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It has been hypothesized that prior to protein domain swapping, unfolding occurs in regions important for the stability of the native monomeric structure, which probably increases the possibility of intermolecular interaction. In order to explore the detailed information of the important unfolding regions in cystatin prior to domain swapping, 20?ns molecular dynamic simulations were performed at atomic level with typical amyloidogenic chicken cystatin (cC) mutant I66Q monomer under conditions that enable forming amyloid fibrils in biological experiments. Our results showed that I66Q mutant exhibited relatively large secondary structure changes and obvious expanding tendency of hydrophobic core compared to wild-type cC. More importantly, the appendant structure (AS) showed a large displacement and distortion towards the hydrophobic core in amyloidogenic cystatin. The structural analysis on cystatin monomer suggested that structural changes of the AS might make the hydrophobic core expand more easily. In addition, analysis on docking dimer has shown that the distorted AS was favor to intermolecular interactions between two cystatin monomers. Data from an independent theoretical derived algorithm as well as biological experiments also support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that prior to protein domain swapping, unfolding occurs in regions important for the stability of the native monomeric structure, which probably increases the possibility of intermolecular interaction. In order to explore the detailed information of the important unfolding regions in cystatin prior to domain swapping, 20?ns molecular dynamic simulations were performed at atomic level with typical amyloidogenic chicken cystatin (cC) mutant I66Q monomer under conditions that enable forming amyloid fibrils in biological experiments. Our results showed that I66Q mutant exhibited relatively large secondary structure changes and obvious expanding tendency of hydrophobic core compared to wild-type cC. More importantly, the appendant structure (AS) showed a large displacement and distortion towards the hydrophobic core in amyloidogenic cystatin. The structural analysis on cystatin monomer suggested that structural changes of the AS might make the hydrophobic core expand more easily. In addition, analysis on docking dimer has shown that the distorted AS was favor to intermolecular interactions between two cystatin monomers. Data from an independent theoretical derived algorithm as well as biological experiments also support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Cystatin C and the prion protein have been shown to form dimers via three-dimensional domain swapping, and this process has also been hypothesized to be involved in amyloidogenesis. Production of oligomers of other amyloidogenic proteins has been reported to precede fibril formation, suggesting oligomers as intermediates in fibrillogenesis. A variant of cystatin C, with a Leu68-->Gln substitution, is highly amyloidogenic, and carriers of this mutation suffer from massive cerebral amyloidosis leading to brain hemorrhage and death in early adulthood. This work describes doughnut-shaped oligomers formed by wild type and L68Q cystatin C upon incubation of the monomeric proteins. Purified oligomers of cystatin C are shown to fibrillize faster and at a lower concentration than the monomeric protein, indicating a role of the oligomers as fibril-assembly intermediates. Moreover, the present work demonstrates that three-dimensional domain swapping is involved in the formation of the oligomers, because variants of monomeric cystatin C, stabilized against three-dimensional domain swapping by engineered disulfide bonds, do not produce oligomers upon incubation under non-reducing conditions. Redox experiments using wild type and stabilized cystatin C strongly suggest that the oligomers, and thus probably the fibrils as well, are formed by propagated domain swapping rather than by assembly of domain-swapped cystatin C dimers.  相似文献   

Human cystatin C (HCC), one of the amyloidgenic proteins, has been proved to form a dimeric structure via a domain swapping process and then cause amyloid deposits in the brains of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. HCC monomer consists of a core with a five-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet (beta region) wrapped around a central helix. The connectivity of these secondary structures is: (N)-beta1-alpha-beta2-L1-beta3-AS-beta4-L2-beta5-(C). In this study, various molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to investigate the conformational changes of the monomeric HCC at different temperatures (300 and 500 K) and pH levels (2, 4, and 7) to gain insight into the domain swapping mechanism. The results show that high temperature (500 K) and low pH (pH 2) will trigger the domain swapping process of HCC. We further proposed that the domain swapping mechanism of HCC follows four steps: (1) the alpha-helix moves away from the beta region; (2) the contacts between beta2 and beta3-AS disappear; (3) the beta2-L1-beta3 hairpin unfolds following the so-called "zip-up" mechanism; and finally (4) the HCC dimer is formed. Our study shows that high temperature can accelerate the unfolding of HCC and the departure of the alpha-helix from the beta-region, especially at low pH value. This is attributed to the fact that that low pH results in the protonation of the side chains of Asp, Glu, and His residues, which further disrupts the following four salt-bridge interactions stabilizing the alpha-beta interface of the native structure: Asp15-Arg53 (beta1-beta2), Glu21/20-Lys54 (helix-beta2), Asp40-Arg70 (helix-AS), and His43-Asp81 (beta2-AS).  相似文献   

Dimeric interactions among anti- and pro-apoptotic members of the BCL-2 protein family are dynamically regulated and intimately involved in survival and death functions. We report the structure of a BCL-X(L) homodimers a 3D-domain swapped dimer (3DDS). The X-ray crystal structure demonstrates the mutual exchange of carboxy-terminal regions including BH2 (Bcl-2 homology 2) between monomer subunits, with the hinge region occurring at the hairpin turn between the fifth and sixth alpha helices. Both BH3 peptide-binding hydrophobic grooves are unoccupied in the 3DDS dimer and available for BH3 peptide binding, as confirmed by sedimentation velocity analysis. BCL-X(L) 3DDS dimers have increased pore-forming activity compared to monomers, suggesting that 3DDS dimers may act as intermediates in membrane pore formation. Chemical crosslinking studies of Cys-substituted BCL-X(L) proteins demonstrate that 3DDS dimers form in synthetic lipid vesicles.  相似文献   

Human cystatin C (HCC) inhibits papain-like cysteine proteases by a binding epitope composed of two beta-hairpin loops and the N-terminal segment. HCC is found in all body fluids and is present at a particularly high level in the cerebrospinal fluid. Oligomerization of HCC leads to amyloid deposits in brain arteries at advanced age but this pathological process is greatly accelerated with a naturally occurring Leu68Gln variant, resulting in fatal amyloidosis in early adult life. When proteins are extracted from human cystatin C amyloid deposits, an N-terminally truncated cystatin C (THCC) is found, lacking the first ten amino acid residues of the native sequence. It has been shown that the cerebrospinal fluid may cause this N-terminal truncation, possibly because of disintegration of the leucocytes normally present in this fluid, and the release of leucocyte proteolytic enzymes. HCC is the first disease-causing amyloidogenic protein for which oligomerization via 3D domain swapping has been observed. The aggregates arise in the crystallization buffer and have the form of 2-fold symmetric dimers in which a long alpha-helix of one molecule, flanked by two adjacent beta-strands, has replaced an identical domain of the other molecule, and vice versa. Consistent with a conformational change at one of the beta-hairpin loops of the binding epitope, the dimers (and also any other oligomers, including amyloid aggregates) are inactive as papain inhibitors. Here, we report the structure of N-truncated HCC, the dominant form of cystatin C in amyloid deposits. Although the protein crystallized under conditions that are drastically different from those for the full-length protein, the structure reveals dimerization by the same act of domain swapping. However, the new crystal structure is composed of four independent HCC dimers, none of which has the exact 2-fold symmetry of the full-length dimer. While the four dimers have the same overall topology, the exact relation between the individual domains shows a variability that reflects the flexibility at the dimer-specific open interface, which in the case of 3D domain-swapped HCC consists of beta-interactions between the open hinge loops and results in an unusually long intermolecular beta-sheet. The dimers are engaged in further quaternary interactions resulting in spherical, closed octameric assemblies that are identical to that present in the crystal of the full-length protein. The octamers interact via hydrophobic patches formed on the surface of the domain-swapped dimers as well as by extending the dimer beta-sheet through intermolecular contacts.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional domain swapping is the event by which a monomer exchanges part of its structure with identical monomers to form an oligomer where each subunit has a similar structure to the monomer. The accumulating number of observations of this phenomenon in crystal structures has prompted speculation as to its biological relevance. Domain swapping was originally proposed to be a mechanism for the emergence of oligomeric proteins and as a means for functional regulation, but also to be a potentially harmful process leading to misfolding and aggregation. We highlight experimental studies carried out within the last few years that have led to a much greater understanding of the mechanism of domain swapping and of the residue- and structure-specific features that facilitate the process. We discuss the potential biological implications of domain swapping in light of these findings.  相似文献   

p13suc1 (suc1) has two native states, a monomer and a domain-swapped dimer. The structure of each subunit in the dimer is identical to that of the monomer, except for the hinge loop that connects the exchanging domains. Here we find that single point mutations at sites throughout the protein and ligand binding both shift the position of the equilibrium between monomer and dimer. The hinge loop was shown previously to act as a loaded molecular spring that releases tension present in the monomer by adopting an alternative conformation in the dimer. The results here indicate that the release of strain propagates throughout the entire protein and alters the energetics of regions remote from the hinge. Our data illustrate how the signal conferred by the conformational change of a protein loop, elicited by domain swapping, ligand binding or mutation, can be sensed by a distant active site. This work highlights the potential role of strained loops in proteins: the energy they store can be used for both signal transduction and allostery, and they could steer the evolution of protein function. Finally, a structural mechanism for the role of suc1 as an adapter molecule is proposed.  相似文献   

Protein domain swapping has been repeatedly observed in a variety of proteins and is believed to result from destabilization due to mutations or changes in environment. Based on results from our studies and others, we propose that structures of the domain-swapped proteins are mainly determined by their native topologies. We performed molecular dynamics simulations of seven different proteins, known to undergo domain swapping experimentally, under mildly denaturing conditions and found in all cases that the domain-swapped structures can be recapitulated by using protein topology in a simple protein model. Our studies further indicated that, in many cases, domain swapping occurs at positions around which the protein tends to unfold prior to complete unfolding. This, in turn, enabled prediction of protein structural elements that are responsible for domain swapping. In particular, two distinct domain-swapped dimer conformations of the focal adhesion targeting domain of focal adhesion kinase were predicted computationally and were supported experimentally by data obtained from NMR analyses.  相似文献   

Cystatins are natural inhibitors of cysteine proteases, enzymes that are widely distributed in animals, plants, and microorganisms. Human cystatin C (hCC) has been also recognized as an aggregating protein directly involved in the formation of pathological amyloid fibrils, and these amyloidogenic properties greatly increase in a naturally occurring L68Q hCC variant. For a long time only dimeric structure of wild-type hCC has been known. The dimer is created through 3D domain swapping process, in which two parts of the cystatin structure become separated from each other and next exchanged between two molecules. Important role in the domain swapping plays the L1 loop, which connects the exchanging segments and, upon dimerization, transforms from a β-turn into a part of a long β-strand. In the very recently published first monomeric structure of human cystatin C (hCC-stab1), dimerization was abrogated due to clasping of the β-strands from the swapping domains by an engineered disulfide bridge. We have designed and constructed another mutated cystatin C with the smallest possible structural intervention, that is a single-point mutation replacing hydrophobic V57 from the L1 loop by polar asparagine, known as a stabilizer of a β-turn motif. V57N hCC mutant occurred to be stable in its monomeric form and crystallized as a monomer, revealing typical cystatin fold with a five-stranded antiparallel β-sheet wrapped around an α-helix. Here we report a 2.04 Å resolution crystal structure of V57N hCC and discuss the architecture of the protein in comparison to chicken cystatin, hCC-stab1 and dimeric hCC.  相似文献   

Domain swapping has been shown to be an important mechanism controlling multiprotein assembly and has been suggested recently as a possible mechanism underlying protein aggregation. Understanding oligomerization via domain swapping is therefore of theoretical and practical importance. By using a symmetrized structure-based (Gō) model, we demonstrate that in the free-energy landscape of domain swapping, a large free-energy barrier separates monomeric and domain-swapped dimeric configurations. We investigate the effect of finite monomer concentration, by implementing a new semi-analytical method, which involves computing the second virial coefficient, a thermodynamic indicator of inter-molecular interactions. This method, together with the symmetrized structure-based (Gō) model, minimizes the need for expensive many-protein simulations, providing a convenient framework to investigate concentration effect. Finally, we perform direct simulations of domain-swapped trimer formation, showing that this modeling approach can be used for higher-order oligomers.  相似文献   

In 3D domain swapping, first described by Eisenberg, a structural element of a monomeric protein is replaced by the same element from another subunit. This process requires partial unfolding of the closed monomers that is then followed by adhesion and reconstruction of the original fold but from elements contributed by different subunits. If the interactions are reciprocal, a closed-ended dimer will be formed, but the same phenomenon has been suggested as a mechanism for the formation of open-ended polymers as well, such as those believed to exist in amyloid fibrils. There has been a rapid progress in the study of 3D domain swapping. Oligomers higher than dimers have been found, the monomer-dimer equilibrium could be controlled by mutations in the hinge element of the chain, a single protein has been shown to form more than one domain-swapped structure, and recently, the possibility of simultaneous exchange of two structural domains by a single molecule has been demonstrated. This last discovery has an important bearing on the possibility that 3D domain swapping might be indeed an amyloidogenic mechanism. Along the same lines is the discovery that a protein of proven amyloidogenic properties, human cystatin C, is capable of 3D domain swapping that leads to oligomerization. The structure of domain-swapped human cystatin C dimers explains why a naturally occurring mutant of this protein has a much higher propensity for aggregation, and also suggests how this same mechanism of 3D domain swapping could lead to an open-ended polymer that would be consistent with the cross-beta structure, which is believed to be at the heart of the molecular architecture of amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Amyloidogenic proteins like cystatin C and prion proteins have been shown to form dimers by exchange of subdomains of the monomeric proteins. This process, called "three-dimensional domain swapping," has also been suggested to play a part in the generation of amyloid fibrils. One variant of cystatin C, L68Q cystatin C, is highly amyloidogenic, and persons carrying the corresponding gene suffer from massive cerebral amyloidosis leading to brain hemorrhage and death in early adult life. The present work describes the production of two variants of wild type and L68Q cystatin C with disulfide bridges at positions selected to inhibit domain swapping without affecting the biological function of the four cystatin C variants as cysteine protease inhibitors. The capacity of the four variant proteins to form dimers was tested and compared with that of wild type and L68Q cystatin C. In contrast to the latter two proteins, all four protein variants stabilized by disulfide bridges were resistant toward the formation of dimers. The capacity of the two stabilized variants of wild type cystatin C to form amyloid fibrils was investigated and found to be reduced by 80% compared with that of wild type cystatin C. In an effort to investigate whether exogenous agents could also suppress the formation of dimers of wild type and L68Q cystatin C, a monoclonal antibody or carboxymethylpapain, an inactivated form of a cysteine protease, was added to systems inducing dimerization of wild type and L68Q cystatin C. It was observed that catalytic amounts of both the monoclonal antibody and carboxymethylpapain could suppress dimerization.  相似文献   

Human cystatin C (hCC) is a low molecular mass protein that belongs to the cystatin superfamily. It is an inhibitor of extracellular cysteine proteinases, present in all human body fluids. At physiological conditions, hCC is a monomer, but it has a tendency to dimerization. Naturally occurring hCC mutant, with leucine in position 68 substituted by glutamine (L68Q), is directly involved in the formation of amyloid deposits, independently of other proteins. This process is the primary cause of hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy, observed mainly in the Icelandic population. Oligomerization and fibrillization processes of hCC are not explained equally well, but it is proposed that domain swapping is involved in both of them. Research carried out on the fibrillization process led to new hypothesis about the existence of a steric zipper motif in amyloidogenic proteins. In the hCC sequence, there are 2 fragments which may play the role of a steric zipper: the loop L1 region and the C‐terminal fragment. In this work, we focused on the first of these. Nine hexapeptides covering studied hCC fragment were synthesized, and their fibrillogenic potential was assessed using an array of biophysical methods. The obtained results showed that the studied hCC fragment has strong profibrillogenic propensities because it contains 2 fragments fulfilling the requirements for an effective steric zipper located next to each other, forming 1 super‐steric zipper motif. This hCC fragment might therefore be responsible for the enhanced amyloidogenic properties of dimeric or partially unfolded hCC.  相似文献   

Human cystatin C variant (L68Q), one of the amyloidgenic proteins, has been shown to form dimeric structure spontaneously via domain swapping and easily cause amyloid deposits in the brains of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease or hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy. The monomeric L68Q and wild-type (wt) HCCs share similar structural feature consisting of a core with a five-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet (beta-region) wrapped around a central helix. In this study, various molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to investigate the conformational fluctuations of the monomeric L68Q and wt HCCs at various combinations of temperature (300 and 500K) and pH (2 and 7) to gain insights into the domain swapping mechanism. The results show that elevated temperature accelerates the disruption of the hydrophobic core and acidic condition promotes the destruction of three salt bridges between beta2 and beta3 in both HCCs. The results also indicate that the interior hydrophobic core of the L68Q variant is relatively unstable, leading to domain swapping more readily comparing to wt HCC under conditions favoring this process. However, these two monomeric HCCs adopt the same mechanism of domain swapping as follows: (i) first, the interior hydrophobic core is disrupted; (ii) subsequently, the central helix departs from the beta-region; (iii) then, the beta2-L1-beta3 hairpin structure unfolds following the so-called "zip-up" mechanism; and (iv) finally, the open form HCC is generated.  相似文献   

Huang Y  Cao H  Liu Z 《Proteins》2012,80(6):1610-1619
Since the proposal of three-dimensional (3D) domain swapping, many 3D domain-swapped structures have been reported. However, when compared with the vast protein structure space, it is still unclear whether 3D domain swapping is a general mechanism for protein assembly. Here, we investigated this possibility by constructing a dataset consisting of more than 500 domain-swapped structures. The domain-swapped structures were mapped into the protein structure space. We found that about 10% of protein folds and 5% of protein families contain domain-swapped structures. When comparing the domain-swapped structures in a family/superfamily, we found that proteins within a family/superfamily can swap in different ways. Interface analysis revealed that the hinge loops contributed more than half of the open interface in 70% of bona fide domain-swapped dimers, indicating that the hinge loops play an important role in stabilizing the domain-swapped conformations. Our study supports the suggestion that domain swapping is a general property of all proteins and will facilitate further understanding the mechanism of 3D domain swapping.  相似文献   

Recently, we presented a convenient method combining a deuterium‐hydrogen exchange and electrospray mass spectrometry for studying high‐pressure denaturation of proteins (Stefanowicz et al., Biosci Rep 2009; 30:91–99). Here, we present results of pressure‐induced denaturation studies of an amyloidogenic protein—the wild‐type human cystatin C (hCC) and its single‐point mutants, in which Val57 residue from the hinge region was substituted by Asn, Asp or Pro, respectively. The place of mutation and the substituting residues were chosen mainly on a basis of theoretical calculations. Observation of H/D isotopic exchange proceeding during pressure induced unfolding and subsequent refolding allowed us to detect differences in the proteins stability and folding dynamics. On the basis of the obtained results we can conclude that proline residue at the hinge region makes cystatin C structure more flexible and dynamic, what probably facilitates the dimerization process of this hCC variant. Polar asparagine does not influence stability of hCC conformation significantly, whereas charged aspartic acid in 57 position makes the protein structure slightly more prone to unfolding. Our experiments also point out pressure denaturation as a valuable supplementary method in denaturation studies of mutated proteins. Proteins 2012;. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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The phenomena of protein reconstitution and three-dimensional domain swapping reveal that highly similar structures can be obtained whether a protein is comprised of one or more polypeptide chains. In this review, we use protein reconstitution as a lens through which to examine the range of protein tolerance to chain interruptions and the roles of the primary structure in related features of protein structure and folding, including circular permutation, natively unfolded proteins, allostery, and amyloid fibril formation. The results imply that noncovalent interactions in a protein are sufficient to specify its structure under the constraints imposed by the covalent backbone.  相似文献   

Human cystatin, a new protein inhibitor of cysteine proteinases   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A new low-molecular weight protein inhibitor of cysteine proteinases, human cystatin, was isolated from sera of patients with autoimmune diseases. It inhibits papain, human cathepsin H and cathepsin B. According to its partially determined amino-acid sequence, human cystatin is highly homologous to egg white cystatin, but only distantly related to stefin, the cytosolic protein inhibitor of cysteine proteinases isolated from human polymorphonuclear granulocytes. Very probably human cystatin is identical with human gamma-trace, a microprotein of known sequence but hitherto unknown function.  相似文献   

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