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Cows in severe negative energy balance after calving have reduced fertility, mediated by metabolic signals influencing the reproductive system. We hypothesised that transition diet could alter metabolic status after calving, and thus influence fertility. Multiparous dairy cows were assigned to four transition groups 6 weeks pre-calving and fed: (a) basal control diet (n = 10); (b) basal diet plus barley (STARCH, n = 10); (c) basal diet plus Soypass (high protein, HiPROT, n = 11); or (d) no transition management (NoTRANS, n = 9). All cows received the same lactational diet. Blood samples, body weights and condition scores (BCS) were collected weekly. Fertility parameters were monitored using milk progesterone profiles and were not affected by transition diet. Data from all cows were then combined and analysed according to the pattern of post-partum ovarian activity. Cows with low progesterone profiles had significantly lower insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and insulin concentrations accompanied by reduced dry matter intakes (DMIs), BCS and body weight. Cows with prolonged luteal activity (PLA) were older and tended to have lower IGF-I. Analysis based on the calving to conception interval revealed that cows which failed to conceive (9/40) also had reduced IGF-I, BCS and body weight. Fertility was, therefore, decreased in cows which were in poor metabolic status following calving. This was reflected in reduced circulating IGF-I concentrations and compromised both ovarian activity and conception. There was little effect of the transition diets on these parameters.  相似文献   

Postpartum ovarian activity, uterine involution and plasma concentrations of calcium and 15-keto-13, 14 dihydro-prostaglandin F2alpha (PGFM) were assessed in dairy cows with retained fetal membranes (n=10) and milk fever (n=10) at parturition. In addition, calcium and PGFM were evaluated in dairy cows affected with uterine prolapse (n=10) and pyometra (n=14). Cows with retained fetal membrane averaged 24.2+/-3.7 d until their first postpartum ovulation, while controls averaged 29.0+/-3.7 d (P>0.10). In cows with retained fetal membranes, the difference in follicular activity between the contralateral and ipsilateral ovaries in relation to the previously gravid uterine horn was appreciably greater post partum when compared with that of the controls. Cows with milk fever had an average of 30.8+/-3.1 d until their first postpartum ovulation, while control cows had an average of 20.4+/-3.3 d (P<0.05). The mean diameter of the uterine horns in cows with milk fever was greater (P<0.05) compared with that of the controls between Days 15-32 post partum. Concentrations of plasma calcium were lower in cows with retained fetal membranes within 24 h after parturition and during the first week post partum than in the controls (6.27+/-0.18 vs 7.40+/-0.18 mg/100ml, P<0.05). Concentration of calcium was lower (P<0.05) in cows with milk fever on Day 1 prior to treatment (4.68+/-0.40 < 5.8+/-0.45 mg/100ml) than in control cows; however, the calcium (Ca) level was not different during the subsequent 7 d post partum after treatment. Cows with uterine prolapse had lower concentrations of Ca during the first 7 d post partum than the controls (6.10+/-0.15 vs 7.33+/-0.12mg/100ml; P<0.01). Cows with pyometra had higher (P<0.05) concentrations of plasma PGFM than the controls (208.+/-13.2 > 138.1+/-15.2).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two different rumen-protected fat supplements, on reproductive performance and milk production, in grass-based spring calving cows. Two hundred and one Holstein-Friesian cows with an average lactation number of 3.6 (20% first lactation, 16% second lactation and 64% third lactation or greater) were grouped into blocks of three on the basis of calving date, lactation number and previous lactation milk yield for cows of second lactation or greater and on the basis of calving date for first lactation animals. From within-blocks individual animals were assigned at random, within 10 days post-calving, to one of the following three treatments: (1) Megalac Plus 3% (MP; 0.4kg/day, containing Ca salt of palm fatty acids and Ca salt of methionine hydroxy analogue), (2) Megapro Gold (MPG; 1.5kg/day, containing Ca salt of palm fatty acids, extracted rapeseed meal and whey permeate), and (3) Control (C; unsupplemented). Cows were supplemented for on average 103 days (range 54-134 days). The average milk yield over the first 12 weeks of lactation was higher (P<0.05) for both fat supplements compared to C and was higher for MP compared to C over the full lactation. Both supplements reduced (P<0.05) milk protein concentration over the first 6 weeks of lactation. MPG increased (P<0.05) conception rate to first service compared to C. Conception rate to first service was similar (P=0.14) on MP compared to C. For pregnancy to second service, C had a higher (P<0.05) conception rate than MP. There were no significant differences between treatments in overall pregnancy rate, services per conception, number of cows served in the first 3 weeks of the breeding season or the 6-weeks in-calf rate. Comparing the combined fat treatments to C resulted in a higher (P<0.05) conception rate to first service for the fat treatments but no significant difference in overall pregnancy rate. In conclusion, fat supplements increased conception rate to first service but did not significantly affect the proportion of cows pregnant at the end of the breeding season.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The concentration of isocitrate and 2-oxoglutarate in cows' milk was determined in cows fed low- or high-fat diets.
  • 2.2. The concentration of 2-oxoglutarate in milk correlated positively with the short and medium chain fatty acids in milk fat.
  • 3.3. The concentration of isocitrate in milk correlated negatively with the short and medium chain fatty acids in milk fat.
  • 4.4. It is proposed that changes in the concentrations of these minor constituents of milk occur as a result of changes in their intracellular concentrations. In the present experiment these changes are probably the result of changes in the rate of fatty acid synthesis de novo in the mammary gland.

In some species females compete for food, foraging territories, mating, and nesting sites. Competing females can exhibit morphological, physiological, and behavioral adaptations typical of males, which are commonly considered as secondary sexual traits. Competition and the development of traits increasing competitiveness require much energy and may exert adverse effects on fecundity and survival. From an evolutionary perspective, positive selection for increased competitiveness would then result in evolution of reduced values for traits related to fitness such as fecundity and survival. There is recent evidence for such evolutionary trade‐offs involving male competition, but no study has considered competing females so far. Using data from competitions for dominance in cows (Bos taurus), we found negative genetic correlations between traits providing success in competition, that is, fighting ability and fitness traits related to milk production and with fertility (the inverse of parity‐conception interval). Fighting ability also showed low but positive genetic correlations with “masculine” morphological traits, and negative correlations with “feminine” traits. A genetic change in traits over time has occurred due to selection on competitiveness, corresponding to an evolutionary process of “masculinization” counteracting the official selection for milk yield. Similar evolutionary trade‐off between success in competition and fitness components may be present in various species experiencing female competition.  相似文献   

Nitrogen emissions from dairy cows can be readily decreased by lowering the dietary CP concentration. The main objective of this work was to test whether the milk protein yield reduction associated with low N intakes could be partially compensated for by modifying the dietary carbohydrate composition (CHO). The effects of CHO on digestion, milk N efficiency (milk N/N intake; MNE) and animal performance were studied in four Jersey cows fed 100% or 80% of the recommended protein requirements using a 4×4 Latin square design. Four iso-energetic diets were formulated to two different CHO sources (starch diets with starch content of 34.3% and NDF at 32.5%, and fiber diets with starch content of 5.5% and NDF at 49.1%) and two CP levels (Low=12.0% and Normal=16.5%). The apparent digestible organic matter intake (DOMI) and the protein supply (protein digestible in the small intestine; PDIE) were similar between starch and fiber diets. As planned, microbial N flow (MNF) to the duodenum, estimated from the urinary purine derivatives (PD) excretion, was similar between Low and Normal CP diets. However, the MNF and the efficiency of microbial synthesis (g of microbial N/kg apparently DOMI) were higher for starch v. fiber diets. Milk and milk N fractions (CP, true protein, non-protein N (NPN)) yield were higher for starch compared with fiber diets and for Normal v. Low CP diets. Fecal N excretion was similar across dietary treatments. Despite a higher milk N ouput with starch v. fiber diets, the CHO modified neither the urinary N excretion nor the milk urea-N (MUN) concentration. The milk protein yield relative to both N and PDIE intakes was improved with starch compared with fiber diets. Concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate, urea and Glu increased and those of glucose and Ala decreased in plasma of cows fed starch v. fiber diets. On the other hand, plasma concentration of albumin, urea, insulin and His increased in cows fed Normal compared with Low CP diets. This study showed that decreasing the dietary CP proportion from 16.5% to 12.0% increases and decreases considerably the MNE and the urinary N excretion, respectively. Moreover, present results show that at similar digestible OM and PDIE intakes, diets rich in starch improves the MNE and could partially compensate for the negative effects of Low CP diets on milk protein yield.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of different milking managements on oxytocin, prolactin and growth hormone release in Gir x Holstein cows. Six cows were suckled by their calves, before and after milking (SM group); another six cows were submitted to exclusive milking (M group). High OT levels were observed during suckling of the SM group, however both groups had similar levels of OT during milking. The SM group presented PRL levels significantly higher than the M group, however only during suckling. For GH levels, the SM group showed higher levels than the M group, however this difference was significant only during the first suckling, cleaning of the teats and at the beginning of machine milking. Despite these results, SM cows produced more milk (milking plus suckling) than M cows, however milk obtained by milking was similar for both groups.  相似文献   

Predicting the grass dry matter intake (GDMI), milk yield (MY) or milk fat and protein yield (milk solids yield (MSY)) of the grazing dairy herd is difficult. Decisions with regard to grazing management are based on guesstimates of the GDMI of the herd, yet GDMI is a critical factor influencing MY and MSY. A data set containing animal, sward, grazing management and concentrate supplementation variables recorded during weeks of GDMI measurement was used to develop multiple regression equations to predict GDMI, MY and MSY. The data set contained data from 245 grazing herds from 10 published studies conducted at Teagasc, Moorepark. A forward stepwise multiple regression technique was used to develop the multiple regression equations for each of the dependent variables (GDMI, MY, MSY) for three periods during the grazing season: spring (SP; 5 March to 30 April), summer (SU; 1 May to 31 July) and autumn (AU; 1 August to 31 October). The equations generated highlighted the importance of different variables associated with GDMI, MY and MSY during the grazing season. Peak MY was associated with an increase in GDMI, MY and MSY during the grazing season with the exception of GDMI in SU when BW accounted for more of the variation. A higher body condition score (BCS) at calving was associated with a lower GDMI in SP and SU and a lower MY and MSY in all periods. A higher BCS was associated with a higher GDMI in SP and SU, a higher MY in SU and AU and a higher MSY in all periods. The pre-grazing herbage mass of the sward (PGHM) above 4 cm was associated with a quadratic effect on GDMI in SP, on MY in SP and SU and on MSY in SU. An increase in daily herbage allowance (DHA) above 4 cm was associated with an increase in GDMI in AU, an increase in MY in SU and AU and MSY in AU. Supplementing grazing dairy cows with concentrate reduced GDMI and increased MY and MSY in all periods. The equations generated can be used by the Irish dairy industry during the grazing season to predict the GDMI, MY and MSY of grazing dairy herds.  相似文献   

Sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is sometimes observed along with reduced milk fat synthesis. Inconsistent responses may be explained by dietary fat levels. Twelve ruminally cannulated cows were used in a Latin square design investigating the timing of metabolic and milk fat changes during Induction and Recovery from SARA by altering starch levels in low-fat diets. Treatments were (1) SARA Induction, (2) Recovery and (3) Control. Sub-acute ruminal acidosis was induced by feeding a diet containing 29.4% starch, 24.0% NDF and 2.8% fatty acids (FAs), whereas the Recovery and Control diets contained 19.9% starch, 31.0% NDF and 2.6% FA. Relative to Control, DM intake (DMI) and milk yield were higher in SARA from days 14 to 21 and from days 10 to 21, respectively (P < 0.05). Milk fat content was reduced from days 3 to 14 in SARA (P < 0.05) compared with Control, while greater protein and lactose contents were observed from days 14 to 21 and 3 to 21, respectively (P < 0.05). Milk fat yield was reduced by SARA on day 3 (P < 0.05), whereas both protein and lactose yields were higher on days 14 and 21 (P < 0.05). The ruminal acetate-to-propionate ratio was lower, and the concentrations of propionate and lactate were higher in the SARA treatment compared with Control on day 21 (P < 0.05). Plasma insulin increased during SARA, whereas plasma non-esterified fatty acids and milk β-hydroxybutyrate decreased (P < 0.05). Similarly to fat yield, the yield of milk preformed FA (>16C) was lower on day 3 (P < 0.05) and tended to be lower on day 7 in SARA cows (P < 0.10), whereas yield of de novo FA (<16C) was higher on day 21 (P < 0.01) in the SARA group relative to Control. The t10- to t11-18:1 ratio increased during the SARA Induction period (P < 0.05), but the concentration of t10-18:1 remained below 0.5% of milk fat, and t10,c12 conjugated linoleic acid remained below detection levels. Odd-chain FA increased, whereas branched-chain FA was reduced during SARA Induction from days 3 to 21 (P < 0.05). Sub-acute ruminal acidosis reduced milk fat synthesis transiently. Such reduction was not associated with ruminal biohydrogenation intermediates but rather with a transient reduction in supply of preformed FA. Subsequent rescue of milk fat synthesis may be associated with higher availability of substrates due to increased DMI during SARA.  相似文献   

A total of 32 lactating Holstein cows with mean body weight of 622 kg (s.e. = 24) were allotted, at week 25 of lactation, to eight groups of four cows blocked for similar days in milk. The objective of the experiment was to determine the effect of feeding four dietary concentrations (0, 50, 100 or 150 g/kg of dry matter) of whole flaxseed, which contains the plant lignan precursor secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), on concentrations of two mammalian lignans (enterodiol and enterolactone) in milk. The effects of the four diets on feed intake, milk production, milk composition and digestion were also studied. Cows within each block were assigned to one of the four isonitrogenous and isoenergetic total mixed diets and the experiment was carried out from week 25 to 29 of lactation. Diets were fed for ad libitum intake. Enterolactone was the mammalian lignan, of the two metabolites studied, detected in the milk of cows and its concentration in milk tended (P = 0.08) to increase linearly with higher intake of SDG in the diet. Feed intake, milk yield and milk composition were similar among diets. Milk fatty acid profile was slightly improved by feeding flaxseed, as shown by higher concentrations of fatty acids (e.g. n-3) recognized as being beneficial for human health. Those results suggest that feeding of whole flaxseed may result in changes in milk fatty acid composition and enterolactone content, which offer benefits for consumers.  相似文献   

Dietary influence on protein level in milk and milk yield in dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diet can influence the yield of milk protein more than it can influence milk protein content. Providing sufficient dietary crude protein in forms that will maximize amounts of amino acids required for milk protein synthesis to the gastrointestinal tract, in forms that can be digested and absorbed, will provide for optimal milk protein yield and content. Maximizing ruminal microbial protein synthesis is an important part of this strategy. The rest of the strategy involves providing sufficient amounts of the remaining required amino acids as ruminally protected proteins, or amino acids in forms that can be digested in the gastrointestinal tract. A diet deficient in protein will reduce milk protein content 1 to 2 g kg−1 and may substantially reduce yields of milk and milk protein. A diet containing high amounts of readily fermentable carbohydrates may increase milk protein content 1 to 2 g kg−1, and may increase yields of milk and protein, but may also result in digestive and metabolic upsets. Diets containing supplemental fat will increase yield of milk protein, but not as extensively as the increase in yield of milk, because milk protein content is usually reduced 1 to 2 g kg−1. The increased efficiency of milk fat and lactose synthesis is likely to be the reason for this depression in milk protein content. A means of overcoming this problem is a continuing research challenge.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of pioglitazone (PGT), a specific ligand for PPARγ, on metabolic dynamics, milk production, and reproductive performance of transition dairy cows. Eighty multiparous Holstein cows in their second or more lactations were blocked by the calving date and parity and assigned randomly to four dietary groups (n = 20 cow/treatment) including control (no PGT−/−), supplemented with PGT (6-mg PGT/kg body weight) from Day −14 to +21 relative to parturition (PGT+/+) or only during prepartum (PGT+/−) or postpartum periods (PGT−/+). Postpartum body condition score and body weight loss decreased (P < 0.05) in all PGT-supplemented groups. Milk yield was not affected by PGT supplementation (P > 0.05). Percentage of milk fat decreased (P < 0.05) in all PGT-treated groups; however, milk fat yield was lower (P < 0.05) in PGT (+/+) and PGT (+/−) groups compared with PGT (−/−). Peripartum (Day −7 to +7) concentrations of plasma nonesterified fatty acids and β-Hydroxybutyrate decreased in PGT (+/+) but not in the PGT (−/−) group (P < 0.05). During the postpartum period, PGT reduced (P > 0.05) plasma concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids in all PGT-treated groups but did not affect β-Hydroxybutyrate level. Plasma concentrations of triglycerides decreased in all PGT-supplemented groups. Supplementation of PGT increased the peripartum concentrations of plasma glucose in PGT (+/+) and PGT (+/−) groups compared with control. Plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor 1 were higher in PGT (+/+) compared with the control group during both the peripartum and postpartum periods. Plasma concentrations of growth hormone and insulin were not affected by PGT treatment (P > 0.05). Mean days to ovulation were lower in PGT (+/+) and PGT (-/+), and the proportion of cows ovulating by Day 14 postpartum was higher in PGT (+/+) compared with control. Days open were shorter in PGT (+/+), PGT (+/−), and PGT (−/+) groups compared with control. However, the proportion of pregnant cows at 120 days in milk were higher in all PGT-supplemented groups. The results showed positive effects of dietary supplementation of PGT, especially supplementation during both the prepartum and postpartum periods, on metabolic dynamics, ovarian function, and reproductive performance in transition dairy cows.  相似文献   

Holsteins were divided into groups CON and IL, each with six dry cows and six heifers. Group CON calved in mid-summer when group IL was treated (kg body weight per day) with (a) progesterone (P; .25 mg) and estradiol-17beta (Ebeta), either .05 mg or .10 mg, for 7 days; (b) continued Ebeta at one-third the initial rate until udders were engorged; (c) then 12 injections (8-hr intervals) of TRH (each 200 mug) or saline; and (d) GnRH during lactation. Milk yield was not affected by Ebeta dose rate, TRH or GnRH. GnRH luteinized the persistent ovarian follicles in group IL, and pregnancy rates were 80% and 83% in groups IL and CON, respectively. Large differences (P < .01) between groups IL and CON were observed in plasma prolactin (IL-low), insulin (IL-high) and growth hormone (IL-low) wherein insulin was correlated (P < .01) negatively with milk yield between days 7 to 49 of lactation. Milk concentrations of P, Ebeta, estrone and estradiol-17alpha in group IL were no higher (P > .10) 14 days after the last injection of P or Ebeta than in group CON or in milk from the herd's bulk tank. The steroids were lowest in milk and plasma from ovariectomized cows. It was hypothesized that high insulin, as well as low prolactin and growth hormone, may contribute to inferior induced lactations.  相似文献   

Inclusion of rapeseed feeds in dairy cow diets has the potential to reduce milk fat saturated fatty acid (SFA) and increase cis-monounsaturated fatty acid (cis-MUFA) content, but effectiveness may depend on the form in which the rapeseed is presented. Four mid-lactation Holstein dairy cows were allocated to four maize silage-based dietary treatments according to a 4 × 4 Latin Square design, with 28-day experimental periods. Treatments consisted of a control diet (C) containing 49 g/kg dry matter (DM) of calcium salts of palm oil distillate (CPO), or 49 g/kg DM of oil supplied as whole rapeseeds (WR), rapeseeds milled with wheat (MR) or rapeseed oil (RO). Replacing CPO with rapeseed feeds had no effect (P > 0.05) on milk fat and protein content, while milk yields were higher (P < 0.05) for RO and MR compared with WR (37.1, 38.1 and 34.3 kg/day, respectively). Substituting CPO with RO or MR reduced (P < 0.05) milk fat total SFA content (69.6, 55.6, 71.7 and 61.5 g/100 g fatty acids for C, RO, WR and MR, respectively) and enhanced (P < 0.05) milk cis-9 18:1 MUFA concentrations (corresponding values 18.6, 24.3, 17.0 and 23.0 g/100 g fatty acids) compared with C and WR. Treatments RO and MR also increased (P < 0.05) milk trans-MUFA content (4.4, 6.8, 10.5 g/100 g fatty acids, C, MR and RO, respectively). A lack of significant changes in milk fat composition when replacing CPO with WR suggests limited bioavailability of fatty acids in intact rapeseeds. In conclusion, replacing a commercial palm oil-based fat supplement in the diet with milled rapeseeds or rapeseed oil represented an effective strategy to alter milk fatty acid composition with the potential to improve human health. Inclusion of processed rapeseeds offered a good compromise for reducing milk SFA and increasing cis-MUFA, whilst minimising milk trans-MUFA and negative effects on animal performance.  相似文献   

Twenty multiparous Friesian cows, 90 ± 30 days postpartum, were allocated to two groups of ten cows according to calving date, lactation number and daily milk yield, and assigned randomly to one of two diets in a cross-over experiment. The experimental diet consisted of concentrate and maize silage in the proportions 1:1 (dry matter basis) containing either 0 or 10 g niacin per cow per day, which was handmixed into the concentrate. The diets were offered individually as total mixed rations in two equal proportions at 09:00 and 20:00 h in amounts sufficient to ensure 10% refusals. Dry matter, metabolisable energy and crude protein intakes, as well as milk yield, milk protein proportion and yield, milk lactose, total solids and solids-not-fat proportions were not affected by niacin supplementation. In contrast, niacin supplementation increased milk fat proportion and yield. No differences were observed in blood serum concentrations of glucose, total protein, triglycerides, cholesterol, Na, K, Ca, P or Mg. However, the serum concentration of urea was lower when the cows were supplemented with niacin.  相似文献   

The objective of this field study with an automatic milking system was to evaluate the effects of omitting the dry period on health and productivity during the subsequent lactation in dairy cows. A total of 98 German Simmental cows of six Southern German farms were assigned randomly to two experimental groups: The first group was dried-off 56 days before calving (D for dried-off, n=49), and the second group was milked continuously during this period until calving (CM for continuous milking, n=49). From the latter a third group emerged, including cows that dried-off themselves spontaneously (DS for dried-off spontaneously, n=14). Blood serum values of glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and IGF-1 showed most pronounced fluctuations in D cows. Over the entire study period, the concentrations of BHBA and NEFA were markedly lower in the CM and DS groups. Furthermore, IGF-1 concentration was lowest for D cows and also decrease in back fat thickness was more pronounced. Mean concentration of milk protein was markedly higher in CM and DS cows (3.70% and 3.71%) compared with D cows (3.38%). Owing to the lower 305-day milk yield (−15.6%) and the lower total milk yield (−3.1%), the total amount of produced protein in the subsequent lactation was 2.5% (6.8 kg) lower, although the additional protein amount in CM cows from week −8 to calving was 35.7 kg. The greatest benefit resulted from positive effects on fertility and the lower incidence of diseases: CM cows had their first oestrus 1 week earlier compared with D cows, they also conceived earlier and showed a significantly lower risk of developing hypocalcaemia, ketosis and puerperal disorders. The present study showed that the costs of medical treatment and milk losses were twice as high in D cows, compared with CM and DS cows, and thus the reduced costs because of the more stable health outweighed the financial losses of milk yield by +18.49 € per cow and lactation.  相似文献   

Lean IJ  Galland JC  Scott JL 《Theriogenology》1989,31(5):1093-1103
Peak milk yield, lactational persistency and conception rates were studied using 5928 lactation records of high milk-producing cows at three California dairies. Log-linear analysis was used to study relationships between peak milk yield, lactational persistency, dairy of origin, lactation number and conception rates in 3850 completed lactations. Cows with peak milk yields greater than the median (38.2 kg milk per day) were less likely to have conceived in one or two breedings than cows with peak milk yields lower than or equal to the median. Cows with a higher than median (0.755) lactational persistency were less likely to have conceived in one or two breedings than cows with a lactational persistency lower than or equal to the median. Dairy of origin had a significant effect on the probability of conceiving in one or two breedings. Cows in the first lactation were more likely than those in subsequent lactations to conceive in one or two breedings. This retrospective study demonstrated that subfertility is associated with high peak lactational yields in high milk-producing California cows.  相似文献   

The postpartum period is critical for efficient reproduction, and certain features of the normal estrus cycle during this period have been associated with subsequent reproductive performance. The objectives of the present investigation were to evaluate the effects of environmental, production, and reproductive factors on walking activity at estrus as determined using pedometers during the first 50 days in milk (DIM) (study 1). In a second study, we tried to establish whether pedometer measurements recorded during this period could be used to predict subsequent fertility by considering the number of cows becoming pregnant before 90 DIM. We analyzed data derived from 995 parturitions in a single herd. Detection of estrus was performed using a pedometer system. Variables were screened for associations with walking activity by analysis of variance (ANOVA) through generalized linear model procedures (PROC GLM). Increased milk production and parity, and a mean relative humidity (RH) higher than 95% were associated with lower pedometer measurements. A higher number of animals simultaneously in estrus rendered higher pedometer readings. No significant effects of the year, season, DIM, number of previous estruses, and climatic data other than high mean RH were observed. Relationships between pedometer measurements and other variables recorded during the first 50 days postpartum, and subsequent fertility were assessed by applying logistic regression models. We detected no significant effects of year, milk production, season, and mean activity increase at estrus on high fertility. The likelihood of pregnancy before 90 DIM decreased for each additional lactation and for cows in anestrus between days 0 and 50 postpartum. However, pedometer readings during the first 50 days postpartum were unable to accurately predict subsequent fertility.  相似文献   

Maternal nutrition affects the development of the fetus and postnatal performance of the calf. Methionine may play a critical role in developmental programming and is likely deficient in beef cows fed low-quality forage. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of metabolizable methionine supply to lactating beef cows during the periconception period on performance of cows, calves, and subsequent offspring. This project involved two consecutive production cycles commencing at calving in which dietary treatments were fed to cows during the periconception period along with measurements on cows and initial calves in Production Cycle 1, and measurements on subsequent calves in Production Cycle 2. Brangus-Angus crossbred lactating beef cows (N = 108; age = 6.4 (2.8) year) were stratified by previous calving date and assigned to one of three supplements: (1) control, molasses plus urea at 2.72 kg/day as fed, (2) fishmeal, 2.27 kg/day molasses plus urea plus 0.33 kg/day as fed of fishmeal, and (3) methionine, 2.72 kg/day of molasses plus urea plus 9.5 g/day of 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio)-butanoic acid. Cows were fed supplements and low-quality limpograss (Hemarthria altissima) hay while grazing dormant bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flüggé) pastures during the 115-day periconception period from December 2014 to April 2015 in Production Cycle 1 only. Body weight change and milk yield of cows were measured during the periconception period in Production Cycle 1. Body weight of calves was measured at birth and weaning in both production cycles. Following weaning in Production Cycle 2, eight subsequent steer calves per treatment were individually housed for a 42-day metabolism experiment. Treatment did not affect (P > 0.10) BW change of cows, but cows fed methionine tended (P = 0.09) to produce more energy-corrected milk than control and fishmeal. Treatment did not affect (P > 0.10) 205-day adjusted weaning weight of calves in either production cycle. During the metabolism experiment, subsequent calves from dams fed fishmeal and methionine gained faster (P < 0.05) and had greater (P < 0.05) gain:feed than control calves. Methionine calves tended (P = 0.06) to have greater apparent total tract NDF and ADF digestibility and lesser (P < 0.05) blood glucose concentration than control and fishmeal calves. These data indicate that maternal methionine supply during the periconception period plays an important role in programming future performance of the offspring.  相似文献   

Economic weights have been estimated in two breeds (Latxa and Manchega) using economic and technical data collected in 41 Latxa and 12 Manchega dairy sheep flocks. The traits considered were fertility (lambing per year), prolificacy (number of lambs), milk yield (litres) and longevity (as productive life, in years). A linear function was used, relating these traits to the different costs in the flock. The variable costs involved in the profit function were feed and labour. From this function, economic weights were obtained. Labour is considered in the Latxa breed to be a constraint. Moreover, farm profits are unusually high, which probably means that some costs were not included according to the economic theory. For that reason, a rescaling procedure was applied constraining total labour time at the farm. Genetic gains were estimated with the resulting economic weights to test if they give any practical difference. Milk yield only as selection criterion was also considered. The medians of the estimated economic weights for fertility, prolificacy, milk yield and longevity were 138.60 € per lambing, 40.00 € per lamb, 1.18 € per l, 1.66 € per year, and 137.66 € per lambing, 34.17 € per lamb, 0.73 € per l, 2.16 € per year under the linear approach in the Latxa and Manchega breeds respectively. Most differences between breeds can be related to differences in production systems. As for the genetic gains, they were very similar for all economic weights, except when only milk yield was considered, where a correlated decrease in fertility led to a strong decrease in profit. It is concluded that the estimates are robust for practical purposes and that breeding programmes should consider inclusion of fertility. More research is needed to include other traits such as somatic cell score, milk composition and udder traits.  相似文献   

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