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There are close to 2,000 subjective species and about 200 genera of Recent non-marine Ostracoda. Together, Cyprididae (1,000 spp.) and Candonidae (c. 550 spp.) represent more than 75% of the extant specific diversity; the remaining 11 families comprise the other 25% of the species. The Palaearctic region has the highest absolute non-marine ostracod diversity, followed by the Afrotropical. The Australian region has the highest relative endemicity. About 90% of the species and 60% of the genera occur in one zoogeographical region only. This means that all the biological mechanisms which lead up to efficient dispersal and which are present in at least part of the non-marine Ostracoda (e.g. brooding, drought-resistant eggs, parthenogenesis) have not induced common cosmopolitan distributions in ostracods. Several habitats are hotspots for ostracod diversity and endemicity. For example, it appears that the ancient lakes hold up to 25% of the total ostracod diversity. Other speciation-prone habitats are groundwater, temporary pools and Australian salt lakes; in the latter two instances, cladogenesis has often been paralleled by gigantism. The present ostracod diversity results from 9 to 12 separate invasions of the non-marine habitat, starting about 400 Myr ago. Genetic diversity can be very different in different species, mostly, but not always, related to reproductive mode. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

The genus Semicytherura belongs to the family Cytheruridae, and was distinguished from Cytherura on the basis of carapace features. Species of Semicytherura from Japan and adjacent seas can be divided into two groups. One is represented by Semicytherura miurensis Hanai, 1957, characterized by a thin, oval carapace covered with fine reticulation. The other is represented by Semicytherura henryhowei Hanai & Ikeya, 1977, characterized by a thick sub-rectangular carapace in lateral view. Semicytherura henryhowei, which is distributed from Hokkaido to Okinawa in Japan, has been regarded as having several morphotypes distinguishable on outline and reticulation of carapace. However, as a result of detailed observations on the copulatory organ, carapace outline and distributional pattern of pore systems, remarkable differences are shown to exist between the two most frequently occurring morphotypes. In order to recognize S. henryhowei sensu stricto, the carapace of the holotype was re-examined. Consequently, neither of the two morphotypes are considered to belong to S. henryhowei due to differences of carapace outline and distribution of pore systems. The two morphotypes are here regarded as independent taxa, described as new: S. kazahanan. sp. and S. sasameyukin. sp. The geographical distributions of the two new species overlap, but their micro-habitats differ from each other; the former lives on calcareous algae on rocky shores, the latter lives on silty sand bottom within the inner bay. A third new species, S. slipperi sp. nov., is also described. In view of their present geographical distributions and fossil records, the origin of this group of species would appear to be the Japanese islands or adjacent areas in and after the Miocene. This group then migrated to the Arctic Ocean and East Pacific Ocean during or before the middle Pliocene.  相似文献   

A taxonomic reevaluation of five species of Southeast Asian freshwater ostracods formerly assigned to the genus Cypridopsis Brady, 1868 has resulted in the retention of Cypridopsis adusta Sars, 1903, Cypridopsis exigua Sars, 1903 and Cypridopsis dubia Sars, 1903 in Cypridopsis and transfer of Cypridopsis albida (Vavra) 1898 and Cypridopsis arsenia Tressler, 1937 to the genus Plesiocypridopsis Rome, 1965.  相似文献   

Six species in two genera of Darwinulidae are herereported from Europe; two of these are known fromfossils only.Microdarwinula zimmeri (Menzel) is, in Europe,an interstitial species. Darwinula stevensoni(Brady & Robertson), the type species of thegenus, is also the most common darwinulid. Althoughit abounds in the shallow littoral of lakes, it canalso occur in rivers, bogs and springs, both infresh and saline waters. Darwinula boteaiDanielopol is found in interstitial habitats inRumania. Darwinula pagliolii Pinto & Kotzian,originally described from Recent South Americanpopulations, is reported from fossil, Germanlocalities. Darwinula brasiliensis Pinto &Kotzian, originally described as D. africanabrasiliensis, also from South America, is hereelevated to specific rank. It has been found extantin a bog in southern France and is reported from amuseum collection from a Scottish lake. The latterspecies is here reported from Europe for the firsttime. Finally, Darwinula danielopoli n.sp. isalso described from German Holocene (Subrecent)fossils. This species represents the first nominaltaxon of a distinctly separate lineage within Darwinula s.l.Global and European distribution, history,ecological tolerance ranges, brooding and clonaltaxonomy in this group are discussed.  相似文献   

A revised classification of the higher taxa of the Ostracoda (Crustacea)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Alexander Liebau 《Hydrobiologia》2005,538(1-3):115-137
Focusing on palaeontological data from the literature of the last four decades, a new classification of the Ostracoda is outlined. The superorder Podocopomorpha is accepted as a mantle term for the ‘P-orders’ Palaeocopida, Punciocopida, Platycopida and Podocopida; its counterpart are the Myodocopomorpha (Cypridinida, Halocypridida and ? Leperditicopida). The Podocopida comprise the suborders Bairdiocopina, Cytherocopina, Sigilliocopina, Cypridocopina, Darwinulocopina and Healdiocopina (n.;=Metacopina s.s.). The non-calcifying ostracodomorph arthropods (Archaeocopida and Phosphatocopida) of the Early Palaeozoic, now excluded from the Ostracoda by many authors, are also considered briefly.  相似文献   

Claude Meisch 《Hydrobiologia》2007,585(1):181-200
The posterior end of body of the extant ostracods exhibits a pair of variously shaped appendages, commonly designated as furca(e), uropods or caudal rami, used for feeding and/or locomotion. It is here shown that the so-called furca of all extant ostracods has evolved from the (probably epipodal) vibratory plates of a pair of uropods. The transformation comprised the following steps: (a) complete reduction of the uropodal protopodite and endopodite; (b) sclerotisation of the lateral walls of the vibratory plates; (c) transformation of the branchial filaments into spines and/or claws; (d) re-orientation of the plates from posterodorsal to posteroventral. These modifications are suggested to have evolved in parallel with a change in function, from respiratory to locomotory and/or feeding. The most primitive condition, reminiscent of the ancestral state of character, is seen in the Platycopida: the ‘furca’ still appears similar in shape to the vibratory plates of the pair of sixth limbs. In the Podocopida the uropodal plates have been modified into plate-like, more often into rod-shaped rami mainly used for locomotion. In both the Platycopida and Podocopida the anus has remained in its original place, posterior to the ‘furcal’ plates or rami. In the Myodocopida and Halocyprida the uropodal vibratory plates are transformed into heavily developed lamellae bearing sturdy spines. They are activated by a complex apparatus of muscles and sclerites, the development of which necessitated the displacement of the anus from the end of the body towards its present place, anterior to the ‘furca’. The furca of the Ostracoda being not a ‘true’ furca, a change in terminology is proposed: uropodal plates or lamellae in the Platycopida, Palaeocopida and Myodocopida/Halocyprida; uropodal rami in the Podocopida. The so-called furcae of the Ostracoda being homologous structures, it is concluded that all extant ostracods belong to a monophyletic lineage.  相似文献   

The post-embryonic development of the appendages of the Cyprididae ostracod Heterocypris salina (Brady, 1868) are described in detail and compared with those of other podocope species documented in previous studies. Generally, the appearence of limbs during onotgeny of H. salina is similar to that of other species, but small differences in limb morphologies were identified between H. salina and other Cyprididae species, including other Heterocypris species. Some features appear either earlier or later in the development of H. salina compared with other species, even species of the same genus. These features may be useful characters for phylogenetic analyses at the genus and family levels.  相似文献   

David J. Horne 《Hydrobiologia》1986,139(2):119-122
Two new species of the genus Pseudocythere Sars are described, one each from British and Norwegian waters respectively.  相似文献   

The Ontogeny of Neonesidea oligodentata (Bairdioidea, Ostracoda, Crustacea)   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
This is the first detailed ontogenetic study of the appendages and carapace of a bairdioidean ostracod. This paper uses the development of the appendages and changes in the pore systems of the carapace through ontogeny to help determine the relationship between the Bairdioidea and other podocope groups. Neonesidea oligodentata has eight post-embryonic stages: one fewer than the Cypridoidea, Cytheroidea and Darwinuloidea. The first instar of N. oligodentata resembles that of the second instar of the Cypridoidea and Cytheroidea in terms of appendages, and it is postulated that there is an additional instar stage of N. oligodentata that molts within the egg. The general sequence of appearance of the limbs from instar A-7 onwards is similar to that of the Cypridoidea and Cytheroidea, but different from that of the Darwinuloidea. Like the Cypridoidea and Cytheroidea, N. oligodentata has a gap in its ontogenetic development during instar A-6, where no new Anlage is added. Pore system analysis of A-7 instars suggests that the Bairdioidea may be more closely related to the Cypridoidea than to the Cytheroidea.  相似文献   

  • 1 We investigated the relationship between geographical distribution and ecological tolerance within the ancient asexual family Darwinulidae. Distribution maps were compiled based on data from the literature, the Non‐marine Ostracod Distribution in Europe database and personal collections. Ecological tolerance was assessed experimentally by exposing individual ostracods to a combination of eight different salinities (range from 0 to 30 g L?1) and three different temperatures (10, 20 and 30 °C).
  • 2 The type species of the family, Darwinula stevensoni, is ubiquitous and cosmopolitan; the two species Penthesilenula brasiliensis and Microdarwinula zimmeri also have an intercontinental distribution. Two other darwinulid species tested here (Vestalenula molopoensis and P. aotearoa) are known only from their type localities. The latter is also true for most extant darwinulids.
  • 3 Darwinula stevensoni and P. brasiliensis had a broad salinity tolerance, tolerating distilled water and also salinity up to 25–30 g L?1, whereas the maximum salinity tolerance of V. molopoensis was 12 g L?1 and of P. aotearoa, 20 g L?1.
  • 4 The results indicate that both ecological specialists and generalists, as well as intermediate forms, exist in the Darwinulidae and that taxa with the broadest ecological tolerance also have the widest distribution.

This study presents the ecological niche and the potential distribution of Lyngbya majuscula in the Canary Islands (Spain) based on a bloom of this species on the eastern side of the Canarian Archipelago, in the Marine Reserve of La Graciosa (MRG). This finding represents the first L. majuscula bloom recorded in waters around the Canary Islands and this side of the Atlantic Ocean. The modeled suitability map revealed a potential distribution of L. majuscula in rocky and sandy habitats within shallow and sheltered areas exposed to sedimentation; where L. majuscula blooms had not previously been reported. The L. majuscula bloom detected in MRG is affecting rocky and sandy communities in this area. The possible expansion of these blooms may have harmful effects on important communities in the Canary Islands, including some of high ecological importance such as the Cymodocea nodosa meadows. Results of the L. majuscula distribution model presented here can be used to develop management strategies that avoid or minimize the risk of future bloom occurrences or expansions and their negative effects on the environment. The causes of L. majuscula blooms in MRG are being investigated.  相似文献   

The five species of Cyprididae collected from anchialine habitats of the Galapagos Islands include Paracypris crispa, previously described from marine caves and reefs on Bermuda, and the freshwater species Strandesia stocki, which is widely distributed in wells of the West Indies. Three new species, Dolerocypria ensigera, Mungava recta and Hansacypris galapagosensis, contribute to more precise understanding of these circumtropical genera. A review of known soft-anatomical characters for 68 species of Paracypridinae, five of which are transferred to different genera, reveals too many inconsistencies for a simple hypothesis. The current classification of Paracypridinae into three tribes and 18 genera may be overly subdivided, and elevation of Paracypridinae to family rank is not warranted.  相似文献   

The Cambrian bradoriid ? Parahoulongdongella sp. is shown to have a microreticulate (2nd order) surface sculpture. A possible organic sheet‐like origin is proposed for this reticulation. The relation between this second order pattern and those found in tertiary to Recent Ostracoda is discussed.  相似文献   

The idea that free‐living minute organisms have ubiquitous distributions has been recently revitalized, causing significant controversy. The ubiquitous model predicts that a threshold where ubiquity leaves room to biogeography might exist somewhere along the animal body‐size range. In the present study, such a prediction is tested by analysing body‐size frequency distribution, species distribution, and local‐to‐global species ratio at the scale of biogeographical realms in cypridoidean non‐marine ostracods, a group with a body‐size range in the ubiquity–biogeography (U‐B) boundary. Data were gathered for all described extant cypridoidean ostracod species (N = 1761), with body‐size recorded for 1134 of them. Although local‐to‐global species ratios show significant over‐dispersal of small‐body ostracods for the Palaearctic and the Australasian regions, there are explanations alternative to the ‘Everything is Everywhere’ model that can account for such a result. Indicators of taxonomic structure do not support the hypothesis of a random distribution of cypridoidean species among realms. Nevertheless, the strong biogeography signal occurring at a large scale vanishes at the local scale (country‐level within the Palaearctic), and suggests wide dispersion within biogeographical realms. Additional factors, including inconsistent taxonomic criteria for species recognition, uneven sampling effort, and an excess of ‘single‐report’ occurrences, have been identified too as potential distorters of the observed patterns. Taxonomic harmonization, open databases of biogeographical data, and better ecological information are suggested as critical goals that need to be achieved for further understanding of ostracod global distribution patterns. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 409–423.  相似文献   

Sequences from fragments of the 12S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome b mitochondrial genes were used to analyze phylogenetic relationships among geckos of genus Tarentola from the Canary Islands. A surprisingly high level of within island differentiation was found in T. delalandii in Tenerife and T. boettgeri in Gran Canaria. Molecular differentiation between populations of T. angustimentalis on Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, and between Moroccan and Iberian Peninsula T. mauritanica, also indicate that at least two subspecies should be recognized within each of them. Phylogenetic relationships among these species reveals a higher level of differentiation and a more complex colonization pattern than those found for the endemic genus Gallotia. Lack of evidence for the presence of T. boettgeri bischoffi on the island of Madeira does not seem to support the origin of T. delalandii, T. gomerensis and the canarian subspecies of T. boettgeri from this island, whereas molecular data confirms that T. angustimentalis is a sister species of the continental T. mauritanica. Several independent colonization events from the continent and the extinction of some species are probably responsible for the current distribution of Tarentola in the Canary Islands.  相似文献   

The pore-systems of 17 extant species of Loxoconcha around Japan were studied in order to understand their phylogeny and evolution. The phylogeny was estimated by two steps. First, the 17 species were divided into two groups, Group A (12 species) and Group B (five species) by Pore pattern Below Eye tubercle (PBE) analysis. Then, intragroup relationships were estimated by Differentiation of Distributional pattern of Pore-system (DDP) analysis. PBE analysis reveals that species of Groups A and B have on average different ecological preferences. Species of Group A, which appeared in the late Pliocene, are more diverse, have both phytal and bottom-dwelling modes of life, possess fewer pore-systems in the ventral area, and inhabit normal marine environments. Species of Group B, whose oldest fossil record is the lower Miocene, are less diverse, have only bottom-dwelling species, possess more pore-systems in the ventral area, and tend to inhabit brackish water environments. The results of this study suggest that the differences in ecology may have had an impact on the late Cenozoic diversification around Japan. The primary invasion of Group B occurred before the lower Miocene,with no subsequent diversification. Group A invaded after the late Pliocene and immediately diversified, which created the present abundance of Loxoconcha species around Japan in both species diversity and variety of modes of life.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Paradoxostoma Fischer are an important component of marine and estuarine ostracod faunas throughout the world. This revision of the genus in British waters deals with 17 species of which six are described as new. Each species is diagnosed and illustrated in detail, and comments are made on their ecology and distribution. The specialized mouthparts which characterize the genus are illustrated by means of the scanning electron microscope for the first time. A key to the genus is given.  相似文献   

Aim To determine and analyse the distribution of the freshwater calanoid copepod (Diaptomidae and Pseudodiaptomidae) fauna of the Yucatan Peninsula (YP) and its relation to the geological history of this Neotropical karstic plain. Location The Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Methods Plotting of geo‐referenced sites, analysis of local and regional geological history, analysis and comparison of regional and local records. Results The current composition and distribution of Diaptomidae and Pseudodiaptomidae in the YP mainly reflects recent, post‐Pliocene colonization events. This invasion did not reach America, but only parts of Central America (CA). The presence of diaptomids in the continent since the pre‐Cretaceous and the presumed post‐Cretaceous (Palaeocene–Oligocene) radiation of Diaptomidae in Middle America suggest earlier colonizations of the YP. The marine transgressions kept most of the YP submerged in different geological periods, thus eliminating any original primary freshwater colonizers, such as the diaptomids. The periods of marine regression probably represented opportunities for new waves of diaptomid colonization of the YP. The latest dispersal of diaptomids in the YP during the Holocene (8000 yr bp ) was probably an intermittent process because of the alternative dry and wet periods and interglacial transgressions. The presence of the Nearctic Leptodiaptomus and Arctodiaptomus in the YP and the current distribution of Mastigodiaptomus might represent remnants of earlier invasions of Diaptomidae in Middle America. The Neotropical Mastigodiaptomus probably originated in the Late Cretacic CA/proto‐Antilles complex. Forms derived from a M. albuquerquensis type ancestor radiated into the YP leaving relatively isolated populations of three species in the northern half of the peninsula. The distribution of the brackish water Pseudodiaptomus marshi well inside the coastline might have resulted from stranding and subsequent adaptation of this species during a marine regression in the Bacalar formation; this agrees with the vision of this taxon as being in process of invasion of freshwater environments. Main conclusions It is not probable that the South American (SA) diaptomid fauna originated from an invasion of upper Neotropical/Nearctic forms. The current distribution of freshwater calanoid copepods reflects relatively recent, post‐Pliocene biogeographical patterns, but probably older patterns are involved as well. The northern and eastern coasts of the Yucatan are the most recently colonized by diaptomids. Differing from other freshwater groups surveyed in the Yucatan that have marine relatives (i.e. fishes, amphipods, isopods, mysids, macrocrustaceans), there is no evidence of local vicariant events involving cave‐dwelling forms or marine relicts in the diaptomid fauna of the YP.  相似文献   

We report the results of quantitative and qualitative investigations of the ostracod fauna of the profundal benthos of Loch Ness, an oligotrophic lake in Scotland, UK. Six ostracod species were recorded from profundal samples: Candona angulata, C. candida, Cryptocandona reducta, Cypria ophthalmica, Cyclocypris ovum and Potamocypris smaragdina. In addition, Psychrodromus robertsoni was found in fish gut contents. The mean density of profundal ostracods was 262 individuals m2, with an average Brillouin's Diversity of 0.7. A weak inverse relationship between fish body weight and the number of ostracods eaten is reported for Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus.  相似文献   

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