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A small group of Labroides dimidiatus were studied over a period of 4 months in the shallow reef environment of Aldabra. It was found necessary to redefine the concept of a cleaning station. Different sizes of Labroides occupied different types of area and it was found the smallest individuals do not have fixed ranges, but move about beneath available crevices. Larger individuals occupied more open situations and the adults usually lived in pairs. The areas occupied appeared to reflect the fishes' ability to maintain position against strong water movements and tidal currents. Labroides dimidiatus shows territorial, intraspecific aggression and model presentation experiments indicate that body pigmentation acts as the releaser for this aggression. This aggression serves as a dispersal mechanism for young fish. Interspecific aggression occurred against fish with similar body markings to Labroides or which constituted a threat. The cleaning behaviour was studied and it was found that different species of host fish are cleaned in a highly specific manner, and certain hosts are preferred to others. There is evidence that this may be learned as a result of early experience with the host fish. Measurements are made of the cleaning intensity in the area. Some host fish were shown to be attracted to the cleaning range and may adopt invitation postures in the absence of the cleaner. The results are discussed in relation to the recent literature on Labroides dimidiatus and their importance to reef fish populations.  相似文献   

A photographic technique is described for determining the three-dimensional position of fish schooling in front of a mirror in a flow tank. School structure is discussed in terms of the distance, horizontal bearing, and elevation of nearest neighbours. Nearest neighbour distances were measured snout-to-snout. A technique of analysis is described which considers the probability distribution of nearest neighbours in space. At speeds of flow 0 to 0·125 metres per second it was possible to show that Phoxinus, a facultative schooler, tended to maintain a school structure as previously reported for obligate schooling species. The structure was present only in a dynamic statistical sense and not in the sense of a rigid crystal lattice. Minnows maintained themselves at approximately 0·9 of their body length from each other under normal conditions and the bearings of neighbour fish suggested an attempt to maintain an optimum packing at this distance. At high speeds of flow the school structure tended to break up as fish sought areas of refuge from the current. All minnow schools were ellipsoidal in shape. The strategic and tactical methods by which schooling fish derive anti-predator advantage are discussed in relation to the school structure.  相似文献   

Excessive ingestion of mercury—a health hazard associated with consuming predatory fishes—damages neurological, sensory-motor and cardiovascular functioning. The mercury levels found in Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus) and bluefin tuna species (Thunnus maccoyii, Thunnus orientalis, and Thunnus thynnus), exceed or approach levels permissible by Canada, the European Union, Japan, the US, and the World Health Organization. We used DNA barcodes to identify tuna sushi samples analysed for mercury and demonstrate that the ability to identify cryptic samples in the market place allows regulatory agencies to more accurately measure the risk faced by fish consumers and enact policies that better safeguard their health.  相似文献   

In fish resource assessment, it is very important to know about the behaviour and form of fish schools. This paper describes the three‐dimensional (3D) morphology and internal structure of pelagic schools observed using vertical‐scanning multibeam sonar. The acoustic data were collected in waters off Venezuela, Senegal, and Mexico. The data were used to derive metrics of school location, density, shape and internal structure from a total of 668 schools: 257 from Mexico, 343 from Venezuela and 68 from Senegal. In general, school shapes were amoeboid‐like (e.g. spheres or ellipsoids) and not simply geometric. Also, the fish were patchily‐distributed, forming both nuclei (groups) and vacuoles (empty spaces) within the schools. The results support the hypothesis of ‘auto‐organization of the fish inside schools’, meaning that the distribution of fish within a school arises from the elementary reaction of the individuals.  相似文献   

The scale-eating cichlid Perissodus microlepis with asymmetric mouth is an attractive model of behavioral laterality: each adult tears off scales from prey fishes’ left or right flanks according to the direction in which its mouth is skewed. To investigate the development of behavioral laterality and mouth asymmetry, we analyzed stomach contents and lower jaw-bone asymmetry of various-sized P. microlepis (22≤SL<115mm) sampled in Lake Tanganyika. The shapes of the pored scales found in each specimen’s stomach indicated its attack side preference. Early-juvenile specimens (SL<45mm) feeding mainly on zooplankton exhibited slight but significant mouth asymmetry. As the fish acquired scale-eating (45mm≤SL), attack side preference was gradually strengthened, as was mouth asymmetry. Among size-matched individuals, those with more skewed mouths ate more scales. These findings show that behavioral laterality in scale-eating P. microlepis is established in association with development of mouth asymmetry which precedes the behavioral acquisition, and that this synergistic interaction between physical and behavioral literalities may contribute to efficient scale-eating.  相似文献   

The effect of school size on the feeding success of individual three-spined sticklebacks was studied. We found that the proportion of fish feeding on benthic prey increased with school size and that fish in large schools tended to start feeding sooner than fish in small schools. The total number of strikes also increased in larger schools. Despite this evidence for a foraging benefit associated with school membership we propose that improved feeding returns do not alone explain stickleback schooling.  相似文献   

Synopsis A technique using two downward-directed 35 mm cameras has been modified to measure the three-dimensional structure of fish schools. The resulting stereo pairs of photographs are analyzed, producing the 3-coordinate location of each fish's nose, after correction for lens distortion and refraction. Separation angles (bearing and elevation) and distance can then be determined for any pair of fish in the school. The technique's high level of accuracy is demonstrated for an underwater calibration field. It is then applied to the measurement of the 3-D structure of schools of coho salmon (Oncorhymchus kisutch) swimming in a hatchery trough. Although the fish were not organized in a rigid crystal lattice, the analysis provided some evidence of structure.  相似文献   

School fidelity concerns the cohesiveness of social aggregations over time, as measured by the regularity or repeatability with which known individuals re-occur as members of a school. School fidelity was measured by divers who observed yellow perch (Perca flavescens) marked with individually recognizable tags in Cazenovia Lake, New York. Yellow perch were facultative schoolers, with individual differences in schooling tendency (measured as percentage of time in schools) accounting for different numbers of observations of schooled versus solitary fish. The greatest co-occurrence was found between fish with strong schooling tendencies, but within this group co-occurrence was random. Home ranges overlapped greatly between individuals, yet co-occurrence was more a function of schooling tendency than of overlapping home ranges. Individuals with overlapping home ranges but with weak schooling tendencies seldom co-occurred. Home range size increased directly with schooling tendency: the distances that individuals moved apparently depended on the movements of the schools they joined, with strongly schooling fish remaining in schools longer. Individuals joined and left schools frequently; this also reflects a lack of fidelity between fish. Fish schools that form primarily for predator avoidance may show higher levels of fidelity than do schools that form for foraging or hydrodynamic efficiency.  相似文献   


Research shows that Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) are associated with school climate and student well-being, but it is unclear what school characteristics may account for some of these findings. The current study describes characteristics of schools with and without GSAs. Using a population-based sample of 1,360 California public high schools, inferential statistics show that schools with larger enrollment, more experienced teachers, and lower pupil/teacher ratios were more likely to have GSAs. In addition, among schools with GSAs, larger enrollment, more experienced teachers, fewer socioeconomically disadvantaged students, and higher academic achievement are among the factors related to a longer presence of GSAs. Implications for GSA and policy implementation, as well as the importance of accounting for school characteristics in research on GSAs are discussed.  相似文献   

Adult Carukia barnesi medusae feed predominantly on larval fish; however, their mode of prey capture seems more complex than previously described. Our findings revealed that during light conditions, this species extends its tentacles and ‘twitches’ them frequently. This highlights the lure-like nematocyst clusters in the water column, which actively attract larval fish that are consequently stung and consumed. This fishing behavior was not observed during dark conditions, presumably to reduce energy expenditure when they are not luring visually oriented prey. We found that larger medusae have longer tentacles; however, the spacing between the nematocyst clusters is not dependent on size, suggesting that the spacing of the nematocyst clusters is important for prey capture. Additionally, larger specimens twitch their tentacles more frequently than small specimens, which correlate with their recent ontogenetic prey shift from plankton to larval fish. These results indicate that adult medusae of C. barnesi are not opportunistically grazing in the water column, but instead utilize sophisticated prey capture techniques to specifically target larval fish.  相似文献   

Tuna purse seine fisheries target fish aggregated in schools, including free schools that are formed naturally based on fish biology and aggregations associated with natural and/or artificial drifting objects. Using data collected from skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) fisheries, we evaluated differences in size structures between drifting-floating-object-associated schools and unassociated schools. We developed a generalized linear model to remove impacts of environmental variables on skipjack size composition. This study indicates that the drifting-floating-object-associated schools tended to have significantly wider size ranges than the unassociated schools. This suggests that unassociated schools were likely formed based on similarity in sizes among individuals within a school while drifting-floating-object-associated schools were probably composed of individuals of large size ranges and their formation was not based on the “size selection” rule. We concluded that the unassociated schools and the drifting-floating-object-associated schools were formed through different mechanisms, and drifting floating objects could aggregate unassociated schools of different size structures. Thus, a large scale of deployment of man-made floating objects might disrupt the spatial aggregation pattern of fish that otherwise tended to school based on their sizes in the absence of floating objects.  相似文献   

Animal groups on the move can take different configurations. For example, groups of fish can either be ‘shoals’ or ‘schools’: shoals are simply aggregations of individuals; schools are shoals exhibiting polarized, synchronized motion. Here we demonstrate that polarization distributions of groups of zebrafish (Danio rerio) are bimodal, showing two distinct modes of collective motion corresponding to the definitions of shoaling and schooling. Other features of the group''s motion also vary consistently between the two modes: zebrafish schools are faster and less dense than zebrafish shoals. Habituation to an environment can also alter the proportion of time zebrafish groups spend schooling or shoaling. Models of collective motion suggest that the degree and stability of group polarization increases with the group''s density. Examining zebrafish groups of different sizes from 5 to 50, we show that larger groups are less polarized than smaller groups. Decreased fearfulness in larger groups may function similarly to habituation, causing them to spend more time shoaling than schooling, contrary to most models'' predictions.  相似文献   

Social living of animals is a broadly occurring phenomenon, although poorly studied in freshwater systems, fish schooling behaviour is an excellent example. The composition of fish schools, species-specific schooling tendencies and preferences of adult fish were studied in the pelagic habitat of the Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic. Video recordings captured over a total of 34 days (16 h per day) in the clear water period of three seasons were analysed. From four species identified as school-forming species – bream, bleak, roach and perch, 40% of the individuals observed formed schools of 3–36 individuals. Although conspecific schools prevailed, 20% of individuals formed heterospecific schools, except bleak that schooled strictly with conspecifics. Schools were composed of individuals of similar body size and life strategy. Heterospecific schools were significantly larger than conspecific schools and showed uneven proportion among species, that is, one species being more abundant when the school dimension increased. Probability of encounter in bleak was lowest and proved highest inclination for schooling. Gregarianism levels depended on species morphology and body size, with larger and morphologically advanced fish tending less to sociability. This indicates that the antipredator function of schooling behaviour is intensified with increasing vulnerability of the species.  相似文献   



We examined whether state laws and district policies pertaining to nutritional restrictions on school fundraisers were associated with school policies as reported by administrators in a nationally-representative sample of United States public elementary schools.


We gathered data on school-level fundraising policies via a mail-back survey during the 2009–10 and 2010–11 school years. Surveys were received from 1,278 public elementary schools (response rate = 60.9%). Data were also gathered on corresponding school district policies and state laws. After removing cases with missing data, the sample size for analysis was 1,215 schools.


After controlling for school characteristics, school policies were consistently associated with state laws and district policies, both those pertaining to fundraising generally, as well as specific restrictions on the sale of candy and soda in fundraisers (all Odds Ratios >2.0 and Ps<.05). However, even where district policies and state laws required fundraising restrictions, school policies were not uniformly present; school policies were also in place at only 55.8% of these schools, but were more common at schools in the West (77.1%) and at majority-Latino schools (71.4%), indicating uneven school-level implementation of district policy and state law.


District policies and state laws were associated with a higher prevalence of elementary school-level fundraising policies, but many schools that were subject to district policies and state laws did not have school-level restrictions in place, suggesting the need for further attention to factors hindering policy implementation in schools.  相似文献   

Visually foraging planktivorous fish feed preferentially on larger, energetically more valuable zooplankton. Laboratory studies of bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, feeding on different size classes of Daphnia indicate that, at low prey densities, these fish generally select among prey encountered simultaneously by pursuing whichever one appears largest, i.e. projects the largest retinal image. At high prey densities, however, bluegills take fewer small Daphnia than predicted for fish foraging by this apparent size rule. The pattern of prey selection observed suggests that bluegills employ the apparent size rule, not as the sole determinant of prey choice, but only to direct their attention to an individual prey item. In this way, fish may consider prey encountered simultaneously in a sequential manner. The fish can then evaluate the actual size of the apparently largest prey item, and ignore it if it is below a minimum threshold actual size. The less-preferred small prey, however, are never completely excluded from the diets of the fish. This partial preference may be the result of perceptual constraints; fish may be able to evaluate the actual size of zooplankton prey only when they occur within the fish's binocular visual field.  相似文献   

《Ethology and sociobiology》1988,9(2-4):149-179
In three-dimensional open space habits, and to a lesser degree open terrestrial habitats, cooperative groupings of animals have repeatedly evolved. These cooperative systems have been observed in a wide variety of animal taxa, ranging from sea urchins to cetaceans. Various attempts have been made to relate the origins of such patterns to kin or altruism theory. An evolutionary stable strategy appears to be involved.We propose a graded series of group structures of increasing complexity by means of which three-dimensional groupings could have evolved without recourse to either group selection or even necessarily kin selection or reciprocal altruism. These structures are asocial and social aggregations, and polarized schools. Social aggregations and polarized schools allow cooperative feeding and avoidance of predation. They confer three predation-related advantages over living alone for animals in open environments: (1) the dilution effect of large prey numbers relative to those of predators, (2) the encounter effect, which provides some protection from searching predators, and (3) the confusion effect by means of which visual tracking by a predator is confounded. We suggest that the gaze stabilization system of the visual system is involved in the most advanced version of the confusion effect.In polarized schools members sense and react to each other, forming a sensory integration system (SIS). This system allows detection and transmission of information across a school, flock, or herd in three dimensions. Because members watch beyond their immediate neighbors the transmission of such group reactions can greatly exceed the reaction speed of individual members, or any predator. Because the confusion effect and the SIS depend upon uniformity of behavior the polarized school is uncommonly difficult and perhaps impossible to cheat against. We perceive this as a key factor in the establishment of the evolutionarily stable strategy of schooling.Polarized schools and aggregations are considered as the extremes of a behavioral continuum. Because in daytime the polarized school is a safer place to be and because the aggregation allows more freedom of movement for such activities as food finding, groups in open space oscillate between the these extremes during varying levels of predation.The social complexity of fish schools seems modest whereas dolphin schools show the complexities of fairly typical mammalian organization. Occupancy of open space by both oceanic dolphins and schooling fish seems to have fostered promiscuous mating. In both open water fish and mammals elements of a cooperative disposition occur, which involves both cooperation and suppression of some aspects of individuality. Such dispositional elements allow the automatic support of a cooperative society. Dolphin schools, which during daytime rest or danger react like fish schools, express typical mammalian organization at other times. Dolphin echolocation has probably allowed the expression of mammalian behavior patterns at sea because it confers a major advantage over shark predators. The expression of mammalian social complexity may have required both kin and reciprocal altruistic patterns in different species.  相似文献   

Impacts of organic enrichment and a modified benthic fauna community (caused by fish farming) on benthic mineralization rates and nutrient cycling were studied in sediments at one Danish and one Cypriote fish farm. Sediment organic matter concentration and macrofauna community composition were manipulated in microcosms and changes in total benthic metabolism (oxygen consumption, TCO2 production), anaerobic metabolism (sulfate reduction rates), nutrient fluxes and sediment parameters were followed for a period of 3 weeks. Mineralization rates were found to be highly correlated with irrigation velocities and largest fauna effects were found in the Danish sediments with the large and active irrigating climax species (Nereis diversicolor and Macoma balthica). Eastern Mediterranean climax species (Glycera rouxii and Naineris laevigata) also stimulated mineralization rates but to a smaller extent due to lower irrigation, whereas the opportunistic species (Capitella in Danish sediment and Hermodice carunculata in Cypriote sediment) showed less effect on mineralization. Ammonium and phosphate release increased with increasing irrigation velocities, but much less in Cyprus indicating higher nutrient retention at the ultra-oligotrophic location compared to eutrophic Danish site. Irrigation velocities, and thus mineralization rates, increased by organic matter loading, indicating larger fauna-induced oxidation in enriched environments. The result implies that a change in fauna structure in fish farm sediment towards smaller opportunistic polychaete species with lower irrigation will result in slower mineralization rates and potentially increase accumulation of organic waste products.  相似文献   

Coastal and estuarine environments are particularly productive ecological systems and can provide protein and nutrient exports to adjacent marine ecosystems. In spite of this, studies of fish school migration patterns between lagoons and the sea are lacking. In 1999, fish samplings combining fishing and acoustic sonar field data collection were performed in two shallow water channel lagoons to monitor fish school diel migration (lagoon-sea). Lagoon fish assemblages included 15 species and 10 families. The estimated abundances and the fishes' swimming characteristics permit those detected by sonar to be selected according to 3 criteria. Direct sampling by cast net confirmed that Dicentrarchus labrax schools were present during the autumn migration period. In situ horizontal sonar observation in shallow water bodies constitutes a powerful tool for the study of fish behaviour. Fish school migration within the range of values recorded was not affected by current velocity (maximum 0.83 m/s). No relationships among school shape, surface area or migratory direction were found. The amphidromous schools were small (0.3 to 15 m2) and observed mainly at night. Migratory behaviour appeared to be determined to some extent by fluctuations in lagoon salinity and temperature. Consistent with the ‘multi-transit’ hypothesis, which states that schools pass several times in front of the sonar transducer before moving toward or away from the lagoon, the net flow of fish was less than that predicted by the sonar methodology. Thus the multi-transit behaviour hypothesis should be considered when interpreting fish population transfer data gathered with acoustic methods using a single transducer in rivers, estuaries, or channels. In addition, the exclusive use of echosounder could generate major biomass underestimation when the fish are grouped in schools.  相似文献   

Fish schools are believed to provide antipredator benefits to their members. Two potential antipredator benefits, the dilution and confusion effects, of schooling were investigated in the laboratory using banded killifish (Fundulus diaphanus). Individual risk of being attacked and killed by a fish predator (white perch, Morone americana) declined with increasing killifish school size in a manner closely predicted by the dilution hypothesis. Perch were apparently not confused by schooling killifish since fish in groups of one did not suffer a disproportionately greater predation rate than fish in all larger school sizes. However, killifish straggling from the school were preferentially attacked and more successfully captured compared with school members. Schooling in the banded killifish therefore confers a considerable antipredator benefit to individual group members, at least through a dilution effect, and straying from a school has an associated increased risk of mortality to predation, which selects for schooling behaviour.  相似文献   



In order to understand feeding ecology and habitat use of coral reef fish, fatty acid composition was examined in five coral reef fishes, Thalassoma lunare, Lutjanus lutjanus, Abudefduf bengalensis, Scarus rivulatus and Scolopsis affinis collected in the Bidong Island of Malaysian South China Sea.


Proportions of saturated fatty acids (SAFA) ranged 57.2% 74.2%, with the highest proportions in fatty acids, the second highest was monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) ranged from 21.4% to 39.0% and the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was the lowest ranged from 2.8% to 14.1%. Each fatty acid composition differed among fishes, suggesting diverse feeding ecology, habitat use and migration during the fishes’ life history in the coral reef habitats.


Diets of the coral fish species might vary among species in spite of that each species are living sympatrically. Differences in fatty acid profiles might not just be considered with respect to the diets, but might be based on the habitat and migration.  相似文献   

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