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A review of four methods for staining juxtaglomerular cells revealed that one method may be highly selective for juxtaglomerular granules (JGG) whereas another may stain general cytological features in addition to the granules. The kind of research undertaken would determine the particular method to be used. Harada's (1952) method, which uses a 1:400,000 solution of gentian violet is recommended as the highly selective stain, and the Masson-Goldner stain after a Ciaccio type fixation is best for cytological detail combined with clear tinctorial contrast of the JGG.  相似文献   

方法:利用中性蛋白酶成分、特征性酶抗体的免疫荧光染色和流式细胞仪确定分选肥大细胞亚型,以激光扫描共聚焦显微镜显示肥大细胞内分泌颗粒。结果:三种免疫表型被确定:肥大细胞的类胰蛋白酶阳性(MCT)、类糜蛋白酶阴性;类糜蛋白酶阳性(MCC)、类胰蛋白酶阴性和类胰蛋白酶阳性、类糜蛋白酶阳性(MCTC)。肥大细胞内分泌颗粒分散或聚集存在,分泌颗粒突起分泌或以分散的方式释放。分泌颗粒大范围释放后,肥大细胞的形态结构发生了改变。结论:利用肥大细胞的特征性酶抗体、免疫荧光标记和流式细胞仪可将人组织中的肥大细胞分选纯化为三种亚型;以共聚焦显微镜显示肥大细胞含有丰富的分泌颗粒,它说明肥大细胞具备了为人体I型变态反应提供快速反应的物质基础。  相似文献   

The affinity of mast cell granules for night blue was studied in fresh and fixed rat lip, dog mast cell tumor, normal human ileum, and human mast cell and carcinoid tumors. Fixatives used were 10% formalin, 1% trichloracetic acid in absolute alcohol, and Zenker's and Bouin's fluids. Extractions of fresh tissue with hot water, acids, and bases removed the stainable material or prevented staining, but similar treatment of fixed tissue did not. Hot pyridine was without effect as was chloroform-methanol, but methylation blocked mast cell staining by night blue. Chromic acid oxidation and prolonged Zenker and Bouin fixation also prevented staining. Hyaluronidase treatment was without effect. Sulfhydryl and disulfide linkages were changed without altering the stainability.  相似文献   

Many basic fluorescent dyes stain juxtaglomerular granules to produce characteristic colors in ultraviolet light. The stain is applied to paraffin sections of tissues fixed in 2% calcium acetate-10% formalin or in phosphate-buffered 10% formalin. Procedure: Bring section to water, stain 0.5 min in Delafield hematoxylin, wash in tap water, stain 3 min in a 0.1% aqueous solution of basic fluorescent dye (auramine O, acriflavine, acridine orange, coriphosphine O, acridine yellow, phosphine E, thioflavine T, berberine sulfate, atebrine or rivanol) and differentiate 1 min in 0.1% acetate acid (or omit this step). After washing in tap water, air dry with or without subsequent mounting in a resin. Juxtaglomerular granules stain bright fluorescent yellow or orange against a dark background.  相似文献   

The antineoplastic drug adriamycin induces exocytosis in rat peritoneal mast cells followed by a significant uptake of the drug into the secretory granules. The drug is fluorescent, allowing visualization of its accumulation and binding to mast cell granules by fluorescence microscopy. At the same time, the well known inorganic dye ruthenium red was used as a probe because of its great affinity for heparin in the mast cell secretory granules as visualized by bright field microscopy. Competition between adriamycin and ruthenium red for binding to the negatively charged matrix of granules was demonstrated. Biochemical studies were also performed to confirm microscopic observations. Adriamycin may be of interest for studying mast cell secretion; it is not only a strong fluorescent dye for mast cell granules that are in communication with the extracellular space, but it also induces mast cell exocytosis.  相似文献   

目的:探讨脱钙对鼠颅骨标本中肥大细胞组织化学与免疫组织化学染色影响.方法:用不同脱钙液处理小鼠颅骨标本,组织切片后进行苏木素一伊红染色、甲苯胺蓝染色、醛品红染色以及免疫组织化学染色.结果:经过不同脱钙液处理后的颅骨组织切片组织结构保存完好,肥大细胞的组织化学染色(甲苯胺蓝和醛品红染色),及肥大细胞中胰蛋白酶的免疫组织化学染色清晰.结论:不同脱钙液(8%盐酸脱钙液、EDTA脱钙液、混合酸脱钙液)处理不影响鼻腔粘膜中肥大细胞的组织化学和免疫组织化学染色.  相似文献   

The copper phthalocyanin dye astra blue has been used to stain differentially mast cells of the intestine; however, the procedure has not been used widely because of the difficulty in preparing and using the dye solution. Described here is a simple, reliable, and consistent method for selectively staining mast cells using a dye solution that may be prepared in any laboratory without the aid of sophisticated pH metering equipment. Astra blue is mixed with an alcoholic solution containing MgCl2 · 6H2O and the pH indicator pararosaniline hydrochloride. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is added dropwise, changing the dye mixture from purple to violet and then to blue. In this low range the weakly ionizing ethanol provides a more stable hydrogen ion concentration than the corresponding aqueous solutions used previously. Alcoholic acid fuchsin is a convenient counterstain, and this simple procedure then provides good contrast between the blue staining mast cell granules and the red tissue background.  相似文献   

Giemsa staining and a peroxidase reaction were applied to blood films in conjunction with autoradiography to establish the types of granulocytes that stain differentially with the benzidine-peroxidase reaction. Differential counts made on Ciemsa-stained and peroxidase-stained autoradiograms were compared. In T. spiralis-infected rats with an elevated eosinophil count, as judged by Giemsa staining, the percentage of granulocytes that stained more intensely with peroxidase was increased. The results suggested that the eosinophils were the intensely peroxidase-positive cells. Blood smears were stained for peroxidase before being coated with NTB2 liquid emulsion. Although the blue color of the peroxidase reaction faded during photographic development, the color redeveloped when peroxidase-stained autoradiograms were stained once again after photographic development. It was found necessary to stain for peroxidase both before and after autoradiography. The correlation of Giemsa-stained and peroxidase-stained autoradiograms indicated that the peroxidase stain can be combined with autoradiography to obtain authentic results.  相似文献   

Mammalian pancreatic alpha granules were differentially stained with phosphotungstic acid haematoxylin. Paraffin sections were dewaxed and hydrated, oxidised 5-40 sec in freshly prepared 0.3% KMnO4 acidified with 0.3% (w/v) H2SO4, decolourised in 4% potassium metabisulphite, mordanted 20 min to 2 hr in 4% iron alum, stained in phosphotungstic acid haematoxylin 16-48 hr, rinsed in 95% ethanol until no stain runs from the tissue, dehydrated in absolute ethanol, cleared in xylene, and covered in synthetic resin. Advantages of this procedure are: (1) consistent, reproducible staining; (2) applicability to all the common laboratory mammals and man; (3) wide latitude at each stage, permitting its use as a routine method; and (4) superior visualization of alpha granules, due to suppression of background staining and absence of glare. For fixation, formalin-acetic or Bouin's solution is recommended.  相似文献   

A critical analysis of extant selective mitochondrial stains has elucidated certain empirical criteria for the adoption of dyes for trial. These criteria include a specific triphenylmethane structure for the dye, with sulfonation and the use of aniline and heat as adjuvants. By the application of these characteristics the dyes fast green FGF and light green SF yellowish were chosen for study and proved to be highly selective mitochondrial stains. They are applicable to both tissue slices and homogenate studies and permit examination of the internal structure of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Decapitate the anther and squeeze out its contents into a drop of water on a clean slide coated with Haupt's adhesive. Let slides air dry and stain the preparations for 4-6 hr in 0.005% spirit-soluble aniline blue, prepared in 50% ethanol. Pass the slides through acetone, 10 min; 1:1 mixture of acetone and xylene, 5 min; and xylene. Mount in a resinous medium. The technique is effective for both fresh anthers and anthers fixed in FAA, Carnoy's fluid, 1:3 acetic alcohol, and 10% formalin (commercial). For fixed anthers, follow customary methods of paraffin embedding and microtomy.  相似文献   

Mast cells are versatile effector cells of the immune system, contributing to both innate and adaptive immunity toward pathogens but also having profound detrimental activities in the context of inflammatory disease. A hallmark morphological feature of mast cells is their large content of cytoplasmic secretory granules, filled with numerous secretory compounds, including highly negatively charged heparin or chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans of serglycin type. These anionic proteoglycans provide the basis for the strong metachromatic staining properties of mast cells seen when applying various cationic dyes. Functionally, the mast cell proteoglycans have been shown to have an essential role in promoting the storage of other granule-contained compounds, including bioactive monoamines and different mast cell-specific proteases. Moreover, granule proteoglycans have been shown to regulate the enzymatic activities of mast cell proteases and to promote apoptosis. Here, the current knowledge of mast cell proteoglycans is reviewed.  相似文献   

S. Rabinovich  D.C.H. Ley 《CMAJ》1963,89(15):770-775

Methylene blue and neutral red were selected for staining mast cell granules by supravital injections. A new technique was applied for embedding in paraffin and Araldite® without dislocation or loss of dye. Stabilization and electron microscopic identification of the dyes were achieved by transforming them into electron-dense precipitates using phosphomolybdic acid dissolved in a paraformaldehyde-glutaraldehyde mixture to preserve the ultra structure of the tissues. It was found that in general the intensity of the light microscopic staining correlated directly with the electron density. Closer study revealed that not all cytoplasmic granules exhibited the same strong affinity for the cationic dyes. Furthermore, differences in dye distribution were observed within the granules themselves. The difference in the staining pattern can be explained by the heterogeneous occurrence of the anionic residues. Because of its high sensitivity and relatively low toxicity, the method described here is well suited for detecting the binding sites of organic cations in tissues under supravital or vital conditions  相似文献   

变态反应性疾病是人类一种特殊的疾病,影响极为广泛。肥大细胞是变态反应的起始效应细胞,它释放的炎性介质在变态反应性疾病中起重要作用,肥大细胞羧肽酶是其中的一种重要的介质。  相似文献   

Night blue will stain the mast cells of rat, mouse and hamster selectively if alcohol differentiation is controlled. The technical steps are: Dewax paraffin sections with xylene, 2 changes; air dry; 2% Na2SO4, 3-5 sec; 0.5% night blue in 10% ethanol, 1 hr at 60°C; rinse in water; 9% HNO3, 15 sec; water 1-5 min; 70% ethanol, 2 changes, 30 sec each; wash; 0.01% safranin, 3-5 sec; rinse, blot, air dry, mount in synthetic resin. A clear orthochromatic stain of the mast-cell granules occurs. Acid fixation prevents the staining reaction.  相似文献   

A method is described which yields permanent Feulgen preparations of meiotic material from Lilium anthers, eliminating difficulties heretofore encountered. Cells are handled as a suspension through the staining and fixing procedure, and centrifugation and decantation of the supernatant permits changing reagents. Several technics are given which minimize the optical problems created by the heavily sculptured walls of pollen grains, and some applications are suggested.  相似文献   

The metachromatic granules, which sometimes are regarded as characteristic of the diphtherial species, are more easily differentiated when the basic dye is made up in a solution of which the reaction is quite acid. Of the usual stains employed for demonstrating the granules, the Neisser stain proves to give the best results.  相似文献   

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