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Patients tend to repeat with their physician, as with other significant people in their lives, their earlier previous patterns of behavior. The physician as well as the patient is involved in the physician-patient relationship. He will tend to respond to his patients in accordance with his earlier life experiences and his characteristic repetitive behavioral pattern. For both physician and patient, the relationship between them extends beyond the immediate reality situation.Psychotherapy is the utilization of psychological measures in the treatment of sick persons and the deliberate utilization by the physician of the physician-patient relationship for the benefit of the patient. The kind of psychotherapy that is practical and utilizable by the nonpsychiatric physician is that which uses education, reassurance, support and the management of the patient''s problems either directly or indirectly or through the intermediary of other people or agencies.The symbolic aspect of the physician-patient relationship is based essentially on the fact that a sick person, because of his anxiety and because of the threat to his physical and psychic integrity, is more dependent and more anxious than he would be if he were well, and therefore he has a correspondingly greater need for the authoritative and protective figure he finds in the physician.Psychotherapy is not directed exclusively to the treatment of flagrantly or obviously neurotic or psychotic patients. It should be and is directed to all sick persons. Limitations in psychotherapy are set by various determinants, among which are the nature of the precipitating factor in the illness, the nature of the sick person, the skill, knowledge and abilities of the physician, and the nature of the physician-patient relationship. In psychotherapy, as in all medicine, the physician should not do anything which may disturb the patient if the disturbance is of no value or if it cannot be followed through with special skills.  相似文献   

Gräser Y  Scott J  Summerbell R 《Mycopathologia》2008,166(5-6):239-256
The dermatophytes are among the most frequently observed organisms in biomedicine, yet there has never been stability in the taxonomy, identification and naming of the approximately 25 pathogenic species involved. Since the identification of these species is often epidemiologically and ethically important, the difficulties in dermatophyte identification are a fruitful topic for modern molecular biological investigation, done in tandem with renewed investigation of phenotypic characters. Molecular phylogenetic analyses such as multilocus sequence typing have had to be tailored to accommodate differing the mechanisms of speciation that have produced the dermatophytes that are commonly seen today. Even so, some biotypes that were unambiguously considered species in the past, based on profound differences in morphology and pattern of infection, appear consistently not to be distinct species in modern molecular analyses. Most notable among these are the cosmopolitan bane of nails and feet, Trichophyton rubrum, and the endemic African agent of childhood tinea capitis, Trichophyton soudanense, which are effectively inseparable in all analyses. The molecular data require some reinterpretation of results seen in conventional phenotypic tests, but in most cases, phylogenetic insight is readily integrated with current laboratory testing procedures.  相似文献   

Interstitial pneumonias present a pulmonary inflammatory reaction pattern that is common to a wide variety of noxious agents and disease processes. These include viruses, Rickettsiae, hypersensitivity reactions, the “collagen disease,” x-irradiation, uremia, certain chemicals, early histoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis and possibly unknown substances and diseases.Interstitial pneumonia is characterized histologically by interalveolar exudate, hyaline membranes, epithelialization of alveolar walls and lack of polymorphonuclear response. Histologic features that aid in differentiating among cases of varying etiology are few.It is postulated that the basic pathogenic mechanism of the interstitial inflammatory reaction is primary damage to pulmonary capillary endothelium that brings about increased capillary permeability.  相似文献   

Fingerprints, bit representations of compound chemical structure, have been widely used in cheminformatics for many years. Although fingerprints with the highest resolution display satisfactory performance in virtual screening campaigns, the presence of a relatively high number of irrelevant bits introduces noise into data and makes their application more time-consuming. In this study, we present a new method of hybrid reduced fingerprint construction, the Average Information Content Maximization algorithm (AIC-Max algorithm), which selects the most informative bits from a collection of fingerprints. This methodology, applied to the ligands of five cognate serotonin receptors (5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, 5-HT2C, 5-HT5A, 5-HT6), proved that 100 bits selected from four non-hashed fingerprints reflect almost all structural information required for a successful in silico discrimination test. A classification experiment indicated that a reduced representation is able to achieve even slightly better performance than the state-of-the-art 10-times-longer fingerprints and in a significantly shorter time.  相似文献   

A new germfree chicken cage for rearing chicks up to 3 or 4 weeks of age has been designed and is in use at the University of Missouri. The cage and the accessory parts, the small magnet and hinged door, the “Bactytector,” the built-in air filter assembly, and the glass top with connecting air outlet filter have been described in detail. The complete operating procedure for sterilizing the cage and diet and the method of adding sterile embryonated eggs have been outlined. Data on the effectiveness of the cage as a physical barrier to microbes have been presented.  相似文献   

Plasmanate®, a human-serum protein solution, appears to have all the attributes of an ideal plasma expander. Freedom from infection, immediate availability in a clear, stable solution and the apparent absence of antigenic properties are particularly valuable qualities. The efficacy and safety of Plasmanate was clinically demonstrated in the treatment of 125 infants and children. This solution seems especially effective in the treatment of acute shock states and for the physiologic correction of hypoproteinemia. Comparison with other plasma expanders makes Plasmanate the agent of choice in the initial treatment of shock states in pediatrics.  相似文献   

In order to give adequate support to risk managers, new risk assessment methods should be developed that are (1) scientifically sound, (2) simplified, and (3) suited for precautionary risk management. In this Perspective we propose that the notion of a precautionary default can be a useful tool in the development of such methods. A precautionary default is a cautious or pessimistic assumption that is used in the absence of adequate information and that should be replaced when such information is obtained. Furthermore, we point out some promising research areas for the development of such indicators, viz. connections between chemical characteristics such as persistence and effect parameters, monitoring of contaminants in polar regions, monitoring of contaminants in breast milk, application of results from (human) toxicology in ecotoxicology and vice versa, (eco)toxicological test systems that are sensitive to effects on reproduction, and the application of bioinformatic methods to complex data, both in genomic research and in ecotoxicology. We conclude that precautionary decision-making does not require less science, but to the contrary it requires more science and improved communication between scientists and risk managers.  相似文献   


The diversity of storage tissue cell types in bivalve molluscs is evident. In some species there are no specific storage cells, and the adductor muscle plays the role of a reserve tissue (Pectinidae). In others both muscular cells and specific storage cells are involved in storage and release of nutrients for gametogenesis (Veneridae). A few species have a specific storage tissue such as the mantle in Mytilus containing two complementary types of cells. This specialisation can be correlated with the fertility of the species and with the variation of available food organisms. Vesicular connective tissue is found in species with a high level of fecundity which are subject to marked fluctuations in food availability (Mytilidae, Ostreidae). This can be considered as an adaptive behaviour to profit from uncertain supply of food supplies in order to produce the maximum number (and quality) of gametes in a precise period of the year.  相似文献   

Display technologies are procedures used for isolating target-recognizing peptides without using immunized animals. In this study, we describe a new display method, named Hishot display, that uses Escherichia coli and an expression plasmid to isolate target-recognizing peptides. This display method is based on the formation, in bacteria, of complexes between a polyhistidine (His)-tagged peptide including random sequences and the peptide-encoding mRNA including an RNA aptamer against the His-tag. When this system was tested using a sequence encoding His-tagged green fluorescent protein that included an RNA aptamer against the His-tag, the collection of mRNA encoding the protein was dependent on the RNA aptamer. Using this display method and a synthetic library of surrogate single-chain variable fragments consisting of VpreB and Ig heavy-chain variable domains, it was possible to isolate clones that could specifically recognize a particular target (intelectin-1 or tumor necrosis factor-α). These clones were obtained as soluble proteins produced by E. coli, and the purified peptide clones recognizing intelectin-1 could be used as detectors for sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The Hishot display will be a useful method to add to the repertoire of display technologies.  相似文献   

A new macroscopic screening test for syphilis, the Latex-sts test, is extraordinarily simple. After inactivation of the patient''s serum for 30 minutes at 56°C the test is performed by mixing the patient''s serum with latex particles coated with cardiolipin and a protein fraction obtained from the non-pathogenic Reiter strain of Treponema pallidum. Two to three minutes after mixing, the result of the test is observed on a ringed serologic plate. The sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility of the new test are equivalent to those of the qualitative Venereal Disease Research Laboratory tube test. The advantages of the Latex-sts are that it can be done in a short time, it is simple and it requires a minimum of laboratory equipment. The coated latex particles are stable for 12 months.  相似文献   

Genome analysis points to N-glycosylation as being an almost universal posttranslational modification in Archaea. Although such predictions have been confirmed in only a limited number of species, such studies are making it increasingly clear that the N-linked glycans which decorate archaeal glycoproteins present diversity in terms of both glycan composition and architecture far beyond what is seen in the other two domains of life. In addition to continuing to decipher pathways of N-glycosylation, recent efforts have revealed how Archaea exploit this variability in novel roles. As well as encouraging glycoprotein synthesis, folding and assembly into properly functioning higher ordered complexes, N-glycosylation also provides Archaea with a strategy to cope with changing environments. Archaea can, moreover, exploit the apparent species-specific nature of N-glycosylation for selectivity in mating, and hence, to maintain species boundaries, and in other events where cell-selective interactions are required. At the same time, addressing components of N-glycosylation pathways across archaeal phylogeny offers support for the concept of an archaeal origin for eukaryotes. In this MicroReview, these and other recent discoveries related to N-glycosylation in Archaea are considered.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated various parameters of sperm cryopreservation in two livebearers, guppies (Poecilia reticulata) and black mollies (P. latipinna). Our results suggested a common freezing protocol for the guppies and mollies: suspend sperm in Hanks’ balanced salt solution (HBSS) at 300 mOsm/kg, use 14% glycerol as cryoprotectant, cool at 25 °C/min, and thaw at 40 °C in a water bath for 7 s. Live young were produced from females inseminated with frozen-thawed sperm in both species. In guppies, percent fertilization (F) and the number of embryos (N) produced with cryopreserved sperm (F = 50%, N = 74, from 26 females) were similar to those of fresh controls (F = 54%, N = 61, from 22 females). Interestingly, this same freezing protocol has been used successfully for sperm cryopreservation in green swordtails Xiphophorus helleri, and platyfish of X. couchianus with post-thaw motility as high as 80%. All these species belong to the family of Poeciliidae, and their sperm are similar in morphology exhibiting the absence of acrosome, elongate sperm head, and the long mitochondrial sheaths. Besides their internal fertilization reproduction mode, these fish are also small in size (2–4 cm) and live in a freshwater environment. Sperm cryopreservation in fish has been generally recognized as species specific, and new protocols are required for new species. However, results presented in this study suggested otherwise. Thus, sperm cryopreservation methods optimized for one species may be applicable to others if they are taxonomical closely related species with similar sperm morphology and reproduction mode. Considering the enormous number of fish species on the planet, development of generalized sperm freezing protocols for species in groups could have additional advantages for genetic conservation.  相似文献   

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