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Ronald L. Schnaar 《FEBS letters》2010,584(9):1741-1747
Gangliosides, sialic acid-bearing glycosphingolipids, are expressed at high abundance and complexity in the brain. Altered ganglioside expression results in neural disorders, including seizures and axon degeneration. Brain gangliosides function, in part, by interacting with a ganglioside-binding lectin, myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG). MAG, on the innermost wrap of the myelin sheath, binds to gangliosides GD1a and GT1b on axons. MAG-ganglioside binding ensures optimal axon-myelin cell-cell interactions, enhances long-term axon-myelin stability and inhibits axon outgrowth after injury. Knowledge of the molecular interactions of brain gangliosides may improve understanding of axon-myelin stability and provide opportunities to enhance recovery after nerve injury.  相似文献   

Gangliosides in the animal organism are typical components of plasma membranes of nerve cells in which the concentration of polysialogangliosides is especially high. The high concentration of tri- and tetrasialoganyliosides and ganglioside GD1b is peculiar to primary cultures of nerve cells, whereas these gangliosides are practically not present in the culture of the transformed nerve cells which have lost their ability to sinaptogenesis, they are not found in cultures of oligodendro- and astroglia as well. The addition of exogenic gangliosides to nerve cells cultures stimulates the formation of processes in these cells and promotes their survivability. The neuritogenic and neuronotrophic effect of gangliosides, their participation in the processes of neurons' regeneration are shown in the in vivo experiments. Gangliosides are carriers of antigenic determinants typical of the cellular surface of neurons (or other cells) as well as of cells of different malignant tumours; typical carcinoembryonal antigenes are revealed among them. Such functions of gangliosides as participation in the processes of intercellular interaction, adhesion, pneuritogenic effect, possible participation to memorize one or another habit are, probably, interrelated and mutually conditioned. Recently the data, being in controversy with the notion that gangliosides are components of receptors of hormones and mediators, are obtained. Evidently, it ought to speak about the modulation of cell response by them on the action of these effectors.  相似文献   

The interaction of myelin basic protein with monosialoganglioside GM1 was investigated. It was found that the emission maximum of the tryptophan of the protein is blue-shifted due to the interaction. In mixtures of the monosialoganglioside with phosphatidylcholine, the myelin basic protein induces phase separation of the lipids as inferred from differential scanning calorimetry experiments.  相似文献   

M Itoh  S Fukumoto  N Baba  Y Kuga  A Mizuno  K Furukawa 《Glycobiology》1999,9(11):1247-1252
We have examined the time course of the neuronal death and regeneration of rat axotomized hypoglossal nerve with various conditions of the nerve resection, and established a useful system to measure neurotrophic activities of bioactive substances. In this system, neuronal death can be evaluated by counting surviving neurons in the nucleus of hypoglossal neuron at the brain stem, and the degree of the regeneration can be measured by counting horseradish peroxidase-positive cells at the same region after injection of horseradish peroxidase into tongue. Using this system, the effects of brain gangliosides on rat hypoglossal nerve regeneration following 5 mm transection were examined. The addition of a ganglioside mixture from bovine brain as well as the autograft strongly prevented the death of neurons and promoted the regeneration of the lesioned nerve at 10 weeks after the operation. Further analyses on the dose effects and injection sites of gangliosides were performed. Although the mechanisms of the neurotrophic effects of the gangliosides are unknown, the therapeutic application of gangliosides for neuronal degeneration is a promising approach.  相似文献   



Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) spp. ticks economically impact on cattle production in Africa and other tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Tick vaccines constitute a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to tick control. The R. microplus Bm86 protective antigen has been produced by recombinant DNA technology and shown to protect cattle against tick infestations.


In this study, the genes for Bm86 (R. microplus), Ba86 (R. annulatus) and Bd86 (R. decoloratus) were cloned and characterized from African or Asian tick strains and the recombinant proteins were secreted and purified from P. pastoris. The secretion of recombinant Bm86 ortholog proteins in P. pastoris allowed for a simple purification process rendering a final product with high recovery (35–42%) and purity (80–85%) and likely to result in a more reproducible conformation closely resembling the native protein. Rabbit immunization experiments with recombinant proteins showed immune cross-reactivity between Bm86 ortholog proteins.


These experiments support the development and testing of vaccines containing recombinant Bm86, Ba86 and Bd86 secreted in P. pastoris for the control of tick infestations in Africa.  相似文献   

By means of newly developed electron microscopical techniques (electron spectroscopic imaging, ESI; electron energy loss spectroscopy, EELS; immunogold labelling) a specific accumulation of endogenous calcium within the synaptic cleft and a distinct localization of a high-affinity Ca(2+)-ATPase at the inner sides of the pre- and postsynaptic membrane of nerve cells from fish brain have been demonstrated. Additionally, a differentiation-dependent expression of polysialoganglioside epitopes on the outer surface of nerve terminals in clustered arrangements was demonstrated using their ultracytochemical detection by means of the monoclonal antibody Q211. These results which are in agreement with parallel biochemical investigations on modulatory effects of exogenous gangliosides on a high-affinity Ca(2+)-ATPase in the CNS of vertebrates support our hypothesis that Ca(2+)-ganglioside complexes act as modulators for the processes of synaptic transmission and long-term neuronal adaptations.  相似文献   

Altered placental angiogenesis is implicated in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. We have earlier reported placental regional differences in oxidative stress markers and neurotrophins. Oxidative stress and neurotrophins are reported to regulate angiogenesis. This study aims to examine protein and mRNA levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and VEGF receptor 1 (VEGFR1) in four regions [central maternal (CM), central fetal (CF), peripheral maternal (PM), and peripheral fetal (PF)] of the placenta in normotensive control (NC) women (n = 51) and women with preeclampsia (PE) (n = 43) [18 delivered at term (T-PE) and 25 delivered preterm (PT-PE)]. In all groups, CF region reported highest VEGF protein levels compared to all other regions. VEGF mRNA level was higher in CF region as compared to CM region in PE group (p < 0.05). VEGF levels were lower in all regions of PE, T-PE, and PT-PE groups (p < 0.05) as compared to their respective regions in NC group. VEGFR1 levels were lower in CF (p < 0.05) and PF (p < 0.01) regions as compared to CM region only in control. However, VEGFR1 levels were higher in CF (p < 0.05) and PF (p < 0.01) regions of PT-PE group as compared to control. VEGFR1 mRNA level was higher in PM region of PE group and T-PE group (p < 0.05 for both) as compared to control. VEGF levels in the PF region were positively associated with birth weight and placental weight. This study describes placental regional changes in angiogenic factors particularly highlighting increased VEGF in CF region possibly in response to hypoxic conditions prevailing in placenta.  相似文献   

A discontinuous sucrose gradient was used to separate adult rat brain myelin into light, medium and heavy subfractions. Basic proteins decreased sharply, proteolipid potein changed very little, and high molecular weight proteins increased from the light to the heavy fraction. The concentration of monosialoganglioside GM1 was the highest in the middle fraction. The amount of carbohydrate in the major myelin-associated glycoprotein per mg total myelin protein increased 3.5-fold from the light to the heavy fraction. 2′,3′-Cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphohydrolase, which is related to myelin or the oligodendroglial membrane, and acetylcholinesterase, which is in neural membranes such as the axolemma, both increased between the light and the heavy fraction, although their relative distributions among the three fractions were different. The glycoprotein and 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphohydrolase had similar distributions suggesting that they were concentrated in similar locations, possibly in the loose myelin and oligodendroglial plasma membrane. Electron microscopic examination of the subfractions was consistent with this interpretation.  相似文献   

Myelin membrane synthesis was studied using mechanically dissociated fetal rodent CNS which formed spherical reaggregates while being maintained in rotating culture flasks. These reaggregate cultures exhibited myelinogenesis in vitro after precisely the same period of time needed for myelin synthesis to commence in vivo. The myelin membrane related enzymes, 2′,3′ cyclic nucleotide phosphohydrolase (CNP) and cerebroside sulfotransferase (CST), appear similar in their specific activities and follow the same developmental patterns that these enzymes exhibit in vivo. In addition, phosphorylation of myelin basic protein occurs by the third week in vitro which agrees with previously published in vivo studies. These experiments indicate that this nerve-cell culture system may be an appropriate model for studying the biological regulation of myelinogenesis as well as a variety of other nervous-system functions.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry was employed to investigate the interaction of GM1 gangliosides with phospholipids (phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine or phosphatidylcholine). It was found that GM1 is completely miscible with phosphatidylethanolamine; however, the interaction with phosphatidylserine is minimal. Addition of excess Ca2+ to the interaction products of GM1 with phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylethanolamine did not induce phase separation. The influence of myelin basic protein on the thermotropic behaviour of GM1 was also studied. It was found that basic protein has a very strong perturbing effect on GM1 micelles.  相似文献   

Myelin membrane synthesis was studied using mechanically dissociated fetal rodent CNS which formed spherical reaggregates while being maintained in rotating culture flasks. These reaggregate cultures exhibited myelinogenesis in vitro after precisely the same period of time needed for myelin synthesis to commence in vivo. The myelin membrane related enzymes, 2', 3' cyclic nucleotide phosphohydrolase (CNP) and cerebroside sulfotransferase (CST), appear similar in their specific activities and follow the same developmental patterns that these enzymes exhibit in vivo. In addition, phosphorylation of myelin basic protein occurs by the third week in vitro which agrees with previously published in vivo studies. These experiments indicate that this nerve-cell culture system may be a appropriate model for studying the biological regulation of myelinogenesis as well as a variety of other nervous-system functions.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve injury is often followed by incomplete and unsatisfactory functional recovery and may be associated with sensory and motor impairment of the affected limb. Therefore, a novel method is needed to improve the speed of recovery and the final functional outcome after peripheral nerve injuries. This report investigates the effect of lentiviral-mediated transfer of conserved dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) on regeneration of the rat peripheral nerve in a transection model in vivo. We observed notable overexpression of CDNF protein in the distal sciatic nerve after recombinant CDNF lentiviral vector application. We evaluated sciatic nerve regeneration after surgery using light and electron microscopy and the functional recovery using the sciatic functional index and target muscle weight. HE staining revealed better ordered structured in the CDNF-treated group at 8 weeks post-surgery. Quantitative analysis of immunohistochemistry of NF200 and S-100 in the CDNF group revealed significant improvement of axonal and Schwann cell regeneration compared with the control groups at 4 weeks and 8 weeks after injury. The thickness of the myelination around the axons in the CDNF group was significantly higher than in the control groups at 8 weeks post-surgery. The CDNF group displayed higher muscle weights and significantly increased sciatic nerve index values. Our findings suggest that CDNF gene therapy could provide durable and stable CDNF protein concentration and has the potential to enhance peripheral nerve regeneration, morphological and functional recovery following nerve injury, which suggests a promising strategy for peripheral nerve repair.  相似文献   

Signaling mechanisms of the myelin inhibitors of axon regeneration   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
One of the major obstacles to successful axon regeneration in the adult CNS is the presence of inhibitory molecules that are associated with myelin. Recent studies have identified several major myelin-associated inhibitors along with the relevant signaling molecules. Such advances have not only enhanced our understanding of the signaling mechanisms that are involved in the inhibition of axon regeneration in the adult CNS but also allowed us to assess the therapeutic potential of blocking these inhibitory influences to promote axon regeneration.  相似文献   

The concentration and composition of brain gangliosides of 17 mammalian species belonging to the subclasses of Prototheria (monotremes), Metatheria (marsupials), and Eutheria (placentals) were investigated. The mean concentration of brain gangliosides ranges from 525 to 610 micrograms NeuAc/g wet wt in monotremes, 445-900 micrograms in marsupials and from 630 to 1130 micrograms in the placentals. In the phylogenetic series of mammals, a decrease in the complexity of brain ganglioside composition becomes obvious: a drastic reduction in the number of individual ganglioside fractions particularly those of the c-pathway of biosynthesis, took place from the level of monotremes to that of the marsupials and placentals. In monotremes, marsupials and "lower" placentals (insectivores) the percentage of alkali-labile gangliosides is relatively low (between traces and 5%), whereas in the higher evolved mammals it amounts to about 20% of all gangliosides. The ratio of the contents of the two major mammalian ganglioside fractions GD1a and GT1b is generally in the range of 1.0 and even higher; in the heterothermic platypus from the monotremes and in hibernators among the placental mammals, however, it is much lower (about 0.8). These data support the hypothesis that the brain ganglioside composition not only depends on the phylogenetic level of nervous organization (cephalization) but is additionally correlated with the state of thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

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