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In closed mitotic systems such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the nuclear envelope (NE) does not break down during mitosis, so microtubule-organizing centers such as the spindle-pole body (SPB) must be inserted into the NE to facilitate bipolar spindle formation and chromosome segregation. The mechanism of SPB insertion has been linked to NE insertion of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) through a series of genetic and physical interactions between NPCs and SPB components. To identify new genes involved in SPB duplication and NE insertion, we carried out genome-wide screens for suppressors of deletion alleles of SPB components, including Mps3 and Mps2. In addition to the nucleoporins POM152 and POM34, we found that elimination of SEC66/SEC71/KAR7 suppressed lethality of cells lacking MPS2 or MPS3. Sec66 is a nonessential subunit of the Sec63 complex that functions together with the Sec61 complex in import of proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Cells lacking Sec66 have reduced levels of Pom152 protein but not Pom34 or Ndc1, a shared component of the NPC and SPB. The fact that Sec66 but not other subunits of the ER translocon bypass deletion mutants in SPB genes suggests a specific role for Sec66 in the control of Pom152 levels. Based on the observation that sec66 does not affect the distribution of Ndc1 on the NE or Ndc1 binding to the SPB, we propose that Sec66-mediated regulation of Pom152 plays an NPC-independent role in the control of SPB duplication.  相似文献   

A combined approach of whole genome shotgun sequencing and ultra-high density linkage mapping using skim sequencing of a segregating population is effective for assembling allopolyploid genomes.See related Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-015-0582-8  相似文献   

The body size of Caenorhabditis elegans is thought to be controlled by sensory inputs because many mutants with sensory cilium structure defects exhibit small body size. The EGL-4 cGMP-dependent protein kinase acts in sensory neurons to reduce body size when animals fail to perceive sensory signals. In addition to body size control, EGL-4 regulates various other behavioral and developmental pathways, including those involved in the regulation of egg laying and chemotaxis behavior. Here we have identified gcy-12, which encodes a receptor-type guanylyl cyclase, as a gene involved in the sensory regulation of body size. Analyses with GFP fusion constructs showed that gcy-12 is expressed in several sensory neurons and localizes to sensory cilia. Genetic analyses indicated that GCY-12 acts upstream of EGL-4 in body size control but does not affect other EGL-4 functions. Our studies indicate that the function of the GCY-12 guanylyl cyclase is to provide cGMP to the EGL-4 cGMP-dependent kinase only for limited tasks including body size regulation. We also found that the PDE-2 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase negatively regulates EGL-4 in controlling body size. Thus, the cGMP level is precisely controlled by GCY-12 and PDE-2 to determine body size through EGL-4, and the defects in the sensory cilium structure may disturb the balanced control of the cGMP level. The large number of guanylyl cyclases encoded in the C. elegans genome suggests that EGL-4 exerts pleiotropic effects by partnering with different guanylyl cyclases for different downstream functions.  相似文献   

In a recent study, rich clinical assessment and longitudinal study design are combined with host gene expression and microbial sequencing analyses to develop a framework for exploring disease etiology and outcomes in the context of human inflammatory disease.See related article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-015-0637-x  相似文献   

We thank Dr. Nadeau for his interest in our work. Dr. Nadeau has raised concerns about the experimental approach (mouse strains, route of administration, lack of phenotypic assessment) and about the validity of our conclusions. We will respond to each of these concerns point-by point.Please see related article: www.dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-015-0709-y  相似文献   

The Hawaiian strain (CB4856) of Caenorhabditis elegans is one of the most divergent from the canonical laboratory strain N2 and has been widely used in developmental, population, and evolutionary studies. To enhance the utility of the strain, we have generated a draft sequence of the CB4856 genome, exploiting a variety of resources and strategies. When compared against the N2 reference, the CB4856 genome has 327,050 single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and 79,529 insertion–deletion events that result in a total of 3.3 Mb of N2 sequence missing from CB4856 and 1.4 Mb of sequence present in CB4856 but not present in N2. As previously reported, the density of SNVs varies along the chromosomes, with the arms of chromosomes showing greater average variation than the centers. In addition, we find 61 regions totaling 2.8 Mb, distributed across all six chromosomes, which have a greatly elevated SNV density, ranging from 2 to 16% SNVs. A survey of other wild isolates show that the two alternative haplotypes for each region are widely distributed, suggesting they have been maintained by balancing selection over long evolutionary times. These divergent regions contain an abundance of genes from large rapidly evolving families encoding F-box, MATH, BATH, seven-transmembrane G-coupled receptors, and nuclear hormone receptors, suggesting that they provide selective advantages in natural environments. The draft sequence makes available a comprehensive catalog of sequence differences between the CB4856 and N2 strains that will facilitate the molecular dissection of their phenotypic differences. Our work also emphasizes the importance of going beyond simple alignment of reads to a reference genome when assessing differences between genomes.  相似文献   

The essential neurotransmitter acetylcholine functions throughout the animal kingdom. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the acetylcholine biosynthetic enzyme [choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)] and vesicular transporter [vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT)] are encoded by the cha-1 and unc-17 genes, respectively. These two genes compose a single complex locus in which the unc-17 gene is nested within the first intron of cha-1, and the two gene products arise from a common pre-messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) by alternative splicing. This genomic organization, known as the cholinergic gene locus (CGL), is conserved throughout the animal kingdom, suggesting that the structure is important for the regulation and function of these genes. However, very little is known about CGL regulation in any species. We now report the identification of an unusual type of splicing regulation in the CGL of C. elegans, mediated by two pairs of complementary sequence elements within the locus. We show that both pairs of elements are required for efficient splicing to the distal acceptor, and we also demonstrate that proper distal splicing depends more on sequence complementarity within each pair of elements than on the sequences themselves. We propose that these sequence elements are able to form stem-loop structures in the pre-mRNA; such structures would favor specific splicing alternatives and thus regulate CGL splicing. We have identified complementary elements at comparable locations in the genomes of representative species of other animal phyla; we suggest that this unusual regulatory mechanism may be a general feature of CGLs.  相似文献   

Draper, the Drosophila melanogaster homolog of the Ced-1 protein of Caenorhabditis elegans, is a cell-surface receptor required for the recognition and engulfment of apoptotic cells, glial clearance of axon fragments and dendritic pruning, and salivary gland autophagy. To further elucidate mechanisms of Draper signaling, we screened chromosomal deficiencies to identify loci that dominantly modify the phenotype of overexpression of Draper isoform II (suppressed differentiation of the posterior crossvein in the wing). We found evidence for 43 genetic modifiers of Draper II. Twenty-four of the 37 suppressor loci and 3 of the 6 enhancer loci were identified. An additional 5 suppressors and 2 enhancers were identified among mutations in functionally related genes. These studies reveal positive contributions to Drpr signaling for the Jun N-terminal Kinase pathway, supported by genetic interactions with hemipterous, basket, jun, and puckered, and for cytoskeleton regulation as indicated by genetic interactions with rac1, rac2, RhoA, myoblast city, Wiskcott–Aldrich syndrome protein, and the formin CG32138, and for yorkie and expanded. These findings indicate that Jun N-terminal Kinase activation and cytoskeletal remodeling collaborate in Draper signaling. Relationships between Draper signaling and Decapentaplegic signaling, insulin signaling, Salvador/Warts/Hippo signaling, apical-basal cell polarity, and cellular responses to mechanical forces are also discussed.  相似文献   

Biomedical literature incorporates millions of figures, which are a rich and important knowledge resource for biomedical researchers. Scientists need access to the figures and the knowledge they represent in order to validate research findings and to generate new hypotheses. By themselves, these figures are nearly always incomprehensible to both humans and machines and their associated texts are therefore essential for full comprehension. The associated text of a figure, however, is scattered throughout its full-text article and contains redundant information content. In this paper, we report the continued development and evaluation of several figure summarization systems, the FigSum+ systems, that automatically identify associated texts, remove redundant information, and generate a text summary for every figure in an article. Using a set of 94 annotated figures selected from 19 different journals, we conducted an intrinsic evaluation of FigSum+. We evaluate the performance by precision, recall, F1, and ROUGE scores. The best FigSum+ system is based on an unsupervised method, achieving F1 score of 0.66 and ROUGE-1 score of 0.97. The annotated data is available at figshare.com (http://figshare.com/articles/Figure_Associated_Text_Summarization_and_Evaluation/858903).  相似文献   

Two genes encoding protein components of the nuclear pore complex Nup160 and Nup96 cause lethality in F2-like hybrid genotypes between Drosophila simulans and Drosophila melanogaster. In particular, D. simulans Nup160 and Nup96 each cause inviability when hemizygous or homozygous in species hybrids that are also hemizygous (or homozygous) for the D. melanogaster X chromosome. The hybrid lethality of Nup160, however, is genetically complex, depending on one or more unknown additional factors in the autosomal background. Here we study the genetics and evolution of Nup160-mediated hybrid lethality in three ways. First, we test for variability in Nup160-mediated hybrid lethality within and among the three species of the D. simulans clade— D. simulans, D. sechellia, and D. mauritiana. We show that the hybrid lethality of Nup160 is fixed in D. simulans and D. sechellia but absent in D. mauritiana. Second, we explore how the hybrid lethality of Nup160 depends on other loci in the autosomal background. We find that D. simulans Nup160-mediated hybrid lethality does not depend on the presence of D. melanogaster Nup96, and we find that D. simulans and D. mauritiana are functionally differentiated at Nup160 as well as at other autosomal factor(s). Finally, we use population genetics data to show that Nup160 has experienced histories of recurrent positive selection both before and after the split of the three D. simulans clade species ∼240,000 years ago. Our genetic results suggest that a hybrid lethal Nup160 allele evolved before the split of the three D. simulans clade species, whereas the other autosomal factor(s) evolved more recently.  相似文献   

Chromosome folding can reinforce the demarcation between euchromatin and heterochromatin. Two new studies show how epigenetic data, including DNA methylation, can accurately predict chromosome folding in three dimensions. Such computational approaches reinforce the idea of a linkage between epigenetically marked chromatin domains and their segregation into distinct compartments at the megabase scale or topological domains at a higher resolution.Please see related articles: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-015-0741-y and http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13059-015-0740-z  相似文献   

Inorganic phosphate is an essential mineral for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell metabolism and structure. Its uptake into the cell is mediated by membrane-bound transporters and coupled to Na+ transport. Mammalian sodium-dependent Pi cotransporters have been grouped into three families NaPi-I, NaPi-II, and NaPi-III. Despite being discovered more than two decades ago, very little is known about requirements for NaPi-III transporters in vivo, in the context of intact animal models. Here we find that impaired function of the Caenorhabditis elegans NaPi-III transporter, pitr-1, results in decreased brood size and dramatically increased expression of vitellogenin by the worm intestine. Unexpectedly, we found that the effects of pitr-1 mutation on vitellogenin expression in the intestine could only be rescued by expression of pitr-1 in the germline, and not by expression of pitr-1 in the intestine itself. Our results indicate the existence of a signal from the germline that regulates gene expression in the intestine, perhaps linking nutrient export from the intestine to production of gametes by the germline.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) culture models are critical tools for understanding tissue morphogenesis. A key requirement for their analysis is the ability to reconstruct the tissue into computational models that allow quantitative evaluation of the formed structures. Here, we present Software for Automated Morphological Analysis (SAMA), a method by which epithelial structures grown in 3D cultures can be imaged, reconstructed and analyzed with minimum human intervention. SAMA allows quantitative analysis of key features of epithelial morphogenesis such as ductal elongation, branching and lumen formation that distinguish different hormonal treatments. SAMA is a user-friendly set of customized macros operated via FIJI (http://fiji.sc/Fiji), an open-source image analysis platform in combination with a set of functions in R (http://www.r-project.org/), an open-source program for statistical analysis. SAMA enables a rapid, exhaustive and quantitative 3D analysis of the shape of a population of structures in a 3D image. SAMA is cross-platform, licensed under the GPLv3 and available at http://montevil.theobio.org/content/sama.  相似文献   

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