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The results of a macro-scale oceanographic survey conducted in the upstream and downstream regions of the Prince Edward Islands in austral autumn (April/May) 1989 are presented. During the investigation, the Subantarctic Front, upstream of the islands, was shown to lie initially south at 46°38′S, while downstream, the front remained in a northern position of approximately 46°S. Surface expressions of the front show that the Subantarctic Front forms a zonal band, while the subsurface expressions (200 m) show a distinct meander in both regions. In the upstream region of the islands, the northern branch of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the Subantarctic Front, influenced by the shallow bathymetry, was deflected around the northern edge of the islands. Water masses in this region were shown to modify gradually from Subantarctic Surface Water (7°C, 33.75) to Antarctic Surface Water (5°C, 33.70) as the Polar Frontal Zone was crossed. Downstream of the islands a wake was formed resulting in the generation of broad, cross-frontal meanders. As a consequence, warm Subantarctic Surface Water from north of the Subantarctic Front was advected southwards across the Polar Frontal Zone, while cooler waters, which had been modified in the transitional band of the Polar Frontal Zone, were advected northwards. In the downstream region a warm eddy consisting of Subantarctic Surface Water was observed. Its generation is possibly due to baroclinic instabilities in the meandering wake. Zooplankton species composition and distribution patterns during the investigation were consistent with the prevailing oceanographic regime. Four distinct groupings of stations were identified by numerical analysis. These corresponded to stations found north of the Subantarctic Front, within the warm eddy, located in the Polar Frontal Zone, and those stations associated with the meander. The groupings were separated by the Subantarctic Front, which appears to represent an important biogeographic boundary to the distribution of warm-water zooplankton species. Warm eddies in the downstream region of the islands may represent an effective mechanism for transporting warm water species across the Subantarctic Front. Accepted: 19 August 1998  相似文献   

Open-ocean environments provide few obvious barriers to the dispersal of marine organisms. Major currents and/or environmental gradients potentially impede gene flow. One system hypothesized to form an open-ocean dispersal barrier is the Antarctic Polar Front, an area characterized by marked temperature change, deep water, and the high-flow Antarctic Circumpolar current. Despite these potential isolating factors, several invertebrate species occur in both regions, including the broadcast-spawning nemertean worm Parborlasia corrugatus. To empirically test for the presence of an open-ocean dispersal barrier, we sampled P. corrugatus and other nemerteans from southern South America, Antarctica, and the sub-Antarctic islands. Diversity was assessed by analyzing mitochondrial 16S rRNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data with Bayesian inference and tcs haplotype network analysis. Appropriate neutrality tests were also employed. Although our results indicate a single well-mixed lineage in Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic, no evidence for recent gene flow was detected between this population and South American P. corrugatus. Thus, even though P. corrugatus can disperse over large geographical distances, physical oceanographic barriers (i.e. Antarctic Polar Front and Antarctic Circumpolar Current) between continents have likely restricted dispersal over evolutionary time. Genetic distances and haplotype network analysis between South American and Antarctic/sub-Antarctic P. corrugatus suggest that these two populations are possibly two cryptic species.  相似文献   

Penguins probably originated in the core of Gondwanaland when South America, Africa, and Antarctica were just beginning to separate. As the continents drifted apart, the division filled with what became the southern ocean. One of the remaining land masses moved south and was caught at the pole by the Earth's rotation. It became incrusted with ice and is now known as East Antarctica. Linking it to South America was a series of submerged mountain ranges that formed a necklace of islands. The northern portion of the necklace, called the Scotia Arc, is now the "fertile crescent" of the Southern Ocean. The greatest numbers and biomass of penguins are found here as well as that of krill, the primary prey species of most penguins, and many other marine predators. Today penguins are found throughout the sub-Antarctic islands and around the entire Antarctic continent. Using satellite transmitters and time-depth recorders, while taking advantage of the parental dedication of breeding birds, numerous investigators have described foraging habits of several species of penguins. The information obtained is labor intensive and costly so that studies are restricted to certain species, areas and seasons. Here I review the patterns evident among six of the most abundant and completely studied of the penguins. The variation in behavior is considerable from those species that seldom dive deeper than 20 m in search of prey to those that will dive to depths >500 m to catch mesopelagic fish and squid. Foraging trips from breeding colonies vary among species and with the season. Often the birds travel no more than 30 km and at other times the trips may exceed 600 km. Sub-Antarctic species often reach more productive waters near or within the Antarctic Polar Front zone, where the mixing of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic waters provide rich resources for their prey. Antarctic species usually remain close to shore, along the continental slope, or near the sea ice edge. Less is known about penguins during the pelagic phase between breeding cycles. What we do know is surprising in regard to their dispersal, which ranges from hundreds to thousands of kilometers from the breeding colonies.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton distribution patterns are still largely unknown for the Pacific region of the Southern Ocean. Pigment distributions were determined by HPLC on 40-m samples collected from the mixed layer during the ANTXII/4 cruise in March–May 1995 aboard RV “Polarstern”. A transect was covered (90°W, from 51°S to 70°S), crossing the Subantarctic Front in the north, the Polar Front, and the Southern Polar Front in the south. Coinciding with high concentrations of silicate, diatoms dominated in the Antarctic waters south of the Polar Front. North of the Polar Front, silicate concentrations dropped to values less than 10 μM. In this area flagellates (Prymnesiophyceae and green algae) were the dominant phytoplankton group. Nutrient depletion of the surface waters near the Southern Polar Front indicated formerly enhanced productivity. These findings confirmed previous observations by the British Sterna expedition, which described locally elevated chlorophyll a biomass near the southern boundary of the Southern Polar Front. We propose a role for supply of bioavailable iron via the front, and emphasise the importance of frontal systems for phytoplankton productivity in the Southern Ocean. Received: 11 June 1997 / Accepted: 16 November 1997  相似文献   

Eddies have some decisive functions in the dynamics of the Southern Ocean ecosystems. This is particularly true in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean, where a region of unusually high-mesoscale variability has been observed in the vicinity of the South-West Indian Ridge. In April 2003, three eddies were studied: eddy A, a recently spawned anticyclone south of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF),; eddy B, an anticyclone north of lying between the Subantarctic Front and the APF; and eddy C, a cyclone north of the APF west of the ridge. Elevated concentrations of total Chl-a coincided with the edges of the cyclonic eddy, whereas both anticyclonic eddies A and B were characterised by low total Chl-a concentrations. Biologically, the two anticyclonic eddies A and B were distinctly different in their biogeographic origin. The zooplankton community in the larger anticyclonic eddy A was similar in composition to the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone (APFZ) community with an addition of some Antarctic species suggesting an origin just north of the APF. In contrast, the species composition within the second anticyclonic eddy B appeared to be more typical of the transitional nature of the APFZ, comprising species of both subantarctic and subtropical origin and thus influenced by intrusions of water masses from both north and south of the Subantarctic Front. Back-tracking of these features shows that the biological composition clearly demarcates the hydrographic origin of these features.  相似文献   

Preservation of calcareous nannoplankton in surface sediment samples from the Southern Ocean south of Australia and adjacent to New Zealand record a single assemblage. The dominant species are Emiliania huxleyi, Gephyrocapsa muellerae, Calcidiscus leptoporus, Helicosphaera carteri and Coccolithus pelagicus. The assemblage varies little in abundance and diversity with minor correlation to present-day overlying surface water masses and oceanic fronts. Increase in abundance of H. carteri and C. pelagicus in the region of the Subtropical Front may reflect higher nutrients associated with this front. The assemblage, although altered by dissolution, represents a warmer climatic interval than present-day with the presence of preferentially dissolved, warm-water species preserved as far south as the Polar Front. The presence of warm-water species under sub-Antarctic waters at the Polar Front is interpreted as a relic population from the Holocene climatic optimum of 10–8 ka. The absence of coccoliths in sediments poleward of the Polar Front suggests an equatorward shift of this front following the climatic optimum, resulting in increased productivity of siliceous phytoplankton associated with the colder waters and increased dissolution of coccoliths. Movement of the Subtropical Front for the same interval is not recorded in the preserved coccoliths. The more heavily calcified form of E. huxleyi which dominates the living assemblage north of the Subtropical Front is subject to dissolution in this region and is poorly preserved in the sediment assemblage.  相似文献   

Variability in the oceanographic parameters and macrozooplankton and micronekton composition, densities and distributional patterns were investigated during a repeat survey conducted between the Prince Edward Islands in April 1998. Results of this study demonstrated the occurrence of pronounced water pulses along the inter-island trench. The location of the Subantarctic Front to the north of the island plateau, through its interactions with the island group, appeared to have a marked effect on the mesoscale dynamics of physical and biological parameters between and around the islands. Seawater temperature and salinity accounted for >40% of the variation in the zooplankton distribution during the trench studies. A total of 41 macroplankton and micronekton taxa, consisting of subantarctic, subtropical and Antarctic species, were identified. Numerical analyses revealed two major groupings of stations corresponding to an offshore and inshore region. Although there was no evidence for quantitative differences in macroplankton densities between the inshore surveys, offshore plankton biomass was at least three- to eightfold higher than during the trench surveys. The importance of water pulses in carrying stocks of large plankton between the islands appeared to be minimal, at least during the time when the investigation took place. Received: 1 November 1999 / Accepted: 12 February 2000  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of microphytoplankton assemblages in the vicinity of South Georgia were examined during a krill survey conducted during voyage 119 the RV Africana in austral summer (January/February) 1994. Microphytoplankton distribution was studied at 83 stations along a zig-zag transect in the waters surrounding South Georgia. Oceanographic and zooplankton data suggest that conditions were anomalous during the investigation, in that sub-Antarctic surface waters had probably been advected southwards and were present around the island. The two most widely distributed species were Corethron criophilum and Eucampia antarctica, which were recorded at all stations sampled. Also well-represented amongst the microphytoplankton assemblages were temperate, neritic species such as Chaetoceros atlanticus, Proboscia alata and Odontella weissflogii. This can probably be related to the intrusion of sub-Antarctic surface waters unusually far south. Cluster and ordination analysis identified three distinct groupings of stations in the waters surrounding the islands. These were found to the east, west and north of the islands. The diatom groupings identified during this investigation broadly correspond to three water masses previously described in the vicinity of South Georgia. Despite the anomalous hydrographical conditions that existed during the investigation, the differences in phytoplankton were negligible when compared to normal years. Small mesoscale features are, however, important in imposing biogeographic patterns on microphytoplankton. Received: 21 February 1996 / Accepted: 3 November 1996  相似文献   

Net sampling and continuous acoustic measurements within the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone (APFZ) and in the vicinity of the Prince Edward Islands were conducted during austral autumn (April/May) 1997 to describe the composition and distribution of macrozooplankton and micronekton, and to investigate their relations to the prevailing oceanographic regime in the area. Two major circulation patterns associated with the Subantarctic (SAF) and Antarctic Polar (APF) Fronts existed in the oceanic environment surrounding the Prince Edward Islands, promoting high cross-frontal mixing both upstream and downstream of the islands. Average abundance and biomass of macroplankton/micronekton in the top 300-m layer were 21 ind. 1000 m−3 and 467 mg DW 1000 m−3, respectively. Pelagic crustaceans (euphausiids and amphipods), fish, chaetognaths and gelatinous zooplankton dominated numerically and by biomass. Continuous acoustic measurements displayed elevated pelagic biomass at the SAF and APF. Although four groupings of stations were identified using cluster analysis, a single macroplankton/micronekton community was recognized in the top 300-m layer throughout the offshore area of the APFZ. A modification of the APFZ community was observed within the inter-island region. Subantarctic species dominated zooplankton samples throughout the APFZ, although subtropical species were also well represented at stations occupied in the northern region of the APFZ. A biological response reflected in macroplankton community composition, resulting from an extensive cross-frontal mixing, was observed within the APFZ around the Prince Edward Islands. Accepted: 27 November 1999  相似文献   

The Scotia Arc is the only shallow-water and island bridge linking nowadays Patagonia and the Antarctic. The Antarctic Circumpolar Current as an oceanographic peculiarity makes this region an interesting biogeographic transition zone, because this frontal system traditionally is said to isolate the Antarctic fauna from that of the adjacent northern ecosystems. Based on benthos samples from three expeditions onboard R/V Polarstern, we studied distribution patterns of 200 polychaete species and 34 major benthic taxa in order to evaluate the role of polychaetes in the benthic realm of this part of the Southern Ocean. ANOSIM test distinguished three station groups: the central eastern Scotia Sea, the continental shelf off South America and stations at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. These station groups differed in organism densities and diversities with stations at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula hosting the most diverse and dense community. The polychaete diversity patterns in the three assemblages evidenced closer connectivity between the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and the central eastern Scotia Sea than between the continental shelf off South America with either the stations off the tip of the Peninsula or the central eastern Scotia Sea. This is probably supported by the Polar Front, which divides the island chain into two branches. Species distribution and community patterns of polychaetes appear to be associated with oceanographic and sediment conditions in this region. Most of the shared species showed the capability to tolerate differences in hydrostatic pressure. We suggest that the islands of the Scotia Sea may constitute a bridge for exchange of benthic species, particularly for polychaetes with eurybathic distribution and high dispersal capabilities.  相似文献   

Summary Zooplankton was sampled with RMT (1+8) gear on a synoptic grid of stations centred on South Georgia during the austral summer (November/December 1981) and winter (July/August 1983). This initial paper compares zooplankton biomass, vertical distribution and species composition from RMT 1 catches in the oceanic portion of the grid (water depth greater than 2000 m) during the two surveys. In the winter survey, mean zooplankton biomass within the top 1000 m of the water column was 68% of its summer level. This drop was largely due to a decrease in abundance of krill (Euphausia superba), although biomass of copepods and remaining zooplankton also decreased. Copepods averaged 48% of total biomass in summer and winter, but outnumbered all other taxa put together by a factor of 10. Antarctic epipelagic species predominated around the island in the summer survey but tended to be replaced by sub-Antarctic or cosmopolitan species during the winter survey. The majority of zooplankton also showed a downwards seasonal migration out of the top 250 m layer in winter. However, several epipelagic species, including E. superba, did not migrate, and these tended to have the largest summer-winter differences in overall abundance. These trends were attributed to variation in the position of the Polar Front, which lay north of the island during the summer survey but lay across the survey area in winter, resulting in a greater influence of sub-Antarctic water and the displacement of Antarctic species.  相似文献   

Sponges play a key role in Antarctic marine benthic community structure and dynamics and are often a dominant component of many Southern Ocean benthic communities. Understanding the drivers of sponge distribution in Antarctica enables us to understand many of general benthic biodiversity patterns in the region. The sponges of the Antarctic and neighbouring oceanographic regions were assessed for species richness and biogeographic patterns using over 8,800 distribution records. Species-rich regions include the Antarctic Peninsula, South Shetland Islands, South Georgia, Eastern Weddell Sea, Kerguelen Plateau, Falkland Islands and north New Zealand. Sampling intensity varied greatly within the study area, with sampling hotspots found at the Antarctic Peninsula, South Georgia, north New Zealand and Tierra del Fuego, with limited sampling in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas in the Southern Ocean. In contrast to previous studies we found that eurybathy and circumpolar distributions are important but not dominant characteristics in Antarctic sponges. Overall Antarctic sponge species endemism is ~43%, with a higher level for the class Hexactinellida (68%). Endemism levels are lower than previous estimates, but still indicate the importance of the Polar Front in isolating the Southern Ocean fauna. Nineteen distinct sponge distribution patterns were found, ranging from regional endemics to cosmopolitan species. A single, distinct Antarctic demosponge fauna is found to encompass all areas within the Polar Front, and the sub-Antarctic regions of the Kerguelen Plateau and Macquarie Island. Biogeographical analyses indicate stronger faunal links between Antarctica and South America, with little evidence of links between Antarctica and South Africa, Southern Australia or New Zealand. We conclude that the biogeographic and species distribution patterns observed are largely driven by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the timing of past continent connectivity.  相似文献   

It has long been maintained that the majority of terrestrial Antarctic species are relatively recent, post last glacial maximum, arrivals with perhaps a few microbial or protozoan taxa being substantially older. Recent studies have questioned this 'recolonization hypothesis', though the range of taxa examined has been limited. Here, we present the first large-scale study for mites, one of two dominant terrestrial arthropod groups in the region. Specifically, we provide a broad-scale molecular phylogeny of a biologically significant group of ameronothroid mites from across the maritime and sub-Antarctic regions. Applying different dating approaches, we show that divergences among the ameronothroid mite genera Podacarus, Alaskozetes and Halozetes significantly predate the Pleistocene and provide evidence of independent dispersals across the Antarctic Polar Front. Our data add to a growing body of evidence demonstrating that many taxa have survived glaciation of the Antarctic continent and the sub-Antarctic islands. Moreover, they also provide evidence of a relatively uncommon trend of dispersals from islands to continental mainlands. Within the ameronothroid mites, two distinct clades with specific habitat preferences (marine intertidal versus terrestrial/supralittoral) exist, supporting a model of within-habitat speciation rather than colonization from marine refugia to terrestrial habitats. The present results provide additional impetus for a search for terrestrial refugia in an area previously thought to have lacked ice-free ground during glacial maxima.  相似文献   

Distribution of diatom species in surface sediments of the southeast Atlantic Ocean is regulated by present-day oceanographic and hydrodynamic processes. Five assemblages (vectors) defined by factor-vector analysis, reflect different environments and conditions. Assemblage A is a high diversity flora associated with the nutrient-rich, relatively cold waters south of the Polar Front in the diatom ooze belt. Occurrence of this flora on Maud Rise and vicinity may reflect periodic occurrence of a polynya in that area. Assemblage B is a reworked assemblage that dominates the southern portion of the study area. Productivity there is low, reflecting sea ice cover during most of the year. The area north of the Polar Front is dominated by Assemblage C, whose characteristic species reflect the relatively warm Subantarctic Surface Water. Winnowing and frustule breakage have altered Assemblage D (found in three isolated samples) by removing relatively delicate forms leaving lag deposits of more robust species. Assemblage E is a low diversity stress flora, reflecting unstable, unpredictable environments along the Polar Front, Antarctic slope, and the northern boundary of winter sea ice. These sites are characterized by the sinking of cold water. Downcore analysis of cores lying adjacent to the Polar Front and the diatom ooze—pelagic clay boundary show evidence for past climatic variation. The low trophic level occupied by diatoms and the subsequent sensitivity of these organisms to abiotic environmental parameters such as light quality, make relative diatom abundance a useful tool for monitoring fluctuations of winter sea ice and the temperature changes responsible for these fluctuations. The position of the Polar Front has migrated at least three times within the last 0.015 m.y. B.P. Within the last 0.3 m.y. B.P. warm maxima have occurred at approximately 0.0, 0.015, 0.125 and 0.3 m.y. B.P.  相似文献   

The distribution of the Southern Ocean nearshore marine benthic fauna is the consequence of major geologic, oceanographic, and climatic changes during the last 50 Ma. As a result, a main biogeographic principle in the Southern Ocean is the clear distinction of the Antarctic biota. The Antarctic Polar Front (APF) represents an important barrier between Antarctica and other sub-Antarctic provinces. However, the high degree of genetic affinity between populations of the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna and its sub-Antarctic relative Nacella delesserti from Marion Island stands against this tenet. Here, we performed new phylogenetic reconstructions in Nacella with special emphasis on the relationship between N. concinna and N. delesserti. Similarly, we performed population-based analyses in N. concinna and N. delesserti to further understand the genetic legacy of the Quaternary glacial cycles. Phylogenetic reconstructions recognized N. concinna and N. delesserti as two closely but distinct monophyletic entities and therefore as valid evolutionary units. The cladogenetic process separating them occurred ~0.35 Ma and is consistent with the origin of Marion Island (~0.45 Ma). Exceptional long-distance dispersal between provinces located inside and outside the APF, rather than revealing the permeability of the Antarctic Polar Front, seems to be related to latitudinal shift in the position of the APF during coldest periods of the Quaternary. Diversity indices, neutrality tests, haplotype networks, and demographic inference analysis showed that the demography of both species exhibits a clear signal of postglacial expansion.  相似文献   

Southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, undertake large-scale oceanic movements to access favourable foraging areas. Successful foraging areas of elephant seals from the Kerguelen Islands are investigated here in relation to oceanographic parameters. Movements and diving activity of the seals as well as oceanographic data were collected through a new generation of satellite relayed devices measuring and transmitting locations, pressure, temperature and salinity. For the first time, we have associated foraging behaviour, determined by high increased sinuosity in tracks, and dive density (i.e. number of dives performed per kilometre covered), and changes in body condition, determined by variations in drift rate obtained from drift dives, to identify the oceanographic conditions of successful foraging zones for this species. Two main sectors, one close to the Antarctic continent and the other along the Polar Front (PF), where both foraging activity and body condition increase, seem to be of particular interest for the seals. Within these regions, some seals tended to focus their foraging activity on zones with particular temperature signatures. Along the Antarctic continent, some seals targeted colder waters on the sea bottom during benthic dives, while at the PF the favourable zones tended to be warmer. The possible negative effect of colder waters in Antarctic on the swimming performances of potential fish or squid prey could explain the behaviour of elephant seals in these zones, while warmer waters within the PF could correspond to the optimal conditions for potential myctophid prey of elephant seals.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of 37 radiolarian species in 58 deep-sea surface-sediment samples from the subtropical to the polar regions of the Indian Ocean produced four geographically distinct faunal assemblages (transitional, antarctic, subtropical, subantarctic). Geographic distributions of these assemblages coincide with present-day patterns of sea-surface temperature and water masses. The antarctic factor is almost exclusively found south of today's Antarctic Polar Front. Highest concentrations of the transitional factor are recorded at sites positioned between today's Subtropical Convergence and the Polar Front. The subtropical factor is dominant in sites north of today's Subtropical Convergence.Values of these four faunal assemblages in the surface-sediment samples were regressed onto present-day summer and winter temperatures of the surface waters overlying each of the core-top sites. Resulting transfer functions yield temperature estimates which compare favorably with observed (present-day) summer and winter sea-surface temperatures, with low standard errors of estimate (< ± 1.9°C) and no clear geographic pattern in maps of the residuals (difference between observed and estimated sea-surface temperature).  相似文献   

Phytoplankton assemblages around the South Shetland Islands (SSI) were closely related to mesoscale physical features, based on high spatial resolution sampling performed during the summer of 2010. Sampling was done in 8 transects with stations 9 km apart. Phytoplankton groups were described using flow cytometry, FlowCAM and HPLC/CHEMTAX pigment analysis. Nanophytoplankton (2–20 μm) was predominant throughout the study area, which was dominated by small diatoms. They were distributed along the stratified waters of the SSI shelf and in the centre of the Bransfield Strait where an anticyclonic eddy was detected, established between two frontal structures [Bransfield Front and Peninsula Front (PF)]. The highest concentrations correlated with mid-to-high temperatures (1.07 °C) and mid-salinities (34.03) corresponding with Transitional Bellinghausen Water stations. Haptophytes distribution co-varied with small diatoms but also appeared in those vertical mixed stations with Transitional Zonal Water with Weddell Sea influence. A shift from smaller to larger diatoms was detected at the ice edge in the Antarctic Sound. Cryptophytes were restricted to stratified stations of the SSI shelf and those associated with the PF, while small prasinophytes were the only group occupying deeper and colder waters of the Drake Passage, beneath the Antarctic Surface Water, north of a narrow frontal region described here for the first time (Shetland Front). Phytoplankton assemblages around the SSI were strongly connected with the Bransfield Current System, supporting a clockwise circulation around the archipelago. The Bransfield Current System components are permanent structures during the austral summer suggesting that the distribution of phytoplankton, which responds to these structures, must also be a quasi-permanent feature.  相似文献   

Global warming is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of inter-annual variation in Sea-Surface Temperatures (SST) associated with a latitudinal shift of frontal structures in the Southern Ocean. However, the long-term consequences of these major climatic events on the biotic environment remain poorly understood. We studied the effect of SST anomalies in the southern Indian Ocean on the breeding success of eight seabird species, and found these temperature anomalies to have different effects depending on the foraging habitat of the species. The breeding success of four seabird species foraging mainly south of the Polar Front in Antarctic waters was significantly depressed by warm SST occurring mainly in winter and spring, prior to breeding. Conversely, warm SST anomalies were associated with a higher breeding success for species foraging mainly north of the Polar Front, while no significant effect was found for two species that forage on the Kerguelen plateau. These different responses to changes in the SST were also observed for two closely related species (sooty albatross Phoebetria fusca and light-mantled sooty albatross P. palpebrata ) breeding at Kerguelen. These observations highlight the importance of multi-species long-term monitoring programs for understanding the ecological consequences of environmental variability. Our results suggest that the predicted southward shift of the Polar Front caused by oceanic warming could lead to an important decrease in the breeding performance of top predator seabirds depending on the location and changes of their foraging habitat in relation the Polar Front.  相似文献   

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