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In batch culture in a complex medium the killer yeasts NCYC 738 and NCYC 235 gave maximal killer activity when grown in the pH ranges 4·2–4·4 and 4·6–4·8 respectively. Incubation of culture filtrates of NCYC 738 for 10 h at 25 °C or 2 h at 29 °C resulted in a 50% reduction in activity. The addition of bovine serum albumin or gelatine to a complex medium stabilized killer activity. In a defined medium the addition of yeast extract stimulated the production of killer activity. When killer yeast NCYC 738 was grown in a chemostat, killer activity was influenced by temperature, pH and the rate at which the culture was stirred. The production of killer activity was growth-linked and increased as dilution rate was raised to a maximum of 0·15 h"1. Steady state continuous cultures of the sensitive strain, NCYC 1006, were contaminated deliberately with either killer or killer-cured strains. During the first 30 h cultivation, the cell concentration of both strains increased. Subsequently the sensitive strain was displaced from the culture. When killer-cured NCYC 738 was added, the rate of displacement was proportional to the culture temperature. However, with killer NCYC 738 increase of temperature reduced the rate of displacement. When killer NCYC 235 was employed, a lowering of pH decreased the rate of displacement but had no effect when killer-cured NCYC 235 was used.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae K2 toxin is a highly active extracellular protein, important as a biocontrol agent for biotechnological applications in the wine industry. This protein is produced at negligible levels in yeast, making difficult to isolate it in amounts sufficient for investigation and generation of analysis tools. In this work, we demonstrate the use of a bacterial system for expression of the recombinant K2 protein, suitable for generation of antibodies specific for toxin of the yeast origin. Synthesis of the full-length S. cerevisiae K2 preprotoxin in Escherichia coli was found to be toxic to the host cell, resulting in diminished growth. Such effect was abolished by the introduction of the C-terminal truncation into K2 protein, directing it into non-toxic inclusion body fraction. The obtained protein is of limited solubility thus, facilitating the purification by simple and efficient chromatography-free procedure. The protein aggregates were successfully refolded into a soluble form yielding sufficient amounts of a tag-less truncated K2 protein suitable for polyclonal antibody production. Antibodies were raised in rabbit and found to be specific for detection of both antigen and native S. cerevisiae K2 toxin.  相似文献   

Various histone modifications are widely associated with gene expression, but their functional selectivity at individual genes remains to be characterized. Here, we identify widespread differences between genome-wide patterns of two prominent marks, H3K9ac and H3K4me3, in budding yeasts. As well as characteristic gene profiles, relative modification levels vary significantly amongst genes, irrespective of expression. Interestingly, we show that these differences couple to contrasting features: higher methylation to essential, periodically expressed, ‘DPN’ (Depleted Proximal Nucleosome) genes, and higher acetylation to non-essential, responsive, ‘OPN’ (Occupied Proximal Nucleosome) genes. Thus, H3K4me3 may generally associate with expression stability, and H3K9ac, with variability. To evaluate this notion, we examine their association with expression divergence between the closely related species, S. cerevisiae and S. paradoxus. Although individually well conserved at orthologous genes, changes between modifications are mostly uncorrelated, indicating largely non-overlapping regulatory mechanisms. Notably, we find that inter-species differences in methylation, but not acetylation, are well correlated with expression changes, thereby proposing H3K4me3 as a candidate regulator of expression divergence. Taken together, our results suggest distinct evolutionary roles for expression-linked modifications, wherein H3K4me3 may contribute to stabilize average expression, whilst H3K9ac associates with more indirect aspects such as responsiveness.  相似文献   

The current through TOK1 (YKC1), the outward-rectifying K+ channel in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was amplified by expressing TOK1 from a plasmid driven by a strong constitutive promoter. TOK1 so hyper-expressed could overcome the K+ auxotrophy of a mutant missing the two K+ transporters, TRK1 and TRK2. This trk1Δtrk2Δ double mutant hyperexpressing the TOK1 transgene had a higher internal K+ content than one expressing the empty plasmid. We examined protoplasts of these TOK1-hyperexpressing cells under a patch clamp. Besides the expected K+ outward current activating at membrane potential (V m ) above the K+ equilibrium potential (E K+ ), a small inward current was consistently observed when the V m was slightly below E K+ . The inward and the outward currents are similar in their activation rates, deactivation rates, ion specificities and Ba2+ inhibition, indicating that they flow through the same channel. Thus, the yeast outwardly rectifying K+ channel can take up K+ into yeast cells, at least under certain conditions. Received: 1 October 1998/Revised: 9 December 1998  相似文献   

The occurrence of killer yeasts in an area of Tuscany (central Italy) was studied. Killer yeasts were found in 88% of spontaneous wine fermentations from 18 wineries. The incidence of killers varied with respect to fermentation stage and vintage period, increasing from the first vintage to successive ones and from the commencement to the end of fermentation. At the end of fermentation, the proportion of killer strains relative to total yeast population was below 25% in 15 cases, above 75% in 6 cases, from 25 to 50% in 5 cases, and from 50 to 75% in 3 cases. Karyotype analysis also showed a mixed killer population in the fermentations in which the killers dominated.  相似文献   

This study quantifies the effects of naturally occurring X-linked variation on immune response in Drosophila melanogaster to assess associations between immunity genotypes and innate immune response. We constructed a set of 168 X-chromosomal extraction lines, incorporating X chromosomes from a natural population into co-isogenic autosomal backgrounds, and genotyped the lines at 88 SNPs in 20 X-linked immune genes. We find that genetic variation in many of the genes is associated with immune response phenotypes, including bacterial load and immune gene expression. Many of the associations act in a sex-specific or sexually antagonistic manner, supporting the theory that with the selective pressures facing genes on the X chromosome, sexually antagonistic variation may be more easily maintained.THE deep evolutionary conservation of many specific genes in innate immunity underscores the potent forces of natural selection maintaining this vital function. While it is widely accepted as the ancestral form of immune response, its role in the activation of adaptive immune response further motivates investigation into variation in its function (Medzhitov and Janeway 1997). Drosophila has been used as a valuable model organism to identify and characterize functions of the components of innate immune pathways as well as the evolutionary patterns present among the genes comprising these pathways (reviewed in Brennan and Anderson 2004; Irving et al. 2004; Ferrandon et al. 2007). The humoral response, resulting in the production of antimicrobial peptides in response to bacterial or fungal infection, relies mainly on Toll and imd signal transduction pathways, both of which are highly homologous to pathways in mammalian immunity (reviewed in Kimbrell and Beutler 2001). The cellular component, on the other hand, incorporates phagocytic engulfment as well as melanization and encapsulation of infecting particles. While less well defined in the Drosophila model, portions of other systems also appear to affect the effectiveness of immune response, including JAK/STAT and JNK signaling pathways, hematopoesis, and iron metabolism.Population genetic analysis can be used to determine whether sequence polymorphism and divergence patterns among Drosophila genes in innate immune pathways are consistent with signatures of selection acting within and between species of flies. If, for example, the innate immune pathways are involved in an evolutionary “arms race” with pathogenic organisms, genes in these pathways would be expected to show signs of positive selection driven by evolutionary pressure to counter virulence mechanisms of invading microbes. When signs of selection (as inferred from sequence comparisons within Drosophila simulans populations and between D. simulans and D. melanogaster) in immune genes and nonimmune genes were evaluated, immune genes as a group were found to have higher KA/KS ratios than nonimmune genes, providing evidence for elevated adaptive evolution (Schlenke and Begun 2003). Since receptor, effector, and signaling proteins function in different portions of the immune response pathways, these may be exposed to differing levels of contact with invading microbes and may display nonuniform levels of functional redundancy or pleiotropy. Thus, genes from different functional groups may be exposed to distinct selective pressures. Antimicrobial peptides, which might be expected to encounter unique selective pressures due to their direct interactions with invading microbes, have shown little sign of positive selection, bearing low levels of amino acid divergence (Clark and Wang 1997; Date et al. 1998; Ramos-Onsins and Aguadé 1998; Lazzaro and Clark 2003). Furthermore, sequence analyses of immune-related receptors have shown evidence for purifying selection in peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs), while others, including some scavenger receptors (SRs), appear to be rapidly evolving under pressures consistent with positive selection (Jiggins and Hurst 2003; Lazzaro 2005). On a deeper evolutionary timescale, sequence comparisons between immune genes in multiple Drosophila species (based on full-genome sequence data) have shown striking differences among functional groups of immune genes, with recognition molecules showing much more positive selection than either signaling or effector genes (Sackton et al. 2007).Beyond using sequence data and the analysis of polymorphism and divergence to infer levels and modes of selection that have previously acted on immune genes (either individually or in functional groups), other studies have investigated correlations between autosomal variation in genotype and immune response phenotype in natural populations of Drosophila (Lazzaro et al. 2004, 2006). These experiments tested associations between naturally occurring genetic variation in immune-related genes and postinfection bacterial load. In these studies, genetic variation in many of the immune genes was found to associate significantly with one or more of the bacterial load phenotypes. Specifically, polymorphisms in autosomal genes encoding recognition and signaling proteins (but not antimicrobial peptides) associate consistently with bacterial load phenotypes, suggesting that not all functional classes of immune-related genes harbor equally influential genetic variation.The focus of this study is X-linked immune genes, which may be under unique regulatory and selective pressures simply because they are hemizygous in males, are dosage compensated, and face elevated influence of random genetic drift due to their smaller effective population size. As a consequence, the X chromosome should favor the more rapid fixation of beneficial recessive alleles and more rapid loss of harmful recessive alleles compared to the autosomes (Charlesworth et al. 1987; Singh et al. 2008). Thus, with different selective pressures compared to autosomal genes, X-linked immunity genes are expected to bear different standing levels of variation, and segregating polymorphisms in these genes may have different impacts on phenotype.Different exposures of X-linked genes to selection in males and females can also contribute to sexual dimorphism. Rice (1984) suggested that X-linked sexually antagonistic alleles may more freely influence sexually dimorphic traits than can those on autosomes. In fact, the X chromosome appears to favor the maintenance of sexually antagonistic variation (Gibson et al. 2002); if a given allele is slightly deleterious in one sex, it may be maintained in the population by being beneficial to the other sex. Immune-related genes may be particularly prone to bearing sexual dimorphism in Drosophila, since males and females have been shown to have different evolutionary optima for energetic expenditure on immune response, and thus their respective immune responses may differ on the basis of conditions such as food or reproductive resource availability (McKean and Nunney 2001, 2005). If sexually antagonistic traits are responsible for some of the observed sexual dimorphism, variation in X-linked genes could contribute to phenotypic differences, and so X-linked variation in immune genes could face unique selective pressures.In this report we investigate the standing levels of variation in X-linked immune genes in natural populations of D. melanogaster and quantify the impacts of that variation on immune response phenotypes. We genotyped 168 lines at single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across 20 X-linked immunity loci and quantified postinfection bacterial load and immune gene expression phenotypes. We found significant variation across the lines for bacterial load after infection, and we were able to identify polymorphisms in immune-related genes that associate with immune response phenotypes individually and in interacting pairs of SNPs. Additionally, some of the genetic variation was found to associate with a sex difference in immune competence, with alleles acting in either a sex-specific or a sexually antagonistic manner. This provides evidence for X-linked genetic variation in immune-related loci associating with both phenotypic variation among lines and sex differences in these phenotypes.  相似文献   

MADS-box基因家族基因重复及其功能的多样性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基因的重复(duplication)及其功能的多样性(diversification)为生物体新的形态进化提供了原材料。MADS-box基因在植物(特别是被子植物)的进化过程中发生了大规模的基因重复事件而形成一个多基因家族。MADS-box基因家族的不同成员在植物生长发育过程中起着非常重要的作用,在调控开花时间、决定花分生组织和花器官特征以及调控根、叶、胚珠及果实的发育中起着广泛的作用。探讨MADS-box基因家族的进化历史有助于深入了解基因重复及随后其功能分化的过程和机制。本文综述了MADS-box基因家族基因重复及其功能分化式样的研究进展。  相似文献   

Family of Tc1-like elements from fish genomes and horizontal transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pocwierz-Kotus A  Burzynski A  Wenne R 《Gene》2007,390(1-2):243-251
The involvement of horizontal transfer (HT) in the evolution of vertebrate transposable elements (TEs) is a matter of an ongoing debate. The phylogenetic relationships between Tc1 TEs, based on limited dataset have been previously used to infer a case of Tc1 HT between the genomes of fish and frogs. Here this hypothesis has been critically evaluated by the experimental approach including comparative data on the range of fish species available today. The distribution of a Tc1 subfamily of TE in selected fish species was investigated by PCR with a single primer complementary to ITRs and showed that they are widespread in the studied 17 fish species. They belong to five different subfamilies of Tc1 TEs, as revealed by the comparison with current genomic data for fish and amphibians. The original hypothesis would get much weaker support from the current data, although at least one novel potential and more convincing case of HT was identified between genomes of Perciformes fish. An interesting case of recombination-driven mobilisation of a degenerated TE by distantly related TE from different subfamily was discovered in the genome of pike. The occurrence of such cases widens the range of TE elements identifiable with the employed experimental approach. Further similar studies would help to explain the evolution of the multiple Tc1 lineages including species for which full genome sequences will not be available soon.  相似文献   

RAB guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) are key regulators of vesicle trafficking and are essential to the growth and development of all eukaryotic cells. During evolution, the RAB family has expanded in different patterns to facilitate distinct cellular, developmental and physiological adaptations. Yeast has only 11 family members, whereas mammalian RABs have expanded to 18 RAB subfamilies. Plant RABs have diversified primarily by duplicating members within a single subfamily. Plant RABs are divided into eight subfamilies, corresponding to mammalian RAB1, RAB2, RAB5, RAB6, RAB7, RAB8, RAB11 and RAB18. Functional diversification of these is exemplified by the RAB1 ls, orthologs of which are partitioned into unique cell compartments in plants where they function to transport vesicles during localized tip growth. Similarly, the RAB2 family in grasses is likely involved in vesicle secretion associated with wall expansion, as determined by analysis of over-expression mutants. We propose that dicots and monocots have also diverged in their RAB profiles to accommodate unique cellular functions between the two groups. Here we present a bioinformatics analysis comparing the RAB sub-families of rice, maize and Arabidopsis. These results will guide future functional studies to test for the role of diversification of subfamilies unique to monocots compared to dicots.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage K1F specifically infects Escherichia coli strains that produce the K1 polysaccharide capsule. Like several other K1 capsule-specific phages, K1F encodes an endo-neuraminidase (endosialidase) that is part of the tail structure which allows the phage to recognize and degrade the polysaccharide capsule. The complete nucleotide sequence of the K1F genome reveals that it is closely related to bacteriophage T7 in both genome organization and sequence similarity. The most striking difference between the two phages is that K1F encodes the endosialidase in the analogous position to the T7 tail fiber gene. This is in contrast with bacteriophage K1-5, another K1-specific phage, which encodes a very similar endosialidase which is part of a tail gene "module" at the end of the phage genome. It appears that diverse phages have acquired endosialidase genes by horizontal gene transfer and that these genes or gene products have adapted to different genome and virion architectures.  相似文献   

The S elements form a diverse family of long-inverted-repeat transposons within the genome of Drosophila melanogaster. These elements vary in size and sequence, the longest consisting of 1736 bp with 234-bp inverted terminal repeats. The longest open reading frame in an intact S element could encode a 345-amino acid polypeptide. This polypeptide is homologous to the transposases of the mariner-Tc1 superfamily of transposable elements. S elements are ubiquitous in D. melanogaster populations and also appear to be present in the genomes of two sibling species; however, they seem to be absent from 17 other Drosophila species that were examined. Within D. melanogaster strains, there are, on average, 37.4 cytologically detectable S elements per diploid genome. These elements are scattered throughout the chromosomes, but several sites in both the euchromatin and β heterochromatin are consistently occupied. The discovery of an S-element-insertion mutation and a reversion of this mutation indicates that S elements are at least occasionally mobile in the D. melanogaster genome. These elements seem to insert at an AT dinucleotide within a short palindrome and apparently duplicate that dinucleotide upon insertion.  相似文献   

VPS9 domains can act as guanosine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) against small G proteins of the Rab5 family. Saccharomyces cerevisiae vps9Δ mutants have trafficking defects considerably less severe than multiple deletions of the three cognate Rab5 paralogs (Vps21, Ypt52, and Ypt53). Here, we show that Muk1, which also contains a VPS9 domain, acts as a second GEF against Vps21, Ypt52, and Ypt53. Muk1 is partially redundant with Vps9 in vivo, with vps9Δ muk1Δ double mutant cells displaying hypersensitivity to temperature and ionic stress, as well as profound impairments in endocytic and Golgi endosome trafficking, including defects in sorting through the multivesicular body. Cells lacking both Vps9 and Muk1 closely phenocopy double and triple knock-out strains lacking Rab5 paralogs. Microscopy and overexpression experiments demonstrate that Vps9 and Muk1 have distinct localization determinants. These experiments establish Muk1 as the second Rab5 GEF in budding yeast.  相似文献   

类LSD1 (LSD1-like)基因家族是一类特殊的C2C2型锌指蛋白基因,编码植物特有的转录因子.目前已经研究的2个成员拟南芥LSD1(1esions stimulating disease resistance 1)和LOL1(LSD-One-Like 1)基因均参与植物细胞程序化死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)的调控.从水稻cDNA文库中克隆到1个类LSD1基因,命名为OsLSD1.该基因长988 bp,包含一个432bp的开放阅读框,推导的氨基酸序列(143个氨基酸)含有3个内部保守的锌指结构域.DNA印迹结果表明OsLSD1基因在水稻基因组中为单拷贝,且在根、茎和叶中表达.借助于生物信息学分析技术,从拟南芥和水稻数据库中各识别出5个和7个(包括OsLSD1)类LSD1基因.分析了这些类LSD1基因的结构,蛋白质结构域组成.系统进化分析表明,无论基于编码区的核苷酸或氨基酸序列都可以将这些类LSD1基因分为2类.虽然不存在拟南芥或水稻特有的类LSD1蛋白,但有些结构域是水稻所特有的,也有些基因是来源于复制事件.  相似文献   

Diversification Pattern of the HMG and SOX Family Members During Evolution   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
From a database containing the published HMG protein sequences, we constructed an alignment of the HMG box functional domain based on sequence identity. Due to the large number of sequences (more than 250) and the short size of this domain, several data sets were used. This analysis reveals that the HMG box superfamily can be separated into two clearly defined subfamilies: (i) the SOX/MATA/TCF family, which clusters proteins able to bind to specific DNA sequences; and (ii) the HMG/UBF family, which clusters members which bind non specifically to DNA. The appearance and diversification of these subfamilies largely predate the split between the yeast and the metazoan lineages. Particular emphasis was placed on the analysis of the SOX subfamily. For the first time our analysis clearly identified the SOX subfamily as structured in six groups of genes named SOX5/6, SRY, SOX2/3, SOX14, SOX4/22, and SOX9/18. The validity of these gene clusters is confirmed by their functional characteristics and their sequences outside the HMG box. In sharp contrast, there are only a few robust branching patterns inside the UBF/HMG family, probably because of the much more ancient diversification of this family than the diversification of the SOX family. The only consistent groups that can be detected by our analysis are HMG box 1, vertebrate HMG box 2, insect SSRP, and plant HMG. The various UBF boxes cannot be clustered together and their diversification appears to be extremely ancient, probably before the appearance of metazoans. Received: 20 July 1998 / Accepted: 19 October 1998  相似文献   

Scorpions have survived successfully over millions of years without detectable changes in their morphology. Instead, they have developed an efficient alomonal machinery and a stinging device supporting their needs for prey and defense. They produce a large variety of polypeptidic toxins that bind and modulate ion channel conductance in excitable tissues. The binding site, mode of action, and chemical properties of many toxins have been studied extensively, but little is known about their genomic organization and diversity. Genes representing each of the major classes of Buthidae scorpion toxins, namely, ``long' toxins, affecting sodium channels (alpha, depressant, and excitatory), and ``short' toxins, affecting potassium and chloride channels, were isolated from a single scorpion segment and analyzed. Each toxin type was found to be encoded by a gene family. Regardless of toxin length, 3-D structure, and site of action, all genes contain A+T-rich introns that split, at a conserved location, an amino acid codon of the signal sequence. The introns vary in length and sequence but display identical boundaries, agree with the GT/AG splice junctions, and contain T-runs downstream of a putative branch point, 5′-TAAT-3′. Despite little sequence similarity among all toxin classes, the conserved gene organization, intron features, and common cysteine-stabilized α-helical (CSH) core connecting an α-helix to a three-stranded β-sheet suggest, that they all evolved from an ancestral common progenitor. Furthermore, the vast diversity found among genomic copies, cDNAs, and their protein products for each toxin suggests an extensive evolutionary process of the scorpion ``pharmaceutical factory,' whose success is due, most likely, to the inherent permissiveness of the toxin exterior to structural alterations. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 30 July 1998  相似文献   

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