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To characterize the anti-melanoma reactivity of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) from choroidal melanoma patients, CTL clones were isolated from the peripheral blood of three patients after mixed lymphocyte/tumor cell culture (MLTC). Clones were derived from lymphocytes stimulated by allogeneic (OCM-1, A24, A28) or autologous (OCM-3, Al, A30) melanoma cells. Their reactivity against a panel of HLA-typed melanoma and nonmelanoma cells was assessed, to determine whether a single CTL clone could recognize and lyse a variety of allogeneic melanoma cell lines. While proportionately more clones derived from autologous MLTC were melanoma-specific than allogeneic MLTC (42% versus 14%), melanoma-specific CTL were recovered from both. Notably, a novel melanoma specificity was identified. These CTL clones were termed non-fastidious because they were capable of lysing melanoma cells with which they had no HLA class I alleles in common. Nonetheless, lysis was mediated by the HLA class I molecule. Since lysis was specific for melanoma cells, these CTL appeared to recognize a shared melanoma peptide(s). Because of their prevalence, we propose that non-fastidious CTL are integral to human anti-melanoma T cell immunity. This reinforces clinical findings that allogeneic melanomas can substitute for autologous tumors in active specific immunotherapy. By circumventing the need for autologous melanoma, it is possible to treat patients after removal of the primary choroidal melanoma in an attempt to prevent metastasis.Supported by USPHS grants EY-09031 and EY-09427, and the Lucy Adams Choroidal Melanoma Research Fund to J. K.-M.  相似文献   

The delivery of CD40 signaling to APCs during T cell priming enhances many T cell-mediated immune responses. Although CD40 signaling up-regulates APC production of IL-12, the impact of this increased production on T cell priming is unclear. In this study an IL-12-independent T cell-mediated immune response, contact hypersensitivity (CHS), was used to further investigate the effect of CD40 ligation on the phenotypic development of Ag-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. Normally, sensitization for CHS responses induces hapten-specific CD4(+) T cells producing type 2 cytokines and CD8(+) T cells producing IFN-gamma. Treatment of mice with agonist anti-CD40 mAb during sensitization with the hapten 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene resulted in CHS responses of increased magnitude and duration. These augmented responses in anti-CD40 Ab-treated mice correlated with increased numbers of hapten-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells producing IFN-gamma in the skin draining lymph nodes. Identical results were observed using IL-12(-/-) mice, indicating that CD40 ligation promotes CHS responses and development of IFN-gamma-producing CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in the absence of IL-12. Engagement of CD40 on hapten-presenting Langerhans cells (hpLC) up-regulated the expression of both class I and class II MHC and promoted hpLC migration into the T cell priming site. These results indicate that hpLC stimulated by CD40 ligation use a mechanism distinct from increased IL-12 production to promote Ag-specific T cell development to IFN-gamma-producing cells.  相似文献   

Summary Studies were undertaken to test the susceptibility of individual T cell subpopulations to retroviral-mediated gene transduction. Gene transfer into human tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was carried out by transduction with an amphotropic murine retroviral vector (LNL6 or N2) containing the bacterialneo R gene. The presence of theneo R gene in the TIL population was demonstrated by Southern blot analysis, detection of the enzymatic activity of the gene product and by the ability of transduced TIL to proliferate in high concentrations of G418, a neomycin analog that is toxic to eukaryotic cells. The presence of theneo R gene in TIL did not alter their proliferation or interleukin-2 dependence compared to nontransduced TIL. The differential susceptibility of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphoid cells to the retro-virus-mediated gene transfer was then tested. Transduction of heterogeneous TIL cultures containing both CD4+ and CD8+ cells resulted in gene insertion into both T cell subsets with no preferential transduction frequency into either CD4+ or CD8+ cells. In other experiments highly purified CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subpopulations from either TIL or PBMC could be successfully transduced with theneo R gene as demonstrated by Southern blot analysis and detection of the gene product neophosphotransferase activity. No such activity or vector DNA could be detected in controls of nontransduced cells. In these highly purified cell subsets the distinctive T cell phenotypic markers were continually expressed after transduction, G418 selection and long-term growth. Clinical trials have begun in patients with advanced cancer using heterogeneous populations of CD4+ and CD8+ gene-modified TIL. Current address: Bone Marrow Transplantation, Hadassah University Hospital, 91120 Jerusalem, Israel  相似文献   

Many cytotoxic CD8+ T cell responses are dependent on the interactions between CD40 ligand on the helper CD4+ T cell and CD40 on the APC. Although CD40 triggering of dendritic cells (DC) has been shown to mature the DC by increasing the level of expression of costimulatory molecules and inducing IL-12 secretion, the precise mechanisms by which CD40-CD40 ligand interactions allow DC to drive CTL responses remain unknown. We have used an in vitro model in which naive polyclonal CD8+ T cells can be activated by bone marrow-derived DC to investigate factor(s) that are responsible for this CD40-dependent generation of CTLs. DC modulated with agonistic anti-CD40 mAb (aCD40) are able to generate Ag-specific CTL responses while DC modulated with the microbial stimulus LPS alone do not. We compared the Ag-presenting capacity, levels of costimulatory molecules, and release of cytokines and chemokines of DC modulated with aCD40 to that of DC modulated by LPS. None of the factors assayed account for the unique capacity of anti-CD40-matured DC to drive CTL but this model provides a simplified system for further investigation. Although we attempted to use an LPS-free system for these studies, we are unable to rule out the possibility that very low levels of endotoxin (<20 pg/ml) may synergize with CD40 ligation in the generation of CTLs.  相似文献   

Effector memory T cells (T(EM)) have an important role in immunity against infection. However, little is known about the factors regulating T(EM) maintenance and proliferation. In this study, we investigated the role of direct interactions between CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells (TC) for human T(EM) expansion. Proliferation of separated or mixed CD4(+) and CD8(+)T(EM) populations was analyzed after polyclonal stimulation in vitro. Compared to each isolated subset mixed T(EM) populations showed increased proliferation and expansion of both CD4(+) and CD8(+)T(EM) subpopulations. Combined activation of CD4(+) and CD8(+) memory T cells (Tmem) induced an increased expression of CD40L and CD40 on both populations. Subsequently, CD40/CD40L caused a bi-directional stimulation of CD40(+)CD4(+)T(EM) by CD40L(+)CD8(+)T(EM) and of CD40(+)CD8(+)T(EM) by CD40L(+)CD4(+)T(EM). Blocking of CD40L on activated CD8(+)T(EM) selectively inhibited proliferation of CD4(+)T(EM), while blocking of CD40L on CD4(+)T(EM) abrogated proliferation of CD8(+)T(EM). Taken together, we demonstrate for the first time that the expression of CD40L is exploited on the one hand by CD8(+)T(EM) to increase the proliferation of activated CD4(+)T(EM) and on the other hand by CD4(+)T(EM) to support the expansion of activated CD8(+)T(EM). Thus, efficient T(EM) expansion requires bi-directional interactions between CD4(+) and CD8(+)T(EM) cells.  相似文献   

Stimulation of CD40 on APCs through CD40L expressed on helper CD4+ T cells activates and "licenses" the APCs to prime CD8+ T cell responses. Although other stimuli, such as TLR agonists, can also activate APCs, it is unclear to what extent they can replace the signals provided by CD40-CD40L interactions. In this study, we used an adoptive transfer system to re-examine the role of CD40 in the priming of naive CD8+ T cells. We find an approximately 50% reduction in expansion and cytokine production in TCR-transgenic T cells in the absence of CD40 on all APCs, and on dendritic cells in particular. Moreover, CD40-deficient and CD40L-deficient mice fail to develop endogenous CTL responses after immunization. Surprisingly, the role for CD40 and CD40L are observed even in the absence of CD4+ T cells; in this situation, the CD8+ T cell itself provides CD40L. Furthermore, we show that although TLR stimulation improves T cell responses, it cannot fully substitute for CD40. Altogether, these results reveal a direct and unique role for CD40L on CD8+ T cells interacting with CD40 on APCs that affects the magnitude and quality of CD8+ T cell responses.  相似文献   

Memory CD8+ T cells protect dendritic cells from CTL killing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CD8(+) T cells have been shown to be capable of either suppressing or promoting immune responses. To reconcile these contrasting regulatory functions, we compared the ability of human effector and memory CD8(+) T cells to regulate survival and functions of dendritic cells (DC). We report that, in sharp contrast to the effector cells (CTLs) that kill DCs in a granzyme B- and perforin-dependent mechanism, memory CD8(+) T cells enhance the ability of DCs to produce IL-12 and to induce functional Th1 and CTL responses in naive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell populations. Moreover, memory CD8(+) T cells that release the DC-activating factor TNF-alpha before the release of cytotoxic granules induce DC expression of an endogenous granzyme B inhibitor PI-9 and protect DCs from CTL killing with similar efficacy as CD4(+) Th cells. The currently identified DC-protective function of memory CD8(+) T cells helps to explain the phenomenon of CD8(+) T cell memory, reduced dependence of recall responses on CD4(+) T cell help, and the importance of delayed administration of booster doses of vaccines for the optimal outcome of immunization.  相似文献   

CD8(+) T cells are critical for the clearance of acute polyomavirus infection and the prevention of polyomavirus-induced tumors, but the antigen-presenting cell(s) involved in generating polyomavirus-specific CD8(+) T cells have not been defined. We investigated whether dendritic cells and macrophages are permissive for polyomavirus infection and examined their potential for inducing antiviral CD8(+) T cells. Although dendritic cells and macrophages both supported productive polyomavirus infection, dendritic cells were markedly more efficient at presenting the immunodominant viral epitope to CD8(+) T cells. Additionally, infected dendritic cells, but not infected macrophages, primed anti-polyomavirus CD8(+) T cells in vivo. Treatment with Flt3 ligand, a hematopoietic growth factor that dramatically expands the number of dendritic cells, markedly enhanced the magnitude of virus-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses during acute infection and the pool of memory anti-polyomavirus CD8(+) T cells. These findings suggest that virus-infected dendritic cells induce polyomavirus-specific CD8(+) T cells in vivo and raise the potential for their use as cellular adjuvants to promote CD8(+) T cell surveillance against polyomavirus-induced tumors.  相似文献   

Migration pathways of B cell and CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets of murine thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) were mapped. Per weight, the spleen accumulated more TDL than any other organ, regardless of lymphocyte subset. Spleen autoradiographs showed early accumulations of TDL in marginal zone and red pulp. Many TDL exited the red pulp within 1 hr via splenic veins. The remaining TDL entered the white pulp, not directly from the adjacent marginal zone but via distal periarterial lymphatic sheaths (dPALS). From dPALS, T cells migrated proximally along the central artery into proximal sheaths (pPALS) and exited the white pulp via deep lymphatic vessels. B cells left dPALS to enter lymphatic nodules (NOD), then also exited via deep lymphatics. T cells homed to lymph nodes more efficiently than B cells. Lymphocytes entered nodes via high-endothelial venules (HEV). CD4+ TDL reached higher absolute concentrations in diffuse cortex than did CD8+ T cells. However, CD8+ TDL moved more quickly through diffuse cortex than did CD4+ TDL. B cells migrated from HEV into NOD. Both T and B TDL exited via cortical and medullary sinuses and efferent lymphatics. A migration pathway across medullary cords is described. All TDL subsets homed equally well to Peyer's patches. T TDL migrated from HEV into paranodular zones while B cells moved from HEV into NOD. All TDL exited via lymphatics. Few TDL entered zones beneath dome epithelium. All subsets were observed within indentations in presumptive M cells of the dome epithelium.  相似文献   

Due to their potent immunostimulatory capacity, dendritic cells (DC) have become the centerpiece of many vaccine regimens. Immature DC (DCimm) capture, process, and present Ags to CD4(+) lymphocytes, which reciprocally activate DCimm through CD40, and the resulting mature DC (DCmat) loose phagocytic capacity, but acquire the ability to efficiently stimulate CD8(+) lymphocytes. Recombinant vaccinia viruses (rVV) provide a rapid, easy, and efficient method to introduce Ags into DC, but we observed that rVV infection of DCimm results in blockade of DC maturation in response to all activation signals, including CD40L, monocyte-conditioned medium, LPS, TNF-alpha, and poly(I:C), and failure to induce a CD8(+) response. By contrast, DCmat can be infected with rVV and induce a CD8(+) response, but, having lost phagocytic activity, fail to process the Ag via the exogenous class II pathway. To overcome these limitations, we used the CMV protein pp65 as a model Ag and designed a gene containing the lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 targeting sequence (Sig-pp65-LAMP1) to target pp65 to the class II compartment. DCmat infected with rVV-Sig-pp65-LAMP1 induced proliferation of pp65-specific CD4(+) clones and efficiently induced a pp65-specific CD4(+) response, suggesting that after DC maturation the intracellular processing machinery for class II remains intact for at least 16 h. Moreover, infection of DCmat with rVV-Sig-pp65-LAMP1 resulted in at least equivalent presentation to CD8(+) cells as infection with rVV-pp65. These results demonstrate that despite rVV interference with DCimm maturation, a single targeting vector can deliver Ags to DCmat for the effective simultaneous stimulation of both CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells.  相似文献   

Despite the unequivocal role of B lymphocytes as effecter cells in humoral immunity, studies have reported that B cells are tolerogenic. The impact of B cell-mediated tolerance and its underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. Using primary B cells as APCs and allogeneic CD4 T cells as responder cells in mixed leukocyte reactions, we find that B cells preferentially expand FoxP3(+) over FoxP3(-) CD4 T cells in the absence of exogenous cytokines. The preferential expansion of Foxp3(+) T cells is further enhanced by a partial blockade of class II MHC-TCR interaction but diminished by stimulatory anti-CD28 Ab or at high B to T cell ratios. Gamma irradiation of B cells selectively abrogates their ability to expand isolated CD25(+) but not CD25(-) CD4 T cells; exogenous IL-2 supplement can partially restore this function. B cell-expanded CD25(+) T cells express high levels of FoxP3 and are highly inhibitory in an Ag-specific manner.  相似文献   

Mouse spleen contains three distinct mature dendritic cell (DC) populations (CD4(+)8(-), CD4(-)8(-), and CD4(-)8(+)) which retain a capacity to take up particulate and soluble AGS: Although the three splenic DC subtypes showed similar uptake of injected soluble OVA, they differed markedly in their capacity to present this Ag and activate proliferation in OVA-specific CD4 or CD8 T cells. For class II MHC-restricted presentation to CD4 T cells, the CD8(-) DC subtypes were more efficient, but for class I MHC-restricted presentation to CD8 T cells, the CD8(+) DC subtype was far more effective. This differential persisted when the DC were activated with LPS. The CD8(+) DC are therefore specialized for in vivo cross-presentation of exogenous soluble Ags into the class I MHC presentation pathway.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent Lon protease-deficient Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (strain CS2022) appeared to invade successfully the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and Peyer's patches (PP) of BALB/c mice and appeared to be easily eradicated by the host after oral immunization. As detected by flow cytometry, the population of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I)-expressing macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) was increased in the PP of mice immunized with CS2022 on day 6 after immunization. Thereafter, the population of splenic surface CD69(+) T lymphocytes prepared from mice immunized with CS2022 6 weeks prior to measurement increased as a result of the administration of the extracellular vesicles of RAW264.7 macrophage-like cells derived by Salmonella challenge. In addition, the proliferation of CD8(+) and even of CD4(+)T cells isolated from mouse spleens immunized with CS2022 was enhanced after cocultivation with naive DCs in the presence of the extracellular vesicles. These findings indicate that the extracellular vesicles prepared from the Salmonella-challenged macrophages carried salmonellae antigens to bystander DCs, thereby stimulating T-cell responses. Therefore, as antigen presentation after phagocytosis should be a central process in the T-cell activation that occurs in response to Salmonella infection, an oral immunization with CS2022 sufficiently induces T cell-mediated immunity in mice.  相似文献   

CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) T cells represent a minor subpopulation of T lymphocytes found in the periphery of adult rats. In this study, we show that peripheral DP T cells appear among the first T cells that colonize the peripheral lymphoid organs during fetal life, and represent approximately 40% of peripheral T cells during the perinatal period. Later their proportion decreases to reach the low values seen in adulthood. Most DP T cells are small size lymphocytes that do not exhibit an activated phenotype, and their proliferative rate is similar to that of the other peripheral T cell subpopulations. Only 30-40% of DP T cells expresses CD8beta chain, the remaining cells expressing CD8alphaalpha homodimers. However, both DP T cell subsets have an intrathymic origin since they appear in the recent thymic emigrant population after injection of FITC intrathymically. Functionally, although DP T cells are resistant to undergo apoptosis in response to glucocorticoids, they show poor proliferative responses upon CD3/TCR stimulation due to their inability to produce IL-2. A fraction of DP T cells are not actively synthesizing the CD8 coreceptor, and they gradually differentiate to the CD4 cell lineage in reaggregation cultures. Transfer of DP T lymphocytes into thymectomized SCID mice demonstrates that these cells undergo post-thymic maturation in the peripheral lymphoid organs and that their CD4 cell progeny is fully immunocompetent, as judged by its ability to survive and expand in peripheral lymphoid organs, to proliferate in response to CD3 ligation, and to produce IL-2 upon stimulation.  相似文献   

Upon adoptive transfer into histocompatible mice, naive CD8(+) T cells stimulated ex vivo by TCR+IL-4 turn into long-lived functional memory cells. The liver contains a large number of so formed memory CD8(+) T cells, referred to as liver memory T cells (T(lm)) in the form of cell clusters. The CD62L(low) expression and nonlymphoid tissue distribution of T(lm) cells are similar to effector memory (T(em)) cells, yet their deficient cytotoxicity and IFN-γ inducibility are unlike T(em) cells. Adoptive transfer of admixtures of TCR+IL-4-activated Vβ8(+) and Vβ5(+) CD8(+) T cells into congenic hosts reveals T(lm) clusters that are composed of all Vβ5(+) or Vβ8(+), not mixed Vβ5(+)/Vβ8(+) cells, indicating that T(lm) clusters are formed by clonal expansion. Clonally expanded CD8(+) T cell clusters are also seen in the liver of Listeria monocytogenes-immune mice. T(lm) clusters closely associate with hepatic stellate cells and their formation is IL-15/IL-15R-dependent. CD62L(low) T(LM) cells can home to the liver and secondary lymphoid tissues, remain CD62L(low), or acquire central memory (T(cm))-characteristic CD62L(hi) expression. Our findings show the liver as a major site of CD8(+) memory T cell growth and that T(lm) cells contribute to the pool of peripheral memory cells. These previously unappreciated T(lm) characteristics indicate the inadequacy of the current T(em)/T(cm) classification scheme and help ongoing efforts aimed at establishing a unifying memory T cell development pathway. Lastly, our finding of T(lm) clusters suggests caution against interpreting focal lymphocyte infiltration in clinical settings as pathology and not normal physiology.  相似文献   

It is clear that dendritic cells (DCs) are essential for priming of T cell responses against tumors. However, the distinct roles DC subsets play in regulation of T cell responses in vivo are largely undefined. In this study, we investigated the capacity of OVA-presenting CD4-8-, CD4+8-, or CD4-8+ DCs (OVA-pulsed DC (DC(OVA))) in stimulation of OVA-specific T cell responses. Our data show that each DC subset stimulated proliferation of allogeneic and autologous OVA-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in vitro, but that the CD4-8- DCs did so only weakly. Both CD4+8- and CD4-8+ DC(OVA) induced strong tumor-specific CD4+ Th1 responses and fully protective CD8+ CTL-mediated antitumor immunity, whereas CD4-8- DC(OVA), which were less mature and secreted substantial TGF-beta upon coculture with TCR-transgenic OT II CD4+ T cells, induced the development of IL-10-secreting CD4+ T regulatory 1 (Tr1) cells. Transfer of these Tr1 cells, but not T cells from cocultures of CD4-8- DC(OVA) and IL-10-/- OT II CD4+ T cells, into CD4-8+ DC(OVA)-immunized animals abrogated otherwise inevitable development of antitumor immunity. Taken together, CD4-8- DCs stimulate development of IL-10-secreting CD4+ Tr1 cells that mediated immune suppression, whereas both CD4+8- and CD4-8+ DCs effectively primed animals for protective CD8+ CTL-mediated antitumor immunity.  相似文献   

CD39 is an ectoenzyme, present on different immune cell subsets, which mediates immunosuppressive functions catalyzing ATP degradation. It is not known whether CD39 is expressed and implicated in the activity of CD8+ regulatory T lymphocytes (Treg). In this study, CD39 expression and function was analyzed in both CD8+ and CD4+CD25hi Treg from the peripheral blood of healthy donors as well as from tumor specimens. CD39 was found expressed by both CD8+ (from the majority of healthy donors and tumor patients) and CD4+CD25hi Treg, and CD39 expression correlated with suppression activity mediated by CD8+ Treg. Importantly, CD39 counteraction remarkably inhibited the suppression activity of CD8+ Treg (both from peripheral blood and tumor microenvironment) suggesting that CD39-mediated inhibition constitutes a prevalent hallmark of their function. Collectively, these findings, unveiling a new mechanism of action for CD8+ Treg, provide new knowledge on intratumoral molecular pathways related to tumor immune escape, which could be exploited in the future for designing new biological tools for anticancer immune intervention.  相似文献   

The expansion of CD8(+) T cells in response to Ag can be characterized as either dependent or independent of CD4(+) T cells. The factors that influence this dichotomy are poorly understood but may be dependent upon the degree of inflammation associated with the Ag. Using dendritic cells derived from MHC class II-deficient mice to avoid interaction with CD4(+) T cells in vivo, we have compared the immunogenicity of peptide-pulsed dendritic cells stimulated with molecules associated with infection to those stimulated via CD40. In the absence of CD4(+) T cell help, the expansion of primary CD8(+) T cells after immunization with TNF-alpha- or poly(I:C)-stimulated dendritic cells was minimal. In comparison, LPS- or CpG-stimulated dendritic cells elicited substantial primary CD8(+) T cell responses, though not to the same magnitude generated by immunization with CD40L-stimulated dendritic cells. Remarkably, mice immunized with any stimulated dendritic cell population generated fully functional recall CD8(+) T cells without the aid of CD4(+) T cell help. The observed hierarchy of immunogenicity was closely correlated with the expression of CD70 (CD27L) on the stimulated dendritic cells, and Ab-mediated blockade of CD70 substantially prevented the CD4(+) T cell-independent expansion of primary CD8(+) T cells. These results indicate that the expression of CD70 on dendritic cells is an important determinant for helper-dependence of primary CD8(+) T cell expansion and provide an explanation for the ability of a variety of pathogens to stimulate primary CD8(+) T cell responses in the absence of CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   

Tumor-infiltrating CD8(+) T cells are strongly associated with patient survival in a wide variety of human cancers. Less is known about tumor-infiltrating CD20(+) B cells, which often colocalize with T cells, sometimes forming organized lymphoid structures. In autoimmunity and organ transplantation, T cells and B cells collaborate to generate potent, unrelenting immune responses that can result in extensive tissue damage and organ rejection. In these settings, B cells enhance T cell responses by producing Abs, stimulatory cytokines, and chemokines, serving as local APCs, and organizing the formation of tertiary lymphoid structures that sustain long-term immunity. Thus, B cells are an important component of immunological circuits associated with persistent, rampant tissue destruction. Engagement of tumor-reactive B cells may be an important condition for generating potent, long-term T cell responses against cancer.  相似文献   

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