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Adaptive mutation is a generic term for processes that allow individual cells of nonproliferating cell populations to acquire advantageous mutations and thereby to overcome the strong selective pressure of proliferation-limiting environmental conditions. Prerequisites for an occurrence of adaptive mutation are that the selective conditions are nonlethal and that a restart of proliferation may be accomplished by some genetic change in principle. The importance of adaptive mutation is derived from the assumption that it may, on the one hand, result in an accelerated evolution of microorganisms and, on the other, in multicellular organisms may contribute to a breakout of somatic cells from negative growth regulation, i.e., to cancerogenesis. Most information on adaptive mutation in eukaryotes has been gained with the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This review focuses comprehensively on adaptive mutation in this organism and summarizes our current understanding of this issue.  相似文献   

Gene-expression variation in natural populations is widespread, and its phenotypic effects can be acted upon by natural selection. Only a few naturally segregating genetic differences associated with expression variation have been identified at the molecular level. We have identified a single nucleotide insertion in a vineyard isolate of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that has cascading effects through the gene-expression network. This allele is responsible for about 45% (103/230) of the genes that show differential gene expression among the homozygous diploid progeny produced by a vineyard isolate. Using isogenic laboratory strains, we confirm that this allele causes dramatic differences in gene-expression levels of key genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis. The mutation is a frameshift mutation in a mononucleotide run of eight consecutive T's in the coding region of the gene SSY1 , which encodes a key component of a plasma-membrane sensor of extracellular amino acids. The potentially high rate of replication slippage of this mononucleotide repeat, combined with its relatively mild effects on growth rate in heterozygous genotypes, is sufficient to account for the persistence of this phenotype at low frequencies in natural populations.  相似文献   

The postreplicative mismatch repair (MMR) system is important for removing mutational intermediates that are generated during DNA replication, especially those that arise as a result of DNA polymerase slippage in simple repeats. Here, we use a forward mutation assay to systematically examine the accumulation of frameshift mutations within mononucleotide runs of variable composition in wild-type and MMR-defective yeast strains. These studies demonstrate that (i) DNA polymerase slippage occurs more often in 10-cytosine/10-guanine (10C/10G) runs than in 10-adenine/10-thymine (10A/10T) runs, (ii) the MMR system removes frameshift intermediates in 10A/10T runs more efficiently than in 10C/10G runs, (iii) the MMR system removes -1 frameshift intermediates more efficiently than +1 intermediates in all 10-nucleotide runs, and (iv) the repair specificities of the Msh2p-Msh3p and Msh2p-Msh6p mismatch recognition complexes with respect to 1-nucleotide insertion/deletion loops vary dramatically as a function of run composition. These observations are relevant to issues of genome stability, with both the rates and types of mutations that accumulate in mononucleotide runs being influenced by the primary sequence of the run as well as by the status of the MMR system.  相似文献   

Harfe BD  Jinks-Robertson S 《Genetics》2000,156(2):571-578
DNA polymerase slippage occurs frequently in tracts of a tandemly repeated nucleotide, and such slippage events can be genetically detected as frameshift mutations. In long mononucleotide runs, most frameshift intermediates are repaired by the postreplicative mismatch repair (MMR) machinery, rather than by the exonucleolytic proofreading activity of DNA polymerase. Although mononucleotide runs are hotspots for polymerase slippage events, it is not known whether the composition of a run and the surrounding context affect the frequency of slippage or the efficiency of MMR. To address these issues, 10-nucleotide (10N) runs were inserted into the yeast LYS2 gene to create +1 frameshift alleles. Slippage events within these runs were detected as Lys(+) revertants. 10G or 10C runs were found to be more unstable than 10A or 10T runs, but neither the frequency of polymerase slippage nor the overall efficiency of MMR was greatly influenced by sequence context. Although complete elimination of MMR activity (msh2 mutants) affected all runs similarly, analyses of reversion rates in msh3 and msh6 mutants revealed distinct specificities of the yeast Msh2p-Msh3p and Msh2p-Msh6p mismatch binding complexes in the repair of frameshift intermediates in different sequence contexts.  相似文献   


Adaptive mutation is a generic term for processes that allow individual cells of nonproliferating cell populations to acquire advantageous mutations and thereby to overcome the strong selective pressure of proliferation-limiting environmental conditions. Prerequisites for an occurrence of adaptive mutation are that the selective conditions are nonlethal and that a restart of proliferation may be accomplished by some genetic change in principle. The importance of adaptive mutation is derived from the assumption that it may, on the one hand, result in an accelerated evolution of microorganisms and, on the other, in multicellular organisms may contribute to a breakout of somatic cells from negative growth regulation, i.e., to cancerogenesis. Most information on adaptive mutation in eukaryotes has been gained with the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This review focuses comprehensively on adaptive mutation in this organism and summarizes our current understanding of this issue.  相似文献   

Special search for frameshift mutations, which are suppressed by the cytoplasmic [PSI] factor and by omnipotent nonsense suppressors (recessive mutations in the SUP35 and SUP45 genes), partially inactivating a translation termination complex, was initiated in the LYS2 gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mutations were obtained after exposure to UV light and treatment with a mixture consisting of 1.6- and 1.8-dinitropyrene (DNP). This mixture was shown to induce mutations of the frameshift type with a high frequency. The majority of these mutations were insertions of one A or T, which is in good agreement with the data obtained in studies of DNP-induced mutagenesis in other eukaryotes. Frameshift suppression in yeast was first shown on the example of the mutation obtained in this work (lys2-90), which carried the insertion of an extra T in the sequence of five T. This frameshift suppression was shown to occur in the presence of the [PSI] factor (i.e., due to the prion form of the translation release factor eRF3) and as a result of mutations in genes SUP35 or SUP45, which partially inactivate translation termination factors eRF3 and eRF1, respectively. Alternative mechanisms of programmed translational frameshifting in the course of translation and the possibility of enhancing the effectiveness of such frameshifting in the presence of the [PSI] factor are considered.  相似文献   

A genetic approach has been used to establish the molecular basis of 4-base codon recognition by frameshift suppressor tRNA containing an extra nucleotide in the anticodon. We have isolated all possible base substitution mutations at the position 4 (N) in the 3'-CCCN-5' anticodon of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae frameshift suppressor glycine tRNA encoded by the SUF16 gene. Base substitutions at +1 frameshift sites in the his4 gene have also been obtained such that all possible 4-base 5'-GGGN-3' codons have been identified. By testing for suppression in different strains that collectively represent all 16 possible combinations of position 4 nucleotides, we show that frameshift suppression does not require position 4 base pairing. Nonetheless, position 4 interactions influence the efficiency of suppression. Our results suggest a model in which 4-base translocation of mRNA on the ribosome is directed primarily by the number of nucleotides in the anticodon loop, whereas the resulting efficiency of suppression is dependent on the nature of position 4 nucleotides.  相似文献   

Several human neurodegenerative disorders are caused by expansion of CAG repeats that occurs during meiosis or gametogenesis. We anticipated that the CAG repeats cloned in a plasmid of Saccharomyces cerevisiae might undergo a change in the number of repeats during meiosis and sporulation. To test this possibility, we devised a new method to change in vitro the number of CAG repeats and constructed plasmids carrying (CAG)39, (CAG)65 or (CAG)123 from a plasmid carrying (CAG)18. We monitored the number of colonies showing an altered length of the repeat tracts during mitosis and meiotic growth. Contraction of long CAG repeat was found to occur frequently, whereas a few cases of expansion were observed. The contraction was equally enhanced in both orientations when the host cells grew through meiosis. Thus, our results suggest that long CAG repeats are destabilized during meiosis or gametogenesis in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

We have constructed a Xenopus oocyte cDNA library in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae expression vector and used this library to isolate genes that can function in yeast cells to suppress the temperature sensitive [corrected] defect of the cdc15 mutation. Two maternally expressed Xenopus cDNAs which fulfill these conditions have been isolated. One of these clones encodes Xenopus N-ras. In contrast to the yeast RAS genes, Xenopus N-ras rescues the cdc15 mutation. Moreover, overexpression of Xenopus N-ras in S. cerevisiae does not activate the RAS-cyclic AMP (cAMP) pathway; rather, it results in decreased levels of intracellular cAMP in both mutant cdc15 and wild-type cells. Furthermore, we show that lowering cAMP levels is sufficient to allow cells with a nonfunctional Cdc15 protein to complete the mitotic cycle. These results suggest that a key step of the cell cycle is dependent upon a phosphorylation event catalyzed by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The second clone, beta TrCP (beta-transducin repeat-containing protein), encodes a protein of 518 amino acids that shows significant homology to the beta subunits of G proteins in its C-terminal half. In this region, beta Trcp is composed of seven beta-transducin repeats. beta TrCP is not a functional homolog of S. cerevisiae CDC20, a cell cycle gene that also contains beta-transducin repeats and suppresses the cdc15 mutation.  相似文献   

Sodium chloride (NaCl) and potassium chloride (KCl) are both capable of inducing lethality and mutations when each is administered at a molarity of two for different lengths of time to logarithmic phase cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Analysis of the revertants indicates that the reversions can be base substitutions, of both the transition and the transversion type, as well as frameshift mutations. At equal molarity, with the frequency of mutations as the criterion, KCl and NaCl are equally efficient in inducing all types of mutations.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase mutants were isolated through systematic screening of tight Gln- derivatives of a leaky glutamine auxotroph. These mutations define a single nuclear gene, GLN4. The gln4-1 mutation is specific for Gln-tRNA synthetase and shows a dosage effect in heterozygous diploids. The wild-type Gln-tRNA synthetase exhibits a Km for glutamine of 25 microM; the gln4-1 mutation increases this value 20-fold. These observations strongly suggest that GLN4 encodes the Gln-tRNA synthetase.  相似文献   

A large-scale in silico evaluation of gene deletions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was conducted using a genome-scale reconstructed metabolic model. The effect of 599 single gene deletions on cell viability was simulated in silico and compared to published experimental results. In 526 cases (87.8%), the in silico results were in agreement with experimental observations when growth on synthetic complete medium was simulated. Viable phenotypes were correctly predicted in 89.4% (496 out of 555) and lethal phenotypes were correctly predicted in 68.2% (30 out of 44) of the cases considered. The in silico evaluation was solely based on the topological properties of the metabolic network which is based on well-established reaction stoichiometry. No interaction or regulatory information was accounted for in the in silico model. False predictions were analyzed on a case-by-case basis for four possible inadequacies of the in silico model: (1) incomplete media composition, (2) substitutable biomass components, (3) incomplete biochemical information, and (4) missing regulation. This analysis eliminated a number of false predictions and suggested a number of experimentally testable hypotheses. A genome-scale in silico model can thus be used to systematically reconcile existing data and fill in our knowledge gaps about an organism.  相似文献   

The exposure of mammalian cells or tumors for weeks or months to low non-lethal doses of cytostatic drugs may induce multi-drug resistance, which can be enhanced by a variety of DNA-damaging agents. In yeast multi-drug resistance to a variety of drugs has been observed. DNA-damaging agents have not yet been tested. As the appearance of resistance is the result of long-term exposure, we decided to extend the application of test substances to a period of up to 400 days. In such long-term experiments S. cerevisiae MP1 adapted to treatment with low doses of mutagens. Consistent results were obtained for both alkylating and non-alkylating mutagenic substances. Furthermore, the adaptive resistance to the alkylating agent also adapted cells to the non-alkylating agent, which implies that there may be a single pathway for mutagens with different modes of action. Random spore analysis of adapted yeast cells and the back-cross to the parental wild type indicates that a single dominant mutation is responsible for the adaptive resistance.  相似文献   

Clinical preparations of bleomycins (BM) were tested for their recombinogenicity and mutagenicity at relatively high survival levels in the simple eucaryote, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. More than a dozen test loci or genetic intervals were assayed for bleomycin-induced mutation or recombination. Treatments of stationary phase diploid yeast routinely resulted in 25–75% inactivation. The antibiotic was mildly to very highly recombinogenic and mutagenic, with one exception. The amount of bleomycin-induced mutation, gene conversion or crossing-over depended upon the particular genetic markers assayed. The drug was also potently recombinogenic in yeast cells growing in the presence of BM. These results contrast with the finding that this antitumor agent was not mutagenic in the Salmonella/mammalian microsome mutagenicity test; possible explanations of this difference are given.  相似文献   

Young ET  Sloan JS  Van Riper K 《Genetics》2000,154(3):1053-1068
The genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains numerous unstable microsatellite sequences. Mononucleotide and dinucleotide repeats are rarely found in ORFs, and when present in an ORF are frequently located in an intron or at the C terminus of the protein, suggesting that their instability is deleterious to gene function. DNA trinucleotide repeats (TNRs) are found at a higher-than-expected frequency within ORFs, and the amino acids encoded by the TNRs represent a biased set. TNRs are rarely conserved between genes with related sequences, suggesting high instability or a recent origin. The genes in which TNRs are most frequently found are related to cellular regulation. The protein structural database is notably lacking in proteins containing amino acid tracts, suggesting that they are not located in structured regions of a protein but are rather located between domains. This conclusion is consistent with the location of amino acid tracts in two protein families. The preferred location of TNRs within the ORFs of genes related to cellular regulation together with their instability suggest that TNRs could have an important role in speciation. Specifically, TNRs could serve as hot spots for recombination leading to domain swapping, or mutation of TNRs could allow rapid evolution of new domains of protein structure.  相似文献   

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