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Predation risk has a profound influence on the behavior of marine mammals, affecting grouping patterns and habitat use. Dolphins frequently bear evidence of shark bites, which can provide an indirect measure of predation pressure. Using photo‐identification data, we investigated the prevalence of shark bites on three sympatric species of inshore dolphin, the Australian snubfin (Orcaella heinsohni), Australian humpback (Sousa sahulensis), and Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus), among four study sites in northwestern Australia. Bite prevalence varied markedly between species, with 72% of snubfin, 46% of humpback, and 18% of bottlenose dolphins exhibiting evidence of shark bites. Binomial logistic regression confirmed a high likelihood of bite presence on snubfin dolphins, and at one particular site for snubfin and bottlenose dolphins. The prevalence of tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) bites on snubfin dolphins was high, and bites attributed to other carcharhinid sharks were observed on all species. While acknowledging methodological differences with other studies, the prevalence of shark bites on snubfin dolphins is among the highest reported for any dolphins, suggesting predation risk represents an important but varying influence thereon. This study provides a baseline for future investigations into the affect of predation risk on the behavioral ecology of these sympatric species.  相似文献   

Psychrolutes occidentalis, a new species of psychrolutid fish, is described from mud bottoms at depths of 350–740 m on the continental slopes around Rowley Shoals, northwestern Australia. The new species is illustrated and compared with other species of the genusPsychrolutes. It differs from other species in the following characters: 14–15 dorsal soft rays, 21–23 pectoral rays, 30–31 vertebrae, no cirri on head and body, lateral line not emerging through tubes, and reddish brown head and body color with darker brown marblings. Aspects of the zoogeography of this new species from the tropical region and of the other species ofPsychrolutes are discussed.  相似文献   

Chemical and molecular taxonomic studies were performed on a representative strain of some lactic acid bacteria of unknown taxonomic position isolated from salmonid fish. The results demonstrate that the fish bacterium represents a new species of the genus Lactococcus for which the name Lactococcus piscium sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Lactococcus piscium is NCFB 2778.  相似文献   

Ninety-five percent of the larvae of Contracaecum spp. were found in the atrium of the heart of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) and five- and nine-spined sticklebacks (Culaea inconstans and Pungitius pungitius). Atria containing nematodes were two to three times larger than an atria from uninfected fish, were thin walled and the muscular trabeculae were damaged. Atria with larvae were congested with blood that appeared to be organizing and extending as a thrombus into the ventricle, but there was no other evidence of a host response. Alternatively, there was an intense cellular response surrounding larvae in the body cavity of these and other host species. Apparently, this parasite which lacks host specificity has evolved an additional strategy to evade the host immune response in sticklebacks and fathead minnows.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were determined for three cyprinid fish species [Acrossocheilus yunnanensis (Regan, 1904), Onychostoma simum (Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874) and Spinibarbus sinensis (Bleeker, 1871)] from southwestern China. Samples were obtained with various fishing gear (set nets, drift gill nets, fish cages, hook and electrofishing). Prior to this study, the LWRs for these three species (A. yunnanensis, O. simum and S. sinensis) were unknown.  相似文献   

Many cool-season grasses (subfamily Pooideae) possess maternally transmitted fungal symbionts which cause no known pathology and often enhance the ecological fitness and biochemical capabilities of the grass hosts. The most commonly described endophytes are the Acremonium section Albo-lanosa spp. (Acremonium endophytes), which are conidial anamorphs (strictly asexual forms) of Epichloë typhina. Other endophytes which have been noted are a Gliocladium-like fungus in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and a Phialophora-like fungus in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Here, we report the identification of additional non-Acremonium sp. endophytes (herein designated p-endophytes) in three more grass species: Festuca gigantea, Festuca arizonica, and Festuca pratensis. In each grass species, the p-endophyte was cosymbiotic with an Acremonium endophyte. Serological analysis and sequence determinations of variable portions of their rRNA genes indicated that the two previously identified non-Acremonium endophytes are closely related to each other and to the newly identified p-endophytes. Therefore, the p-endophytes represent a second group of widely distributed grass symbionts.  相似文献   

Recovery plans are the main tool used for restoration of threatened species in Australia, and identification of key threatening processes is an important feature of them. The aim of this study was to identify how climate change can be incorporated into the recovery planning process using a case study of threatened vertebrates in a global biodiversity hotspot, southwestern Australia. Analysis of 79 recovery planning documents for threatened vertebrate species in the region found that prior to the year 2004, climate change was not included as a threatening process. Post 2004, 32 of 54 (59.3%) documents included climate change as a threatening process. Using bioclimatic modelling, 43 of these species were ranked in terms of their potential exposure to climate change, and a gradient of management intervention aimed at mitigating their exposure to climate change was proposed. This intervention gradient ranged from active management actions aimed at species potentially at risk of extinction due to climate change, through to preservation of habitat in species predicted to lose between 0 and 25% of their current population size. It was proposed that as a priority, the recovery documentation of the 20 species predicted to be most at risk and thus needing a high level of management intervention should identify climate change as a key threatening process, and that more comprehensive analyses of climate change vulnerability be undertaken for these species. Such an approach aimed at prioritising climate change mitigation in threatened species would be useful for other regions where it has been predicted that climate change could have a negative impact on biodiversity.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature during storage, portion of muscle and growth stage of fish on the activity level of carp muscle acid (cathepsin D, EC, neutral and alkaline proteinases were examined. Icing storage, freezer storage and portion of muscle did not affect each proteinase activity (P less than 0.05), but acid proteinase activity was affected by growth stage (P less than 0.05) and the level decreased from small to large fish. The activity levels of three kinds of proteinases were compared among species (P less than 0.05) and the following order was obtained. Acid proteinase, white croaker = rainbow trout = carp greater than sardine = common mackerel, sardine greater than lizardfish, common mackerel = lizardfish. Neutral proteinase, rainbow trout greater than carp = white croaker greater than lizardfish = sardine = common mackerel. Alkaline proteinase, rainbow trout = sardine greater than white croaker = carp = common mackerel greater than lizardfish.  相似文献   

Histiostoma papillata sp. n. (Acari: Histiostomatidae) is described from Victoria, Australia. It was found in the fins and gills of juvenile Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii peelii (Mitchell), where it appeared to inflict injuries thought to be responsible for the mortality of fish in a diet trial.  相似文献   

Despite the commercial and zoonotic importance of larval anisakid infestations of teleosts, their distribution among Australia's diverse marine fish fauna is poorly understood. A preliminary survey of Australia's tropical north-west revealed a generally high prevalence of larval anisakids representing four genera (Anisakis, Terranova, Thynnascaris and Raphidascaris) among only seven fish species. The potential impact of high larval anisakid infections on both the health of recreational fishermen and aquaculture environments is discussed.  相似文献   

Comprehensive new data bases on the taxonomy, distribution, ecology and climate of Banksia (Proteaceae) were used to study the biogeography of the sixty endemic species in southwestern Australia. They occur at the wettest coastal tip, with up to 1.5 m rainfall p.a., 1500 km along the north coast, 1000 km along the south coast and up to 450 km inland to the desert margin, with as low as 0.2 m rainfall p.a. The largest areas (sum of 30´ lat.×30´ long. grid cells) containing banksias were under much more arid climates than those with highest species density. Species density was usually lowest at the climatic extremes. Two nodes of species richness and ten floristic groups, each with a characteristic climate, landscape, vegetation and soil types and suite of indicator and endemic species, were recognized. A case is made for resurrecting the Lesueur (northern node) and Stirling (west portion of the southern node) phytogeographic districts, together with separating the West (east portion of the southern node) from the East Eyre district. These species-rich areas coincide with nutrient impoverished sands and laterite associated with dissected uplands having low, highly sclerophyllous vegetation. The distribution of strongly serotinous species and those with persistent florets is consistent with greater reliance on fire for creating suitable recruitment conditions with increasing aridity. The distribution of needle-leaved species is only partly explained by their superior drought tolerance. A preliminary transplant trial with two Banksia species showed that their distribution was only partly restricted by their current climatic profile.  相似文献   

Macarthuria intricata is described and illustrated. The new species is confined to the Tamala Vegetation System at the northern extremity of the South Western Botanical Province.  相似文献   

Abstract. 60 of the 75 Banksia species are confined to southwestern Australia where five or six species often coexist. We explored the role of regional species richness, niche differentiation, and habitat specialization in structuring banksia assemblages. The diversity of growth forms and categories of seed production and response to fire were assessed in actual assemblages at 40 sites throughout southwestern Australia. Diversity indices at each site were compared with those from null communities assembled on the basis of the abundance and sociability of taxa in regional species pools. The relationship between local and regional species richness suggests that processes at the scale of 100-m2 quadrats limit local richness and therefore coexistence. However, there was no consistent evidence that taxa are differentiated by growth form or regeneration strategy. No particular biological profile makes a banksia adept at coexisting with a wide range of other taxa. Habitat specialization is an important factor contributing to lower local richness than would be predicted from niche differentiation of taxa in regional pools. There is recent empirical evidence of several mechanisms whereby the number of coexisting banksias is increased beyond the limits suggested by simple niche theories. Variability in the fire regime also provides a mechanism for maintaining local species richness because different fires favour recruitment of different taxa.  相似文献   

A new bothid flounder,Arnoglossus micrommatus, is described from the southwestern coast of Australia (off Albany, Western Australia). This species is distinguished from other species ofArnoglossus by combination of the following characters: gill-rakers serrated on posterior margin; upper jaw length 2.83–3.12 in head length (HL); upper eye diameter 4.17–5.51 in HL; scales in lateral line 52–62; vertebrae 11+28−29=3t-40.  相似文献   

五种淡水鱼类幼鱼游泳能力的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付翔  付成  付世建 《生态学杂志》2020,(5):1629-1635
为了探讨栖息于不同生境中鱼类的游泳能力和偏好游泳速度及其生理机制,本研究以中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)、异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)、岩原鲤(Procypris rabaudi)、青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus)和胭脂鱼(Myxocryprinus asiaticus) 5种鱼的幼鱼为对象,在(25±1)℃条件下测定了5种鱼类的标准代谢率(SMR)、最大代谢率(MMR)、有氧代谢范围(MS)、临界游泳速度(Ucrit)、最大匀加速游泳速度(Ucat)和偏好游泳速度(Upref)。结果发现:5种实验鱼中,中华倒刺鲃的游泳能力最强,游泳能力较差的为青鱼和胭脂鱼; 5种鱼之间的代谢和游泳能力差异显著,其偏好游泳速度主要集中在(10~24.5cm·s-1)区域。研究表明,鱼类游泳能力的种间差异可能主要由心鳃系统相关的呼吸能力和体型相关的游泳效率所决定。本研究提供的有关鱼类游泳能力、偏好游泳速度等资料对于鱼道设计等有一定的参考价值...  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were evaluated for Jinshaia sinensis (Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874) and Lepturichthys fimbriata (Günther, 1888) using a total of 289 specimens caught by gill nets (mesh size 5.0 cm) and angling in the Yalong River, southwestern China during February and March 2007. This study presents the first reference on LWR for these species from the Yalong River.  相似文献   

Protracted drought in southern Australia has degraded the system function of the Coorong estuary and intensified resource competition among forage fish species. The present study investigates the gut content, prey composition and dietary overlap of three forage fishes: smallmouth hardyhead (Atherinosoma microstoma), Tamar River goby (Afurcagobius tamarensis) and sandy sprat (Hyperlophus vittatus) influenced by environmental variation in the Murray Estuary and Coorong. The prey species identified in fish stomachs were dominated by crustaceans (amphipods, ostracods and harpacticoids), but nematodes and acanthocephalans were also common in all forage fishes. The diet of the sandy sprat and Tamar River goby highly overlapped (α = 0.8) in the Murray Estuary and all three forage fishes showed potential diet overlap (α ≥ 0.6) in the North Lagoon. Spatiotemporal variation of prey diversity was observed in smallmouth hardyhead while temporal variation of prey diversity was observed in sandy sprat and Tamar River goby. Overall, the prey abundance was temporally variable and predominantly regulated by salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, water transparency and chlorophyll a in the Murray Estuary and Coorong. This study adds to our knowledge on dietary overlap and resource partitioning among small-bodied forage fishes mediated by environmental factors in the Murray Estuary and Coorong.  相似文献   

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