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为探讨植被结构和物种组成对鸟类群落多度分布的影响,于2010年5~8月,在阜康地区所涵盖的显域植被梯度带(梭梭、琵琶柴及蒿属荒漠)内分别布设3~4条样线,调查繁殖鸟类群落多度分布及植被参数.借助平均高度和盖度反映植被结构,平均物种数目反映植物组成.从鸟类群落中抽取显著正相关鸟种组合及狭分布鸟种组合,将不同的鸟类组合与植...  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by vertebrate animals is important for the establishment of many fleshy-fruited plant species. Different frugivorous species can provide different seed dispersal services according to their specific dietary preferences as well as behaviour and body traits (e.g. body size and beak size of birds). Our aim was to study redundancies and complementarities in seed dispersal and germination between the two main native seed disperser birds and the introduced silver pheasant Lophura nycthemera in the temperate Patagonian forests. For this, we collected fresh droppings from the studied species and analyzed seed content. We conducted germination trials for four plant species common in bird droppings; two native species (Aristotelia chilensis and Rhaphithamnus spinosus) and two invasive non-native species (Rubus ulmifolius and Rosa rubiginosa). Both native frugivorous birds and the silver pheasant dispersed fruits of non- native fleshy-fruited plants, but their roles were non-redundant in terms of species dispersed and effect on seed germination. The silver pheasant dispersed a proportionally high number of non-native seeds, while native birds dispersed a high number of native seeds. In addition, the effect of gut treatment in seed germination differed between seed dispersers. Native birds promoted the germination for the two native plant species studied, while the silver pheasant promoted the germination of one non-native plant. This suggests that seed dispersal by the silver pheasant may contribute to the spread of some invasive fleshy-fruited plants in the ecosystems that otherwise would not be dispersed by any other bird. The understanding of redundancies and complementarities on seed dispersal and germination between native and introduced birds will allow improving the management of fleshy-fruited non-native plants.  相似文献   

Aim To test the ‘more individuals hypothesis’ as a mechanism for the positive association between energy availability and species richness. This hypothesis predicts that total density and energy use in communities is linearly related to energy availability, and that species richness is a positive function of increased density. We also evaluate whether similar energy–density patterns apply to different migratory groups (residents, short‐distance migrants and tropical migrants) separately. Location European and North American forest bird communities. Methods We collected published breeding bird census data from Europe and North America (n = 187). From each census data we calculated bird density (pairs 10 ha?1), energy use by the community (the sum of metabolic needs of individuals, Watts 10 ha?1) and geographical location with an accuracy of 0.5°. For each bird census data coordinate we extracted the corresponding monthly values of actual evapotranspiration (AET). From these values we calculated corresponding AET values that we expected to explain the density energy use of forest birds: total annual, breeding season (June) and winter AET. We used general linear modelling to analyse these data controlling for the area of census plots, forest type and census method. Results Total density and energy use in European and North American forest bird communities were linear functions of annual productivity, and increased density and energy use then translated into more species. Also resident bird density and energy consumption were positive functions of annual productivity, but the relationship between productivity and density as well as between productivity and energy use was weaker for migrants. Main conclusions Our results are consistent with the more individuals hypothesis that density and energy use in breeding forest bird communities is coupled tightly with the productivity of the environment, and that increased density and energy consumption results in more species. However, not all community members (migratory groups) are limited by productivity on the breeding grounds.  相似文献   

The current avifauna of New Zealand comprises species with two distinct origins: those that evolved in New Zealand or colonized naturally from neighbouring landmasses, and those that were deliberately introduced to the islands by European settlers. Elsewhere, it has been shown that for species introduced to New Zealand from Britain there is a positive interspecific correlation between the geographical range sizes attained in both countries. Since positive relationships between abundance, measured either as population size or density, and geographical range size are a near ubiquitous feature of assemblages of closely related animal species, this suggests that species’ abundances may also be so correlated between the two countries. Here, data for 12 passerine bird species introduced to New Zealand from Britain are used to compare population densities and density–range size relationships in their native and alien ranges. In addition, the density–range size relationship for 12 passerine bird species that can be considered native to New Zealand is compared to that for the introduced species. The geographical range size and the mean and maximum densities of introduced species in New Zealand were significantly positively correlated with those values for the same species in Britain. However, in no case was the relationship between mean density and range size significant. While not statistically significant, density–range size relationships for introduced species are similar in New Zealand and Britain, but those for introduced and native species in New Zealand are quite different. Implications of these patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Living on the edge: British and Irish woodland birds in a European context   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper reviews broad geographical patterns in the species composition of breeding woodland bird communities from Ireland to eastern Europe and outlines how processes affecting woodland birds in Britain and Ireland may differ from those operating in mainland Europe. Bird communities in British and Irish woodlands consist of a subset of the species occurring within European forests at similar latitudes. The occurrence of virtually all groups of forest birds is lower in Britain, and strikingly lower in Ireland, than in other temperate areas of mainland Europe. This phenomenon appears to form part of a west–east gradient in species diversity and is probably not just a consequence of insularity. Across this gradient there appears to be broad geographical constancy in the types (taxonomic, ecological and life-history groups) of species present. There is considerable spatial variation in habitat use by forest species within Europe. Some species in Britain probably use habitats in different ways to elsewhere for reasons related to competition, predation and historical adaptation to landscape change. Several species appear to reach the limits of their geographical ranges within Britain (i.e. in the absence of physical barriers). We suggest that range contraction of one of these species, the Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos , in Britain may partially reflect redistribution into the highest quality areas in response to a wider population decline. It is argued that conclusions drawn from studies of forest birds in Britain do not necessarily apply in other regions and vice versa. There is a need for large-scale studies in Europe of the spatial variation in organization of forest bird assemblages, habitat use and the genetic structure of populations.  相似文献   

Do local abundances of British birds change with proximity to range edge?   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Aim Species generally vary in the density they attain at different sites, prompting the question of whether this variation is systematic across their range. We investigate this question using data on the abundance and distribution of thirty-two species of passerine birds across Britain derived from censuses organized by the British Trust for Ornithology. Methods Analysis is complicated by the issue of quantifying the distance of any particular census location from the edge of the range of a species when the study area encompasses only part of its entire distribution. No measure of this quantity is a priori the correct one, and so we use a variety of different measures which make differing assumptions about how abundances might be structured across species ranges. Results None of the measures used reveal any consistent relationships between the density attained by species at census sites and the spatial positions of those sites. Only thirteen species show significant relationships with any of the measures, and no more than seven species with any single measure. Main conclusion In summary, there is no convincing evidence that passerine bird densities are usually lower towards range edges in Britain. We discuss possible reasons for these findings.  相似文献   

At a regional scale, species richness and human population size are frequently positively correlated across space. Such patterns may arise because both species richness and human density increase with energy availability. If the species-energy relationship is generated through the 'more individuals' hypothesis, then the prediction is that areas with high human densities will also support greater numbers of individuals from other taxa. We use the unique data available for the breeding birds in Europe to test this prediction. Overall regional densities of bird species are higher in areas with more people; species of conservation concern exhibit the same pattern. Avian density also increases faster with human density than does avian biomass, indicating that areas with a higher human density have a higher proportion of small-bodied individuals. The analyses also underline the low numbers of breeding birds in Europe relative to humans, with a median of just three individual birds per person, and 4 g of bird for every kilogram of human.  相似文献   

The Mauritius Kestrel Falco punctatus, once the rarest kestrel worldwide, became an icon of bird conservation after it recovered from four to six individuals in 1974 to some 800 by 2005 following intense conservation management. Its population however then halved within about a decade prompting a re-evaluation of the IUCN status and up listing of the species in 2014 and an increased conservation attention. Drivers of this new decline are unclear and the influence of habitat structure and diet on breeding success may be important contributors but have received relatively little attention, particularly in the way they may interact to influence production of new fledglings. We address this knowledge gap by studying whether breeding success is influenced by habitat structure (in terms of cover of the invasive Ravenala in native habitats, an alien plant causing strong structural shift in the forests that it invades, and extent of cleared area), diet composition and food pass frequency (as a proxy for food intake) and food quality at 28 nests of a re-introduced kestrel population in south east Mauritius during the 2015–2016 breeding season. The kestrel’s diet comprised native and alien birds, reptiles, insects, and small alien mammals, with a disproportionately high proportion of Phelsuma gecko. A higher frequency of food provisioning and percentage cover of Ravenala both contributed to higher breeding success. Ravenala may increase gecko density or increase gecko detectability and predation by the kestrel, or both, while changed land use (pasture and sugar cane fields) may increase prey diversity in the form of non-forest prey known to be eaten by Kestrels (e.g. alien agamids, small mammals and birds). These prey related influences on breeding suggest that the Bambou mountain range provides a human-generated novel ecosystem altering food availability and increasing the kestrel’s breeding success. However, Ravenala is an invasive alien species harmful to the wider forest biodiversity. Progressive weeding of Ravenala and concurrent re-introduction and augmentation of native palms and Pandanus species which geckos can use at comparable densities to Ravenala, is recommended. This would likely improve the kestrel’s hunting habitat quality and maintain high gecko density or detectability and the vegetation structure required for hunting manoeuvrability and prey availability without the negative consequences of invasive Ravenala.  相似文献   

The foliage palatability hypothesis predicts that avian insectivores will preferentially forage in tree species with the greatest abundance of their arthropod prey, which in turn are associated with the tree’s foliage nutrition and palatability. We tested this hypothesis in a novel ProsopisLeucaena woodland in Puerto Rico by determining foraging preferences of five insectivorous bird species for six tree species (five alien, one native) and relating preferences to foliage arthropod biomass and leaf chemistry. The most frequently preferred tree species for foraging were the alien Prosopis juliflora (preferred by five bird species) and Pithecellobium dulce (preferred by four bird species). Both species had high foliage arthropod biomass, high N content, low lignin/N ratios, and low hemicellulose content. Compounds, previously known to affect herbivore responses to Albizia lebbeck and Leucaena leucocephala, may explain low arthropod biomass despite high N content in Albizia and avoidance of Leucaena by four bird species despite its high arthropod biomass. The native Bucida buceras had tough leaves with low N content, low arthropod biomass, and only one bird species showed a weak preference for foraging in it. Biomass of predaceous arthropods showed strong negative correlations with the ratios of lignin/N and hemicellulose/N. Some alien tree species had highly palatable foliage with high arthropod biomass and hence were preferred for foraging by avian insectivores as predicted by the foliage palatability hypothesis. High foliage palatability of some alien tree species may weaken the effect of enemy release in some novel plant communities.  相似文献   

Shifts between native and alien climatic niches pose a major challenge for predicting biological invasions. This is particularly true for insular species because geophysical barriers could constrain the realization of their fundamental niches, which may lead to underestimates of their invasion potential. To investigate this idea, we estimated the frequency of shifts between native and alien climatic niches and the magnitude of climatic mismatches using 80,148 alien occurrences of 46 endemic insular amphibian, reptile, and bird species. Then, we assessed the influence of nine potential predictors on climatic mismatches across taxa, based on species' characteristics, native range physical characteristics, and alien range properties. We found that climatic mismatch is common during invasions of endemic insular birds and reptiles: 78.3% and 55.1% of their respective alien records occurred outside of the environmental space of species' native climatic niche. In comparison, climatic mismatch was evident for only 16.2% of the amphibian invasions analyzed. Several predictors significantly explained climatic mismatch, and these varied among taxonomic groups. For amphibians, only native range size was associated with climatic mismatch. For reptiles, the magnitude of climatic mismatch was higher for species with narrow native altitudinal ranges, occurring in topographically complex or less remote islands, as well as for species with larger distances between their native and alien ranges. For birds, climatic mismatch was significantly larger for invasions on continents with higher phylogenetic diversity of the recipient community, and when the invader was more evolutionarily distinct. Our findings highlight that apparently common niche shifts of insular species may jeopardize our ability to forecast their potential invasions using correlative methods based on climatic variables. Also, we show which factors provide additional insights on the actual invasion potential of insular endemic amphibians, reptiles, and birds.  相似文献   

Aim Determining the causes of range size variation in the distributions of alien species is important for understanding the spread of invasive species. Factors influencing alien range size have been explored for some species at a regional level, but to date there has been no global analysis of an entire class. Here, we present such an analysis for birds, testing for the effects of introduction event, location and species‐level variables on alien range sizes. Location Global. Methods We used a novel dataset on the global distributions of alien bird species to test for relationships between alien range size and colonization pressure, residence time, extent of the global climatic niche, native range size, body mass and specialization, using a statistical approach based on phylogenetic generalized least squares models. We performed this analysis globally, and for separate biogeographical realms. Results Approximately half of the variation in alien bird range size is explained by colonization pressure in univariate analysis. We identified consistent effects of higher colonization pressure at global and realm levels, as well as support for effects of native range size and residence time. We found less support for effects of body mass, specialization or extent of the global climatic niche on alien range size. Main conclusions Alien bird range sizes are generally small relative to their native range sizes, and many are continuing to expand. Nevertheless, current variation is predictable, most strongly by the event‐level factor of colonization pressure. Whether a species is widespread is a better predictor of alien range size than whether a species could be widespread (estimated by global climatic niche extent), while we also find effects of residence time on alien range size. These relationships may help to identify those alien species that are more likely to spread and hence have greater environmental and economic impacts where they have been introduced.  相似文献   

Elevational patterns of species richness, local abundance and assemblage structure of rainforest birds of north‐eastern Australia were explored using data from extensive standardized surveys throughout the region. Eighty‐two species of birds were recorded with strong turnover in assemblage structure across the elevational gradient and high levels of regional endemism in the uplands. Both species richness and bird abundance exhibited a humped‐shaped pattern with elevation with the highest values being between 600 and 800 m elevation. While much of the variability in species richness could be explained by the species–area relationship, analyses of net primary productivity (NPP) and total daily energy consumption of the bird community (energy use) suggest that ecosystem energy flow or constraints may be a significant determinant of species richness. Species richness is positively correlated with local bird abundance which itself is closely related to total energy use of the bird community. We suggest the hypothesis that lower NPP limits bird abundance and energy use in the uplands (>500 m) and that low bird energy use and species richness in the lowlands is limited by a seasonal bottleneck in available primary productivity and/or a species pool previously truncated by an extinction filter imposed by the almost complete disappearance of rainforest in the lowlands during the glacial maxima. We suggest that some of the previously predicted impacts of global warming on biodiversity in the uplands may be partially ameliorated by increases in NPP because of increasing temperatures. However, these relationships are complex and require further data specifically in regard to direct estimates of primary productivity and detailed estimates of energy flow within the assemblage.  相似文献   

Freed LA  Cann RL 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e29834
Food limitation greatly affects bird breeding performance, but the effect of nutritive stress on molt has barely been investigated outside of laboratory settings. Here we show changes in molting patterns for an entire native Hawaiian bird community at 1650-1900 m elevation on the Island of Hawaii between 1989-1999 and 2000-2006, associated with severe food limitation throughout the year beginning in 2000. Young birds and adults of all species took longer to complete their molt, including months never or rarely used during the 1989-1999 decade. These included the cold winter months and even the early months of the following breeding season. In addition, more adults of most species initiated their molt one to two months earlier, during the breeding season. Suspended molt, indicated by birds temporarily not molting primary flight feathers during the months of peak primary molt, increased in prevalence. Food limitation reached the point where individuals of all species had asymmetric molt, with different primary flight feathers molted on each wing. These multiple changes in molt, unprecedented in birds, had survival consequences. Adult birds captured during January to March, 2000-2004, had lower survival in four of five species with little effect of extended molt. Extended molt may be adaptive for a nutrient stressed bird to survive warm temperatures but not cool winter temperatures that may obliterate the energy savings. The changing molt of Hawaiian birds has many implications for conservation and for understanding life history aspects of molt of tropical birds.  相似文献   

Native bird species show latitudinal gradients in body size across species (Bergmann's rule), but whether or not such gradients are recapitulated in the alien distributions of bird species are unknown. Here, we test for the existence of Bergmann's rule in alien bird species worldwide, and investigate the causes of the observed patterns. Published databases were used to obtain the worldwide distributions of established alien bird populations, the locations of alien bird introductions, and bird body masses. Randomisation tests and linear models were used to assess latitudinal patterns in the body masses of introduced and established alien bird populations. Established alien bird species exhibit Bergmann's rule, but this is largely explained by where alien bird species have been introduced: latitudinal variation in the body masses of established alien bird species simply reflects latitudinal variation in the body masses of introduced species. There is some evidence that body mass is implicated in whether or not established species’ alien ranges spread towards or contract away from the Equator following establishment. However, most alien bird ranges are encompassed by the latitudinal band(s) to which the species was introduced. Bergmann's rule in alien birds is therefore a consequence of where humans have introduced different species, rather than of natural processes operating after population introduction.  相似文献   

Habitat relationships of forest birds on Tutuila Island, American Samoa   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Aim Our knowledge of landbirds on tropical Pacific islands is often comprised of brief, one-time surveys. We know little of species’ habitat preferences, and this information is critical for understanding the resource requirements or population status of native species and the impacts of human activity on island birds. Location Tutuila Island, American Samoa. Methods The spatial patterns in forest birds were investigated. This island harbours large tracts of native forest, a variety of disturbed and non-native forests, and some relatively healthy bird populations. The distribution of birds was correlated with forest types using habitat data collected at fifty-seven sites and avian census data collected monthly for 1–4 years at these sites. Results Differences in location and in vegetation structure and composition between native and non-native habitats are important influences on the distribution of birds on Tutuila. Among native species, for example, the purple-capped fruit-dove (Ptilinopus porphyraceus Temminck) is dependent upon native habitat, the Samoan starling (Aplonis atrifusca Peale) occurs in all habitats, and the cardinal honeyeater (Myzomela cardinalis Gmelin) is more abundant in low elevation, non-native habitat. Conclusions This research reinforces the importance of quantitative assessment of habitat relationships in the study and conservation of Pacific birds.  相似文献   

Despite the severity of the 1978/79 winter, at least 1,714 Blackcaps were reported during a special survey; these were heavily concentrated in western and south-western counties. An increase over recent decades in the numbers of Blackcaps wintering in Britain and Ireland is correlated with expansion of north European breeding populations and with a rise in numbers of autumn migrants passing through British east coast bird observatories. Successful overwintering here is attributed to the way the birds have adapted to taking artificial foods at garden bird tables.  相似文献   

The international wildlife trade is a significant source of introduced alien species, some of which proceed to become invasive and cause negative environmental and economic effects. However, not all introduced aliens establish viable populations, and it is important to identify the factors that determine establishment success. We explore the role of environmental suitability (including anthropogenic influences, climate and habitat types) in the establishment success of alien bird species introduced to Taiwan. Using maximum entropy modelling, we employed a recursive feature elimination and Akaike information criterion (AIC)‐based stepwise model selection approach to assess whether the environmental suitability, native range size, body size, residence time and the numbers of birds for sale in the shops affect variation in the extent of alien bird range size in Taiwan. We show that species with larger native range sizes and larger body sizes tend to have larger alien range sizes in Taiwan. There was no effect of environmental suitability on alien range size in Taiwan, but environmental suitability influenced the establishment success of bird species there.  相似文献   

Many marine birds undertake long migrations between breeding and wintering areas, including some species that undertake long‐distance east–west or west–east movements across many degrees of longitude. To date, however, no east–west migrations have been described across the North Pacific. Geolocators were deployed on Ancient Murrelets Synthliboramphus antiquus breeding in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, in 2013 and four were retrieved the following year. Longitude positions showed that all four moved rapidly westwards after breeding, three of them reaching waters between Japan and China by November and this location was also supported by ringing data. Return migration was rapid, beginning in February and reaching Haida Gwaii in March, providing the first evidence for bird migration spanning the entire width of the North Pacific. This is the longest migration recorded in any of the Alcidae.  相似文献   

BackgroundInternational wildlife trade is the largest emerging source of vertebrate invasive alien species. In order to prevent invasions, it is essential to understand the mechanics of trade and, in particular, which traded species are most likely to be released or escape into the wild. A species’ economic value is a key factor, because we expect cheaper species to be less assiduously secured against escaping, and more likely to be deliberately released. Here, we investigate determinants of the price of species in the Taiwanese bird trade. Taiwan is an international hub for bird trade, and several native species are threatened by alien bird species.MethodologyWe investigated the relationship between the traded species sale price in Taiwan and the species availability for trade (the number of birds for sale, geographic range size and their origin, conservation and CITES status) and traits (body size, coloration, song attractiveness). We used phylogenetic generalized least squares models, with multi-model inference, to assess the variables that are best related to the price of birds in the Taiwanese pet trade.

Principal Findings / Conclusions

We found that species available for sale in larger numbers, native to Taiwan, not globally endangered, and small-bodied are all relatively cheaper, as too are species lacking yellow coloration and without attractive songs. Our models of price revealed high levels of phylogenetic correlation, and hence that closely related species tended to be sold for similar prices. We suggest that, on the basis of price, native species are more likely to be deliberately or accidentally released than alien species. Nevertheless, our survey of bird shops recorded 160 species alien to Taiwan (7,631 individuals), several of which are for sale cheaply and in large numbers. Alien bird species in trade therefore present an ongoing, non-trivial invasion risk on the island.  相似文献   

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