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 Chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) normally lay two eggs, but brood size is often reduced by mortality during incubation or after hatching. We hypothesized that this variation in brood size would affect the parents’ foraging behavior and their chick provisioning performance. We studied patterns of adult foraging trip duration and frequency, food load delivery, and chick growth rates in relation to brood size during the guard phase in four breeding seasons (1991–1994) on Seal Island, Antarctica. Within a given year, parents with two chicks made more frequent foraging trips to sea and may have transported larger food loads to the nest; however, the duration of foraging trips was unrelated to brood size. Overall, parents with two chicks spent ∼15% more time at sea than parents with only one chick. Both the frequency and duration of foraging trips varied between years. Foraging trip duration may partly reflect the birds’ foraging radius, which probably varies with time in response to shifts in krill distribution. Chick growth rate varied betwen years, but was related to brood size only in 1992, when chicks from two-chick broods grew significantly more slowly than chicks from one-chick broods. Food loads transported to chicks, as well as chick growth rates, were highest in 1994, when concurrent hydroacoustic studies indicated that regional krill biomass was severely depressed. This apparent anomaly suggests that the spatial scale of the krill survey may have been too coarse to detect some high-density krill aggregations within the penguins’ foraging range. Received: 26 September 1995 / Accepted: 12 May 1996  相似文献   

We studied the effects of loggers attached to chick-rearing little auks (Alle alle) on their daily time budget (proportion of time spent in the colony and at sea), foraging activity (duration and proportion of long and short foraging flights), chick provisioning rate and their growth and development on Spitsbergen. We found that experimental parent birds performed shorter but more frequent long foraging flights and reduced the frequency of short foraging flights. They spent more time at the colony and reduced chick provisioning rate compared to control birds. Nestlings reared by experimental parents weighed significantly less at their middle, peak and fledging age and departed colony later than chicks of control parents. Little auks depend on energy-rich copepods associated with cold Arctic waters and are expected to face the climate-induced worsening of the foraging conditions, which may have negative impact on their time/energy budget and survival. The study may help to determine the level of extra effort little auks need to invest to breed successfully.  相似文献   

Procellariiform seabirds have a number of extreme life-history characteristics in common, in particular low reproductive rates and slow postnatal development, which are generally assumed to reflect the difficulty in acquiring energy in the marine environment. The wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) is a sexually dimorphic species with the longest postnatal growth found in any bird, suggesting severe constraints on provisioning and possible sex-specific strategies of provisioning. We studied the provisioning behaviour and mass changes of male and female parent wandering albatross throughout the 9-months rearing period to examine how each sex adjusts its foraging effort in relation to the needs of the chicks and the seasonal changes in food availability. The study was carried out on the Crozet Islands, using an automated system recording continuously the attendance pattern of parents between March and December 1994. During the brooding period when energy requirements are highest, parents only perform trips of short duration to sea, and their body condition deteriorates. When the chick is old enough to be left alone, the parents mix short and long foraging trips. The proportion of short trips is very high until July, allowing high rate of food delivery and rapid growth, and at the same time the body condition of adults improves. From August this proportion declines until fledging in December. As a result, the feeding rate decreases from August and adult condition declines, suggesting that feeding conditions at sea are better during the first part of the chick-rearing period, i.e. in autumn and winter. Male parents perform more short trips of shorter duration and provide larger meals than females, delivering an estimated total after brooding of 110 kg of food, compared to 70–80 kg delivered by females. Meal size is inversely related to the body condition of male chicks but not to that of female chicks, suggesting that food delivery is regulated by the adults in response to the condition of the male chick. Male chicks received larger meals and more food every month than female chicks, and overall it was estimated that they receive, after brooding, 195 kg of food compared to 180 kg for the female. As a result, male chicks have a higher growth rate, attain a higher asymptotic mass, and are larger and heavier at fledging than female chicks. However, the differences are relatively small between the chicks of each sex and suggest that energy may be used differently between the sexes to maximise fitness. The results of the study suggest that provisioning effort of wandering albatrosses is adjusted by parents in relation to the availability of food, to the energetic needs of the chick and to the sex of the chick. The adult body mass is likely to play an important role in the long term for the regulation of provisioning, deficits in body mass probably providing the buffer in high power-requirement periods. Accepted: 20 March 2000  相似文献   

For most seabirds, reproductive performance improves with age; in albatrosses this is thought not to be so (experience being acquired before starting breeding) but only one study (of chick growth in a single season at one site) has specifically addressed this. We compared the provisioning performance and growth rates of chicks of Wandering Albatrosses Diomedea exulans breeding for the first (IN), second and third (LE) and fourth or more times (EE) on Bird Island, South Georgia in the austral winters of 1996 and 1997. Eggs from EE adults were significantly heavier than the other two categories and these chicks had a greater mass and longer wings up to 160 days of age and longer culmen and tarsus up to 115 days old. However chicks from all categories fledged at the same average mass, size and age. No significant differences between categories in feeding frequency or meal size were detected but experienced adults made shorter long foraging trips and spent more time at the nest than less experienced birds. Adults that remained at the nest gave chicks smaller meals than those that left immediately after feeding the chick. Although provision of smaller but more frequent meals by experienced adults promotes more rapid chick growth, the resulting differences do not persist into the late chick-rearing period. Our results were very similar to those from Iles Crozet in the Indian Ocean, supporting the hypothesis that when Wandering Albatrosses start to breed they are fully competent foragers but that it takes a while, during early chick-rearing, for birds breeding for the first time to adapt to the additional demands of provisioning a chick.  相似文献   

We compared the parental division of labour and the pattern and rate of parental provisioning by two sympatric species of albatross of similar mass and breeding timetable but differing in diet and in the duration of chick‐rearing. Using electronic weighing platforms inside artificial nests, we recorded chick mass of Black‐browed Albatross and Grey‐headed Albatross at Bird Island, South Georgia every 10 minutes for both species in 1993 and 1994 and for each species in two other years between 1990 and 1996. The chick mass data (nearly one million weighings) were used to calculate meal mass (over 5000 meals) and intervals between meals. Adult birds were fitted with radio‐transmitters which allowed each meal to be allocated to the appropriate parent. The combination of meal mass and foraging trip duration were used to calculate provisioning rates for chicks and individual adults. Overall, Black‐browed Albatrosses delivered significantly lighter meals (569 g) than Grey‐headed Albatrosses (616 g) but more frequently (every 2.07 days and 2.50 days respectively). Thus combining foraging trip data for both parents, Black‐browed Albatross chicks received a meal every 1.22 days compared with 1.26 days for Greyheaded Albatross. These rates did not differ significantly. The contribution of each sex of each species in chick provisioning fluctuated between years, being similar in some years or biased towards males in others. Chicks of both species that failed to fledge received smaller, less frequent meals than successful chicks. In 1990 and 1994, Black‐browed Albatross chick provisioning rates were lower than in 1992 and 1993. In 1990, both meal mass and trip duration were affected, but only in 1994 was trip duration longer. Greyheaded Albatross chick provisioning rate was lower in 1994 than in other years but trip duration was longer. In each species, significant changes in meal mass and trip duration occurred within the chick‐rearing period. Chick provisioning rates invariably declined before chicks attained their peak mass. For both species, chick growth rates and peak and fledging mass, but not fledging age, were affected by differences in provisioning rate.  相似文献   


We attached 11 g (1.4% body‐mass equivalent) global location sensing (GLS) archival tag packages to tarsi of 25 breeding sooty shearwaters (Puffinus griseus, titi) on Whenua Hou (Codfish Island), New Zealand during the chick‐rearing period in 2005. Compared with chicks reared by non‐handled adults that did not carry tags, deployment of tags on one or both adult parents ultimately resulted in 35% reduction in chick body mass and significantly reduced chick skeletal size preceding fledging (19 April). However, body mass between chick groups was not significantly different after controlling for skeletal size. Effects on chicks were more pronounced in six pairs where both parents carried tags. Chick mass was negatively related to the duration that adults carried tags. In this study, none of the chicks reared by pairs where both parents were tagged, 54% of chicks reared by pairs where one parent was tagged, and 83% of chicks reared by non‐handled and non‐tagged parents achieved a previously determined pre‐fiedging mass threshold (564 g; Sagar & Horning 1998). Body mass of adults carrying tags and returning from trans‐equatorial migration the following year were 4% lighter on average than non‐tagged birds, but this difference was not statistically significant. Reduced mass among chicks reared by adults carrying tags during the chick‐provisioning period indicated that adults altered “normal” provisioning behaviours to maintain their own body condition at the expense of their chicks. Population‐level information derived from telemetry studies can reveal important habitat‐linked behaviours, unique aspects of sea‐bird foraging behaviours, and migration ecology. Information for some species (e.g., overlap with fisheries) can aid conservation and marine ecosystem management. We advise caution, however, when interpreting certain data related to adult provisioning behaviours (e.g., time spent foraging, provisioning rates, etc.). If effects on individuals are of concern, we suggest shorter‐term deployments, smaller and lighter tags, and alternative attachment techniques, especially when investigating threatened or endangered species.  相似文献   

Sex differences in food provisioning have been found in a numberof socially monogamous birds with biparental care, but the reasonsremain unclear. In Manx shearwaters, males provide 40–50%more food for chicks than do females, and previous empiricaldata have suggested that this difference could arise becausefemales are able to regulate food delivery by reducing the provisioningof well-nourished chicks, whereas males are not (hypothesis1). Alternatively, however, males may be as capable as femalesof assessing and responding to the variation in the nutritionalrequirements of their chick but have a higher threshold forreducing food delivery to well-nourished chicks (hypothesis2). To test these two hypotheses, we used supplementary feedingto manipulate the nutritional status of chicks and then examinedthe responses of male and female parents and their offspring.Supplementary feeding significantly reduced both the beggingbehavior of chicks and the frequency and sizes of meals deliveredby parents. Males and females reduced their overall provisioningrates to a similar extent (males by 38%, females by 42%), somaintaining the same difference in contributions to provisioningin the control group (males 58%, females 42%) and the experimentaltreatment (males 59%, females 41%). These data strongly supporthypothesis 2. Supplementary feeding of chicks resulted in fewervisits by parents and a higher proportion of long trips in bothsexes (4 days for males, 5–7 days for females). However,maximum trip durations were unchanged, suggesting that supplementaryfeeding of chicks had no effect on the foraging ranges or overallfood-provisioning strategies of parents.  相似文献   

Procellariiform seabirds such as the Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus, rear only one chick at a time but may breed many times in their lives; parents should thus limit food delivery to the chick in keeping with the balance between current and future reproductive output. Yet procellariiform chicks accumulate large quantities of lipid, which may provide a buffer against pronounced and unpredictable variation in food provisioning, resulting in part from an inability of parents to regulate food supply to the nest. We switched chicks between nests to examine the roles of parents and offspring in controlling food delivery. The serial autocorrelation in age-specific body masses for unmanipulated chicks decreased from 0.61 (P< 0.01) to 0.35 (NS) over a period of 15 days and remained nonsignificant thereafter. By contrast, the serial autocorrelation for switched chicks increased from 0.64 (P< 0.01) to 0.83 (P< 0.001) and the serial cross-correlation rose from 0.23 (NS) to 0.50 (P< 0.05). These results supported both chick determination and parental determination models of food provisioning, indicating that chicks conveyed information about their nutritional status, which parents acted upon by adjusting their rate of food delivery. We discuss these results in relation to the optimization of nestling lipid reserves and parental foraging effort. We suggest that information conveyed by the chick's begging intensity serves to reduce the provisioning rate to well-fed chicks, but parents cannot or do not increase food provisioning to poorly fed chicks. Such adjustment of food provisioning does not refute the hypothesis that nestling obesity provides a buffer against highly variable food delivery. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

For oceanic birds like king penguins, a major constraint is the separation of foraging areas from the breeding colony, largely because swimming increases foraging costs. However, the relationship between foraging strategy and breeding stage has been poorly investigated. Using time-depth recorders, we studied the diving behaviour of two groups of king penguins that were either incubating or brooding chicks at Crozet Islands (Southern Indian Ocean) at the same period of the year. Although birds with chicks had the highest predicted energy demand, they made foraging trips half as long as incubating birds (6 vs. 14 days) and modified their time and depth utilisation. Birds with chicks dived deeper during daylight (mean maximum depth of 280 m vs. 205 m for those incubating). At night, birds with chicks spent twice as much time diving as those incubating, but birds at both stages never dived beyond 30 m. Movements to greater depths by brooding birds are consistent with the vertical distribution of myctophid fish which are the main prey. As chick provisioning limits trip duration, it is suggested that it is more efficient for parents to change their diving patterns rather than to restrict their foraging range. Received: 23 June 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

Sexual differences in food provisioning rates of monomorphic seabirds are well known but poorly understood. Here, we address three hypotheses that attempt to explain female-biased food provisioning in common guillemots Uria aalge : (1) males spend more time in nest defence, (2) females have greater foraging efficiency, and (3) males allocate a greater proportion of foraging effort to self-maintenance. We found that males spent no more time with chicks than females but made longer trips and travelled further from the colony. There was extensive overlap between sexes in core foraging areas, indicating that females were not excluding males from feeding opportunities close to the colony. However, as a result of their longer trips, the total foraging areas of males were much greater than those of females. There was no difference between sexes in overall dive rate per hour at sea, in behaviour during individual dives or in a number of other measures of foraging efficiency including the frequency, depth and duration of dives and the dive: pause ratio during the final dive bout of each trip, which was presumably used by both sexes to obtain prey for the chick. These data strongly suggest that sexes did not differ in their ability to locate and capture prey. Yet males made almost twice as many dives per trip as females, suggesting that males made more dives than females for their own benefit. These results support the hypothesis that female-biased food provisioning arose from a difference between sexes in the allocation of foraging effort between parents and offspring, in anticipation of a prolonged period of male-only post-fledging care of the chick, and not from differences in foraging efficiency or time spent in nest defence.  相似文献   

Body mass of Brünnich's guillemots Uria lomvia breeding at Coats Island, Canada, was measured during incubation and chick‐rearing in 1988–2001. In most years, mass increased during incubation and fell after hatching, leveling off by the time chicks were 18 d old, close to the age at which chicks departed. Mass during incubation increased with age up to about 12 yr, but the mass of birds brooding chicks was not related to age. The trend towards increasing mass during incubation was mainly a consequence of mass increases of young breeders as older birds maintained a constant mass. The variation in adult mass with age during incubation seems likely to reflect age‐related variation in foraging ability, but the loss of mass after hatching, being greater for older birds, appears best explained as a response to the demands of provisioning chicks, with older birds transferring their accumulated reserves to their chicks via higher provisioning rates.  相似文献   

To determine whether stable isotope measurements of bird feathers can be used to identify moulting (interbreeding) foraging areas of adult seabirds, we examined the stable-carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopic composition of feathers of chicks and adults of black-browed albatrosses (Diomedea melanophrys) from Kerguelen Islands, southern Indian Ocean. Albatross chicks are fed primarily fish (75% by mass), the diet being dominated by various species of the family Nototheniidae and Channichthyidae which commonly occur in the shelf waters in the vicinity of the colony. δ13C and δ15N values in chick feathers, which are grown in summer in the breeding area, were lower than values in adult feathers, which are grown in winter (δ13C: –19.6‰ versus –17.6‰ and δ15N: 12.4‰ versus 15.7‰, respectively). No differences in δ13C and δ15N values were found in adult wing feathers moulted in 1993 and 1994 and in adult feathers formed at the beginning, middle and end of the 1994 moulting period. These data are consistent with adults moulting in the same area and feeding at the same trophic level from one year to the next and with no major changes in foraging ecology within a given moulting season; they suggest that foraging grounds were different in summer and winter and that these differed in their stable-isotope signature. Changes in both feather δ13C and δ15N values indicated feeding south of the Subtropical Front (STF) during chick rearing, which is in agreement with the known foraging ecology at this time and feeding north of the STF during moult. This, together with band recoveries from adult birds, indicates that black-browed albatrosses from Kerguelen Islands wintered in subtropical waters off southern Australia. The stable-isotope markers in feathers, therefore, have the potential for locating moulting areas of migratory seabird species moving between isotopically distinct regions and for investigating seabirds’ foraging ecology during the poorly known interbreeding period. Such information is needed for studies of year-round ecology of seabirds as well as for their conservation and the long-term monitoring of the pelagic environment. Received: 28 June 1999 / Accepted: 14 September 1999  相似文献   

Long-lived birds often face a dilemma between self-maintenance and reproduction. In order to maximize fitness, some seabird parents alternate short trips to collect food for offspring with long trips for self-feeding (bimodal foraging strategy). In this study, we examined whether temporal and spatial variation in the quality of foraging grounds affect provisioning and fledging success of a long-lived, bimodal forager, the little auk (Alle alle), the most abundant seabird species in the Arctic ecosystem. We predicted that an increase in sea surface temperature (SST), with an associated decrease in the preferred Arctic zooplankton prey, would increase foraging trip durations, decrease chick provisioning rates and decrease chick fledging success. Chick provisioning and survival were observed during three consecutive years (2008–2010) at two colonies with variable foraging conditions in Spitsbergen: Isfjorden and Magdalenefjorden. We found that a change in SST (range 1.6–5.4 °C) did not influence trip durations or provisioning rates. SST was, however, negatively correlated with the number of prey items delivered to a chick. Furthermore, provisioning rates did not influence chick’s probability to fledge; instead, SST was also negatively correlated with fledging probability. This was likely related to the prey availability and quality in the little auk’s foraging grounds. Our findings suggest that predicted warmer climate in the Arctic will negatively influence the ability of parents to provide their chicks, and consequently, the fledging prospects of little auk chicks.  相似文献   

1. Two hypotheses may explain how long-lived seabirds regulate the food provisioning to their chick. The fixed level of investment hypothesis states that the parents provide food for their chick according to an intrinsic rhythm, independent of their chick's need. The flexible investment hypothesis states that the parents adjust their food provisioning both according to their chick's and their own need.
2. We tested how the Antarctic petrels adjust the food-provisioning according to their own body condition or to their chick's need. First, we selected parents in poor and good body condition. Then we gave all parents randomly a chick of different body mass, but of the same age. We then measured the chicks daily until they were fed for the first time after swapping.
3. Parents in good body condition at hatching were more likely to produce a chick that was still alive 9 days after hatching than parents in poor body condition. Chick body mass at day 9 and at the end of the guarding period was positively related to the mean body condition of the parents at hatching.
4. The meal size provided by parents in good body condition was larger than that provided by parents in poor body condition. Parents in good body condition delivered more food to small than to large chicks, whereas no such relationship was found among parents in poor body condition.
5. Our results suggest that the Antarctic petrel parents adjust the amount of food delivered to their chick according to both the chick's need and their own body condition, and that the ability to respond to the chick's need is dependent upon their own body condition.  相似文献   

The amount of food delivered by parents to their chicks is affected by various life history traits as well as environmental and social factors, and this investment ultimately determines the current and future fitness of parents and their offspring. We studied parental provisioning behaviour in the Vinous-throated Parrotbill Paradoxornis webbianus, a species with an unusual social system that is characterised by flock-living, weak territoriality and variable nesting dispersion. Parental provisioning rate had a positive influence on chick mass gain, suggesting that provisioning rate is an effective measure of parental investment in this species. Males and females fed nestlings at approximately the same rate, and no other carers were observed at nests. Parents coordinated provisioning rates so that they mostly fed chicks synchronously. However, the extent to which parents coordinated provisioning was associated with their social environment, synchrony being positively related to local breeding density and negatively to nearest neighbour distance. The rate at which parents provisioned nestlings showed the same relationships with social measures, being greatest at higher density and when neighbours were closer. Visit rate was also related to chick age, but not to brood size, brood sex ratio, extra pair paternity, laying date, temperature, parents’ body characters, time of day or year. We conclude that a breeding pairs’ social environment plays an important role in determining parental investment, probably through its effects on the opportunities that parents have for foraging with conspecifics.  相似文献   

Albatrosses fly many hundreds of kilometers across the open ocean to find and feed upon their prey. Despite the growing number of studies concerning their foraging behaviour, relatively little is known about how albatrosses actually locate their prey. Here, we present our results from the first deployments of a combined animal-borne camera and depth data logger on free-ranging black-browed albatrosses (Thalassarche melanophrys). The still images recorded from these cameras showed that some albatrosses actively followed a killer whale (Orcinus orca), possibly to feed on food scraps left by this diving predator. The camera images together with the depth profiles showed that the birds dived only occasionally, but that they actively dived when other birds or the killer whale were present. This association with diving predators or other birds may partially explain how albatrosses find their prey more efficiently in the apparently ‘featureless’ ocean, with a minimal requirement for energetically costly diving or landing activities.  相似文献   

The factors affecting the number and the mortality rates of seabirds attending long-liners and trawlers fishing in the Kerguelen area were studied during four successive seasons (1994–1997), based on observations carried out onboard by dedicated observers. Twenty-four species of seabirds were observed attending fishing vessels, representing an average of 591 birds/census. The total numbers attending varied mainly according to the year, the cloud cover and the presence of offal from long-liners. The dumping of offal increased the numbers of birds attending the vessel, especially when the offal could be easily handled by birds. The activity of the vessels also affected the numbers attending, birds being more abundant during line setting and trawl hauling. White-chinned petrels were the most abundant ship-following seabirds, followed by black-browed albatrosses, giant petrels and cape petrels. The number of white-chinned petrels, black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses attending fishing vessels increased in the time between spring and autumn, whereas it was the reverse situation for giant petrels and cape petrels. Four species of seabirds were caught by fishing gear, mainly by long-lines: white-chinned petrels, and black-browed, grey-headed and wandering albatrosses. Taking into account the number of birds from each species attending long-liners and known to be potential by-catch, some species appear to be more susceptible to being caught than others. White-chinned and grey-headed albatrosses are caught in much higher proportions than the numbers present, whereas black-browed albatrosses are caught in lower numbers. Giant petrels are abundant around long-liners but were never caught. In long-liners, most birds were killed when the lines were set during the day or when the deployment of the scaring device was not successful, with an overall figure of 0.47 birds/1000 hooks. Only one albatross was caught when the lines were set during the night. White-chinned petrels represented 92.2% of all birds killed by long-liners. The number of birds caught varied significantly among months and among years. The type of bait used also affected the catch rate. The catch rate was related to the number of birds attending the long-liner only for black-browed albatrosses. Most birds killed by trawlers were entangled by the netsonde cable. The efficiency of mitigation measures in order to reduce seabird mortality is discussed and it is stressed that night setting is the most efficient way to reduce mortality and should be enforced everywhere when possible. However, further methods should be developed to reduce the mortality of species active at night, especially white-chinned petrels whose populations in the Indian Ocean may by threatened by long-line fisheries. Accepted: 15 October 1999  相似文献   

We studied the regulation of provisioning in Cory's shearwaterat Selvagem Grande during the chick rearing period. Provisioningwas examined in terms of feeding frequency and amount of fooddelivered to chicks. Two groups of chicks were subjected toshort-term contrasting manipulations of their nutritional status:one group of chicks was given a food supplement of about 30g, and another group was deprived of up to 30 g of food. Adultstending deprived chicks increased the frequency of feedingvisits (but not the size of feeds), which resulted in an increasein the net rate of food delivery. At the end of this study,deprived chicks were growing at the same rate as fed chicks. Parents attending fed chick did not change their provisioningrates in response to the treatment. Our results indicate thatCory's shearwaters are able to adjust their provisioning ratein response to short-term variation in the nutritional statusof their chicks. We also examined the change in the beggingrate of fed and deprived chicks in response to the treatment.There was no relationship between the begging rate and thecondition of chicks, which is taken to be a measure of thechick's physiological condition, related to its ability towithstand imposed periods of fasting. However, fed chicks decreasedtheir begging rate after the increase in their condition dueto supplementary food. Conversely, deprived chicks, which wereonly able to sustain their condition before the onset of thetreatment, maintained high levels of begging. To some extent,these results suggest that parental provisioning can be influencedby the begging behavior of chicks.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternities (EPP) are relatively common in passerines, but rare in seabirds. Like most seabirds, albatrosses are long lived, form long-term pair bonds and require biparental care for chick-rearing. Microsatellite analyses of 327 chicks from black-browed Thalassarche melanophris , grey-headed T. chrysostoma and wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans over two breeding seasons revealed the presence of EPP in all three species. Though EPP rates varied between species and years, up to 21% of offspring were the result of extrapair matings. Rates were highest in wandering albatrosses (6–21%) followed by grey-headed (3–10%) and black-browed (0–9%) albatrosses. EPP rates were lower in 1998 compared to 1999 in both black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses, whereas the reverse was true for wandering albatrosses. Interspecific differences in EPP rates may reflect differences in breeding phenology and sexual size dimorphism. Differences in timing and frequency of breeding may promote different opportunities for interactions with birds other than their normal partner. The different breeding habitat, dispersion and mate-attraction rituals in wandering albatross, together with the disparity in size between the sexes may also offer more scope for higher rates of EPP. Despite extensive sampling within each colony, we were unable to identify sires for many of the extrapair young; however males from other colonies were involved, raising interesting questions regarding the timing and nature of such events.  相似文献   

We studied several aspects of the foraging ecology of fulmars rearing young chicks on Bjørnøya. To determine precisely the duration of foraging trips during the brooding period, we used an automated logging system that recorded the presence of fulmars fitted with transponders. We also tracked, with satellite transmitters, four parent fulmars during the brooding period, and two after the chick had been left alone. When brooding the chick, fulmars appeared to alternate very rapidly on the nest, with foraging trips lasting on average 8?h. This period appeared constraining for the birds since parents lost mass. The growth of chicks was dependent on the ability of the female (and not the male) to do short foraging trips. At this time birds are foraging at an average distance of 60?km from the colony, with birds concentrating on the shelf around Bjørnøya. They did not return from one trip to the next to the same foraging area. As the season progressed and the chicks were left alone on the nest, parents increased the duration and maximum range of foraging trips as well as the distance covered. However, they still perform a succession of relatively short foraging trips to the east of the Bjørnøya shelf but they interspersed these short trips with longer foraging trips. One bird returned twice to the same site along the Norwegian coast 570?km from Bjørnøya, the other foraged at 580?km in the mid-Barents Sea. Average flight speed including time spent on the water was 28?km/h and reached 70?km/h during bouts of more than 1?h when the bird was probably continuously in flight.  相似文献   

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