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Fillet samples of the toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides and D. mawsoni can be distinguished readily by muscle proteins revealed by isoelectric focusing and mitochondrial DNA markers. The proteins also distinguish toothfish from other species marketed under similar trade names.  相似文献   

The proportion of Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides , caught around South Georgia in the south-west Atlantic, with empty stomachs was much lower in fish caught in pots compared to longlines (28 and 91%, respectively, of examined individuals). It is hypothesized that pots caused reduced levels of stress on capture. Stomach content data examined from pot-caught fish will probably therefore be more comprehensive than that from fish caught using longlines. A wide range of prey items was identified in the stomachs of D. eleginoides and stomach contents of individuals caught using the two fishing methods were significantly different. The most common prey item for D. eleginoides caught using pots was the decapod prawn Nauticaris sp., which was restricted in location and depth. However, prawns were not common in the stomachs of D. eleginoides caught from the same location using longlines. Stomach contents from the two fishing methods remained significantly different when Nauticaris sp. were eliminated from the assessment, although fishes then dominated the diet of D. eleginoides caught using either fishing gear. The study confirms that D. eleginoides is an opportunistic carnivore, and indicates that feeding habits depend on the local availability of food items, as well as factors such as depth and predator size. The potential ecological impacts of fishing for D. eleginoides on the South Atlantic ecosystem are discussed.  相似文献   

Population characteristics of the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides were investigated based on material collected from both trawl and longline fisheries in Falkland Islands' waters. The fish occurred between 56 and 2122 m and attained 225 cm total length ( L T). Males matured earlier, L T at 50% maturity was 86 cm for males v . 90 cm for females. Subadult fish foraged at depths of <600 m, whereas adult Patagonian toothfish lived at >600 m. Spawning occurred on slopes of the Burdwood Bank at c . 1000 m depth with a minor peak in May, and a major peak in July to August. Males arrived at the spawning grounds first. Between spawning peaks both sexes remained around the Burdwood Bank with males occurring at greater depths than females. The Patagonian toothfish in south‐east Patagonia and the Falkland Islands had a long juvenile and sub‐adult period in the relatively shallow and warm waters of the outer shelf and upper slope unlike that of juveniles in other Patagonian toothfish populations. The migratory life style of the south‐west Atlantic population is probably very different from that of other populations, which tend to be resident as they are inclined to inhabit the waters around oceanic islands and sea mounts with narrow shelf areas.  相似文献   

The cephalopod component of the diet of Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, around South Georgia was analysed from stomach contents collected between March and May 2000. Cephalopods occurred in 7% of D. eleginoides stomachs. A total of 363 cephalopod beaks were found, comprising 16 cephalopod species, of which 15 had not been previously recorded in the diet. Octopodid A (probably Pareledone turqueti) was the most important cephalopod species by number of lower beaks (36 beaks; 20.2% of the lower beaks) and Kondakovia longimana was the most important in terms of estimated mass (76% of the cephalopod component). When the cephalopod component of D. eleginoides was compared with other predators between March and May 2000, D. eleginoides fed more on octopods (25% of the lower beaks) than black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses (<1% of the lower beaks). The low frequency of the squid Martialia hyadesi in the diet of D. eleginoides around South Georgia was also noticed in the diet of albatrosses, and suggests that M. hyadesi was not present in these waters in 2000 (probably due to migratory movements or reproduction failure), despite being a candidate for commercial exploitation. The presence of the squid Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni in the diet of D. eleginoides and being caught by a longline hook whilst presumably feeding on D. eleginoides, may indicate that juveniles of Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni are prey of D. eleginoides adults, and when Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni reach a large size as adults, they become the predator.  相似文献   

The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) is bound by its Article II, 3 to follow an ecosystem approach to management. This approach has been extended to the application of a precautionary approach in the late 1980s. In our review, we deal primarily with the science-related aspects of CCAMLR and its development towards an ecosystem approach to the management of the living resources of the Southern Ocean. To assist the Commission in meeting its objectives, as set out in Article II, 3, the Scientific Committee established the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Programme to detect possible effects of krill fishing on the performance of top-level predators, such as albatrosses, penguins, petrels and fur seals. Fisheries in the Southern Ocean followed the fate of other fisheries worldwide in which target species were depleted to low level one after the other. Currently, two types of fisheries are open: the longline fisheries on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) and the trawl fisheries on mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari). Both fisheries are managed in a single-species context, however, with conservation measures in place to protect by-catch species, such as rattails (Macrouridae) and skates and rays (Rajidae). Two major problems still exist in fisheries in the Southern Ocean: the by-catch of birds in longline fisheries primarily in the Indian Ocean and the high level of IUU fishing again in the Indian Ocean. Both, the by-catch of birds and high IUU catches undermine the credibility of CCAMLR to safeguard the marine living resources in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Otolith nucleus chemistry resolved the population structure of Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides , an exclusively marine species, along the Patagonian Shelf and North Scotia Ridge out to South Georgia in the Southern Ocean. Concentrations of 55Mn, 88Sr and 137Ba, ratioed to 42Ca, showed a sharp population boundary in the vicinity of the Polar Front, between South Georgia and the North Scotia Ridge. These results validated otolith nucleus chemistry as a technique for examining population structure in Patagonian toothfish, demonstrating that otolith nucleus chemistry can discriminate between populations even in fully marine environments. Moreover, the nucleus chemistry indicated population heterogeneity not previously detected, suggesting the possibility of more than one South American population, and also suggested some South American-caught fish had moved from South Georgia.  相似文献   

Plasma from the Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni, a member of the advanced teleost Nototheniidae family, was analysed. Agarose gel electrophoresis showed a major diffuse anionic protein that bound [14C]palmitic acid but not 63Ni2+, and two more cationic proteins that bound 63Ni2+ but not palmitate. Oil Red O staining following cellulose acetate electrophoresis indicated that the palmitate binding protein was a lipoprotein. Two-dimensional electrophoresis showed that this palmitate binding band was composed of three proteins with M(r) of 11, 30, and 42 kDa, without any trace of material at approximately 65 kDa, the mass of albumin. N-terminal sequencing of the palmitate binding band gave a major sequence of DAAQPSQELR-, indicating a high degree of homology to apolipoprotein A-I (apo-AI), the major apolipoprotein of high density lipoprotein (HDL). N-terminal sequencing of the major nickel binding band produced a sequence with no homology to albumin. When ultracentrifugation was used to isolate the lipoproteins from Antarctic toothfish plasma, the palmitate binding protein was found solely in the lipoprotein fraction. In competitive binding experiments, added human albumin did not prevent palmitate binding to toothfish HDL. In conclusion, there is no evidence for albumin in Antarctic toothfish plasma and HDL assumes the role of fatty acid transport.  相似文献   

A diet analysis of the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides, trawled in the South Georgia Islands area in March–April 1996, was carried out by frequency of occurrence (F%) and coefficient Q (%) methods. The samples consisted chiefly of immature specimens, with predominant length ranges of 30–70 cm (TL). Fish was by far the main food on the shelves of Shag Rocks and South Georgia, accounting for about 70% of prey. Krill appeared as secondary food, although its importance was overestimated by the frequency of occurrence method. Cephalopods and mysids were infrequent in the stomachs, and only at Shag Rocks and South Georgia, respectively. Lepidonotothen kempi, Champsocephalus gunnari and Chaenocephalus aceratus constituted the main fish prey and their variability between Shag Rocks and South Georgia depended on their local abundance. The large proportion of fish exhibiting stomachs full or close to fullness (together 62%) suggests that feeding intensity of the species was high.  相似文献   

Within the Southern Ocean, Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt) and southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina Linnaeus) forage mainly on fish and cephalopods. From what is known of their diets, the proportion of fish is greatest in toothfish diet. When foraging at-sea for squid, elephant seals and toothfish most often co-occur over continental shelves and submarine plateaux surrounding sub-Antarctic land masses within the Southern Ocean. I used traditional (non-molecular) techniques to compare the squid diet of these two predators. Of the 21 squid species identified, 10 were common to the diets of both predators. One species, Gonatus antarcticus, dominated (61%) the biomass of squid consumed by toothfish, but was of little importance to the elephant seals (2.3%). By contrast, Martialia hyadesi was the most important single species to the elephant seals diet (29%), but it contributed 1% to the toothfish diet. Onychoteuthids (Kondakovia longimana, Moroteuthis ingens and Morotenthis knipovitchi) were important to both predators diets. The median sizes of five cephalopod species (Slosarczykovia circumantarctica, Galiteuthis glacialis, Gonatus antarcticus, Moroteuthis ingens and Moroteuthis knipovitchi) which were common to both the seal and toothfish diets, were significantly larger in the toothfish stomachs than in the elephant-seal stomachs. Percent similarity indices for the squids that overlapped both diets were in some cases as high as 100%. However, after between-species differences in prey size consumption were accounted for, the similarities fell to between 20 and 50%. These results indicate that the strength of the trophic interaction between the seals and the fish might be weaker than previously thought. The consumption of significantly different-sized squid can also be used to suggest spatial (vertical) foraging separation of these two predators because there is evidence for ontogenetic change in the size of squid species with depth; older, and thus larger, squids live deeper than smaller individuals of the same species.  相似文献   

Seafood mislabeling distorts the true abundance of fish in the sea, defrauds consumers, and can also cause unwanted exposure to harmful pollutants. By combining genetic data with analyses of total mercury content, we have investigated how species substitutions and fishery-stock substitutions obscure mercury contamination in Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), also known as “Chilean sea bass”. Patagonian toothfish show wide variation in mercury concentrations such that consumers may be exposed to either acceptable or unacceptable levels of mercury depending on the geographic origins of the fish and the allowable limits of different countries. Most notably, stocks of Patagonian toothfish in Chile accumulate significantly more mercury than stocks closer to the South Pole, including the South Georgia/Shag Rocks stock, a fishery certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) as sustainably fished. Consistent with the documented geography of mercury contamination, our analysis showed that, on average, retail fish labeled as MSC-certified Patagonian toothfish had only half the mercury of uncertified fish. However, consideration of genetic data that were informative about seafood substitutions revealed a complex pattern of contamination hidden from consumers: species substitutions artificially inflated the expected difference in mercury levels between MSC-certified and uncertified fish whereas fishery stock substitutions artificially reduced the expected difference in mercury content between MSC-certified and uncertified fish that were actually D. eleginoides. Among MSC-certified fish that were actually D. eleginoides, several with exogenous mtDNA haplotypes (i.e., not known from the certified fishery) had mercury concentrations on par with uncertified fish from Chile. Overall, our analysis of mercury was consistent with inferences from the genetic data about the geographic origins of the fish, demonstrated the potential negative impact of seafood mislabeling on unwanted mercury exposure for consumers, and showed that fishery-stock substitutions may expose consumers to significantly greater mercury concentrations in retail-acquired fish than species substitutions.  相似文献   

The parasite faunas of the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides from six locations around the Southern Ocean were studied and compared. Thirty-two parasite taxa were found. Ten parasite species are reported from D. eleginoides for the first time and some other previously reported species were new locality records. Sample size at Shag Rocks was sufficient to examine the effect of intrinsic host factors, including sex and length, on the parasite fauna and these results are discussed here. Some parasite species were found only in certain areas. Sørensens similarity index indicated that the parasite faunas at Heard, Maquarie and Prince Edward Islands were the most similar, while those from the Ross Sea was the most dissimilar. There may be a gradual decrease in parasite diversity the further east the samples were collected around the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Records of demersal deep-sea fish assemblages in waters around the Falkland Islands (Patagonian shelf area) are rare. Twenty deep-water stations to the east and south of the Falkland Islands were sampled by commercial bottom trawl deployed in upper, middle and lower benthopelagic zones (depth range of approximately 500-1000 m). Forty-one species (22 families) of teleost fish were recorded, 10 species (two families) of elasmobranch and one species of agnathan. Different assemblages of fish were found to characterize each depth zone (e.g. Moridae in deeper waters, Bothidae and Rajidae in shallower waters), with diversity being greatest in the mid-zone and biomass greatest in the upper and lower zones. Some species occurred in all zones but showed depth-related abundance. Four species, namely the grenadiers Macrourus carinutus and Coelorhynchus fasciatus , the southern blue whiting Micromesistius australis , and the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides , accounted for 85% by weight of all fish caught. Quantitative sampling of selected species revealed depth-related variations in their population structure. Length-frequency analyses are presented for M. carinatus and D. eleginoides and show a tendency for larger individuals to inhabit deeper water. Discard rates from the commercial catch were sometimes high, particularly for the smaller species, raising concerns about the impact of a fishery on by-catch species. The potential for deep-sea fisheries in Falkland waters is discussed and further studies are suggested in the light of developing oil, gas and fishing industries. The presence of some invertebrate taxa is recorded.  相似文献   

Cephalopods have a key role in the marine environment though knowledge of their distribution and trophic ecology is limited by a lack of observations. This is particularly true for Antarctic species. Toothfish species are key predators of cephalopods and may be viewed as ideal biological samplers of these species. A total of 256 cephalopod lower beaks were identified from the stomachs of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni), captured in fisheries of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands in the South Atlantic between March and April 2009. Long-armed octopus squid (Kondakovia longimana) and smooth-hooked squid (Moroteuthis knipovitchi) were the main cephalopod prey and both were predated upon wherever toothfish were captured, though this cephalopod species appear to inhabit deeper waters at the South Sandwich Islands than at South Georgia. Measurements of δ13C from beak material indicated a clear segregation of habitat use comparing adult and sub-adult sized K. longimana. Variation in δ15N with size indicated an ontogenetic shift in the diet of cephalopods and also suggested some trophic plasticity among years. This study provides new insights into the private life of some elusive Antarctic cephalopods in an underexplored region of the South Atlantic.  相似文献   

The two giant notothenioid species, the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides and the Antarctic toothfish D. mawsoni, are important components of the Antarctic ichthyofauna and heavily exploited commercially. They have similar appearance and size, both are piscivorous and bentho-pelagic, but differ in their geographic distribution and absence/presence of the antifreeze trait. We karyotyped these two sister species by analyzing specimens collected from multiple Antarctic and sub-Antarctic sites. Both species have a diploid number of 48, but differ in karyotypic formula, (2m + 2sm + 44a) for D. eleginoides and (2m + 4sm + 42a) for D. mawsoni, due to an extra pair of submetacentric chromosomes in the latter. Chromosomal fluorescence in situ hybridization with rDNA probes revealed unexpected species-specific organization of rRNA genes; D. mawsoni possesses two rDNA loci (versus one locus in D. eleginoides), with the second locus mapping to its additional submetacentric chromosome. The additional rRNA genes in D. mawsoni may be a cold-adaptive compensatory mechanism for growth and development of this large species in freezing seawater.  相似文献   

An experimental fishery for Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides was opened in Falkland Island waters briefly in 1992 and then from April 1994. One to two longlines per vessel were usually deployed at night, mostly fishing for 12–30 h at depths between 600 and 2000 m. The characteristics of the vessel, gear, fishing activities and the data collection and analyses methods are described. An initial evaluation of the authors' current understanding of toothfish biology and population dynamics in Falkland Island waters is given. A first analysis of toothfish numbers caught in 1994 suggests that these are changing at rates faster than expected from simple demographic processes. Therefore, despite an intensive monitoring of catch and fishing effort of each vessel, it is still not possible to derive reliable estimates for the size of the toothfish population currently exploited around the Falkland Islands. Migration patterns in and out of the fishery need to be understood before a reliable assessment of the fishery can be made. These results, together with current and future lines of research, are discussed in the light of data available from other toothfish fisheries in austral waters.  相似文献   

Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) are the target of an important commercial fishery in the Southern Ocean, yet age data used for management have not been comprehensively tested for accuracy. In this study, Antarctic toothfish were aged using counts of otolith growth zones based on criteria established for Patagonian toothfish, D. eleginoides, a closely related species. To validate these ages, the radioactive disequilibrium of lead-210 and radium-226 in otolith cores was measured and used as an independent chronometer to accurately determine age across the range of fish caught in large numbers by the fishery. Growth-zone counts indicated Antarctic toothfish live to at least 39 years of age, and were in close agreement with the chronometer, validating the age estimation criteria and the accuracy of age estimates. Von Bertalanffy growth function parameters indicated Antarctic toothfish were relatively slow-growing (k = 0.111), especially in relation to their maximum size (L  = 158.9 cm).  相似文献   

G N Rodiuk 《Parazitologiia》1986,20(3):224-227
Two new species of Acanthocephala of the genus Echinorhynchus were found and described from fishes of Falkland-Patagonia and South Georgia Island area. E. longiproboscis sp. n. from Dissostichus eleginoides and Macrourus holotrachys intestines differs from its close relative E. gadi (Zoega in Müller, 1776) in proboscis armature and the proboscis to the body length ratio. E. georgianus sp. n. from D. eleginoides intestines differs from E. gadi in proboscis armature and length and shape of the basal hooks.  相似文献   

Toothfish represent a major finfish resource in the Southern Ocean, where there has been a rapid increase in exploitation of the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides. Molecular genetic methods have been applied to address questions relating to stock discrimination in D. eleginoides. Eight microsatellite loci were tested in population samples from the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean sectors of the Southern Ocean. Some loci were characterised by a large number of alleles, but no alleles were restricted to specific ocean basins. However there was a significant allelic heterogeneity in the total data indicative of population differentiation, and a high level of genetic sub-division was measured with F ST and R ST. Seven polymorphic allozyme loci revealed no significant heterogeneity among Pacific and Indian Ocean sector samples. The microsatellite DNA heterogeneity suggests that there is restricted gene flow through the Southern Ocean, and that the different fishing grounds may support independent stocks.  相似文献   

Animal model systems of senile cataract and lens crystallin stability are essential to understand the complex nature of lens transparency. Our aim in this study was to assess the long-lived Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni (Norman) as a model system to understand long-term lens clarity in terms of solubility changes that occur to crystallins. We compared the toothfish with the mammalian model cow lens, dissecting each species’ lens into a cortex and nuclear region. In addition to crystallin distribution, we also assayed fatty acid (FA) composition by negative ion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). The majority of toothfish lens crystallins from cortex (90.4%) were soluble, whereas only a third (31.8%) from the nucleus was soluble. Crystallin solubility analysis by SDS-PAGE and immunoblots revealed that relative proportions of crystallins in both soluble and urea-soluble fractions were similar within each species examined and in agreement with previous reports for bovine lens. From our data, we found that both toothfish and cow crystallins follow patterns of insolubility that mirror each animals lens composition with more γ crystallin aggregation seen in the toothfish lens nucleus than in cow. Toothfish lens lipids had a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids that were absent in cow resulting in an unsaturation index (I U) four-fold higher than that of cow. We identified a novel FA with a molecular mass of 267 mass units in the lens epithelial layer of the toothfish that accounted for well over 50% of the FA abundance. The unidentified lipid in the toothfish lens epithelia corresponds to either an odd-chain (17 carbons) FA or a furanoid. We conclude that long-lived fishes are likely good animal models of lens crystallin solubility and may model post-translational modifications and solubility changes better than short-lived animal models.  相似文献   

The changes in the size composition of the toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides from the long-line catches in division 48.3 (South Georgia and Shag Rocks) and determination of the length at which the males and females mature are investigated, as is the ratio between the mature and immature individuals of this species after the longterm effect of fishing. It was shown that toothfish males reach maturity at smaller lengths than females. Fifty percent of males reach maturity at length of 66–78 cm, while females mature at lengths of 78–96 cm. The ogive of toothfish maturation and its comparison with size and sexual composition of the catches in the first and last years of long-line fishing demonstrated that a significant part of immature and first maturating fishes less than 90 cm in length are removed as the result of fishing at the present time. The decrease in the average size of toothfish in the catches, the high percent of immature fishes in the catches, and the decrease of the portion of large fishes suggest a decrease in its abundance.  相似文献   

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