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Regulation of apoptosis by alternative pre-mRNA splicing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Apoptosis, a phenomenon that allows the regulated destruction and disposal of damaged or unwanted cells, is common to many cellular processes in multicellular organisms. In humans more than 200 proteins are involved in apoptosis, many of which are dysregulated or defective in human diseases including cancer. A large number of apoptotic factors are regulated via alternative splicing, a process that allows for the production of discrete protein isoforms with often distinct functions from a common mRNA precursor. The abundance of apoptosis genes that are alternatively spliced and the often antagonistic roles of the generated protein isoforms strongly imply that alternative splicing is a crucial mechanism for regulating life and death decisions. Importantly, modulation of isoform production of cell death proteins via pharmaceutical manipulation of alternative splicing may open up new therapeutic avenues for the treatment of disease.  相似文献   

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is one of the most common heritable autosomal dominant disorders. Alternative splicing modulates the function of neurofibromin, the NF1 gene product, by inserting the in-frame exon 23a into the region of NF1 mRNA that encodes the GTPase-activating protein-related domain. This insertion, which is predominantly skipped in neurons, reduces the ability of neurofibromin to regulate Ras by 10-fold. Here, we report that the neuron-specific Hu proteins control the production of the short protein isoform by suppressing inclusion of NF1 exon 23a, while TIA-1/TIAR proteins promote inclusion of this exon. We identify two binding sites for Hu proteins, located upstream and downstream of the regulated exon, and provide biochemical evidence that Hu proteins specifically block exon definition by preventing binding of essential splicing factors. In vitro analyses using nuclear extracts show that at the downstream site, Hu proteins prevent binding of U1 and U6 snRNPs to the 5′ splice site, while TIAR increases binding. Hu proteins also decrease U2AF binding at the 3′ splice site located upstream of exon 23a. In addition to providing the first mechanistic insight into tissue-specific control of NF1 splicing, these studies establish a novel strategy whereby Hu proteins regulate RNA processing.  相似文献   

The essential splicing factor SF2/ASF and the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNP A1) modulate alternative splicing in vitro of pre-mRNAs that contain 5' splice sites of comparable strengths competing for a common 3' splice site. Using natural and model pre-mRNAs, we have examined whether the ratio of SF2/ASF to hnRNP A1 also regulates other modes of alternative splicing in vitro. We found that an excess of SF2/ASF effectively prevents inappropriate exon skipping and also influences the selection of mutually exclusive tissue-specific exons in natural beta-tropomyosin pre-mRNA. In contrast, an excess of hnRNP A1 does not cause inappropriate exon skipping in natural constitutively or alternatively spliced pre-mRNAs. Although hnRNP A1 can promote alternative exon skipping, this effect is not universal and is dependent, e.g., on the size of the internal alternative exon and on the strength of the polypyrimidine tract in the preceding intron. With appropriate alternative exons, an excess of SF2/ASF promotes exon inclusion, whereas an excess of hnRNP A1 causes exon skipping. We propose that in some cases the ratio of SF2/ASF to hnRNP A1 may play a role in regulating alternative splicing by exon inclusion or skipping through the antagonistic effects of these proteins on alternative splice site selection.  相似文献   

Human pre-mRNA splicing factor SF2/ASF has an activity required for general splicing in vitro and promotes utilization of proximal alternative 5' splice sites in a concentration-dependent manner by opposing hnRNP A1. We introduced selected mutations in the N-terminal RNA recognition motif (RRM) and the C-terminal Arg/Ser (RS) domain of SF2/ASF, and assayed the resulting recombinant proteins for constitutive and alternative splicing in vitro and for binding to pre-mRNA and mRNA. Mutants inactive in constitutive splicing can affect alternative splice site selection, demonstrating that these activities involve distinct molecular interactions. Specific protein-RNA contact mediated by Phe56 and Phe58 in the RNP-1 submotif of the SF2/ASF RRM are essential for constitutive splicing, although they are not required for RRM-mediated binding to pre-mRNA. The RS domain is also required for constitutive splicing activity and both Arg and Ser residues are important. Analysis of domain deletion mutants demonstrated strong synergy between the RRM and a central degenerate RRM repeat in binding to RNA. These two domains are sufficient for alternative splicing activity in the absence of an RS domain.  相似文献   

Differential gene expression through alternative pre-mRNA splicing is crucial to various physiological and pathological conditions. Upon activation of B and T lymphocytes during an immune response, variant isoforms of the cell surface molecule CD44 are generated by alternative pre-mRNA splicing. We show here that in primary mouse T cells as well as in the murine LB-17 T-cell line upregulation of variant CD44 mRNA species upon T-cell activation requires activation of the MEK-ERK pathway. By employing mutant signaling molecules and a novel luciferase-based splice reporter system we demonstrate that the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK signaling cascade, but not the p38 MAP-kinase pathway, activates a mechanism that retains variant CD44 exon v5 sequence in mature mRNA. The findings demonstrate that a highly conserved pleiotropic signaling pathway links extracellular cues to splice regulation, providing an avenue for tissue-specific, developmental or pathology-associated splicing decisions.  相似文献   

C G Burd  G Dreyfuss 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(5):1197-1204
Pre-mRNA is processed as a large complex of pre-mRNA, snRNPs and pre-mRNA binding proteins (hnRNP proteins). The significance of hnRNP proteins in mRNA biogenesis is likely to be reflected in their RNA binding properties. We have determined the RNA binding specificity of hnRNP A1 and of each of its two RNA binding domains (RBDs), by selection/amplification from pools of random sequence RNA. Unique RNA molecules were selected by hnRNP A1 and each individual RBD, suggesting that the RNA binding specificity of hnRNP A1 is the result of both RBDs acting as a single RNA binding composite. Interestingly, the consensus high-affinity hnRNP A1 binding site, UAGGGA/U, resembles the consensus sequences of vertebrate 5' and 3' splice sites. The highest affinity 'winner' sequence for hnRNP A1 contained a duplication of this sequence separated by two nucleotides, and was bound by hnRNP A1 with an apparent dissociation constant of 1 x 10(-9) M. hnRNP A1 also bound other RNA sequences, including pre-mRNA splice sites and an intron-derived sequence, but with reduced affinities, demonstrating that hnRNP A1 binds different RNA sequences with a > 100-fold range of affinities. These experiments demonstrate that hnRNP A1 is a sequence-specific RNA binding protein. UV light-induced protein-RNA crosslinking in nuclear extracts demonstrated that an oligoribonucleotide containing the A1 winner sequence can be used as a specific affinity reagent for hnRNP A1 and an unidentified 50 kDa protein. We also show that this oligoribonucleotide, as well as two others containing 5' and 3' pre-mRNA splice sites, are potent inhibitors of in vitro pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

The three subunits of human splicing factor SF3a are essential for the formation of the functional 17S U2 snRNP and prespliceosome assembly in vitro. RNAi-mediated depletion indicates that each subunit is essential for viability of human cells. Knockdown of single subunits results in a general block in splicing strongly suggesting that SF3a is a constitutive splicing factor in vivo. In contrast, splicing of several endogenous and reporter pre-mRNAs is not affected after knockdown of SF1, which functions at the onset of spliceosome assembly in vitro and is essential for cell viability. Thus, SF1 may only be required for the splicing of a subset of pre-mRNAs. We also observe a reorganization of U2 snRNP components in SF3a-depleted cells, where U2 snRNA and U2-B' are significantly reduced in nuclear speckles and the nucleoplasm, but still present in Cajal bodies. Together with the observation that the 17S U2 snRNP cannot be detected in extracts from SF3a-depleted cells, our results provide further evidence for a function of Cajal bodies in U2 snRNP biogenesis.  相似文献   

M Caputi  A Mayeda  A R Krainer    A M Zahler 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(14):4060-4067
Splicing of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) pre-mRNA must be inefficient to provide a pool of unspliced messages which encode viral proteins and serve as genomes for new virions. Negative cis-regulatory elements (exonic splicing silencers or ESSs) are necessary for HIV-1 splicing inhibition. We demonstrate that heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) of the A and B group are trans-acting factors required for the function of the tat exon 2 ESS. Depletion of hnRNP A/B proteins from HeLa cell nuclear extract activates splicing of tat exon 2 pre-mRNA substrate. Splicing inhibition is restored by addition of recombinant hnRNP A/B proteins to the depleted extract. A high-affinity hnRNP A1-binding sequence can substitute functionally for the ESS in tat exon 2. These results demonstrate that hnRNP A/B proteins are required for repression of HIV-1 splicing.  相似文献   

Myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) is a major component of myelin in the vertebrate central nervous system. MAG is present in the periaxonal region of the myelin structure, where it interacts with neuronal proteins to inhibit axon outgrowth and protect neurons from degeneration. Two alternatively spliced isoforms of Mag mRNA have been identified. The mRNA encoding the shorter isoform, known as S-MAG, contains a termination codon in exon 12, while the mRNA encoding the longer isoform, known as L-MAG, skips exon 12 and produces a protein with a longer C-terminal region. L-MAG is required in the central nervous system. How inclusion of Mag exon 12 is regulated is not clear. In a previous study, we showed that heteronuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNP A1) contributes to Mag exon 12 skipping. Here, we show that hnRNP A1 interacts with an element that overlaps the 5′ splice site of Mag exon 12. The element has a reduced ability to interact with the U1 snRNP compared with a mutant that improves the splice site consensus. An evolutionarily conserved secondary structure is present surrounding the element. The structure modulates interaction with both hnRNP A1 and U1. Analysis of splice isoforms produced from a series of reporter constructs demonstrates that the hnRNP A1-binding site and the secondary structure both contribute to exclusion of Mag exon 12.  相似文献   

We report here that the apoptosis-promoting protein TIA-1 regulates alternative pre-mRNA splicing of the Drosophila melanogaster gene male-specific-lethal 2 and of the human apoptotic gene Fas. TIA-1 associates selectively with pre-mRNAs that contain 5' splice sites followed by U-rich sequences. TIA-1 binding to the U-rich stretches facilitates 5' splice site recognition by U1 snRNP. This activity is critical for activation of the weak 5' splice site of msl-2 and for modulating the choice of splice site partner in Fas. Structural and functional similarities with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae splicing factor Nam8 suggest striking evolutionary conservation of a mechanism of pre-mRNA splicing regulation that controls biological processes as diverse as meiosis in yeast, dosage compensation in fruit flies, or programmed cell death in humans.  相似文献   

The first stable complex formed during the assembly of spliceosomes onto pre-mRNA substrates in mammals includes U1 snRNP, which recognizes the 5′ splice site, and the splicing factors SF1 and U2AF, which bind the branch point sequence, polypyrimidine tract, and 3′ splice site. The 5′ and 3′ splice site complexes are thought to be joined together by protein–protein interactions mediated by factors that ensure the fidelity of the initial splice site recognition. In this study, we identified and characterized PRPF40B, a putative mammalian ortholog of the U1 snRNP-associated yeast splicing factor Prp40. PRPF40B is highly enriched in speckles with a behavior similar to splicing factors. We demonstrated that PRPF40B interacts directly with SF1 and associates with U2AF65. Accordingly, PRPF40B colocalizes with these splicing factors in the cell nucleus. Splicing assays with reporter minigenes revealed that PRPF40B modulates alternative splice site selection. In the case of Fas regulation of alternative splicing, weak 5′ and 3′ splice sites and exonic sequences are required for PRPF40B function. Placing our data in a functional context, we also show that PRPF40B depletion increased Fas/CD95 receptor number and cell apoptosis, which suggests the ability of PRPF40B to alter the alternative splicing of key apoptotic genes to regulate cell survival.  相似文献   

Analysis of the human genome has dramatically demonstrated that the majority of protein diversity is generated by alternative splicing of pre-mRNA. This powerful and versatile mechanism controls the synthesis of functionally different protein isoforms that may be required during specific stages of development from a single gene. Consequently, ubiquitous and/or tissue-specific RNA splicing factors that regulate this splicing mechanism provide the basis for defining phenotypic characteristics of cells during differentiation. In this review, we will introduce the basic mechanisms of pre-mRNA alternative splicing, describe how this process is regulated by specific RNA splicing factors, and relate this to various systems of cell differentiation. Chondrogenesis, a well-defined differentiation pathway necessary for skeletogenesis, will be discussed in detail, with focus on some of the alternatively-spliced proteins known to be expressed during cartilage development. We propose a heuristic view that, ultimately, it is the regulation of these RNA splicing factors that determines the differentiation status of a cell. Studying regulation at the level of pre-mRNA alternative splicing will provide invaluable insights into how many developmental mechanisms are controlled, thus enabling us to manipulate a system to select for a specific differentiation pathway.  相似文献   

A R Krainer  G C Conway  D Kozak 《Cell》1990,62(1):35-42
SF2 is a 33 kd protein factor required for 5' splice site cleavage and lariat formation during pre-mRNA splicing in HeLa cell extracts. In addition to its essential role in constitutive splicing, SF2 can strongly influence 5' splice site selection. When pre-mRNAs containing multiple cis-competing 5' splice sites are spliced in vitro, high concentrations of purified SF2 promote the use of the 5' splice site closest to the 3' splice site. However, SF2 discriminates properly between authentic and cryptic splice sites. These effects of SF2 on splice site selection may reflect the cellular mechanisms that prevent exon skipping and ensure the accuracy of splicing. In addition, alterations in the concentration or activity of SF2, and of other general splicing factors, may serve to regulate alternative splicing in vivo.  相似文献   

The essential splicing factor ASF/SF2 activates or represses splicing depending on where on the pre-mRNA it binds. We have shown previously that ASF/SF2 inhibits adenovirus IIIa pre-mRNA splicing by binding to an intronic repressor element. Here we used MS2-ASF/SF2 fusion proteins to show that the second RNA binding domain (RBD2) is both necessary and sufficient for the splicing repressor function of ASF/SF2. Furthermore, we show that the completely conserved SWQDLKD motif in ASF/SF2-RBD2 is essential for splicing repression. Importantly, this heptapeptide motif is unlikely to be directly involved in RNA binding given its position within the predicted structure of RBD2. The activity of the ASF/SF2-RBD2 domain in splicing was position-dependent. Thus, tethering RBD2 to the IIIa intron resulted in splicing repression, whereas RBD2 binding at the second exon had no effect on IIIa splicing. The splicing repressor activity of RBD2 was not unique to the IIIa pre-mRNA, as binding of RBD2 at an intronic position in the rabbit beta-globin pre-mRNA also resulted in splicing inhibition. Taken together, our results suggest that ASF/SF2 encode distinct domains responsible for its function as a splicing enhancer or splicing repressor protein.  相似文献   

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