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The effect of essential oil of Satureja hortensis L. on food consumption, biochemical compounds and digestive and detoxification enzymes activity of lesser mulberry pyralid, Glyphodes pyloalis Walker was investigated. The percentage of feeding inhibition was dose dependent. The S. hortensis essential oil exhibited a significant antifeedant activity at the highest concentration used. The feeding indices such as efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD), relative growth rate (RGR) and relative consumption rate (RCR) were decreased compared with the control in fifth instar larvae, while approximate digestibility (AD) index increased significantly. Results showed significant decreases in the amount of protein, lipid, carbohydrates and the activity level of α-amylase enzyme in treated larvae with S. hortensis essential oil. The activity level of detoxifying enzymes such as esterase and glutathione S-transferase were significantly affected by S. hortensis essential oil. The results of this study show high deterrence and antifeedant activity of this essential oil which deserves consideration in integrated pest management program.  相似文献   

The extraction and characterization of the essential oils (EO) from Satureja montana L., Myristica fragrans H. and Cymbopogon flexuosus and the determination of their antibacterial and antioxidant activities were achieved. The EO were identified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and quantified by gas chromatography using a flame ionization detector. The antibacterial potential against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus was evaluated by cell susceptibility assays and by scanning electron microscopy. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl assay, by β-carotene bleaching and by determining the reducing power. Borneol (36·18%), γ-terpineol (12·66%) and carvacrol (11·07%) were the principal components in the EO from S. montana, and sabinene (49·23%) and α-pinene (13·81%) were found in the EO from M. fragrans. Geranial (59·66%) and neral (38·98%) isomers were the only major components in the EO from C. flexuosus. The EO from S. montana was effective against E. coli, with minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations (MIC and MBC) of 6·25 µl ml−1, whereas bactericidal potential against both was observed for the EO from M. fragrans; MIC = 6·25 µl ml−1 for S. aureus and MBC = 12·5 µl ml−1 for E. coli. A significant protective role on lipid substrates in the β-carotene bleaching assay was seen for the EO from S. montana and M. fragrans. Overall, such EO can be promising agents against pathogenic bacteria and for protecting biomolecules during oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Cd2+污染对水花生生理生化及超微结构的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
By imitating different concentration Cd^2 polluted water environment, this paper dealt with the changes of some biochemical and physiological characters and the damage of ultrastructure in leaves of Altemanthera philoxe-roides. The result showed that SOD and POD activity first increased in the low concentration pollution and then decreased with the concentration of pollution raised. The content of chlorophyll, chlorophyll a/b value, CAT ac-tivity and the content of soluble protein all declined continually. With the concentration of pollution increased,the ultrastructure of cell nuclei, chloroplast and mitochondria became deformed, the permutation of structure in-side disordered, swelled, membrane disrupted and vesiculated. The changes of some biochemical and physiological characters accorded with the damage of cell ultrastrueture.  相似文献   

The effects of different concentrations of Cd on growth of maize (Zea mays L.) and metal uptake were investigated. Cd accumulations in roots and shoots and the interactions among other metals (Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn) were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The concentrations of cadmium chloride (CdCl(2).2.5H2O) used ranged from 10(-4) M to 10(-6) M. Cd had stimulatory effects during the first 5 days on root length of Nongda No. 108 at 10(-6) M and 10(-5) M Cd concentrations. Seedlings exposed to 10(-4) M Cd solution exhibited substantial growth reduction, and root growth even stopped. Root growth of Liyu No. 6 was stimulated at concentrations of 10(-5) M and 10(-6) M Cd during the entire experiment (15 days). Cadmium inhibited root growth of Liyu No. 6 at 10(-4) M Cd after 10 days of treatment. The Cd accumulation in roots and shoots of the two cultivars increased significantly (P < 0.05) with increasing Cd concentration and duration of treatment. Cadmium concentrated mainly in the roots, and small amounts were transferred to shoots. The proportion of Cd in the roots of Nongda No. 108 decreased with increases in Cd concentrations and duration of treatment, except for the group exposed to 10(-4) M Cd. In Liyu No. 6, the proportion of Cd in the root decreased progressively with an increase in Cd concentrations. Liyu No. 6 has a greater ability to remove Cd from solution and accumulate it when compared with Nongda No. 108. Liyu No. 6 can be considered a Cd-hyperaccumulator, according to the current accepted shoot concentration that defines hyperaccumulation as 0.01% (w/w) for cadmium. This cultivar, producing many roots and a high biomass and with great ability to accumulate Cd can play an important role in the treatment of soils stressed by Cd.  相似文献   

The presence of glucose resulted in a two- to three-fold increase in levels of Cd2+accumulated by Saccharomyces cerevisiae after 5 h compared with those observed in the absence of glucose. However, time-dependent Cd2+ uptake continued in the absence of glucose over 5 h, resulting in an appreciable increase in cellular Cd2+levels. Substantial K+ efflux but little Mg2+ and negligible Ca2+release was observed. Cell fractionation revealed that the bulk of intracellular Cd2+ was located in the vacuolar (25%) and bound (60%) fractions. Accumulation of Cd2+ ions impacted most noticeably on K+ rather than Mg2+ levels in intracellular compartments. Cytoplasmic and particularly vacuolar K+ levels decreased as Cd2+ sequestration continued resulting in increased extracellular levels. In contrast, corresponding intracellular Mg2+ pools were only modestly affected with a slight increase and decrease observed in the cytoplasmic and vacuolar fractions respectively. However, levels of bound Mg2+ decreased in response to continued Cd2+ accumulation. Received 07 March 1999/ Accepted in revised form 26 June 1999  相似文献   

Salinity is a significant constraint for plant survival and productivity. Therefore, an immediate solution to this problem is sought to meet the human population''s food demands. Recently, Menadione sodium bisulphite (MSB) has emerged as a significant regulator of plant defense response under abiotic stress. Studies on MSB are scarce, and a few reports on salinity (Arabidopsis and okra) and cadmium stress (okra) are present in the literature. However, these studies did not include the impact of MSB on physiological and plant water relation attributes, critical mediators of plant survival, and yield production under stress. Our results studied the impact of MSB on wheat administered to NaCl salinity in hydroponics medium. We used two wheat cultivars (salt-sensitive MH-97 and salt-tolerant Millat-2011, based on our pre-experimental studies). Seeds were primed in different MSB doses [control (unprimed), hydroprimed, 5, 10, 20, and 30 mM]. Salinity significantly diminished growth, chlorophyll molecules, photosynthesis, total free amino acids, water and turgor potentials, K, Ca, and P contents of wheat when administered NaCl salinity in the nutrient solution. Besides, a noteworthy accretion was present in oxidative stress markers [hydrogen peroxide & malondialdehyde], proline, ascorbic acid, antioxidant enzyme activities, and Na+ accumulation under salinity. Moreover, MSB noticeably enhanced chlorophyll molecules, proline, and oxidative defense to improve photosynthesis, plant water relations, and diminish specific ions toxicity. Our results manifested better defense regulation in salt-administered plants primed with 5 and 10 mM MSB. Our findings strongly advocated the use of MSB in improving plant salinity tolerance, particularly in wheat.  相似文献   

The variation of the essential oils composition of 10 Tunisian Mentha x rotundifolia (L.) Huds. Populations and their antioxidant activity were assessed. Essential oils showed high percentages of oxygenated monoterpenes and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. Rotundifolone, p-menthane-1,2,3-triol, β-caryophyllene and germacrene D were identified as main compounds at the species level. A variation in the essential oil composition was observed according to the populations and ecological factors. The populations 7, 8, 9 and 10 from the upper semi-arid bioclimatic zone and situated at high altitudes, exhibited the highest amount of rotundifolone. The populations 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from the lower humid showed a rotundifolone/β-caryophyllene/germacrene D chemotype. The population 6, situated at the lowest altitude, was characterized by the highest amount of p-menthane-1,2,3-triol. The level of antioxidant activity of the populations was linked to their chemical composition difference. The highest scavenging activity and the best ability to reduce ferric ions were recorded for the population 10. The most important capacity to inhibit β-carotene bleaching was revealed for the population 8. For all populations, the antioxidant activities were substantial but lower than antioxidant standards used (Trolox and BHT).The populations (7, 8, 9 and 10) from the upper semi-arid showed the best yields of essential oils and the highest contents of rotundifolone. Chemotypes within these populations could be selected for improvement programs.  相似文献   

秦秦  李雪梅  台培东  刘宛  冯倩  邓鑫  马俊 《生态学杂志》2013,32(8):2043-2048
以普通茄(Solanum melongena,绿健)和野生茄(S.torvum,托鲁巴姆)为实验材料,通过对嫁接处理前后7叶龄植株开展7d含Cd水培实验(Cd浓度为0.1 mg· L-1),研究Cd在不同类型茄体内的富集特征以及嫁接对茄体内Cd运输途径和富集特性的影响.结果表明:绿健对Cd的富集能力强于托鲁巴姆.不同部位器官中Cd的分布特征为根>叶>茎,其中植株吸收的Cd 80.0%左右富集于根部;不同部位叶片,Cd优先富集于植株顶端幼叶中.嫁接使得Cd在茄地上部的富集量明显减少,接穗Cd的富集量均显著低于砧木:以绿健为对照,正向嫁接减少了48.4%,反向嫁接减少了34.2%,托鲁巴姆自嫁接减少了88.5%;以托鲁巴姆为对照,仅自嫁接地上部Cd富集量减少了58.0%.嫁接减少Cd在茄体内富集的原因可能是嫁接使接穗与砧木植物韧皮部结构产生了差异,由此推断Cd在茄体内的长距离运输过程中韧皮部起到了关键作用.  相似文献   

The ability of triadimefon (TDM), a triazole group of fungicide, to ameliorate salinity stress was studied in Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. plants subjected to sodium chloride (NaCl) treatment. NaCl treatment at 80 mM level decreased overall growth of this plant and reduced the chlorophyll contents, protein, antioxidant enzymes such as peroxidase (POX), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO). The root alkaloid ajmalicine got increased under salt treatment. When these stressed plants were treated with TDM at 15 mg l−1 concentration minimized the inhibitory effects of NaCl stress by increasing the root, shoot growth and leaf area and increased dry weight (DW), chlorophyll, protein contents and the activities of antioxidant enzymes like POX, SOD and PPO, thereby paved the way to overcome the salinity injury. The quantity of ajmalicine was again increased with the TDM treatment when compared to both control and NaCl treated plants. From these results, it is proved that the fungicide TDM have great role in the enhancement of plant antioxidative enzymes and the enhanced scavenging of potentially harmful free radicals, as a mechanism of protecting plants against noxious oxidative stress from the environment and also in the enhancement of active principles.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contaminated agricultural soils are one of the most important constraints for successful cultivation of crops. The current research was conducted to evaluate the role of potassium (K) on plant growth and amelioration of cadmium (Cd) stress in Gladiolus grandiflora under greenhouse conditions. G. grandiflora corms were sown in media contaminated with 0 (C), 50 (Cd50) and 100 (Cd100) mg Cd kg?1 soil. The plants growing in Cd-contaminated media exhibited reduced gas exchange attributes, chlorophyll (Chl) contents, vegetative and reproductive growth as compared to control. The plants raised in Cd contaminated media showed reduced nutrition yet higher Cd contents. However, supplementation of 60 mg Kg?1 K in treated plants (C+K, Cd50+K and Cd100+K) improved quantity of total soluble protein and proline (Pro) along with activity of antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) under Cd stress. Similarly, K supplementation reduced the level of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in treated plants. Potassium supplemented plants exhibited better vegetative and reproductive growth. The improved stress tolerance in K supplemented plants was attributed to the reduced quantity of MDA and H2O2, enhanced synthesis of protein, proline, phenols, flavonides and improved activity of antioxidant enzymes. The present research supports the application of K for alleviation of Cd stress in G. grandiflora.  相似文献   

Withania somnifera has been an important herb in the Ayurvedic and indigenous medical systems for centuries in India. However, these grow as weeds mostly in the wastelands, which receive contaminated water from municipal and industrial sources. In the present investigation, plants of Withania somnifera were exposed to various concentrations of arsenate (AsV) and arsenite (AsIII) (0, 10, 25, 50, 100 μM) for 10 days and analysed for accumulation of arsenic (As) and physiological and biochemical changes. Plants showed more As accumulation upon exposure to AsIII (320 μg g−1 DW in roots and 161 μg g−1 DW in leaves) than to AsV (173 μg g−1 DW in roots and 100 μg g−1 DW in leaves) after 10 days of treatment. Consequently, AsIII exposure caused more toxicity to plants as compared to that AsV, as evaluated in terms of the level of photosynthetic pigments and oxidative stress parameters (superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxidation), particularly at higher concentrations and on longer durations. Plants could tolerate low concentrations (variable for AsIII and AsV) until longer durations (10 days) and high concentrations for shorter durations (1–5 days) through increase in antioxidant enzymes and by augmented synthesis of thiols. In conclusion, As tolerance potential of Withania plants on one hand advocates its prospective use for remediation under proper supervision and on the other demonstrates possible threat of As entry into humans due to medicinal uses.  相似文献   

In order to study bio fertilizers and zinc effects on some physiological parameters of triticale under a water-limitation condition, a factorial experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with three replications in 2014 and 2015. Experimental factors consisted of three irrigation treatments [normal irrigation (W0); moderate water limitation (W1) and severe water limitation (W2)]; four bio fertilizers’ levels [(no bio fertilizer (F0), application of mycorrhiza (F1), plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) (F2) and both application PGPR and mycorrhiza (F3)] and four nano zinc oxide levels [(without nano zinc oxide (Zn0) as control, application of 0.3 (Zn1), 0.6 (Zn2) and 0.9 (Zn3) g?L?1)]. Results showed that water limitation decreased chlorophyll content, relative water content, stomatal conductance, quantum yield and grain yield of triticale, whereas electrical conductivity and the activity of catalase (CAT, EC, peroxidase (POD, EC and polyphenol oxidase (PPO, EC enzymes were increased. Inoculation of plants with bio fertilizers and zinc application improved these traits (except electrical conductivity) under water-limitation condition as well as normal irrigation. Based on the results, it was concluded that bio fertilizers and nano zinc oxide application can be recommended for profitable triticale production under water-limitation condition.  相似文献   

The presence of significant amount of heavy metals in rivers and canals due to mixing of untreated industrial effluents is a common phenomenon, especially in developing countries. The agricultural crops are influenced by the presence of various pollutants in the sewage, being applied for irrigation purpose. The effluents containing copper affect the growth and development of crop species, thereby, ought to be mitigated by foliar spray of osmoprotectants, e.g. proline. A pot culture experiment was conducted at the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan during the crop season 2015–2016. The treatments consisted of (a) three wheat varieties (Punjab-96, MH-97, FSD-83), (b) two levels of copper (0, 400?µM) applied through rooting medium, and (c) two levels of proline (0, 80?mM) applied through foliar application. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications. The results showed that application of 400?µM copper caused a reduction in biomass accumulation, chlorophyll (‘a’ and ‘b’) contents, and eventually yield (100-grain weight). There were also significant decreases in gas exchange parameters (stomatal conductance, internal CO2 concentration), photosynthetic rate, water-use-efficiency, and transpiration rate in response to copper stress. Metal toxicity caused the maximum reduction in productivity of PSII, electron transport rate, and photochemical quenching, while higher values of non-photochemical quenching were recorded in the wheat varieties. The activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase), as well as quantities of proline, protein and calcium contents were accelerated in response to copper stress. The uptake of calcium, magnesium, and potassium constituents by plants was reduced, while assimilation of calcium was increased in plants under copper stress. However, the occurrence of negative effects on these parameters due to copper stress was mitigated by foliar spray of proline at the rate of 80?mM solution. The exogenous application of proline at the rate of 80?mM resulted in the reduction of generation of reactive oxygen species and enhanced accumulation of proline and protein contents in wheat varieties under copper stress environment.  相似文献   

冯韶辉  黄小平  江志坚 《生态学杂志》2012,31(11):2828-2833
采用化学逐步提取法和叶绿素荧光技术,在实验室无底泥条件下研究了镉(Cd)在热带海草泰来藻(Thalassia hemprichii)不同组织(叶、茎、根)中的累积规律,以及Cd对其光合作用的影响.结果表明:Cd在泰来藻体内的累积模式是叶>根>茎;在各处理条件下,泰来藻各组织中氯化钠、醋酸和盐酸提取态的Cd均是优势形态,三者之和占总量的80% ~99%,表明活性较低且迁移能力较弱的形态是主要形态;随着Cd暴露浓度的增加,泰来藻各组织中盐酸提取态所占的比例下降7% ~ 24%,而氯化钠和醋酸提取态的分配比例总和增加2% ~ 24%,叶片中活性较高的乙醇和水提取态所占比例之和不断减小,而茎、根则呈现相反的趋势,这说明泰来藻通过改变各形态Cd在细胞和组织中的分配比例来降低高浓度Cd胁迫的毒性;高浓度Cd胁迫显著降低有效光量子产量△F/Fm′、叶绿素a、b和总叶绿素含量,表明其光合作用受到严重抑制.总之,在较低浓度Cd胁迫下,泰来藻存在一定的保护机制,但在高浓度Cd胁迫下,这种保护机制已不足以维持内环境的稳定,从而引起一系列毒性效应.  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验方法,分别设置0(对照,不添加镉)、30、60、90、120、150、180、210mg·kg-1共8个土壤镉处理水平,研究土壤不同镉水平对马缨丹(Lantana comara L.)生长及其抗氧化酶活性的影响,以探讨马缨丹对镉胁迫的生理响应机制。结果显示:(1)随着土壤镉处理浓度的升高,马缨丹干重呈先升高后降低的趋势,30mg·kg-1镉处理能促进植株的生长,而浓度高于60mg·kg-1时显著抑制马缨丹的生长。(2)马缨丹叶片和根系中O-·2产生速率、H2O2和MDA含量及电解质渗漏率均随土壤镉处理浓度的升高和胁迫时间的延长逐渐升高,胁迫90d时,叶片和根系中O-·2产生速率、H2O2和MDA含量及电解质渗漏率分别在镉浓度高于60和30mg·kg-1时显著低于对照。(3)叶片和根系抗氧化酶SOD、POD、APX和CAT活性随着土壤镉处理浓度的增加大体呈先升高后降低的趋势,并在镉浓度分别高于90和60mg·kg-1时,叶片和根系抗氧化酶活性显著低于对照。研究表明,低浓度镉处理土壤能促进马缨丹植株生长,而高浓度镉处理土壤显著降低了马缨丹体内抗氧化酶活性,导致活性氧大量积累,引起严重的膜脂过氧化伤害,从而显著抑制马缨丹植株的生长。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the impacts of exogenous salicylic acid (SA) pretreatments on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) accumulation, protein oxidation, and H2O2-scavenging enzymes in leaves of Cd-treated flax seedlings. Cd-enhanced H2O2 levels were related to increased activities of guaiacol peroxidase (POX, EC and ascorbate peroxidase (APX, EC, and were independent of changes in catalase (CAT, EC and superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC activities. In control flax seedlings, exogenous SA pretreatments inhibited the activity of CAT, resulted in an enhanced production of H2O2 suggesting that SA requires H2O2 to initiate an oxidative stress. However, although leaves of Cd-free flax seedlings pretreated with SA accumulated in vivo H2O2 by 1.2-fold compared with leaves of Cd-only exposed ones; the damage to growth and proteins after the exposure to Cd was significantly less, indicating that SA can regulate the Cd-induced oxidative stress. Moreover, the Cd-treated seedlings primed with SA exhibited a higher level of total antioxidant capacities and increased activities of H2O2-detoxifying enzymes.  相似文献   

Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Benth. is a metallophyte suitable for the phytoremediation of mine wastes. The tolerance and accumulation of M. sacchariflorus to cadmium was studied by pot experiments. The results showed that O2·? generation rate, plasma membrane permeability and MDA content of M. sacchariflorus leaves increased with increasing Cd concentrations in soil, but significant effect was only observed when Cd concentrations were ≥ 50 mg·kg?1. SOD and POD activities increased initially but decreased later on, whereas CAT activity only increased significantly at higher Cd concentrations, 50–100 mg·kg?1. The content of photosynthetic pigment and growth of M. sacchariflorus were both not significantly affected when Cd concentration was ≤ 25 mg·kg?1. In contrast, both parameters were significantly affected when Cd concentration was ≥ 50 mg·kg?1. M. sacchariflorus could accumulate much Cd, but most of the Cd assimilated was retained in the belowground part, suggesting that M. sacchariflorus has poor ability to translocate Cd to the aboveground part. Our results suggested that although M. sacchariflorus was not a hyper-accumulator, it has a strong capacity to tolerate and stabilize the Cd. Therefore, M. sacchariflorus has a certain potential in the phytostabilization of Cd-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Xu P  Zou J  Meng Q  Zou J  Jiang W  Liu D 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(14):6372-6378
In this study, we determined the effects of Cd(2+) (from 10(-5) to 10(-3)M) on the growth of leaves and roots of garlic seedlings in Hoagland's nutrient solution. We also characterized the influences of Cd(2+) on a few key cellular activities, e.g., antioxidant enzymes, content of malondialdehyde (MDA), composition of photosynthetic pigments and fluorescence properties of chlorophyll on day 5, 10 and 15. The results indicated that the presence of 10(-3)M Cd(2+), but not other tested Cd(2+) concentrations, significantly decreased the development of leaves and roots of the seedlings. This level of Cd(2+) increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes and the level of MDA. With the exception of carotenoid on day 5, the presence of 10(-3)M Cd(2+) showed no significant effects on the contents of photosynthetic pigments. Intermediate concentrations of Cd(2+) caused variable effects, ranging from lowering to increasing the pigments in garlic seedlings. The presence of 10(-3)M Cd(2+), but not other tested concentrations, decreased efficiency of energy harvesting associated with photosystem II as measured by the ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence of intact leaves. However, Cd(2+) generated no definitive trends on photochemical quenching. Possible significance of experimental findings in relation to Cd(2+) level in garlic seedling is discussed.  相似文献   

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