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The invasion of non-indigenous plants is considered a primary threat to integrity and function of ecosystems. However, there is little quantitative or experimental evidence for ecosystem impacts of invasive species. Justifications for control are often based on potential, but not presently realized, recognized or quantified, negative impacts. Should lack of scientific certainty about impacts of non-indigenous species result in postponing measures to prevent degradation? Recently, management of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), has been criticized for (1) lack of evidence demonstrating negative impacts of L. salicaria, and (2) management using biocontrol for lack of evidence documenting the failure of conventional control methods. Although little quantitative evidence on negative impacts on native wetland biota and wetland function was available at the onset of the control program in 1985, recent work has demonstrated that the invasion of purple loosestrife into North American freshwater wetlands alters decomposition rates and nutrient cycling, leads to reductions in wetland plant diversity, reduces pollination and seed output of the native Lythrum alatum, and reduces habitat suitability for specialized wetland bird species such as black terns, least bitterns, pied-billed grebes, and marsh wrens. Conventional methods (physical, mechanical or chemical), have continuously failed to curb the spread of purple loosestrife or to provide satisfactory control. Although a number of generalist insect and bird species utilize purple loosestrife, wetland habitat specialists are excluded by encroachment of L. salicaria. We conclude that (1) negative ecosystem impacts of purple loosestrife in North America justify control of the species and that (2) detrimental effects of purple loosestrife on wetland systems and biota and the potential benefits of control outweigh potential risks associated with the introduction of biocontrol agents. Long-term experiments and monitoring programs that are in place will evaluate the impact of these insects on purple loosestrife, on wetland plant succession and other wetland biota.  相似文献   

入侵杂草肿柄菊对我国热带和亚热带地区的生物多样性和生态系统功能产生严重影响,且其入侵呈现快速扩张态势。为提高对肿柄菊入侵危害的认识水平,加强对肿柄菊的监测预警及防控,本文通过搜集、整理和分析相关文献资料,总结肿柄菊在世界各国不同地区的入侵情况及其影响,分析肿柄菊在我国入侵的历史、分布现状及其入侵对遗传多样性、物种多样性和生态系统多样性的影响。结合肿柄菊生态入侵防控研究与应用实践,指出肿柄菊入侵防控存在的主要问题和面临的挑战,并针对肿柄菊监测和高效防控技术体系提出高度重视肿柄菊入侵危害影响的分类风险评价、多元化开展肿柄菊入侵扩张的基础科学研究、建立早监测早预防的预警机制和构建针对肿柄菊入侵防控的综合技术体系等防控对策。  相似文献   

We use a three-year study of sheltered low shore assemblages colonised by the non-indigenous Asian kelp Undaria pinnatifida to explore survey design issues for assessing the ecological impacts of invasive species. The weight of evidence overall suggested little impact from Undaria on low shore assemblages, with control–impact contrasts that could plausibly be interpreted as impacts probably reflecting natural causes. We demonstrate that the potential for reaching incorrect conclusions regarding the impacts of invasive species using control–impact designs is greater than when such designs are used to assess traditional forms of anthropogenic impact. We suggest that a before–after control–impact framework is essential, but recognise that such an approach has a number of limitations. In particular, there is no assurance that the before–after impact site will be invaded at all, or to the extent that provides worst-case impact information for coastal managers. We discuss possible ways of assessing invasive species impacts, but suggest that the uncertainty inherent in extrapolating impact information to other places and times means that the precautionary principle should be applied, and worst-case impacts assumed, until the level of scientific uncertainty is reduced. Such an approach should only be applied, however, after an evaluation of the feasibility, costs and benefits of managing a particular pest in relation to other priorities for invasive species.  相似文献   

陈潘  张燕  朱晓静  鲁长虎 《生态学报》2019,39(7):2282-2290
生物入侵威胁本地物种生存,破坏生态系统的结构和功能,是导致全球生物多样性丧失的重要原因之一。外来植物是入侵生物中的重要一类,可以显著改变本地植被群落,并影响其他生物类群。鸟类作为生态系统中的较高营养级,对由入侵植物引起的栖息地变化十分敏感。互花米草自引入中国沿海以来,其分布区域不断扩散,多数研究认为互花米草入侵造成本地生物多样性降低和生态系统退化。系统梳理了互花米草入侵对鸟类栖息地、食物资源、繁殖、群落等方面的生态影响。主要负面影响有:(1)植被群落结构不利于鸟类栖息、筑巢、觅食;(2)鸟类食物资源丰度和多样性下降;(3)本地鸟类种群数量和物种多样性显著下降。在我国东部沿海湿地,互花米草入侵已经显著改变了植被与鸟类分布格局。但随着入侵历史的增长,少数小型雀形目鸟类却可以逐渐适应互花米草生境。互花米草入侵为某些非本地鸟类提供了空白生态位,在一定程度上丰富了本地物种多样性,对互花米草的快速清除反而可能不利于已适应并依赖互花米草生境的鸟类。综上,认为互花米草入侵对鸟类群落甚至整个生态系统的影响可能需要更多研究进行综合评价,应开展长期、大尺度、多因子的监测研究和多物种比较研究,建立生态评价模型并制定科学有效的互花米草管理对策。  相似文献   

薇甘菊是大湄公河次区域的重要恶性入侵杂草,其种群跨境入侵扩张备受区域各国政府的高度重视和社会广泛关注。2011年以来在我国相关农业科研机构、团队和专家的科技支撑下,中国云南与周边五国科研机构成立“大湄公河次区域植物保护工作组”。本文简要介绍工作组围绕该入侵杂草在生态异质性条件下种群扩展与灾变过程的预警监测、阻截防控带建设、替代控制与选择性除草剂协同应用取得的阶段性成效,为积极主动融入国家“一带一路”倡议的实施,服务于中国云南的经济国境线、绿色国境线和生态国境线发挥建设性作用。  相似文献   

Although the predatory and competitive impacts of biological invasions are well documented, facilitation of native species by non-indigenous species is frequently overlooked. A search through recent ecological literature found that facilitative interactions between invasive and native species occur in a wide range of habitats, can have cascading effects across trophic levels, can re-structure communities, and can lead to evolutionary changes. These are critical findings that, until now, have been mostly absent from analyses of ecological impacts of biological invasions. Here I present evidence for several mechanisms that exemplify how exotic species can facilitate native species. These mechanisms include habitat modification, trophic subsidy, pollination, competitive release, and predatory release. Habitat modification is the most frequently documented mechanism, reflecting the drastic changes generated by the invasion of functionally novel habitat engineers. Further, I predict that facilitative impacts on native species will be most likely when invasive species provide a limiting resource, increase habitat complexity, functionally replace a native species, or ameliorate predation or competition. Finally, three types of facilitation (novel, substitutive, and indirect) define why exotic species can lead to facilitation of native species. It is evident that understanding biological invasions at the community and ecosystem levels will be more accurate if we integrate facilitative interactions into future ecological research. Since facilitative impacts of biological invasions can occur with native endangered species, and can have wide-ranging impacts, these results also have important implications for management, eradication, and restoration.Contribution Number 2293, Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California at Davis.  相似文献   

Negative interactions between non-indigenous and native species has been an important research topic of invasion biology. However, interactions between two or more invasive species may be as important in understanding biological invasions, but they have rarely been studied. In this paper, we describe three field experiments that investigated interactions between two non-indigenous plant species invasive in the eastern United States, Lonicera japonica (a perennial vine) and Microstegium vimineum (an annual grass). A press removal experiment conducted within a deciduous forest understory community indicated that M. vimineum was a superior competitor to L. japonica. We tested the hypothesis that the competitive success of M. vimineum was because it overgrew, and reduced light available to, L. japonica, by conducting a separate light gradient experiment within the same community. Shade cloth that simulated the M. vimineum canopy reduced the performance of L. japonica. In a third complementary experiment, we added experimental support hosts to test the hypothesis that the competitive ability of L. japonica is limited by support hosts, onto which L. japonica climbs to access light. We found that the abundance of climbing branches increased with the number of support hosts. Results of this experiment indicate that these two invasive species compete asymmetrically for resources, particularly light.  相似文献   

Ecological impacts of non-indigenous invasive fungi as forest pathogens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Non-indigenous pathogenic fungi increasingly threaten North American tree species. Ecosystems may be fundamentally changed when abundant tree species are functionally eliminated, as occurred with American chestnut (Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh.). Conversely, changes may be more subtle but still significant and long lasting when populations are lost, or all trees in the larger size classes are killed. Proposed approaches for characterizing the magnitude of ecological impacts use characteristics of both the non-indigenous pathogen and the host species. Impacts are most significant when highly successful invading pathogens attack foundation species, setting in motion a long-lasting cascade of effects on the host and associated species. Such impacts have generally not been well documented at the ecosystem level. Several North American forest tree species have been functionally eliminated or severely reduced by non-indigenous pathogens. Historical invasions, such as that of chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.) Bar), caused very significant ecological impacts that will never be completely understood because of lack of quantitative data. Beech bark disease, caused by a combination of an introduced scale insect (Cryptococcus fagisuga Lindinger) and a fungus (Neonectria faginata (Lohman et al.) Castl. & Rossman), is still advancing and provides opportunities for studying ecosystem-level impacts when a major tree species is removed or markedly reduced in abundance from the overstorey. Butternut canker, caused by the fungus, Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum N.B. Nair, Kostichka & Kuntz, has spread throughout the host range, endangering species’ survival. Other non-indigenous invasive fungi such as Cronartium ribicola J.C. Fisch and Phytophthora lateralis Tucker & Milbrath continue to move into new populations, causing high mortality and associated restructuring of these ecosystems. Global trade and environmental change trends will ensure new challenges by non-indigenous fungal pathogens, presenting an urgent need for improved understanding of long-term impacts across ecological systems.  相似文献   

Woodlots are forest islands embedded within an urban matrix, and often represent the only natural areas remaining in suburban areas. Woodlots represent critical conservation areas for native plants, and are important habitat for wildlife in urban areas. Invasion by non-indigenous (NIS) plants can alter ecological structure and function, and may be especially severe in remnant forests where NIS propagule pressure is high. Woody shrubs in the Family Berberidaceae have been well documented as invaders of the forest–urban matrix in North America. Mahonia bealei (Berberidaceae) is a clonal shrub native to China, and is a popular ornamental in the Southeastern United States. Mahoni bealei is listed as “present” on some local and state floras, but almost nothing is known regarding its invasion potential in the United States. We sampled 15 woodlots in Clemson, South Carolina, to assess the invasion of M. bealei and other woody non-indigenous species (NIS). M. bealei invaded 87% of the woodlots surveyed and species richness of NIS on these woodlots varied from 5 to 14. Stepwise-multiple regression indicated that less canopy cover and older M. bealei predicted greater abundance of M. bealei , and that not all subdivisions were equally invaded (P < 0.0001; r2 = 0.88). The impact of M. bealei on native flora and fauna may be considerable, and it is likely to continue to spread in the Southeastern United States. M. bealei should be recognized as an aggressive invader in the Southeastern United States, with the potential for negative impacts on native flora and fauna.  相似文献   

We studied invasion into native Nothofagus/Austrocedrus forest by many introduced tree species planted between 1910 and 1940 in plantations near the center of Isla Victoria, in northern Patagonia. We located virtually all individuals of these species in 30 ha of forest in two series of transects at increasing distances from the plantations. Although these species included many reported as highly invasive elsewhere, we found little evidence for invasion on Isla Victoria, with many invasive species utterly failing to invade native forest. There was a notable decline with distance in number of introduced individuals, but wind direction appeared to be unimportant. Pseudotsuga menziesii and Juniperus communis were the only 2 species represented by many individuals, while 4 pine species plus Araucaria araucana were far less numerous and 6 other species were found fewer than 10 times each. Even those species found repeatedly were represented overwhelmingly by small individuals, and the great majority of introduced individuals were found not in native forest proper, but in somewhat open areas such as road verges, small remnant pastures, and deer trails. Invasion may be occurring, but too slowly to be clearly evidenced yet because of the longevity of the dominant native trees. Factors that may be stopping or slowing invasion include competition in gaps with native species, browsing by introduced deer, unfavorable soil, allelopathy, and natural enemies or other idiosyncratic factors for particular species. The absence of substantial invasion so far is no guarantee against future invasion, particularly if some major natural or anthropogenous disturbance were to occur.  相似文献   

Less than a decade after being observed off Florida, the invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish is now widely distributed off the southeast coast of the United States. As a step towards measuring invasion impacts to native communities, we examine the magnitude and extent of this invasion by first, compiling reports of lionfish to provide range information and second, estimate lionfish abundance from two separate studies. We also estimate native grouper (epinepheline serranids) abundance to better assess and compare lionfish abundances. In the first study we conducted SCUBA diver visual transect surveys at 17 different locations off the North Carolina coast in water depths of 35–50 m. In the second study, we conducted 27 Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) transect surveys at five locations from Florida to North Carolina in water depths of 50–100 m. In both studies, lionfish were found to be second in abundance only to scamp (Mycteroperca phenax). Lionfish were found in higher abundance in the shallower North Carolina SCUBA surveys ( ha−1) than in the deep water ROV surveys ( ha−1). Lionfish reports continue to expand most recently into the Bahamas, raising the specter of further spread into the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. The potential impacts of lionfish to native communities are likely to be through direct predation, competition and overcrowding. The high number of lionfish present in the ecosystem increases the potential for cascading impacts throughout the food chain. Within the southeast region the combined effects of climate change, overfishing and invasive species may have irreversible consequences to native communities in this region. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

While several recent studies have described changes in microbial communities associated with exotic plant invasion, how arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) communities respond to exotic plant invasion is not well known, despite the salient role of this group in plant interactions. Here, we use molecular methods (terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses based on the large subunit of the rRNA gene) to examine AMF community structure in sites dominated by the invasive mycorrhizal forb, Centaurea maculosa Lam. (spotted knapweed), and in adjacent native grassland sites. Our results indicate that significant AMF community alteration occurs following C. maculosa invasion. Moreover, a significant reduction in the number of restriction fragment sizes was found for samples collected in C. maculosa-dominated areas, suggesting reduced AMF diversity. Extraradical hyphal lengths exhibited a significant, on average 24%, reduction in C. maculosa-versus native grass-dominated sites. As both AMF community composition and abundance were altered by C.maculosa invasion, these data are strongly suggestive of potential impacts on AMF-mediated ecosystem processes. Given that the composition of AMF communities has the potential to differentially influence different plant species, our results may have important implications for site restoration after weed invasion.  相似文献   

[目的]筛选合适的指标建立一套外来养殖鱼类的生物入侵风险评估体系,并对外来养殖鱼类的生物入侵防控提出对策建议。[方法]通过文献资料的收集和整理,对外来养殖鱼类中典型入侵物种的入侵过程、影响危害和入侵生物学特性进行分析和归纳,从适应能力、繁殖能力、扩散能力3方面指示其入侵性;从对生物的影响和对环境的影响2方面指示其生态影响;从自然因素和人为因素2方面指示环境可入侵性,以上述3方面为框架进行评估体系构建。[结果]筛选20个指标构建了外来养殖鱼类的生物入侵风险评估体系,并举例说明该评估体系的应用。从法规政策、科学研究、治理技术和公众参与等4个方面针对性地提出外来养殖鱼类生物入侵风险防控对策。[结论]防范和治理入侵生物是一个系统工程。对于外来养殖鱼类的管理,既不能只考虑经济效益而置生态风险于不顾,也不能片面放大外来养殖良种的入侵风险。科学管控的关键在于完善制度建设、加强风险评估、发展防治手段、促进公众参与,使外来鱼类养殖业在严格受控的前提下发挥其经济效益,将其潜在的生态危害效应降到最低。  相似文献   

Substantial populations of invasive non-indigenous species occasionally collapse dramatically. Although disease is often invoked, the causes are rarely studied experimentally and/or quantitatively, and some collapses remain quite mysterious. The widespread invasive snail Achatina fulica and pondweed Elodea canadensis appear to be characterized by rapid expansion followed by rapid decline. For the former species, disease may be the proximal cause of the collapse, while repeated collapse of the latter species is unexplained. Several other widely cited collapses of introduced species may simply be temporary lows during a more or less regular boom-and-bust cycle. However, on a restricted site (such as a small island), a boom-or-bust cycle may be impossible and recovery may never ensue; local extinction may even occur. In several instances, apparently spontaneous crashes were in fact probably caused by subsequently introduced competitors. Except for the few species in which spontaneous collapse has been repeatedly observed, the possibility of such an event is unwarranted as a potential rationale for a do-nothing approach to management. For such species, even if a crash ultimately occurs, the species may already have caused persistent ecological damage.  相似文献   

Hager HA 《Oecologia》2004,140(1):140-149
Non-native plants can have adverse effects on ecosystem structure and processes by invading and out-competing native plants. I examined the hypothesis that mature plants of non-native and native species exert differential effects on the growth of conspecific and heterospecific seedlings by testing predictions that (1) invasive vegetation has a stronger suppressive effect on seedlings than does native vegetation, (2) seedlings of invasive species are better able to grow in established vegetation than are native seedlings, and (3) invasive species facilitate conspecific and inhibit heterospecific seedling growth. I measured growth rates and interaction intensities for seedlings of four species that were transplanted into five wetland monoculture types: invasive Lythrum salicaria; native L. alatum, Typha angustifolia, T. latifolia; unvegetated control. Invasive L. salicaria had the strongest suppressive effect on actual and per-individual bases, but not on a per-gram basis. Seedlings of T. latifolia were better able to grow in established vegetation than were those of L. salicaria and T. angustifolia. These results suggest that L. salicaria is not a good invader of established vegetation, but once established, it is fairly resistant to invasion. Thus, it is likely that disturbance of established vegetation facilitates invasion by L. salicaria, allowing it to compete with other species in even-aged stands where its high growth rate and consequent production of aboveground biomass confer a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Miller KE  Gorchov DL 《Oecologia》2004,139(3):359-375
Effects of invasive plant species on native plant species are frequently assumed or inferred from comparisons, but rarely quantified experimentally. Such quantification is important to assessing risks and impacts of invasives. We quantified the effects of Lonicera maackii, an exotic shrub invasive in many eastern North American forests, on survival, growth, and reproduction of three perennial herbs: Allium burdickii, Thalictrum thalictroides , and Viola pubescens. We predicted that the spring ephemeral, A. burdickii , would be most impacted, due to early leaf expansion of L. maackii. Field experiments were carried out in two deciduous forest stands, one (Greggs Woodlot, GW) disturbed and the other (Western Woods, WW) relatively undisturbed. In each stand, individual herbs were transplanted into a blocked design of 60 plots where L. maackii was present, absent, or removed, and monitored for 5 growing seasons. Lonicera maackii did not affect survival of transplants, but reduced growth and final size of individuals of all three species. For two of the species, A. burdickii and V. pubescens, L. maackii reduced the proportion of live plants flowering in both stands, and reduced the seed or fruit number per flowering individual in GW. For T. thalictroides the proportion flowering was not affected, but seed number per flowering plant was reduced by L. maackii in both stands. For all three species, cumulative seed production over the course of the study was reduced by L. maackii. Overall, effects on the spring ephemeral, A. burdickii, were similar to effects on the other herbs. Because mortality of these established individuals was not affected, short-term studies might conclude forest herbs are unaffected by invasive shrubs. However, the growth and reproduction impacts documented here suggest that populations are impacted in the long-term.  相似文献   

湿地生态系统中凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)入侵造成湿地植物群落结构退化及功能崩溃,直接影响沉水植物的生长繁殖及初级生产力。目前关于凤眼莲的入侵机制有一定的研究,而关于凤眼莲入侵程度对沉水植物金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)和黑藻(Hydrilla verticillate)生长及种间关系的影响相对缺乏。以外来入侵植物凤眼莲,沉水植物金鱼藻和黑藻为研究对象,设计凤眼莲入侵程度(无入侵,轻度入侵对应盖度25%,重度入侵对应盖度75%)交叉定植方式(黑藻单种模式、金鱼藻单种模式,金鱼藻和黑藻混种模式)的控制实验,探究凤眼莲入侵强度对沉水植物金鱼藻和黑藻生长及种间关系的影响。结果表明,凤眼莲入侵程度显著降低了金鱼藻的生物量、分枝数;黑藻的株高、分枝数和分节数。无凤眼莲入侵时,两种沉水植物生物量均最大,两者种间竞争关系较强;随凤眼莲入侵盖度增加,两种沉水植物的生物量先急剧降低后略微增加,种间关系经过微弱促进后又变为竞争作用,其中黑藻表现出明显的竞争优势。此外,凤眼莲入侵略微降低了水体中的总氮、总磷含量。结构方程模型分析结果表明凤眼莲入侵以及水体总氮、总磷等水体理化性质对沉水植物生长均有显著负向影响(P<0.05),且水体理化性质对沉水植物生长的影响强于凤眼莲入侵。总之,凤眼莲入侵显著降低了金鱼藻和黑藻生长繁殖,随着凤眼莲入侵程度增加,两种沉水植物种间关系由竞争转变为促进再转变为竞争。研究结果为凤眼莲入侵有效控制及湿地沉水植被的恢复与重建提供了一定的理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

We examined the patterns of distribution, vectors of introduction, and potential ecological impacts of freshwater exotic species in Texas over the last 45 years. Currently, five species of exotic gastropods are established: channeled-type applesnail (Pomacea insularum), red-rim melania (Melanoides tuberculatus), quilted melania (Tarebia granifera), giant rams-horn snail (Marisa cornuarietis), and Chinese mysterysnail (Cipangopaludina chinensis). In contrast to the northern part of the US, where shipping appears to be the most important vector for the introduction of aquatic invasive species, aquarium and ornamental trade dominated among unintentional vectors of introduction of all freshwater exotics in Texas, resulting in different patterns of distribution, spread, and ecological impacts. The rate of spread of exotic gastropods in Texas varied from 39 waterbodies colonized over 18 years for P. insularum to only three waterbodies during last 45 years for C. chinensis. Four of five exotic gastropods were found in highly vulnerable aquifer-fed springs and rivers, which contain numerous endemic and endangered species. The fifth species, Pomacea insularum, is an agricultural pest. Potential negative ecological effects of exotic gastropods include impacts on wetlands and wetland restoration, competitive exclusion of native snails, and the introduction of exotic parasites, trematodes, which could infect fish and waterfowl, including federally protected species. Aquifer springs with stable temperature regimes are refuges for both cold and warm intolerant species. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.) is a non-indigenous, invasive woody vine in North America that proliferates in disturbed open sites. Unlike most invasive species, C. orbiculatus exhibits a sit and wait strategy by establishing and persisting indefinitely in undisturbed, closed canopy forest and responding to canopy disturbance with rapid growth, often overtopping trees. We compared fruit fates of C. orbiculatus and native American holly (Ilex opaca). We also explored mechanisms for this sit and wait invasion strategy by testing the effect of C. orbiculatus fruit crop density on removal rates and by examining the influence of seed treatment and light intensity on seed germination and seedling growth. More C. orbiculatus than I. opaca fruits became damaged, and damage occurred earlier. More fruit fell from C. orbiculatus than I. opaca, but removal rates by frugivores did not differ (76.0 ± 4.2% vs 87.5 ± 3.7%, respectively). Density (number of fruits in a patch) of C. orbiculatus did not influence removal rates. Scarification (bird-ingestion) of C. orbiculatus seed delayed germination but seeds germinated in similar proportion to manually defleshed seeds (sown either singly or all seeds from a fruit). Germination of seeds within intact fruits was inhibited and delayed compared to other treatments. Seed treatment did not affect seedling growth. The proportion of seeds germinating and time until germination was similar among five light intensity levels, ranging from full sun to closed-canopy. Seedlings in >70% photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) had more leaves, heavier shoots, and longer, heavier roots than seedlings at lower PAR levels. Results show that most (>75%) C. orbiculatus seeds are dispersed, seedlings can establish in dense shade, and plants grow rapidly when exposed to high light conditions. Control strategies for this highly invasive species should likely focus on minimizing seed dispersal by vertebrates.  相似文献   

One of the greatest threats to the native ecosystems in any part of the world is the invasion and permanent colonization of ecosystems by non-native species. Florida is no exception to this biological invasion, and is currently colonized by an extensive variety of exotic plant species. Originally imported from Asia over 30 years ago, Old World Climbing Fern Lygodium microphyllum (Cavanilles) R. Brown) has become one of the most invasive and destructive weeds in southern Florida. To date different effective control measures of its growth and spread have not been successful; fire and herbicide applications that are currently employed are neither cost effective nor environmentally friendly. In light of the highly delicate ecosystem that is being affected by L. microphyllum, we tested the soil fungus Myrothecium verrucaria (Albertini and Schwein) Ditmar: Fr. for its pathogenicity on the invasive fern. In greenhouse studies the effect of two conidial concentrations of M. verrucaria on L. microphyllum was investigated. Plants were spray inoculated with M. verrucaria which resulted in successful disease development with leaf necrosis symptoms. The higher conidial concentration (1 × 108 ml−1) produced a disease index of approximately 3 on a scale of 0 to 4, day 24 postinitial inoculation, demonstrating the efficacy of this fungus as a severe retardant of Lygodium growth. Preliminary screening of selected native plant species for susceptibility to M. verrucaria showed low disease indices after repeated spray inoculations; the highest index attained was 0.4 by Slash pine (Pinus elliottii).  相似文献   

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