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本实验观察了人参茎叶皂甙(GSLS)对雄性大鼠血浆催乳素水平、垂体催乳素细胞超微结构和下丘脑中枢神经递质的影响。结果表明:5~100mg/kg的GSLS可刺激催乳素的释放,剂量加大反而无效;GSLS还可拮抗急性饥饿所致的大鼠垂体催乳素细胞超微结构的损伤;GSLS能分别使大鼠下丘脑中多巴胺和5-羟色胺含量增高和降低。结果表明,GSLS有刺激垂体催乳素分泌的作用,其机制可能与其直接作用于垂体细胞和/或经下丘脑中多巴胺和5-羟色胺含量的变化有关。  相似文献   

范果仪  孙文静 《动物学报》1989,35(1):111-112
毛是哺乳动物所特有的组织,曾有报道,随个体年龄增长或某些疾病及药物会引起哺乳动物毛表面的毛小皮鳞片发生一系列的变化。(fujita et al.,1971)。所以毛形的变化可用于检测或筛选某些药物的疗效,其明显优点是取材对机体无损伤,且简单易行,又便于重复实验。 本实验用Wistar种雄性大鼠,饲以中药复方人参茎叶皂甙(简称8401,由沈阳中医研究所药理室处方设计,本溪市中药制药厂制备),观察其对毛形变化的影响,并与饲以人参根皂甙大鼠毛对比,以观  相似文献   

人参茎叶皂甙对老龄大鼠脑超氧化物岐化酶活力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞在新陈代谢过程中产生自由基,正常情况下及时清除体外,否则,堆积在体内的自由基将导致细胞损伤。超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)催化的歧化反应是清除体内自由基的重要途径,因此SOD活性降低所引起的细胞损伤对衰老的发生有重要作用。另一方面,在衰老过程中,下丘脑结构和功能发生明显的退行性  相似文献   

研究人参茎叶皂甙(GSL)对高胆固醇饮食大鼠心肌再灌注性心律失常(RPA_r)和脂质过氧化的影响。方法:将胆固醇乳剂用灌胃法饲养大鼠14d,建立高脂血症模型,各组大鼠进行心肌缺血再灌注实验,观察高脂血症和GSL对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注2h后血丙二醇(MDA),超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和一氧化氮(NO)水平的影响和对再灌注性心律失常发生率的影响。结果显示:(1)用胆固醇乳剂饲养大鼠14d,成功建立高脂血症模型。同时给予GSL14d有明显降脂作用。(2)高脂血症状态下,心肌缺血再灌注2h后,血MDA升高(p<0.01),SOD降低(p<0.01)和NO(p<0.05)降低,再灌注10min内RPAr的发生率增高。(3)GSL组再灌注后2h的血MDA降低,而SOD和NO水平显著升高;使RPAr发生率大为降低,无VF发生。实验显示高脂血症加重心肌缺血再灌注损伤和提高RPAr发生率及动物死亡率,GSL可减少高脂饮食大鼠脂质过氧化和诱导体内NO生成而减轻缺血再灌注心肌损伤,降低缺血再灌注性心律失常发生率。  相似文献   

To explore the effects of GSL on myocardial reperfusion arrhythmia and lipid superoxidation in high cholesterol diet rats. Hyperlipidemia model was set up with administered high cholesterol emulsion 15 ml/kg to rats orally for 14 days. In GSL group, rats were given GSL i.p. 75 mg/kg simultaneously when administered high cholesterol emulsion. The experiment of myocardial ischemia reperfusion was performed on all rats. The results showed: (1) After administration of high cholesterol emulsion to rats orally for 14 days, hyperlipidemia model was set up successfully, simultaneously treatment with GSL. It lowered serum lipid; (2) In hyperlipidemia state, serum MDA increased (p < 0.01, SOD and NO decreased markedly (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05 respectively) after 2 h of myocardial reperfusion; the rate of reperfusion arrhythmia (RPAr) increased within 10 min of reperfusion, four out of nine rats died of ventricular fibrillation (VF); and (3) GSL decreased MDA, increased SOD and NO after 2 h of myocardial reperfusion. All changes were significant (p < 0.01); the rate of RPAr decreased, no VF occurred and all rats survived. Hyperlipidemia aggravated myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury and increased the incidence of RPAr. The results suggested that GSL reduced myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury and RPAr in high cholesterol diet state through antiperoxidating and inducing the production of NO.  相似文献   

本实验应用酶细胞化学方法观察了老龄大鼠海马CA3区神经元的琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH),酸性磷酸酶(ACPase)的衰老变化,同时对比观察了人参茎叶皂甙的抗衰老作用。实验数据由彩色显微图像分析系统进行定量分析。实验结果提示老龄时海马CA3区神经元SDH酶活性减弱,ACPase活性增强。而人参茎叶皂甙具有促进神经元SDH酶活性,降低ACPase活性的作用。本结果为老龄时学习记忆能力下降及人参茎叶皂甙延缓衰老提供了一定的酶细胞化学变化的依据。  相似文献   

人参皂甙对急性肾衰大鼠抗脂质过氧化的作用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
我们最近观察到早期注射人参皂甙可改善初发期急性肾衰大鼠的肾功能,减轻并促进修复肾脏病变。鉴于肌注甘油引起急性肾衰的机制,可能有肾缺血的作用存在,而缺血组织的微循环障碍,可生成脂质过氧化物而导致组织损伤。邓惠玲和张均田报道人参皂甙能抑制大鼠肝脏和脑微粒...  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) and luteinizing hormone (LH) secretions are very closely-related. To further understand these mechanisms, the pulsatile secretion pattern of both hormones in experimentally-induced hyperprolactinemia has been studied in adult female rats. Hyperprolactinemia was induced by the transplanting of two pituitary glands. Nine days after the transplant operation, rats were bled (75 or 100 microliters/7 min for 3 h). Serum samples were analyzed for prolactin and LH values by RIA. Hyperprolactinemia modifies pulsatile PRL secretion by increasing the absolute amplitude and duration of the peaks together with a decrease in their frequency. Also, the mean values of the hormone during the whole studied period were increased. Hyperprolactinemia was followed by an increase in the mean values of LH and in the absolute amplitude of the peaks. All these results suggest that hyperprolactinemia induced by pituitary grafting in adult female rats, is followed by a significant change in prolactin and LH pulsatility, which may explain, to some extent, the effects of hyperprolactinemia on reproduction.  相似文献   

In order to study the biological effects of estriol in women 20 mg estriol was administered daily to 7 young women. Plasma luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2), progesterone (Pg) and prolactin (Prl) were measured during a treatment and a control cycle every second or third day. Further 3, 6 or 20 mg estriol was administered in a single dose to 5 women and plasma Prl, unconjugated and conjugated estriol (E3) measured over 24 h at 2–3 h intervals. In 2 experiments with 20 mg E3, blood samples were taken more frequently, over 6h.When 20 mg E2 was administered daily, 2 of the 7 young women had anovulatory cycles. The mean plasma E2 was lower during the follicular and ovulatory phases (P < 0.025) and mean plasma LH was higher (P < 0.005) during the luteal phase, when E3 was given. Because of the 2 anovulatory cycles the mean Pg value during the luteal phase was lower (P < 0.05) during treatment. There was a slight decrease in mean Prl in 5 out of 6 women (P < 0.0005), but in only 1 woman was this decrease substantial (from a mean value of 27.6–18.9 ng/ml; P < 0.01). When 6 or 20 mg E3 was administered orally in the morning a significant negative correlation (P < 0.01) between plasma Prl and unconjugated E3 was found. The correlation coefficient was highest (r = −0.74) with 6mg E3. When 3mg was administered no obvious effect on Prl section was seen. However, when results from all experiments with identical time schedules were pooled (two with 3 mg, two with 6 mg and one with 20 mg E3) and the mean values for plasma Prl calculated and compared with the mean values obtained in 7 control experiments, it was found that E3 administration in the morning almost abolishes the Prl rise during the following night. There was a statistically significant (P < 0.0125) decrease in the difference between the maximum value during the night and the minimum value during the day. The minimum value was significantly higher (P < 0.01) and the maximum value significantly lower (P < 0.025) after e3) treatment, compared to the control values.It is concluded that long-term administration of 20 mg e3 usually has only a slight but significant decreasing effect on mean plasma Prl concentration measured in the morning, before the next dose is taken. However, E3 has an inhibiting effect on Prl secretion during the night and a stimulating effect during the day, if administered in the morning, resulting in a considerable reduction in the amplitude of the circadian rhythm. Continuous administration of high doses (20 mg/day) of E3 may result in anovulatory cycles, but has little effect on plasma hormone values in the cycles which remain ovulatory.  相似文献   

The menstrual cycle is much more than a cycle of periods. Menstruation is only one manifestation of the ovarian cycle which is itself associated with more than 200 physical, psychological and behavioural changes. Numerous medical disorders also appear to be modulated by cyclical ovarian activity. Objective assessment of these cyclical changes can be difficult. One approach is by trend analysis, which can be used to provide both qualitative and quantitative information concerning daily menstrual cycle data. The application of this technique to the assessment of menstrual cycle symptoms and the premenstrual syndrome are demonstrated.  相似文献   

西洋参与人参中人参皂甙含量的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用TLC和HPLC方法分析比较西洋参(Panax quinquefolium L.)、人参(P.ginseng C.A.Mey.)及其加工品红参(red ginseng),以及不同规格的西洋参中人参皂甙的含量。结果表明,西洋参中人参皂甙总量及人参二醇型皂甙的含量明显高于人参及红参,且含有1种人参及红参中未发现的未知人参皂甙Rx,但不含人参及红参中含有的Rf;人参中人参二醇型皂甙的含量高于人参三醇  相似文献   

Factors associated with the menstrual cycle, such as the endogenous hormones estrogen and progesterone, have dramatic effects on cardiovascular regulation. It is unknown how this affects postexercise hemodynamics. Therefore, we examined the effects of the menstrual cycle and sex on postexercise hemodynamics. We studied 14 normally menstruating women [24.0 (4.2) yr; SD] and 14 men [22.5 (3.5) yr] before and through 90 min after cycling at 60% .VO2(peak) for 60 min. Women were studied during their early follicular, ovulatory, and mid-luteal phases; men were studied once. In men and women during all phases studied, mean arterial pressure was decreased after exercise throughout 60 min (P < 0.001) postexercise and returned to preexercise values at 90 min (P = 0.089) postexercise. Systemic vascular conductance was increased following exercise in both sexes throughout 60 min (P = 0.005) postexercise and tended to be elevated at 90 min postexercise (P = 0.052), and femoral vascular conductance was increased following exercise throughout 90 min (P < 0.001) postexercise. Menstrual phase and sex had no effect on the percent reduction in arterial pressure (P = 0.360), the percent rise in systemic vascular conductance (P = 0.573), and the percent rise in femoral vascular conductance (P = 0.828) from before to after exercise, nor did the pattern of these responses differ across recovery with phase or sex. This suggests that postexercise hemodynamics are largely unaffected by sex or factors associated with the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

Gonadal steroids (estradiol and progesterone) can alter neuronal functioning, but electrophysiological evidence in women is still sparse. Therefore, the present study investigated event-related potentials (ERPs) to neutral stimuli over the course of the menstrual cycle. In addition, associations between ERPs and salivary estradiol and progesterone concentrations were investigated. Eighteen young healthy women were tested at three different phases of their menstrual cycle (menses, and follicular and luteal phases). ERPs (i.e., the N1 and P2 components, reflecting cortical arousal and the orienting response, the N2, P3, and the Slow Wave (SW), reflecting controlled processing) were measured using two different paradigms. In the luteal phase, early ERPs reflecting the cortical arousal response were diminished in the first stimulus block indicating an attenuated orienting response. These changes were significantly correlated with estradiol as well as progesterone levels. As to the later ERP components, the N2 latency was shorter during menses compared to the other two phases. No menstrual cycle-associated changes were apparent in other late ERP components. In sum, this study documents changes in auditory ERPs across the menstrual cycle with the most prominent changes occurring during the luteal phase. Future ERP studies therefore need to be more attentive to the issue of menstrual phase when studying female subjects or female patients.  相似文献   

M. Lu  H. Wong  W. Teng 《Plant cell reports》2001,20(7):674-677
This study was initiated to investigate the impacts of elicitor concentration and elicitor-adding time on the saponin synthesis and the cell growth of Panax ginseng cell suspensions. Both of the elicitors tested, yeast extract and methyl jasmonate, significantly improved saponin production. The highest additive level of the seven ginsenosides tested was 2.07% (dry weight basis), which was 28-fold higher than that in the control. The optimum time to add either elicitor was found to be on the day of inoculation. The addition of either elicitor did not show as significant an influence on cell growth as on saponin production. It was advisable to remove 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) from the medium when methyl jasmonate was used as the elicitor as methyl jasmonate interacts antagonistically with 2,4-D. These results suggest that the addition of an elicitor to ginseng cell suspension cultures could stimulate saponin production.  相似文献   

与在正常重力条件培养下的对照相比,经回转器水平回转处理的人参细胞鲜重和干重均增加,人参皂苷含量提高10%左右。在去Ca62+培养基上生长的人参愈伤组织细胞,经回转器水平回转3周后,人参皂苷含量约为正常重力条件下培养细胞的倍。另外,在试验范围内,如果培养基中直始钙离子浓度越高,则其培养的人参细胞中人参皂苷含量越低。  相似文献   

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