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The interfacial properties of the negatively charged dimyristoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) and the zwitterionic dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) vesicles mixed with the fusion inhibitor lysomyristoylphosphatidylcholine (LMPC) are investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). At 35 °C, addition of 20 mol% of LMPC to the DMPG vesicles increases the effective concentration of water in the interfacial layer of DMPG vesicles from 19.3 M to 27.7 M, whereas in the case of mixed DMPC-LMPC vesicle the effective water concentration in the interfacial layer of DMPC vesicles only changes from 15.1 M to 18.4 M. The hydrogen bonding structure in both mixed DMPG-LMPC and mixed DMPC-LMPC vesicles becomes stronger with an increasing fraction of LMPC in the vesicles. The average area per phospholipid decreases in mixed DMPC-LMPC vesicles, while it increases in mixed DMPG-LMPC vesicles as the proportion of LMPC in the vesicle increases. The inhibitory nature of LMPC in both vesicle and biological fusion comes from the increase in surface hydration, as well as from the dynamic cone shape of LMPC in the phospholipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Acute nodularin-induced hepatotoxicity was assessed in vivo, in rats using magnetic resonance (MR) techniques, including MR imaging (MRI), MR spectroscopy (MRS), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) oximetry. Nodularin is a cyclic hepatotoxin isolated from the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena. Three hours following the intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of nodularin (LD50), a region of 'damage', characterized by an increase in signal intensity, was observed proximal to the porta hepatis (PH) region in T2-weighted MR images of rat liver. Image analysis of these regions of apparent 'damage' indicated a statistically significant increase in signal intensity around the PH region following nodularin administration, in comparison with controls and regions peripheral to the PH region. An increase in signal intensity was also observed proximal to the PH region in water chemical shift selective images (CSSI) of nodularin-treated rat livers, indicating that the increased signal observed by MRI is an oedematous response to the toxin. Microscopic assessment (histology and electron microscopy) and serum liver enzyme function tests (aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate ALT (AST)) confirmed the nodularin-induced tissue injury observed by MRI. In vivo and in vitro MRS was used to detect alterations in metabolites, such as lipids, Glu+Gln, and choline, during the hepatotoxic response (2-3 h post-exposure). Biochemical assessment of perchloric acid extracts of nodularin-treated rat livers were used to confirm the MRS results. In vivo EPR oximetry was used to monitor decreasing hepatic pO2 (approximately 2-fold from controls) 2-3 h following nodularin exposure. In vivo MR techniques (MRI, MRS and EPR oximetry) are able to highlight effects that may not have been evident in single end point studies, and are ideal methods to follow tissue injury progression in longitudinally, increasing the power of a study through repeated measures, and decreasing the number of animals to perform a similar study using histological or biochemical techniques.  相似文献   

Liposomes are ideal drug-delivery systems because they can alter the pharmacokinetic characteristics and biodistribution profile of the incorporated bioactive molecule. The effect of the aminoglycoside antibiotics, gentamicin (GN), tobramycin (TOB), and amikacin (AMI), on the thermodynamic properties of multilamellar vesicles composed of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) was studied by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The relationship between the structure of aminoglycoside antibiotics and their effect on the physical properties of the liposomal bilayers was investigated. The incorporation of the drugs was achieved and an osmotic gradient created by controlling the mole ratio of the drug inside to that outside of the DPPC vesicles so that [druginside DPPC]/[drugoutside DPPC] was 1:0, 1:0.2, 1:1, or 1:2.5. Incorporation of the drugs into liposomes caused the Tm to shift to a higher temperature and the δHm and δT1/2 values to decrease. The 2Amax and the order parameter (S), obtained from the EPR spectra, indicated that the fluidity of the liposomal membrane was affected by the type of drug and by the concentration used; GN and TOB decreased the fluidity and disturbed chain packing at mole ratios of [druginside DPPC]/[drugoutside DPPC] ranging from 1:0 to 1:0.2, while AMI increased the fluidity and disrupted chain packing at an osmotic gradient of 1:2.5. In conclusion, the molecular organization and thermotropic properties of the multilamellar DPPC vesicles were dependent on the osmotic gradient and structure of the aminoglycoside.  相似文献   

BtuCD is a type II ABC importer that catalyzes the translocation of vitamin B12 from the periplasm into the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. Crystal structures of BtuCD and the related HiF (or Hi1470/71) protein from Haemophilus influenzae have revealed distinct conformations of the transmembrane domains that form inner and outer gates. We used electron spin resonance spectroscopy to study the reaction cycle of BtuCD after labeling the protein at residues located at these gates. The results suggest that BtuCD as a prototype type II ABC importer may have a mechanism that is distinct from that of ABC exporters such as Sav1866 or type I ABC importers such as those specific for molybdate (ModBC) or maltose (MalFGK).

Structured summary

MINT-6803800: btuF (uniprotkb: P37028), btuC (uniprotkb:P06609) and btuD (uniprotkb:P06611) physically interact (MI:0218) by molecular sieving (MI:0071)  相似文献   

Gramicidin S was incorporated into dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine dispersions and the observed two-component EPR spectra of spin-labelled lipids at 30 °C were analysed by a two-stage algorithm, including spectral subtractions and two-site exchange simulations. A limited range of temperatures around 30 °C was found suitable for such measurements. It has been found that negatively charged labelled lipids display a selectivity towards the intramembranous part of the peptide. The relative association constants for spin-labelled stearic acid (14-SASL) and phosphatidylserine (14-PSSL) were K r = 2.08± 0.10 and 1.18±0.08, respectively, when compared with the zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine label (14-PCSL, K r≡ 1). The lateral diffusion of spin-labelled lipids in peptide-free regions causes exchange between those labels in the bulk fluid lipid phase and motionally restricted boundary labelled lipids at the apolar interface of gramicidin S. Owing to exchange, the spectral anisotropy of labelled lipids giving rise to the slow-motion spectral component was gradually decreased, and there was an augmentation of spectral intensity in between the motionally restricted (slow motion) and the fast tumbling (motionally averaged) labelled lipid components. Two-component exchange simulations allowed the determination of off-rates of labelled phospholipids, showing an inverse proportionality with lipid-protein selectivity. Spin-labelled procaine exhibited limited selectivity and fast exchange similar to the on-coming non-specifically associated lipids. Received: 25 May 1998 / Revised version: 14 September 1998 / Accepted: 5 November 1998  相似文献   

Iron chelation therapy was initially designed to alleviate the toxic effects of excess iron evident in iron-overload diseases. However, some iron chelator-metal complexes have also gained interest due to their high redox activity and toxicological properties that have potential for cancer chemotherapy. This communication addresses the conflicting results published recently on the ability of the iron chelator, Dp44mT, to induce hydroxyl radical formation upon complexation with iron (B.B. Hasinoff and D. Patel, J Inorg. Biochem.103 (2009), 1093-1101). This previous study used EPR spin-trapping to show that Dp44mT-iron complexes were not able to generate hydroxyl radicals. Here, we demonstrate the opposite by using the same technique under very similar conditions to show the Dp44mT-iron complex is indeed redox-active and induces hydroxyl radical formation. This was studied directly in an iron(II)/H2O2 reaction system or using a reducing iron(III)/ascorbate system implementing several different buffers at pH 7.4. The demonstration by EPR that the Dp44mT-iron complex is redox-active confirms our previous studies using cyclic voltammetry, ascorbate oxidation, benzoate hydroxylation and a plasmid DNA strand-break assay. We discuss the relevance of the redox activity to the biological effects of Dp44mT.  相似文献   

This study aims at characterizing the structure and some properties of phospholipid multi-lamellar vesicles (MLVs) containing the oxidized species γ-palmitoyl-β-(9-hydroperoxy-10,12-octadecanedienoyl)-lecithin (HPPLPC), γ-palmitoyl-β-(9-hydroxy-10,12-octadecanedienoyl)-lecithin (HOPLPC), γ-palmitoyl-β-glutaroyl-lecithin (GlPPC) and γ-palmitoyl-β-azelaoyl-lecithin (AzPPC). Sepharose 4B gel-chromatography was used to ensure and check that only MLVs are used in EPR measurements. Gel-solid to gel-liquid transition temperature (Tm), lateral phase separation, fluidity gradient and polarity profile were studied by use of EPR spectroscopy of enclosed n-doxylstearoyl lecithin spin labels. Contrarily to conjugate dienes and normal phospholipids, pure carboxyacyl species yielded aqueous suspensions showing gel-chromatography elution profile resembling that of lysolecithin micelles. Conjugate dienes/DPPC MLVs showed lateral phase separation at room temperature and Tm value lower than pure DPPC MLVs. Pure conjugate dienes MLVs resembled more PLPC MLVs and displayed free miscibility with PLPC in mixed MLVs. Pure HPPLPC MLV bilayer appeared to be slightly more rigid, while that of HOPLPC and the polarity profile of MLVs made of the pure conjugate dienes species were similar to those of normal PLPC. It is concluded that carboxyacyl lecithins in MLVs tend to disrupt vesicle structure, while conjugated dienes lecithins are more able to affect some physical properties of the bilayer, and that DPPC in MLVs enhances these effects while PLPC shows a better compatibility with the lipoperoxides.  相似文献   

Electron transfer proteins and redox enzymes containing paramagnetic redox centers with different relaxation rates are widespread in nature. Despite both the long distances and chemical paths connecting these centers, they can present weak magnetic couplings produced by spin-spin interactions such as dipolar and isotropic exchange. We present here a theoretical model based on the Bloch-Wangsness-Redfield theory to analyze the dependence with temperature of EPR spectra of interacting pairs of spin 1/2 centers having different relaxation rates, as is the case of the molybdenum-containing enzyme aldehyde oxidoreductase from Desulfovibrio gigas. We analyze the changes of the EPR spectra of the slow relaxing center (Mo(V)) induced by the faster relaxing center (FeS center). At high temperatures, when the relaxation time T1 of the fast relaxing center is very short, the magnetic coupling between centers is averaged to zero. Conversely, at low temperatures when T1 is longer, no modulation of the coupling between metal centers can be detected.  相似文献   

The GGGTH sequence has been proposed to be the minimal sequence involved in the binding of a fifth Cu(II) ion in addition to the octarepeat region of the prion protein (PrP) which binds four Cu(II) ions. Coordination of Cu(II) by the N- and C-protected Ac-GGGTH-NH(2) pentapeptide (P(5)) was investigated by using potentiometric titration, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, UV-vis spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry experiments. Four different Cu(II) complexes were identified and characterized as a function of pH. The Cu(II) binding mode switches from NO(3) to N(4) for pH values ranging from 6.0 to 10.0. Quasi-reversible reduction of the [Cu(II)(P(5))H(-2)] complex formed at pH 6.7 occurs at E (1/2)=0.04 V versus Ag/AgCl, whereas reversible oxidation of the [Cu(II)(P(5))H(-3)](-) complex formed at pH 10.0 occurs at E (1/2)=0.66 V versus Ag/AgCl. Comparison of our EPR data with those of the rSHaPrP(90-231) (Burns et al. in Biochemistry 42:6794-6803, 2003) strongly suggests an N(3)O binding mode at physiological pH for the fifth Cu(II) site in the protein.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of complex biological systems contain information about the paramagnetic centres present. Retrieving such information is important since paramagnetic species are common intermediates of all redox reactions in both normal and abnormal metabolism. However, it is often difficult to determine the nature and content of all paramagnetic species present because the EPR signals from individual centres overlap. Here, we apply our deconvolution method based on spectra subtraction with variable coefficient to quantify individual paramagnetic components of human muscle biopsies taken from critically ill patients with severe sepsis. We use low temperature EPR spectroscopy to identify and quantify nine different paramagnetic species in the tissue. These include the majority of the mitochondrial iron-sulfur centres and the first in vivo report of a mitochondrial radical assigned to a spin-coupled pair of semiquinones (SQ·-SQ·). We have previously demonstrated in these same muscle biopsies that biochemical assays of mitochondrial dysfunction correlate with clinical outcomes (D. Brealey, M. Brand, I. Hargreaves, S. Heales, J. Land, R. Smolenski, N.A. Davies, C.E. Cooper, M. Singer, Association between mitochondrial dysfunction and severity and outcome of septic shock. Lancet 360 (2002) 219-223.). Analysis of the paramagnetic centres in the muscle confirms and extends these findings: the (SQ·-SQ·) radical species negatively correlates with the illness severity of the patient (APACHE II score) and a decreased concentration of mitochondrial Complex I iron-sulfur redox centres is linked to mortality.  相似文献   

Lipopeptides derived from protein kinase C (PKC) pseudosubstrates have the ability to cross the plasma membrane in cells and modulate the activity of PKC in the cytoplasm. Myristoylation or palmitoylation appears to promote translocation across membranes, as the non-acylated peptides are membrane impermeant. We have investigated, by fluorescence spectroscopy, how myristoylation modulates the interaction of the PKC pseudosubstrate peptide KSIYRRGARRWRKL with lipid vesicles and translocation across the lipid bilayer. Our results indicate that myristoylated peptides are intimately associated with lipid vesicles and are not peripherally bound. When visualized under a microscope, myristoylation does appear to facilitate translocation across the lipid bilayer in multilamellar lipid vesicles. Translocation does not involve large-scale destabilization of the bilayer structure. Myristoylation promotes translocation into the hydrophobic interior of the lipid bilayer even when the non-acylated peptide has only weak affinity for membranes and is also only peripherally associated with lipid vesicles.  相似文献   

A 3-doxylcholestane spin label was employed in addition to 5-doxylstearoyl lecithin for a more detailed study of the different effects exerted by variously oxidized lecithins on fatty acid alignment in phospholipid planar bilayers. Either spin label was enclosed in oriented PLPC planar samples also containing in turn a variety of conjugated-dienes lecithins and cleaved chain lecithins, in order to monitor EPR spectral angular dependence loss. Data obtained by use of arachidonoyl-hydroxystearoyl-PC and palmitoyl-hydroxylinoleoyl-PC confirm that the 5-DSPC nitroxide ring almost completely retains its orientation in CD-PCs-containing planar membranes, in contrast with angular dependence loss observed in the presence of the CC-PC molecular species palmitoyl-oxononanoyl-PC and palmitoyl-oxovaleroyl-PC, already seen with cleaved-chain palmitoyl-glutaroyl-PC and palmitoyl-azelaoyl-PC. However, the 3-DC nitroxide ring also loses its orientation with CD-PCs, in addition to being disoriented by cleaved chain-lecithins, similarly to 5DSPC. Joint information from the two spin labels will help to clarify whether OXPC-related disordering involved the whole bilayer structure or only the hydrophobic core. In addition, the propensity of different OXPCs to form bilayer vesicles in water suspension was also determined by Sepharose 4B gel-chromatography. The results suggest that CD-PCs might yield SPB bilayer structures with a disordered hydrophobic core, while pure CC-PC more probably forms non-bilayer disordered structures, possibly micelles or mixed micelle/bilayers.  相似文献   

The manganese electron paramagnetic spin resonance spectrum of Bacillis megaterium KM spores is virtually identical at both 77 K and 298 K which suggests that the manganese is present in a crystalline lattice in the spore core. This conclusion is supported by studies of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of model systems including Ca: Mn: pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid crystals and manganese bound to protein and lipid standards.  相似文献   

Alamethicin is a 19-amino-acid residue hydrophobic peptide that produces voltage-dependent ion channels in membranes. Analogues of the Glu(OMe)(7,18,19) variant of alamethicin F50/5 that are rigidly spin-labeled in the peptide backbone have been synthesized by replacing residue 1, 8, or 16 with 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-1-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxyl (TOAC), a helicogenic nitroxyl amino acid. Conventional electron paramagnetic resonance spectra are used to determine the insertion and orientation of the TOAC(n) alamethicins in fluid lipid bilayer membranes of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine. Isotropic (14)N-hyperfine couplings indicate that TOAC(8) and TOAC(16) are situated in the hydrophobic core of the membrane, whereas the TOAC(1) label resides closer to the membrane surface. Anisotropic hyperfine splittings show that alamethicin is highly ordered in the fluid membranes. Experiments with aligned membranes demonstrate that the principal diffusion axis lies close to the membrane normal, corresponding to a transmembrane orientation. Combination of data from the three spin-labeled positions yields both the dynamic order parameter of the peptide backbone and the intramolecular orientations of the TOAC groups. The latter are compared with x-ray diffraction results from alamethicin crystals. Saturation transfer electron paramagnetic resonance, which is sensitive to microsecond rotational motion, reveals that overall rotation of alamethicin is fast in fluid membranes, with effective correlation times <30 ns. Thus, alamethicin does not form large stable aggregates in fluid membranes, and ionic conductance must arise from transient or voltage-induced associations.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP, 18.5 kDa isoform) is a peripheral membrane protein that is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of the multilamellar myelin sheath of the central nervous system. Reconstitution of the most abundant 18.5 kDa MBP isoform with lipid vesicles yields an aggregated assembly mimicking the protein's natural environment, but which is not amenable to standard solution NMR spectroscopy. On the other hand, the mobility of MBP in such a system is variable, depends on the local strength of the protein-lipid interaction, and in general is of such a time scale that the dipolar interactions are averaged out. Here, we used a combination of solution and solid-state NMR (ssNMR) approaches: J-coupling-driven polarization transfers were combined with magic angle spinning and high-power decoupling to yield high-resolution spectra of the mobile fragments of 18.5 kDa murine MBP in membrane-associated form. To partially circumvent the problem of short transverse relaxation, we implemented three-dimensional constant-time correlation experiments (NCOCX, NCACX, CONCACX, and CAN(CO)CX) that were able to provide interresidue and intraresidue backbone correlations. These experiments resulted in partial spectral assignments for mobile fragments of the protein. Additional nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY)-based experiments revealed that the mobile fragments were exposed to solvent and were likely located outside the lipid bilayer, or in its hydrophilic portion. Chemical shift index analysis showed that the fragments were largely disordered under these conditions. These combined approaches are applicable to ssNMR investigations of other peripheral membrane proteins reconstituted with lipids.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigated electron transport processes in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, with a special emphasis focused on oxygen-dependent interrelations between photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains. Redox transients of the photosystem I primary donor P700 and oxygen exchange processes were measured by the EPR method under the same experimental conditions. To discriminate between the factors controlling electron flow through photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains, we compared the P700 redox transients and oxygen exchange processes in wild type cells and mutants with impaired photosystem II and terminal oxidases (CtaI, CydAB, CtaDEII). It was shown that the rates of electron flow through both photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains strongly depended on the transmembrane proton gradient and oxygen concentration in cell suspension. Electron transport through photosystem I was controlled by two main mechanisms: (i) oxygen-dependent acceleration of electron transfer from photosystem I to NADP+, and (ii) slowing down of electron flow between photosystem II and photosystem I governed by the intrathylakoid pH. Inhibitor analysis of P700 redox transients led us to the conclusion that electron fluxes from dehydrogenases and from cyclic electron transport pathway comprise 20-30% of the total electron flux from the intersystem electron transport chain to P700+.  相似文献   

Kulsam Ali  Peter Heathcote  Saul Purton 《BBA》2006,1757(12):1623-1633
A conserved tryptophan residue located between the A1B and FX redox centres on the PsaB side of the Photosystem I reaction centre has been mutated to a glycine in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, thereby matching the conserved residue found in the equivalent position on the PsaA side. This mutant (PsaB:W669G) was studied using EPR spectroscopy with a view to understanding the molecular basis of the reported kinetic differences in forward electron transfer from the A1A and the A1B phyllo(semi)quinones. The kinetics of A1 reoxidation due to forward electron transfer or charge recombination were measured by electron spin echo spectroscopy at 265 K and 100 K, respectively. At 265 K, the reoxidation kinetics are considerably lengthened in the mutant in comparison to the wild-type. Under conditions in which FX is initially oxidised the kinetics of charge recombination at 100 K are found to be biphasic in the mutant while they are substantially monophasic in the wild-type. Pre-reduction of FX leads to biphasic kinetics in the wild-type, but does not alter the already biphasic kinetic properties of the PsaB:W669G mutant. Reduction of the [4Fe-4S] clusters FA and FB by illumination at 15 K is suppressed in the mutant. The results provide further support for the bi-directional model of electron transfer in Photosystem I of C. reinhardtii, and indicate that the replacement of the tryptophan residue with glycine mainly affects the redox properties of the PsaB bound phylloquinone A1B.  相似文献   

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