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‘Predator-foolhardiness’ (Lloyd andDybas , 1966b) in an epidemic population of the sugarcane cicada, Mogannia minuta was tested by counting the number of successful and failed trials of hand-capturing of adults in the centre and periphery of a heavily infested area. Males frequently failed to escape from capture in the outbreak area but they did not in the peripheral zone. Females could escape well irrespective of the density. It was considered that the ‘predator-foolhardiness’ of males is not due to genetic differentiation through the process of outbreak but to the effect of massive chorus on the escape behaviour.  相似文献   

Early warning systems of extinction thresholds have been developed for and tested in microcosm experiments, but have not been applied to populations of wild animals. We used state–space population models and a statistical indicator to detect a transcritical bifurcation extinction threshold in a population of bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) located in an agricultural region experiencing habitat deterioration and loss. The extinction threshold was detectible using two independent data sets. We compared predictions from state–space population models to predictions from a statistical indicator and found that predictions were corroborated. Using state–space population models, we estimated that our study population crossed the extinction threshold in 2010 (2002–2036; 95 % confidence intervals [CI]) using the whistle count (WC) data set and in 2008 (1999–2064; 95 % CI) using the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data. With the statistical indicator, we estimated that the extinction threshold will be crossed in 2018 (2004–2031; 95 % CI) using the WC data and will be crossed in 2012 (2006–2018; 95 % CI) using the BBS data. We expect extinction in our study population soon after crossing the extinction threshold, but the time to extinction and potential reversibility of the threshold are unknown. Our results suggest that neither small nor decreasing population size will warn of the transcritical bifurcation extinction threshold. We suggest that managers of wildlife populations in regions experiencing land use change should try to predict extinction thresholds and make management decisions to ensure the persistence of the species.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that drive species population dynamics is fundamental to biology. Cyclic populations of microtine rodents have been the most intensively studied to date, yet there remains great uncertainty over the mechanisms determining the dynamics of most of these populations. For one such population, we present preliminary evidence for a novel mechanism by which herbivore-induced reductions in plant quality alter herbivore life-history parameters and subsequent population growth. We tested the effect of high silica levels on the population growth and individual performance of voles (Microtus agrestis) reared on their winter food plant (Deschampsia caespitosa). In sites where the vole population density was high, silica levels in D. caespitosa leaves collected several months later were also high and vole populations subsequently declined; in sites where the vole densities were low, levels of silica were low and population density increased. High silica levels in their food reduced vole body mass by 0.5% a day. We argue that silica-based defences in grasses may play a key role in driving vole population cycles.  相似文献   

Periodicity in population dynamics is one of the fundamental issues in ecology. In addition to species-specific analyses, allometric studies facilitate understanding of limit cycles amongst different species. So far, body-size regressions have been derived for the oscillation period of warm-blooded species, in particular herbivores. Here, oscillations expected from a one-species (delayed logistic) and a two-species (Rosenzweig–MacArthur) model were compared to cycles observed in laboratory experiments and field surveys for a wide range of invertebrates and vertebrates. Supplemented by historical original studies, 759 oscillation periods were derived from the ‘Global Population Dynamics Database’ (GPDD) to cover a broad range of species and environmental conditions. The parameters in the equations were linked to body mass, using a consistent set of allometric relationships that was calibrated on 230 log–log linear regressions. Oscillation period and amplitude predicted by the models were validated with available data. The one-species model produced cycle times that increase with species’ body mass to the power 1/4 if the delay was set equal to the size-dependent age at maturity. If the delay was set on 1 year, the delayed logistic model yielded oscillations with a size-independent period of 4.7 years. Cycle times calculated by the two-species model scaled less than expected to the 1/4 power of mass m. The intercepts expected from the two-species were generally higher than those for the one-species model and increased with decreasing consumer-resource mass mi/mi−1 ratios. Amplitudes turned out to be size-independent according to both models. With exception of aquatic herbi-detritivores, intercepts were observed at the level calculated by the two-species model. Remarkably, oscillation periods were size-independent for predatory metazoans. Average cycles were of 4–5 years, similar to those predicted by the one-species model with a size-independent delay of one year. The consistent difference between lower trophic levels (i.e. herbivores) and higher trophic levels (i.e. carnivores) could be explained by the models from the small parameter space for consumer-resource cycles in generalist predators. Amplitudes recorded in the field did not scale to size and observed oscillation periods were about a factor of 2. This demonstrates that one allometric setting for age and density applicable to a wide range of species at lower trophic levels allows a reasonable estimate of independently measured cycles.  相似文献   

Do delayed effects of overgrazing explain population cycles in voles?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Theoretical models predict that delayed density-dependent processes with a time-lag of approximately nine months are sufficient to generate regular 3–5 year fluctuations in densities of northern small rodents. To examine whether this time-lag could be generated by plant-herbivore interactions, we studied delayed effects of overgrazed food plants on voles. We introduced field voles ( Microtus agrestis ) in four large predator-proof enclosures that had suffered heavy grazing during the preceding autumn and winter, and compared them with voles introduced to previously ungrazed control areas. We found no detrimental effects of previous grazing on population growth, reproduction or body condition of voles. Chemical analyses did not show consistent effects of grazing on nutritional components of common food plants (grasses). These results suggest that short-term population cycles of Microtus voles in grassland habitats are not primarily driven by delayed effects of plant-herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

Seasonality, or periodic host absence, is a central feature in plant epidemiology. In this respect, seasonal plant epidemic models take into account the way the parasite overwinters and generates new infections. These are termed primary infections. In the literature, one finds two classes of models: high-dimensional elaborate models and low-dimensional compact models, where primary infection dynamics are explicit and implicit, respectively. Investigating a compact model allowed previous authors to show the existence of a competitive exclusion principle. However, the way compact models derive from elaborate models has not been made explicit yet. This makes it unclear whether results such as competitive exclusion extend to elaborate models as well. Here, we show that assuming primary infection dynamics are fast in a standard elaborate model translates into a compact form. Yet, it is not that usually found in the literature. Moreover, we numerically show that coexistence is possible in this original compact form. Reversing the question, we show that the usual compact form approximates an alternate elaborate model, which differs from the earlier one in that primary infection dynamics are density dependent. We discuss to which extent these results shed light on coexistence within soil- and air-borne plant parasites, such as within the take-all disease of wheat and the grapevine powdery mildew cryptic species complexes, respectively.  相似文献   

In applied population dynamics the choice of stochastic per capita growth function has implications for population viability analyses, management recommendations, and pest control. This model choice is often based on statistical criteria, mathematical tractability or personal preferences, and general ecological guidelines are either too vague or entirely missing. To identify such guidelines, it is important to understand how exogenous and endogenous factors interact at the individual level and re-emerge at the aggregated population level. We therefore study different types of resource competition (contest vs. scramble competition) and different types of exogenous fluctuations (food and weather fluctuations) at the individual level in a simple individual-based simulation model. We statistically fit the resulting time series to find out (1) which functional form of the growth function (‘hyperbolic’ or ‘exponential’) better describes contest and scramble competition and (2) whether the pattern of population fluctuations resulting from the simulations can be assigned to vertical, lateral or nonlinear perturbations in the stochastic growth function (a classification scheme suggested by Royama 1992, Analytical Population Dynamics, Chapman and Hall, London). We found that the same type of competition can result in ‘hyperbolic’ or ‘exponential’ functional forms, depending on the type of exogenous fluctuations. So it is the interplay between exogenous variability and endogenous resource competition that affects model performance. In contrast to the widespread assumption of vertical (additive) perturbations, our findings highlight the importance of (non-additive) lateral and nonlinear perturbations and their combinations with vertical perturbations. The choice of the stochastic growth function should therefore consider not only statistical criteria but also ecological guidelines. We derive such ecological guidelines from our analysis.  相似文献   

Classical closed-population capture–recapture models do not accommodate the spatial information inherent in encounter history data obtained from camera-trapping studies. As a result, individual heterogeneity in encounter probability is induced, and it is not possible to estimate density objectively because trap arrays do not have a well-defined sample area. We applied newly-developed, capture–recapture models that accommodate the spatial attribute inherent in capture–recapture data to a population of wolverines (Gulo gulo) in Southeast Alaska in 2008. We used camera-trapping data collected from 37 cameras in a 2,140-km2 area of forested and open habitats largely enclosed by ocean and glacial icefields. We detected 21 unique individuals 115 times. Wolverines exhibited a strong positive trap response, with an increased tendency to revisit previously visited traps. Under the trap-response model, we estimated wolverine density at 9.7 individuals/1,000 km2 (95% Bayesian CI: 5.9–15.0). Our model provides a formal statistical framework for estimating density from wolverine camera-trapping studies that accounts for a behavioral response due to baited traps. Further, our model-based estimator does not have strict requirements about the spatial configuration of traps or length of trapping sessions, providing considerable operational flexibility in the development of field studies. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

1. Students of population cycles in small rodents in Fennoscandia have accumulated support for the predation hypothesis, which states that the gradient in cycle length and amplitude running from southern to northern Fennoscandia reflects the relative influence of specialist and generalist predators on vole dynamics, itself modulated by the presence of snow cover. The hypothesized role of snow cover is to isolate linked specialist predators, primarily the least weasel, Mustela n. nivalis L. and their prey, primarily field voles Microtus agrestis L., from the stabilizing influence of generalist predators. 2. The predation hypothesis does not readily account for the high amplitude and regular 3-year cycles of common voles documented in agricultural areas of western, central and eastern Europe. Such cycles are rarely mentioned in the literature pertaining to Fennoscandian cycles. 3. We consider new data on population cycles and demographic patterns of common voles Microtus arvalis Pallas in south-west France. We show that the patterns are wholly consistent with five of six patterns that characterize rodent cycles in Fennoscandia and that are satisfactorily explained by the predation hypothesis. They include the: (a) existence of cycle; (b) the occurrence of long-term changes in relative abundance and type of dynamics; (c) geographical synchrony over large areas; (d) interspecific synchrony; and (e) voles are large in the increase and peak phase and small in decline and low phase, namely. There is a striking similarity between the patterns shown by common vole populations in south-west France and those from Fennoscandian cyclic rodent populations, although the former are not consistent with a geographical extension of the latitudinal gradient south of Fennoscandia. 4. It is possible that the dominant interaction leading to multiannual rodent oscillations is different in different regions. We argue, however, that advocates of the predation hypothesis should embrace the challenge of developing a widely applicable explanation to population cycles, including justifying any limits to its applicability on ecological and not geographical grounds.  相似文献   

Frances M. Slaney is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Laval, Quebec.  相似文献   

Theoretical Ecology - How does fishing affect the mean and variance of population density in the presence of environmental fluctuations? Several recent authors have suggested that an increasing...  相似文献   

Detailed investigation of the within-tree population system of Dendroctonus frontalisZimmermann has resulted in a large data base consisting of abundance estimates for various life stages. This data base was used to construct histograms for transformed estimates and several life stage indices. Histograms were also constructed for transformed values of adult residence time, brood development time, and several host-tree characteristics. Probability and cumulative density functions of the Weibull distribution were fitted, in tandem, to the scaled frequencies and interval means for each histogram. The inverse cumulative function is known, and with a uniform random number generator, allows the selection of random deviates from each distribution. This technique can be used for generating initial (starting) values in D. frontalis population models.  相似文献   

Since generalist predators feed on a variety of prey species they tend to persist in an ecosystem even if one particular prey species is absent. Predation by generalist predators is typically characterized by a sigmoidal functional response, so that predation pressure for a given prey species is small when the density of that prey is low. Many mathematical models have included a sigmoidal functional response into predator–prey equations and found the dynamics to be more stable than for a Holling type II functional response. However, almost none of these models considers alternative food sources for the generalist predator. In particular, in these models, the generalist predator goes extinct in the absence of the one focal prey. We model the dynamics of a generalist predator with a sigmoidal functional response on one dynamic prey and fixed alternative food source. We find that the system can exhibit up to six steady states, bistability, limit cycles and several global bifurcations.  相似文献   

Adolescents are the focus of many interventions that aim to prevent HIV transmission. In order for these interventions to be effective, it is essential to understand adolescents' sexual behaviour. Using data collected in Yaoundé, Cameroon, in 1997, the study analysed risk exposure and HIV prevalence among 426 men and 510 women aged 15-24. Although risky behaviours seem to be more prevalent among young men, their HIV prevalence remains under 1%. In contrast, HIV prevalence is high among young women (7.5%), even those who report having had few sexual partners. Mixing patterns among sexual partners, and especially the age difference between men and women, do not seem to be sufficient to explain the large male-female discrepancy in HIV prevalence that is evident in these data. The results are therefore probably due to a greater susceptibility to infection of young women than men. This study highlights the necessity of reinforcing prevention campaigns among youth and fighting the obstacles that continue to impede the use of condoms in this population.  相似文献   

  1. Life table data for interactions between Anagasta kühniella and its ichneumon parasite Venturia canescens in two room ecosystems (A & B) have been analyzed in an attempt to explain and model each room situation. The life table data have been presented in the form of a graphical key-factor analysis, and have been further analyzed by an investigation of the density relationships between the different mortalities and the Angasta densities upon which the mortalities act.
  2. In room A (1.2 gm food per container), the parasites were present throughout the interaction. Egg and early larval mortality (k1) appeared to be directly density-dependent and was the sole stabilizing influence when introduced into the model for room A. The area of discovery of the parasite was relatively constant and its mean value was used to calculate parasitism (k3) in the model. All other mortalities were density-independent and treated as being constant at their mean values. The model predicts a series of oscillations of decreasing amplitude which are somewhat similar to those observed in the Anagasta population during the early stages of the interaction. The observed mean densities of host and parasite were very close to those predicted.
  3. In room B, the parasites were absent for the first 8 generations (1- 2gm food per container). Model B1 covers this period and includes a direct density-dependent component describing changes in k1, the remaining mortalities being constant. The observed mean densities approximate to the calculated densities. The parasites were present from the ninth generation and after the eleventh generation the food per container was increased to 7.2 gm. Model B2 covers the period in room B from generation 11. The most important component of k1 after the parasites were established is a delayed density-dependent one which appeared to be due to wounding of very small larvae by the probing activities of the parasites. Since the changes in k1 could not be suitably predicted, the observed values were used in model B2. This delayed component was not detected in room A due to the relatively small range of parasite densities in room A compared with the 600-fold change in densities in room B. The calculated area of discovery for the parasite population in each generation was found to vary inversely with searching parasite density, and this ‘interference relationship’ was used in the submodel for parasitism. Again, this relationship was not detected in room A due to the much smaller range of parasite densities there. Model B2 gives oscillations in host and parasite populations arising from parasitism being a delayed density-dependent mortality. The correspondence with the observed oscillations is partly due to the actual k1-values being used and partly because the submodel for parasitism adequately describes the observed changes in k3. The tendency for these oscillations to decrease in amplitude is due to both the damping effect of parasite interference and the direct density-dependent component of k1.

A recent study of partial matches in the Arizona offender database of DNA profiles has revealed a large number of nine and ten locus matches. I use simple models that incorporate the product rule, population substructure, and relatedness to predict the expected number of matches in large databases. I find that there is a relatively narrow window of parameter values that can plausibly describe the Arizona results. Further research could help determine if the Arizona samples are congruent with some of the models presented here or whether fundamental assumptions for predicting these match frequencies requires adjustments.  相似文献   

Recent developments in population genetics are reviewed and placed in a historical context. Current and future challenges, both in computational methodology and in analytical theory, are to develop models and techniques to extract the most information possible from multilocus DNA datasets. As an example of the theoretical issues, five limiting forms of the island model of population subdivision with migration are presented in a unified framework. These approximations illustrate the interplay between migration and drift in structuring gene genealogies, and some of them make connections between the fairly complicated island-model genealogical process and the much simpler, unstructured neutral coalescent process which underlies most inferential techniques in population genetics.  相似文献   

Drift-feeding models are essential components of broader models that link stream habitat to salmonid populations and community dynamics. But is an additional feeding mode needed for understanding and predicting salmonid population responses to streamflow and other environmental factors? We addressed this question by applying two versions of the individual-based model inSTREAM to a field experiment in which streamflow was varied in experimental units that each contained a stream pool and the adjacent upstream riffle. The two model versions differed only in the feeding options available to fish. Both versions of inSTREAM included drift feeding; one also included a search feeding mode to represent feeding in which food availability is largely independent of streamflow, such as feeding from the benthos, or feeding from the water column or the water’s surface in low water velocities. We compared the abilities of the two model versions to fit the observed distributions of growth by individual rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the field experiment. The version giving fish the daily choice between drift or search feeding better fit observations than the version in which fish fed only on drift. Values for drift and search food availability from calibration to the individual mass changes of fish in experimental units with unaltered streamflow yielded realistic distributions of individual growth when applied to experimental units in which streamflow was reduced by 80 %. These results correspond with empirical studies that show search feeding can be an important alternative to drift feeding for salmonids in some settings, and indicate that relatively simple formulations of both processes in individual-based population models can be useful in predicting the effects of environmental alterations on fish populations.  相似文献   

The first case of AIDS was reported in 1985 in China, but by the early 21st century, the government estimated that there were 840,000 citizens living with HIV/AIDS. The number is increasing rapidly. The major risk groups are injection drug users (IDUSs; 43%) and former plasma donors (27%), but rates among heterosexual groups are rising rapidly. Sentinel surveillance was initiated in 1986, and now includes IDUs, men-who-have-sex-with-men, sexually transmitted disease clinic attendees, antenatal women, long-distance truck drivers, and sex workers. Although the government was slow to respond to the epidemic in the late 20th century, it has made a vigorous response in the early 21st century. Components of that response include implementation and evaluation of harm reduction programs for IDUs, education to increase knowledge and reduce stigma, treatment and social support for rural and poor HIV/AIDS patients, widespread testing, and increased funding for HIV/AIDS programs. International agencies have been generous in their support of the government initiatives. To successfully combat the epidemic, China needs to develop and train the necessary infrastructure to implement its intervention programs, particularly in the rural areas, to vigorously combat stigma and discrimination, support research especially in the universities and research institutions other than the China Centers for Disease Control, develop a system for efficient exchange of research and program information, and update legislation to reflect the current situation.  相似文献   

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