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Wu Y  Jeong BR  Fry SC  Boyer JS 《Planta》2005,220(4):593-601
In dark-grown soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) seedlings, exposing the roots to water-deficient vermiculite (w=–0.36 MPa) inhibited hypocotyl (stem) elongation. The inhibition was associated with decreased extensibility of the cell walls in the elongation zone. A detailed spatial analysis showed xyloglucan endotransglucosylase (XET; EC activity on the basis of unit cell wall dry weight was decreased in the elongation region after seedlings were transplanted to low w. The decrease in XET activity was at least partially due to an accumulation of cell wall mass. Since cell number was only slightly altered, wall mass had increased per cell and probably led to increased wall thickness and decreased cell wall extensibility. Alternatively, an increase in cell wall mass may represent a mechanism for regulating enzyme activity in cell walls, XET in this case, and therefore cell wall extensibility. Hypocotyl elongation was partially recovered after seedlings were grown in low-w vermiculate for about 80 h. The partial recovery of hypocotyl elongation was associated with a partial recovery of cell wall extensibility and an enhancement of XET activity in the hypocotyl elongation zone. Our results indicate XTH proteins may play an important role in regulating cell wall extensibility and thus cell elongation in soybean hypocotyls. Our results also showed an imperfect correlation of spatial elongation and XET activity along the hypocotyls. Other potential functions of XTH and their regulation in soybean hypocotyl growth are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of calcium in the mechanical strength of isolated cell walls of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Wayne) hypocotyls has been investigated, using the Instron technique to measure the plastic extensibility (PEx) of methanol-boiled, bisected hypocotyl sections and epidermal strips, and atomic absorption spectroscopy to measure wall calcium. Plastic extensibility was closely correlated with the growth rate of intact soybean hypocotyls. Removal of calcium from isolated cell walls by ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) or low pH increased PEx, while addition of calcium decreased PEx; both effects were reversible. The amount of calcium removed and the increase in PEx at pH 4.5 were strongly dependent upon the chelating ability of the buffer anion. There was a direct correlation between the amount of calcium removed from the wall by EGTA or acid and the increase in PEx. Removal of up to 60% of the calcium increased PEx of half-section up to two fold, but further loss of calcium caused a much greater increase in PEx. With epidermal strips, PEx increased only when calcium was reduced below a threshold. At pH 3.5, there was an additional increase in PEx after a lag of about 2 h; this additional increase may be the result of acid-induced cleavage of a different set of load-bearing bonds. We conclude that calcium bridges are part of the load-bearing bonds in soybean hypocotyl cell walls, and that breakage of these crosslinks by apoplastic acid participates in wall loosening. Acid-induced solubilization of wall calcium may be one mechanism involved in wall loosening of dicotyledonous stems.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - PEx Instron plastic extensibility  相似文献   

Growth in length and diameter of abraded stem sections from etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings was monitored continuously using a double laser optical level auxanometer system. Acidic solutions (pH 4.0–4.5) induced rapid elongation accompanied by lateral shrinkage (up to 8% of the initial diameter). The shrinkage phase lasted for 30–45 min. Pretreatment with permeant solutes (KCl, NaCl, sucrose or glucose) prevented lateral shrinkage, while pretreatment with the impermeant solute, polyethylene glycol, did not block lateral contraction in response to acid. A slight turgor step-up given during the shrinkage phase inhibited lateral shrinkage and increased the elongation rate. Visual observation confirmed that shrinkage occurred and that the same region of the stem that contracted in diameter also elongated. It is proposed that lateral shrinkage results from a decrease in turgor pressure during acid-stimulated elongation. Elongation induced by auxin and fusicoccin (FC) was also accompanied by a decrease in the diameter; this decrease could be prevented by pretreatment with KCl or glucose. Thus, the early phase of auxin and FC action is acid-like. However, the shrinkage is of shorter duration (14–20 min) and it is less drastic (ca. 2%). In addition, FC caused lateral expansion after a 20-min lag period in stems pretreated with KCl. The results are consistent with an acid-growth mechanism during the early phase (first 20–40 min) of the responses to both auxin and FC. It is suggested that enhanced osmoregulation subsequently inhibits further lateral shrinkage and helps to maintain steady-state growth. FC, unlike auxin, may alter the anisotropic character of the wall.Abbreviations FC fusicoccin - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - LOLA laser optical levar auxanometer - PEG polyethyleneglycol 600  相似文献   

A new guillotine thermocouple psychrometer was used to make continuous measurements of water potential before and after the excision of elongating and mature regions of darkgrown soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) stems. Transpiration could not occur, but growth took place during the measurement if the tissue was intact. Tests showed that the instrument measured the average water potential of the sampled tissue and responded rapidly to changes in water potential. By measuring tissue osmotic potential ( s ), turgor pressure ( p ) could be calculated. In the intact plant, s and p were essentially constant for the entire 22 h measurement, but s was lower and p higher in the elongating region than in the mature region. This caused the water potential in the elongating region to be lower than in the mature region. The mature tissue equilibrated with the water potential of the xylem. Therefore, the difference in water potential between mature and elongating tissue represented a difference between the xylem and the elongating region, reflecting a water potential gradient from the xylem to the epidermis that was involved in supplying water for elongation. When mature tissue was excised with the guillotine, s and p did not change. However, when elongating tissue was excised, water was absorbed from the xylem, whose water potential decreased. This collapsed the gradient and prevented further water uptake. Tissue p then decreased rapidly (5 min) by about 0.1 MPa in the elongating tissue. The p decreased because the cell walls relaxed as extension, caused by p , continued briefly without water uptake. The p decreased until the minimum for wall extension (Y) was reached, whereupon elongation ceased. This was followed by a slow further decrease in Y but no additional elongation. In elongating tissue excised with mature tissue attached, there was almost no effect on water potential or p for several hours. Nevertheless, growth was reduced immediately and continued at a decreasing rate. In this case, the mature tissue supplied water to the elongating tissue and the cell walls did not relax. Based on these measurements, a theory is presented for simultaneously evaluating the effects of water supply and water demand associated with growth. Because wall relaxation measured with the psychrometer provided a new method for determining Y and wall extensibility, all the factors required by the theory could be evaluated for the first time in a single sample. The analysis showed that water uptake and wall extension co-limited elongation in soybean stems under our conditions. This co-limitation explains why elongation responded immediately to a decrease in the water potential of the xylem and why excision with attached mature tissue caused an immediate decrease in growth rate without an immediate change in p Abbreviations and symbols L tissue conductance for water - m wall extensibility - Y average yield threshold (MPa) - o water potential of the xylem - p turgor pressure - s osmotic potential - w water potential of the elon gating tissue  相似文献   

Light-induced expansion of Phaseolus vulgaris L. leaf cells is accompanied by increased cell-wall plasticity. The possibility that leaf-cell walls are loosened by excreted protons has been investigated. First, light causes acidification, detected at the leaf surface, within 5–15 min. Growth starts 10–20 min after exposure to light. Second, exogenous acid induces loosening of isolated leaf cell walls. Third, infiltration of the tissue with a neutral buffer inhibits light-induced growth. Fourth, fusicoccin stimulates growth of as well as H+ excretion by bean leaf cells, without light. These findings show that the acid-growth theory is applicable to light-induced growth of leaf cells, and indicate that light-induced proton excretion initiates cell enlargement in leaves.Abbreviations FC fusicoccin - RL red light - WEx wall extensibility - WL white light  相似文献   

M. E. Westgate  J. S. Boyer 《Planta》1985,164(4):540-549
The expansion growth of plant organs is inhibited at low water potentials ( w), but the inhibition has not been compared in different organs of the same plant. Therefore, we determined elongation rates of the roots, stems, leaves, and styles (silks) of maize (Zea mays L.) as soil water was depleted. The w was measured in the region of cell expansion of each organ. The complicating effects of transpiration were avoided by making measurements at the end of the dark period when the air had been saturated with water vapor for 10 h and transpiration was less than 1% of the rate in the light. Growth was inhibited as the w in the region of cell expansion decreased in each organ. The w required to stop growth was-0.50,-0.75, and-1.00 MPa, in this order, in the stem, silks, and leaves. However, the roots grew at these w and ceased only when w was lower than-1.4 MPa. The osmotic potential decreased in each region of cell expansion and, in leaves, roots and stems, the decrease was sufficient to maintain turgor fully. In the silks, the decrease was less and turgor fell. In the mature tissue, the w of the stem, leaves and roots was similar to that of the soil when adequate water was supplied. This indicated that an equilibrium existed between these tissues, the vascular system, and the soil. At the same time, the w was lower in the expanding regions than in the mature tissues, indicating that there was a w disequilibrium between the growing tissue and the vascular system. The disequilibrium was interpreted as a w gradient for supplying water to the enlarging cells. When water was withheld, this gradient disappeared in the leaf because w decreased more in the xylem than in the soil, indicating that a high flow resistance had developed in the xylem. In the roots, the gradient did not decrease because vascular w changed about the same amount as the soil w. Therefore, the gradient in w favored water uptake by roots but not leaves at low w. The data show that expansion growth responds to low w differently in different growing regions of the plant. Because growth depends on the maintenance of turgor for extending the cell walls and the presence of w gradients for supplying water to the expanding cells, several factors could have been responsible for these differences. The decrease of turgor in the silks and the loss of the w gradient in the leaves probably contributed to the high sensitivity of these organs. In the leaves, the gradient loss was so complete that it would have prevented growth regardless of other changes. In the roots, the maintenance of turgor and w gradients probably allowed growth to continue. This difference in turgor and gradient maintenance could contribute to the increase in root/shoot ratios generally observed in water-limited conditions.Symbols s osmotic potential - w water potential  相似文献   

The role of three-turgor-related cellular parameters, the osmotic potential ( s), the wall yield stress (Y) and the apparent hydraulic conductivity (L'p), in the initiation of ligh-induced expansion of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaves has been determined. Although light causes an increase in the total solute content of leaf cells, the water uptake accompanying growth results in a slight increase in s. Y is about 4 bar; and is unaffected by light. L'p, as calculated from growth rates and isopiestic measurements of leaf water potential, is only slightly greater in rapidly-growing leaves. The turgor pressure of growing cells is lower than that of the controls by about 35%. We conclude that light does not induce cell enlargement in the leaf by altering any of the above parameters, but does so primarily by increasing wall extensibility.Abbreviations and symbols RL red light - WL white light - L'p apparent hydraulic conductivity - OC osmotic concentration - Y wall yield stress - s osmotic potential  相似文献   

Cell enlargement in primary leaves of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) can be induced, free of cell divisions, by exposure of 10-d-old, red-light-grown seedlings to white light. The absolute rate of leaf expansion increases until day 12, then decreases until the leaves reached mature size on day 18. The cause of the reduction in growth rate following day 12 has been investigated. Turgor calculated from measurements of leaf water and osmotic potential fell from 6.5 to 3.5 bar before day 12, but remained constant thereafter. The decline of growth after day 12 is not caused by a decrease in turgor. On the other hand, Instron-measured cell-wall extensibility decreased in parallel with growth rate after day 12. Two parameters influencing extensibility were examined. Light-induced acidification of cell walls, which has been shown to initiate wall extension, remained constant over the growth period (days 10–18). Furthermore, cells of any age could be stimulated to excrete H+ by fusicoccin. However, older tissue was not able to grow in response to fusicoccin or light. Measurements of acid-induced extension on preparations of isolated cell walls showed that as cells matured, the cell walls became less able to extend when acidified. These data indicate that it is a decline in the capacity for acid-induced wall loosening that reduces wall extensibility and thus cell enlargement in maturing leaves.Abbreviations and symbols FC fusicoccin - P turgor pressure - RL red light - WEx wall extensibility - WL white light - P w leaf water potential - P s osmotic potential  相似文献   

E. Steudle  J. S. Boyer 《Planta》1985,164(2):189-200
Hydraulic resistances to water flow have been determined in the cortex of hypocotyls of growing seedlings of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Wayne). Data at the cell level (hydraulic conductivity, Lp; half-time of water exchange, T 1/2; elastic modulus, ; diffusivity for the cell-to-cell pathway, D c) were obtained by the pressure probe, diffusivities for the tissue (D t) by sorption experiments and the hydraulic conductivity of the entire cortex (Lpr) by a new pressure-perfusion technique. For cortical cells in the elongating and mature regions of the hypocotyls T 1/2=0.4–15.1 s, Lp=0.2·10-5–10.0·10-5 cm s-1 bar-1 and D c=0.1·10-6–5.5·10-6 cm2 s-1. Sorption kinetics yielded a tissue diffusivity D t=0.2·10-6–0.8·10-6 cm2 s-1. The sorption kinetics include both cell-wall and cell-to-cell pathways for water transport. By comparing D c and D t, it was concluded that during swelling or shrinking of the tissue and during growth a substantial amount of water moves from cell to cell. The pressure-perfusion technique imposed hydrostatic gradients across the cortex either by manipulating the hydrostatic pressure in the xylem of hypocotyl segments or by forcing water from outside into the xylem. In segments with intact cuticle, the hydraulic conductance of the radial path (Lpr) was a function of the rate of water flow and also of flow direction. In segments without cuticle, Lpr was large (Lpr=2·10-5–20·10-5 cm s-1 bar-1) and exceeded the corticla cell Lp. The results of the pressure-perfusion experiments are not compatible with a cell-to-cell transport and can only the explained by a preferred apoplasmic water movement. A tentative explanation for the differences found in the different types of experiments is that during hydrostatic perfusion the apoplasmic path dominates because of the high hydraulic conductivity of the cell wall or a preferred water movement by film flow in the intercellular space system. For shrinking and swelling experiments and during growth, the films are small and the cell-to-cell path dominates. This could lead to larger gradients in water potential in the tissue than expected from Lpr. It is suggested that the reason for the preference of the cell-to-cell path during swelling and growth is that the solute contribution to the driving force in the apoplast is small, and tensions normally present in the wall prevent sufficiently thick water films from forming. The solute contribution is not very effective because the reflection coefficient of the cell-wall material should be very small for small solutes. The results demonstrate that in plant tissues the relative magnitude of cell-wall versus cell-to-cell transport could dependent on the physical nature of the driving forces (hydrostatic, osmotic) involved.Abbreviations and symbols D c diffusivity of the cell-to-cell pathway - D t diffusivity of the tissue - radial flow rate per cm2 of segment surface - Lp hydraulic conductivity of plasma-membrane - Lpr radial hydraulic conductance of the cortex - T 1/2 half-time of water exchange between cell and surroundings - volumetric elastic modulus  相似文献   

Robert E. Cleland 《Planta》1984,160(6):514-520
The relationship between the plastic-extensibility values (PEx) obtained in the Instron technique and the growth parameter, wall extensibility () has been evaluated for Avena sativa L. coleoptile cell walls. The possibility that PEx is proportional to the growth rate rather than to has been eliminated by showing that turgor-driven changes in the growth rate do not cause comparable changes in PEx. For Avena coleoptiles, PEx appears to be a measure of the average over the previous 60–90 min rather than a measure of the instantaneous of the growth equation. This is indicated by the fact that while PEx and the growth rate start to change simultaneously after addition of indole-3-acetic acid or KCN, the growth rate reaches a new, constant value 60–90 min before a new plateau value of PEx is obtained. Similar results are obrained with soybean (Glycine max L.) hypocotyl walls, indicating that the relationship between PEx and the parameter is a general one, although the period over which is averaged differs from tissue to tissue. In addition, it is shown that PEx can be measured more than once on the same section; a new potential for plastic extension is regenerated whenever the force vectors are changed even slightly. It is concluded that PEx is a measure of those domains in the wall where a wall-loosening event has occurred which has not been eliminated by further wall synthesis or other biochemical events.Abbreviations and symbols DP Instron plastic compliance - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - PEx Instron plastic extensibility - instantaneous wall extensibility  相似文献   

Hannah Bonsey Suthers 《Planta》1978,138(3):295-297
A rapid method is described of obtaining callus tissue cultures from hypocotyls of vegetative and flowering Xanthium strumarium L. seedlings. The tissue is grown on Murashige and Skoog medium modified with 1 g/l casein hydrolysate and 5 mg/l each of kinetin and -napthaleneacetic acid.  相似文献   

S. J. Colombo  Y. Teng 《Oecologia》1992,92(3):410-415
Seasonal variation in water relations of 3-yearold white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) shoots, monitored with pressure-volume curves over 28 months, was closely related to shoot phenology and was sensitive to environmental fluctuations during both summer growth and winter dormancy. Turgor maintenance capacity was lowest during rapid shoot elongation from late May to early July; this was indicated by the lowest total turgor pressures, the highest (least negative) osmotic potentials at full turgor and the turgor loss point, the smallest differences between osmotic potentials at full turgor and the turgor loss point, the highest relative water contents at turgor loss and a linear decline in cell elasticity with decreasing turgor pressure. This suggests that the high susceptibility of white spruce seedlings to growth check after transplanting is largely attributable to the poor turgor maintenance capacity of this species in early summer.  相似文献   

Calcium crosslinks are load-bearing bonds in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) hypocotyl cell walls, but they are not the same load-bearing bonds that are broken during acid-mediated cell elongation. This conclusion is reached by studying the relationship between wall calcium, pH and the facilitated creep of frozenthawed soybean hypocotyl sections. Supporting data include the following observations: 1) 2-[(2-bis-[carboxy-methyl]amino-5-methylphenoxy)methyl]-6-methoxy-8-bis[carboxymethyl]aminoquinoline (Quin 2) and ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) caused only limited facilitated creep as compared with acid, despite removal of comparable or larger amounts of wall calcium; 2) the pH-response curves for calcium removal and acid-facilitated creep were different; 3) reversible acid-extension occurred even after removal of almost all wall calcium with Quin 2; and 4) growth of abraded sections did not involve a proportional loss of wall calcium. Removal of wall calcium, however, increased the capacity of the walls to undergo acid-facilitated creep. These data indicate that breakage of calcium crosslinks is not a major mechanism of cell-wall loosening in soybean hypocotyl tissues. This research was supported by Department of Energy grant DE-FG06-88ER13830 and NASA grant NAGW 1394. The authors are grateful to Dr. David Rayle (San Diego State University, Cal.) for stimulating discussions and comments during the course of this work.  相似文献   

Summary The long-term effects of white light (WL) on epidermal cell elongation and the mechanical properties and ultrastructure of cell walls were investigated in the subapical regions of hypocotyls of sunflower seedlings (Helianthus annuus L.) that were grown in darkness. Upon transition to WL a drastic inhibition of epidermal cell elongation was observed. However, the mechanical properties of the inner tissues (cortex, vascular bundles, and pith) were unaffected by WL. Thus, the light-induced decrease in cell wall plasticity measured on entire stems occurs exclusively in the peripheral tissues (epidermis and 2 to 3 subepidermal cell layers).An electronmicroscopic investigation of the epidermal cell walls showed that they are of the helicoidal type with the direction of microfibrils monotonously changing during deposition. This cell wall type was identified by the appearance of arced patterns of microfibrils in cell walls sectioned oblique to the plane of their synthesis. WL irradiation did not change the periodicity of this pattern nor the thickness of the lamellae. Thus, the inhibition of cell elongation was not caused or accompanied by a shift in the direction of microfibril deposition in the growth-limiting outer tissues. However, cell wall thickness, the number of lamellae and hence the amount of cellulose oriented parallel and transverse to the longitudinal cell axis increased in WL. This may account for the effect of WL on the reduction of cell wall plasticity and growth.Abbreviations D darkness - PATAg periodic acid-thiocarbohydracide-silver protein - WL white light  相似文献   

The rate of cell enlargement depends on cell-wall extensibility (m) and on the amount of turgor pressure (P) which exceeds the wall yield threshold (Y). The difference (P-Y) is the growth-effective turgor (P e). Values of P, Y and P ehave been measured in growing bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaves with an isopiestic psychrometer, using the stress-relaxation method to derive Y. When rapid leaf growth is initiated by light, P, Y and P eall decrease. Thereafter, while the growth rate declines in maturing leaves, Y continues to decrease and P eactually increases. These data confirm earlier results indicating that the changes in light-stimulated leaf growth rate are primarily controlled by changes in m, and not by changes in P e. Seedlings incubated at 100% relative humidity have increased P, but this treatment does not increase growth rate. In some cases Y changes in parallel with P, so that P eremains unchanged. These data point out the importance of determining P e, rather than just P, when relating cell turgor to the growth rate.Abbreviations and symbols FC fusicoccin - m wall extensibility - P turgor pressure - P e effective turgor - RH relative humidity - Y yield threshold - w water potential - s osmotic potential  相似文献   

Water relation parameters of leaf cells of the aquatic plant Elodea densa have been measured using the pressure probe. For cells in both the upper and lower epidermis it was found that the elastic modulus () and the hydraulic conductivity (Lp) were dependent on cell turgor (P). Lp was (7.8±5.5)·10-7 cm s-1 bar-1 (mean±SD; n=22 cells) for P>4 bar in cells of the upper epidermis and was increasing by a factor of up to three for P0 bar. No polarity of water movement or concentration dependence of Lp was observed. For cells of the lower epidermis the Lp-values were similar and the hydraulic conductivity also showed a similar dependence on turgor. No wall ingrowth or wall labyrinths (as in transfer cells) could be found in the cells of the lower epidermis. The elastic modulus () of cells of the upper epidermis could be measured over the whole pressure range (P=0–7 bar) by changing the osmotic pressure of the medium. increased linearly with increasing turgor and ranged between 10 and 150 bar. For cells of the lower epidermis the dependence of on P was similar, although the pressure dependence could not be measured on single cells. The Lp-values are compared with literature data obtained for Elodea by a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-technique. The dependence of Lp on P is discussed in terms of pressure dependent structural changes of the cell membranes and interactions between solute and water transport.Abbreviations P cell turgor pressure - Lp hydraulic conductivity - volumetric elastic modulus - T 1/2 half-time of water exchange of individual cell  相似文献   

W. Müller  K. Wegmann 《Planta》1978,139(2):155-158
Four independent kinds of observations indicate that the cell wall regenerated by oat (Avena sativa L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) protoplasts in culture is less well developed than that regenerated by tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) protoplasts. Following wall regeneration the cereal protoplasts remained susceptible to osmotic shock upon transfer to water, showed great enlargement, stained poorly with calcofluor white, and maintained a positive internal electrical potential. The development of a negative membrane potential by tobacco protoplasts in culture often occurred simultaneously with the onset of cell division. Since division was observed only in protoplasts which had regenerated good cell walls and had re-established negative membrane potentials it is suggested that culture conditions which favor these two processes should improve protoplast viability.  相似文献   

Distorted phytochrome action spectra in green plants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A. M. Jose  E. Schäfer 《Planta》1978,139(1):25-28
An evaluation was made of the extent which a Münch-type pressure flow mechanism (i.e., osmotically-generated pressure flow) might contribute to phloem transport in soybean. Estimates of sucrose concentrations in source (leaf) and sink (root) sieve tubes were obtained by a negativestaining procedure. Water potential measurements of the leaf and of the nutrient solution allowed calculation of the turgor pressures in source and sink sieve tubes. The turgor difference between source and sink sieve tubes was compared to that required to drive translocation at the observed velocity between the source and sink, as measured by [14C] photosynthate movement. Sieve-tube conductivity was calculated from the sieve-tube dimensions, assuming an essentially unobstructed pathway. In three experiments, the sucrose concentration was consistently higher in source sieve tubes (an average of 11.5%) than in sink sieve tubes (an average of 5.3%). The ratio of these values (2.3:1) agreed reasonably well with an earlier ratio for source/sink sieve tube concentrations of 1.8:1, obtained by quantitative microautoradiography. The resulting calculated turgor difference (an average of 4.1 bars) was adequate to drive a pressure flow mechanism at the observed translocation velocities (calculated to require a turgor difference of 1.2 to 4.6 bars). No other force need be presumed to be involved.This work was presented in part at a joint U.S.-Australian Conference on Transport and Transfer Processes in Plants, Canberra, Australia, December 15–20, 1975; see Fisher (1976)  相似文献   

Changes in cell turgor pressure have been followed in cells of Microcystis sp. transferred to culture medium containing added NaCl at osmolalities of 30–1,500 mosmol kg-1 ( 74–3,680 kPa). Upon upshock turgor decreased, due to osmotically-induced water loss from the cell. However, partial recovery of turgor was then observed in illuminated cells, with maximum turgor regain in media containing 30–500 mosmol kg-1 NaCl. The lightdependent recovery of turgor pressure was completed within 60 min, with no evidence of further changes in cell turgor up to 24 h. This is the first direct evidence that turgor regulation may occur in a prokaryotic organism. Short-term increases in cell K+ content were also observed upon upshock in NaCl, indicating that turgor regain may involve a turgorsensitive K+ uptake system. Estimation of internal K+ concentration in cells transferred to 250 mosmol kg-1 NaCl showed that changes in cell K+ may account for at least half of the observed turgor regain up to 60 min.  相似文献   

Cell elongation and cell division in elongating lettuce hypocotyl sections   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The roles of cell division and cell elongation in the growth of sections excised from hypocotyls of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Arctic) were investigated. Elongation of sections incubated in the light is inhibited compared to dark-grown sections and this inhibition is reversed by gibberellic acid (GA3). The elongation of both dark-grown and GA3-treated, light-grown sections can be enhanced by 10mM KCl. Under all conditions of incubation, elongation growth is greatest in the uppermost quarter of the hypocotyl section while the basal quarter does not elongate. In darkness the two apical segments of sections marked into four equal parts grow at the same rate, while in light, growth of the apical segment exceeds that of the second segment. Cell division in cortical or epidermal cells, as measured by mitotic index or cell number, is not affected by illumination conditions nor by GA3 or KCl treatments. Although -irradiation and FUDR pretreatment eliminate or cause a marked reduction in cell division in the excised hypocotyl, sections from seeds irradiated with -rays or incubated in 5-fluorodeoxyuridine elongate in response to GA3 and KCl treatment as do sections from non-pretreated controls. Therefore, since neither GA3 nor darkness affect celldivision activity and since treatments which eliminate or significantly reduce cell division do not affect growth, we conclude that the effect of GA3 and darkness in this material is to increase cell elongation.Abbreviations FUDR 5-fluorodeoxyuridine - GA(s) gibberellin(s) - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

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