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Plasmid pPL1010 is a 7.0-kilobase derivative of plasmid pUB110 that harbors the cohesive end site of the bacteriophage SP02 genome. Plasmid pPL1017 is a 6.8-kilobase derivative of plasmid pC194 that contains the immunity region of bacteriophage phi 105 and the cohesive end site of bacteriophage SP02. These plasmids are transducible by bacteriophage SP02 at a frequency of 10(-2) transductants per PFU among mutant derivatives of Bacillus subtilis 168 and have been transferred to other strains of B. subtilis and B. amyloliquefaciens by means of bacteriophage SP02-mediated transduction, with frequencies ranging from 10(-5) to 10(-7) transductants per PFU. The introduced plasmids were stably maintained in nearly all new hosts in the absence of selective pressure. An exception was found in B. subtilis DSM704, which also harbored three cryptic plasmids. Plasmids pPL1010 and pPL1017 were incompatible with a 7.9-kilobase replicon native to strain DSM704. Furthermore, plasmid pPL1017 was processed by strain DSM704 into a approximately 5.3-kilobase replicon that was compatible with the resident plasmid content of strain DSM704. The use of bacteriophage SP02-mediated plasmid transduction has allowed the identification of Bacillus strains that are susceptible to bacteriophage SP02-mediated genetic transfer but cannot support bacteriophage SP02 lytic infection.  相似文献   

HindIII restriction endonuclease fragments of DNA from temperate Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SP02 were cloned in B. subtilis by using the plasmid pC194. Three hybrid plasmids which permit growth of the mutant SP02 susL244 in suppressor-negative bacteria were isolated. SP02 gene L is thought to code for a DNA polymerase essential for autonomous replication of SP02 DNA. Extracts of bacteria carrying one of these hybrid plasmids, pC194-96, had 10- to 30-fold increased DNA polymerase activity. The plasmid-induced DNA polymerase activity differed from that of the known B. subtilis DNA polymerases in several respects. The results of the experiments support the idea that phage SP02 codes for a new DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

The d gene from the Bacillus subtilis temperate bacteriophage SP beta was isolated. When introduced into an SP beta-sensitive strain of B. subtilis, the cloned d gene directed the synthesis of a 22-kilodalton protein and conferred on the host immunity to SP beta phage. A frameshift mutation, designated d2, was introduced into the cloned d gene, and it was subsequently crossed back into the SP beta phage genome. The resulting SP beta phage grew lytically and formed clear plaques on sensitive bacteria. Although the cloned d gene confers immunity to the host, we could not detect complementation of the d gene by mixed infection with SP beta d2 and various SP beta c mutants. The nucleotide sequence of the 1,033-base-pair PstI-to-EcoRI fragment containing the d gene was determined; it includes an open reading frame that could potentially encode a protein of 227 amino acids. The gene was mapped within the PstI H fragment on the phage genome, which positions the d gene about 25 kilobases from the right end of the phage genome. It is transcribed from right to left.  相似文献   

Transformation of competent Bacillus subtilis lysogenic for SP02 with any of three plasmids (pCM194, pUB110, pAM77) generates drug-resistant transformants of which 5 to 20% have lost the infectivity and immunity associated with the SP02 prophage. Such cured derivatives can be again lysogenized with SP02 and again cured by introduction of a different plasmid. Elimination of the SP02 prophage was not detected when plasmids were introduced by PBS1 transduction or by transformation of protoplasts. Similarly, transformants of B. subtilis selected for chromosome markers retained the prophage. The phi 105 prophage was not eliminated from competent B. subtilis transformed with plasmids.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis temperate bacteriophages phi 105 and SP02 are incapable of transduction of the small, multicopy drug resistance plasmids pUB110 and pCM194. Cloning endonuclease-generated fragments of phi 105 or SP02 DNA into each of the plasmids renders the chimeric derivatives susceptible to transduction specifically by the phage whose deoxyribonucleic acid is present in the chimera. The majority of phage deoxyribonucleic acid fragments identified that render plasmids transducible by phi 105 or SP02 appear to be internal fragments, not fragments containing the cohesive ends. However, the highest overall transduction frequency was observed in SP02-mediated transduction of a derivative of pUB110 containing a 1.6-megadalton EcoRI fragment that likely contains the SP02 cohesive ends (plasmid pPL1010). The transducing activity present in a phi 105 transducing lysate had a buoyant density slightly greater than infectious particles, whereas the majority of transducing particles in an SP02(pPL1010) transducing lysate had a buoyant density slightly less than infectious particles. Although no detectable change in plasmid structure resulted from transduction by phi 105 or SP02, deoxyribonucleic acid isolated from a purified SP02(pPL1010) transducing lysate contained no detectable monomeric pPL1010, but did contain a form of pPL1010 of higher molecular weight than the monomer.  相似文献   

In mixed infections with Bacillus subtilis phages SP82 and SP01, the SP82 genotype is predominant among the progeny. This predominance is determined by a specific region of the genome, the pos region, which apparently is located near genes 29 to 32 (by the SP01 numbering system). Recombination between SP82 and SP01 yields phage which have both the SP82 pos region and an SP01 mutation. This mutation then behaves in mixed infection as if it were part of an SP82 genome.  相似文献   

pE194, a 3.5-kilobase multicopy plasmid, confers resistance to the macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B antibiotics in Bacillus subtilis. By molecular cloning and deletion analysis we have identified a replication segment on the physical map of this plasmid, which consists of about 900 to 1,000 base pairs. This segment contains the replication origin. It also specifies a trans-acting function (rep) required for the stable replication of pE194 and a negatively acting copy control function which is the product of the cop gene. The target sites for the rep and cop gene products are also within this region. Two incompatibility determinants have been mapped on the pE194 genome and their properties are described. One (incA) resides within the replication region and may be identical to cop. incB, not located in the replication region, expresses incompatibility toward a copy control mutant (cop-6) but not toward the wild-type replicon.  相似文献   

Summary We have constructed a hybrid plasmid, pBC1, which consists of plasmid pC194 with an insert of B. subtilis DNA at its HindIII restriction site. This plasmid is stably maintained in B. subtilis. In contrast with pC194, monomeric ccc forms of pBC1 are active in transformation. Transformations with these monomeric molecules of pBC1 have a stringent requirement for recombination proficieny., as defined by recE in the recipient cell. The extent of dependence of the transforming activity of oligomeric pBC1 DNA on the recombination proficiency of the recipient cell decreases with increasing oligomer size. A model of DNA proccssing during plasmid transformation of B. subtilis is presented.  相似文献   

Plasmid pE194 has been shown to be rescued by integration after cultivation of infected Bacillus subtilis recE4 cells at a restrictive high temperature. The plasmid is also spontaneously excised from the chromosome at a low frequency by precise or imprecise excision (J. Hofemeister, M. Israeli-Reches, and D. Dubnau, Mol. Gen. Genet. 189:58-68, 1983). We have investigated nine excision plasmids, carrying insert DNA 1 to 6 kbp in length, either in a complete pE194 or in a partially deleted pE194 copy. Type 1 (additive) excision plasmids have the left- and right-junction DNAs preserved as 13-bp direct repeats (5'-GGGGAGAAAACAT-3') corresponding to the region between positions 864 and 876 in pE194. In type 2 (substitutive) excision plasmids, a conserved 13-bp sequence remains only at the right junction while the left junction has been deleted during the excision process. The type 3 excision plasmid carries at each junction the tetranucleotide 5'-TCCC-3', present in pE194 between positions 1995 and 1998. Although we isolated the excision plasmids from different integration mutants, the insert DNAs of eight independently isolated plasmids showed striking sequence homology, suggesting that they originated from one distinct region of the B. subtilis chromosome. Thus, we postulate that imprecise excision of pE194 occurs most frequently after its translocation from the original insertion site into a preferred excision site within the host chromosome. The imprecise excision from this site occurs at excision breakpoints outside the pE194-chromosome junctions in a chromosomal region which remains to be investigated further.  相似文献   

The Raman Spectra of Blodgett-Langmuir multilayer assemblies made from behenic acid, barium behenate and barium cis-13 erucate are reported. In particular, the peak height intensity ratio of the hydrocarbon chain methylene CH stretch Raman bands, I2890I2850, for each multilayer assembly is compared to that of phosphatidylcholine in powders and water dispersions as well as to samples of crystalline hydrocarbon chains. It is found that the fatty acid multilayers are more ordered than the phospholipid samples but less ordered than the crystalline samples. It is suggested that Blodgett-Langmuir multilayer assemblies of lipid might be a useful reference in quantitative studies of packing order in lipid phases.  相似文献   

Summary Plasmid pC194-1, a mutant of pC194, and chimeric derivatives of pC194-1 are segregationally unstable in B. subtilis. Such instability could be enhanced by exposure of pC194-1-carrying cells to methyl methanesulfonate. pC194-1 is distinct from pC194 in the addition of two A:T base pairs within the previously defined D region of pC194. Complementation experiments between pC194-1 and other plasmids suggest that the mutation of pC194-1 interferes with the production of a diffusible gene product required for plasmid maintenance.  相似文献   

Virulent bacteriophage phi 1 grows on a variety of Bacillus subtilis strains, mutants of this virus which abortively infect the transformable bacillus. B. subtilis 168, while retaining the ability to productively infect related bacteria have been found. In the present study, we demonstrate that the inability of one such variant, phi 1m, to develop normally in strain 168 is mediated by cryptic prophage SP beta. The latter is a temperate bacteriophage which is carried by B. subtilis 168 and most strains derived from this bacterium. Phi 1 m infection of SP beta lysogens begins with apparently normal adsorption, penetration, and inititaion of virus-directed syntheses. At about the 20th min of the latent period, however, there is an abrupt cessation of nucleic acid synthesis and cellular respiration, accompanied by a change in cell permeability. This course of events can be altered to a permissive infection by mutation in the mpi gene of SP beta, by mutation in the spoOA gene of the host, or by growing SP beta lysogens at high temperature. In addition, we found a second class of phi 1 mutants which abortively infect B. subtilis 168 derivatives even in the absence of the SP beta prophage.  相似文献   

When bacteriophage SP02 infects a Bacillus subtilis culture during or shortly after transformation, the frequency of transformants among the resulting lysogens is greatly reduced relative to that in the uninfected culture. The effect can occur after the deoxyribonucleic acid has been taken up and covalently attached to recipient deoxyribonucleic acid.  相似文献   

SP01 development was inhibited by nalidixic acid and novobiocin in the sensitive host Bacillus subtilis 168M. Inhibition by novobiocin was prevented by a Novr mutation in the cellular DNA gyrase gene. Nalidixic acid inhibition persisted in hosts carrying a Nalr gyrase, but could be overcome by phage mutation. We conclude that SP01 requires for its development subunit B of the host DNA gyrase, but replaces or modifies subunit A.  相似文献   

The plasmid pE194 (3.7 kilobases) is capable of integrating into the genome of the bacterial host Bacillus subtilis in the absence of the major homology-dependent RecE recombination system. Multiple recombination sites have been identified on both the B. subtilis chromosome and pE194 (J. Hofemeister, M. Israeli-Reches, and D. Dubnau, Mol. Gen. Genet. 189:58-68, 1983). The B. subtilis chromosomal recombination sites were recovered by genetic cloning, and these sites were studied by nucleotide sequence analysis. Recombination had occurred between regions of short nucleotide homology (6 to 14 base pairs) as indicated by comparison of the plasmid and the host chromosome recombination sites with the crossover sites of the integration products. Recombination between the homologous sequences of the plasmid and the B. subtilis genome produced an integrated pE194 molecule which was bounded by direct repeats of the short homology. These results suggest a recombination model involving a conservative, reciprocal strand exchange between the two recombination sites. A preferred plasmid recombination site was found to occur within a 70-base-pair region which contains a GC-rich dyad symmetry element. Five of seven pE194-integrated strains analyzed had been produced by recombination at different locations within this 70-base-pair interval, located between positions 860 and 930 in pE194. On the basis of these data, mechanisms are discussed to explain the recombinational integration of pE194.  相似文献   

SP02 particles that mediate transduction of plasmid pPL1010, a 4.6-megadalton derivative of pUB110 containing an Eco RI endonuclease-generated fragment of SP02 deoxyribonucleic acid that spans the cohesive ends, exhibit three unusual features: the transducing particles have a lower buoyant density than infectious particles; the transduction of pPL1010 occurs at high efficiency; and the transducing activity of the particles is relatively resistant to ultraviolet irradiation when the recipient is recombination proficient. Evidence is presented which indicates that SP02(pPL1010) particles carry the plasmid predominantly as a linear multimer having a molecular mass comparable to that of infectious SP02 deoxyribonucleic acid (ca. 31 megadaltons). The plasmid monomers in the linear multimer appear oriented in the same polarity. The buoyant density difference between infectious and transducing particles appears to be due mainly to the buoyant density difference between pPL1010 (1.699 g/cm3) and SP02 deoxyribonucleic acid (1.702 gm/cm3).  相似文献   

Promoter-probe plasmid for Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:18,自引:16,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have constructed a promoter-probe expression vector for Bacillus subtilis. This plasmid, pCED6, can be used to fuse various DNA sequences to the structural gene of Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase, permitting analysis of the promoter activity of such sequences. pCED6 replicates and confers drug resistances in both E. coli and B. subtilis.  相似文献   

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