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The TLPSOES parameters were optimized by response surface methodology using Box–Behnken design, which were 16.5% w/w of ammonium citrate, 17.5% w/w of ethanol, and 46% w/w of n‐hexane at 70 min of stirring time. Under optimized conditions the extraction efficiency attained was 90.91 ± 0.97% of EPA, 90.02 ± 1.04% of DHA, and 91.85 ± 1.11% of KO in the top n‐hexane phase. The highest extraction efficiency of proteins and flavonoids, i.e. 88.34 ± 1.35% and 79.67 ± 1.13%, was recorded in the solid interface and ethanol phase, respectively. The KO extracted by TLPSOES system consisted of lowest fluoride level compared to the conventional method and whole wet krill biomass. The TLPSOES is a potential candidate for nutraceutical industry of KO extraction from wet krill biomass.  相似文献   

The utility of elevational gradients as tools to test either ecological hypotheses and delineate elevation‐associated environmental factors that explain the species diversity patterns is critical for moss species conservation. We examined the elevational patterns of species richness and evaluated the effects of spatial and environmental factors on moss species predicted a priori by alternative hypotheses, including mid‐domain effect (MDE), habitat complexity, energy, and environment proposed to explain the variation of diversity. Last, we assessed the contribution of elevation toward explaining the heterogeneity among sampling sites. We observed the hump‐shaped distribution pattern of species richness along elevational gradient. The MDE and the habitat complexity hypothesis were supported with MDE being the primary driver for richness patterns, whereas little support was found for the energy and the environmental factors.  相似文献   

Based on a mathematical model, I show that the amount of food in the habitat determines which among alternative methods for search of prey, respectively, for pursuit‐and‐capture give the shortest daily foraging time. The higher the locomotor activity, the higher the rate of energy expenditure and the larger the habitat space a predator can search for prey per time unit. Therefore, I assume that the more efficient a foraging method is, the higher its rate of energy expenditure. Survival selection favors individuals that use foraging methods that cover their energy needs in the shortest possible time. Therefore, I take the optimization criterion to be minimization of the daily foraging time or, equivalently, maximization of the rate of net energy gain. When time is limiting and food is in short supply, as during food bottleneck periods, low‐efficiency, low‐cost foraging methods give shorter daily foraging times than high‐efficiency, energy‐expensive foraging methods. When time is limiting, food is abundant and energy needs are large, as during reproduction, high‐efficiency high‐cost foraging methods give shorter daily foraging times than low‐efficiency low‐cost foraging methods. When time is not limiting, food is abundant, and energy needs are small, the choice of foraging method is not critical. Small animals have lower rates of energy expenditure for locomotion than large animals. At a given food density and with similar diet, small animals are therefore more likely than large ones to minimize foraging time by using high‐efficiency energy‐expansive foraging methods and to exploit patches and sites that require energy‐demanding locomotion modes. Survival selection takes place at food shortages, while low‐efficiency low‐cost foraging methods are used, whereas reproduction selection occurs when food is abundant and high‐efficiency energy‐expensive foraging methods do better. In seasonal environments, selection therefore acts on different foraging methods at different times. Morphological adaptation to one method may oppose adaptation to another. Such conflicts select against foraging and morphological specialization and tend to give species‐poor communities of year‐round resident generalists. But a stable year‐round food supply favors specialization, niche narrowing, and dense species packing.  相似文献   

A primary means of conserving a species or a habitat in a human‐dominated landscape is through promoting coexistence with humans while minimizing conflict. For this, we should understand how wildlife is impacted by direct and indirect human activities. Such information is rare in areas with high human densities. To investigate how animals respond to altered ecological conditions in human‐dominated landscapes, we focused on a wild herbivore of conservation concern in the Krishnasaar Conservation Area (KrCA) in Nepal. Here, blackbuck Antilope cervicapra, a generalist grazer, lives in refugia located with a growing human population. We studied the impacts of humans on habitat use and behavior of blackbuck. We laid 250 × 250 m grid cells in the entire KrCA and carried out indirect sign surveys with three replications for habitat use assessment. We observed herds of blackbuck for 89 h in different habitat types using scan sampling methods. Our habitat‐use survey showed that habitats under intensive human use were hardly used by blackbuck, even when high‐quality forage was available. Habitat openness was the major predictor of habitat use inside the core area, where levels of human activities were low. We also found a positive correlation between habitat use by blackbuck and livestock. Blackbuck were substantially more vigilant when they were in forest than in grassland, again indicating an influence of risk. Overall, blackbuck appear to be sensitive to the risk associated with both natural and anthropogenic factors. Our findings have direct implications for managing human–wildlife interactions in this landscape, specifically regarding strategies for livestock grazing in habitats highly used by blackbuck and concerning predictions of how changing land use will impact the long‐term persistence of blackbuck. Our work suggests that wild herbivores may be able to persist in landscapes with high human densities so long as there are refuges where human activities are relatively low.  相似文献   

Birds are known to act as potential vectors for the exogenous dispersal of bryophyte diaspores. Given the totipotency of vegetative tissue of many bryophytes, birds could also contribute to endozoochorous bryophyte dispersal. Research has shown that fecal samples of the upland goose (Chloephaga picta) and white‐bellied seedsnipe (Attagis malouinus) contain bryophyte fragments. Although few fragments from bird feces have been known to regenerate, the evidence for the viability of diaspores following passage through the bird intestinal tract remains ambiguous. We evaluated the role of endozoochory in these same herbivorous and sympatric bird species in sub‐Antarctic Chile. We hypothesized that fragments of bryophyte gametophytes retrieved from their feces are viable and capable of regenerating new plant tissue. Eleven feces disk samples containing undetermined moss fragments from C. picta (N = 6) and A. malouinus (N = 5) and six moss fragment samples from wild‐collected mosses (Conostomum tetragonum, Syntrichia robusta, and Polytrichum strictum) were grown ex situ in peat soil and in vitro using a agar Gamborg medium. After 91 days, 20% of fragments from A. malouinus feces, 50% of fragments from C. picta feces, and 67% of propagules from wild mosses produced new growth. The fact that moss diaspores remained viable and can regenerate under experimental conditions following the passage through the intestinal tracts of these robust fliers and altitudinal and latitudinal migrants suggests that sub‐Antarctic birds might play a role in bryophyte dispersal. This relationship may have important implications in the way bryophytes disperse and colonize habitats facing climate change.  相似文献   

  1. Understanding the mechanisms underlying spatial variability of exploited fish is critical for the sustainable management of fish stocks. Empirical studies suggest that size‐selective fishing can elevate fish population spatial variability (i.e., more heterogeneous distribution) through age truncation, making the population less resilient to changing environment. However, species differ in how their spatial variability responds to age truncation and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.
  2. We hypothesize that age‐specific habitat preference, together with environmental carrying capacity and landscape structure, determines the response of population spatial variability to fishing‐induced age truncation. To test these hypotheses, we design an individual‐based model of an age‐structured fish population on a two‐dimensional landscape under size‐selective fishing. Individual fish reproduces and survives, and moves between habitats according to age‐specific habitat preference and density‐dependent habitat selection.
  3. Population spatial variability elevates with increasing age truncation, and the response is stronger for populations with stronger age‐specific habitat preference. On a gradient landscape, reducing carrying capacity elevates the relative importance of density dependence in habitat selection, which weakens the response of spatial variability to age truncation for populations with strong age‐specific habitat preference. On a fragmented landscape, both populations with strong and weak age‐specific habitat preferences are restricted at local optimal habitats, and reducing carrying capacity weakens the responses of spatial variability to age truncation for both populations.
  4. Synthesis and applications. We demonstrate that to track and predict the changes in population spatial variability under exploitation, it is essential to consider the interactive effects of age‐specific habitat preference, carrying capacity, and landscape structure. To improve spatial management in fisheries, it is crucial to enhance empirical and theoretical developments in the methodology to quantify age‐specific habitat preference of marine fish, and to understand how climatic change influences carrying capacity and landscape continuity.

Given the global decline of many invertebrate food resources, it is fundamental to understand the dietary requirements of insectivores. We give new insights into the functional relationship between the spatial habitat use, food availability, and diet of a crepuscular aerial insectivore, the European Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) by relating spatial use data with high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) combined with DNA metabarcoding. Our study supports the predictions that nightjars collect a substantial part of their daily nourishment from foraging locations, sometimes at considerable distance from nesting sites. Lepidopterans comprise 65% of nightjars'' food source. Nightjars tend to select larger species of Lepidoptera (>19 mm) which suggests that nightjars optimize the efficiency of foraging trips by selecting the most energetically favorable—larger—prey items. We anticipate that our findings may shed additional light on the interactions between invertebrate communities and higher trophic levels, which is required to understand the repercussions of changing food resources on individual‐ and population‐level processes.  相似文献   

ObjectivesRecent studies have shown the presence of SARS‐CoV‐2 in the tissues of clinically recovered patients and persistent immune symptoms in discharged patients for up to several months. Pregnant patients were shown to be a high‐risk group for COVID‐19. Based on these findings, we assessed SARS‐CoV‐2 nucleic acid and protein retention in the placentas of pregnant women who had fully recovered from COVID‐19 and cytokine fluctuations in maternal and foetal tissues.Materials and MethodsRemnant SARS‐CoV‐2 in the term placenta was detected using nucleic acid amplification and immunohistochemical staining of the SARS‐CoV‐2 protein. The infiltration of CD14+ macrophages into the placental villi was detected by immunostaining. The cytokines in the placenta, maternal plasma, neonatal umbilical cord, cord blood and amniotic fluid specimens at delivery were profiled using the Luminex assay.ResultsResidual SARS‐CoV‐2 nucleic acid and protein were detected in the term placentas of recovered pregnant women. The infiltration of CD14+ macrophages into the placental villi of the recovered pregnant women was higher than that in the controls. Furthermore, the cytokine levels in the placenta, maternal plasma, neonatal umbilical cord, cord blood and amniotic fluid specimens fluctuated significantly.ConclusionsOur study showed that SARS‐CoV‐2 nucleic acid (in one patient) and protein (in five patients) were present in the placentas of clinically recovered pregnant patients for more than 3 months after diagnosis. The immune responses induced by the virus may lead to prolonged and persistent symptoms in the maternal plasma, placenta, umbilical cord, cord blood and amniotic fluid.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication allows animals to coordinate and optimize resource utilization in space. Cardioderma cor, the heart‐nosed bat, is one of the few species of bats known to sing during nighttime foraging. Previous research found that heart‐nosed bats react aggressively to song playback, supporting the territorial defense hypothesis of singing in this species. We further investigated the territorial defense hypothesis from an ecological standpoint, which predicts that singing should be associated with exclusive areas containing a resource, by tracking 14 individuals nightly during the dry seasons in Tanzania. We quantified the singing behavior of individuals at all perches used throughout the night. Using home range analysis tools, we quantified overall use, night ranges and singing ranges, as well as areas used in early and later time periods at night. Males sang back and forth from small (x¯ = 3.48 ± 2.71 ha), largely exclusive areas that overlapped with overall night ranges used for gleaning prey. Individuals varied in singing effort; however, all sang significantly more as night progressed. Subsequently, areas used earlier at night and overall use areas were both larger than singing areas. Individuals varied in singing strategies. Some males sang for long periods in particular trees and had smaller core areas, while others moved frequently among singing trees. The most prolific singers used more perches overall. Our results support the hypothesis that acoustic communication repertoires evolved in support of stable foraging territory advertisement and defense in some bats.  相似文献   

Because ungulates are important contributors to ecosystem function, understanding the “ecology of fear” could be important to the conservation of ecosystems. Although studying ungulate ecology of fear is common, knowledge from ungulate systems is highly contested among ecologists. Here, we review the available literature on the ecology of fear in ungulates to generalize our current knowledge and how we can leverage it for conservation. Four general focus areas emerged from the 275 papers included in our literature search (and some papers were included in multiple categories): behavioral responses to predation risk (79%), physiological responses to predation risk (15%), trophic cascades resulting from ungulate responses to predation risk (20%), and manipulation of predation risk (1%). Of papers focused on behavior, 75% were about movement and habitat selection. Studies were biased toward North America (53%), tended to be focused on elk (Cervus canadensis; 29%), and were dominated by gray wolves (40%) or humans (39%) as predators of interest. Emerging literature suggests that we can utilize predation risk for conservation with top‐down (i.e., increasing predation risk) and bottom‐up (i.e., manipulating landscape characteristics to increase risk or risk perception) approaches. It is less clear whether fear‐related changes in physiology have population‐level fitness consequences or cascading effects, which could be fruitful avenues for future research. Conflicting evidence of trait‐mediated trophic cascades might be improved with better replication across systems and accounting for confounding effects of ungulate density. Improving our understanding of mechanisms modulating the nature of trophic cascades likely is most important to ensure desirable conservation outcomes. We recommend future work embrace the complexity of natural systems by attempting to link together the focal areas of study identified herein.  相似文献   

Human‐mediated habitat fragmentation in freshwater ecosystems can negatively impact genetic diversity, demography, and life history of native biota, while disrupting the behavior of species that are dependent on spatial connectivity to complete their life cycles. In the Alouette River system (British Columbia, Canada), dam construction in 1928 impacted passage of anadromous sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), with the last records of migrants occurring in the 1930s. Since that time, O. nerka persisted as a resident population in Alouette Reservoir until experimental water releases beginning in 2005 created conditions for migration; two years later, returning migrants were observed for the first time in ~70 years, raising important basic and applied questions regarding life‐history variation and population structure in this system. Here, we investigated the genetic distinctiveness and population history of Alouette Reservoir O. nerka using genome‐wide SNP data (n = 7,709 loci) collected for resident and migrant individuals, as well as for neighboring anadromous sockeye salmon and resident kokanee populations within the Fraser River drainage (n = 312 individuals). Bayesian clustering and principal components analyses based on neutral loci revealed five distinct clusters, largely associated with geography, and clearly demonstrated that Alouette Reservoir resident and migrant individuals are genetically distinct from other O. nerka populations in the Fraser River drainage. At a finer level, there was no clear evidence for differentiation between Alouette Reservoir residents and migrants; although we detected eight high‐confidence outlier loci, they all mapped to sex chromosomes suggesting that differences were likely due to uneven sex ratios rather than life history. Taken together, these data suggest that contemporary Alouette Reservoir O. nerka represents a landlocked sockeye salmon population, constituting the first reported instance of deep‐water spawning behavior associated with this life‐history form. This finding punctuates the need for reassessment of conservation status and supports ongoing fisheries management activities in Alouette Reservoir.  相似文献   

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus‐2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) is a pathogenic coronavirus causing COVID‐19 infection. The interaction between the SARS‐CoV‐2 spike protein and the human receptor angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2, both of which contain several cysteine residues, is impacted by the disulfide‐thiol balance in the host cell. The host cell redox status is affected by oxidative stress due to the imbalance between the reactive oxygen/nitrogen species and antioxidants. Recent studies have shown that Vitamin D supplementation could reduce oxidative stress. It has also been proposed that vitamin D at physiological concentration has preventive effects on many viral infections, including COVID‐19. However, the molecular‐level picture of the interplay of vitamin D deficiency, oxidative stress, and the severity of COVID‐19 has remained unclear. Herein, we present a thorough review focusing on the possible molecular mechanism by which vitamin D could alter host cell redox status and block viral entry, thereby preventing COVID‐19 infection or reducing the severity of the disease.  相似文献   

Membrane‐bound pyrophosphatase (mPPase) found in microbes and plants is a membrane H+ pump that transports the H+ ion generated in coupled pyrophosphate hydrolysis out of the cytoplasm. Certain bacterial and archaeal mPPases can in parallel transport Na+ via a hypothetical “billiard‐type” mechanism, also involving the hydrolysis‐generated proton. Here, we present the functional evidence supporting this coupling mechanism. Rapid‐quench and pulse‐chase measurements with [32P]pyrophosphate indicated that the chemical step (pyrophosphate hydrolysis) is rate‐limiting in mPPase catalysis and is preceded by a fast isomerization of the enzyme‐substrate complex. Na+, whose binding is a prerequisite for the hydrolysis step, is not required for substrate binding. Replacement of H2O with D2O decreased the rates of pyrophosphate hydrolysis by both Na+‐ and H+‐transporting bacterial mPPases, the effect being more significant than with a non‐transporting soluble pyrophosphatase. We also show that the Na+‐pumping mPPase of Thermotoga maritima resembles other dimeric mPPases in demonstrating negative kinetic cooperativity and the requirement for general acid catalysis. The findings point to a crucial role for the hydrolysis‐generated proton both in H+‐pumping and Na+‐pumping by mPPases.  相似文献   

Generalization of pollination systems is widely accepted by ecologists in the studies of plant–pollinator interaction networks at the community level, but the degree of generalization of pollination networks remains largely unknown at the individual pollinator level. Using potential legitimate pollinators that were constantly visiting flowers in two alpine meadow communities, we analyzed the differences in the pollination network structure between the pollinator individual level and species level. The results showed that compared to the pollinator species‐based networks, the linkage density, interaction diversity, interaction evenness, the average plant linkage level, and interaction diversity increased, but connectance, degree of nestedness, the average of pollinator linkage level, and interaction diversity decreased in the pollinator individual‐based networks, indicating that pollinator individuals had a narrower food niche than their counterpart species. Pollination networks at the pollinator individual level were more specialized at the network level (H2) and the plant species node level (d′) than at the pollinator species‐level networks, reducing the chance of underestimating levels of specialization in pollination systems. The results emphasize that research into pollinator individual‐based pollination networks will improve our understanding of the pollination networks at the pollinator species level and the coevolution of flowering plants and pollinators.  相似文献   

For decades, cognitive and behavioral therapies (CBTs) have been tested in randomized controlled trials for specific psychiatric syndromes that were assumed to represent expressions of latent diseases. Although these protocols were more effective as compared to psychological control conditions, placebo treatments, and even active pharmacotherapies, further advancement in efficacy and dissemination has been inhibited by a failure to focus on processes of change. This picture appears now to be evolving, due both to a collapse of the idea that mental disorders can be classified into distinct, discrete categories, and to the more central attention given to processes of change in newer, so‐called “third‐wave” CBTs. Here we review the context for this historic progress and evaluate the impact of these newer methods and models, not as protocols for treating syndromes, but as ways of targeting an expanded range of processes of change. Five key features of “third‐wave” therapies are underlined: a focus on context and function; the view that new models and methods should build on other strands of CBT; a focus on broad and flexible repertoires vs. an approach to signs and symptoms; applying processes to the clinician, not just the client; and expanding into more complex issues historically more characteristic of humanistic, existential, analytic, or system‐oriented approaches. We argue that these newer methods can be considered in the context of an idiographic approach to process‐based functional analysis. Psychological processes of change can be organized into six dimensions: cognition, affect, attention, self, motivation and overt behavior. Several important processes of change combine two or more of these dimensions. Tailoring intervention strategies to target the appropriate processes in a given individual would be a major advance in psychiatry and an important step toward precision mental health care.  相似文献   

ObjectivesStromal cell‐derived factor‐1 (SDF‐1) actively directs endogenous cell homing. Exendin‐4 (EX‐4) promotes stem cell osteogenic differentiation. Studies revealed that EX‐4 strengthened SDF‐1‐mediated stem cell migration. However, the effects of SDF‐1 and EX‐4 on periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) and bone regeneration have not been investigated. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of SDF‐1/EX‐4 cotherapy on PDLSCs in vitro and periodontal bone regeneration in vivo.MethodsCell‐counting kit‐8 (CCK8), transwell assay, qRT‐PCR and western blot were used to determine the effects and mechanism of SDF‐1/EX‐4 cotherapy on PDLSCs in vitro. A rat periodontal bone defect model was developed to evaluate the effects of topical application of SDF‐1 and systemic injection of EX‐4 on endogenous cell recruitment, osteoclastogenesis and bone regeneration in vivo.ResultsSDF‐1/EX‐4 cotherapy had additive effects on PDLSC proliferation, migration, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, mineral deposition and osteogenesis‐related gene expression compared to SDF‐1 or EX‐4 in vitro. Pretreatment with ERK inhibitor U0126 blocked SDF‐1/EX‐4 cotherapy induced ERK signal activation and PDLSC proliferation. SDF‐1/EX‐4 cotherapy significantly promoted new bone formation, recruited more CXCR4+ cells and CD90+/CD34 stromal cells to the defects, enhanced early‐stage osteoclastogenesis and osteogenesis‐related markers expression in regenerated bone compared to control, SDF‐1 or EX‐4 in vivo.ConclusionsSDF‐1/EX‐4 cotherapy synergistically regulated PDLSC activities, promoted periodontal bone formation, thereby providing a new strategy for periodontal bone regeneration.  相似文献   

The Hippo signalling pathway has been considered as potential therapeutic target in self‐renewal and differentiation of stem and progenitor cells. Thus, mammalian Ste20‐like kinase 1/2 (MST1/2) as the core serine‐threonine kinases in the Hippo signalling pathway has been investigated for its role in immunological disease. However, little information of MST1/2 function in bone marrow suppression induced by ionizing radiation was fully investigated. Here, we reported that MST1/2 inhibitor XMU‐MP‐1 could rescue the impaired haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and progenitor cells (HPCs) function under oxidative stress condition. Also, XMU‐MP‐1 pretreatment markedly alleviated the small intestinal system injury caused by the total body irradiation 9 Gy and extended the average survival days of the mice exposed to the lethal dose radiation. Therefore, irradiation exposure causes the serious pathological changes of haematopoietic and intestinal system, and XMU‐MP‐1 could prevent the ROS production, the haematopoietic cells impairment and the intestinal injury. These detrimental effects may be associated with regulating NOX/ROS/P38MARK pathway by MST1/2.  相似文献   

  1. Animal movement is a key process that connects and maintains populations on the landscape, yet for most species, we do not understand how intrinsic and extrinsic factors interact to influence individual movement behavior.
  2. Land‐use/land‐cover changes highlight that connectivity among populations will depend upon an individual''s ability to traverse habitats, which may vary as a result of habitat permeability, individual condition, or a combination of these factors.
  3. We examined the effects of intrinsic (body size) and extrinsic (habitat type) factors on desiccation tolerance, movement, and orientation in three anuran species (American toads, Anaxyrus americanus; northern leopard frogs, Lithobates pipiens; and Blanchard''s cricket frogs, Acris blanchardi) using laboratory and field studies to connect the effects of susceptibility to desiccation, size, and movement behavior in single‐habitat types and at habitat edges.
  4. Smaller anurans were more vulnerable to desiccation, particularly for species that metamorphose at relatively small sizes. Habitat type had the strongest effect on movement, while body size had more situational and species‐specific effects on movement. We found that individuals moved the farthest in habitat types that, when given the choice, they oriented away from, suggesting that these habitats are less favorable and could represent barriers to movement.
  5. Overall, our work demonstrated that differences in habitat type had strong impacts on individual movement behavior and influenced choices at habitat edges. By integrating intrinsic and extrinsic factors into our study, we provided evidence that population connectivity may be influenced not only by the habitat matrix but also by the condition of the individuals leaving the habitat patch.

Plasminogen activator inhibitor‐1 (PAI‐1) is the primary inhibitor for plasminogen activators, tissue‐type plasminogen activator (tPA) and urokinase‐type plasminogen activator (uPA). As a unique member in the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) family, PAI‐1 is metastable and converts to an inactive, latent structure with a half‐life of 1–2 hr under physiological conditions. Unusual effects of metals on the rate of the latency conversion are incompletely understood. Previous work has identified two residues near the N‐terminus, H2 and H3, which reside in a high‐affinity copper‐binding site in PAI‐1 [Bucci JC, McClintock CS, Chu Y, Ware GL, McConnell KD, Emerson JP, Peterson CB (2017) J Biol Inorg Chem 22:1123–1,135]. In this study, neighboring residues, H10, E81, and H364, were tested as possible sites that participate in Cu(II) coordination at the high‐affinity site. Kinetic methods, gel sensitivity assays, and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) revealed that E81 and H364 have different roles in coordinating metal and mediating the stability of PAI‐1. H364 provides a third histidine in the metal‐coordination sphere with H2 and H3. In contrast, E81 does not appear to be required for metal ligation along with histidines; contacts made by the side‐chain carboxylate upon metal binding are perturbed and, in turn, influence dynamic fluctuations within the region encompassing helices D, E, and F and the W86 loop that are important in the pathway for the PAI‐1 latency conversion. This investigation underscores a prominent role of protein dynamics, noncovalent bonding networks and ligand binding in controlling the stability of the active form of PAI‐1.  相似文献   

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