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1. It has been largely demonstrated that demographic performances of animals increase with age or experience as a result of an improvement of foraging skills, an increasing reproductive effort or a selection process. However, little is known about the age or experience-related response of populations to environmental variations. Theoretical studies consider that age-related variations of the performances are greater under more restricting conditions, but this has rarely been tested. 2. We tested this hypothesis on a long-lived species, black browed albatross Thalassarche melanophrys Temminck, using a long-term capture-mark-recapture data set. We investigated the responses of a population to climate, by studying the effects of climatic factors and breeding experience on survival and breeding success. 3. First-time breeders appear to be poorer performers compared with experienced adults, with lower reproductive success and lower survival. In addition, interannual variations of demographic traits were partly explained by climatic indices, reflecting environmental variations. The survival probability of black-browed albatrosses varied with experience and climate, and differences being greater under harsh conditions. By contrast, the reproductive success of inexperienced individuals was affected by climatic fluctuations in the same way as the experienced ones. 4. First breeding event acts as a strong selective process on the highly heterogeneous class of inexperienced individuals, suggesting the increase in survival and breeding success with experience may mainly reflect a reduction in the heterogeneity among individual qualities.  相似文献   

We studied the regulation of provisioning in Cory's shearwaterat Selvagem Grande during the chick rearing period. Provisioningwas examined in terms of feeding frequency and amount of fooddelivered to chicks. Two groups of chicks were subjected toshort-term contrasting manipulations of their nutritional status:one group of chicks was given a food supplement of about 30g, and another group was deprived of up to 30 g of food. Adultstending deprived chicks increased the frequency of feedingvisits (but not the size of feeds), which resulted in an increasein the net rate of food delivery. At the end of this study,deprived chicks were growing at the same rate as fed chicks. Parents attending fed chick did not change their provisioningrates in response to the treatment. Our results indicate thatCory's shearwaters are able to adjust their provisioning ratein response to short-term variation in the nutritional statusof their chicks. We also examined the change in the beggingrate of fed and deprived chicks in response to the treatment.There was no relationship between the begging rate and thecondition of chicks, which is taken to be a measure of thechick's physiological condition, related to its ability towithstand imposed periods of fasting. However, fed chicks decreasedtheir begging rate after the increase in their condition dueto supplementary food. Conversely, deprived chicks, which wereonly able to sustain their condition before the onset of thetreatment, maintained high levels of begging. To some extent,these results suggest that parental provisioning can be influencedby the begging behavior of chicks.  相似文献   

Procellariiform seabirds have a number of extreme life-history characteristics in common, in particular low reproductive rates and slow postnatal development, which are generally assumed to reflect the difficulty in acquiring energy in the marine environment. The wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) is a sexually dimorphic species with the longest postnatal growth found in any bird, suggesting severe constraints on provisioning and possible sex-specific strategies of provisioning. We studied the provisioning behaviour and mass changes of male and female parent wandering albatross throughout the 9-months rearing period to examine how each sex adjusts its foraging effort in relation to the needs of the chicks and the seasonal changes in food availability. The study was carried out on the Crozet Islands, using an automated system recording continuously the attendance pattern of parents between March and December 1994. During the brooding period when energy requirements are highest, parents only perform trips of short duration to sea, and their body condition deteriorates. When the chick is old enough to be left alone, the parents mix short and long foraging trips. The proportion of short trips is very high until July, allowing high rate of food delivery and rapid growth, and at the same time the body condition of adults improves. From August this proportion declines until fledging in December. As a result, the feeding rate decreases from August and adult condition declines, suggesting that feeding conditions at sea are better during the first part of the chick-rearing period, i.e. in autumn and winter. Male parents perform more short trips of shorter duration and provide larger meals than females, delivering an estimated total after brooding of 110 kg of food, compared to 70–80 kg delivered by females. Meal size is inversely related to the body condition of male chicks but not to that of female chicks, suggesting that food delivery is regulated by the adults in response to the condition of the male chick. Male chicks received larger meals and more food every month than female chicks, and overall it was estimated that they receive, after brooding, 195 kg of food compared to 180 kg for the female. As a result, male chicks have a higher growth rate, attain a higher asymptotic mass, and are larger and heavier at fledging than female chicks. However, the differences are relatively small between the chicks of each sex and suggest that energy may be used differently between the sexes to maximise fitness. The results of the study suggest that provisioning effort of wandering albatrosses is adjusted by parents in relation to the availability of food, to the energetic needs of the chick and to the sex of the chick. The adult body mass is likely to play an important role in the long term for the regulation of provisioning, deficits in body mass probably providing the buffer in high power-requirement periods. Accepted: 20 March 2000  相似文献   

Capsule Timing of breeding influenced wing-length at fledging, and egg size may be an indicator of fledging weight and the amount of food received by chicks.

Aims To investigate chick growth, temporal patterns of chick food provisioning and the importance of indices of parental condition or quality, egg size and hatching date, to predict nestling body mass and wing-length at fledging, and compare breeding and chick feeding characteristics between colonies in the northeast Atlantic.

Methods A survey of Cory's Shearwater nests was carried out at Vila islet. A sample of 52 chicks, ringed and weighed at hatching, was selected to study chick growth and food provisioning.

Results Hatching success (51%) was much lower than fledging success (87%). Both hatching date and egg size contributed to explain wing-length at fledging, but hatching date, which was negatively correlated with wing-length at fledging, had the most important contribution (22%). There was some indication that egg size may explain variation in fledging weight and the amount of food received by chicks. Food delivery and feeding frequency of chicks varied throughout the chick development stage and three phases were distinguished: (1) 0–29 days, the highest feeding frequency values and a linear increase in food delivery; (2) 30–69 days, an oscillation in food delivery and medium feeding frequencies; (3) 70–90+ days, a sharp decrease in both food delivery and feeding frequency.

Conclusion Variation in food availability did not seem sufficient to override the overall importance of indices of parental quality in determining reproductive measures and chick provisioning. Breeding and feeding characteristics were similar between colonies in the northeast Atlantic, with variability in chick provisioning higher further south.  相似文献   

Mate guarding and frequent copulations are two alternative paternity assurance strategies found in birds. In species with intensecourtship feeding, like raptors, the "frequent copulation"strategy is expected because male food provisioning conflictswith mate guarding. We evaluated experimentally the paternityassurance behavior of a semicolonial raptor, the Montagu'sharrier Circus pygargus, using decoy presentations to simulateterritorial intrusions. Breeding pairs were exposed to maleand female decoys at different periods during the female's reproductive cycle. Agonistic responses to decoys were intra-sexual,and the timing and intensity of male attacks toward male decoyssupported responses related to the risk of extrapair copulation(EPC): Male aggression peaked during the presumed fertile periodand almost disappeared after clutch completion. During thefertile period, copulation rate was significantly higher, andcopulations lasted longer, during male decoy presentations than during controls. Males also spent more time close to the femaleduring male decoy presentations compared to controls, bothduring the early prelaying and fertile periods, but not duringincubation. In the fertile period, males also increased presencetime close to the female in the hour following the removal of the male decoy. Conversely, female decoy presentations hadno significant effect on copulatory behavior or male presencetime. These results showed that the risk of EPC can be experimentallymanipulated by the means of decoy presentations, simulatingmale territorial intrusions, and that male Montagu's harriersincrease their short-term copulation frequency and female surveillancewhen they perceive themselves at an increased EPC risk.  相似文献   

Sex differences in food provisioning have been found in a numberof socially monogamous birds with biparental care, but the reasonsremain unclear. In Manx shearwaters, males provide 40–50%more food for chicks than do females, and previous empiricaldata have suggested that this difference could arise becausefemales are able to regulate food delivery by reducing the provisioningof well-nourished chicks, whereas males are not (hypothesis1). Alternatively, however, males may be as capable as femalesof assessing and responding to the variation in the nutritionalrequirements of their chick but have a higher threshold forreducing food delivery to well-nourished chicks (hypothesis2). To test these two hypotheses, we used supplementary feedingto manipulate the nutritional status of chicks and then examinedthe responses of male and female parents and their offspring.Supplementary feeding significantly reduced both the beggingbehavior of chicks and the frequency and sizes of meals deliveredby parents. Males and females reduced their overall provisioningrates to a similar extent (males by 38%, females by 42%), somaintaining the same difference in contributions to provisioningin the control group (males 58%, females 42%) and the experimentaltreatment (males 59%, females 41%). These data strongly supporthypothesis 2. Supplementary feeding of chicks resulted in fewervisits by parents and a higher proportion of long trips in bothsexes (4 days for males, 5–7 days for females). However,maximum trip durations were unchanged, suggesting that supplementaryfeeding of chicks had no effect on the foraging ranges or overallfood-provisioning strategies of parents.  相似文献   

Although it is often assumed that birds strongly prefer tailwindsfor their migratory flights, we predict that a strategy of nowind selectivity (traveling independently of winds) may be morefavorable than wind selectivity (traveling on tailwind occasionsbut stopping to rest under headwind occasions) for birds withlow energy costs of travel relative to rest and for birds thatcannot use stopover time for efficient fuel deposition. We testthis prediction by analyzing the daily traveling or stoppingas recorded by satellite tracking of five ospreys Pandion haliaetus,a species often using energy-saving thermal soaring, duringtheir migration between northern Europe and Africa. Besideswind, precipitation is another weather factor included in theanalyses because thermal soaring migrants are expected to stopand rest in rainy weather. In logistic regression analyses,taking into account the effects of latitude, behavior on previousday, season, date, and individual for discriminating betweentraveling and stopping days, we found a lack of influence ofwinds, suggesting that the ospreys travel or stop without regardto wind. This lack of wind selectivity under light and moderatewinds is in agreement with our prediction. We expect a low degreeof wind selectivity and thus regular flights under headwindsalso among other types of birds that cannot use stopping timefor efficient foraging and fuel deposition. We also found anunexpected lack of influence of precipitation, possibly becauseof relatively few instances with rainfall in combination withpoor geographic precision for estimates of this weather variable.  相似文献   

Fried B. and Fujino T. 1984. Scanning electron microscopy of Echinostoma revolutum (Trematoda) during development in the chick embryo and the domestic chick. International Journal for Parasitology14: 75–81. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to study the development of chemically excysted metacercariae of Echinostoma revolutum on the chick chorioallantois. SEM studies were also made on preovigerous adults of E. revolutum grown in the domestic chick. During worm development on the chorioallantois the tegument changed from smooth to granular and sensory papillae on the suckers became well-defined. As worms developed on the chorioallantois the cephalic collar spines became thicker and more curved and the tegumentary spines showed marked changes in shape, size and distribution on both ventral and dorsal aspects of the body. Changes in the surface ultrastructure of worms grown on the chorioallantois were essentially similar to those observed in preovigerous worms from chicks.  相似文献   

Chic chicks: the evolution of chick ornamentation in rails   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Competition over access to food has led to the evolution ofa variety of exaggerated visual and vocal displays in altricialnestling birds. Precocial chicks that are fed by their parentsalso vary widely in appearance ranging from those with inconspicuouscoloration to those with brightly colored bills, fleshy parts,and plumes. These ornaments are lost by the end of the periodof parental dependence, suggesting they function in competitionover parental care. We use a comparative approach to evaluatewhich ecological or life-history variables may have favoredthe evolution of conspicuous ornamentation in precocial chicks.We compiled data on chick morphology, ecology, and social organizationof species in the Family Rallidae, a group with highly variabledowny chicks. Chick ornamentation in the form of brightly coloredbills, fleshy patches, or plumes is observed in 36 of 97 speciesfor which downy chicks are described. Phylogenetic reconstructionssuggest that nonornamentation is the ancestral state. Chickornamentation has evolved multiple times within the Rallidaeand is significantly associated with large clutch sizes andpolygamous mating systems. Chick ornamentation was also weaklyassociated with adult ornamentation and adult dimorphism. Weargue that these results support the hypothesis that lineageswith higher levels of sibling competition are more likely toevolve ornamented chicks.  相似文献   

1. In precocial birds, where the young feed themselves, the costs and benefits of brood size are still poorly understood. An experimental manipulation of brood size was employed to examine the effects of brood size on both parents and young in a wild population of barnacle geese [ Branta leucopsis (Bechstein)] during brood-rearing on Svalbard.
2. Social dominance of the family unit, the amount of vigilance behaviour of the parents, the growth of the goslings in the family unit and an index of body condition for female parents during moult were all positively correlated with brood size.
3. When brood size changed as a result of natural events (i.e. predation or adoption) or experimental manipulation, rates of dominance, parental vigilance, gosling growth and female parent condition changed in a similar direction to the observed relation between the variable and brood size in unchanged broods.
4. After fledging, the fast-growing goslings in large broods survived better during autumn migration, while there was no apparent net cost in survival or next-year breeding for the parents.
5. Via a direct effect of brood size on dominance of the family unit, large broods were beneficial for both parent and young in a situation where there was strong intraspecific competition for the available food resources.
6. This study provides a clear demonstration of a causal relationship between brood size and various components of both gosling and adult fitness and is of direct relevance to the phenomenon of adoption and the evolution of brood size in this species.  相似文献   

Reciprocal transplant and “common garden” experiments were done to distinguish the genetic and environmental components of geographic variation in growth, development and morphological characters of Mallard Ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) from California, USA and Manitoba, Canada. Most of the variation in growth and development could be attributed to differences in nesting phenology and local environmental conditions. Differences in morphological characters typical of birds in the two wild populations could be induced by transplanting young between localities. All differences between populations disappeared in the F1 offspring from captive breeding crosses, reared in a common environment. These results suggest that population-level variation in growth, development and morphology of Mallards in the wild is environmentally induced.  相似文献   

Procellariiform seabirds such as short-tailed shearwaters Puffinus tenuirostris accumulate large quantities of lipid during the nestling period. The functional significance of this pattern of development remains unclear, but has been related both to temporal variation in feeding conditions around the colony and to stochastic variation in the foraging success of individual parents. This paper examines temporal and age-specific variation in the pattern of food delivery to nestling short-tailed shearwaters, which have one of the lowest provisioning rates of any procellariiforms and are known to experience occasional long intervals between feeds. We assess whether variation in the provisioning rates of chicks was associated primarily with temporal variation in food delivery at the level of the colony or with stochastic variation in food delivery at the level of the individual. We then discuss this variability in the context of nestling obesity. For all but the youngest chick age-classes, individual meals delivered by adults averaged 141 g, which was 25% of adult body mass. The proportion of chicks fed each night was low (49%) and highly variable (coefficient of variation = 82%), which means that occasional long intervals between feeds would be expected to arise simply by chance. In keeping with this, intervals between feeding events for individual chicks followed a negative exponential distribution with a mean of 2 nights and a maximum interval of 13 nights. There was significant temporal variation in food delivery, but deviations from expected values for both feeding frequency and meal size were restricted to a small number of nights, included values both higher and lower than expected and did not persist for more than 2 nights in succession. These data suggest that even among those species with very low feeding frequencies and occasional long intervals between feeds, nestling obesity in Procellariiformes should be regarded as a response to chronic stochastic variability in food delivery at the level of the individual chick rather than as insurance against sporadic temporal variation at the level of the colony. Received: 3 March 1997 / Accepted: 10 May 1997  相似文献   

1. The aquatic macrophyte Podostemum ceratophyllum has been shown to increase stream productivity, abundance and biomass of benthic invertebrates, and local occurrences of some stream fishes. However, experimental evidence that fishes preferentially associate with Podostemum is lacking, and the value of Podostemum as a predictor of stream fish assemblage composition has not been studied. 2. We conducted two short‐term (2 week), small‐scale (36 m2) experimental manipulations of Podostemum cover in the Conasauga River (Georgia and Tennessee, U.S.), and found higher abundances of benthic insectivorous fishes in patches with augmented (>80%) compared to reduced (7%) Podostemum cover. In an observational study, we quantified associations among percent cover of Podostemum, fish species richness, land cover, shoal length and base‐flow turbidity at 20 randomly selected shoals from a 39‐km reach that spanned a gradient of decreasing forest land cover. 3. Richness of all fish species and of lotic fishes peaked in the centre of the study reach, and richness was weakly correlated with predictor variables. Occupancy models for individual species also indicated that longitudinal position was a strong covariate for 13 of 19 species examined, with little support that Podostemum cover influenced occupancy. 4. Local associations may reflect choices by benthic fishes to utilise Podostemum, whereas downstream decline in fish species richness and Podostemum cover may reflect altered capacity of the system to support native species.  相似文献   

Male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) provisioned50%(118/235) of available broods over an 8-year period. In mostcases, each male provisioned only the oldest brood on his territory,but in 21 cases, the male fed a younger brood after first feedingan older one. In 10 of these cases the switch to the youngerbrood followed predation of the older brood, but in the remaining11 cases the cause of the switch was unknown. To determine whethermale red-winged blackbirds adjust their provisioning when thedemands of their broods change, we exchanged broods betweenpairs of nests on 10 territories. Before each exchange, eachmale had been feeding nestlings of only one of the two broods.In response to the exchanges, male (and female) red-winged blackbirdsimmediately adjusted their rates of provisioning to the increasedor decreased demands of the broods. In addition, most malesswitched their provisioning within a day after the exchangeso that they fed the same broods as before the exchanges. Ourresults show that male red-winged blackbirds adjust their provisioningwhen the demands of their broods change and suggest that maleshave enough information about other nesting attempts on theirterritories to shift to a more profitable brood when the expectedbenefits of provisioning change. Male red-winged blackbirdsdo not appear to follow an investment strategy based on priorinvestments (i.e., they do not commit the "Concorde fallacy").  相似文献   

The action of acetylcholine and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) on cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was studied in the otocyst epithelium of embryonic day 3 chicks with Ca2+-sensitive fluorescence measurements. Increases in [Ca2+]i were evoked by the bath application of acetylcholine (1 μM or higher). The rise in [Ca2+]i was due to the release of Ca2+ from intracellular Ca2+ stores, since the Ca2+ response occurred even in a Ca2+-free medium. The Ca2+ response to acetylcholine was mediated by muscarinic receptors. Atropine of 1 μM abolisehd the response to 10 μM acetylcholine; muscarine and carbamylcholine (100 μM each) evoked Ca2+ rises. Increases in [Ca2+]i were also evoked by the bath application of ATP (10 μM or higher). The Ca2+ rise by ATP was evoked even in a Ca2+-free medium. Adenosine (500 μM) did not cause any Ca2+ response. Suramin and reactive blue 2 (200 μM each) completely blocked the Ca2+ response to 500μM ATP. Uridine triphosphate (500 μM) caused comparable Ca2+ responses with those to 500 μM ATP. These results suggested the involvement of P2U purinoceptors. The potentiation of Ca2+ rise was observed when acetylcholine and ATP were co-applied at submaximal concentrations (10 μM and 100 μM, respectively). We conclude that undifferentiated cells in the otocyst epithelium have CaCa2+ mobilizing systems activated by acetylcholine and ATP. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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