  相似文献   

应用型本科院校生物工程专业产学研人才培养模式探索   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着产学研紧密结合的提出,高校人才培养模式必须与之适应。作为我国高等教育的新生力量―应用型本科院校,生物工程专业在人才培养模式设置过程中,应以产学研基地建设为契机,以培养学生实际应用能力和专业分析能力为核心,不断进行改革和创新。本文以徐州工程学院生物工程专业为例,总结以往产学研合作教育经验,分析了人才培养模式相关问题,指出了应用型本科院校生物工程专业实施产学研合作教育的实践过程。  相似文献   

德国:全方位推进生物科技及产业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国是欧洲第一经济大国,对生物科技一贯十分重视,希望生物技术产业成为继汽车、机械制造之后的第三大产业。促进基础研究和产业化开发;注重发挥自身的优势抢占生命科学前沿制高点;实施一系列科技计划全方位推进生物科技创新;着力后备人才培养;依托区域优势和凸显区域特色,多层面促进生物技术产业发展;政府十分重视工业生物技术的发展,大力扶持创新型生物技术企业。  相似文献   

以《应用生物化学技术》实验课教学改革为平台,设计并实践了创新培养的教学模式。注重以学生为本,注重创新思维和创新能力的训练,倡导自主探究学习,为培养高素质的综合人才创造良好的氛围,受到了学生的认可和欢迎。  相似文献   

The immense cave of Dadong is located in the southernmost part of China in Guizhou Province. Opening to the east, it contains typically cryoclastic deposits alternating with soliflucted clays in a several meters’ thick sequence. Several excavation seasons have been conducted by Chinese colleagues since 1991 and a series of dates was obtained by an international team. The material presented here comes from a chronological phase between 300 and 130 ka, a period equivalent to the Middle Pleistocene, represented here by rich evidence of technological activities and abundant fauna, the stegodon in particular. In southern China, many sites show the same methods as at Dadong-Panxian, essentially core reduction to obtain large Levallois flakes. These sites, found across the south, all apply a very elaborate method to extremely hard stone, primarily basalt. The massiveness of the tools corresponds to the concept of the tools themselves, more violent even than the stones. The human mind that was able to organize these different phases in a precise and effective order arises universally, it overcomes all of the mechanical constraints of stone and imposes its laws on it. This technological unit so impresses the modern observer that it has often been interpreted as the result of waves of migration with limited diffusion. However, such systematic emergence manifests only spiritual capacities, also distributed globally. Somewhat like inventing the bow or the hammer, the mechanical constraints “carry” humanity toward similar material formulas. The availability of raw materials remains an adjustable material element, but without causing the essential structure that went into its use. Thus, the Levallois method is found in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (Admiralty Islands), in Africa (the Victoria West industry) and even in South. Like the invention of writing or agriculture, no cultural link connects these regions; the method develops spontaneously and convergently from the human mind, adapted to new constraints. The Chinese Levallois thus does not belong to a diffusion mode, but to several emergences, penetrated by the human mind in the constraints introduced between the mechanical laws of stone and the entirely universal intentions of humans to seek effectiveness and freedom.  相似文献   

This case study describes a classroom-based questionnaire that was carried out with a group of 36 high school students (17–18 years old) in Catalonia. The aim was to examine the usefulness of questionnaires focused on scientific inquiry, both to evaluate students’ inquiry abilities and for their potential as tools to improve the understanding of these processes. The questionnaire refers to procedural understanding within the field of enzyme kinetics. Rubrics for scoring the questionnaire were developed to standardise data analysis. Results showed ambiguous identification of the inquiry question and difficulties in formulating accurate hypotheses and identifying the independent variable. The greatest difficulties appeared in the control variables and the methodology design; misunderstandings related to the underlying scientific concepts were also identified. Questionnaires like the one used in this case study can be useful tools for formative assessment and allow fundamental aspects of scientific inquiry processes to be tackled in less time because they do not involve hands-on activities but instead combine scientific practices with core disciplinary ideas.  相似文献   

Griffing's diallel analysis is used in plant improvement programs to identify superior parents for crossing and for characterizing general, specific, and reciprocal effects. Eight different model/method combinations are commonly used in the analysis. The accuracy of the analysis is improved by using the appropriate model and method. In many instances, Model One with Method Three or Four is the most appropriate for obtaining unbiased estimates of combining abilities and gene action. The effective use of Griffing's analysis and the influence of several factors on this analysis are discussed. A personal computer program on this analysis is also made available to interested readers.  相似文献   

本文通过16s rDNA鉴定获得4株植物乳杆菌,并以HT29细胞为体外黏附筛选模型,进一步探讨了这些菌株粘附能力与表面疏水性、自聚共聚能力等表型特征的相关性。结果表明,植物乳杆菌AR326菌株对HT29细胞的粘附性最强,并显示高度的自聚性(25%)和共聚性(25%),但其表面疏水性偏低(15%);通过相关性分析发现,植物乳杆菌的自聚性和共聚性与HT29细胞粘附性呈显著相关性(r=1.0和0.8,p0.05),但表面疏水性、自凝聚性和共聚性两两之间并无显著相关性(p0.05)。本研究结果为建立快速筛选高粘附性植物乳杆菌的方法及其菌株在体内定植和分布研究提供一定参考依据。  相似文献   

A survey for protostelids from old-growth beech forests of northeastern Germany resulted in 14 species found in both ground and aerial litter, constituting the first survey of these organisms from Central Europe. Additionally the myxomycete Echinostelium bisporum was recorded as new for Germany. A detailed investigation of randomly sampled dead Fagus leaves (16 leaves on ground, 16 aerial leaves, three replicate cultures per leaf) resulted in 7 species; a hyperbolic regression of the respective species accumulation curve gives the theoretical value of 8.3 species. Protostelids occurred especially at aerial leaves with a high frequency (0.94). A program simulating random spore hits was written to calculate the minimum spore fallout necessary to explain this frequency. The resulting average value of about 3 spores per leaf can well be matched by the potential spore productivity estimated to be about 1000 spores per leaf for the most common species, Protostelium mycophaga.  相似文献   

Androgens are known to affect cognitive functions via organizational and activational effects. It is unknown whether the effects are mediated via the androgen receptor or after conversion to estradiol with aromatase via estrogen receptors. The aim of our study was to find out whether testosterone affects spatial memory directly or through its metabolite estradiol. Rats were treated with testosterone; with testosterone and the aromatase blocker anastrozole or saline. An 8 radial arm maze was used for testing spatial memory twice daily for 4 days. Each arm was baited with food, and the ability of animals to learn the location of food was assessed. Testosterone treated rats and control rats achieved comparable coefficients of spatial memory, although the plasma levels of testosterone differed markedly. Anastrozole treatment resulted in the worst performance in the maze. The differences between groups did not reach the level of significance. It can be concluded that aromatase and, thus, the conversion of testosterone to estradiol may play a role in spatial memory, as pharmacological blockade of aromatase led to a decrease in maze performace of adult male rats. Detailed molecular mechanisms should be the focus of further studies.  相似文献   

During recent years, a large number of studies on the effects of electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular mobile phones on human cognitive performance have been carried out. However, the results have been ambiguous. We carried out the current meta‐analysis in order to investigate the impact of electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones on human cognition. Seventeen studies were included in the meta‐analysis as they fulfill several requirements such as single‐ or double‐blind experimental study design, and documentation of means and standard deviations of dependent variables. The meta‐analysis was carried out as a group comparison between exposed and non‐exposed subjects. No significant effects of electromagnetic fields emitted by Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) mobile phones were found. Cognitive abilities seem to be neither impaired nor facilitated. Results of the meta‐analysis suggest that a substantial short‐term impact of high frequency electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones on cognitive performance can essentially be ruled out. Bioelectromagnetics 33:159–165, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

郑剑锋 《生物学杂志》2005,22(1):56-57,64
在初中综合科学“水的净化”教学过程中,本着“以人为本、培养能力”为宗旨,进行探究性教学实验。通过营造探究氛围、自主设计实验、评选优秀学习小组和形成性评价等过程,培养了学生自主学习、主动探究的能力,对于提高师生的素养不失为一种积极的探索。  相似文献   

植物学课程教学与学生创新能力培养的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从课堂教学、实验教学、实践及科技活动四个方面,总结多年的教学经验,介绍了植物教学中培养学生创新能力的一些具体方法。  相似文献   

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