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DNA sequences that encode the tnpR genes and internal resolution (res) sites of transposons Tn21 and Tn501, and the res site and the start of the tnpR gene of Tn1721 have been determined. There is considerable homology between all three sequences. The homology between Tn21 and Tn501 extends further than that between Tn1721 and Tn501 (or Tn21), but in the homologous regions, Tn1721 is 93% homologous with Tn501, while Tn21 is only 72-73% homologous. The tnpR genes of Tn21 and Tn501 encode proteins of 186 amino acids which show homology with the tnpR gene product of Tn3 and with other enzymes that carry out site-specific recombination. However, in all three transposons, and in contrast to Tn3, the tnpR gene is transcribed towards tnpA gene, and the res site is upstream of both. The res site of Tn3 shows no obvious homology with the res regions of these three transposons. Just upstream of the tnpR gene and within the region that displays common homology between the three elements, there is a 50 bp deletion in Tn21, compared to the other two elements. A TnpR- derivative of Tn21 was complemented by Tn21, Tn501 and Tn1721, but not by Tn3.  相似文献   

The dual functions of resolvase, site-specific recombination and the regulation of its own expression from tnpR, both require the interaction of this protein with the DNA sequence at res, but the specificity of this interaction differs between groups of Tn3-like elements. In this study, DNA fragments that contained res from Tn21 or Tn1721 were subjected to either cleavage by DNase I or methylation by dimethyl sulphate in the presence of the purified resolvase from Tn21 or Tn1721. These experiments showed that each resolvase bound to the same three sites (I, II and III) within res from Tn1721 and to an equivalent series of three sites on Tn21: the differences in the amino acid sequences of the two proteins did not affect their interaction with either DNA. The DNA sequences at each site had some similarities and, in conjunction with data from the related transposon Tn501, a consensus was established. However, the three sites are functionally distinct: site I (tnpR-distal) spans the recombination cross-over point and sites II and III (tnpR-proximal) overlap the promoter of tnpR. The binding sites on these transposons were compared with those in the gamma delta/Tn3 system: the similarities between the two groups of transposons revealed some general features of resolvase-DNA interactions while the differences in fine structure elucidated the specificity of each resolvase.  相似文献   

The resolvases from the transposons Tn3 and Tn21 are homologous proteins but they possess distinct specificities for the DNA sequence at their respective res sites. The DNA binding domain of resolvase contains an amino acid sequence that can be aligned with the helix-turn-helix motif of other DNA binding proteins. Mutations in the gene for Tn21 resolvase were made by replacing the section of DNA that codes for the helix-turn-helix with synthetic oligonucleotides. Each mutation substituted one amino acid in Tn21 resolvase with either the corresponding residue from Tn3 resolvase or a residue that lacks hydrogen bonding functions. The ability of these proteins to mediate recombination between res sites from either Tn21 or Tn3 was measured in vivo and in vitro. With one exception, where a glutamate residue had been replaced by leucine, the activity of these mutants was similar to that of wild-type Tn21 resolvase. A further mutation was made in which the complete recognition helix of Tn21 resolvase was replaced with that from Tn3 resolvase. This protein retained activity in recombining Tn21 res sites, though at a reduced level relative to wild-type; the reduction can be assigned entirely to weakened binding to this DNA. Neither this mutant nor any other derivative of Tn21 resolvase had any detectable activity for recombination between res sites from Tn3. The exchange of this section of amino acid sequence between the two resolvases is therefore insufficient to alter the DNA sequence specificity for recombination.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the genes tnpA, tnpR and res of Tn2603 required for its own transposition, was determined. The order of the genes was tnpA-tnpR-res from the right end of the right hand side region in Tn2603, the tnpA and tnpR encoded gene products having molecular weights of 110,000 and 21,000, respectively. The 110,000 molecular weight polypeptides was absolutely required for replicon fusion as the first stage of transposition, and named transposase. On the other hand, the 21,000 molecular weight polypeptide was necessary for resolution of the cointegrate as the second stage of transposition, and named resolvase. We also examined the ability of various transposons, assumed to be closely related, to complement the tnpA and tnpR mutations of Tn2603. The results indicated that the mercury resistance transposon, Tn2613, and Tn501, can complement both genes, but TnAs and gamma delta cannot at all. Tn501 had much less efficiency of complementation for tnpA than Tn2613. We have also discovered that the transposition frequency of transposons in the tn2613 family systematically depend on their size of transposon.  相似文献   

The solution properties of Tn3 resolvase (Tn3R) were studied by sedimentation equilibrium, sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation, and small-angle neutron scattering. Tn3R was found to be in a monomer-dimer self-association equilibrium, with a dissociation constant of K(D)(1-2)=50 microM. Sedimentation velocity and small-angle neutron scattering data are consistent with a solution structure of dimeric Tn3R similar to that of gammadelta resolvase in a co-crystal structure, but with the DNA-binding domains in a more extended conformation. The solution conformations of sites I, II, and III were studied with small angle x-ray scattering and modeled using rigid-body and ab initio techniques. The structures of these sites do not show any distortion, at low resolution, from B-DNA. The equilibrium binding properties of Tn3R to the individual binding sites in res were investigated by employing fluorescence anisotropy measurements. It was found that site II and site III have the highest affinity for Tn3R, followed by site I. Finally, the affinity of Tn3R for nonspecific DNA was assayed by competition experiments.  相似文献   

The 7.1-megadalton transposon Tn1721 codes for inducible tetracycline resistance (Tcr). The transposable element consists of a "minor transposon" (3.6 megadaltons) encoding functions required for transposition and a "tet region" (3.5 megadaltons) encoding resistance. Multiple tandem repeats of the tet region can be generated by recA-dependent gene amplification. This feature of Tn1721 has been used to analyze the relationship between gene dosage and Tcr. Derivatives of plasmid R388:Tn1721 containing from one to nine copies of the tet region were isolated and separately transformed into recA host cells, where they are stably maintained. The results of the study of Tcr in these strains were as follows: (i) the uninduced, "basal" level of Tcr was linearly related to gene dosage between 4 and 36 copies of tet per chromosome equivalent; (ii) the underlying mechanism could not be attributed to reduced accumulation of the drug; and (iii) induction with tetracycline elicited a four- to fivefold reduction in drug accumulation, independent of the gene dosage.  相似文献   

Summary The related transposons Tn501 and Tn1721 have a 3.8 kb region in common that contains two genes (tnpA and tnpR) and a resolution site (res) required for transposition. Resolvase, the product of tnpR, catalyses site-specific recombination at res, a 186 base pair (bp) sequence located adjacent to tnpR at one end of the homology region. We describe here identification of the crossover site within res. It involved the construction of a plasmid containing copies of res (Tn501) and res (Tn1721) in direct orientation and tnpR-mediated intramolecular recombination between the two homologous (but non-identical) sites. The resulting hybrid contained Tn501 and Tn1721 fused at the crossover point. DNA sequence analysis of the recombinant indicates that recombination occurs in an 11 bp region of exact homology between Tn501 and Tn1721. The recombination site lies 161–172 bp upstream of tnpR at the transition from homology to non-homology between Tn501 and Tn1721 suggesting that site-specific recombination may have played a role in the evolution of these elements.  相似文献   

Catalysis of DNA recombination by Tn3 resolvase is conditional on prior formation of a synapse, comprising 12 resolvase subunits and two recombination sites (res). Each res binds a resolvase dimer at site I, where strand exchange takes place, and additional dimers at two adjacent 'accessory' binding sites II and III. 'Hyperactive' resolvase mutants, that catalyse strand exchange at site I without accessory sites, were selected in E. coli. Some single mutants can resolve a res x site I plasmid (that is, with one res and one site I), but two or more activating mutations are necessary for efficient resolution of a site I x site I plasmid. Site I x site I resolution by hyperactive mutants can be further stimulated by mutations at the crystallographic 2-3' interface that abolish activity of wild-type resolvase. Activating mutations may allow regulatory mechanisms of the wild-type system to be bypassed, by stabilizing or destabilizing interfaces within and between subunits in the synapse. The positions and characteristics of the mutations support a mechanism for strand exchange by serine recombinases in which the DNA is on the outside of a recombinase tetramer, and the tertiary/quaternary structure of the tetramer is reconfigured.  相似文献   

The transposons Tn21, Tn501, and Tn1721 are related to Tn3. Transposition-deficient mutants (tnpA) of these elements were used to test for complementation of transpostion. Transposition of tnpA mutants of Tn501 and Tn1721 was restored by the presence in trans of Tn21, Tn501, and Tn1721, but transposition of a tnpA mutant of Tn21 was restored in trans only by Tn21 itself. Tn3 did not complement transposition of Tn21, Tn501, or Tn1721, and these elements did not complement transposition of Tn3.  相似文献   

We have isolated in quantitative yield the synaptic intermediate formed during site-specific recombination by Tn3 resolvase and characterized it by restriction endonuclease mapping, electron microscopy and topological methods. The intermediate accumulates at low reaction temperatures and is stabilized by crosslinking of the resolvase protomers with glutaraldehyde. The DNA-resolvase complex that maintains the structure of the intermediate (the synaptosome) is approximately 100 A in diameter, forms specifically at resolution (res) sites, and requires two res sites in a supercoiled DNA molecule. Resolvase bound to individual res sites protects approximately -0.5 supercoil per site from relaxation by a topoisomerase, whereas the formation of the synaptosome protects -3 supercoils and condenses the associated DNA to a supercoil density 2.5 times that of the non-complexed substrate. Although recombination requires two directly repeated res sites, both direct and inverted sites form synaptosomes. We conclude that the specificity of recombination is achieved by a three-stage recognition system: binding of resolvase to separate sites, formation of the synaptosome and determination of site orientation from within the complex.  相似文献   

H Allmeier  B Cresnar  M Greck  R Schmitt 《Gene》1992,111(1):11-20
The complete 11,139-nucleotide sequence of transposon Tn1721 has been determined. It contains three 38-bp inverted repeats, and (in this order) a new orfI, a resolution site (res), genes encoding resolvase (tnpR), transposase (tnpA), tetracycline-resistance (TcR) repressor (tetR), TcR (tetA) and a truncated transposase gene (tnpA'). The modulator origin of Tn1721 from at least three separate sources is supported by the distinctive codon usages of orfI, tnpR/tnpA and tetR/tetA, and by sequence similarities with Tn501 (tnpR/tnpA) and RP1 (tetR/tetA). The ORFI-encoded 56-kDa polypeptide exhibits features of a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP) with a conserved signal domain and a potential transmembrane domain; this polypeptide cross-reacts with anti-MCP antiserum. Like chemotaxis genes, orfI is transcribed from a sigma 28-like promoter. The overexpressed orfI gene product interferes with MCP-dependent chemotaxis suggesting that it completes for soluble transducer protein(s) in the cell. The potential selective advantage of this novel transposon-borne gene is discussed.  相似文献   

Binding of the Tet repressor to nonspecific and specific DNA leads to quenching of the Tet fluorescence by approximately 22% and approximately 35%, respectively. This effect is used for a direct, quantitative characterization of the binding equilibria and dynamics involved in the recognition of the operator by its repressor. From the dependence of the nonspecific binding constant on the ion concentration, it is concluded that nonspecific binding is almost completely driven by the entropy change resulting from the release of three to four Na+ ions from the double helix upon protein binding. Formation of the specific complex is driven by a higher entropy term resulting from the release of seven to eight Na+ ions and in addition by a free energy term of -33 kJ/mol from nonelectrostatic interactions, which are attributed to the specific contacts. The dynamics of the repressor-operator recognition are resolved by stopped-flow measurements at various salt concentrations and for different DNA chain lengths into two separate steps. The first step follows a second-order mechanism and results in an intermediate complex associated with formation of about three to four electrostatic contacts between protein and DNA; apparently, this complex is equivalent to the nonspecific complex. The existence of an intermediate is also indicated by experiments in mixed Na+-Mg2+ buffers, which can be described with high accuracy by competition of Mg2+ and protein. The intermediate complex is formed at a rate of 3 X 10(8) M-1 s-1 and is converted in the second reaction step to the specific complex with a rate constant of 6 X 10(4) s-1, which is almost independent of the salt concentration. Our interpretation and the parameters obtained from our model are confirmed by competition of nonspecific DNA with operator DNA for repressor binding. The observed maximal rate constant of 3 X 10(8) M-1 s-1 is very close to theoretical predictions for the association without a sliding mechanism. The very small dependence of the observed rate constants on the chain length shows that the Tet repressor is not able to slide over any substantial distance even at low salt concentrations. The question of a potential contribution from sliding under our experimental conditions is critically discussed. The absence of sliding in the case of the Tet repressor under physiological conditions is compared with the high sliding efficiency of the lac repressor and is discussed with respect to possible molecular mechanisms of sliding in relation to biological function.  相似文献   

The bacterial transposon Tn7 exhibits target immunity, a process that prevents Tn7 from transposing into target DNAs that already contain a copy of the transposon. This work investigates the mechanism of target immunity in vitro. We demonstrate that two Tn7-encoded proteins_TnsB, which binds specifically to the ends of Tn7, and TnsC, the ATP-dependent DNA binding protein_act as a molecular switch to impose immunity on target DNAs containing Tn7 (or just Tn7 ends). TnsC binds to target DNA molecules and communicates with the Tn7 transposition machinery; here we show that target DNAs containing Tn7 ends are also bound and subsequently inactivated by TnsB. Protein-protein interactions between TnsB and TnsC appear to be responsible for this inactivation; the target DNA promotes these interactions by tethering TnsB and TnsC in high local concentration. An attractive model that emerges from this work is that TnsB triggers the dissociation of TnsC from the Tn7 end-containing target DNA; that dissociation depends on TnsC's ability to hydrolyze ATP. We propose that these interactions between TnsB and TnsC not only prevent Tn7 from inserting into itself, but also facilitate the selection of preferred target sites that is the hallmark of Tn7 transposition.  相似文献   

W M Stark  D J Sherratt  M R Boocock 《Cell》1989,58(4):779-790
Site-specific recombination catalyzed by Tn3 resolvase proceeds with a linkage change, delta Lk, of +4 in the forward resolution reaction and -4 in the catenane fusion reverse reaction. The reverse reaction occurs only at low superhelical densities and gives unknotted circular products, consistent with plectonemic and not solenoidal wrapping of the two recombination sites. The strand exchange topologies are consistent with a mechanism in which resolvase cleaves all four DNA strands and religates them after a 180 degrees rotation of two duplex partners in a right-handed sense for the "forward" reaction, and in a left-handed sense for the "reverse" action. This could be achieved by a 180 degrees rotation of two resolvase subunits within a tetramer with D2 symmetry; we suggest that a different symmetry applies to phage lamda integrase catalysis.  相似文献   

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