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We have examined whether reticulocytes depleted of transferrin might incorporate 59Fe from 59Fe-labelled pyridoxan isonicotinoyl hydrazone (PIH). Transferrin-depleted reticulocytes showed a time-, temperature- and concentration-dependent incorporation of 59Fe when incubated with 20–200 μM 59Fe-PIH. The amount of 59Fe incorporated with 200 μM 59Fe-PIH is equal to or higher than that taken up from transferrin at 20 μM 59Fe concentration. After 60 min about 60% of the 59Fe taken up by the cells is recovered in heme while the remainder is probably still bound to PIH. 1 mM succinyl acetone (a specific inhibitor of heme synthesis) inhibits PIH-mediated incorporation of 59Fe into heme by about 79% indicating that 59Fe from 59Fe-PIH is incorporated into de novo synthesized protoporphyrin. As is the case with transferrin, erythrocytes do not incorporate 59Fe from 59Fe-PIH. Pretreatment of reticulocytes with pronase does not inhibit their ability to incorporate 59Fe from 59Fe-PIH, suggesting that, unlike the uptake of Fe from transferrin, membrane receptors are not involved in the uptake of Fe-PIH by the cells.  相似文献   

Succinylacetone was shown to inhibit aminolevulinate dehydratase (5-aminolevulinate hydro-lyase (adding 5-aminolevulinate and cyclizing), EC to reduce cellular heme and porphyrins and to induce δ-aminolevulinate synthase (succinyl-CoA:glycine C-succinyltransferase (decarboxylating), EC in monolayers of chick embryo liver cells. Marked synergistic effects on δ-aminolevulinate synthase activity were obtained by combining succinylacetone with levulinate and porphyrogenic drugs. The time course of δ-aminolevulinate synthase activity showed a delayed synergistic response.  相似文献   

Abnormal proteins synthesized in rabbit reticulocytes in response to (i) the lysine analogue aminoethylcysteine and (ii) puromycin, form high molecular weight aggregates prior to degradation. Inhibitors of ATP synthesis partially inhibit catabolism of the aminoethylcysteine-induced abnormal protein; degradation of puromycin peptides synthesized after incubation with 25 μg/ml puromycin was not inhibited. Catabolism of the analogue-induced high molecular weight aggregate of abnormal protein in cell-free extracts was markedly stimulated by ATP, whereas proteolysis of the aggregated puromycin-peptides was ATP-independent. The ability of the reticulocytes to degrade the puromycin-peptide aggregates was found to decrease with cellular maturity. It is suggested that the energy-dependency for proteolysis is in some way related to the chain length of the abnormal protein synthesized.  相似文献   

Rat liver mitochondria accumulate iron mobilized from transferrin by pyrophosphate. The uptake has a very low energy dependence, but it is highly dependent on a functioning respiratory chain. Reduction of the ferric-iron-pyrophosphate complex is not linked to any specific respiratory complex. Half of the amount of iron accumulated is passed into heme. Iron once accumulated is very little accessible to chelation by added ferric or ferrous iron chelators. Iron uptake and heme synthesis are maximal if a suitable porphyrin substrate is added simultaneously with iron. The results represent further evidence that pyrophosphate is a possible candidate for intracellular iron transport. Also, the results suggest that iron uptake is coupled to simultaneous porphyrin uptake and heme synthesis.  相似文献   

Hexokinase in rabbit reticulocytes is present in two molecular forms (hexokinase Ia and Ib) separable by ion-exchange chromatography on DE-52 columns. By the use of ion-exchange HPLC we have been able to show that the isozymic form we previously called hexokinase la can be resolved into two peaks of activity one of which is (Ia) soluble, the other (Ia*) particulate. Hexokinase Ia* can be solubilized by detergents like saponine and Triton X-100 and disappears during ‘in vivo’ reticulocytes maturation. This new hexokinase micro-heterogeneity is not caused by different oxidized forms of the enzyme nor influenced by the presence of proteolytic inhibitors during lysate preparation.  相似文献   

Mechanism of transferrin iron uptake by rat reticulocytes was studied using 59Fe- and 125I-labelled rat transferrin. Whereas more than 80% of the reticulocyte-bound 59Fe was located in the cytoplasmic fraction, only 25–30% of 125I-labelled transferrin was found inside the cells. As shown by the presence of acetylcholine esterase, 10–15% of the cytoplasmic 125I-labelled transferrin might have been derived from the contamination of this fraction by the plasma membrane fragments. Electron microscopic autoradiography indicated 26% of the cell-bound 125I-labelled transferrin to be inside the reticulocytes. Both the electron microscopic and biochemical studies showed that the rat reticulocytes endocytosed their plasma membrane independently of transferrin. Sepharose-linked transferrin was found to be capable of delivering 59Fe to the reticulocytes. Our results suggest that penetration of the cell membrane by transferrin is not necessary for the delivery of iron and that, although it might make a contribution to the cellular iron uptake, internalization of transferrin reflects endocytotic activity of the reticulocyte cell membrane.  相似文献   

Rat liver mitochondrial fractions have previously been shown to contain a pool of iron which was bound neither in cytochromes nor in iron-sulfur centers (Tangerås, A., Flatmark, T., Bäckström, D. and Ehrenberg, A. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 589, 162–175), and in the present study the availability of this iron pool for heme synthesis has been studied in isolated mitochondria. A minor fraction of this iron is here shown to originate from iron-rich lysosomes present as a contaminant in mitochondrial fractions isolated by differential centrifugation, and a method for the selective quantitation of this iron pool was developed. The availability of the mitochondrial iron pool for heme synthesis by mitochondria in vitro was studied using a recently developed HPLC method for the assay of ferrochelatase activity. When deuteroporphyrin was used as the substrate, 1.04±0.13 nmol/mg protein of deuteroheme was formed after 6 h incubation at 37°C when a plateau was approached, and the initial rate of heme synthesis was 0.3 nmol/h per mg protein. Heme formation from the physiological substrate protoporphyrin was also seen. The heme synthesis increased with the amount of mitochondria used and was blocked by both Fe(II) and Fe(III) chelators. The heme synthesis was independent of mitochondrial oxidizable substrates and no difference was observed between pH 7.4 and 6.5. FMN slightly stimulated the formation of heme from endogenous iron, probably by mobilization of a small amount of contaminating lysosomal iron present in the preparations. The possibility that the mitochondrial iron pool functions as the proximate iron donor for heme synthesis by ferrochelatase in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the cellular uptake of iron-transferrin complex was studied in L1210 murine leukemia cells and rat reticulocytes using 125I-transferrin. Saturation of transferrin with iron was necessary for optimal uptake. Following the incubation of cells with the radiolabeled complex a biphasic pattern of uptake was observed. The initial phase was rapid and relatively temperature-independent and was not altered by ethylamine, an inhibitor of transglutaminase activity which is necessary for receptor-mediated endocytosis. This phase was considered to result from receptor-ligand interaction which could be reversed to a great degree by replacement with unlabeled transferrin. A plateau was then reached, indicating a saturation of receptors. After 30 min a second phase of uptake was indicated by the second rise in the curve. This phase was slow, relatively temperature-dependent and could be abolished by ethylamine. It was interpreted as evidence of internalization of the ligand. Analysis of the data from competition studies with unlabeled transferrin indicated that the first phase might itself comprise a reversible and an irreversible step with a ratio of 5 to 1.4 for bound transferrin. Thus, the cellular uptake of iron-transferrin complex may consist of a reversible ligand-receptor interaction. Conformational changes may render this interaction irreversible and the internalization of the ligand may then follow.  相似文献   

The effects of 4,6-dioxoheptanoic acid (succinylacetone, SA), an inhibitor of delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase, on total iron uptake, heme synthesis, and globin synthesis were studied in rat marrow cells in culture in order to examine the coordination of heme and globin synthesis. SA inhibited heme synthesis in both control and erythropoietin-stimulated cells in a dose-dependent fashion; at 10(-3) M, inhibition was complete, whereas at 10(-7) M, there was no significant effect. Inhibition of total iron uptake was also dose-dependent although, at 10(-3) M, it was not complete. The inhibition of heme synthesis by SA was partially overcome by addition of 10(-4) M porphobilinogen or protoporphyrin IX. SA caused an almost complete suppression of globin formation in both erythropoietin-stimulated and unstimulated cells as early as five hours after the addition of the inhibitor. When inhibition of heme synthesis was incomplete, globin synthesis was partially inhibited. These results indicate that heme synthesis is required for erythropoietin-mediated induction of globin synthesis in cultured bone marrow cells.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone (PIH) has recently been identified as a new iron chelating agent with a high degree of iron mobilizing activity in vitro and in vivo which makes this compound a candidate drug in the treatment of iron overload. This study was undertaken to elucidate the mechanism of action of the iron mobilizing activity of PIH at the cellular level. An in vitro system of rabbit reticulocytes with a high level of non-heme 59Fe was used as a model of iron overload. The effects of various biochemical and physiological manoeuvers on the mobilization of 59Fe by PIH from the cells were studied. The fate of [14C]-PIH in the in vitro system was also studied. Studies were also carried out using a crude mitochondrial fraction. The results indicate three phases of the iron mobilizing activity of PIH: (1) the entry of PIH into erythroid cells seems to be by passive diffusion; (2) chelation occurs mainly from mitochondria and may depend on the availability of iron in a low molecular weight, non-heme pool. Chelation seems to be enhanced by reduction of Fe (III) to Fe (II); (3) the exit of the PIH2-Fe complex is an energy-dependent process. Iron mobilization by PIH is not dependent on (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity, external ionic composition, or external hydrogen ion concentration. Membrane fluidity does not seem to play a role in PIH-Fe mobilization. The exit of the PIH2-Fe complex is inhibited by anti-microtubule agents (vinca alkaloids but not colchicine)_suggesting that the PIH2-Fe complex is actively extruded from the cell by a microtube-dependent event.  相似文献   

The application of high hydrostatic pressure to an in vitro rabbit reticulocyte, polypeptide-synthesizing system has been shown to inhibit synthesis either partially or totally depending upon the magnitude of pressure utilized (Scheck, A.C. and Landau, J.V. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 718, 21–25). This paper shows that the total inhibition of synthesis seen at 670 atm is similar to the inhibition of elongation produced by cycloheximide in that the polysome profiles remain intact. Partial inhibition at 300 atm shows a reduced rate of ribosome run-off with elongation being affected to the same, or greater extent than initiation. In no instance was disassociation of polysomes seen as a causative factor in the inhibition of synthesis by high pressure.  相似文献   

Accumulation of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is an event characteristic of porphyrias that may contribute to their pathological manifestations. To investigate effects of ALA independent of porphyrin accumulation we treated rats with the methyl ester of succinylacetone, an inhibitor of 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase that accumulates in the porphyric-like syndrome hereditary tyrosinemia. Acute 2-day treatment of fasted rats with succinylacetone methyl ester (SAME) promoted a 27% increase in plasma ALA. This increase in plasma ALA was accompanied by augmentation of the level of total nonheme iron in liver (37%) and brain (20%). Mobilization of iron was also indicated by 49% increase in plasma iron and a 77% increase in plasma transferrin saturation. Liver responded with a mild (12%) increase in ferritin. Under these acute conditions, some indications of oxidative stress were evident: a 15% increase in liver reactive protein carbonyls, and a 42% increase in brain subcellular membrane TBARS. Brain also showed a 44% increase in CuZnSOD activity, consistent with observations in treatment with ALA. Overall, the data indicate that SAME promotes ALA-driven changes in iron metabolism that could lead to increased production of free radicals. The findings support other evidence that accumulation of ALA in porphyrias and hereditary tyrosinemia may induce iron-dependent biological damage that contributes to neuropathy and hepatoma.  相似文献   

Helenalin, a sesquiterpene lactone which reacts primarily with exposed sulfhydryl groups, was shown to be an effective inhibitor of protein synthesis in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. Optimal inhibition required a 30 min preincubation in the absence of any added thiol compound. β-Mercaptoethanol was more effective than reduced glutathione in protecting enzyme sulfhydryl groups from inactivation by helenalin. Using partially fractionated systems, it was possible to show that helenalin had no effect on the elongation reactions or on the formation of the ternary initiation complex. However, the conversion of the ternary complex to the 48 S initiation complex was strongly inhibited. In this assay, only the initiation factor(s) were sensitive to helenalin. Using an assay system which requires all the initiation factors for optimal activity it was possible to show that the 0–40% ammonium sulfate cut of intiation factors (containing eIF-3 and eIF-4B) was sensitive to helenalin, while the 40–50% ammonium sulfate cut (containing eIF-2 and eIF-5) was not. Both ammonium sulfate cuts were equally sensitive to inhibition by the sulfhydryl reagent N-ethylmaleimide. Three purified rabbit reticulocyte initiation factors were then tested in the same assay system. Only eIF-3 showed appreciable sensitivity to helenalin, while eIF-2, eIF-3 and eIF-4B were all sensitive to inactivation by N-ethylmaleimide. These data suggest that helenalin may possess a relatively high degree of specificity as a sulfhydryl reagent.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for an inhibitor of protein synthesis which is activated by subjecting rabbit reticulocyte postribosomal supernatant to high pressure (15,000 1b/in2). The inhibitor is antigenically and chromatographically distinct from the hemin-controlled repressor. The mechanism of inhibition by the pressure-treated postribosomal supernatant is not clear; however, the kinetics of inhibition seem to indicate that inhibition may be at the level of initiation.  相似文献   

An ATPase activity specifically stimulated by micromolar Ca2+ concentrations has been identified in association with rabbit neurophil membranes. These studies provide the basis of further characterization of the Ca2+-ATPase activity with regard to neutrophil function.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the bioavailability of heme iron added to biscuit filling. It comprised two stages: first, the development of the heme iron enriched biscuit filling; second, the evaluation of the bioavailability of the mineral in fattening piglets. Two groups were selected randomly and fed: a) Low iron feed and biscuits with heme iron supplemented filling; b) Normal feed (with ferrous sulphate). Weight and blood parameters were measured every fifteen days. Averages were compared after duplicate analyses. The filling had a creamy appearance, chocolate taste and smell, appropriate spreadability, heme iron content of 2.6 mg per gram and a shelf-life of a month. The heme iron supplemented pigs registered a greater (P<0.05) weight gain (27.8% more than the control group). Mortality in the heme iron group was 10%, compared to 50% in the control group. The amount of iron measured in the different compartment was greater in the heme group (3315 mg) than in the control group (2792 mg). However, the amount of iron consumed in the latter was greater. We show that an acceptable product with high heme iron content can be formulated, suitable for use as biscuit filling. The heme iron supplement produced better weight increase and lesser mortality in fattening pigs. The bioavailability of heme iron was 23% greater (P<0.05) compared to ferrous sulphate.  相似文献   

Haemophilus influenzae has an absolute growth requirement for heme and a heme binding lipoprotein (HbpA) has been implicated in the utilization of this essential nutrient. HbpA was identified by examining clones from an H. influenzae genomic library that caused Escherichia coli harboring the clone to bind heme. However, HbpA has not been shown to mediate heme acquisition in H. influenzae. We constructed an insertional mutation of hbpA in a nontypeable H. influenzae strain and demonstrated a role for the gene in utilization of multiple heme sources. This is the first report confirming a role for HbpA in utilization of heme.  相似文献   

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