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Spike trains in group A nerve fibers were studied in anesthetized cats in response to stimulation of the hind-limb nerves by random (Poisson) and regular sequences of stimuli. In response to above-threshold stimulation spike trains in the nerve fibers were shown to differ from the stimulating trains purely in the absence of intervals less than 1–1.5 msec in duration, as a result of the presence of a refractory period. With near-threshold stimulation with an average frequency of over 10 per second, spike trains differed significantly from the stimulating trains, as reflected in histograms of interspike intervals, the shape of the intensity function, and the magnitude of the coefficient of correlation for successive intervals. It is postulated that changes in the structure of the spike trains conveyed by a nerve fiber are attributable to the presence of after-activity.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 91–98, January–February, 1976.  相似文献   

Electric fields, which are ubiquitous in the context of neurons, are induced either by external electromagnetic fields or by endogenous electric activities. Clinical evidences point out that magnetic stimulation can induce an electric field that modulates rhythmic activity of special brain tissue, which are associated with most brain functions, including normal and pathological physiological mechanisms. Recently, the studies about the relationship between clinical treatment for psychiatric disorders and magnetic stimulation have been investigated extensively. However, further development of these techniques is limited due to the lack of understanding of the underlying mechanisms supporting the interaction between the electric field induced by magnetic stimulus and brain tissue. In this paper, the effects of steady DC electric field induced by magnetic stimulation on the coherence of an interneuronal network are investigated. Different behaviors have been observed in the network with different topologies (i.e., random and small-world network, modular network). It is found that the coherence displays a peak or a plateau when the induced electric field varies between the parameter range we defined. The coherence of the neuronal systems depends extensively on the network structure and parameters. All these parameters play a key role in determining the range for the induced electric field to synchronize network activities. The presented results could have important implications for the scientific theoretical studies regarding the effects of magnetic stimulation on human brain.  相似文献   

The precise timing of action potentials of sensory neurons relative to the time of stimulus presentation carries substantial sensory information that is lost or degraded when these responses are summed over longer time windows. However, it is unclear whether and how downstream networks can access information in precise time-varying neural responses. Here, we review approaches to test the hypothesis that the activity of neural populations provides the temporal reference frames needed to decode temporal spike patterns. These approaches are based on comparing the single-trial stimulus discriminability obtained from neural codes defined with respect to network-intrinsic reference frames to the discriminability obtained from codes defined relative to the experimenter''s computer clock. Application of this formalism to auditory, visual and somatosensory data shows that information carried by millisecond-scale spike times can be decoded robustly even with little or no independent external knowledge of stimulus time. In cortex, key components of such intrinsic temporal reference frames include dedicated neural populations that signal stimulus onset with reliable and precise latencies, and low-frequency oscillations that can serve as reference for partitioning extended neuronal responses into informative spike patterns.  相似文献   

 We investigated the response of a pacemaker neuron model to trains of inhibitory stochastic impulsive perturbations. The model captures the essential aspect of the dynamics of pacemaker neurons. Especially, the model reproduces linearization by stochastic pulse trains, that is, the disappearance of the paradoxical segments in which the output firing rate of pacemaker neurons increases with inhibition rate, as the coefficient of variation of the input pulse train increases. To study the response of the model to stochastic pulse trains, we use a Markov operator governing the phase transition. We show how linearization occurs based on the spectral analysis of the Markov operator. Moreover, using Lyapunov exponents, we show that variable inputs evoke reliable firing, even in situations where periodic stimulation with the same mean rate does not. Received: 30 April 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 19 September 2001  相似文献   

Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) has been observed in many brain areas such as sensory cortices, where it is hypothesized to structure synaptic connections between neurons. Previous studies have demonstrated how STDP can capture spiking information at short timescales using specific input configurations, such as coincident spiking, spike patterns and oscillatory spike trains. However, the corresponding computation in the case of arbitrary input signals is still unclear. This paper provides an overarching picture of the algorithm inherent to STDP, tying together many previous results for commonly used models of pairwise STDP. For a single neuron with plastic excitatory synapses, we show how STDP performs a spectral analysis on the temporal cross-correlograms between its afferent spike trains. The postsynaptic responses and STDP learning window determine kernel functions that specify how the neuron "sees" the input correlations. We thus denote this unsupervised learning scheme as 'kernel spectral component analysis' (kSCA). In particular, the whole input correlation structure must be considered since all plastic synapses compete with each other. We find that kSCA is enhanced when weight-dependent STDP induces gradual synaptic competition. For a spiking neuron with a "linear" response and pairwise STDP alone, we find that kSCA resembles principal component analysis (PCA). However, plain STDP does not isolate correlation sources in general, e.g., when they are mixed among the input spike trains. In other words, it does not perform independent component analysis (ICA). Tuning the neuron to a single correlation source can be achieved when STDP is paired with a homeostatic mechanism that reinforces the competition between synaptic inputs. Our results suggest that neuronal networks equipped with STDP can process signals encoded in the transient spiking activity at the timescales of tens of milliseconds for usual STDP.  相似文献   

Wiener MC  Richmond BJ 《Bio Systems》2002,67(1-3):295-300
Reliably decoding neuronal responses requires knowing what aspects of neuronal responses are stimulus related, and which aspects act as noise. Recent work shows that spike trains can be viewed as stochastic samples from the rate variation function, as estimated by the time dependent spike density function (or normalized peristimulus time histogram). Such spike trains are exactly described by order statistics, and can be decoded millisecond-by-millisecond by iterative application of order statistics.  相似文献   

Summary Spectral analysis provides powerful techniques for describing the lower order moments of a stochastic process and interactions between two or more stochastic processes. A major problem in the application of spectral analysis to neuronal spike trains is how to obtain equispaced samples of the spike trains which will give unbiased and alias-free spectral estimates. Various sampling methods, which treat the spike train as a continuous signal, a point process and as a series of Dirac delta-functions, are reviewed and their limitations discussed. A new sampling technique, which gives unbiased and alias-free estimates, is described. This technique treats the spike train as a series of delta functions and generates samples by digital filtering. Implementation of this technique on a small computer is simple and virtually on-line.  相似文献   

Recurrence plots of neuronal spike trains   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The recently developed qualitative method of diagnosis of dynamical systems — recurrence plots has been applied to the analysis of dynamics of neuronal spike trains recorded from cerebellum and red nucleus of anesthetized cats. Recurrence plots revealed robust and common changes in the similarity structure of interspike interval sequences as well as significant deviations from randomness in serial ordering of intervals. Recurring episodes of alike, quasi-deterministic firing patterns suggest the spontaneous modulation of the dynamical complexity of the trajectories of observed neurons. These modulations are associated with changing dynamical properties of a neuronal spike-train-generating system. Their existence is compatible with the information processing paradigm of attractor neural networks.  相似文献   

 A method for detecting mutual deterministic dependence between a pair of spike trains is proposed. When it is assumed that a cell assembly, which is a subgroup of neurons processing a common task, is constituted as a dynamical system, then the mutual determinism between constituent neurons may be directly reflected in functional connectivity in the assembly. The deterministic dependence between two spike trains can be measured with statistical significance using a method of nonlinear prediction. Some examples of simulations are demonstrated in both deterministic and stochastic cases. Received: 8 August 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 29 March 2001  相似文献   

Long-range dependence (LRD) has been observed in a variety of phenomena in nature, and for several years also in the spiking activity of neurons. Often, this is interpreted as originating from a non-Markovian system. Here we show that a purely Markovian integrate-and-fire (IF) model, with a noisy slow adaptation term, can generate interspike intervals (ISIs) that appear as having LRD. However a proper analysis shows that this is not the case asymptotically. For comparison, we also consider a new model of individual IF neuron with fractional (non-Markovian) noise. The correlations of its spike trains are studied and proven to have LRD, unlike classical IF models. On the other hand, to correctly measure long-range dependence, it is usually necessary to know if the data are stationary. Thus, a methodology to evaluate stationarity of the ISIs is presented and applied to the various IF models. We explain that Markovian IF models may seem to have LRD because of non-stationarities.  相似文献   

 We propose a new method of studying the correlation between neuronal spike trains. This technique is based on the analysis of relative phase between two point processes. Relative phase here is defined as the relative timing difference between two spike trains normalized by the associated interspike interval of one cell. This phase measurement is intended to reveal the relative timing relationship between spike trains atdifferent firing rates. We apply this method to a numerical example and an example from two cerebellar neuronal spike trains of a behaving rat. The results are compared with classical cross-correlation analysis. We show that the technique can avoid some of the limitations of cross-correlation methods, reveal certain statistical dependencies that cannot be shown by cross correlation, and provide information as to the direction of influence between two spike trains. Received: 8 November 2001 / Accepted: 30 September 2002 / Published online: 24 January 2003 Correspondence to: Y. Chen (e-mail: chen@nsi.edu, Fax: + 1-858-626-2099) Acknowledgements. Research for this paper was supported by the Alafi Family Foundation and the Neurosciences Research Foundation.  相似文献   

Stuart L  Walter M  Borisyuk R 《Bio Systems》2002,67(1-3):265-279
The gravity transform algorithm is used to study the dependencies in firing of multi-dimensional spike trains. The pros and cons of this algorithm are discussed and the necessity for improved representation of output data is demonstrated. Parallel coordinates are introduced to visualise the results of the gravity transform and principal component analysis (PCA) is used to reduce the quantity of data represented whilst minimising loss of information.  相似文献   

Many studies have demonstrated the presence of scale invariance and long-range correlation in animal and human neuronal spike trains. The methodologies to extract the fractal or scale-invariant properties, however, do not address the issue as to the existence within the train of fine temporal structures embedded in the global fractal organisation. The present study addresses this question in human spike trains by the chaos game representation (CGR) approach, a graphical analysis with which specific temporal sequences reveal themselves as geometric structures in the graphical representation. The neuronal spike train data were obtained from patients whilst undergoing pallidotomy. Using this approach, we observed highly structured regions in the representation, indicating the presence of specific preferred sequences of interspike intervals within the train. Furthermore, we observed that for a given spike train, the higher the magnitude of its scaling exponent, the more pronounced the geometric patterns in the representation and, hence, higher probability of occurrence of specific subsequences. Given its ability to detect and specify in detail the preferred sequences of interspike intervals, we believe that CGR is a useful adjunct to the existing set of methodologies for spike train analysis.  相似文献   

Spike trains are unreliable. For example, in the primary sensory areas, spike patterns and precise spike times will vary between responses to the same stimulus. Nonetheless, information about sensory inputs is communicated in the form of spike trains. A challenge in understanding spike trains is to assess the significance of individual spikes in encoding information. One approach is to define a spike train metric, allowing a distance to be calculated between pairs of spike trains. In a good metric, this distance will depend on the information the spike trains encode. This method has been used previously to calculate the timescale over which the precision of spike times is significant. Here, a new metric is constructed based on a simple model of synaptic conductances which includes binding site depletion. Including binding site depletion in the metric means that a given individual spike has a smaller effect on the distance if it occurs soon after other spikes. The metric proves effective at classifying neuronal responses by stimuli in the sample data set of electro-physiological recordings from the primary auditory area of the zebra finch fore-brain. This shows that this is an effective metric for these spike trains suggesting that in these spike trains the significance of a spike is modulated by its proximity to previous spikes. This modulation is a putative information-coding property of spike trains.  相似文献   

A novel method is presented for calculating the information channel capacity of spike trains. This method works by fitting a χ-distribution to the distribution of distances between responses to the same stimulus: the χ-distribution is the length distribution for a vector of Gaussian variables. The dimension of this vector defines an effective dimension for the noise and by rephrasing the problem in terms of distance based quantities, this allows the channel capacity to be calculated. As an example, the capacity is calculated for a data set recorded from auditory neurons in zebra finch.  相似文献   

Quantitative characteristics of the afferent flow in a cutaneous nerve during cooling of the skin in cats were determined by the cross-correlation method. Lowering the skin temperature by 10°C with different gradients of cooling led to the appearance of activity in A-, A-, and C-fibers. The first fibers to become excited were C-fibers, followed in turn by A-fibers, a group of slowly-conducting A-fibers, and a group of fast-conducting A-fibers. The latent period of excitation of the C-fibers remained unchanged whatever the rate of skin cooling, whereas in A-fibers it increased with slowing of the rate of fall of temperature. The level of maximal activity neither in A- nor in C-fibers depended on the gradient of skin cooling, but in all the groups of fibers mentioned the time taken to reach the maximum of activity decreased with an increase in the rate of cooling.Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, N. I. Lobachevskii State University, Gor'kii. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 405–412, July–August, 1980.  相似文献   

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