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By removing herbivores and promoting increases in macroalgae, overfishing is thought to indirectly cause coral disease and mortality. We performed three field manipulations to test the general hypothesis that overfishing and the subsequent alteration of coral reef trophic dynamics are a cause of coral epizootics. Specifically, we asked whether the presence of macroalgae can influence within- and among-colony spread rates of Caribbean Yellow Band Disease in Montastraea faveolata. Macroalgae were placed next to infected and healthy, adult and small coral colonies to measure effects on disease spread rate, coral growth and coral survival. Surprisingly, the addition of macroalgae did not affect disease severity or coral fitness. Our results indicate that macroalgae have no effect on the severity and dynamics of Caribbean Yellow Band Disease and that fisheries management alone will not mitigate the effects of this important epizootic.  相似文献   

NPM1 mutations represent frequent genetic alterations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) associated with a favorable prognosis. Different types of NPM1 mutations have been described. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the relevance of different NPM1 mutation types with regard to clinical outcome. Our analyses were based on 349 NPM1-mutated AML patients treated in the AMLCG99 trial. Complete remission rates, overall survival and relapse-free survival were not significantly different between patients with NPM1 type A or rare type mutations. The NPM1 mutation type does not seem to play a role in risk stratification of cytogenetically normal AML.  相似文献   

Many pathogens make use of antigenic variation as a way to evade the host immune response. A key mechanism for immune evasion and persistent infection by the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, is antigenic variation of the VlsE surface protein. Recombination results in changes in the VlsE surface protein that prevent recognition by VlsE-specific antibodies in the infected host. Despite the presence of a substantial number of additional proteins residing on the bacterial surface, VlsE is the only known antigen that exhibits ongoing variation of its surface epitopes. This suggests that B. burgdorferi may utilize a VlsE-mediated system for immune avoidance of its surface antigens. To address this, the requirement of VlsE for host reinfection by the Lyme disease pathogen was investigated. Host-adapted wild type and VlsE mutant spirochetes were used to reinfect immunocompetent mice that had naturally cleared an infection with a VlsE-deficient clone. Our results demonstrate that variable VlsE is necessary for reinfection by B. burgdorferi, and this ability is directly related to evasion of the host antibody response. Moreover, the data presented here raise the possibility that VlsE prevents recognition of B. burgdorferi surface antigens from host antibodies. Overall, our findings represent a significant advance in our knowledge of immune evasion by B. burgdorferi, and provide insight to the possible mechanisms involved in VlsE-mediated immune avoidance.  相似文献   

The effect of nutrition on the timing of human tooth formation is poorly understood. Delays and advancements in dental maturation have all been reported as well as no effect. We investigated the effect of severe malnutrition on the timing of human tooth formation in a large representative sample of North Sudanese children. The sample (1102 males, 1013 females) consisted of stratified randomly selected healthy individuals in Khartoum, Sudan, aged 2-22 years using a cross-sectional design following the STROBE statement. Nutritional status was defined using WHO criteria of height and weight. Body mass index Z-scores and height for age Z-scores of ≤−2 (cut-off) were used to identify the malnourished group (N = 474) while the normal was defined by Z-scores of ≥0 (N = 799). Clinical and radiographic examination of individuals, with known ages of birth was performed including height and weight measurements. Mandibular left permanent teeth were assessed using eight crown and seven root established tooth formation stages. Mean age at entry and mean age within tooth stages were calculated for each available tooth stage in each group and compared using a t-test. Results show the mean age at entry and mean age within tooth stages were not significantly different between groups affected by severe malnutrition and normal children (p>0.05). This remarkable finding was evident across the span of dental development. We demonstrate that there is little measurable effect of sustained malnutrition on the average timing of tooth formation. This noteworthy finding supports the notion that teeth have substantial biological stability and are insulated from extreme nutritional conditions compared to other maturing body systems.  相似文献   

An understanding of the influence of climate change on Ixodes scapularis, the main vector of Lyme disease in North America, is a fundamental component in assessing changes in the spatial distribution of human risk for the disease. We used a climate suitability model of I. scapularis to examine the potential effects of global climate change on future Lyme disease risk in North America. A climate-based logistic model was first used to explain the current distribution of I. scapularis in North America. Climate-change scenarios were then applied to extrapolate the model in time and to forecast vector establishment. The spatially modeled relationship between I. scapularis presence and large-scale environmental data generated the current pattern of I. scapularis across North America with an accuracy of 89% (P < 0.0001). Extrapolation of the model revealed a significant expansion of I. scapularis north into Canada with an increase in suitable habitat of 213% by the 2080s. Climate change will also result in a retraction of the vector from the southern U.S. and movement into the central U.S. This report predicts the effect of climate change on Lyme disease risk and specifically forecasts the emergence of a tickborne infectious disease in Canada. Our modeling approach could thus be used to outline where future control strategies and prevention efforts need to be applied.  相似文献   

莱姆病是20世纪70年代发现的一种由硬蜱叮咬传播的自然疫源性人兽共患传染病,严重威胁人类健康,引起全球性的关注。伯氏疏螺旋体是莱姆病的病原体。目前莱姆病在很多方面的研究已经取得显著进展,但其致病机理尚不完全清楚,主要原因可能是莱姆病病原体及其成分直接作用、炎性细胞因子作用以及自身免疫因素的影响。对近年有关莱姆病致病机理的研究进展进行概述。  相似文献   

Identification of the determinants of pathogen reservoir potential is central to understand disease emergence. It has been proposed that host lifespan is one such determinant: short-lived hosts will invest less in costly defenses against pathogens, so that they will be more susceptible to infection, more competent as sources of infection and/or will sustain larger vector populations, thus being effective reservoirs for the infection of long-lived hosts. This hypothesis is sustained by analyses of different hosts of multihost pathogens, but not of different genotypes of the same host species. Here we examined this hypothesis by comparing two genotypes of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana that differ largely both in life-span and in tolerance to its natural pathogen Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Experiments with the aphid vector Myzus persicae showed that both genotypes were similarly competent as sources for virus transmission, but the short-lived genotype was more susceptible to infection and was able to sustain larger vector populations. To explore how differences in defense against CMV and its vector relate to reservoir potential, we developed a model that was run for a set of experimentally-determined parameters, and for a realistic range of host plant and vector population densities. Model simulations showed that the less efficient defenses of the short-lived genotype resulted in higher reservoir potential, which in heterogeneous host populations may be balanced by the longer infectious period of the long-lived genotype. This balance was modulated by the demography of both host and vector populations, and by the genetic composition of the host population. Thus, within-species genetic diversity for lifespan and defenses against pathogens will result in polymorphisms for pathogen reservoir potential, which will condition within-population infection dynamics. These results are relevant for a better understanding of host-pathogen co-evolution, and of the dynamics of pathogen emergence.  相似文献   

Reciprocal coevolution between host and pathogen is widely seen as a major driver of evolution and biological innovation. Yet, to date, the underlying genetic mechanisms and associated trait functions that are unique to rapid coevolutionary change are generally unknown. We here combined experimental evolution of the bacterial biocontrol agent Bacillus thuringiensis and its nematode host Caenorhabditis elegans with large-scale phenotyping, whole genome analysis, and functional genetics to demonstrate the selective benefit of pathogen virulence and the underlying toxin genes during the adaptation process. We show that: (i) high virulence was specifically favoured during pathogen–host coevolution rather than pathogen one-sided adaptation to a nonchanging host or to an environment without host; (ii) the pathogen genotype BT-679 with known nematocidal toxin genes and high virulence specifically swept to fixation in all of the independent replicate populations under coevolution but only some under one-sided adaptation; (iii) high virulence in the BT-679-dominated populations correlated with elevated copy numbers of the plasmid containing the nematocidal toxin genes; (iv) loss of virulence in a toxin-plasmid lacking BT-679 isolate was reconstituted by genetic reintroduction or external addition of the toxins. We conclude that sustained coevolution is distinct from unidirectional selection in shaping the pathogen''s genome and life history characteristics. To our knowledge, this study is the first to characterize the pathogen genes involved in coevolutionary adaptation in an animal host–pathogen interaction system.  相似文献   

Exhaustive in vitro dephosphorylation of porcine neurofilaments (NFs) by alkaline or acid phosphatase did not cause a dissociation of the 210-kD (NF-H), 160-kD (NF-M), or 70-kD (NF-L) subunits and had no effect on the reassembly of NFs from urea or guanidine solution. Electron microscopy revealed that the NFs reassembled from isolated or dephosphorylated subunits had similar morphologies. Phosphatase treatment caused significant increases in the mobilities of NF-M and NF-H on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, suggesting that the subunits underwent marked conformational changes after dephosphorylation. Chemical phosphate analysis showed that as isolated NF-H, NF-M, and NF-L contained about 22, 11, and 3 mol phosphate/mol polypeptide, respectively. The corresponding values for the three subunits from alkaline phosphatase-treated NFs were about 8, 6, and 2 mol phosphate/mol polypeptide, respectively. These results indicate the occurrence of a class of phosphate moieties that is not accessible to exogenous phosphatases.  相似文献   

The cellular adjustment of the pH of the external environment of soybean (Glycine max) hypocotyl elongating cells, frequently assumed to be hydrogen ion secretion when the pH is lowered, is unaffected by auxin. These elongating cells actively adjust the external hydrogen ion concentration (from any pH in the range of 4-8) to pH 5.4 + 0.2. This pH adjustment occurs in a medium which does not contain potassium. Growth-optimum auxin concentrations have no effect on cellular pH adjustment of the external medium, whether added at the beginning of the experiment or after the equilibrium pH is attained. The pH adjustment by the cells occurs rapidly and in spite of the presence of a cuticle.  相似文献   

Ecological immunology is an interdisciplinary field that helps elucidate interactions between the environment and immune response. The host species individuals experience have profound effects on immune response in many species of insects. However, this conclusion comes from studies of herbivorous insects even though species of mycophagous insects also inhabit many different host species. The goal of this study was to determine if fungal host species as well as individual, sex, body size, and host patch predict one aspect of immune function, phenoloxidase activity (PO). We sampled a metapopulation of Bolitotherus cornutus, a mycophagous beetle in southwestern Virginia. B. cornutus live on three species of fungus that differ in nutritional quality, social environment, and density. A filter paper phenoloxidase assay was used to quantify phenoloxidase activity. Overall, PO activity was significantly repeatable among individuals (0.57) in adult B. cornutus. While there was significant variance among individuals in PO activity, there were surprisingly no significant differences in PO activity among subpopulations, beetles living on different host species, or between the sexes; there was also no effect of body size. Our results suggest that other factors such as age, genotype, disease prevalence, or natal environment may be generating variance among individuals in PO activity.  相似文献   

磷脂酰肌醇-3激酶(PI3K)是磷脂酰肌醇代谢过程中一种重要的酶,通过其代谢产物参与了对多种细胞生理活动的调节,如囊泡运输、细胞骨架重组、细胞存活、吞噬作用、细胞凋亡等.为研究其对细胞分泌功能的作用,使用磷脂酰肌醇-3激酶家族的特异性抑制剂渥曼青霉素(wortmannin)阻断磷脂酰肌醇-3激酶的活性,以EGFP-2xFYVE融合蛋白与磷脂酰肌醇-3-磷酸(PtdIns-3-P)的结合为指征,使用荧光显微成像技术检测渥曼青霉素对磷脂酰肌醇-3激酶的抑制作用,采用膜片钳膜电容测量方法及光解钙离子释放技术检测渥曼青霉素对PC12细胞分泌功能的影响.实验结果表明,wortmannin阻断了磷脂酰肌醇-3激酶的活性,抑制了磷脂酰肌醇-3-磷酸(PtdIns-3-P)的产生,并使FYVE与PtdIns-3-P解离,但渥曼青霉素处理之前和处理30 min后的PC12细胞分泌反应的幅度、动力学特性和分泌的钙依赖性均无显著差异,表明磷脂酰肌醇-3激酶对PC12细胞的分泌无显著的直接影响.  相似文献   

The geographic patterns of transmission opportunities of vector‐borne zoonoses are determined by a complex interplay between the migration patterns of the host and the vector. Here we examine the impact of host migration on the spread of a tick‐borne zoonotic disease, using Lyme Borreliosis (LB) spirochaetal species in Europe. We demonstrate that the migration of the LB species is dependent on and limited by the migration of their respective hosts. We note that populations of Borrelia spp. associated with birds (Borrelia garinii and B. valaisiana) show limited geographic structuring between countries compared with those associated with small mammals (Borrelia afzelii), and we argue that this can be explained by higher rates of migration in avian hosts. We also show the presence of B. afzelii strains in England and, through the use of the multi‐locus sequence analysis scheme, reveal that the strains are highly structured. This pattern in English sites is very different from that observed at the continental sites, and we propose that these may be recent introductions.  相似文献   

In central Europe, the hybridogenetic waterfrog Rana esculenta, a hybrid between Rana ridibunda and Rana lessonae, lives in sympatry with one of its parental species, the poolfrog Rana lessonae. As R. esculenta has to backcross constantly with R. lessonae in order to produce viable offspring, this coexistence is obligatory for R. esculenta. Since R. esculenta has a higher primary fitness than R. lessonae, a mechanism is required that prevents the hybrid from driving the parental species, and hence itself, to extinction. Here, we present an analytical model and a computer simulation that investigate whether assortative mating can operate as a such a control mechanism. Our results show that assortative mating is very effective in regulating coexistence in such a hybrid-host system. This is particularly true when choice is affected by the proportion of the two male types in the population. Furthermore, we could show that even if the species composition in a mixed hybrid-host population may be largely influenced by differences in life-history parameters, assortative mating still plays a very important role by stabilizing coexistence. Thus, mating behavior turns out to be more important for the populations dynamics of hybridogenetic waterfrog systems than previously assumed.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2014,24(20):2417-2422
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CheZ Has No Effect on Flagellar Motors Activated by CheY13DK106YW   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The behaviors of both cheZ-deleted and wild-type cells of Escherichia coli were found to be very sensitive to the level of expression of CheZ, a protein known to accelerate the dephosphorylation of the response regulator CheY-phosphate (CheY-P). However, cells induced to run and tumble by the unphosphorylated mutant protein CheY13DK106YW (CheY**) failed to respond to CheZ, even when CheZ was expressed at high levels. Therefore, CheZ neither affects the flagellar motors directly nor sequesters CheY**. In in vitro cross-linking studies, CheY** promoted trimerization of CheZ to the same extent as wild-type CheY but failed to induce the formation of complexes of higher molecular weight observed with CheY-P. Also, CheY** could be cross-linked to FliM, the motor receptor protein, nearly as well as CheY-P. Thus, to CheZ, CheY** looks like CheY, but to FliM, it looks like CheY-P.  相似文献   

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