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The hemochromatosis gene (HFE) maps to 6p21.3, in close linkage with the HLA Class I genes. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) studies were designed to narrow down the most likely candidate region for HFE, as an alternative to traditional linkage analysis. However, both the HLA-A and D6S105 subregions, which are situated 2–3 cM and approximately 3 Mb apart, have been suggested to contain HFE. The present report extends our previous study based upon the analysis of a large number of HFE and normal chromosomes from 66families of Breton ancestry. In addition to the previously used RFLP markers spanning the 400-kb surrounding HLA-A, we examined three microsatellites: D6S510, HLA-F, and D6S105. Our combined data not only confirm a peak of LD at D6S105, but also reveal a complex pattern of LD over the i82 to D6S105 interval. Within our ethnically well-defined population of Brittany, the association of HFE with D6S105 is as great as that with HLA-A, while the internal markers display a lower LD. Fine haplotype analysis enabled us to identify two categories of haplotypes segregating with HFE. In contrast to the vast majority of normal haplotypes, 50% of HFE haplotypes are completely conserved over the HLA-A to D6S105 interval. These haplotypes could have been conserved through recombination suppression, selective forces and/or other evolutionary factors. This particular haplotypic configuration might account for the apparent inconsistencies between genetic linkage and LD data, and additionally greatly complicates positional cloning of HFE through disequilibrium mapping.The authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

MHC haplotypes were determined for 52 patients with ragweed pollen allergy, with and without asthma, and 27 non-atopic controls. Total IgE levels were unimodally distributed in all study groups and were higher in atopic patients in general compared with non-atopics. There was no difference in total IgE levels in patients with rhinitis only compared with those with rhinitis and asthma. IgE anti-Amb a V was detected (after subtraction of values representing the means + 2 SD of the non-atopics) in 9 of 20 asthmatics but only 3 of 32 patients with only rhinitis and was thus associated with asthma. Mean anti-Amb a V was much higher in the antibody-positive asthmatics (1710 U/ml) than in the positive patients with rhinitis only (469 U/ml). The extended MHC haplotype [HLA-B7, SC31, DR2] and its possible DR-containing fragment (SC31, DR2), were found almost exclusively among the patients with IgE anti-Amb a V and were significantly elevated in patients with asthma. DR2 in general, but not DR2 without SC31, was significantly increased in frequency in patients with anti-Amb a V. In contrast, the extended haplotype [HLA-B8, SC01, DR3] and DR3 in general were increased among patients with rhinitis only and patients without IgE anti-Amb a V compared with general controls. Thus, [HLA-B8, SC01, DR3] and DR3 appear to be "protective" for the production of this antibody and the occurrence of asthma. The findings are consistent with an MHC-linked gene or genes on [HLA-B7, SC31, DR2] (but not necessarily DR2, Dw2, or DQw6 in general) controlling the IgE immune response to Amb a V and associated with asthma in ragweed pollen-sensitive subjects. In patients with rhinitis alone and generally undetectable levels of IgE anti-Amb a V, the increase in [HLA-B8, SC01, DR3] and DR3 may mark a response to an as yet unidentified Ag associated with ragweed allergy and rhinitis only.  相似文献   

cDNAs coding for the HLA class II DR and DQ and chains of the diabetogenic haplotypes DR3 and DR4 were introduced into a mammalian expression vector and transfected into L-cell mouse fibroblasts to produce cells expressing individual human class II molecules. Stable L transfectants were generated expressing each of the DR or DQ isotypes of the cis-encoded and chains of the DR3 or DR4 haplotypes, as well as the trans-encoded and chains of the DQ molecules of the two haplotypes. However, isotype mismatched combinations (DR/DQ or DQ/DR) did not result in any stable transfectants. The stable DQ L-cell transfectants obtained, along with homozygous B-cell lines expressing the DQ2 and DQ8 specificities, were tested against a large panel of twentyone anti-HLA class II monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Their unusual reactivity patterns are described including the failure of most pan-DQ mAbs to react with all DQ expressing L-cell transfectants. Interestingly, some mAbs react with certain heterodimers expressed on B-LCL but fail to recognize the same heterodimers expressed on the transfectants. This is suggestive of minor structural modifications that class II molecules undergo depending on the cells they are expressed on.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number U07848. The name DQB1 * 0202 was officially assigned by the WHO Nomenclature Committee in April 1994. This follows the agreed policy that, subject to the conditions stated in the most recent Nomenclature Report (Bodmer et al. 1992), names will be assigned to new sequences as they are identified. Lists of such new names will be published in the following WHO Nomenclature Report  相似文献   

The class II molecules of DR4, DR7, and DRw9 haplotypes were analyzed by immunoprecipitation, followed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and N-terminal amino acid sequencing. By using HLA-DR chain-specific monoclonal antibodies, two distinct DR beta-chains were identified. One beta-chain, designated DR beta 2, had a characteristic acidic mobility. In all three DR types the DR beta 2-chains were indistinguishable by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and partial N-terminal sequencing. A second DR beta-chain designated beta 1 had a more basic mobility on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and differed from the DR beta 2-chains by the consistent presence of phenylalanine at position 18. In contrast to the DR beta 2-chains, the DR beta 1-chains were clearly polymorphic, with specific amino acid sequence differences characteristic of each DR type. The monoclonal antibodies 109d6 and 17-3-3S, recognizing distinct polymorphic epitopes similarly correlated with the DRw53 allospecificity, were found to react with different DR beta-chains. The epitope recognized by monoclonal antibody 109d6 was identified on the DR beta 2-chain in the prototypic DR4, DR7, and DRw9 cell lines. However, the DR7, Dw11, DQw3 cell line BEI was unreactive with antibody 109d6 by either immunofluorescence or immunoprecipitation despite the presence of the DRw53 allodeterminant on this cell line. The other DRw53-like monoclonal antibody, 17-3-3S, reacted with the DR beta 1-rather than the DR beta 2-chain in all DR4 and DR7 cell lines tested, including the cell line BEI. However, antibody 17-3-3S did not react with the DRw53-positive DRw9 cell line ISK. These studies suggest that the DRw53 allospecificity is more complex than previously thought and may comprise a number of distinct epitopes encoded by two different DR beta loci.  相似文献   

KIR3DL1 is a polymorphic, inhibitory NK cell receptor specific for the Bw4 epitope carried by subsets of HLA-A and HLA-B allotypes. The Bw4 epitope of HLA-B*5101 and HLA-B*1513 is determined by the NIALR sequence motif at positions 77, 80, 81, 82, and 83 in the alpha(1) helix. Mutation of these positions to the residues present in the alternative and nonfunctional Bw6 motif showed that the functional activity of the Bw4 epitopes of B*5101 and B*1513 is retained after substitution at positions 77, 80, and 81, but lost after substitution of position 83. Mutation of leucine to arginine at position 82 led to loss of function for B*5101 but not for B*1513. Further mutagenesis, in which B*1513 residues were replaced by their B*5101 counterparts, showed that polymorphisms in all three extracellular domains contribute to this functional difference. Prominent were positions 67 in the alpha(1) domain, 116 in the alpha(2) domain, and 194 in the alpha(3) domain. Lesser contributions were made by additional positions in the alpha(2) domain. These positions are not part of the Bw4 epitope and include residues shaping the B and F pockets that determine the sequence and conformation of the peptides bound by HLA class I molecules. This analysis shows how polymorphism at sites throughout the HLA class I molecule can influence the interaction of the Bw4 epitope with KIR3DL1. This influence is likely mediated by changes in the peptides bound, which alter the conformation of the Bw4 epitope.  相似文献   

We have analyzed linkage disequilibrium between haplotypes and allelic incompatibilities betweenTaqI RELPs concerning the probe 49f, located on the Y chromosome. For most (but one) observed haplotypes, discrepancies between observed and expected frequencies can be easily explained allowing a small number of incompatibilities beetween alleles.  相似文献   

One hundred fifty-four unrelated French Caucasian subjects were typed for 11 RFLPs at or near the APOA1-C3-A4 gene cluster on the long arm of chromosome 11. All subjects belonged to families having lived in the Toulouse area (in the southwest of France) for over three generations. Allele frequencies for each RFLP were in agreement with previous studies in Caucasian populations for the APOA1/SstI marker. Pairwise linkage disequilibrium was determined. Among the 55 pairs studied, 30 are newly reported. Only three significant nonrandom associations were found: APOA1/MspI-3'APOC3/SstI, APOA1/MspI-3'APOA4/XbaI, and APOA4/DraI-APOA4/XbaI. Extended 11-marker haplotypes were constructed. Haplotype frequencies were estimated by the maximum-likelihood procedure and compared to expected frequencies calculated under the assumption of equilibrium. Among the 37 estimated haplotypes, seven containing at least four nonrandomly associated alleles showed markedly increased frequencies. These results, obtained in a geographically homogeneous population, confirm the existence of disequilibrium in the apolipoprotein cluster, but to a lower extent than previously reported in Caucasian populations, which were geographically more heterogeneous.  相似文献   

The association of the rs1042522, rs17878362, and rs1625895 polymorphisms of TP53 with risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) has not been studied in full detail. NHL has many variants, and each individual polymorphism exerts only a minor effect, requiring the polymorphisms to be studied for particular histological subtypes of lymophomas and as components of haplotype groups. The objective of this work was to analyze the frequencies and linkage disequilibrium for rs1042522, rs1625895, and rs17878362 and their combined haplotype in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and control subjects. Differences in linkage disequilibrium structure were observed for rs17878362, rs1042522, and rs1625895 in the Siberian population. The haplotype proved to be more informative than the individual TP53 polymorphisms in a case-control association analysis in DLBCL. Haplotype wArgG was associated with predisposition to DLBCL, while haplotypes wProG and dupProG were found to exert a protective effect. The effect of the haplotype at three TP53 polymorphisms was observed to vary depending on their homozygous or heterozygous state.  相似文献   

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common, itchy skin disease of complex inheritance characterized by dermal and epidermal inflammation. The heritability is considerable and well documented. To date, four genome scans have examined the AD phenotype, showing replicated linkage at 3p26-22, 3q13-21 and 18q11-21. Our previous AD scan showed evidence of linkage to loci at 3p and 18q, and furthermore at 4p15-14. In order to further investigate the genetic basis of AD, we collected and analysed a new Danish family sample consisting of 130 AD sib pair families (555 individuals including 295 children with AD). AD was diagnosed after clinical examination, AD severity was scored and specific IgE was determined. A linkage scan of chromosome 3, 4 and 18 was performed using 91 microsatellite markers. Linkage analyses were performed of dichotomous phenotypes and semi-quantitative traits including the AD severity score. We analysed the novel AD sample alone and together with the previously examined sample. AD severity showed a maximum Z-score of 3.7 at 4q22.1 suggesting the localization of a novel gene for AD severity. A maximum MOD score of 4.6 was obtained at 3p24 for the AD phenotype, providing the first significant linkage of AD at this locus. A maximum MLS score of 3.3 was obtained at 3q21 for IgE-associated AD, and evidence of linkage was also obtained at 3p22.2-21.31, 3q13, 4q35, and 18q12. The results presented should provide a firm basis for gene-targeting studies of AD and related disorders.  相似文献   

The clone TA10 is a T3+ T4+ T8- proliferative and cytolytic human T cell clone. This clone has been shown to be specific for the hemagglutinin of influenza A Texas virus and restricted by an HLA class II molecule associated with the DRw8-Dw8.1 phenotype. Here we show that TA10 and all of its subclones can also react with eight HLA-DRw8 negative, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed cell lines or phytohemagglutinin blasts in the absence of influenza antigens. All of these cell lines are HLA-DR2/DR4 with a classic DR2 long haplotype. The only nonreactive HLA-DR2/DR4 cell line observed bears a DR2 short haplotype. Only heterozygous HLA-DR2/DR4 but not parental DR2 or DR4 EBV-transformed cell lines can be recognized by TA10, indicating that the cross-reacting determinant is a transcomplementation product between HLA-DR2 and HLA-DR4 haplotypes. DR-specific, but not DQ- or DP-specific monoclonal antibodies, inhibit in the proliferation assay and in the chromium release test both the DRw8-Dw8.1-restricted and the anti-DR2/DR4 reactions. These results show that HLA-DR-restricted, anti-viral human T cell clone can evidence cross-reactivity for allospecific class II molecules of the major histocompatibility complex, and human CTL can recognize transcomplementation products of class II HLA genes. In addition, the results suggest that a beta-chain coded for by an HLA-DR gene and associated with an alpha-chain coded for by a still unidentified but possibly HLA-DQ gene constitute this functional transcomplementation product.  相似文献   

Classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OH-def) has been established to be an HLA-linked, recessive monogenetic disease. However, two nonclassical forms of 21-OH-def have also been described: "cryptic" 21-OH-def, which has been shown to be HLA-linked, and "late onset" 21-OH-def, for which the status of linkage to HLA has been less certain. We now describe studies of eight additional unrelated probands with symptomatic, "late onset" 21-OH-def, and conclude that this form is also HLA-linked. Both "late onset" and "cryptic" 21-OH-def are highly associated with the same HLA antigens and markers (HLA-B14, HLA-DR1, and Bf type S) in individuals from different ethnic and geographical backgrounds. Since both "late onset" and "cryptic" 21-OH-def appear to occur in individuals with one classical 21-OH-def (21-OHCAH) allele who in addition have another 21-OH-def allele, as well as in individuals who appear to be homozygous for variant 21-PH-def alleles, and since both late onset and cryptic 21-OH-def appear to occur in the same families, our data suggest that these syndromes may represent different clinical expressions of similar or identical nonclassical 21-OH-def alleles.  相似文献   

The human class II, HLA-linked, B cell alloantigens include the HLA-DR, MB, MT, and Te determinants. Interest in the molecular relationships of these antigens has recently intensified because of their homology to the murine Ia antigens and their possible importance in disease predisposition and transplantation. We have used alloantisera with carefully defined immunochemical as well as serologic specificity, and two immunochemical techniques, sequential immunoprecipitation with analysis by SDS-PAGE and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, to explore the molecular relationships of the MT2, MB3, MT4, and HLA-DR5 antigenic determinants. The data presented here indicate that 1) all class II molecules that bear the DR5 antigenic determinant also bear the MT2 antigenic determinant; (2) the homozygous DR5 cell line, Swei, expresses at least two structurally distinct class II molecules, both of which bear MT2: one bears the MT2, MB3, and MT4 antigenic determinants, and the second bears the MT2, but not the MB3 or MT4 antigenic determinant; and (3) the DR5 determinant is located on at least one and possibly both of these distinct class II molecules.  相似文献   

Spontaneous mutants with altered HLA-A,B,C response to interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) were isolated from the human thymus leukemia cell line Molt 4. Using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated W6/32 (a monoclonal antibody to HLA-A,B,C) and the fluorescence-activated cell sorter, the cells with highest and lowest fluorescence after 24-48 h of IFN-alpha treatment were selected and expanded. After several cycles of selection, mutant clones with low (greater than 10% of wild-type) and high (three times better) response were obtained. A similar protocol was employed to derive high responder mutants with the monoclonal antibody YT76, which recognises a subset of HLA strongly induced by IFN-alpha. Stable clones were derived for which YT-HLA induction was 7-fold that of Molt 4 cells and for which HLA induction occurred at 100-fold lower concentrations of IFN-alpha. The high response phenotype of the mutants was not accompanied by a significant increase in the constitutive level of expression of HLA-A,B,C (in the absence of IFN). The increase in the level of HLA-A,B,C expression after IFN-alpha treatment is mostly accounted for by the increase in the expression of a subset of HLA molecules, detected by the monoclonal antibody YT76 including HLA-B molecules.  相似文献   

The gene for Batten disease (juvenile-onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, or Spielmeyer-Sjögren disease), CLN3, maps to 16p11.2-12.1. Four microsatellite markers--D16S288, D16S299, D16S298, and SPN--are in strong linkage disequilibrium with CLN3 in 142 families from 16 different countries. These markers span a candidate region of approximately 2.1 cM. CLN3 is most prevalent in northern European populations and is especially enriched in the isolated Finnish population, with an incidence of 1:21,000. Linkage disequilibrium mapping was applied to further refine the localization of CLN3 in 27 Finnish families by using linkage disequilibrium data and information about the population history of Finland to estimate the distance of the closest markers from CLN3. CLN3 is predicted to lie 8.8 kb (range 6.3-13.8 kb) from D16S298 and 165.4 kb (132.4-218.1 kb) from D16S299. Enrichment of allele "6" at D16S298 (on 96% of Finnish and 92% of European CLN3 chromosomes) provides strong evidence that the same major mutation is responsible for Batten disease in Finland as in most other European countries and that it is therefore not a Finnish mutation. Genealogical studies show that Batten disease is widespread throughout the densely populated regions of Finland. The ancestors of two Finnish patients carrying rare alleles "3" and "5" at D16S298 in heterozygous form originate from the southwestern coast of Finland, and these probably represent other foreign mutations. Analysis of the number and distribution of CLN3 haplotypes from 12 European countries provides evidence that more than one mutation has arisen in Europe.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A common genetic basis for IgA deficiency (IgAD) and common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is suggested by their occurrence in members of the same family and the similarity of the underlying B cell differentiation defects. An association between IgAD/CVID and HLA alleles DR3, B8, and A1 has also been documented. In a search for the gene(s) in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) that predispose to IgAD/CVID, we analyzed the extended MHC haplotypes present in a large family with 8 affected members. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We examined the CVID proband, 72 immediate relatives, and 21 spouses, and determined their serum immunoglobulin concentrations. The MHC haplotype analysis of individual family members employed 21 allelic DNA and protein markers, including seven newly available microsatellite markers. RESULTS: Forty-one (56%) of the 73 relatives by common descent were heterozygous and nine (12%) were homozygous for a fragment or the entire extended MHC haplotype designated haplotype 1 that included HLA- DR3, -C4A-0, -B8, and -A1. The remarkable prevalence of haplotype 1 was due in part to marital introduction into the family of 11 different copies of the haplotype, eight sharing 20 identical genotype markers between HLA-DR3 and HLA-B8, and three that contained fragments of haplotype 1. CONCLUSION: Crossover events within the MHC indicated a susceptibility locus for IgAD/CVID between the class III markers D821/D823 and HLA-B8, a region populated by 21 genes that include tumor necrosis factor alpha and lymphotoxins alpha and beta. Inheritance of at least this fragment of haplotype 1 appears to be necessary for the development of IgAD/CVID in this family.  相似文献   

Xanthohumol (XN), a prenylated chalcone unique to hops (Humulus lupulus) and two derived prenylflavanones, isoxanthohumol (IX) and 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN) gained increasing attention as potential anti-diabetic and cancer preventive compounds. Two enzymes of the aldo-keto reductase (AKR) superfamily are notable pharmacological targets in cancer therapy (AKR1B10) and in the treatment of diabetic complications (AKR1B1). Our results show that XN, IX and 8-PN are potent uncompetitive, tight-binding inhibitors of human aldose reductase AKR1B1 (Ki?=?15.08?μM, 0.34?μM, 0.71?μM) and of human AKR1B10 (Ki?=?20.11?μM, 2.25?μM, 1.95?μM). The activity of the related enzyme AKR1A1 was left unaffected by all three compounds. This is the first time these three substances have been tested on AKRs. The results of this study may provide a basis for further quantitative structure–activity relationship models and promising scaffolds for future anti-diabetic or carcinopreventive drugs.  相似文献   

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