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用O′Farrell根据蛋白质等电点与分子量的双向电泳法,分析东方蝾螈早期原肠胚外胚层诱导处理后,其蛋白质合成的变化。双向电泳上的蛋白质用银染法显色。结果表明,用豚鼠骨髓抽提液处理后向中胚层分化的外胚层,其蛋白质的图谱在诱导后二天内未见变化,五天出现较明显的变化,有新蛋白的形成。经缺钙处理向神经分化的外胚层,其蛋白质的图谱在处理后的二天和四天都未发现新的蛋白质点,但在4天组中有不少蛋白质浓度下降以及消失。结果说明,诱导分化过程中,在显示明确的形态学特征之前,蛋白质的量与质的变化或多或少就已经开始了,经过不同的诱导处理后,外胚层细胞向中胚层或神经分化过程中,蛋白质的组成是截然不同的。  相似文献   

所有组成间隙连接的连接蛋白(Cx)结构,由4个跨膜片段、3个环及氨基端和羧基端组成。在不同Cx中各区域氨基酸序列同源性存在差异,并与其功能相关连。Cx基因由两个外显子、其间的一个内含子及某些调节元件组成。  相似文献   

细胞间隙连接通讯与肿瘤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由连接蛋白构成的细胞间隙连接通讯(GJIC)广泛存在于脊椎动物中,可以直接介导细胞间小分子物质的传递,而不需要通过细胞间质。GJIC与肿瘤密切相关,多数肿瘤GJIC能力降低或丧失,连接蛋白不表达或胞内定位,而恢复GJIC可以抑制肿瘤, GJIC已成为肿瘤预防与治疗研究的潜在靶点之一。  相似文献   

在复杂的多细胞个体中,为了协调组成细胞间的生长、分化以及各种生命活动,细胞之间的通讯是必不可缺少的。一般来说,细胞之间的通讯有两种方式。一种是细胞分泌讯号物质到细胞外,如像神经递质、激素、生长因子等,对它们起反应的是具有相应受体的靶细胞,可能位于邻近,也可能在相隔一定距离的组织中。另一种形式是通过相邻细胞之间的质  相似文献   

一、前言细胞通讯是多细胞生物的一个基本需要。多细胞生物的细胞不是一个自主单位,而是整体系统的一部分。有机体的细胞分化,胚胎和胚后的生长发育都要求各细胞、组织、器官和系统处于高度的协调状态,而首先要求每个细胞必须能够接受来自机体的各种信息,并对这些信息产生恰切的反应,使每个细胞的活动得  相似文献   

在胚胎诱导的研究中,不少工作证明,外胚层细胞经同一种诱导物质处理,细胞能否接受诱导刺激,反应的强度如何,以及分化出哪些组织,是取决于外胚层细胞的年龄。受到中胚层诱导物质的刺激,早期原肠胚外胚层反应较强,分化出脊索、肌肉等构造,晚期原肠胚外胚层反应变弱,只能分化出血球、间质细胞等。其所以有这种差别,一般地都笼统地归之  相似文献   

连接蛋白家族,细胞间隙连接通讯与肿瘤抑制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前,至少已发现编码间隙蛋白的基因--连接蛋白家族的十个成员。它们的碱基顺序有高度同源性,结构相似,在组织细胞中的分布既有专一性,又有交叉性。连接蛋白基因的表达水平与间隙连接通讯功能的调变相关。在转化或肿瘤细胞中间隙连接通讯功能的丧失常伴随连接蛋白家族蛋白基因的表达,能够抑制肿瘤生长。连接蛋白基因可能是一个潜在的肿瘤抑制基因。  相似文献   

激光扫描共聚焦显微镜(LSCM)是当今世界上最先进的分子细胞生物学分析仪器之一。旨就LSCM在细胞间隙连接蛋白的定位、定量、分布及细胞间分子迁移、胞间通讯等方面的应用进行综述,并对其在GJIC的研究进行展望。  相似文献   

一种用FRAP测定细胞间隙连接介导通讯的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了利用荧光漂白恢复技术(FRAP)测定体外培养小鼠大脑皮层神经胶质细胞间隙连接通讯的方法。经细胞培养、荧光染色、荧光激发、荧光漂白、激光扫描及计算 机分析等处理,结果各所选神经胶质细胞内荧光均得到不同程度的恢复,即经扫描15.3分钟后,1—5号细胞内荧光相对强度分别上升了14%、28%、43%、17.5%、12.5%,三次平均上升了18.57±10.06%,荧光恢复速率平均为1.223±0.785%/min(n=14)。表明该方法可用来测定细胞间隙连接通讯。  相似文献   

Gap junctions play a critical role in hearing and mutations in connexin genes cause a high incidence of human deafness. Pathogenesis mainly occurs in the cochlea, where gap junctions form extensive networks between non-sensory cells that can be divided into two independent gap junction systems, the epithelial cell gap junction system and the connective tissue cell gap junction system. At least four different connexins have been reported to be present in the mammalian inner ear, and gap junctions are thought to provide a route for recycling potassium ions that pass through the sensory cells during the mechanosensory transduction process back to the endolymph. Here we review the cochlear gap junction networks and their hypothesized role in potassium ion recycling mechanism, pharmacological and physiological gating of cochlear connexins, animal models harboring connexin mutations and functional studies of mutant channels that cause human deafness. These studies elucidate gap junction functions in the cochlea and also provide insight for understanding the pathogenesis of this common hereditary deafness induced by connexin mutations. H.-B. Zhao, T. Kikuchi, A. Ngezahayo, T. W. White contributed equally to this article  相似文献   

Electrical activation of the myocardium to produce effective pumping of blood depends on the orderly coordinated spatial and temporal transfer of current from one cell to another via gap junctions. Normal ventricular myocytes are extensively coupled by gap junctions and have the capacity to rapidly increase the amount of connexin within gap junction plaques to meet physiological demands for enhanced cell-cell communication. However, myocytes can also rapidly uncouple in response to injury or disease. In general, both acute and chronic forms of heart disease caused by diverse etiologies are associated with changes in the expression of connexins and remodeling of gap junctions. Such remodeling may have both adaptive and maladaptive consequences and contribute to major clinical processes such as heart failure and sudden cardiac death. Our laboratory has investigated mechanisms regulating cell-cell electrical coupling in the heart under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. This review is focused on selected aspects of this work pertaining to changes in coupling in response to acute and chronic ischemic heart disease and in familial cardiomyopathies caused by mutations in genes encoding desmosomal proteins.  相似文献   

The epithelium of upper respiratory tissues such as nasal mucosa forms a continuous barrier to a wide variety of exogenous antigens. The epithelial barrier function is regulated in large part by the intercellular junctions, referred to as gap and tight junctions. However, changes of gap and tight junctions during differentiation of human nasal epithelial (HNE) cells are still unclear. In the present study, to investigate changes of gap and tight junctions during differentiation of HNE cells in vitro, we used primary human HNE cells cocultured with primary human nasal fibroblast (HNF) cells in a noncontact system. In HNE cells cocultured with HNF cells for 2 weeks, numerous elongated cilia-like structures were observed compared to those without HNF cells. In the coculture, downregulation of Cx26 and upregulation of Cx30.3 and Cx31 were observed together with extensive gap junctional intercellular communication. Furthermore, expression of the tight junction proteins claudin-1, claudin-4, occludin and ZO-2 was increased. These results suggest that switching in expression of connexins and induction of tight junction proteins may be closely associated with differentiation of HNE cells in vitro and that differentiation of HNE cells requires unknown soluble factors secreted from HNF cells.  相似文献   

The development and function of the mammary gland require precise control of gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC). Here, we review the expression and function of gap junction proteins, connexins, in the normal mouse and human mammary gland. We then discuss the possible tumor-suppressive role of Cx26 and Cx43 in primary breast tumors and through the various stages of breast cancer metastasis and consider whether connexins or GJIC may actually promote tumorigenesis at some stages. Finally, we present in vitro data on the impact of connexin expression on breast cancer cell metastasis to the bone. We observed that Cx43 expression inhibited the invasive and migratory potentials of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells in a bone microenvironment, provided by the MC3T3-E1 mouse osteoblastic cell line. Expression of either Cx26 or Cx43 had no effect on MDA-MB-231 growth and adhesion under the influence of osteoblasts and did not result in regulation of osteogenic gene expression in these breast cancer cells. Furthermore, connexin-expressing MDA-MB-231 cells did not have an effect on the growth or differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells. In summary, we conclude that connexin expression and GJIC are integral to the development and differentiation of the mammary gland. In breast cancer, connexins generally act as tumor suppressors in the primary tumor; however, in advanced breast tumors, connexins appear to act as both context-dependent tumor suppressors and facilitators of disease progression.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation is an important process for reproduction, growth and renewal of living cells and occurs in several situations during life. Cell proliferation is present in all the steps of carcinogenesis, initiation, promotion and progression. Gap junctions are the only specialization of cell membranes that allows communication between adjacent cells. They are known to contribute to tissue homeostasis and are composed of transmembrane proteins called “connexins.” These junctions are also known to be involved in cell proliferation control. The roles of gap junctions and connexins in cell proliferation are complex and still under investigation. Since pioneer studies by Loewenstein, it is known that neoplastic cells lack communicating junctions. They do not communicate with their neighbors or with non-neoplastic cells from the surrounding area. There are many studies and review articles dedicated to neoplastic tissues. The aim of this review is to present evidence on the roles of gap junctions and connexins in non-neoplastic processes in which cell proliferation is involved.  相似文献   

Connexins (Cx) are considered to play a crucial role in the differentiation of epithelial cells and to be associated with adherens and tight junctions. This review describes how connexins contribute to the induction and maintenance of tight junctions in epithelial cells, hepatic cells and airway epithelial cells. Endogenous Cx32 expression and mediated intercellular communication are associated with the expression of tight junction proteins of primary cultured rat hepatocytes. We introduced the human Cx32 gene into immortalized mouse hepatic cells derived from Cx32-deficient mice. Exogenous Cx32 expression and the mediated intercellular communication by transfection could induce the expression and function of tight junctions. Transfection also induced expression of MAGI-1, which localized at adherens and tight junction areas in a gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC)–independent manner. Furthermore, expression of Cx32 was related to the formation of single epithelial cell polarity of the hepatic cells. On the other hand, Cx26 expression, but not mediated intercellular communication, contributed to the expression and function of tight junctions in human airway epithelial cells. We introduced the human Cx26 gene into the human airway epithelial cell line Calu-3 and used a model of tight junction disruption by the Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor ouabain. Transfection with Cx26 prevented disruption of both tight junction functions, the fence and barrier, and the changes of tight junction proteins by treatment with ouabain in a GJIC–independent manner. These results suggest that connexins can induce and maintain tight junctions in both GJIC-dependent and –independent manners in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Induction of N-Glycosylation Activity in Cultured Embryonic Rat Brain Cells   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Developmental changes in protein N-glycosylation activity have been studied using cultures of dissociated fetal rat brain cells as an in vitro model system. These cultures undergo an initial phase of neurite outgrowth and cell proliferation (4-6 days in culture), followed by a period of cellular differentiation. N-Glycosylation activity has been measured by assaying the incorporation of [2-3H]mannose into dolichol-linked oligosaccharides and glycoprotein over a period of 1-25 days in culture. This study revealed a marked induction of N-glycosylation activity beginning at approximately 1 week of culture. [2-3H]Mannose incorporation into the oligosaccharide-lipid intermediate fraction and glycoprotein reached maximal values between 12 and 16 days of culture and declined thereafter. The major dolichol-linked oligosaccharide labeled by the brain cell cultures was shown to be Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 by HPLC analysis. Parallel incorporation studies with [3H]leucine showed that the increase in protein N-glycosylation was relatively higher than a concurrent increase in cellular protein synthesis observed during the induction period. Maximal labeling of glycoprotein corresponded to the period of glial differentiation, as indicated by a sharp rise in the marker enzymes, 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase (an oligodendroglial marker) and glutamine synthetase (an astroglial marker). The results describe a developmental activation of the N-glycosylation pathway and suggest a possible relationship between N-linked glycoprotein assembly and the growth and differentiation of glial cells.  相似文献   

The organ of Corti has been found to have multiple gap junction subunits, connexins, which are localized solely in nonsensory supporting cells. Connexin mutations can induce sensorineural deafness. However, the characteristics and functions of inner ear gap junctions are not well known. In the present study, the voltage-dependence of gap junctional conductance (G j ) in cochlear supporting cells was examined by the double voltage clamp technique. Multiple types of asymmetric voltage dependencies were found for both nonjunctional membrane voltage (V m ) and transjunctional (V j ) voltage. Responses for each type of voltage dependence were categorized into four groups. The first two groups showed rectification that was polarity dependent. The third group exhibited rectification with either voltage polarity, i.e., these cells possessed a bell-shaped G j -V j or G j -V m function. The rectification due to V j had fast and slow components. On the other hand, V m -dependent gating was fast (<5 msec), but stable. Finally, a group was found that evidenced no voltage dependence, although the absence of V j dependence did not preclude V m dependence and vice versa. In fact, for all groups V j sensitivity could be independent of V m sensitivity. The data show that most gap junctional channels in the inner ear have asymmetric voltage gating, which is indicative of heterogeneous coupling and may result from heterotypic channels or possibly heteromeric configurations. This heterogeneous coupling implies that single connexin gene mutations may affect the normal physiological function of gap junctions that are not limited to homotypic configurations. Received: 17 September 1999/Revised: 12 January 2000  相似文献   

Glomerular mesangial cells (MCs) are specialized vascular smooth muscle cells that play a critical role in the control of glomerular hemodynamics. One of the intriguing features of MCs is their extraordinary abundance in gap junctions (GJs). It has long been speculated that GJs may bridge MCs together and provide the mesangium with the characteristics of a functional syncytium. Accumulating scientific evidence supports this idea. GJs are reported to be critically involved in important physiological processes like tubuloglomerular feedback and glomerular filtration. In addition, GJs are implicated in the control of many cellular processes of MCs, including growth, differentiation and survival. This article summarizes the current knowledge on the roles of GJs in glomerular pathophysiology.  相似文献   

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