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Summary The breeding biology of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) was studied at Drescher Inlet (Antarctica) during the austral late winter and spring 1986. The whelping season was estimated to last about 40 days, with a peak in pupping at late October. No post natal mortality was observed during the whole study. The attachment between parous females and their pups was strong during the first five weeks after parturition. From the third week on mothers spent more time in the water than the pups. Data on daily peak haul-out time of pups, post natal presence of pups on the ice and distribution of births during the whelping season, indicate that censuses should be carried out between 12.00 hours and 16.00 hours local time and during three weeks after the peak of the pupping season. Pups weaned between 6 and 7 weeks of age. Hormone concentrations (oestradiol-17 and progesterone) indicated that females did not come into oestrus during lactation. Throughout the whole lactation period the mother dominates the relationship with her pup. Growth of the pups was linear during the first 5 weeks post partum, during which period birth weight (x=29.1kg) increased more than 3 1/2 times. Until the 6th week of age the pups gained on average 2.6 kg/day, the respective weight loss in cows was 5.8 kg/day. The latter represents an average loss of nearly 38% of the initial weight at parturition. During the course of lactation, suckling frequency decreased, whereas the length of each bout increased resulting in an approximately constant total suckling duration per week. Of the energy used by females during the first 5 weeks, 52% was consumed by pups. Pups only took milk and the cows did not feed at all during the whole period of observation. Therefore the realized growth in pups, 10 g/min of suckling, was totally derived from energy stored by the cows.  相似文献   

Two female African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in a pack of 10 animals at the Bronx Zoo gave birth to litters of nine and seven pups within a 2‐day period. Two pups from the litter of seven died before they were 2 weeks old, but the other 14 survived past weaning. Litter size, sex ratio, and pup developmental stages were all consistent with data obtained from other captive‐ and wild‐born litters. Both dams were very attentive to their litters, and during the pups' first 2 weeks spent >90% of their time in the dens with the pups. By 2 days after birth and during their first 2 weeks of life, the pups spent 86% of their time in a nursing position. Before parturition and during the first week post‐partum, one of the dams (DAL) was clearly dominant to the other (WHI). However, the females' dominance rank reversed 2 weeks post‐partum. On two occasions during the pups' first 2 weeks DAL stole and reared one of WHI's pups, but between Weeks 3 and 4 all of DAL's pups were stolen and WHI raised both litters as one until they were weaned. The pups began spending time out of their den at approximately 1 month of age. The timing of the births, the design of the wild dogs' management facility, and the presence of several dens in different enclosures within the facility all likely contributed to the successful rearing of the litters. The pups in both litters were very similar in size because of the short interval between births, so one litter did not have a competitive advantage over the other with respect to gaining access to the dam for milk. The facility's design helped mitigate aggression within the pack, and the presence of multiple dens enabled to dams to move the pups to different den sites and allowed the two females to stay visually and spatially apart from each other while remaining with the pack. Zoo Biol 0:1–17, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined the cortisol responses to chemical and physical restraint stress in southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina females and their pups at three stages during lactation. In anaesthetised females the serum cortisol levels changed moderately during the 45-min sampling period following restraint, with average peaks at 23 min after anaesthetic administration. Overall, cortisol was relatively low 2 days postpartum and increased throughout lactation. In physically restrained pups serum cortisol increased rapidly after capture; the response was milder at age 2 days than at 11 days and 21 days. Levels were higher in female pups than in males. In order to test whether cortisol levels and/or responses became chronically (i.e. days to weeks) altered due to restraint, we compared the cortisol response at a late stage of lactation between three groups of mother-pup pairs previously given different levels of chemical (mothers) or physical (pups) restraint stress: control (not handled previously), moderate treatment (previously handled twice), and high treatment (previously handled 3-4 times). Pups of the three treatment groups showed similar adrenocortical responses suggesting no chronic effect of repeated physical restraint, despite the clear acute effects. Mothers of the control and moderate treatment groups showed similar cortisol responses; however, mothers of the high treatment group showed significantly attenuated responses. This indicated that elephant seals tolerated moderate degrees of handling disturbance; however, repeated (3-4) chemical immobilisations in lactating females may reduce their adrenocortical responsiveness for a period of days or weeks.  相似文献   

Three male maned wolves were successfully introduced to their mates and 7‐ to 12‐week‐old pups at the Houston Zoological Gardens and Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in 1994 and 1995. The introductions took 3–7 weeks and had three stages: 1) allowing the male to see the female and pups through a chain‐link panel or a full chain‐link fence, 2) introducing the male and female without the pups present, and 3) introducing the male to the pups. For 7 days before Stage 2 and 7 days during Stage 3, the adults were observed for 150 hr. The amount of time they spent active and the amount of time they spent near the pups were recorded, as well as all behaviors they directed to the pups. After the males were introduced, the females' activity decreased, and the males' activity increased. The females spent less time near the pups after the introduction. The introduction did not affect the females' rates of affiliative or aggressive behaviors to the pups, and there was no difference between males' and females' rates of affiliative or aggressive behaviors. This introduction procedure offers an alternative to leaving the male with the pups from the time they are born. The adults' behavioral changes after the introduction show the benefits that occur when captive male maned wolves are allowed to help rear their pups. Zoo Biol 18:189–197, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cryptomys h. hottentotus occurs in mesic and semi-arid regions of South Africa. It lives in colonies ofup to 14 individuals, in which reproduction is limited to one ofthe largest males and the largest female in the colony.
Reproduction and details of colony size and the number of breeding animals in a colony are described for one complete and two incomplete field-captured colonies. One incomplete colony was kept in captivity for more than 3 years, whereas the complete colony was autopsied.
The social hierarchy of the common mole-rat is almost linear and has a value of 0.7 1 calculated from Landau's linearity index. Subordinate mole-rats weighed less than dominant mole-rats. The reproductive mole-rats are the dominant animals within the colony. The non-reproductive females rank lowest in the hierarchy.
Mating was not confined to a particular season, but occurred more frequently during the summer months. The alpha male initiated pre-copulatory behaviour. The gestation length is 55 to 66 days (n = 2). Two litters each of three pups were born to the colony during captivity. The pups were relatively altricial. They wandered out of the nest 5 days after birth, began to eat solids when 10 days old, and were fully weaned at 4 weeks. When 2 weeks old the pups began to spar with each other and with some of the adult colony members, but levels of aggression were never high. The pups did not disperse but were incorporated into the colony, this suggesting that C. h. hottentotus colonies are largely composed of related individuals.  相似文献   

The role of pups' appetite in the regulation of maternal consummatory behavior (food intake of nursing mothers), lactational performance and postpartum diestrus was studied over a period of 45 days postpartum in rats chronically exposed to either underfed or normally fed pups. Experimental rats (n = 10) daily received 5 pups, 4-10-days-old, that had been deprived of food for the preceding 24 h while under the care of nonlactating foster mothers. Control rats (n = 10) received normally fed pups obtained daily from lactating foster mothers. Throughout the experimental period, the daily milk yield (estimated by litter weight gain), the intake of food and water by the mother, as well as the ratio of litter weight gain to mother's intake of food and water were all markedly higher in rats nursing underfed pups than in rats nursing normally fed pups. After a peak in lactation around Day 15 postpartum, experimental rats produced the same amount of milk during extended lactation as they did in the beginning of lactation, while control rats produced only half the amount of milk during extended lactation as they did in early lactation. Regardless of the nutritional state of the suckling pups, maternal body weight increased progressively over the first four weeks of lactation and remained unchanged during the time of extended lactation. The postpartum diestrus and the subsequent diestrous phase in the time of extended lactation were considerably longer in duration in rats that nursed underfed pups. On Day 45 of lactation, prolactin levels were higher and the adrenal glands were larger in experimental rats than in controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The degree of prenatal transmission and both the degree and longevity of lactogenic transmission of Toxocara canis, and Ancylostoma caninum to pups were studied in Beagle bitches which were experimentally infected with both parasites at either mid-pregnancy or within 48 h following parturition. Pups born to infected bitches were removed at birth and raised by a surrogate parasite-free mother until 4 weeks of age when pups were necropsied to determine prenatal infections. At the beginning of each week of lactation, a new group of four parasite-free pups was placed with each infected bitch. After nursing an infected bitch for 1 week, each group was transferred to an uninfected bitch for at least 3 additional weeks of nursing after which the pups were necropsied to recover and tabulate parasites acquired lactationally from the infected bitch. When bitches were infected at mid-pregnancy, 95.5% of the ascarids were transmitted prenatally to their own off-spring and 4.5% of the asearids were transmitted lactationally to weekly rotated pups. Ascarids were transmitted via the milk during each of 5 weeks of lactation, with transmission of consistently higher numbers during weeks 1–3 than in weeks 4 and 5. Infection of bitches at parturition denied ascarids the prenatal route of transmission but resulted in greater numbers of ascarids being passed through the milk for each of 4 consecutive weeks of lactation. Transmission of hookworms was solely by the lactational route. With mid-pregnancy infections, a significantly higher number of hookworms (63.1 %) were transmitted during the first of 5 weeks of lactation; progressively fewer were passed in subsequent weeks. With infections at parturition, only 27.8% of hookworms were transmitted through the milk during the first week of nursing but large numbers were transferred in weeks 2 (36.9%) and 3 (26.7%). The quantity of parasites transmitted in the milk was not significantly different among weeks 1, 2 and 3.  相似文献   

The present series of experiments assessed how information from the whiskers controls and modulates infant rat behavior during early learning and attachment. Passive vibrissal stimulation can elicit behavioral activity in pups throughout the first two postnatal weeks, although orienting to the source of stimulation is evident only after ontogenetic emergence of whisking. In addition, while pups were capable of demonstrating learning in a classical conditioning paradigm pairing vibrissa stimulation with electric shock, no corresponding changes were detected in the anatomy of the barrel cortex as determined by cytochrome oxidase (CO) staining. Finally, the role of whiskers in a more naturalistic setting was determined in postnatal day (PN)3-5 and PN11-12 pups. Our results showed that both nipple attachment and huddling were disrupted in whisker-clipped PN3-5 pups but only marginally altered in PN1I 1-12 pups. Together, these results suggest that the neonatal whisker system is behaviorally functional and relevant for normal mother-infant interactions, though it lacks the sophistication of a mature whisker system that evokes very specific and directed responses.  相似文献   

The present series of experiments assessed how information from the whiskers controls and modulates infant rat behavior during early learning and attachment. Passive vibrissal stimulation can elicit behavioral activity in pups throughout the first two postnatal weeks, although orienting to the source of stimulation is evident only after ontogenetic emergence of whisking. In addition, while pups were capable of demonstrating learning in a classical conditioning paradigm pairing vibrissa stimulation with electric shock, no corresponding changes were detected in the anatomy of the barrel cortex as determined by cytochrome oxidase (CO) staining. Finally, the role of whiskers in a more naturalistic setting was determined in postnatal day (PN)3-5 and PN11-12 pups. Our results showed that both nipple attachment and huddling were disrupted in whisker-clipped PN3-5 pups but only marginally altered in PN11-12 pups. Together, these results suggest that the neonatal whisker system is behaviorally functional and relevant for normal mother-infant interactions, though it lacks the sophistication of a mature whisker system that evokes very specific and directed responses.  相似文献   

Development of the capacity for hepatic biotransformation of potentially toxic, endogenous compounds such as lithocholate may be dependent on induction by substrate or hormonal modulation. Our aim was to observe the ontogeny of hepatic sulfotransferase (ST) activity, a presumed detoxification pathway, and to determine the effect of substrate ingestion and cortisone administration on ST activity. Pregnant rats were fed a standard chow diet containing lithocholate; the maternal diet was continued during the suckling and weaning phase of the pups. Liver cytosol and serum were obtained from dams and from pups at weekly intervals from fetal life through 4 weeks of age. In controls, there was a progressive increase in hepatic ST activity from 6.2 +/- 2.9 pmol/mg protein per min, (mean +/- SEM) in fetal liver, 18.1 +/- 3.9 at 1 week, an 33.6 +/- 7.2 at 2 weeks to a peak of 56.4 +/- 11.8 at 3 weeks of age. In female rats older than 4 weeks of age, ST activity in hepatic cytosol was threefold higher than in males. There was a decline to adult levels (9.2 +/- 2.4 in males and 39.4 +/- 4.3 in females) at 56 days of life. Cortisone acetate administration had no effect on enzyme activity in pups except those 3 weeks old or older in which there was a precocious decrease in enzyme activity to adult levels. The administration of lithocholate caused a dose-related postnatal alteration of intrahepatic bile ducts manifest as cholangitis with ductular proliferation; hepatocytes were spared.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract— Newborn rats from dams fed on a high fat diet developed increased ketonemia and significant hypertriglyceridemia i.e. "hyperketonemic pups". This perinatal metabolic stress led to an alteration in the developmental pattern of glycolytic intermediates in their brains.
In control rats, the concentration of glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) in the brain was high at birth, and gradually decreased to adult values by the third week of life. In contrast, the fructose-1,6-diphosphate (FDP) concentration was low at birth and increased thereafter. The lactate concentration was also high at birth but decreased to the adult level by the first day of life. In the brains of control pups, lactate and pyruvate concentrations remained relatively constant during the first 3 weeks of life.
In the brains of hyperketonemic pups, the concentration of G6P was the same as in the control animals at birth but decreased significantly during the first days of life. During early development the concentrations of FDP and pyruvate were significantly lower and the concentration of lactate, higher in the hyperketonemic pups as compared to the control group. The alteration in the concentration of these glycolytic intermediates in the brains of hyperketonemic pups indicated a change in the developmental pattern of glycolysis. The ratio of [lactate]/[pyruvate] also suggested an increased cytoplasmic redox potential in the brains of hyperketonemic pups during the first week of life.  相似文献   

Yu P  Wang J  Tai F  Broders H  An S  Zhang X  He F  An X  Wu R 《Behavioural processes》2011,88(3):162-167
Early deprivation is popularly used in rodent models as an early life social stress to investigate and determine the factors that affect the development of the brain and behavior. Ultrasonic calls made by pups play an important role in parental–pup interactions during the neonatal period. However, whether repeated early deprivation affects the properties of ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) produced by mandarin vole (Microtus mandarinus) pups, and whether ontogenetic development is subsequently affected, remains unclear. Here we measured USVs and developmental parameters in mandarin vole pups deprived of their parents and littermates for 3 h per day (ED, which is significantly different from 5 min isolation used to induce USVs) and another pup group developed under normal nest conditions (PC). Repeated measures analysis indicated that the number of USVs from ED pups was significantly lower than those from PC pups during the postnatal period (p < 0.05). The pulse durations of ED pups were longer than those of PC pups at two (p < 0.001) and five days of age (p < 0.05), but shorter at 14 days of age (p < 0.001). Compared with PC pups, the frequency range of the ED pups was wider at 18–45 kHZ, variable during the first week, smaller and narrower at 18–30 kHZ at eight and 11 days of age, and became stable similar to PC pups at 25 kHZ after 14 days of age. ED also reduced pup body weight significantly and resulted in earlier eye opening compared with PC pups (p < 0.001). A positive relationship was also found between USV emissions and levels of parental care received by pups. It appears that pup USVs are an important age-dependent behavioral phenotype and an effective communicative method between parents and offspring. Prolonged parental and littermate deprivation (ED) may alter USVs emitted by pups and then ontogenetic development and parental care. Mandarin voles show USV properties similar to socially monogamous rodents and this add further support to the hypothesis that species with different social systems produce different patterns of ultrasonic vocalizations. USVs, ontogenetic development and parental care are closely associated.  相似文献   

Newborn rabbits depend on a daily nursing interaction with the mother to gain milk and to survive. During this interaction, they localise and seize the nipples displaying a typical behaviour triggered by maternal odour cues. The mammary pheromone constitutes such a signal in domestic rabbits: it elicits sucking-related movements in more than 90% of the pups. However, some newborns remain unresponsive to the presentation of the pheromone, even pups apparently healthy and highly motivated to suck. The main goal of the present study was therefore to explore the link between the unresponsiveness of rabbit pups to the mammary pheromone and their growth and survival in breeding conditions. To that end, 293 newborns from 30 litters were tested for their head searching-oral grasping responses to the mammary pheromone on days 1 and 3, and their milk intake and mortality were followed up from days 1 to 21. It was hypothesised that unresponsive newborns would have subsequent difficulties in finding nipples, sucking and surviving. Early weight and success in milk intake were further considered as mediating factors in growth and viability. The results showed that pups that were unresponsive to the mammary pheromone on day 1 were less successful in gaining milk and had a higher rate of mortality than the responsive pups. However, this impact was modulated by the weight of pups: it appeared only in the lightest newborns. Moreover, this impact vanished on day 3. On the other hand, the pup weight and sucking success on days 1 to 3 strongly influenced viability and growth during the period extending from days 1 to 21. Taken together, the results show that the day-1 responsiveness of rabbit pups to the mammary pheromone can be considered as an indicator of individual viability in pups having a small weight (<48 g on day 1). The predictive validity of the pups’ pheromonal reactivity seems however time-limited as it works only during the first, but crucial, postnatal days.  相似文献   

Feeding behaviour of rats during development was assessed by weighing pups before and after a 4 h feeding session. During the first postnatal week, fasted pups gained significantly more weight than fed pups. This difference disappeared during the second week, but reappeared during the third week and persisted through the fourth week. In another series, pups were weighed at 2 and 4 h after beginning feeding. This showed that fasted pups aged 6 days compensate by suckling longer than fed pups. At 10 and 14 days of age there were no differences between fed and fasted pups at either 2 or 4 h, but from 16 days onward, fasted pups had eaten significantly more than fed pups at both times. A control experiment showed that the lack of compensation by fasted pups aged 10-14 days did not reflect lack of availability of milk. Video-analysis of suckling behaviour at ages 6, 10 and 15 days provided further evidence for lack of feeding controls during the second postnatal week: at 6 and 15 days fasted pups spent more time actively sucking than did fed pups. Whereas at 10 days, there were no differences between fed and fasted pups. It is concluded that feeding controls are present during the first postnatal week, become quiescent during the second week and reappear during the third week.  相似文献   

The influences of thermal and tactile stimuli on the audible vocalization in pup rats,Rattus norvegicus were investigated. Mother rats and their litters were exposed to ambient temperature (AT) depression by 5°C for 2 hours every other day from 3 to 11 days postpartum. Nearly all audible calls emitted by pups were recorded during tactile contact with the mother. AT depression alone neither prolonged the total duration of pup-licking by mother nor intensified audible vocalization. It was found, however, that the frequency (No./h.) of nest exiting by the dam doubled during the cooling and that the sum of audible peeps emitted by cooled pups in 4 cooling days was higher than sum of peeps emitted by the control pups. This difference is apparently related to an increase in the mother's motor activity, especially nest-building activity, during cooling. Analysis of circumstances accompanying peep emission supports the hypothesis that the tactile stimuli delivered by mother play the predominant role in causing audible vocalization in pup rats. This investigation was supported by Project CPBP-04.01. of the Polish Academy of Science  相似文献   

Different groups of pregnant rats were treated with diazepam (10 mg/kg), phenobarbital (10 mg/kg), haloperidol (0.1 mg/kg), fluoxetine (10 mg/kg) and vehicle (normal saline) intraperitoneally once a day during gestation days 13 to 21. After birth these pups were culled to 8 pups/dam and foster-nursed by lactating mothers for 3 weeks and were reared in colony cages thereafter. Sex and weight matched pairs of rat offsprings were subjected to foot shock induced aggression test at 8 weeks of age. Two parameters of aggressive behaviour were recorded namely, the latency to fight and total number of fighting bouts. The results indicate that prenatal exposure to diazepam, phenobarbital, haloperidol and fluoxetine caused significantly enhanced aggression in terms of number of fighting bouts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pups (n = 366) were hot-branded at Lowrie Island, Southeast Alaska, USA, in June 2001 and 2002 for vital-rates studies. To assess potential mortality following branding, we estimated weekly survival to 12 weeks postbranding using mark-recapture models. Survival estimates ranged from 0.984/week to 0.988/week, or 0.868 over the 12-week period; varied little with sex, year, and capture area; and were higher for larger than smaller male pups and unexpectedly lower for larger than smaller female pups. Inclusion of resights at 1–3 years of age prevented a −4.5% bias in cumulative survival to 12 weeks postbranding by accounting for pups that survived but permanently emigrated from Lowrie Island during the 12-week survey. Data from double-marked pups (i.e., branded and flipper-tagged) indicated the low brand-misreading probability of 3.1% did not bias survival estimates. Assuming survival differences between the first 2 weeks postbranding and later weeks were due entirely to the branding event, potential postbranding mortality of branded pups attributable to the branding event was 0.5–0.7%, or one pup for every 200 marked. Weekly survival of branded pups was nearly identical to estimates from a control group of undisturbed, unbranded pups born to 10–11-year-old branded adult females in 2005 (0.987–0.988/week) and similar to pup survival estimates from other otariid studies. Available data did not indicate substantial mortality to 12 weeks postbranding resulting from the branding disturbance, suggesting branding of Steller sea lion pups can be used effectively for investigations of population declines without significantly affecting population health or study goals.  相似文献   

A fostering/crossfostering analysis of the effects of maternal ethanol exposure on jejunal and ileal folate absorption was performed. Male and female rats were randomized into two groups. In the first group, ethanol-treated rats received ad libitum 5, 10 and 15% ethanol in the drinking fluid during three successive weeks. A consumption of 20% was maintained in this group for 5 additional weeks. Ethanol-treated rats were mated. Group 2 served as the control. To study the effect of chronic alcoholism during lactation or gestation separately, at birth (2nd day postpartum) control newborns were cross-fostered to ethanol dams (EG), and the pups issued from the ethanol treated mothers were cross-fostered to control dams (CG). Thus, three experimental groups of pups were formed: (1) control pups receiving no treatment during gestation and lactation (CG); (2) pups exposed to ethanol only during gestation (GG); and (3) pups exposed to ethanol only during lactation (LG). At 21 days postpartum the jejunal and distal ileum folate absorption was determined in the offspring rats by a perfusion technique. Milk folic acid levels were determined by an immunoluminometric assay. The results showed an increase in jejunal folic acid absorption in offsprings exposed to ethanol only during the lactation period (LG). However, in pups exposed to ethanol only during the gestation period (GG), the jejunal folic acid absorption was significantly increased only at concentrations of 0.25, 0.5 and 2.5 microM. No free folic acid absorption occurred in the distal ileum of control pups (CG) at day 21 at all assayed concentrations but in offsprings exposed to ethanol only during the gestation or lactation periods absorption did take place. Pups exposed to ethanol during the gestation period (GG) showed decreased values in ileum folic acid absorption at the lowest assayed concentration (0.25 microM) compared to values obtained for pups exposed to ethanol only during lactation (LG). Milk folic acid levels were significantly decreased in the ethanol-fed dams on day 21 of lactation. These results indicate that exposure of rats to ethanol during the lactation period affects more severely postnatal development of intestinal functions than ethanol exposure only during gestation. In summary, both the exposure to ethanol itself and the decrease in folic acid intake caused alterations in the function of the intestinal mucosa in the offspring, which in turn altered absorption time and development. However, the present results do not explain how ethanol stimulated intestinal absorption of folic acid in pups exposed to ethanol during the gestation or lactation periods. Further studies are needed.  相似文献   

The effects of rapid eye movement sleep restriction (REMSR) in rats during late pregnancy were studied on the ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) made by the pups. USVs are distress calls inaudible to human ears. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep was restricted in one group of pregnant rats for 22 hours, starting from gestational day 14 to 20, using standard single platform method. The USVs of male pups were recorded after a brief isolation from their mother for two minutes on alternate post-natal days, from day one till weaning. The USVs were recorded using microphones and were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively using SASPro software. Control pups produced maximum vocalization on post-natal days 9 to 11. In comparison, the pups born to REMSR mothers showed not only a reduction in vocalization but also a delay in peak call making days. The experimental group showed variations in the types and characteristics of call types, and alteration in temporal profile. The blunting of distress call making response in these pups indicates that maternal sleep plays a role in regulating the neural development involved in vocalizations and possibly in shaping the emotional behaviour in neonates. It is suggested that the reduced ultrasonic vocalizations can be utilized as a reliable early marker for affective state in rat pups. Such impaired vocalization responses could provide an important lead in understanding mother-child bonding for an optimal cognitive development during post-partum life. This is the first report showing a potential link between maternal REM sleep deprivation and the vocalization in neonates and infants.  相似文献   

Abstract: The comparative effects of exposure to ethanol and malnutrition on the concentrations of tyrosine and catecholamines in whole brain and selected regions of brain have been studied in the developing rat. These animals were the offspring of optimally nourished rats (control pups), of rats fed a diet with 35% of the calories supplied by ethanol (ETOH pups), or of animals fed a diet calorically equivalent to the latter but lacking ethanol (iso-caloric, 1C pups). These diets were administered to dams either during the last week of gestation (prenatal) or during lactation (postnatal). Tyrosine levels were elevated prior to birth in the prenatal ETOH or IC pups or at 1 and 2 weeks of age in postnatal ETOH or 1C pups as compared with values found in the control offspring. Dopamine concentration in whole brain was significantly lower in prenatal ETOH pups than in prenatal IC pups at 3 weeks of age. Levels in the brains of postnatal ETOH pups were lower than control values, but not relative to animals exposed to 1C diet. Investigation of corpus striatum showed a significant decrease in dopamine concentration compared with control or IC pup values as a result of postnatal exposure to ethanol. Norepinephrine levels in the whole brain of prenatal ETOH pups were consistently 30–40% lower than either control or matched 1C pups during development. At 3 weeks of age, the norepinephrine levels in the hypothalamus of animals exposed to ethanol pre or postnatally were 30–60% lower than values in the corresponding region in either control or 1C pups. In the rat model described, ethanol caused a decrease in catecholamine levels, perhaps solely by affecting the norepinephrine neurons.  相似文献   

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