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In this paper, the insectivores, chiropterans and rodents from the middle Miocene site of Can Missert are described. The faunal list of this locality includes the following species: Miosorex grivensis, Desmanella sp., Talpidae indet., Vespertilionidae indet., Hispanomys daamsi, Megacricetodon minor, Megacricetodon ibericus, Fahlbuschia crusafonti, Democricetodon brevis nemoralis, Eumyarion medium, Muscardinus hispanicus, Eomuscardinus sp., Paraglirulus werenfelsi and Spermophilinus bredai. H. daamsi is a new Cricetodontine species which is characterized by complete ectolophs and relatively long third lower molars. The rodent association of Can Missert enable one to assign this locality to the late Aragonian, MN 8, being close in age to other localities in the Vallès-Penedès Basin such as Castell de Barberà. However, the proportion in which each species is represented is very different in the two cases. This evidence points to the existence climatic pulses at the end of the Aragonian Mammal-Stage.  相似文献   

Tao Deng 《Geobios》2008,41(6):719
Ningxiatherium euryrhinus sp. nov. is a relatively large elasmothere rhino from the Linxia Basin in northwestern China found in the early Bahean, which corresponds to the early Vallesian (MN 9), ca. 11.1 Ma. It is much larger than the extant Ceratotherium simum and has a single horn. Ningxiatherium is similar to the late Miocene Parelasmotherium from Gansu and Shanxi, but differs in having partially ossified nasal septum, terminal nasal horn boss, shallower nasal notch above the P3/P4 boundary, and much shorter premolars. N. euryrhinus sp. nov. differs from N. longirhinus from the late Miocene of Zhongning, Ningxia in northwestern China by its larger size, relatively wider nasals, shallower nasal notch, and sub-quadrangular occlusal surface of M3. In the Linxia Basin, the other early late Miocene (Bahean or Vallesian) elasmotheres are known from complete skulls or isolated teeth. They include two genera and three species: Parelasmotherium linxiaense, P. simplum, and Iranotherium morgani. They lack a nasal septum, but Ningxiatherium has one. The age of N. euryrhinus is early late Miocene based on direct association with biochronologic indicator taxa, such as Dinocrocuta gigantea, Hipparion dongxiangense, and Chilotherium primigenius. N. euryrhinus is more primitive than N. longirhinus sp. nov. in having a sub-quadrangular M3, a shallower nasal notch, and the presence of DP1 in adults.  相似文献   


Fossil squirrels are relatively abundant in Aragonian and Ramblian assemblages, but very scarce in the Late Turolian and Ruscinian of the Iberian Peninsula. Until now, the locality of Venta del Moro has yielded over 4500 micromammal dental remains, but just nine of them are sciurids. In this assemblage, we have identified the taxa Pliopetaurista pliocaenica, Heteroxerus cf. mariatheresae and Atlantoxerus cf. margaritae. This is the first co-occurrence of the genera Pliopetaurista, Heteroxerus and Atlantoxerus in the same locality, being also one of the oldest records of P. pliocaenica, the oldest record of a form that could be related to A. margaritae, and the youngest record of the genus Heteroxerus. In addition, we hypothesize about the phylogeny of Pliopetaurista in the light of recent discoveries. Finally, the presence of the genera Heteroxerus and Atlantoxerus suggests an open environment and relatively dry environmental conditions, while Pliopetaurista is purportedly a flying squirrel, dweller of forested habitats and wet climates. Based on this, we infer an open environment of grassland type, bordered by forested habitats, agreeing with the conditions supposed for Venta del Moro according to its macromammal and floral assemblages.  相似文献   

The Fortuna Basin is an example of a marginal Mediterranean basin with evaporitic sedimentation during the Late Tortonian and Messinian. This basin shows an early restriction event before the main Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) that allows the Tortonian Salinity Crisis (TSC) to be proposed as a tectonic uplift event isolating the eastern Betic basins. Four evaporitic events are present in the central part of the Fortuna Basin, from bottom to top: Los Baños Marls Formation (composed by Fenazar Conglomerate Bed, Lower Gypsum Member [Mb] and Sanel Mb), Tale Gypsum Formation (Fm), Chicamo Diatomites and Gypsum Cycles Fm, and Rambla Salada Gypsum Fm. The present work documents the first biostratigraphic dating based on calcareous nannoplankton of these events. The lowest occurrence (LO) of Amaurolithus primus is registered at the upper part of the Sanel Mb, below the Tale Gypsum Fm. The LOs of Amaurolithus delicatus and Reticulofenestra rotaria, which mark the base of the Messinian, occur in the lower part of the Chicamo Cycles Fm, above the Tale Gypsum Fm, the Triquetrorhabdulus rugosus-Nicklithus amplificus integrate form and the LO of Nicklithus cf. amplificus in the upper part of the Chicamo Cycles Fm. Taking into account these results, a new calibration of the available magnetostratigraphic data is presented: the Chicamo Cycles Fm were formed during the reverse chron C3Ar and the Tortonian-Messinian boundary should be found within the Tale Gypsum Fm or near the top of the Sanel Mb. The onset of the TSC, the first restriction phase of the Fortuna Basin, is represented by the Fenazar Conglomerate Bed, bottom of the Los Baños Fm, and not by the Tale Gypsum Fm, as previously considered.  相似文献   

Abstract: A decapod crustacean faunule from the lower Miocene (upper Burdigalian, ‘Karpatian’) of the Slovakian part of the Vienna Basin comprise five new species: Callianopsis marianae (Ctenochelidae), Crosniera schweitzerae (Thomassiniidae), Agononida cerovensis and Munidopsis lieskovensis (both Galatheidae) plus Mursia harnicari (Calappidae). The new species of Callianopsis is the first undoubted member of the genus to be recorded from Europe; it is based on sexually dimorphic major and minor chelae as well as on portions of carapace and abdomen. Crosniera schweitzerae sp. nov. and Agononida cerovensis sp. nov. constitute the first fossil members of these genera. Additional material of an enigmatic crab, Styrioplax exiguus, and a re‐examination of the type material, confirms assignment of that genus to the subfamily Rhizopinae (family Pilumnidae). Palaeoecological data suggest that deposition of the levels (Lak?árska Nová Ves Formation) from which these taxa were collected took place under generally low‐energy, deep‐water conditions that were conducive to the preservation of delicate structures. Palaeobiogeographical affinities of the described taxa suggest a trans‐Atlantic migration during the early Miocene.  相似文献   

Several isolated cheek teeth and mandibular specimens of Rhinocerotidae (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the upper Miocene Namurungule Formation in Samburu Hills, Kenya, are redescribed. Previously, these specimens had been identified as Chilotheridium pattersoni, Chilotheridium sp., Paradiceros mukirii, and Paradiceros sp. They are reidentified here as documenting the genus Brachypotherium based on their bucco-lingually broad molariform upper premolars with short crochet and flattened buccal walls on both upper and lower molars, the latter having a shallow external groove. Comparisons with other Brachypotherium species suggest that the present specimens belong to Brachypotherium sp. cf. B. minor. The presence of Brachypotherium in the Samburu Hills, at ca. 9.5 Ma, is concordant with the paleoenvironment (presence of lacustrine and river environments) known for this locality during the early late Miocene.  相似文献   

In this work, we describe four new micromammal sites in the northern side of the Gormaget ravine, in the Alcoy Basin (Spain): AF-1’06, AF-1’07, AF-1A and AF-2. Based on the study of the faunal remains from these localities, we infer a latest Turolian-earliest Ruscinian age for AF-1’06 and AF-1A, and an earliest Ruscinian age for AF-1’07 and AF-2. The species assemblage of the locality AF-1’06, the only one which have yielded a sufficient number of remains to perform a palaecological analysis, shows warm and dry conditions near the Mio-Pliocene boundary in the Alcoy Basin. These data show a reduction of dry and warm indicators from older to younger localities in the Alcoy Basin, suggesting a change to colder and more humid conditions during the Early Pliocene.  相似文献   

Some relatively rare carnivore remains from Pikermi are studied. The present specimens include Simocyon primigenius(ROTH and WAGNER, 1854), Promeles palaeatticus(WEITHOFER, 1888), Martes woodwardiPILGRIM, 1931, Felis atticaWAGNER, 1857 and Machairodus giganteus(WAGNER, 1848), as well as some postcranial remains that resemble Enhydriodon? latipesPILGRIM, 1931 and are assigned to Mustelidae gen. et spec. indet. Some of these species were not known until now but from their holotypes as M. woodwardi and E.? latipes. Other species such as F. attica and M. giganteus are better known but from relatively scant material. Since the material of the earlier mentioned species comes from Pikermi, their type locality, it is of especial importance and improves our knowledge for the Pikermi carnivores and their relationships to other species. In some cases where the material comes from ossiferous blocks, the accompanying faunal context is discussed.  相似文献   

Four ODP sites located between 64°S and 41°S in the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean were investigated to refine the Miocene diatom biostratigraphic zonation tied to the geomagnetic chronology. The Miocene diatom stratigraphy from two sites located on Maud Rise (ODP Leg 113) is revised considering the progress in diatom biostratigraphic research, diatom taxonomy and magnetostratigraphic age assignment during the past 10 years. A new diatom zonation was erected for Site 1092 (ODP Leg 177) located on Meteor Rise integrating a magnetostratigraphic interpretation of the shipboard data. This zonation was also applied to Site 1088 (ODP Leg 177) located on Astrid Ridge. The study is focused to Middle and Upper Miocene sequences. It reveals latitudinal differentiations in stratigraphic species ranges and species occurrence pattern that are related to latitudinal differences in surface water masses reflecting the climatic development of the Antarctic cryosphere. Considering the latitudinal differences two stratigraphic zonations are proposed that are applicable to the northern and southern zone of the Southern Ocean, respectively. The southern Southern Ocean Miocene diatom biostratigraphic zonation consists of 16 zones in which 11 represent new or modified zones. The northern biostratigraphic zonation contains 10 diatom zones allowing a stratigraphic resolution in the range of 0.2–2 Myr. This paper also includes the taxonomic transfer of seven Miocene diatom taxa from genus Nitzschia Hassal to Fragilariopsis Hustedt.  相似文献   

Two Hipparion species, H. forstenae and H. hippidiodus from Gaojiashan locality in the Linxia Basin, Gansu, China are described in this paper, with the first presence of the former in the Linxia Basin. The lower cheek teeth of Hipparion from Gaojiashan bear deep ectoflexids, and after comparisons to other Chinese Hipparion fossils with deep ectoflexids, the mandibles with deep ectoflexids on the lower premolars suggest their attributions to H. forstenae. The presence of a deep ectoflexid on p2 may be interpretable as an intraspecifically variable feature in H. forstenae, and can also be found in H. dermatorhinum. Besides the Hipparion material, at least 8 species of large mammals occur at the Gaojiashan locality, including Adcrocuta eximia, Chilotherium wimani, Shansirhinus ringstroemi, Eucladoceros cf. proboulei, Palaeotragus cf. coelophrys, Giraffidae gen. et sp. indet., and the previously studied Promephitis hootoni and Eostyloceros hezhengensis. Although the sample from Gaojiashan shares five species with the Yangjiashan fauna, the Gaojiashan fossil assemblage may date to the Baodean because of the presence of H. forstenae. The overall taxonomic composition of the Gaojiashan assemblage at least suggests an approximate Baodean age, which would imply survival of C. wimani into the Baodean of the Linxia Basin.  相似文献   

The Late Miocene and Pliocene continental sediments in the Granada Basin (southern Spain) have yielded large amounts of fossil small mammals in 37 localities from 11 sections. The aim of this paper is to integrate faunistic, stratigraphic, and sedimentary criteria to unravel the geological history of the continental infilling of the basin. The palaeontological study has led to a detailed biozonation on the basis of rodents, which helps to correlate in detail the different sedimentary units found in the basin, and to follow the changes of the different sedimentary systems and their palaeogeographical evolution through time. Combination of the proposed biostratigraphy and the reinterpretation of the magnetostratigraphic analyses of the Barranco del Purcal section allows us to assign an absolute age slightly older than 5.23 Ma to the Turolian–Ruscinian boundary (MN13‐MN14).  相似文献   

In this paper a magnetostratigraphically calibrated biozonation of the Miocene–Pliocene continental record of the Guadix–Baza Basin (south‐eastern Spain) is presented. This biozonation is based on a rodent succession which ranges from the latest Miocene (c. 6 Ma) to the latest Pliocene (c. 2.6 Ma). A total of nine biozones have been defined for the late Miocene and Pliocene, all of them based on the range or concurrent‐range of rodent species: Apodemus gudrunae – Apocricetus alberti Zone, Apocricetus barrierei Zone, Paraethomys aff. abaigari Zone, Trilophomys Zone, Mimomys davakosi Zone, Dolomys adroveri Zone, Mimomys hassiacus Zone, Mimomys polonicus Zone and Kislangia ischus Zone. A magnetobiostratigraphical correlation has been established between these biozones and the standard ATNTS scale, on the basis of the palaeomagnetic analysis carried out on the sections of Negratín, Botardo‐1 and Gorafe. The correlation has been completed with previous palaeomagnetic analysis in the sections of Galera and Zújar. The magnetobiostratigraphical correlation here established indicates a late Messinian age for the Apodemus gudrunae – Apocricetus alberti Zone, a Zanclean age for the Apocricetus barrierei, Paraethomys aff. abaigari, Trilophomys and Mimomys davakosi zones and a Piazencian age for the Mimomys hassiacus, Mimomys polonicus and Kislangia ischus zones. The Dolomys adroveri Zone is mostly Zanclean in age, but its uppermost part belongs to the Piazencian. Therefore, unit MN13 is correlated with the late Messinian, MN14 is correlated with the early Zanclean, most of MN15 is correlated with the late Zanclean, while the uppermost part of MN15 and MN16 are correlated with the Piazencian.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the only latest Miocene fish fauna so far recognized in Portugal and probably in western Europe through more than 10,000 teeth and many other remnants collected in the Latest Miocene, Esbarrondadoiro Formation (Alvalade basin, southern Portugal). A large number of teeth reported to the family Dasyatidae (ca. 46% among the Myliobatiforms) are described. Several forms were recognized. The concerned deposits are particularly rich in modern type, close to still extant selachian forms. This is confirmed by the presence of different species of Dasyatis. From the thermic point of view, Alvalade basin marine fishes point out to a decrease in the prevailing thermic conditions. The still abundant Dasyatis are in contrast to the rarity of Raja, a genus which suggests temperate or cold, or deeper hence colder waters. Moderately warm water conditions predominated, less than in Tortonian of Lisbon, more than exist today near the Portuguese coasts. The occurrence ratios of the taxa concerned among the exploited sites are quantitatively different. This points out to different paleoenvironmental conditions. The Dasyatis had a litoral/neritic bathymetric distribution and a benthic way of life. However, the Esbarrondadoiro pattern is very different from those from Santa Margarida and Vale de Zebro, which are nearly identical between them as far as Dasyatis gr. gigas and Dasyatis sp. are concerned: Dasyatis gr. gigas may suggest less warm waters, and this is very much compatible with other data that indicate a deeper environment and hence colder waters for Esbarrondadoiro.  相似文献   

报道并描述了一件来自甘肃临夏盆地的中间乌米兽(Urmiatherium intermedium)头骨化石新材料,该材料产自柳树组上部,属于晚中新世晚期杨家山动物群。中间乌米兽是一种大型的晚中新世牛科动物,角心特化,短且呈薄板状,并且在基部相互靠近。在角心前后方的额骨和顶骨上,发育大片赘生骨疣,这些骨疣与角心一起,合称角器。20世纪初,步林报道了中国北方晚中新世地层中的大量中间乌米兽化石,包括产自山西保德和甘肃庆阳的20多件头骨以及很多破碎的齿列和骨骼。本文报道的乌米兽头骨化石是乌米兽在甘肃临夏盆地的首次发现,将其在中国北方的分布向西扩展到了青藏高原东北缘地带。乌米兽被普遍认为与近旋角羊(Plesiaddax)、和政羊(Hezhengia)和柴达木兽(Tsaidamotherium)等晚中新世"麝牛类"牛科动物具有较近的亲缘关系,但其系统发育地位仍存有争议。相比其他晚中新世"麝牛类"牛科动物,乌米兽的分布较广,从伊朗至中国北方都有分布,但它鲜与其他晚中新世"麝牛类"牛科动物伴生。在临夏盆地,与其伴生的牛科动物目前仅发现中华羚(Sinotragus)一种。  相似文献   

Sixty-four silicified fossil woods were collected from the Early Miocene Upper Coal-bearing Formation of Janggi Group in Pohang City, the Korean Peninsula. Out of them 23 specimens were identified as gymnosperms and 27 specimens as dicotyledons. The taxa identified include Picea palaeomaximowiczii Watari, Taxodioxylon cunninghamioides (Watari) Watari, T. sequoianum (Merckl.) Gothan, Fagus hondoensis (Watari) Watari, Cercidiphyllum sp., Camellia japonoxyla Suzuki et Terada, Distylium chiharu-hirayae Suzuki et Terada, Aesculus sp., Wataria miocenica (Watari) Terada et Suzuki and W. parvipora Terada et Suzuki. All of these species are reported for the first time from the Tertiary basins of Korea. Compared with those of the Miocene Formations in Japan, most taxa we found are common between the paleo-floras in Korea and Japan during the Early to Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative analyses based on planktonic foraminifera of two sections (Oued Derdoussa and Djebel Meni) from lower Chelif basin (northern Algeria) enable us to identify for the first time a sequence of bioevents calibrated with the geomagnetic polarity time scale. The identified bioevents of late Miocene formations are useful for a high-resolution correlation in the whole western Mediterranean at local and regional scales. In particular, this work reveals that the sequence covers an interval of time that extends from the upper Tortonian up to the pre-evaporite Messinian period. Indeed, the base of the succession starts with a change in the coiling direction (from dextral to sinistral) of Neogloboquadrina acostaensis as the first bioevent. This later corresponds to the bioevent (1–8) assigned to the Tortonian sediments. This period is marked by the presence of Globorotalia menardii in sinistral coiled form that was substituted gradually with dextral coiled. The Tortonian/Messinian (T/M) boundary coincides to some extent with a sharp replacement of G. menardii group (I and II) with the first common occurrence (FCO) of Globorotalia miotumida plexus few meters below the development of the Tripoli diatomite formation (bioevent 9). This later is dominated mainly by highly convex species (G. miotumida plexus) marked by the presence of Globorotalia mediterranea in contrast with the marly formation at the base of the section. In this part, the recorded bioevents (10 to 17) are assigned to the Messinian sediments. Thus, the Tripoli formation shows the influx of Globorotalia nicolae and a small incursion of the dextrally coiled of Globorotalia scitula at the top of Oued Derdoussa section as a local bioevent that may be related to the local palaeoenvironment. We notice the absence of the change in the coiling from sinistral to dextral of N. acostaensis during the upper Messinian, this may be due to the coincidence of this bioevent with the barren levels.  相似文献   

The evolutionary pattern of the molar morphology of the small caviomorph (Octodontidae) Neophanomys from the late Miocene Cerro Azul Formation of central Argentina is analyzed. Two new species (chronomorphs) are recognized, which constitute an anagenetically evolving lineage with a gradual and directional pattern of increasing molar hypsodonty. Dental changes related to increasing hypsodonty are comparable to those of the octodontid lineage Chasichimys also recovered from the Cerro Azul Formation. However, Neophanomys shows comparatively less variation in gross morphology and there are no evidences that this lineage achieved euhypsodonty. In contrast, important changes in enamel microstructure (schmelzmuster) are observed among different populations of Neophanomys, supporting the hypothesis that these changes can occur at least partially independently from modifications in dental gross morphology. The patterns of dental evolution detected in the Neophanomys and Chasichimys-Xenodontomys lineages and the unequivocal polarity of the changes involved, related to increasing hypsodonty, reinforce the hypothesis that chronological differences exist among late Miocene outcroppings of Cerro Azul Formation in central Argentina.  相似文献   

This study presents the new fossil material of bovids from the recently discovered upper Miocene locality of Platania, Drama (Greece). The material was excavated from 2012 to 2016 and yielded approximately 760 specimens attributed to hipparions, rhinos, cervids, giraffids, suids, proboscideans, hyaenids, and turtles. The bovid material described here includes six taxa of Antilopinae and one of Bovinae. Antilopines are represented by Gazella sp., Gazella cf. ancyrensis, Prostrepsiceros aff. syridisi, cf. Palaeoreas, Palaeoryx minor nov. sp., and Tragoreas? aff. oryxoides. Bovines are recorded by a single boselaphine attributed to Miotragocerus sp. Departing from other Palaeoryx species, the new species P. minor has rather straight and weakly divergent horn-cores tilted backwards, obtuse facial and occipito-parietal angles, and smaller cranial and horn-core size, though associated with a proportionally large toothrow. Miotragocerus sp. from Platania seems to be conspecific to the Miotragocerus sp. from the end-Vallesian Nikiti-1 fauna (Greece). The bovid assemblage of Platania shows a mix of both Vallesian and Turolian taxa indicating a likely late Vallesian-early Turolian age.  相似文献   

Pliopithecid remains from the Spanish locality of Torrent de Febulines (Late Vallesian, MN 10), consisting of right and left mandibular fragments with partial tooth rows and an isolated P(3) probably belonging to the same individual, are described and assigned to Egarapithecus narcisoi gen. et sp. nov. (Pliopithecidae, Crouzeliinae). This is a highly derived species dated at around 9 Ma (Ma = 10(6) years), representing the latest appearance of the family in the European continent. Morphologically it is the most distant member from the inferred primitive pliopithecid morphotype, displaying many autapomorphies that notably accentuate those of the remaining Crouzeliinae. A cladistic analysis based on lower cheek teeth, performed in order to tentatively assess the phylogenetic relationships of Egarapithecus within the Crouzeliinae, indicates that several equally parsimonious cladograms are possible in the light of current evidence. This is due to uncertainties regarding the position of Plesiopliopithecus and Crouzelia (here considered distinct genera), as a result of missing characters and the significant degree of homoplasy apparently involved in crouzeliine dental evolution. Whether Egarapithecus is more closely related to Crouzelia or to Anapithecus (the latter hypothesis tentatively favored here) cannot be definitively resolved with the currently available material and deserves further investigation. It is clear, however, that Egarapithecus is one of the more derived and specialized members of the Pliopithecidae.  相似文献   

A high-resolution palynological study of the cyclically bedded Faneromeni section (upper Tortonian-lower Messinian) on Crete (Greece) is presented. This study aims to recognize orbitally-driven variations in the palynological record and to validate the age model based on the astronomical calibration of the sedimentary cycles. Four palynology-based environmental proxies were utilised using interpretations of fossil dinoflagellate associations based on modern ecological characteristics. Cross-spectral analysis between the proxy records and astronomical target curve, the 65°N summer insolation, yielded in most cases significant spectral power and coherence in the precession and/or obliquity frequency bands. Precession-controlled variations in the proxy records are related to lithology and indicate that maxima in continental input and minima in sea surface salinity coincide with sapropel formation. The influence of obliquity is most clearly reflected in the index of continental versus marine palynomorphs (S-D). The absence of a distinct time lag relative to obliquity indicates that the 41-kyr component in continental input is controlled by oscillations in regional Mediterranean climate rather than by glacial cyclicity. Phase relations in the different astronomical frequency bands of the spectrum, as compared with the Mediterranean Pliocene, essentially confirm the validity of the Miocene astronomical time scale. Finally, a major non-cyclic change in the palynological assemblage at 6.68 Ma indicates enhanced salinity and decreased river discharge. This shift coincides with a significant drop in sedimentation rate informally termed the “Early Messinian Sediment starvation Event”.  相似文献   

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