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We examined the nucleotide and amino acid sequence variation of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) gene from 25 primates (4 hominoids, 8 Old World monkeys, 2 New World monkeys, 2 tarsiers, 7 lemuriforms, 2 lorisiforms). Marginal support was found for three phylogenetic conclusions: (1) sister-group relationship between tarsiers and a monkey/ape clade, (2) placement of the aye-aye (Daubentonia) sister to all other strepsirhine primates, and (3) rejection of a sister-group relationship of dwarf lemurs (i.e., Cheirogaleus) with lorisiform primates. Stronger support was found for a sister-group relationship between the ring-tail lemur (Lemur catta) and the gentle lemurs (Hapalemur). In congruence with previous studies on COII, we found that the monkeys and apes have undergone a nearly two-fold increase in the rate of amino acid replacement relative to other primates. Although functionally important amino acids are generally conserved among all primates, the acceleration in amino acid replacements in higher primates is associated with increased variation in the amino terminal end of the protein. Additionally, the replacement of two carboxyl-bearing residues (glutamate and aspartate) at positions 114 and 115 may provide a partial explanation for the poor enzyme kinetics in cross-reactions between the cytochromes c and cytochrome c oxidases of higher primates and other mammals.
Correspondence to: R.L. Honeycutt 相似文献
Spencer J. Greenwood Mitchell L. Sogin Denis H. Lynn 《Journal of molecular evolution》1991,33(2):163-174
Summary Phylogenetic relationships within the class Oligohymenophorea, phylum Ciliophora, were investigated by determining the complete small subunit rRNA (SSrRNA) gene sequences for the hymenostomesColpidium campylum, Glaucoma chattoni, and the peritrichOpisthonecta henneguyi. The affiliations of the oligohymenophoreans were assessed using both distance matrix (DM) and maximum parsimony (MP) analyses. Variations do exist in the phylogenies created by the two methods. However, the basic tree topologies are consistent. In both the DM and MP analyses the hymenostomes (C. campylum, G. chattoni, and the tetrahymenas) all form a very tight group associated with the peritrichO. henneguyi. TheTetrahymena lineage was monophyletic whereasColpidium andGlaucoma were more closely related to each other than either was to the tetrahymenas. The monophyly of the genusTetrahymena in the present analysis supports the phylogenies determined from morphological data and molecular sequence data from the histone H3II/H4II region of the genome. The perplexing and controversial phylogenetic position of the peritrichs is once again depicted in the present analysis. The distinctiveness of the peritrichOpisthonecta from both hymenostome and nassophorean ciliates based on evolutionary distances suggests that the elevation of the peritrichs to a higher taxonomic rank should be reconsidered. 相似文献
Robin B. Gasser Xingquan Zhu Donald P. McManus 《International journal for parasitology》1999,29(12):521
Nine members of the genus Taenia (Taenia taeniaeformis, Taenia hydatigena, Taenia pisiformis, Taenia ovis, Taenia multiceps, Taenia serialis, Taenia saginata, Taenia solium and the Asian Taenia) were characterised by their mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene sequences and their genetic relationships were compared with those derived from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data. The extent of inter-taxon sequence difference in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (5.9–30.8%) was usually greater than in cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (2.5–18%). Although topology of the phenograms derived from NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data differed, there was concordance in that T. multiceps, T. serialis (of canids), T. saginata and the Asian Taenia (of humans) were genetically most similar, and those four members were genetically more similar to T. ovis and T. solium than they were to T. hydatigena and T. pisiformis (of canids) or T. taeniaeformis (of cats). The NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 sequence data may prove useful in studies of the systematics and population genetic structure of the Taeniidae. 相似文献
Phylogenetic relationships of glyptosternoid fishes (Siluriformes: Sisoridae) inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
To explore phylogenetic relationships among glyptosternoid fishes, we determined nucleotide sequences of the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene region (1138 base pair). Thirteen species of glyptosternoid fishes and six species of non-glyptosternoids represent 10 sisorid genera were examined. Molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed using the maximum parsimony, minimum evolution, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses support the monophyly of glyptosternoids, but our hypothesis of internal relationships differs from previous hypothesis. Results indicated that glyptosternoid is a monophyletic group and genera Glyptosternum and Exostoma are two basal species having a primitive position among it. Genera Euchiloglanis and Pareuchiloglanis form a sister-group. Then they form a sister-group with Pseudexostoma plus Oreoglanis. Our result also found that Pareuchiloglanis anteanalis might be considered as the synonyms of Parechiloglanis sinensis, and genus Euchiloglanis might have only one valid species, Euchiloglanis davidi. 相似文献
Gulls (Aves: Laridae) constitute a recent and cosmopolite family of well-studied seabirds for which a robust phylogeny is needed to perform comparative and biogeographical analyses. The present study, the first molecular phylogeny of all Larids species (N=53), is based on a combined segment of mtDNA (partial cytochrome b and control region). We discuss our phylogenetic tree in the light of previous suggestions based on morphological, behavioral, and plumage characters. Although the phylogeny is not fully resolved, it highlights several robust species groups and confirms or identifies for the first time some sister relationships that had never been suggested before. The Dolphin Gull (Leucophaeus scoresbii) for instance, is identified as the sister species of the Grey Gull (Larus modestus) and the Ross's Gull (Rhodostethia rosea) forms a monophyletic group with the Little Gull (Larus minutus). Our results clearly demonstrate that the genus Larus as currently defined is not monophyletic, since current taxonomy of gulls is based on the use of convergent phenotypic characters. We propose a new systematic arrangement that better reflects their evolutionary history. 相似文献
Ivano Bertini Gabriele Cavallaro Antonio Rosato 《Journal of biological inorganic chemistry》2005,10(6):613-624
An ensemble of structural models of the adduct between cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans has been calculated based on the experimental data from site-directed mutagenesis and NMR experiments that have accumulated
over the last years of research on this system. The residues from each protein that are at the protein–protein interface have
been identified by the above experimental work, and this information has been converted in a series of restraints explicitly
used in calculations. It is found that a single static structural model cannot satisfy all experimental data simultaneously.
Therefore, it is proposed that the adduct exists as a dynamic ensemble of different orientations in equilibrium, and may be
represented by a combination or average of the various limiting conformations calculated here. The equilibrium involves both
conformations that are competent for electron transfer and conformations that are not. Long-range recognition of the partners
is driven by non-specific electrostatic interactions, while at shorter distances hydrophobic contacts tune the reciprocal
orientation. Electron transfer from cytochrome bc
1 to cytochrome c oxidase is mediated through cytochrome c experiencing multiple encounters with both of its partners, only part of which are productive. The number of encounters,
and thus the electron transfer rate, may be increased by the formation of a cytochrome bc
1–cytochrome c oxidase supercomplex and/or (in human) by increasing the concentration of the two enzymes in the membrane space.
Protein Data Bank Accession numbers The coordinates of the five best structural models for each of the four clusters have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank
(PDB ID 1ZYY). 相似文献
Rodney L. Honeycutt Michael A. Nedbal Ronald M. Adkins Laura L. Janecek 《Journal of molecular evolution》1995,40(3):260-272
The evolution of two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b and cytochrome c oxidase subunit II, was examined in several eutherian mammal orders, with special emphasis on the orders Artiodactyla and Rodentia. When analyzed using both maximum parsimony, with either equal or unequal character weighting, and neighbor joining, neither gene performed with a high degree of consistency in terms of the phylogenetic hypotheses supported. The phylogenetic inconsistencies observed for both these genes may be the result of several factors including differences in the rate of nucleotide substitution among particular lineages (especially between orders), base composition bias, transition/transversion bias, differences in codon usage, and different constraints and levels of homoplasy associated with first, second, and third codon positions. We discuss the implications of these findings for the molecular systematics of mammals, especially as they relate to recent hypotheses concerning the polyphyly of the order Rodentia, relationships among the Artiodactyla, and various interordinal relationships.Correspondence to: R.L. Honeycutt 相似文献
Summary The cryptomonadPyrenomonas salina presumably has arisen from a symbiotic event involving a flagellated phagotrophic host cell and a photosynthetic eukaryote
as the symbiont. Correspondingly, in this unicellular alga there are four different genomes, e.g., the nuclear and the mitochondrial
genomes of the host cell as well as the plastid genome and the genome contained in the vestigial nucleus of the endocytobiont
(nucleomorph). To analyze the orgin of one of the symbiotic partners the small subunit rRNA gene sequence of the host cell
nucleus was determined, and a secondary structure model has been constructed. This sequence is compared to those of 40 other
eukaryotes. A phylogenetic tree constructed using the neighborliness method revealed a close relationship between the host
cell ofP. salina and the chlorophytes, whereas the rhodophytes diverge more deeply in the tree. 相似文献
Guillot J Demanche C Norris K Wildschutte H Wanert F Berthelemy M Tataine S Dei-Cas E Chermette R 《Molecular phylogenetics and evolution》2004,31(3):988-996
The presence of Pneumocystis organisms was detected by nested-PCR at mitochondrial large subunit (mtLSU) rRNA gene in 23 respiratory samples from Asian macaques representing two species: Macaca mulatta and M. fascicularis. A very high level of sequence heterogeneity was detected with 18 original sequence types. Two genetic groups of Pneumocystis could be distinguished from the samples. Within each group, the extent of genetic divergence was low (2.5+/-1.4% in group 1 and 2.3+/-1.7% in group 2). Genetic divergences were systematically higher when macaque-derived sequence types were compared with Pneumocystis mtLSU sequences from other primate species (from 5.3+/-2.7% to 19.3+/-3.0%). The two macaque-derived groups may be considered as distinct Pneumocystis species. Surprisingly, these Pneumocystis species were recovered from both M. mulatta and M. fascicularis suggesting that host-species restriction may not systematically occur in the genus Pneumocystis. Alternatively, these observations question about the species concept in macaques. 相似文献
A phylogeny of the species of the nase genus Chondrostoma was constructed from a complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp). Molecular phylogeny was used to revise the current systematics of this group, and to infer a biogeographical model of the Mediterranean area during the Cenozoic period. We confirmed the monophyly of the genus Chondrostoma, and defined seven different lineages within it: Polylepis, Arcasii, Lemmingii, Toxostoma, Nasus, C. genei, and C. soetta. The separation of main lineages within Chondrostoma occurred in the Middle-Upper Miocene, approximately 11 million years ago, while the greatest species radiation took place in the Pliocene close to the time the current drainages system were created. It is unlikely that this genus experienced an extensive dispersal during the Messinian, in the Lago-Mare Phase. Given the level of current knowledge, a biogeographical model constructed on the basis of vicariant events seems more realistic than does a dispersalist model. 相似文献
NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences compared for members of the genus Taenia (Cestoda) 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Nine members of the genus Taenia (Taenia taeniaeformis, Taenia hydatigena, Taenia pisiformis, Taenia ovis, Taenia multiceps, Taenia serialis, Taenia saginata, Taenia solium and the Asian Taenia) were characterised by their mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene sequences and their genetic relationships were compared with those derived from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data. The extent of inter-taxon sequence difference in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (5.9–30.8%) was usually greater than in cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (2.5–18%). Although topology of the phenograms derived from NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data differed, there was concordance in that T. multiceps, T. serialis (of canids), T. saginata and the Asian Taenia (of humans) were genetically most similar, and those four members were genetically more similar to T. ovis and T. solium than they were to T. hydatigena and T. pisiformis (of canids) or T. taeniaeformis (of cats). The NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 sequence data may prove useful in studies of the systematics and population genetic structure of the Taeniidae. 相似文献
Summary The small subunit ribosomal RNA (16S-like rRNA) coding regions of the hypotrichous ciliatesOnychodromus quadricornutus andOxytricha granulifera were amplified using polymerase chain reaction techniques. Complete sequences were determined for the amplified genes and compared to those of other ciliated protozoa. In phylogenetic trees inferred using distance matrix methods oxytrichids are not seen as a cohesive phylogenetic group.Oxytricha nova is most closely related toStylonychia pustulata in a lineage that also includesO. quadricornutus. This phylogeny contradicts phylogenetic schemes in whichOnychodromus is considered to be a primitive hypotrichous ciliate and suggests thatO. nova was misidentified as members of the genusOxytricha. 相似文献
D.R. Frohlich B.A. Stevenson A.M. Peterson M.A. Wells 《Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology》1996,113(4):785-788
A cDNA encoding mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mt COI) from Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) was cloned and sequenced. AT (adenine-thymine) content is high and codon usage is biased and likely reflects the role of mt COI in electron transport. The encoded protein is 514 amino acids long, contains seven invariant His residues observed in COIs in all organisms and would be predicted to be composed of 12 transmembrane regions. 相似文献
Six species of abalones (Haliotidae) are found on the Korean coasts. Identification and characterization of these abalones are usually based on morphologic characters. In this research we compared the partial sequences of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I genes to identify species using molecular data and to determine their phylogenetic relationships. Sequence alignments and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the 6 species fell into 2 distinct groups which were genetically distant from each other and exhibited little internal phylogenetic resolution. One group included Haliotis discus hannai, H. discus discus, H. madaka, and H. gigantea, while the other group contained H. diversicolor supertexta and H. diversicolor diversicolor. The 16S rRNA sequences were relatively more conserved than to the COI sequences, but both gene sequences provided sufficient phylogenetic information to distinguish among the 6 species of Pacific abalone, and thus could be valuable molecular characters for species identification. 相似文献
Summary The 1788-nucleotide sequence of the small-subunit ribosomal RNA (srRNA) coding region from the chlorophyteVolvox carteri was determined. The secondary structure bears features typical of the universal model of srRNA, including about 40 helices and a division into four domains. Phylogenetic relationships to 17 other eukaryotes, including two other chlorophytes, were explored by comparing srRNA sequences. Similarity values and the inspection of phylogenetic trees derived by distance matrix methods revealed a close relationship betweenV. carteri andChlamydomonas reinhardtii. The results are consistent with the view that these Volvocales, and the third green alga,Nanochlorum eucaryotum, are more closely related to higher plants than to any other major eukaryotic group, but constitute a distinct lineage that has long been separated from the line leading to the higher plants. 相似文献
The phylogenetic relationships of Chalara and allied taxa are studied based on ribosomal DAN sequences. Partial 28S rDNA and 18S rDNA regions from 26 strains were
sequenced in this study. These and related sequences from GenBank were analyzed using parsimony and Bayesian analyses. Most
of the Chalara species clustered in a strongly supported monophyletic lineage representing Helotiales. However, a few Chalara species appeared closely related to Xylariales. The phylogenetic significance of morphological characters observed in Chalara species are evaluated based on our sequence analyses. Conidial septation, conidial width and conidiophore pigmentation are
thought to be indicative in understanding their evolutionary relationships. Sterile setae, which traditionally have been used
to delimitate Chaetochalara from Chalara, are phylogenetically insignificant. 相似文献
In order to distinguish between the regulatory effects of oxygen tension and light intensity on cytochrome c oxidase protein and enzymatic activity cells of Rhodobacter capsulatus were shifted from phototrophic (anaerobic, light) growth to aerobic-light, aerobic-dark and to anaerobic-dark conditions, respectively. During shift-experiments the formation of oxidase protein and regulation of oxidase activity was followed by immunological and enzymatic means. The results support the idea, that the formation of oxidase protein is regulated by oxygen tension and light intensity changes, whereas the regulation of oxidase activity seems only to be correlated to the oxygen tension. A DNA sequence involved in the oxygen-dependent regulation of cytochrome oxidase could be identified in the regulation-deficient oxidase mutant H41 of R. capsulatus. Immunological investigations of cytochrome c2 from mutant H41 demonstrated at the same time the participation of the c2-polypeptide in the regulation of cytochrome c oxidase.Abbreviations Bchl bacteriochlorophyll - CIE crossed immuno-electrophoresis - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide 相似文献
Summary The cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences from planarian (Dugesia japonica) DNA, most probably of mitochondrial origin, are heterogeneous. Taking advantage of the heterogeneity that occurs primarily in silent sites of the COI DNA sequences, amino acid assignments of several codons have been deduced as nonuniversal: UGA = Trp, AAA = Asp, and AGR (R: A or G) = Ser. In addition, UAA, a stop codon in the universal genetic code, is tentatively assumed to be a tyrosine codon, because three of the sequences examined have UAA at the well-conserved tyrosine site of UAY (Y: U or C) in other planarian sequences as well as in the mitochondria of human, Xenopus, sea urchin, Drosophila, Trypanosoma, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. AUA would most probably be an isoleucine codon in these mitochondria, whereas it is a methionine codon in the majority of nonplant mitochondria.Offprint requests to: Y. Bessho 相似文献
Uwe -G. Maier Claudia J. B. Hofmann Stefan Eschbach Jörn Wolters Gabor L. Igloi 《Molecular & general genetics : MGG》1991,230(1-2):155-160
Summary In cryptomonads, unicellular phototrophic flagellates, the plastid(s) is (are) located in a special narrow compartment which is bordered by two membranes; it harbours neither mitochondria nor Golgi dictyosomes but comprises eukaryotic ribosomes and starch grains together with a small organelle called the nucleomorph. The nucleomorph contains DNA and is surrounded by a double membrane with pores. It is thought to be the vestigial nucleus of a phototrophic eukaryotic endosymbiont. Cryptomonads are therefore supposed to represent an intermediate state in the evolution of complex plastids from endosymbionts. We have succeeded in isolating pure nucleomorph fractions, and can thus provide, using pulsed field gel electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction and sequence analysis, definitive proof for the eukaryotic nature of the symbiont and its phylogenetic origin. 相似文献