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Immunocytochemistry using antibodies against various molecular forms of the Ca++ and Zn++-binding S100 proteins predominantly labelled astrocytes. However, especially in the neocortex the staining pattern is variable. Methods of tissue preparation have been evaluated with the aim to preserve as much S 100 immunoreactivity as possible. Optimal results were obtained after perfusion fixation with 4–5% aldehydes, 0.1M sodium cacodylate, 0.1% CaCl2, pH 7.3. In such preparations, astrocytes were completely labelled including their lamellar compartments in large parts of the central nervous system. Ca++-withdrawal had adverse affects on S100 immunoreactivity. Cryostat sections treated with EDTA-containing solutions before fixation showed that Ca++-free S100 can apparently not be fixed to the tissue. Perfusion fixatives containing EDTA resulted in inhomogeneous loss of S100 staining, indicating a differential susceptibility of astrocytic subpopulations. A different type of reduction in S100 immunoreactivity occurred around large neocortical blood vessels. Perivascular defects in immunostaining occasionally appeared even after optimal fixation, but could be regularly provoked by mildly acidic fixation (pH 6.6) or prolonged barbiturate anaesthesia. These defects might be based on S100 release into the cerebrospinal fluid. Presumably under none of the conditions studied can the immunoreactivity of all S100-forms and-fractions be completely preserved in the tissue. However, recommendations are presented for optimizing tissue preparation, to the extent that premortal modifications affecting the stainability of astrocytes may be detected by S100 immunohistochemistry in fixed brain tissue.  相似文献   

Small bilateral stereotaxic lesions were made in the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus (SVMN) to determine: (i) whether estrogen would restore early receptivity in unreceptive SVMN lesioned female rats and (ii) whether SVMN lesions would suppress estrogen induced ovulation in the rat. SVMN lesions were shown to completely suppress spontaneous early receptivity and seriously impair estrous receptivity in 5-day cyclic female Wistar rats. A loss of early receptivity in response to 10 μg estradiol benzoate (EB) was also observed in SVMN lesioned females, in comparison to unoperated, sham VMN and dorsomedial nucleus (DMN) lesioned animals. Isolated SVMN lesioned females exhibited a weak ovulatory response to 10 μg EB, but, where shown to be unreceptive prior to estrogen injection, they never ovulated. On the contrary, ovulation occured in about 50% of cases in isolated unoperated and in sham VMN and DMN lesioned females following estrogen administration. The mechanisms whereby EB brought about precocious ovulation in 5-day cyclic female rats were therefore concluded to be dependent on VMN functional integrity and thereby on the degree of early sexual receptivity in the rat.  相似文献   

The nature of ribonuclease A (RNase) modifications induced by p-benzoquinone (pBQ) was investigated using several analysis methods. SDS-PAGE experiments revealed that pBQ was efficient in producing oligomers and polymeric aggregates when RNase was incubated with pBQ. The fluorescence behavior and anisotropy changes of the modified RNase were monitored for a series of incubation reactions where RNase (0.050 mM) was incubated with pBQ (0.050, 0.25, 0.50, 1.50 mM) at 37 °C in phosphate buffer (pH 7.0, 50 mM). The modified RNase exhibited less intense fluorescence and slightly higher anisotropy than the unmodified RNase. UV-Vis spectroscopy indicated that pBQ formed covalent bonds to the modified RNase. Confocal imaging analysis confirmed the formation of the polymeric RNase aggregates with different sizes upon exposure of RNase to high concentrations of pBQ. The interaction between the modified RNase and salts affecting biomineralization of salts was also investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Overall, our results show that pBQ can induce formation of both RNase adducts and aggregates thus providing a better understanding of its biological activity.  相似文献   

A series of 16 experiments, using a total of 2,000 BD6 rats, was designed in order to assess the ability of 8 individual agents or their combinations to modulate the liver and oesophageal carcinogenesis induced by multiple doses of diethylnitrosamine (DEN). Of the antioxidants tested, sodium selenite, ascorbic acid, and butylated hydroxytoluence generally exhibited protective effects on both types of tumors. In contrast, retinoic acid behaved as a promoter of DEN hepatocarcinogenesis, but this effect could be eliminated by its combination with either selenite or butylated hydroxytoluene. Caffeine and theophyline, when individually assayed, were devoid of significant protective effects, and the later methylxanthine stimulated oesophageal tumorigenesis when administered afer exposure to the carcinogen. Caffeine tended to decrease tje multiplicityof tumors and potentiated the inhibitory effect of selenite in the liver. Irrespective of combination with caffeine, treatment with phwnobarbital before each DEN injection tended to reduce the multiplicity of both liver and oesophageal tumors. On the other hand, the metabolic inhibitoe diethyldithiocarbamate, given after each DEN injection, dramatically enhancedd the incidence and multiplicity of oesophageal tumors. Thus, on the whole, modulation of DEN carcinogenesis varied depending on test agents, their conbinations, dosages, treatment schedules, and target organ.  相似文献   

From clinical observations it is known that brain tumours in principle do not metastasize. An explanation for this phenomenon is not available. The few described cases of distant metastases from primary brain tumours all occurred after surgery of the central nervous system. Furthermore, the brain does not contain a lymphatic system. The major question in this matter is whether the inability of CNS tumours to metastasize is based on a specific tumour bound property or on specific local factors. Since an experimental model for this situation was not available we induced brain tumours in rats. About 130 WAG/Rij and Sprague Dawley rats (males and females) were treated with the neurocarcinogen ethylnitroso-urea (ENU) within 24 hours after birth. Tumours appeared at the age of 6 to 29 months. All tumours were removed after killing the host and transplanted subcutaneously into syngeneic rats. Histologically the tumours were mostly oligodendrogliomas, schwannomas and several mixed glial tumours. Metastases from these primary tumours were not observed. The transplanted tumours showed distant metastases in 52% of the cases. Metastases occurred mainly in lungs, liver and lymph nodes. From these observations it is concluded that the absence of metastases from primary brain tumours is probably not related to a specific property of brain tumours. Further research is emphasized on specific local factors.  相似文献   

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