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1. Rat liver mitochondria were separated on the basis of their sedimentation coefficients in an iso-osmotic gradient of Ficoll–sucrose by rate zonal centrifugation. The fractions (33, each of 40ml) were collected in order of decreasing density. Fractions were analysed by spectral analysis to determine any differences in the concentrations of the cytochromes and by enzyme analyses to ascertain any differences in the activities of NADH dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase and α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase. 2. When plotted as% of the highest specific concentration, the contents of cytochrome a+a3 and cytochrome c+c1 were constant in all fractions but cytochrome b was only 65% of its maximal concentration in fraction 7 and increased with subsequent fractions. As a result, the cytochrome b/cytochrome a+a3 ratio almost doubled between fractions 7 and 25 whereas the cytochrome c+c1/cytochrome a+a3 ratio was unchanged. 3. Expression of the dehydrogenase activities as% of highest specific activity showed the following for fractions 6–26: NADH dehydrogenase activity remained fairly constant in all fractions; succinate dehydrogenase activity was 62% in fraction 6 and increased steadily to its maximum in fraction 18 and then decreased; the activity of α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase was only 53% in fraction 6 and increased slowly to its peak in fractions 22 and 24. 4. These differences did not result from damaged or fragmented mitochondria or from microsomal contamination. 5. These results demonstrate that isolated liver mitochondria are biochemically heterogeneous. The importance of using a system for separating biochemically different mitochondria in studies of mitochondrial biogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Biochemical properties of mitochondria from Candida albicans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H Yamaguchi  Y Kanda  K Iwata 《Sabouraudia》1971,9(3):221-230

Mitochondria are usually considered to be the powerhouses of the cell and to be responsible for the aerobic production of ATP. However, many eukaryotic organisms are known to possess anaerobically functioning mitochondria, which differ significantly from classical aerobically functioning mitochondria. Recently, functional and phylogenetic studies on some enzymes involved clearly indicated an unexpected evolutionary relationship between these anaerobically functioning mitochondria and the classical aerobic type. Mitochondria evolved by an endosymbiotic event between an anaerobically functioning archaebacterial host and an aerobic alpha-proteobacterium. However, true anaerobically functioning mitochondria, such as found in parasitic helminths and some lower marine organisms, most likely did not originate directly from the pluripotent ancestral mitochondrion, but arose later in evolution from the aerobic type of mitochondria after these were already adapted to an aerobic way of life by losing their anaerobic capacities. This review will focus on some biochemical and evolutionary aspects of these fermentative mitochondria, with special attention to fumarate reductase, the synthesis of the rhodoquinone involved, and the enzymes involved in acetate production (acetate : succinate CoA-transferase and succinyl CoA-synthetase).  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the biochemical and genetic heterogeneity of protein A from Staphylococcus aureus . SpA genes ( spas ) of various strains were heterogeneous when detected as Dra I and Eco RV fragments of chromosomal DNA. Polymerase chain reaction using primers to detect DNA encoding the IgG-binding domains in spa revealed that they numbered between 2 and 5. Protein A from several S. aureus strains showed two types of reactivities to immunoglobulins in normal canine serum according to the number of active domains.  相似文献   

Highly purified mitochondria from rat liver were separated into six sub-fractions by differential centrifugation. The sub-fractions represent a spectrum from “heavy” to “very light” mitochondria. Enzymes representative of mitochondrial compartments were assayed to see whether functional differences occurred among the various mitochondrial sub-fractions. Respiratory control and NADH oxidase activity, both of which are indicators of mitochondrial structural integrity, were also measured. An enzyme marker for endoplasmic reticulum (glucose-6-phosphatase, G-6-Pase) was also assayed. Specific activities for monoamine oxidase (outer membrane marker), cytochrome oxidase (inner membrane marker) and malate-cytochrome c reductase did not vary within experimental error in all sub-fractions; similarly, for respiratory control and NADH oxidase activity. Malate dehydrogenase, a component of malate-cytochrome c reductase is located within the matrix surrounded by the inner membrane. Specific activity of adenylate kinase (located between the outer and inner membrane) decreased markedly from the “heavy” mitochondria to the “very light” fractions. Specific activity for G-6-Pase, very low in the “heavy” fractions, increased markedly in the “light” to “very light” fractions. Isopycnic density centrifugation on a linear sucrose density gradient of each of the fractions indicated that the correlation coefficient for the sucrose concentrations at which cytochrome oxidase and G-6-Pase activities peaked was 0.995. Thus the “light” to “very light” mitochondria may represent mitochondria whose outer membrane is still contiguous with the endoplasmic reticulum. Microsomes containing the endoplasmic reticulum peaked on the gradient at a significantly lower sucrose concentration than any of the mitochondrial sub-fractions. A buoyant effect of endoplasmic reticulum still attached to any of the mitochondrial sub-fractions would be expected to lower the density of attached mitochondria and thus give rise to “light” and “very light” mitochondria.  相似文献   

During mitosis, chromosomes undergo dynamic structural changes that include condensation of chromosomes – the formation of individual compact chromosomes necessary for faithful segregation of sister chromatids in anaphase. Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) regulates multiple mitotic events by binding to targeting factors at different mitotic structures in a phosphorylation dependent manner. In this study, we report the identification of a putative ATPase that targets Plk1 to chromosome arms during mitosis. PICH (Plk1-interacting checkpoint “helicase”) displays a temporal localization on chromosome arms and kinetochores during early mitosis. Interaction with PICH recruits Plk1 to chromosome arms and disruption of this interaction abolishes Plk1 localization on chromosome arms. Moreover, depletion of PICH or overexpression of PICH mutant that is defective in Plk1 binding or ATP binding causes defects in mitotic chromosome compaction, formation of anaphase bridge and cytokinesis failure. We provide data to show that both PICH phosphorylation and its ATPase activity are required for mitotic chromosome compaction. Our study provides a mechanism for targeting Plk1 to chromosome arms and suggests that the PICH ATPase activity is important for the regulation of mitotic chromosome architecture.  相似文献   

Like the outer membranes of liver mitochondria, those of plant mitochondria are impermeable to cytochrome c when intact and can be ruptured by osmotic shock. Isolated plant outer mitochondrial membranes are also similar to the corresponding liver membranes in terms of phospholipid and sterol content. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis experiments indicate that a single class of proteins (apparent molecular weight 30 000) comprises the bulk of the plant outer membrane protein. There are also considerable amounts of polysaccharide associated with these membranes, which may contribute to their osmotic stability.  相似文献   

Isolated rat-liver mitochondria were osmotically lysed by suspension and washing 3 times in cold, distilled water. Pellets obtained by centrifugation at 105,000 g for 30 min were resuspended, fixed with glutaraldehyde and OsO4, and embedded in Epon 812. Thin sections show the presence of two distinct membranous populations, each of which is relatively homogeneous in size and appearance. Swollen mitochondria (∼1.5 µ in diameter), which have been stripped of their outer membranes, are largely devoid of matrix and normal matrix granules and are referred to as "ghosts." The smaller (0.2 to 0.4 µ in diameter), empty appearing, vesicular elements, derived primarily from the outer mitochondrial membrane, can be differentiated from the ghosts on the basis of their smaller size and complete absence of internal structures, especially cristae. Each membranous element is enclosed by a single, continuous membrane; the "double membrane" organization typical of intact mitochondria is not observed. These findings indicate that the outer membrane of rat-liver mitochondria is spatially dissociated from the inner mitochondrial membrane by osmotic lysis of the mitochondria in distilled water. Three parameters of structural and functional significance in freshly isolated rat-liver mitochondria have been correlated with the structural alterations observed: (a) chemical composition (total protein, lipid phosphate and total phosphate), (b) specific and total activities of marker enzymes for mitochondrial matrix and membranes (malate dehydrogenase (MDH), D-β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (BDH) and cytochromes), and (c) integrated multienzyme functions (respiration, phosphorylation, and contraction). The data presented indicate that all mitochondrial membranes are completely conserved in the crude ghost preparation and that, in addition, about ⅓ of the matrix proteins (estimated by assays for MDH activity and protein) are retained. The study of integrated mitochondrial functions shows that a number of physiologically important multienzyme activities also are preserved in the water-washed preparation. The respiratory rate of ghosts per milligram of protein is 1.5 to 2.0 times that of intact mitochondria, which shows that the respiratory chain in the ghosts is functionally intact. The rate of phosphorylation is reduced, however, to about 25% of that measured in freshly isolated mitochondria and accounts for lowered P:O ratios using succinate as substrate (P:O ranges from 0.4 to 0.9). The phosphorylation of ADP to ATP is the only biochemical function, so far investigated, that is greatly affected by osmotic lysis. In addition, two lines of evidence suggest that the ghosts undergo an energy-dependent transformation resulting in contraction: (a) suspensions of the crude ghost preparation in 0.02 M Tris-0.125 M KCl medium show a marked increase in optical density upon the addition of ATP, and (b) ghost preparations incubated in ion-uptake medium in the absence of added calcium but in the presence of added ATP contain a large number of highly condensed ghosts (about 50% of the total profiles) when viewed as thin sections in the electron microscope. The correlated biochemical and morphological study presented here shows that the outer membrane of rat-liver mitochondria can be removed by controlled osmotic lysis without greatly impairing a number of integrated biochemical functions associated with the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Purified streptokinases of some strains of different types of Strep. pyrogenes (group A) as well as streptokinases of a strain of group C or group G streptococci, resp., were studied in regard of their heterogeneity. Differences of the streptokinases were found in their amino acid compositions and in isoelectric points. Serological differences were detected by a quantitative precipitation reaction with fluorescein-coupled antistreptokinase antisera from the goat as well as by neutralization reactions of the activator activities of the streptokinases by antistreptokinase antisera obtained from guinea pigs.  相似文献   

We have studied the biochemical mechanism of insulin action on glucose transport in the rat adipocyte. Plasma membranes and low-density microsomes were prepared by differential ultracentrifugation of basal and insulin-stimulated cells. The photochemical cross-linking agent hydroxysuccinimidyl-4-azidobenzoate was used to covalently bind [3H]cytochalasin B to the glucose transporter which migrated as a 45-50-kDa protein on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Isoelectric focusing of the eluted 40-55-kDa proteins revealed two peaks of D-glucose-inhibitable [3H]cytochalasin B radioactivity focusing at pH 6.4 and 5.6 when low-density microsomes were used as the starting material. In contrast, only one D-glucose inhibitable peak, focusing at pH 5.6, was found in plasma membranes. Pretreatment of the cells with insulin led to a marked redistribution of the pH 5.6 form of the glucose transporter from low-density microsomes to plasma membranes with no effect on the pH 6.4 form of the glucose transporter. Following isolation from the isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, both glucose transporter isoforms were shown to cross-react with an antiserum raised against the purified human erythrocyte glucose transporter. Following incubation of [3H]cytochalasin B-labeled low-density microsomal and plasma membranes with neuraminidase, the pH 5.6 transporter isoform was shifted on isoelectric focusing to a more basic pH, while the pH 6.4 isoform was not affected. These data demonstrate that: there is a heterogeneity of glucose transporter species in the intracellular pool while the plasma membrane transporters are more uniform in structure. The pH 5.6 glucose transporter isoform is translocated by insulin from the low-density microsomes to the plasma membrane but the pH 6.4 isoform is not sensitive to insulin. Differential sensitivity of the glucose transporter isoforms to neuraminidase suggests that the heterogeneity is at least partially due to differences in glycosylation state.  相似文献   

Like the outer membranes of liver mitochondria, those of plant mitochondria are impermeable to cytochrome c when intact and can be ruptured by osmotic shock. Isolated plant outer mitochondrial membranes are also similar to the corresponding liver membranes in terms of phospholipid and sterol content. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis experiments indicate that a single class of proteins (apparent molecular weight 30 000) comprises the bulk of the plant outer membrane protein. There are also considerable amounts of polysaccharide associated with these membranes, which may contribute to their osmotic stability.  相似文献   

Cells from two patients with xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group E (XP-E) have been shown to lack an activity which binds specifically to UV-irradiated DNA (Chu and Chang, 1988). We investigated the occurrence of this binding activity in cell strains from nine additional, unrelated XP-E patients and found that all but one of these strains contained normal levels of the binding protein. Furthermore, the binding activity from these XP-E strains was indistinguishable from that of normal controls in thermal stability, behavior on ion-exchange chromatography, and electrophoretic mobility of protein-DNA complexes, indicating that there were no gross structural alterations in the protein. The association of XP-E with a deficiency in DNA-damage binding protein in cells from 3 of 12 XP-E patients (compared to 0 of 20 non-XP-E controls) is statistically significant (p less than 0.05), but there is no obvious correlation between the biochemical defect and the clinical or cellular characteristics of individual patients. Implications of these findings for the role of the binding protein in XP-E are discussed.  相似文献   

A number of biochemical properties of mitochondria from a cytoplasmic petite mutant ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae with an extremely high adenine plus thymine content have been studied.When such particles are isolated by means of standard procedures developed for use with wild-type yeasts they are grossly contaminated by non-mitochondrial membrane fragments. Further enrichment of mitochondria is achieved by non-equilibrium centrifugation in sucrose gradients.Throughout this purification procedure the particles can be shown to retain an outer limiting, as well as a non-cristate inner membrane. In many of their morphological and physical features (size, shape, buoyant density) they resemble mitochondria isolated from the wild type.Although enzymes of the respiratory chain are absent from the mutant particles, their content ofl-malate dehydrogenase, NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase, and ATPase is comparable to that found in the wild type. The mitochondrial ATPase in this mutant strain is cold stable, oligomycin insensitive, Dio-9 sensitive, and susceptible to inhibition by the F1 inhibitor of beef heart. The enzyme can be rendered cold labile by its detachment from the membrane, followed by fractionation with protamine sulfate and ammonium sulfate.The existence of mutant particles that are incapable of function in oxidation and phosphorylation but resemble their functional homologues in many other ways raises the possibility that mitochondria are required in the cellular economy for purposes not directly linked to oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport. This hypothesis has led us to suggest that, contrary to models currently under discussion, mitochondria did not evolve as a consequence of endosymbiosis. We propose as an alternative that the mitochondrial organelle evolved as a means of improvement of existing subcellular structures in the primordial (perhaps eukaryotic) cell. Partial autonomy may thus constitute a relatively recent modification; the present-day mitochondrial genome had its origin in nuclear DNA and may have been amplified in a manner not unlike the amplification of ribosomal RNA cistrons in developing oocytes ofXenopus.Supported by Research Grant GM 12228 from the National Institute of General Medical Science, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service.Recipient of a Public Health Service Career Award No. GM 05060 from the Institute of General Medical Sciences.  相似文献   

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