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Central corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) delays gastric emptying through the autonomic nervous system. CRF plays an important role in mediating delayed gastric emptying induced by stress. However, it is not clear whether a sympathetic or parasympathetic pathway is involved in the mechanism of central CRF-induced inhibition of solid gastric emptying. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether 1) CRF inhibits solid gastric emptying via a peripheral sympathetic pathway and 2) stress-induced inhibition of solid gastric emptying is mediated via a central CRF and peripheral sympathetic pathways. Using male Sprague-Dawley rats, CRF was injected intracisternally with or without various adrenergic-blocking agents. To investigate whether central CRF-induced inhibition of solid gastric emptying is mediated via a peripheral sympathetic pathway, rats underwent celiac ganglionectomy 1 wk before the gastric emptying study. After solid meal ingestion (90 min), gastric emptying was calculated. To investigate the role of endogenous CRF in stress-induced delayed gastric emptying, a CRF type2 receptor antagonist, astressin2-B, was intracisternally administered. Rats were subjected to a restraint stress immediately after the feeding. Intracisternal injection of CRF (0.1-1.0 microg) dose-dependently inhibited solid gastric emptying. The inhibitory effect of CRF on solid gastric emptying was significantly blocked by guanethidine, propranolol, and celiac ganglionectomy but not by phentolamine. Restraint stress significantly delayed solid gastric emptying, which was improved by astressin2-B, guanethidine, and celiac ganglionectomy. Our research suggests that restraint stress inhibits solid gastric emptying via a central CRF type2 receptor and peripheral sympathetic neural pathway in rats.  相似文献   

Type A CCK receptor (CCKAR) antagonists differing in blood-brain barrier permeability [devazepide penetrates; the dicyclohexylammonium salt of Nalpha-3-quinolinoyl-d-Glu-N,N-dipentylamide (A-70104) does not] were used to test the hypothesis that duodenal nutrient-induced inhibition of gastric emptying is mediated by CCKARs located peripheral to the blood-brain barrier. Rats received A-70104 (700 or 3,000 nmol. kg(-1). h(-1) iv) or devazepide (2.5 micromol/kg iv) and either a 15-min intravenous infusion of CCK-8 (3 nmol. kg(-1). h(-1)) or duodenal infusion of casein, peptone, Intralipid, or maltose. Gastric emptying of saline was measured during the last 5 min of each infusion. A-70104 and devazepide abolished the gastric emptying response to a maximal inhibitory dose of CCK-8. Each of the macronutrients inhibited gastric emptying. A-70104 and devazepide attenuated inhibitory responses to each macronutrient. Intravenous injection of a CCK antibody to immunoneutralize circulating CCK had no effect on peptone or Intralipid-induced responses. Thus endogenous CCK appears to act in part by a paracrine or neurocrine mechanism at CCKARs peripheral to the blood-brain barrier to inhibit gastric emptying.  相似文献   

The influence of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB; 10, 50 or 100 mg/kg orally) and of its receptor antagonist, NCS-382 (25, 100 or 200 mg/kg orally, and 100 or 200 mg/kg intraperitoneally), on gastric emptying was studied in rats by measuring the serum level of acetaminophen (20 mg/rat orally, 30 min after GHB or NCS-382) 15, 30, 45 and 60 min after acetaminophen administration, or the amount of acetaminophen still present in the stomach 30 min after its administration. The highest dose of GHB produced a significant increase in 15 and 30 min serum levels of acetaminophen, indicating an acceleration of gastric emptying. A similar result was obtained with the prokinetic drug cisapride, at the oral dose of 2 mg/kg. On the other hand, NCS-382 significantly and dose-dependently reduced the serum levels of acetaminophen at every time of blood sampling, indicating a delay of gastric emptying, an effect confirmed by the amount of acetaminophen still present in the stomach 30 min after administration. Moreover, NCS-382 antagonized the prokinetic effect of GHB. These results may suggest for GHB (and/or possibly for its metabolites) a role in rat stomach motility.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of acarbose, an alpha-glucosidase and pancreatic alpha-amylase inhibitor, on gastric emptying of solid meals of varying nutrient composition and plasma responses of gut hormones. Gastric emptying was determined with scintigraphy in healthy subjects, and all studies were performed with and without 100 mg of acarbose, in random order, at least 1 wk apart. Acarbose did not alter the emptying of a carbohydrate-free meal, but it delayed emptying of a mixed meal and a carbohydrate-free meal given 2 h after sucrose ingestion. In meal groups with carbohydrates, acarbose attenuated responses of plasma insulin and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) while augmenting responses of CCK, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and peptide YY (PYY). With mixed meal + acarbose, area under the curve (AUC) of gastric emptying was positively correlated with integrated plasma response of GLP-1 (r = 0.68, P < 0.02). With the carbohydrate-free meal after sucrose and acarbose ingestion, AUC of gastric emptying was negatively correlated with integrated plasma response of GIP, implying that prior alteration of carbohydrate absorption modifies gastric emptying of a meal. The results demonstrate that acarbose delays gastric emptying of solid meals and augments release of CCK, GLP-1, and PYY mainly by retarding/inhibiting carbohydrate absorption. Augmented GLP-1 release by acarbose appears to play a major role in the inhibition of gastric emptying of a mixed meal, whereas CCK and PYY may have contributory roles.  相似文献   

The ability of a cholecystokinin antagonist Proglumide to inhibit satiety induced by intraperitoneal injections of cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-OP) and bombesin was examined in rats equipped with chronic gastric cannulae. Both CCK-OP and bombesin significantly suppressed sham feeding. Proglumide administered alone did not alter sham feeding but it abolished the suppression of feeding induced by CCK-OP. In contrast, Proglumide did not inhibit the effect of a low dose of bombesin, but partially inhibited satiety induced by a high dose of bombesin, thus confirming our previous findings. These results indicate that the effect of Proglumide is independent of its recently described effects on gastric emptying in rat.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a recently discovered peptide in the endocrine cells of the stomach, which may stimulate gastric motility via the vagal nerve pathway. However, the mechanism of ghrelin-induced changes in gastrointestinal motility has not been clearly defined. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pharmacological effects of ghrelin on gastric myoelectrical activity and gastric emptying in rats, and to investigate whether cholinergic activity is involved in the effects of ghrelin. The study was performed on Sprague-Dawley rats implanted with serosal electrodes for electrogastrographic recording. Gastric slow waves were recorded from fasting rats at baseline and after injection of saline, ghrelin, atropine, or atropine+ghrelin. Gastric emptying of non-caloric liquid was measured by the spectrophotometric method in conscious rats. Intravenous administration of rat ghrelin (20 microg/kg) increased not only dominant frequency, dominant power and regularity of the gastric slow wave but also the gastric emptying rate when compared with the control rats (P<0.01, P<0.05, P<0.05, P<0.001 respectively). These stimulatory actions of ghrelin on both gastric myoelectrical activity and gastric emptying were not fully eliminated by pretreatment with atropine sulphate. These results taken together suggest that ghrelin may play a physiological role in the enteric neurotransmission controlling gastric contractions in rats.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal glucose was demonstrated to significantly inhibit the absorption of ethanol ( 2 g/kg) administered orally to rats. The effect was due to slowed emptying of the stomach, verified by analysis of the stomach contents and of blood enthanol levels. The observation agrees with previous findings, according to which the rate of stomach emptying is inversely related to the blood glucose level. However, when glucose was given intravenously 15 minutes after oral administration of a lethal dose of ethanol (12.5 g/kg) no significant inhibition of ethanol absorption could be observed. Intravenous propantheline, pyrithioxine and methylene blue were also unable to prolong the survival time or to influence the lethal blood ethanol concentration (about 170 mmol/l) of the enthanol-poisoned rats.  相似文献   

The amphibian peptide bombesin (BN) and the related mammalian peptides gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and neuromedin B (NMB) inhibit gastric emptying in rats. Exogenous administration of BN stimulates the release of cholecystokinin (CCK), a gastrointestinal peptide that also potently inhibits gastric emptying. To determine whether the inhibition of gastric emptying by BN-like peptides is mediated by a CCK-dependent mechanism, we examined the ability of the CCK-A receptor antagonist, devazepide, to block the inhibition of saline gastric emptying produced by BN, GRP18-27 and NMB. Using the same dosages as in the gastric emptying experiment, we also evaluated the effect of devazepide on feeding suppression produced by systemically administered BN. Our results showed that devazepide completely blocked the suppression of gastric emptying produced by BN, GRP18-27 and NMB but had no effect on BN-induced suppression of food intake. These results suggest that BN-like peptides inhibit gastric emptying through an indirect mechanism that is dependent upon CCK-A receptor activation. In contrast, the suppression of food intake by BN, in this experimental paradigm, is independent of CCK-A receptors.  相似文献   

To assess the role of endogenous cholecystokinin in the control of gastric emptying of peptone solutions and Intralipid suspensions, we examined the ability of a dose range of the CCK-A antagonist, devazepide to accelerate the gastric emptying of various caloric concentrations of peptone and Intralipid in rats. In the absence of devazepide, both peptone and Intralipid emptying slowed with increasing concentration. Devazepide's effect on peptone gastric emptying diminished with increasing peptone concentration. The threshold dose for accelerating the emptying of 0.2 kcal/ml peptone was lower than the threshold dose for affecting 0.5 kcal/ml peptone and devazepide had no effect on the gastric emptying of 1.0 kcal/ml peptone. In contrast, devazepide affected Intralipid gastric emptying at all three Intralipid concentrations and the threshold dose decreased with increasing Intralipid concentration. However, the magnitude of the effect of devazepide on peptone or Intralipid gastric emptying was partial and did not increase as a function of concentration. These data demonstrate a role for endogenous CCK in the emptying of peptone and Intralipid but suggest that endogenous CCK does not account for the increased slowing of gastric emptying evident with increased caloric concentration.  相似文献   


We previously found that equol, a metabolite of intestinal bacterial conversion from soy isoflavone daidzein, has female-specific anorectic effects. In the present study, we used seven-week-old female ovariectomized (OVX) Sprague Dawley rats to test the hypothesis that the anorectic effect of dietary daidzein may be attributed to delayed gastric emptying. Results suggest that dietary daidzein delays gastric emptying and that it has an anorectic effect with residual gastric contents, but not without gastric contents. Dietary equol significantly decreased daily food intake in the OVX rats without sleeve gastrectomy, but not in those with sleeve gastrectomy, suggesting that the accumulation of food in the stomach is required for the anorectic effect of equol to occur. These results support the hypothesis that the anorectic effect of dietary daidzein is attributed to delayed gastric emptying.  相似文献   

目的: 探究糖尿病大鼠弓状核(ARC)-海马肥胖抑素(obestatin)神经通路构成,以及该通路对大鼠胃运动、胃排空的影响。方法: 健康雄性Wistar大鼠采用果糖溶液诱导胰岛素抵抗加腹腔注射链脲佐菌素的方法制备糖尿病模型,造模之后,随机分为5组:对照组(NS组)、0.1、1和10 pmol obestatin组、obestatin+NBI27914组,每组7只;各组通过置管分别向海马内注射0.5 μl 生理盐水(NS)、obestatin(0.1 pmol、1 pmol、10 pmol)和混合液(10 pmol obestatin + 60 pmol NBI27914),给药后立即记录大鼠胃运动,15 min后进行胃排空研究;通过荧光金(FG)逆行追踪及免疫组化方法比较正常及糖尿病大鼠ARC-海马obestatin神经通路构及ARC obestatin mRNA表达的异同。结果: 与正常大鼠相比,糖尿病大鼠ARC FG/obestatin双标神经元数目显著减少(P<0.05),ARC obestatin mRNA表达量显著下降(P<0.05);obestatin各组可剂量依赖性的抑制大鼠胃运动及胃排空(P<0.05~0.01),obestatin的这些效应可被促肾上腺皮质激素受体1(CRFR1)阻断剂NBI27914部分阻断(P<0.05);obestatin对糖尿病大鼠胃运动和胃排空的抑制效应显著减弱(P<0.05)。结论: ARC-海马之间存在obestatin神经和功能通路,参与糖尿病大鼠胃运动及胃排空调控,且CRFR1信号通路参与该过程。该通路功能的减弱可能参与了糖尿病早期胃动力紊乱的发病。  相似文献   

R A Hahn  S K Farrell 《Life sciences》1981,28(22):2497-2504
Intraperitoneal injection of lergotrile (0.5 mg/kg) produced arterial hypotension and bradycardia for 120 and 90 minutes, respectively, in anesthesized spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). During this time frame, lergotrile (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.) greatly attenuated diastolic blood pressure and cardiac rate responses to electrical stimulation (0.062-4 Hz) of the sympathetic outflow in pithed SHR, but had no significant effect on comparable increments in pressure and rate produced by exogenous norepinephrine (0.01–10 μg/kg, i.v.). Pretreatment of SHR with haloperidol (2 mg/kg, i.p.) prevented lergotrile-induced hypotension and partially reversed its inhibitory effect on neurogenic vasoconstrictor responses. Haloperidol alone had no significant effect on baseline arterial blood pressure or responses to sympathetic nerve stimulation. Administration of hexamethonium (20 mg/kg, i.v.) to SHR antagonized the hypotensive response to lergotrile (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.), although hydralazine (2 mg/kg, i.p.) still produced a marked reduction in pressure.These results suggest that lergotrile produces arterial hypotension and bradycardia primarily by inhibiting peripheral sympathetic nerve function through a dopaminergic mechanism. The probable site of action of lergotrile is at presynaptic (neuronal) dopamine receptors which are known to be inhibitory to neurogenic release of norepinephrine.  相似文献   

Leptin regulates energy homeostasis and body weight by balancing energy intake and expenditure. It was recently reported that leptin, released into the gut lumen during the cephalic phase of gastric secretion, is capable of initiating intestinal nutrient absorption. Vagal afferent neurons also express receptors for both CCK and leptin, which are believed to interact in controlling food intake. The present study was undertaken to investigate the central and peripheral effects of leptin on gastric emptying rate. Under anesthesia, male Sprague-Dawley rats (250-300 g) were fitted with gastric Gregory cannulas (n=12) and some had additional cerebroventricular cannulas inserted into their right lateral ventricles. Following recovery, the rate of gastric emptying of saline (300 mOsm/kg H(2)O) was determined after instillation into the gastric fistula (3 ml, 37 degrees C, containing phenol red, 60 mg/l as a non-absorbable dilution marker). Gastric emptying rate was determined from the volume and phenol red concentrations recovered after 5 min. Leptin, injected intraperitoneally (i.p.; 10, 30, 60, 100 microg/kg) or intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.; 5, 15 microg/rat) 15 min before the emptying, delayed gastric emptying rate of saline at the dose of 30 microg/kg or 15 microg/rat (p<0.001). When CCK(1) receptor blocker L-364,718 (1 mg/kg, i.p.), CCK(2) receptor blocker L-365,260 (1 mg/kg, ip) or adrenergic ganglion blocker bretylium tosylate (15 mg/kg, i.p.) was administered 15 min before ip leptin (30 microg/kg) injections, leptin-induced delay in gastric emptying was abolished only by the CCK(1) receptor blocker (p<0.001). However, the inhibitory effect of central leptin on gastric emptying was reversed by adrenergic blockade, but not by either CCK antagonists. Our results demonstrated that leptin delays gastric emptying. The peripheral effect of leptin on gastric motility appears to be mediated by CCK(1) receptors, suggesting the release of CCK and the involvement of vagal afferent fibers. On the other hand, the central effect of leptin on gastric emptying is likely to be mediated by adrenergic neurons. These results indicate the existence of a functional interaction between leptin and CCK receptors leading to inhibition of gastric emptying and short-term suppression of food intake, providing an additional feedback control in producing satiety.  相似文献   

We examined the pattern of temperature fluctuations in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), temporal muscle, and skin, along with locomotion in food-deprived and nondeprived rats following the presentation of an open or closed food container and during subsequent eating or food-seeking behavior without eating. Although rats in food-deprived, quiet resting conditions had more than twofold lower spontaneous locomotion and lower temperature values than in nondeprived conditions, after presentation of a container, they consistently displayed food-seeking behavior, showing much larger and longer temperature changes. When the container was open, rats rapidly retrieved food and consumed it. Food consumption was preceded and accompanied by gradual increases in brain and muscle temperatures ( approximately 1.5 degrees C) and a weaker, delayed increase in skin temperature ( approximately 0.8 degrees C). All temperatures began to rapidly fall immediately after eating was completed, but NAcc and muscle temperatures returned to baseline after approximately 35 min. When the container was closed and rats were unable to obtain food, they continued food-seeking activity during the entire period of presentation. Similar to eating, this activity was preceded and accompanied by gradual temperature increases in the brain and muscle, which were somewhat smaller than those during eating ( approximately 1.2 degrees C), with no changes in skin temperature. In contrast to trials with eating, NAcc and muscle temperatures continued to increase for approximately 10 min after the container was removed from the cage and the rat continued food-seeking behavior, with a return to baselines after approximately 50 min. These temperature fluctuations are discussed with respect to alterations in metabolic brain activity associated with feeding behavior, depending upon deprivation state and food availability.  相似文献   

Chronic stress is associated with gastrointestinal functional diseases. Although the pathophysiology seems to be associated with gastrointestinal motility, their mechanisms remain unclear. We investigated gastric emptying and chemical mediators under conditions of continuous stress, which were produced using 8-week-old male Wistar rats kept in a cage filled with water to 2 cm height for 5 days. We examined gastric emptying by the phenol red method and chemical mediators at 4, 8, and 24 h and 3 and 5 days after initiation of stress restraint. Plasma ACTH level was significantly higher in the stress throughout the period of measurement. Continuous stress delayed gastric emptying until 24 h: peak delay was observed at 8 h, whereas gastric emptying was accelerated on days 3 and 5. Plasma noradrenalin level was significantly elevated at every time point until 24 h. Guanethidine pretreatment eliminated the delay in gastric emptying at 8 h. Active ghrelin was significantly increased on days 3 and 5 after peak (at 24 h) plasma total and desacyl ghrelin in the stress group. Number of ghrelin-immunoreactive cells and level of preproghrelin mRNA expression in the gastric body increased in parallel with plasma active ghrelin level. Pretreatment with growth hormone secretagogue receptor antagonist at 5 days partially inhibited the stress-induced acceleration of gastric emptying. Delayed gastric emptying at acute phase of continuous stress was mediated via sympathetic pathway, while acceleration at chronic phase was mediated via increased active ghrelin release from the stomach.  相似文献   

Evidence is mixed as to whether oral metering contributes to the satiation of NaCl intake. To examine this in detail, we measured NaCl intake of sodium-deficient rats given preloads of NaCl that were sham ingested, normally ingested, or intubated into the stomach. Intake of 500 mM NaCl was reduced by prior ingestion, but not by sham ingestion, of an NaCl preload. NaCl intubation reduced NaCl intake if the test began 15 min, but not 60 min, after the preload. Gastric emptying of NaCl was initially more rapid after intubated than after ingested NaCl. Plasma aldosterone concentrations dropped more rapidly after ingested than after intubated NaCl and also dropped after sham ingestion of NaCl, raising the possibility of a cephalic-phase influence on aldosterone levels. These findings suggest that oral factors do not directly control the amount of NaCl consumed by sodium-deprived rats. Differences between the physiological effects of voluntary ingestion and intubation may be responsible for the results of several early studies purported as evidence for oral metering of sodium consumption.  相似文献   

Central nervous system action of TRH to stimulate gastric emptying in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of intracisternal injection of TRH on gastric emptying of a liquid meal was investigated in 24 h fasted rats using the phenol red method. Intracisternal injection of TRH, RX 77368, or [N-Val2]-TRH, an analog devoid of TSH-releasing activity, 5 min prior to a meal, stimulated gastric emptying measured 20 min later. TRH action was dose dependent (1-100 ng), and rapid in onset. The calculated time for emptying half of the meal was decreased from 16 +/- 3 min (control group) to 4 +/- 1 min (TRH 30 ng). The stable analog, RX 77368, unlike TRH, stimulated gastric emptying when the meal was given 60 min after peptide injection. Intravenous injection of atropine (2.5 micrograms) inhibited and that of carbachol (1 microgram) stimulated gastric emptying whereas i.v. injection of TRH (0.1-1 microgram) had no effect. Vagotomy but not adrenalectomy reversed the increase in gastric emptying induced by intracisternal TRH. Atropine blocked the stimulatory effect of TRH and carbachol. These results demonstrate that TRH acts within the brain to stimulate gastric emptying through vagus-dependent and cholinergic pathways whereas alterations of adrenal and pituitary-thyroid secretion do not play an important role.  相似文献   

PYY is released from the distal ileum by fat and may be involved in mediating lipid-induced inhibition of gastric acid secretion and intestinal motility. The role of PYY in intestinal lipid-induced inhibition of gastric emptying in awake rats was investigated using a specific polyclonal antibody raised against PYY. METHODS: Gastric emptying of liquids was measured in awake rats fitted with a Thomas gastric cannula. Intralipid (total dose 50 or 100 mg) was perfused for 10 min (0.05 ml/min) into a duodenal (n = 11) or mid-intestinal cannula (60 cm from Ligament of Treitz; n = 8), and gastric emptying was measured over the 5-10 min period. Gastric emptying was measured 15 min after IP injection of PYY (1 nmol/rat). PYY antibody (20 mg) or a control antibody (anti-KLH; keyhole limpet hemocyanin) was injected ip 8-12 h before experiments. RESULTS: Exogenous PYY (1 nmol) inhibited gastric emptying and administration of PYY antibody blocked this response. Perfusion of lipid (50 and 100 mg) into the proximal intestine produced a 46% and 66% inhibition of gastric emptying respectively. Inhibition of gastric emptying in response to 50 mg lipid in the proximal small intestine was unaffected by administration of PYY antibody but was abolished by administration of the CCK A receptor antagonist devazepide (0.1 mg/kg ip). Perfusion of lipid into the distal intestine (50 and 100 mg) inhibited gastric emptying by 10% and 32% respectively. Inhibition of gastric emptying in response to 100 mg lipid in the distal intestine was unaffected by PYY antibody. CONCLUSIONS: Lipid perfused into either the proximal or distal intestine inhibits gastric emptying via a PYY-independent mechanism. CCK is involved in proximal lipid induced inhibition of gastric emptying.  相似文献   

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