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This study showed from the analysis of 180 droppings of the Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea harvested during a period of one year from the Babors Mountains (Bejaia, Algeria) that insects formed the main part of the diet (85.9% of identified items). The other food categories included arachnids, crustaceans and gastropods. Among the insects, Coleoptera (beetles) was the main order consisting of 37.4% of identified items. The most frequently recorded family was Baetidae (Ephemeroptera; 9.8%). At the prey-taxa level, an unidentified Baetidae was the most frequently encountered and represented 9.7% of the diet. This species was present in the diet throughout the year. Prey taxa classified as aquatic were more frequently encountered (54.2%) compared with those considered terrestrial. This study showed that seasonal fluctuations in the diet of Grey Wagtail were very weak. Prey size ranged from 0.2 to 30.5 mm, with an average of 8.9 mm. Overall, this study showed that Grey wagtail fed on species of a wide variety of taxa, with little variation across the year.  相似文献   

The Purple Heron population in southern France suffered a 46% decline between 1981 and 1994. A study of breeding biology was instigated in 1997 in order to examine potential changes in the main breeding parameters between the early 1980s and the late 1990s. Here, we present data on the breeding biology and diet of breeding Purple Herons in the Camargue, southern France, collected from 1997 to 1999. These results were compared with those from a similar study conducted between 1979 and 1982. No difference in first spring arrival date on breeding grounds was noted between these two periods. Mean first egg date was 22 April during 1979–82, in contrast to 6 May during 1997–99. Mean colony size was c. 118 breeding pairs during 1979–82, but only c. 59 during 1997–99. For broods of three and four chicks, linear growth rates for rank A (first hatched) chicks were higher during 1979–82 than during 1997–99. For broods of four chicks linear growth rates were also higher for rank B (second hatched) chicks and tended to be higher for rank C (third hatched) but lower for rank D (fourth hatched) chicks. During 1979–82 nestling diet (determined from regurgitates) was dominated by fish (85.4% by biomass). There was an increase in the proportion of insects from 12.8% during 1979–82 to 21.7% in 1998 (from regurgitates), whereas the proportion of fish was 61.3% in 1998. Diet was determined from pellets in 1999 and indicated that 42.6% of the biomass was insects whereas 33.8% was fish. No difference was found between 1979–82 and 1997–99 for clutch size and hatchling mass. Results suggest that birds needed more time to initiate breeding during 1979–82 than during 1997–99. Possible causes for the observed differences in the Purple Heron breeding biology and diet between both study periods are discussed.  相似文献   

Food habits of the American mink Mustela vison were studied based on the analysis of 2364 scat samples, collected at three lakes in Northeastern Poland. The mink preyed on a wide range of prey, but two types of prey, amphibians and fish, dominated in the diet of the mink during all the seasons. Frogs, and first and foremost, the common frog Rana temporaria, were hunted by the mink, mainly from the late autumn until the early spring, and comprised up to 83.9% of the prey biomass (the multiannual average for November–December at the Majcz Wielki Lake). The most frequently eaten fish were cyprinids and percids. Seasonality of fish consumption by mink was not as well pronounced as in the case of amphibians. At the first two lakes, fish were hunted mainly in the winter and in the early spring, whereas at the third lake in the summer. The highest multiannual average share of fish in the diet of the mink was recorded in March–April at Lake Tuchlin (69.2% of the prey biomass). Crayfish, which were recorded in the diet mainly in the late spring and in the summer, comprised up to 59.6% of the prey biomass for May–June at the Majcz Wielki Lake. Birds, mammals and insects were supplementary food for the mink. During the breeding season, mink predation on waterfowl and their broods was correlated with the abundance of crested grebe Podiceps cristatus and coot Fulica atra nests in the area. The diet of individual mink varied considerably and the share of birds in the diet of the mink was related to the distance from individual mink dens to the colonies of waterfowl. In May–June, adult birds, chicks and eggs comprised up to 73.6% of the prey biomass of a female mink that inhabited a den located 100 m from the colony's edge. At all three lakes, the diet of the mink was the most diverse in the late spring and in the summer. In May–August, the values of the mink food niche breadths were about twice those noted in winter months.  相似文献   

Most mortality of Atlantic Puffins occurs outside the breeding season but little is known about the species’ diet at that time. The stomach contents of 176 Puffins shot legally for food around the Faroe Islands between October and January in three winters were examined. The remains of 20 species of fish, six species of crustacea and single species of polychaete, chaetognathid and squid were identified. The most frequently recorded prey in terms of frequency of occurrence were 0 group (< 1 year old) Lesser Sandeel Ammodytes marinus (82% of stomachs), followed by mesopelagic fish (52%), nereid worms (41%), Silver Rockling Gaidropsarus argentatus (36%), crustacea (35%), large sandeel (32%) and other large fish (32%). In terms of calculated biomass, nereids (41%), large sandeel (23%) and other large fish (17%) made up the bulk of the diet but the latter two prey types were most important in energetic terms (46% despite accounting for only 9% of items). Stomach contents collected on the same day and location were significantly more similar than those collected on different dates and locations, suggesting that during the winter, Puffins are generalists, taking any prey they encounter.  相似文献   

The winter diet and foraging range of gentoo penguins, Pygoscelis papua, were studied at Kidney Cove, Falkland Islands. The mean wet mass of the 56 stomach-content samples collected from May to October was 32.7ᇃ.4 g. The diet consisted generally of cephalopods, crustaceans and fish, as well as two other molluscs. Among the six cephalopod species identified, the commercially fished Patagonian squid, Loligo gahi, had the highest abundance and was also the main prey by reconstituted mass (53% of the total reconstituted mass). Lobster krill, Munida gregaria, one of five species of crustaceans, was the most abundant prey species by frequency of occurrence and by number (68% and 60%, respectively). Rock cod, Patagonotothen ramsayi, accounted for the majority of the fish diet with 34% of the total reconstituted mass. Most prey species identified in the winter diet were also abundant diet components during the breeding season. However, the known biology of the prey species and their rate of digestion indicated that, in winter, adults may forage further offshore than during the breeding season. This assumption was supported by the results obtained from two birds satellite-tracked during the study period. Both birds remained mainly in inshore waters and returned frequently ashore, but one penguin foraged up to 276 km from the coast. The differences in the foraging behaviour of the two birds were reflected in significant differences with regard to time spent underwater, distance travelled per day and calculated travelling speed. Furthermore, the progress of cohorts of L. gahi over the winter is consistent with results from life-cycle studies in this region and suggests that birds have been foraging in the feeding grounds of L. gahi.  相似文献   

Breeding season diet of the Goshawk Accipiter gentilis in Wales   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
E. P. TOYNE 《Ibis》1998,140(4):569-579
Information on the diet of the Goshawk Accipiter gentilis during the breeding season was collected in Wales during 1991–1993. Diet consisted mainly of birds (87%) and mammals (13%). Forty-five prey species were collected, ten of which were important in numerical or biomass terms: Feral Pigeon Columba livia , Woodpigeon Columba palumbus , Crow/Rook Corvus coronet Corvus frugilegus , Magpie Pica pica , Jay Garrulus glandarius , Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus , Song Thrush Turdus philomelos , Blackbird Turdus merula , Grey Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis and Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus . Pigeon biomass was important throughout the breeding season and was more important in the diet of nesting Goshawks on higher ground (>250 m). On lower ground, corvids, mammals and pigeons were the main contributors to the Goshawk diet. Rabbits were more frequently taken at lower nesting territories, and thrushes occurred at all altitudes. Mammals, particularly Grey Squirrel, were found in higher numbers in the diet of Goshawks nesting in small woods (<1000 ha) compared with the diet of Goshawks nesting in two large forests ( c . 3500 ha and c . 6100 ha). Goshawks preyed upon juvenile Woodpigeons, corvids and thrushes, and switched from young thrushes to young corvids as the latter became available. Predation peaks on young birds corresponded with the presence of nestling Goshawks in late May to early July. Predation of juvenile prey led to a decrease in mean prey item mass (April-May, 437 g; July, 376 g). No evidence was found to suggest that sexual size dimorphism in Goshawks resulted in partitioning of prey captured during the breeding season. Differences found were probably due to local abundance and vulnerability of prey species rather than specific selection by the two sexes.  相似文献   

The diet of the Antarctic petrel Thalassoica antarctica was studied during two seasons at Svarthamaren, an inland colony in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, and in the pack ice off the coast of Svarthamaren. The most important food (wet mass) at Svarthamaren was crustaceans (67%), fish (29%) and squid (5%); however, individuals collected in the pack ice took mostly fish (87%). The prey composition and lengths of prey are comparable to what has been documented in other studies on this species. Estimates of food consumption by birds breeding at Svarthamaren (ca. 250,000 pairs) suggest that approximately 6500 tonnes of crustaceans, 2800 tonnes of fish and 435 tonnes of squid are consumed during the breeding season. The annual consumptions of these birds are estimated to be 34,100 tonnes of crustaceans, 14,700 tonnes of fish, and 2300 tonnes of squid. Satellite telemetry data indicate that Antarctic petrels from Svarthamaren may fly more than 3000 km during one foraging trip, and thus may cover a huge ocean area to obtain their prey. Received: 1 September 1997 / Accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

We examined the raccoon dog’s Nyctereutes procyonoides (Gray, 1834) diet in two agricultural landscapes of Germany and compared these results with other diet studies from its native and introduced ranges. The diet composition was influenced as well by the landscape structures as by the seasons: in the waterrich study area 2 amphibians (54.1%) and fish (10.8%) occurred more frequently in the samples. In study area 1 amphibians (19.0%) and invertebrates (69.4%) gained more significance in the diet in summer, whereas in winter samples maize (32.8%) was an important food item. The diet composition shifted according to the availability of different food items. Raccoon dogs, ability to feed temporarily on one food source may possibly cause a serious problem to endangered small populations of birds and amphibians. The review of 81 data sets from nine countries showed that seasons and locality affected the occurrence of most food items. However, comparable to the present study, small mammals, insects and plants were identified as important food items both in native and introduced ranges of the raccoon dog. In regard to its diet composition, gathering foraging strategy and inactivity during winter, the raccoon dog probably preys less often on game animals and birds than the native red fox Vulpes vulpes.  相似文献   

In order to collect ecological data of invasive American mink (Neovison vison) at a fishpond area in northeastern Germany, we conducted a telemetry study in which 14 mink were radio-tracked. During this project, 2,502 scats from radio-tracked individuals were collected in the period from October 2003 to October 2005. Investigated mink principally prey on fish, small mammals and birds (eggs inclusive), whereas amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates were caught infrequently. Analysing mink scats of different seasons, we found significant seasonal variations of diet composition. In spring, fish, mammals and birds were hunted in similar amounts. During summer, birds made up the main part of the diet followed by mammals. In autumn, the proportion of birds in the mink diet decreased, whereas fish gained in importance. This trend continued during the winter period, when mink preyed almost exclusively on fish. Amphibians, crustaceans, insects, molluscs and reptiles were found only occasionally in scat samples. Among birds, the mink preyed mainly on the Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra) followed by the Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). Mammalian prey was clearly dominated by the water vole (Arvicola terrestris) and among fish, mink hunted especially perch (Perca fluviatilis), roach (Rutilus rutilus) and carp (Cyprinus carpio). Results clearly demonstrate that mink is an opportunistic predator, which hunts its prey according to availability and vulnerability, respectively. Despite the high portions of fish in their autumn and winter diet, the economic damage caused by mink seems to be negligible. However, high predation rates on birds during the breeding season indicate a potential negative impact of mink on waterfowl.  相似文献   

We investigated temporal changes in diet composition of the Montagu''s Harrier Circus pygargus breeding in natural habitat (calcareous peat bog) in SE Poland. We characterized diet composition in a three‐year period (2007–2009), based on pellet analyses. We investigated whether diet composition was affected by years or stage of breeding. We compared diet of the studied population between 2000s and 1990s and with other populations. We found that the food of the studied population was dominated by insects and mammals (by number) and mammals and birds (by biomass). Biomass and abundance of main prey items differed between studied years because of different air temperatures. We found some interannual differences in contribution of some prey items including higher number of thermophilic prey (insects and amphibians) in warmer years. Comparison of pellet composition in the 1990s and 2000s revealed significant increase in the abundance of thermophilic prey (insects and reptiles) and decrease of mammals including Microtus voles and birds. Those changes may be linked to habitat changes in areas neighboring peat bogs and climate change‐induced changes in prey communities. The studied population was able to respond to changes in foraging habitats and prey composition by opportunistic foraging on easily available prey. The diet of the studied population is the most similar to the geographically closest populations foraging in similar habitats and characterized by high contribution of insects.  相似文献   

Feunteun  Eric  Marion  Loïc 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):327-344
The fish predation rate by Grey Heron Ardea cinerea was studied during two breeding seasons (1987–88) in the largest European colony at the Lake of Grand-Lieu (Loire-Atlantique, France). The herons' diet was compared to the available fish population of its main feeding area, the marsh of Bourgneuf (16000 ha) which is composed of former salt pans and meadows drained by a dense network of shallow ditches. This study is the first attempt to assess the predation exerted by an ardeid colony on a fish community over such an extensive natural environment. It also provides the first data about the abundance and the structure of fish communities in shallow coastal dyked marshes. For this purpose, two different sampling methods were used according to the water's salinity. In fresh waters, electrofishing was used as the removal method, and density estimates were calculated with Carle & Strub estimator (1978). Fish were caught in randomly selected stations (sections of ditches enclosed by two 5 mm mesh nets). In brackish waters, pools and ditches were drained. The distribution of the herons at the feeding areas was determined by direct observations, by counting flights from the colony, and by radio-tracking. The diet was investigated by observing adult herons on the foraging areas, and by analyzing the prey regurgitations of the young at the nests. The global food consumption was assessed from Marion (1988), according to the birds' activity determined during 5 years of radio-tracking. Altogether, at least 39 species of fish were available in the herons' feeding area (during the reference period, 87–88) and the mean fish biomass was 270 kg per ha of open water, or 30 kg per ha of marsh (open water = 11.2% of the marsh area). The fish community was dominated by eel Anguilla anguilla (145 kg ha–1, 50,8% of the total biomass), and catfish Ictalurus melas (40 kg ha–1, 14%). Except for small and inaccessible species (living in the deepest parts of the marsh), heron diet was very similar to fish species composition of the community occurring in the marsh. The catfish was the species captured most frequently by the heron (45% of the mass), the eel was second with 28% of the mass. The catfish was probably over represented in the diet considering that they are caught in catfish-dumps created by professional fishermen at Grand-Lieu lake, in order to reduce the density of this undesirable species. Inversely, small species such as Gasterosteus aculeatus were not found in the diet whereas they are very numerous in the marsh. On average herons of Grand-Lieu colony catch 1.92 kg of fish per ha of marsh (6% of the fish standing crops in the marsh) during the breeding season, the main predation period.  相似文献   

P. J. Ewins 《Ecography》1990,13(2):90-97
The diet of black guillemots Cepphus grylle (L.) was studied in Shetland between 1982 and 1985, both during and outside the breeding season. Full-grown birds consumed a wide variety of fish and invertebrate species in summer, broadly reflecting the diversity of the inshore benthic fauna. In winter a greater diversity of invertebrates was taken, which assumed increased importance in the diet as the availability of benthic fish probably declined. Chicks were fed a diet of fish, with 70–80% being sandeels Ammodytes marinus and butterfish Pholis gunnellus on the island of Mousa. Sandeels were delivered more frequently in the early morning, coincident with a peak in their feeding activity. Older chicks were fed significantly longer fish. The composition of chick diet varied significantly with date, not chick age. A seasonal decline in the proportion of sandeels in the chick diet may have reflected changes in Zooplankton abundance, but the possibility that intensive industrial fishing of sandeels had adversely affected local stocks can not be ruled out.  相似文献   

The Algerian freshwater fish fauna is mainly represented by the Cyprinidae family, in particular, the genus Barbus. This is represented only by natural populations of the subgenus Barbus. The systematic, based mainly on the methods of biometrics, is quite different from one author to another. However, two nominal species are usually cited: Barbus callensis (Valenciennes, 1842), which is limited to the region of El Kala (eastern Algeria) and Barbus setivimensis (Valenciennes, 1842) in other parts of the North. During the ecological study of this fauna, many individuals were found infested with the tapeworm Ligula intestinalis (Linné, 1758), which led us to study the effect of this parasite on B. setivimensis using the ecological parasites' index (prevalence, abundance and parasite intensity) and to focus on the impact of the parasite on the growth of fish. Tapeworm L. intestinalis presents a wide geographical distribution and a complex lifecycle to multiple hosts: the cycle starts in the body of birds. The life expectancy in the major host is a maximum of 5 days, but in this time, they will lay a multitude of eggs. These eggs are passed into water via the faeces of the bird. Once in the aquatic medium, they hatch and are eaten by a wide range of copepod zooplankton (first intermediate host). The cycle continues when fish (second intermediate host) ingests the copepod. The worm then burrows through the gut wall and continues to develop in the fish's body cavity. The cycle is then complete when the bird (final host) eats the tapeworm-hosting fish. We studied the effects of diet, the hosting period, the habitat on the prevalence, abundance and intensity of the parasitic larvae plerocercoid L. intestinalis and the parasiting effect on the Cyprinids fishs of the genus Barbus in the Keddara dam (Boumerdes, Algeria) during one year. Although L. intestinalis was recorded in several host fish, the available data on the parameters of parasitism are limited and no studies are reported on B. setivimensis. In this study, a total of 613 individuals were sampled and checked on the presence of L. intestinalis plerocercoid stages. Only 64 were infested. The value of the prevalence was 10.44% and the average intensity was 1.89 parasites (average two parasites per infested fish). The infection rate is high during the autumn and low during the spring season. The latter corresponds with the breeding period.  相似文献   

Despite the large biomass of macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus in the Southern Ocean, their feeding ecology is poorly known at some important breeding localities. We investigated the diving behaviour and diet of female macaroni penguins feeding small chicks on Marion Island (46o52′S, 37o5′E), South Africa, one of the species’ most northerly breeding sites, supporting 4% of their global population. We then compared our results with similar studies from other localities. In December 2008, we collected information on 12 foraging trips from 6 individuals using time-depth recorders, as well as diet from 42 individuals. Median trip duration was 22.8 h (5.6–80.8 h). Penguins performed 42.8 ± 15.9 dives per hour at sea, with dive depths averaging 24.6 ± 8.6 m and lasting 40.8 ± 12.1 s, although 74.3% of dives were <10 m. Euphasids dominated their diet (86% by mass), mainly Thysanoessa vicina. A second peak in dive depths at 55–80 m might reflect the 12% of fish in their diet. The substantial proportion of shallow night dives (30% of total dives) suggests some foraging occurs at night. Differences in diving patterns of individual macaroni penguins in this study confirmed the behavioural flexibility of these birds reported from other breeding localities. However, most other studies assumed that dives <3–5 m were commuting dives whereas our study suggests that at least some prey are caught during shallow dives. We highlight how different analytical methods can change the outcome of studies. Despite macaroni penguins’ apparent flexibility in foraging behaviour during the breeding season, their numbers are decreasing globally. Further investigations of their foraging behaviour are needed to assess potential competition with other predators and krill fisheries.  相似文献   

Capsule?Shags move between breeding and non-breeding areas and this is associated with a significant change in diet.

Aims?To determine whether the diet of Shags nesting on islets off the Croatian coast is the same as their diet after the post-breeding move to the Gulf of Trieste.

Methods?Diet was determined by the analysis of 611 regurgitated food pellets.

Results?A total of 23 988 prey items were identified in the sample of pellets. Post-breeding Shags in the Gulf of Trieste focused on demersal and relatively immobile Gobiidae (81.5% by number, 87.1% by biomass). The most frequent prey species was Gobius niger (70.8% by number). In the breeding season at Oruda island, Croatia, the diet was more varied. Breeding Shags fed on bentho-pelagic, mobile prey such as Atherina boyeri (28.4% in frequency), Serranus hepatus (16.1%) and Crenilabrus tinca (12.0%), while Gobiidae had a dietary frequency of only 18.1%. With respect to biomass the most important prey were Crenilabrus tinca (19.0%) and Serranus hepatus (18.4%).

Conclusion?We suggest that the movement of Shags within the Adriatic Sea is driven by dietary requirements. Most previous studies of Shag diet have shown that Shags tend to have a more specialized diet during the breeding season, concentrating upon demersal prey species. However, we have found that birds breeding at the Croatian study colony show dietary diversity. We suggest that lack of dietary specialization is a facultative response to local prey abundance, and is probably the result of over-fishing of demersal species in the areas around the breeding locations in which the birds find suitable sites and are little disturbed by human activity. Shags may move immediately after breeding to the Gulf of Trieste because demersal species are likely to be more abundant there. As a consequence, the diet becomes more specialized and is then more similar to the diet of other populations of Shags.  相似文献   

Floods accompanied by high flow and high water turbidity are usually believed to cause problems to fish-eating birds and mammals searching visually for their prey. In the present study the diets of breeding kingfishers were studied during the normal river situation and during a long-lasting flood event with respect to diet composition, size of fish prey and food diversity index. During the normal situation (flow 1.75 m3 s?1, Secchi disc depth 0.5–1 m), the diet of a kingfisher was dominated by benthic fish species (52.9% by numbers, 63.9% by weight), the average size of fish taken was 6.5 cm L T and 3.0 g and the food diversity index reached its lowest value (1.57). In contrast, during the long-lasting flood event (flow 5–28 m3 s?1, Secchi disc depth 0.03–0.4 m) the diet of the kingfisher was dominated by sub-surface fish species (72.4% by numbers, 76.1% by weight) and both the average size of fish taken (7.4 cm L T and 3.7 g) and the food diversity index (1.83) increased significantly. The birds provided their nestlings with lower numbers of fish of larger sizes, which resulted in very similar weights of the young birds prior to fledging when the flood and normal situations were compared. This study provides evidence that in different foraging conditions the kingfishers adopt different foraging strategies to maintain their high breeding success.  相似文献   

We review 69 studies of the diet of Badgers Meles meles L. in the former Soviet Union, using information from 58 Russian-language papers. Animal foods occurred more frequently in the diet than vegetal foods and constituted, on average, 62% of all intake by volume. The most important individual food categories were insects (30% by volume) and small mammals (20% by volume), which appear to be staple foods of Badgers over virtually the whole of the former Soviet Union. Earthworms were mentioned in only a few reports and never exceeded 5% of the diet by volume. Other animal foods included birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, molluscs and carrion. Fruits were seasonally important in some areas while roots, tubers, bulbs, cereals and nuts were also eaten; but in general, the Soviet literature lacks detailed information about vegetal foods. Many authors comment on seasonal variation in the diet and there was statistically significant seasonal variation in the frequency with which small mammals, reptiles, insects and vegetal foods were eaten. No largescale geographical trends were apparent in the composition of the diet, but foods which were of minor importance overall, such as reptiles, amphibians and molluscs, were sometimes eaten with high frequency in particular localities. The results support the view that Badgers are opportunistic, generalist foragers, with a preference for animal foods when these are available.  相似文献   

The diet of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia was studied at El Merdja, Algeria, from 1997 to 1999 and in 2007 by analysing 240 regurgitated pellets. A total of 12 234 prey types were identified and classified into six categories. Insects dominated during each month and year of the study. Three orders of insects were mainly consumed. Coleoptera species were the most frequently consumed prey during all months and years, followed by Dermaptera species, except in 1998 when Orthoptera were more frequent. The frequency of families of prey insects varied considerably depending on the year: Carabidae were dominant in 2007, Tenebrionidae in 1999 and Carcinophoridae in 1997.  相似文献   

How environmental changes are affecting bird population dynamics is one of the most challenging conservation issues. Dietary studies of top avian predators could offer scope to monitor anthropogenic drivers of ecosystem changes. We investigated the diet of breeding Eleonora''s falcon in an area of Northeastern Algeria in the years 2010–2012. Feathers and insect remains originating from prey plucking behavior were analyzed, providing insights into the seasonally changing diet of this raptor, as well as the trans‐Mediterranean avian migration. A total of 77 species of birds (16 Sylviidae, 11 Turdidae, and 4 Emberizidae), 3 species of insects, and 1 lizard were identified among prey remains, reflecting a diverse diet. Diet composition and prey abundance varied seasonally, faithfully correlating with the passage of migrant birds as recorded from bird ring recoveries. Our findings suggest that dietary studies of predators might be deployed to investigate changes in bird migration. We discuss our results in the context of trans‐Mediterranean migration, with early‐season prey mainly comprising trans‐Saharan migrants (Apus apus and Merops apiaster) and late‐season prey being dominated by Mediterranean winter migrants (Erithacus rubecula, Turdus philomelos, Sylvia atricapilla, and Sturnus vulgaris). Notably, we observed a significant reduction in species richness of passerine remains in 2012, potentially highlighting a decline in the diversity of avian migrants.  相似文献   

The diet of feral cats in the main habitats of the Canary Islands is composed of introduced mammals, birds, reptiles and insects. However, introduced mammals constitute the main source of biomass consumed, followed in importance by reptiles and birds. PCA analysis of biomass revealed the ordination of three different groups, corresponding to the diet in the laurel forest (La Gomera), thermophilous forest (El Hierro) and one large group that include the rest of habitat types. A similar pattern was observed when these habitats were analyzed in a single island (La Palma). Oryctolagus cuniculus was an important prey in practically all habitats, while Rattus rattus was frequently captured in the laurel forest, Mus musculus domesticus in the open shrubs (both xeric and high mountain), reptiles (mainly lizards genus Gallotia) in the open habitats of Tenerife, birds play a relative role in forest habitats, and large invertebrates (basically Orthoptera and Coleoptera) in the three forest habitats and in the xerophytic shrub of Fuerteventura. Morisita's index of similarity of diet showed maximum differences between the forest habitats (pine and thermophilous vs. laurel forest), indicating an important heterogeneity in the diet of feral cats in these environments. Shrub habitats showed smaller values of Levin's niche breadth than those from the forest habitats, showing a broader diet in the latter. Lastly, the diet of feral cats on the Canary Islands follows the general pattern of other islands located at similar latitude and mainly composed by rabbits and mice. However, specific preys such as lizards, rats or birds, play an important role in particular habitats in which they are abundant.  相似文献   

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