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Sensitive assays are needed to meaningfully assess low levels of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) that may be important for protection against the acquisition of HIV-1 infection in vaccine recipients. The current assay of choice uses a non-lymphoid cell line (TZM-bl) that may lack sensitivity owing to over expression of CD4 and CCR5. We used transfection of a human CD4+/CXCR4+/α4β7+ T-lymphoblastoid cell line (A3.01) with a CMV IE promoter-driven CCR5neo vector to stably express CCR5. The resulting line, designated A3R5, is permissive to a wide range of CCR5-tropic circulating strains of HIV-1, including HIV-1 molecular clones containing a Tat-inducible Renilla luciferase reporter gene and expressing multiple Env subtypes. Flow cytometric analysis found CCR5 surface expression on A3R5 cells to be markedly less than TZM-bl but similar to CD3.8 stimulated PBMC. More importantly, neutralization mediated by a diverse panel of monoclonal antibodies, HIV-1 positive polyclonal sera and sCD4 was consistently greater in A3R5 compared to TZM-bl cells. The A3R5 cell line provides a novel approach to guide the development and qualification of promising new HIV-1 vaccine immunogens.  相似文献   

Interaction of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 with the chemokine receptor CXCR4 triggers not only viral entry but also an array of signal transduction cascades. Whether gp120 induces an incomplete or aberrant set of signals, or whether it can function as a full CXCR4 agonist, remains unclear. We report that, in unstimulated human primary CD4(+) T cells, the spectrum of signaling responses induced by gp120 through CXCR4 paralleled that induced by the natural ligand stromal cell-derived factor 1/CXCL12. gp120 activated heterotrimeric G proteins and the major G protein-dependent pathways, including calcium mobilization, phosphoinositide-3 kinase, and Erk-1/2 MAPK activation. Interestingly, gp120 caused rapid actin cytoskeleton rearrangements and profuse membrane ruffling, as evidenced by dynamic confocal imaging. This coordinated set of events resulted in a bona fide chemotactic response. Inactivated HIV-1 virions that harbored conformationally intact envelope glycoproteins also caused actin polymerization and chemotaxis, while similar virions devoid of envelope glycoproteins did not. Thus gp120, in monomeric as well as oligomeric, virion-associated form, elicited a complex cellular response that mimicked the effects of a chemokine. HIV-1 has therefore the capacity to dysregulate the vast CD4(+) T cell population that expresses CXCR4. In addition, HIV-1 may exploit its chemotactic properties to retain potential target cells and locally perturb their cytoskeleton, thereby facilitating viral transmission.  相似文献   

Neuroblastoma (NB) is one of the most deadly solid tumors of the young child, for which new efficient and targeted therapies are strongly needed. The CXCR4/CXCR7/CXCL12 chemokine axis has been involved in the progression and organ-specific dissemination of various cancers. In NB, CXCR4 expression was shown to be associated to highly aggressive undifferentiated tumors, while CXCR7 expression was detected in more differentiated and mature neuroblastic tumors. As investigated in vivo, using an orthotopic model of tumor cell implantation of chemokine receptor-overexpressing NB cells (IGR-NB8), the CXCR4/CXCR7/CXCL12 axis was shown to regulate NB primary and secondary growth, although without any apparent influence on organ selective metastasis. In the present study, we addressed the selective role of CXCR4 and CXCR7 receptors in the homing phase of metastatic dissemination using an intravenous model of tumor cell implantation. Tail vein injection into NOD-scid-gamma mice of transduced IGR-NB8 cells overexpressing CXCR4, CXCR7, or both receptors revealed that all transduced cell variants preferentially invaded the adrenal gland and typical NB metastatic target organs, such as the liver and the bone marrow. However, CXCR4 expression favored NB cell dissemination to the liver and the lungs, while CXCR7 was able to strongly promote NB cell homing to the adrenal gland and the liver. Finally, coexpression of CXCR4 and CXCR7 receptors significantly and selectively increased NB dissemination toward the bone marrow. In conclusion, CXCR4 and CXCR7 receptors may be involved in a complex and organ-dependent control of NB growth and selective homing, making these receptors and their inhibitors potential new therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

HIV-1 external envelope glycoprotein gp120 inhibits adenosine deaminase (ADA) binding to its cell surface receptor in lymphocytes, CD26, by a mechanism that does not require the gp120-CD4 interaction. To further characterize this mechanism, we studied ADA binding to murine clones stably expressing human CD26 and/or human CD4, and transiently expressing human CXCR4. In this heterologous model, we show that both recombinant gp120 and viral particles from the X4 HIV-1 isolate IIIB inhibited the binding of ADA to wild-type or catalytically inactive forms of CD26. In cells lacking human CXCR4 expression, this gp120-mediated inhibition of ADA binding to human CD26 was completely dependent on the expression of human CD4. In contrast, when cells were transfected with human CXCR4 the inhibitory effect of gp120 was significantly enhanced and was not blocked by anti-CD4 antibodies. These data suggest that the interaction of gp120 with CD4 or CXCR4 is required for efficient inhibition of ADA binding to CD26, although in the presence of CXCR4 the interaction of gp120 with CD4 may be dispensable.  相似文献   

Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is able to suppress human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to undetectable levels in the majority of patients, but eradication has not been achieved because latent viral reservoirs persist, particularly in resting CD4+ T lymphocytes. It is generally understood that HIV-1 does not efficiently infect resting CD4+ T cells, and latent infection in those cells may arise when infected CD4+ T lymphoblasts return to resting state. In this study, we found that stimulation by endothelial cells can render resting CD4+ T cells permissible for direct HIV infection, including both productive and latent infection. These stimulated T cells remain largely phenotypically unactivated and show a lower death rate than activated T cells, which promotes the survival of infected cells. The stimulation by endothelial cells does not involve interleukin 7 (IL-7), IL-15, CCL19, or CCL21. Endothelial cells line the lymphatic vessels in the lymphoid tissues and have frequent interactions with T cells in vivo. Our study proposes a new mechanism for infection of resting CD4+ T cells in vivo and a new mechanism for latent infection in resting CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

The role of the T-cell activation antigen CD26 was evaluated in viral entry and infection of CD4+/CXCR4+cells by the lymphotropic HIV-1 Lai isolate. For this purpose, CEM T cells, which are permissive to HIV infection and express low levels of CD26, were used to establish by transfection four groups of cell clones expressing either low, high, and very high levels of CD26, or expressing the anti-sense RNA of CD26. Entry was monitored by the detection of proviral DNA synthesis and the kinetics of virus production, whereas the cytopathic effect was demonstrated by the occurrence of apoptosis. HIV entry and infection were consistently accelerated by at least 24 to 48 h in clones expressing high levels of CD26 compared to the parental cells or to the clones expressing low levels of CD26. Interestingly, infection of clones expressing very high levels of CD26 was not accelerated and showed a kinetics of infection similar to that of low CD26 expressing clones. Moreover, HIV infection was significantly reduced in the clones expressing CD26 anti-sense RNA. In the different clones, apoptosis was dependent on the severity of virus infection and occurred after the accumulation of HIV envelope glycoproteins. Our results demonstrate that with equivalently expressed levels of CD4 and CXCR4 in cell lines established from CEM cells, relatively high levels of CD26 contribute to an increased rate of HIV entry, infection, and apoptosis. Furthermore, they point out that overexpression of CD26 in a given cell line may lead to a negative effect on HIV infection. Consequently, CD26 appears to regulate HIV entry and apoptosis, processes which are critical for viral pathogenesis.  相似文献   

目的 鼻咽癌是一种来源于鼻咽上皮的恶性肿瘤,其临床特征之一是易发生淋巴转移,但是目前鼻咽癌转移的分子机制尚未阐明。circPVT1是由PVT1基因2号外显子反向拼接形成的环状RNA (circRNA),在多种肿瘤中表达上调,本文探讨了circPVT1在鼻咽癌侵袭迁移中的作用和分子机制。方法 通过RT-qPCR检测circPVT1及其下游miRNA和FSCN1在鼻咽癌细胞的表达情况,Transwell和划痕愈合实验检测circPVT1对鼻咽癌细胞侵袭迁移的影响,RNA pull-down实验检测circPVT1结合的miRNA,双荧光素酶报告实验检测miR-24-3p和let-7a-5p靶向抑制FSCN1 mRNA表达。结果 在鼻咽癌细胞中过表达circPVT1可以促进鼻咽癌细胞侵袭迁移,而敲低circPVT1则可以抑制鼻咽癌细胞的侵袭迁移。进一步研究发现,circPVT1可以通过竞争性吸附miR-24-3p和let-7a-5p,上调FSCN1的表达,从而促进鼻咽癌细胞的侵袭迁移。结论 circPVT1通过miR-24-3p/let-7a-5p/FSCN1轴促进鼻咽癌细胞侵袭迁移,证实c...  相似文献   

Virus-specific CD4(+) T cell responses have been shown to play a critical role in controlling HIV-1 replication. Candidate HIV-1 vaccines should therefore elicit potent CD4(+) as well as CD8(+) T cell responses. In this report we investigate the ability of plasmid GM-CSF to augment CD4(+) T cell responses elicited by an HIV-1 gp120 DNA vaccine in mice. Coadministration of a plasmid expressing GM-CSF with the gp120 DNA vaccine led to only a marginal increase in gp120-specific splenocyte CD4(+) T cell responses. However, immunization with a bicistronic plasmid that coexpressed gp120 and GM-CSF under control of a single promoter led to a dramatic augmentation of vaccine-elicited CD4(+) T cell responses, as measured by both cellular proliferation and ELISPOT assays. This augmentation of CD4(+) T cell responses was selective, since vaccine-elicited Ab and CD8(+) T cell responses were not significantly changed by the addition of GM-CSF. A 100-fold lower dose of the gp120/GM-CSF bicistronic DNA vaccine was required to elicit detectable gp120-specific splenocyte proliferative responses compared with the monocistronic gp120 DNA vaccine. Consistent with these findings, i.m. injection of the gp120/GM-CSF bicistronic DNA vaccine evoked a more extensive cellular infiltrate at the site of inoculation than the monocistronic gp120 DNA vaccine. These results demonstrate that bicistronic DNA vaccines containing GM-CSF elicit remarkably potent CD4(+) T cell responses and suggest that optimal Th cell priming requires the precise temporal and spatial codelivery of Ag and GM-CSF.  相似文献   

CD95(APO-1/Fas)-mediated apoptosis of bystander uninfected T cells exerts a major role in the HIV-1-mediated CD4+ T-cell depletion. HIV-1 gp120 has a key role in the induction of sensitivity of human lymphocytes to CD95-mediated apoptosis through its interaction with the CD4 receptor. Recently, we have shown the importance of CD95/ezrin/actin association in CD95-mediated apoptosis. In this study, we explored the hypothesis that the gp120-mediated CD4 engagement could be involved in the induction of susceptibility of primary human T lymphocytes to CD95-mediated apoptosis through ezrin phosphorylation and ezrin-to-CD95 association. Here, we show that gp120/IL-2 combined stimuli, as well as the direct CD4 triggering, on human primary CD4(+)T lymphocytes induced an early and stable ezrin activation through phosphorylation, consistent with the induction of ezrin/CD95 association and susceptibility to CD95-mediated apoptosis. Our results provide a new mechanism through which HIV-1-gp120 may predispose resting CD4(+)T cell to bystander CD95-mediated apoptosis and support the key role of ezrin/CD95 linkage in regulating susceptibility to CD95-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

Interaction of CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120/CD4 complex involves its amino-terminal domain (Nt-CCR5) and requires sulfation of two to four tyrosine residues in Nt-CCR5. The conformation of a 27-residue Nt-CCR5 peptide, sulfated at Y10 and Y14, was studied both in its free form and in a ternary complex with deglycosylated gp120 and a CD4-mimic peptide. NMR experiments revealed a helical conformation at the center of Nt-CCR5(1-27), which is induced upon gp120 binding, as well as a helical propensity for the free peptide. A well-defined structure for the bound peptide was determined for residues 7-23, increasing by 2-fold the length of Nt-CCR5's known structure. Two-dimensional saturation transfer experiments and measurement of relaxation times highlighted Nt-CCR5 residues Y3, V5, P8-T16, E18, I23 and possibly D2 as the main binding determinant. A calculated docking model for Nt-CCR5(1-27) suggests that residues 2-22 of Nt-CCR5 interact with the bases of V3 and C4, while the C-terminal segment of Nt-CCR5(1-27) points toward the target cell membrane, reflecting an Nt-CCR5 orientation that differs by 180° from that of a previous model. A gp120 site that could accommodate CCR5Y3 in a sulfated form has been identified. The present model attributes a structural basis for binding interactions to all gp120 residues previously implicated in Nt-CCR5 binding. Moreover, the strong interaction of sulfated CCR5Tyr14 with gp120Arg440 revealed by the model and the previously found correlation between E322 and R440 mutations shed light on the role of these residues in HIV-1 phenotype conversion, furthering our understanding of CCR5 recognition by HIV-1.  相似文献   

Cell surface receptors exploited by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) for infection are major determinants of tropism. HIV-1 usually requires two receptors to infect cells. Gp120 on HIV-1 virions binds CD4 on the cell surface, triggering conformational rearrangements that create or expose a binding site for a seven-transmembrane (7TM) coreceptor. Although HIV-2 and SIV strains also use CD4, several laboratory-adapted HIV-2 strains infect cells without CD4, via an interaction with the coreceptor CXCR4. Moreover, the envelope glycoproteins of SIV of macaques (SIV(MAC)) can bind to and initiate infection of CD4(-) cells via CCR5. Here, we show that most primary HIV-2 isolates can infect either CCR5(+) or CXCR4(+) cells without CD4. The efficiency of CD4-independent infection by HIV-2 was comparable to that of SIV, but markedly higher than that of HIV-1. CD4-independent HIV-2 strains that could use both CCR5 and CXCR4 to infect CD4(+) cells were only able to use one of these receptors in the absence of CD4. Our observations therefore indicate (i) that HIV-2 and SIV envelope glycoproteins form a distinct conformation that enables contact with a 7TM receptor without CD4, and (ii) the use of CD4 enables a wider range of 7TM receptors to be exploited for infection and may assist adaptation or switching to new coreceptors in vivo. Primary CD4(-) fetal astrocyte cultures expressed CXCR4 and supported replication by the T-cell-line-adapted ROD/B strain. Productive infection by primary X4 strains was only triggered upon treatment of virus with soluble CD4. Thus, many primary HIV-2 strains infect CCR5(+) or CXCR4(+) cell lines without CD4 in vitro. CD4(-) cells that express these coreceptors in vivo, however, may still resist HIV-2 entry due to insufficient coreceptor concentration on the cell surface to trigger fusion or their expression in a conformation nonfunctional as a coreceptor. Our study, however, emphasizes that primary HIV-2 strains carry the potential to infect CD4(-) cells expressing CCR5 or CXCR4 in vivo.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) initiates receptor signaling and early actin dynamics during viral entry. This process is required for viral infection of primary targets such as resting CD4 T cells. WAVE2 is a component of a multiprotein complex linking receptor signaling to dynamic remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. WAVE2 directly activates Arp2/3, leading to actin nucleation and filament branching. Although several bacterial and viral pathogens target Arp2/3 for intracellular mobility, it remains unknown whether HIV-1 actively modulates the Arp2/3 complex through virus-mediated receptor signal transduction. Here we report that HIV-1 triggers WAVE2 phosphorylation at serine 351 through gp120 binding to the chemokine coreceptor CXCR4 or CCR5 during entry. This phosphorylation event involves both Gαi-dependent and -independent pathways, and is conserved both in X4 and R5 viral infection of resting CD4 T cells and primary macrophages. We further demonstrate that inhibition of WAVE2-mediated Arp2/3 activity through stable shRNA knockdown of Arp3 dramatically diminished HIV-1 infection of CD4 T cells, preventing viral nuclear migration. Inhibition of Arp2/3 through a specific inhibitor, CK548, also drastically inhibited HIV-1 nuclear migration and infection of CD4 T cells. Our results suggest that Arp2/3 and the upstream regulator, WAVE2, are essential co-factors hijacked by HIV for intracellular migration, and may serve as novel targets to prevent HIV transmission.  相似文献   

Humanized mice reconstituted with human hematopoietic cells have been developed as an experimental animal model for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. Myeloablative irradiation is usually performed to augment the engraftment of donor hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in recipient mice; however, some mouse strains are susceptible to irradiation, making longitudinal analysis difficult. We previously attempted to construct humanized NOD/SCID/JAK3null (hNOJ) mice, which were not irradiated prior to human HSC transplantation. We found that, over time, many of the reconstituted CD4+ T cells expanded with an activated effector memory phenotype. Therefore, the present study used hNOJ mice that were irradiated (hNOJ (IR+)) or not (hNOJ (IR−)) prior to human HSC transplantation to examine whether the development and cellularity of the reconstituted CD4+ T cells were influenced by the degree of chimerism, and whether they affected HIV-1 infectivity. Indeed, hNOJ (IR+) mice showed a greater degree of chimerism than hNOJ (IR−) mice. However, the conversion of CD4+ T cells to an activated effector memory phenotype, with a high percentage of cells showing Ki-67 expression, occurred in both hNOJ (IR+) and hNOJ (IR−) mice, probably as a result of lymphopenia-induced homeostatic expansion. Furthermore, when hNOJ (IR+) and hNOJ (IR−) mice, which were selected as naïve- and memory CD4+ T cell subset-rich groups, respectively, were infected with CCR5-tropic HIV-1 in vivo, virus replication (as assessed by the plasma viral load) was delayed; however, the titer subsequently reached a 1-log higher level in memory-rich hNOJ (IR−) mice than in naïve-rich hNOJ (IR+) mice, indicating that virus infectivity in hNOJ mice was affected by the different status of the reconstituted CD4+ T cells. Therefore, the hNOJ mouse model should be used selectively, i.e., according to the specific experimental objectives, to gain an appropriate understanding of HIV-1 infection/pathogenesis.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(1):112-123.e4
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Several reports have recently documented that CXCR7/RDC1 functions as a chemokine receptor for SDF-1/CXCL12, which regulates a spectrum of normal and pathological processes. In this study, the role of CXCR7/RDC1 in prostate cancer (PCa) was explored. Staining of high density tissue microarrays demonstrates that the levels of CXCR7/RDC1 expression increase as the tumors become more aggressive. In vitro and in vivo studies with PCa cell lines suggest that alterations in CXCR7/RDC1 expression are associated with enhanced adhesive and invasive activities in addition to a survival advantage. In addition, it was observed that CXCR7/RDC1 levels are regulated by CXCR4. Among the potential downstream targets of CXCR7/RDC1 are CD44 and cadherin-11, which are likely to contribute to the invasiveness of PCa cells. CXCR7/RDC1 also regulates the expression of the proangiogenic factors interleukin-8 or vascular endothelial growth factor, which are likely to participate in the regulation of tumor angiogenesis. Finally, we found that signaling by CXCR7/RDC1 activates AKT pathways. Together, these data demonstrate a role for CXCR7/RDC1 in PCa metastasis and progression and suggest potential targets for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

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