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This review focuses on some of the main features of sperm selection and storage in birds mainly on the basis of studies performed in poultry species, with emphasis on the initial selection of sperm at the female vagina level prior to migration towards the sperm storage tubules. Sperm originating from low-quality males or subjected to inappropriate in vitro storage conditions are rapidly discarded, resulting in impaired fertility in corresponding flocks. In the absence of accessible and appropriate technology for matching the 'storing' potential of sperm in the oviduct, conditions for prolonged sperm storage under a liquid (through the use of semen extenders) or a solid state (cryopreservation) have received only limited attention, despite their potential interest to facilitate male and female management in poultry flocks. Despite this, technology for short-term liquid storage is currently used in turkeys, guinea fowl and muscovy ducks and also in progress in chickens. In addition, technology for cryopreservation of avian semen has become available for some species (chicken, goose) to facilitate the management of genetic resources, including the preservation of rare and economically important breeds.  相似文献   

Testes size, ejaculate quality and sperm competition in birds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The relationship between testes size, ejaculate quality (volume, sperm concentration, number of sperm per ejaculate) and sperm competition in birds was analysed using data collected in artificial insemination studies. I hypothesized that ejaculate quality, because of natural selection, should be superior in species with intense sperm competition compared with other species. In regression analyses, testes weight increased with body weight, with an exponent less than one, and ejaculate volume increased with testes weight with an exponent not significantly different from one, whereas sperm number per ejaculate increased with testes weight with an exponent larger than one. Species with relatively large testes also produced ejaculates with a high sperm concentration. Monogamous species with a relatively low intensity of sperm competition copulate rarely, but deliver ejaculates with a relatively large number of sperm. Monogamous species with a high intensity of sperm competition copulate frequently, but produce ejaculates with a relatively small number of sperm. Males of polygynous species, which also experience intense sperm competition, copulate rarely with specific females, but produce many ejaculates per male each with a relatively small number of sperm.  相似文献   

Reproductive behaviors of vertebrates are often underpinned by temporal patterns of hormone secretion. We investigated interspecific patterns of circulating testosterone in male birds to test the hypothesis that testosterone plays a crucial role in sexual selection as determined by degree of polygyny and extra-pair paternity. We predicted that the evolution of increased levels of polygyny and extra-pair paternity would have resulted in the evolution of increased levels of testosterone to allow males more efficiently to compete for mates. This hypothesis was tested in comparative analyses of 116 species of birds using Generalized Least Squares Models. We assessed the importance of latitudinal distribution, because this can confound the relationship between testosterone and mating success. There were weak positive phylogenetic correlations between measures of testosterone and estimates of mating success at the social level, but this association appeared to be confounded by latitudinal distribution, a significant correlate of testosterone titers. However, we found a significantly positive relationship between peak and residual peak testosterone (which is the peak testosterone level that is controlled for the baseline level) and extra-pair paternity independent of latitude. These results suggest that selection pressures arising from social and sexual mating differently affected testosterone levels with the former being mediated by factors associated with latitudinal distribution. An analysis of residual testes size revealed a positive association between peak and residual testosterone and testes size relative to body size. In a path analysis, we show that relative testis size primarily evolved in association with intense sperm competition and thus high sperm production, and these mechanisms had a secondary impact on blood testosterone levels at a phylogenetic scale. Our results suggest that sperm competition has played an important role in the evolution of reproductive mechanisms in birds.  相似文献   

Located at the anterior end of the turkey hen's vagina are numerous discrete tubular invaginations of the surface epithelium, collectively referred to as the sperm storage tubules (SSTs). After mating or artificial insemination, sperm ascend the vagina, enter the SSTs, and over the ensuing days and weeks, gradually exit the SSTs and are transported to the anterior end of the oviduct to fertilize a daily succession of ova. Little is known regarding the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for sperm subsistence in the lumen of the SST. In this study, the origin of microvillus blebs (MvBs) on the apical tips of SST epithelial cells was examined, and their possible role in sperm survival was discussed. Regardless, if sperm are present or not, transmission electron microscopy revealed two types of microvilli differentiated by the presence or absence of pleomorphic unilaminar MvBs localized to their apical tips. Although some MvBs appeared to be discharging their contents into the SST lumen, others appeared to have pinched off the microvillus stem. When SSTs contained clusters of densely packed sperm, the sperm heads of those sperm adjacent to the SST epithelial cell surface were surrounded by the microvilli. Associated with the plasmalemma of sperm throughout the SST lumina were membrane fragments and small vesicles (30–130 nm in diameter), some of which appeared to have fused with sperm. It is concluded that the MvBs are a form of shedding vesicle released from the SST epithelial cell microvilli by apocrine secretion. On the basis of observations described herein and those of other authors, it is suggested that the MvBs contribute to sustained sperm storage in the SSTs by (1) supplying metabolic substrates used by resident sperm, (2) serving as fusogenic vehicles providing exogenous macromolecules that reversibly suppress sperm functions associated with fertilization (decapacitation?) and stabilize the sperm plasmalemma, and (3) acting as transport vesicles actively transporting fluid from the SST epithelial cells to the SST lumen.  相似文献   

Sperm cells are exceptionally morphologically diverse across taxa. However, morphology can be quite uniform within species, particularly for species where females copulate with many males per reproductive bout. Strong sexual selection in these promiscuous species is widely hypothesized to reduce intraspecific sperm variation. Conversely, we hypothesize that intraspecific sperm size variation may be maintained by high among-female variation in the size of sperm storage organs, assuming that paternity success improves when sperm are compatible in size with the sperm storage organ. We use individual-based simulations and an analytical model to evaluate how selection on sperm size depends on promiscuity level and variation in sperm storage organ size (hereafter, female preference variation). Simulations of high promiscuity (10 mates per female) showed stabilizing selection on sperm when female preference variation was low, and disruptive selection when female preference variation was high, consistent with the analytical model results. With low promiscuity (2–3 mates per female), selection on sperm was stabilizing for all levels of female preference variation in the simulations, contrasting with the analytical model. Promiscuity level, or mate sampling, thus has a strong impact on the selection resulting from female preferences. Furthermore, when promiscuity is low, disruptive selection on male traits will occur under much more limited circumstances (i.e. only with higher among-female variation) than many previous models suggest. Variation in female sperm storage organs likely has strong implications for intraspecific sperm variation in highly promiscuous species, but likely does not explain differences in intraspecific sperm variation for less promiscuous taxa.  相似文献   

Abstract. Sperm storage duration in the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans Charpentier (Orthoptera, Acrididae) was found to be 58.5 days but with a wide between-female variation (from 26 to 113 days). One copulation was enough to fertilize two to eight egg-pods and to produce 130 eggs (28–313) and 119 embryos (28–290), on average. Sperm availability, however, decreased progressively with time, so that the majority of females spent a long final period of their lives without laying any pod. Finally, sperm storage duration was positively correlated with clutch size and total production of eggs and embryos.  相似文献   

Abstract By contrast to females that can maximize reproductive success with only one or a few copulations, males generally increase their fitness with frequency of mating. Sperm storage and allocation is therefore crucial for both male and female fitness. Sperm storage in Aleochara bilineata (Coleoptera; Staphylinidae) is investigated by measuring the number of spermatozoa stored in the female spermatheca after single, double or triple successive copulations with different males. The potential advantages of polyandry are studied in terms of the number of sperm stored by females mated twice with the same male (i.e. repeated copulation), compared with females mated twice with two different virgin males (i.e. polyandry). Level of polygyny is also estimated by measuring sperm allocation when ten successive mates are offered to a virgin male. Aleochara bilineata females store the sperm of the same or different males additively, suggesting no advantage for polyandry in terms of the number of sperm stored. A virgin male is able to inseminate ten different females but the number of sperm transferred decreases linearly. Finally, the latencies and durations of copulations are measured in all experiments to estimate changes according to the male or female status (i.e. virgin or mated). The latency before mating is higher when females are virgin than when females have already mated.  相似文献   

Post‐copulatory sexual selection, and sperm competition in particular, is a powerful selective force shaping the evolution of sperm morphology. Although mounting evidence suggests that post‐copulatory sexual selection influences the evolution of sperm morphology among species, recent evidence also suggests that sperm competition influences variation in sperm morphology at the intraspecific level. However, contradictory empirical results and limited taxonomic scope have led to difficulty in assessing the generality of sperm morphological responses to variation in the strength of sperm competition. Here, we use phylogenetically controlled analyses to explore the effects of sperm competition on sperm morphology and variance in sharks, a basal vertebrate group characterized by wide variation in rates of multiple mating by females, and consequently sperm competition risk. Our analyses reveal that shark species experiencing greater levels of sperm competition produce sperm with longer flagella and that sperm flagellum length is less variable in species under higher sperm competition risk. In contrast, neither the length of the sperm head and midpiece nor variation in sperm head and midpiece length was associated with sperm competition risk. Our findings demonstrate that selection influences both the inter‐ and intraspecific variation in sperm morphology and suggest that the flagellum is an important target of sexual selection in sharks. These findings provide important insight into patterns of selection on the ejaculate in a basal vertebrate lineage.  相似文献   

The duration of sperm storage by females differs markedly between reptiles (maximum: 2555 d [7 years] and birds (maximum: 117d), with mammals showing both very short (< 1 d) and relatively long periods (maximum: 198 days). The females of many reptiles, probably all birds and some mammals have specialized structures for storing sperm, suggesting that selection for sperm storage has operated on females. Sperm storage, together with delayed implantation and delayed development, separates copulation from fertilization, and hence, copulation from the timing of birth. All three types of separation mechanism occur in mammals. Delayed implantation cannot occur in reptiles and birds because their eggs do not implant, but delayed development occurs in some reptiles. Comparisons among vertebrate classes suggest that sperm storage in the female tract may have an upper limit of a little over 100 days in endotherms: non-hibernating mammals have circumvented this limit by using delayed implantation as an uncoupling mechanism. A long reproductive cycle (up to four years) probably makes sperm storage obligatory for some reptiles. We consider existing hypotheses for prolonged sperm storage and the other reproductive delays, and propose a new hypothesis. Our hypothesis extends Sandell's (1990) hypothesis which states that in mammals delayed implantation has evolved to allow females to time both their copulation and birth seasons optimally. We propose that the other separation mechanisms, namely sperm storage and delayed development, have also evolved for this reason. Sandell suggested that the optimal time for females to copulate is when the opportunities to obtain the best quality male exist, and thus the dislocation of copulation and birth seasons has occurred through sexual selection. We propose that the other two separation mechanisms may also have evolved through sexual selection, in part at least. Of the three separation mechanisms, sperm storage has additional advantages for females in that it also allows them to modify their choice of male after copulation has occurred, through sperm competition. Thus we propose that: (1) all separation mechanisms have evolved when the optimal time for copulation is not compatible with either the optimal time for fertilization (birds) or the optimal time for birth, given a constant gestation period (reptiles, birds and mammals); (2) separation mechanisms have evolved through sexual selection enabling females to improve the quality of the male that fertilizes their eggs, either through pre-copulatory male-male competition (via any of the separation mechanisms) or through post-copulatory sperm competition (via sperm storage).  相似文献   

The evolution of sperm morphometry in pheasants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Post-copulatory sexual selection is thought to be a potent evolutionary force driving the diversification of sperm shape and function across species. In birds, insemination and fertilization are separated in time and sperm storage increases the duration of sperm-female interaction and hence the opportunity for sperm competition and cryptic female choice. We performed a comparative study of 24 pheasant species (Phasianidae, Galliformes) to establish the relative importance of sperm competition and the duration of sperm storage for the evolution of sperm morphometry (i.e. size of different sperm traits). We found that sperm size traits were negatively associated with the duration of sperm storage but were independent of the risk of sperm competition estimated from relative testis mass. Our study emphasizes the importance of female reproductive biology for the evolution of sperm morphometry particularly in sperm-storing taxa.  相似文献   

Sperm senescence can have important evolutionary implications due to its deleterious effects on sperm quality and offspring performance. Consequently, it has been argued that polyandry (female multiple mating) may facilitate the selection of younger, and therefore competitively superior, sperm when ejaculates from multiple males compete for fertilization. Surprisingly, however, unequivocal evidence that sperm ageing influences traits that underlie sperm competitiveness is lacking. Here, we used a paired experimental design that compares sperm quality between ‘old’ and ‘young’ ejaculates from individual male guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We show that older sperm exhibit significant reductions in sperm velocity compared with younger sperm from the same males. We found no evidence that the brightness of the male''s orange (carotenoid) spots, which are thought to signal resistance to oxidative stress (and thus age-related declines in sperm fitness), signals a male''s ability to withstand the deleterious effects of sperm ageing. Instead, polyandry may be a more effective strategy for females to minimize the likelihood of being fertilized by aged sperm.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa exhibit considerable interspecific variability in size and shape. Our understanding of the adaptive significance of this diversity, however, remains limited. Determining how variation in sperm structure translates into variation in sperm performance will contribute to our understanding of the evolutionary diversification of sperm form. Here, using data from passerine birds, we test the hypothesis that longer sperm swim faster because they have more available energy. We found that sperm with longer midpieces have higher levels of intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but that greater energy reserves do not translate into faster-swimming sperm. Additionally, we found that interspecific variation in sperm ATP concentration is not associated with the level of sperm competition faced by males. Finally, using Bayesian methods, we compared the evolutionary trajectories of sperm morphology and ATP content, and show that both traits have undergone directional evolutionary change. However, in contrast to recent suggestions in other taxa, we show that changes in ATP are unlikely to have preceded changes in morphology in passerine sperm. These results suggest that variable selective pressures are likely to have driven the evolution of sperm traits in different taxa, and highlight fundamental biological differences between taxa with internal and external fertilization, as well as those with and without sperm storage.  相似文献   

Among many species of insects, females gain fitness benefits by producing numerous offspring. Yet actions related to producing numerous offspring such as mating with multiple males, producing oocytes and placing offspring in sub-optimal environments incur costs. Females can decrease the magnitude of these costs by retaining gametes when suitable oviposition sites are absent. We used the pomace fly, Drosophila melanogaster, to explore how the availability of fresh feeding/oviposition medium influenced female fitness via changes in offspring survivorship and the modulation of gamete release. Availability of fresh medium affected the absolute number and temporal production of offspring. This outcome was attributable to both decreased larval survival under crowded conditions and to female modulation of gamete release. Direct examination of the number of sperm retained among the different female storage organs revealed that females ‘hold on’ to sperm, retaining more sperm in storage, disproportionately within the spermathecae, when exposed infrequently to fresh medium. Despite this retention, females with lower rates of storage depletion exhibited decreased sperm use efficiency shortly after mating. This study provides direct evidence that females influence the rate of sperm depletion from specific storage sites in a way that can affect both female and male fitness. The possible adaptive significance of selective gamete utilization by female Drosophila includes lowering costs associated with frequent remating and larval overcrowding when oviposition sites are limiting, as well as potentially influencing paternity when females store sperm from multiple males.  相似文献   

Sperm velocity is one of the main determinants of the outcome of sperm competition. Since sperm vary considerably in their morphology between and within species, it seems likely that sperm morphology is associated with sperm velocity. Theory predicts that sperm velocity may be increased by enlarged midpiece (energetic component) or flagellum length (kinetic component), or by particular ratios between sperm components, such as between flagellum length and head size. However, such associations have rarely been found in empirical studies. In a comparative framework in passerine birds, we tested these theoretical predictions both across a wide range of species and within a single family, the New World blackbirds (Icteridae). In both study groups, sperm velocity was influenced by sperm morphology in the predicted direction. Consistent with theoretical models, these results show that selection on sperm morphology and velocity are likely to be concomitant evolutionary forces.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We have investigated the effects of experimental manipulation of copulation duration on sperm displacement in Drosophila melanogaster . Both spermless and normal males were used as second (displacing) males in the experiments. Displacement induced in the absence of sperm, that is, by males that pass accessory gland fluid alone, was a relatively inefficient process and produced much lower levels of displacement than normal males. Therefore, the presence of second-male sperm is necessary (but unlikely sufficient) for the high levels of displacement commonly observed in D. melanogaster . Furthermore, when second matings were interrupted at various times after the initiation of copulation, the distribution of displacement was strongly bimodal. We conclude that sperm transfer is relatively rapid, beginning shortly after the initiation of copulation, and is essentially complete before the midpoint of copulation. Therefore, sperm transfer bears no simple relation to copulation duration. Because it would be difficult to manipulate the numbers of sperm transferred by manipulating copulation duration, methods used to study sperm displacement in other insect species are unlikely to be appropriate for D. melanogaster . We also investigated why males mate for more than twice the duration that appears to be necessary to complete sperm transfer. Experimental interruption of first matings indicated that the extra copulation time serves to delay female remating, rather than to increase that rate at which of offspring are sired before remating.  相似文献   

Short-term storage and cryopreservation of sperm are two common procedures in aquaculture, used for routine practices in artificial insemination reproduction and gene banking, respectively. Nevertheless, both procedures cause injuries affecting sperm motility, viability, cell structure and DNA stability, which diminish reproductive success. DNA modification is considered extremely important, especially when sperm storage is carried out with gene banking purposes. DNA damage caused by sperm storage is not well characterized and previous studies have reported simple and double strand breaks that have been attributed to oxidative events promoted by the generation of free radicals during storage.The objective of this study was to reveal DNA fragmentation and to explore the presence of oxidized bases that could be produced by oxidative events during short-term storage and cryopreservation in sex-reversed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) spermatozoa. Sperm from six males was analyzed separately. Different aliquots of the samples were stored 2 h (fresh) or 5 days at 4 °C or were cryopreserved. Then spermatozoa were analyzed using the Comet assay, as well as combining this method with digestion with two endonucleases from Escherichia coli (Endonuclease III, that cut in oxidized cytosines, and FPG, cutting in oxidized guanosines). Both storage procedures yielded DNA fragmentation, but only short-term storage oxidative events were clearly detected, showing that oxidative processes affect guanosines rather than cytosines. Cryopreservation increases DNA fragmentation but the presence of oxidized bases was not noticed, suggesting that mechanisms other than oxidative stress could be involved in DNA fragmentation promoted by freezing.  相似文献   

Oviducal gland morphology, the microscopic organization of the terminal zone, and sperm storage were described in the female gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus). Mustelus antarcticus is a nonplacental viviparous hound shark, which displays minimal histotrophy during embryonic development. The animals examined represented all stages of maturity and gestation. The oviducal gland was found to have the same fundamental zonation as in most chondrichthyans. Using recent terminology, the oviducal gland of chondrichthyans has an anterior club zone, followed by a papillary zone, both of which produce jelly that surrounds the egg, a baffle zone that elaborates the tertiary egg envelope and a terminal zone, where sperm storage occurs. Each zone is composed of simple tubular glands that connect to transverse grooves, which extend the full width of the gland. The exception is the terminal zone, which does not have transverse grooves but consists of individual tubules. The microscopic organization and histochemical nature of the zones display similar patterns to those of other chondrichthyan genera. Tubules of the terminal zone contain four types of cell: ciliated cells, alcian blue‐positive secretory cells, periodic acid‐Schiff and alcian blue‐negative secretory cells, and secretory columnar cells. These tubules end in recesses, the sperm storage tubules, which extend beyond the periphery of the baffle zone. Sperm were stored in the sperm storage tubules of all maturing and mature animals examined. Of note is the observation of stored sperm in an animal 1 year prior to first ovulation. Sperm were also observed throughout the uterine sphincter, body of the uterus, isthmus, and oviduct of maturing and mature animals, and in the uterine sphincter of an immature animal. These sperm represent immediately postcopulation aggregations of sperm and sperm in the process of migrating to the site of storage or to the site of fertilization. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. The libellulid dragonfly, Nanophya pygmaea Rambur, has an average ejaculate volume of 0.16 mm3. During successive copulations the volume of sperm stored in the female's sperm storage organs increases in steps equivalent to this volume, suggesting that the sperm competition mechanism in this species is sperm repositioning, i.e. adding an ejaculate to what is already present in the female's sperm storage organ. By using sterile/normal males in double matings with females we have shown that this mechanism results in last male sperm precedence (P2= 0.979).  相似文献   

The application of mass spectrometry based proteomics to sperm biology has greatly accelerated progress in understanding the molecular composition and function of spermatozoa. To date, these approaches have been largely restricted to model organisms, all of which produce a single sperm morph capable of oocyte fertilisation. Here we apply high-throughput mass spectrometry proteomic analysis to characterise sperm composition in Manduca sexta, the tobacco hornworm moth, which produce heteromorphic sperm, including one fertilisation competent (eupyrene) and one incompetent (apyrene) sperm type. This resulted in the high confidence identification of 896 proteins from a co-mixed sample of both sperm types, of which 167 are encoded by genes with strict one-to-one orthology in Drosophila melanogaster. Importantly, over half (55.1%) of these orthologous proteins have previously been identified in the D. melanogaster sperm proteome and exhibit significant conservation in quantitative protein abundance in sperm between the two species. Despite the complex nature of gene expression across spermatogenic stages, a significant correlation was also observed between sperm protein abundance and testis gene expression. Lepidopteran-specific sperm proteins (e.g., proteins with no homology to proteins in non-Lepidopteran taxa) were present in significantly greater abundance on average than those with homology outside the Lepidoptera. Given the disproportionate production of apyrene sperm (96% of all mature sperm in Manduca) relative to eupyrene sperm, these evolutionarily novel and highly abundant proteins are candidates for possessing apyrene-specific functions. Lastly, comparative genomic analyses of testis-expressed, ovary-expressed and sperm genes identified a concentration of novel sperm proteins shared amongst Lepidoptera of potential relevance to the evolutionary origin of heteromorphic spermatogenesis. As the first published Lepidopteran sperm proteome, this whole-cell proteomic characterisation will facilitate future evolutionary genetic and developmental studies of heteromorphic sperm production and parasperm function. Furthermore, the analyses presented here provide useful annotation information regarding sex-biased gene expression, novel Lepidopteran genes and gene function in the male gamete to complement the newly sequenced and annotated Manduca genome.  相似文献   


Littorinid parasperm develop from a distinctive lineage of germ cells which exhibit a process of nuclear destruction that has apototic characteristics. Fragments of DNA and other nuclear breakdown products are incorporated into secretion granules in parasperm that ultimately find their way to the female bursa copulatrix. Spermatozeugmata are stored in the seminal vesicles and, if unused during the breeding season, they are recycled by phagocytosis. Attachment between eusperm and parasperm is facilitated by an electrostatic interaction of proteins. Detachment, caused by alkaline prostate fluid, occurs by the time the ejaculate reaches the tip of the penis. Thus transport of eusperm by parasperm to the female is unlikely. parasperm are sterile cells that may function in defense against rival eusperm as suggested by the presence of lysosomes, or they may act as nuptial gifts as they are packed with glycoprotein nutrients. Differences in the reactivity of different parasperm to specific lectins may enable separation of dimorphic sperm by lectin affinity chromatography, thereby facilitating future studies on individual parasperm. In female Littorinidae, sperm are stored incapacitated in storage organs, or rarely in the ovary itself. In L. littorea serotonin caused spawning of unencapsulated eggs, which, in the presence of activated sperm, became polyspermic.  相似文献   

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