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Two hundred roach (Rutilus rutilus) were examined over a twelve-month period to provide information concerning the occurrence of Sphaerostoma bramae. Infection levels were high during the autumn and winter and at this time of year the parasite population was composed almost exclusively of immature parasites. Maturation was rapid in the spring but was accompanied by a decrease in the infection level. In late summer, after egg-laying, losses due to the death of spent parasites began to be replaced by the recruitment of immature parasites and this recruitment reached its peak in the autumn and winter. The annual cycle of occurrence and maturation is discussed in relation to fluctuating environmental variables and the feeding behavior of the roach.  相似文献   

The growth of 0-group roach in a chalk-fed river is traced over six seasons and the growth compared to that in a nearby gravel pit. The growth rate, the daily weight increase and the condition of the fish are all highest during the summer, falling to a minimum over the winter period and rising again in the spring. Considerable yearly variation in the growth of roach in the river was observed and correlated with water temperatures above 14° C. It is suggested that water temperature, acting through the food supply, is the dominant factor governing growth. The hot summer of 1976 appears to have resulted in excellent growth of roach in both habitats.  相似文献   

Summary This study reports photopic spectral sensitivity curves (351–709 nm) for four individual roach,Rutilus rutilus, determined by two choice appetitive training. All four curves show four sensitivity maxima at 361–398 nm, 421–448 nm, 501–544 nm and 634–666 nm which are related to the four known roach photopic visual pigments (Avery et al. 1982). The overall shape of the curves at long wavelengths indicates inhibitory interactions between the red and green cone mechanisms. That the high behavioural sensitivity in the UV is caused by a specific ultraviolet visual pigment and is not due to aberrant stimulation of the other cone types is shown by the redetermination of spectral sensitivity at short wavelengths (351–501 nm) following the selective bleaching of the three longer wavelength visual pigments. This depresses the blue sensitivity to a greater degree than the relatively unaffected UV sensitivity maximum. Spectral transmission data from two corneas and four lenses show that they transmit considerable amounts of light in the near UV.  相似文献   

During examination of a large sample of Phyllodistomum umblae from Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus , in Lake Tokke (Drangedal, type locality) and Lake Katnosa (Nordmarka, vicinity of Oslo), Norway, several abnormalities were found in the adult specimens. The paper describes the abnormal cases recovered and gives a systematized review of abnormal digeneans reported in the literature. Different terms used in digenean teratology and morphology are also discussed and defined. Abnormal cases occur in P. umblae with regard to the dimensions of specific structures (caeca, ovary, oötype, seminal vesicle, testes, uterus, vitellarium) and in the numbers of ovaries and testes. Polymorphism in testes position was observed and obstructions of the reproductive organs were evident. The size variability of the seminal vesicle and ovary and variable appearance of the vitelline bodies are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Two sudden and pronounced changes in the growth rate of roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.), in Slapton Ley, Devon, have been observed between 1972 and 1976. At first the growth rate declined to the point at which the population became stunted, then subsequently it improved again. These changes were correlated with population density; the numbers of roach were increasing during the late 1960's/early 1970's, and this increase was substantially reinforced by very strong year classes in 1972, and, to a lesser extent, in 1973. The increase in population density resulting from the strong 1972 year class was apparently adequate to accelerate the onset of the stunting observed. The improvement in growth rate in 1976 followed immediately after extensive mortalities amongst the roach during 1975, caused by an epidemic of the parasite Ligula intestinal is (L.). Some improvement in the growth of O group roach had been evident during 1975, but this was not observed in the population. Ford-Walford plots showed a decline in the value of L after the onset of stunting in 1972.
Differences in the reproductive biology of the fish were found following the alleviation of stunting; the gonads of both sexes achieved a greater relative weight, and correspondingly the fecundity of the females was higher, although this latter effect became progressively less marked with increasing size. It was not apparent amongst the largest individuals. There was also some evidence of a decline in the proportion of fish maturing at minimum size. The changes in the reproductive biology were associated with the improvement in conditions for individual fish following the decline in population density.  相似文献   

The ruddy turnstone, Arenaria interpres interpres, a migratory Korean bird, was proved to be a natural definitive host for Gynaecotyla squatarolae (Digenea: Microphallidae). The ruddy turnstone was found dead at the seashore of Okgueup, Gunsan-si, Jeollabuk-do. The intestinal tract was examined, and 98 unknown flukes were recovered. The worms were 600 284 micrometer in size, and had 2 ventral suckers. The seminal vesicle was large, the genital atrium was prominent, and the average egg size was 20 12.5 micrometer. Based on these results, the worms were identified as G. squatarolae. This is the first report on the ruddy turnstone as a natural definitive host of G. squatarolae in the Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

Complete small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (ssrDNA) and partial (D1-D3) large subunit ribosomal RNA gene (lsrDNA) sequences were used to estimate the phylogeny of the Digenea via maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Here we contribute 80 new ssrDNA and 124 new lsrDNA sequences. Fully complementary data sets of the two genes were assembled from newly generated and previously published sequences and comprised 163 digenean taxa representing 77 nominal families and seven aspidogastrean outgroup taxa representing three families. Analyses were conducted on the genes independently as well as combined and separate analyses including only the higher plagiorchiidan taxa were performed using a reduced-taxon alignment including additional characters that could not be otherwise unambiguously aligned. The combined data analyses yielded the most strongly supported results and differences between the two methods of analysis were primarily in their degree of resolution. The Bayesian analysis including all taxa and characters, and incorporating a model of nucleotide substitution (general-time-reversible with among-site rate heterogeneity), was considered the best estimate of the phylogeny and was used to evaluate their classification and evolution. In broad terms, the Digenea forms a dichotomy that is split between a lineage leading to the Brachylaimoidea, Diplostomoidea and Schistosomatoidea (collectively the Diplostomida nomen novum (nom. nov.)) and the remainder of the Digenea (the Plagiorchiida), in which the Bivesiculata nom. nov. and Transversotremata nom. nov. form the two most basal lineages, followed by the Hemiurata. The remainder of the Plagiorchiida forms a large number of independent lineages leading to the crown clade Xiphidiata nom. nov. that comprises the Allocreadioidea, Gorgoderoidea, Microphalloidea and Plagiorchioidea, which are united by the presence of a penetrating stylet in their cercariae. Although a majority of families and to a lesser degree, superfamilies are supported as currently defined, the traditional divisions of the Echinostomida, Plagiorchiida and Strigeida were found to comprise non-natural assemblages. Therefore, the membership of established higher taxa are emended, new taxa erected and a revised, phylogenetically based classification proposed and discussed in light of ontogeny, morphology and taxonomic history.  相似文献   

The genera Sinineobucephalopsis and Sinogastromyzontrema are diagnosed and placed in the family Urotrematidae. Sinineobucephalopsis macrocirrus is redescribed from Glyptothorax fokiensis in Guangdong and Hunan provinces. Urotrema glyptothoraci is considered synonymous with Sinineobucephalopsis macrocirrus. The new combinations Sinineobucephalopsis postlecitha, Sinineobucephalopsis proeilecitha and Sinineobucephalopsis sinipercae are formed for species originally placed in Urotrema and Urotrematulum. Sinogastromyzontrema guangxiensis is redescribed from Sinogastromyzon wui in Guangxi Province. Urotrema parallelorchis is considered a synonym of Sinogastromyzontrema guangxiensis. A key to the species or species-complexes in the family Urotrematidae is given.  相似文献   

The life history strategy and seasonal host plant use of three Dysdercus bugs (D. cingulatus, D. poecilus and D. decussatus) were compared based on 2 years of twice monthly observations on Ishigaki‐jima Island (24°N, 124°E) in the southernmost part of Japan. Dysdercus poecilus reproduced almost year round, exclusively on Sida rhombifolia, which bears fruit and/or seeds almost year round. Dysdercus cingulatus reproduced successively on various malvaceous and bombacaceous plant species, according to their seasonal fruiting cycles. Its robust reproduction was observed on Hibiscus makinoi during winter months and on Chorisia speciosa and Bombax ceiba in early summer, whereas small‐scale reproduction was observed on various malvaceous plant species during the summer and autumn months. Dysdercus decussatus reproduced on Hibiscus tiliaceus and Thespesia populnea during the summer months, when these host plants bear abundant fruit and/or seeds, and its adults formed conspicuous aggregations without copulation on the underside of the leaves of those plants from November to the subsequent May. Each Dysdercus species showed a species‐specific life history strategy according to the differences in the phenology of their host plants.  相似文献   

Infections with metacercariae of Bucephaloides gracilescens in the four-bearded rockling Enchelyopus cimbrius were studied for a year in a Norwegian fjord. The prevalence was at all times high, but abundance showed a marked decline in spring to a low level during summer. A rise in abundance, variance-to-mean ratio and frequency of smaller metacercariae in early autumn (August-September) shows infection to have occurred mainly in autumn. There were no differences in level of infection between host sexes, but a highly significant positive correlation of parasite burden with host length. No influence on the condition factor of the host was revealed, the parasite cysts in the central nervous system are believed to have low pathogenicity. A detailed account of the distribution of metacercarial cysts is given. No support for infection being via the lateral line canals is revealed, cercarial penetration is believed to be through the general surface of the head and through the unpaired fins of the trunk and tail.  相似文献   

Co-existence among potentially competing species can be favoured by niche specialisation and/or by reducing the overall intensity of competition via aggregated utilisation of fragmented resources. We investigated the respective roles of niche specialisation and aggregation in the case of nine congeneric monogenean parasites on the gills of Roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) belonging to the genus Dactylogyrus. The position of each individual parasite of the nine Dactylogyrus species was recorded. Niche breadth and niche overlap of parasite species were estimated. Comparative methods, which take into account phylogenetic information of the analysed species, were used. We reconstructed a phylogeny of the nine Dactylogyrus species based on morphological characters. We used the 'aggregation model of co-existence' in the model to test if species co-existence is facilitated when intraspecific aggregation exceeds interspecific aggregation. We observed a lack of negative correlation in abundance between pairs of parasites, and a negative correlation between niche size and parasite aggregation, for both intraspecific and interspecific aggregation. Our comparative analysis showed that parasite abundance is positively correlated with niche breadth. Then parasite abundance, and not interactions between Dactylogyrus species, seems to be the most important factor determining niche size This result gives some support to niche segregation by specialisation. Niche size was negatively correlated with both intraspecific and interspecific aggregation. No relationship was found between an increase of interspecific aggregation with an increase of niche overlapping, which suggests that competition may play little role. A lack of competition could be also confirmed by the lack of negative correlation in abundance between species pairs. A parsimony analysis of the evolution of gill distribution indicates a change in one parameter of the niche (arch, segment and/or area) at each branching event.  相似文献   

Higher systematics within the Digenea, Carus 1863 have been relatively stable since a phylogenetic analysis of partial nuclear ribosomal markers (rDNA) led to the erection of the Diplostomida Olson, Cribb, Tkach, Bray, and Littlewood, 2003. However, recent mitochondrial (mt) genome phylogenies suggest this order might be paraphyletic. These analyses show members of two diplostomidan superfamilies are more closely related to the Plagiorchiida La Rue, 1957 than to other members of the Diplostomida. A recent phylogeny based on partial cytochrome c oxidase I also indicates one of the groups implicated, the Diplostomoidea Poirier, 1886, is non-monophyletic. To determine if these results were robust to additional taxon sampling, we analyzed mt genomes from seven diplostomoids in three families. To choose between phylogenetic alternatives based on mt genomes and the prior rDNA-based topology, we analyzed hundreds of ultra-conserved genomic elements assembled from shotgun sequencing. The Diplostomida was paraphyletic in the mt genome phylogeny but supported in the ultra-conserved genomic element phylogeny. We speculate this mitonuclear discordance is related to ancient, rapid radiation in the Digenea. Both ultra-conserved genomic elements and mt genomes support the monophyly of the Diplostomoidea and show congruent relationships within it. The Cyathocotylidae Mühling, 1898 are early diverging descendants of a paraphyletic clade of Diplostomidae Poirier, 1886, in which are nested members of the Strigeidae Railliet, 1919; the results support prior suggestions that the Crassiphialinae Sudarikov, 1960 will rise to the family level. Morphological traits of diplostomoid metacercariae appear to be more useful for differentiating clades than those of adults. We describe a new species of Cotylurus Szidat, 1928, resurrect a species of Hysteromorpha Lutz, 1931, and find support for a species of Alaria Schrank, 1788 of contested validity. Complete rDNA operons from seven diplostomoid species are provided as a resource for future studies.  相似文献   

Synopsis Effect of food deprivation and refeeding on metabolic parameters were studied in juvenile Rutilus rutilus, weighing 280–460 mg. Tissue hydration increased with the length of the starvation period, reaching a new steady state after 4–5 weeks. Total protein concentration remained constant at about 60% of dry body mass. The concentration of glycogen decreased during food deprivation, a new steady state being reached at about 30% of control values after 4 weeks. Refeeding caused a dramatic increase of glycogen concentration which exceeded the value in fed controls by 6- to 9-fold. This is seen as a tactic for rapid storage of food energy, to be used later for the synthesis of body materials. With respect to their responses to food deprivation the 12 enzymes investigated formed four groups: (1) activity unaffected by food deprivation or refeeding (COX, THIOL, CK, GOT); (2) activity drops to about 60% of control value during the initial phase of food deprivation but remains constant thereafter (PK, LDH, Pase); (3) slow but continuous decrease in activity during the whole period of starvation, i.e. up to 7 weeks (PFK, OGDH, CS, FBPase); (4) activity increases during food deprivation, decreases again upon refeeding (GPT). A model is discussed which distinguishes between four phases in the general response of young fish to food deprivation and refeeding: stress, transition, adaptation, and recovery.  相似文献   

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